How a stranger can be close. Why can a stranger be unpleasant to you? Vision from the past

Have you met people with whom you did you feel a kinship of souls? A person who belongs at first sight?

And this is not a lightning strike, not love at first sight, this is a feeling of happiness, quiet, real, with a touch of nostalgia. Native - from the word Motherland or relatives. A feeling of warmth and all-encompassing causeless love. You feel so good next to such a person, you want to be with him always, never let him go, never anywhere. It gives you fullness, you feel a surge of the strength that you have lost, this is “déjà vu”, as the French say - it has already happened, there has already been this happiness in my life - you think, and you are happy again. Of course, this joy, one might even say, childish delight, this wonderful feeling - “This is it!” the present! my!" This joy must not end! No! And you start enjoying... and then you become addicted.... and some time later you begin to get nervous, jealous... and then time passes, and suddenly you realize that something is wrong, something is not right here... that this is a strange relationship, it would seem that the person closest to you, but you are not getting enough of something, there is no progress, no development. And if you add that many years have passed since your wedding, you have children, but for some reason everything is not the same, it’s as if you missed something important. This is inexplicable, because you perfectly remember the sensations that your chosen one evoked at that moment. And where did it all go? Where is the mistake? What's the trap?

Remember the moments when you were happy: in childhood or adolescence, in a certain company, but most often this moment in childhood itself is associated with your parents. Then you were serenely happy... From the point of view of Human Design, back side This story might look something like this.

Ours consists of connected channels through which our energy flows. Some channels have been working since birth, and there are no problems here. Other channels in the rave map are filled only on one side - so we always have a “gate” for energy. The presence of such a gate gives us a chance to use the full channel, and gain some experience with a working full channel. And we strive for cooperation, for friendship “based on interests” - and this is nothing more than a donor-recipient relationship. Relationships where everyone gives something to each other will create particular delight and productivity. For example, you have 8 gates, and your friend/partner has 1 gate of the same channel 8-1. You completely complement each other, giving you a chance to live and realize the energy of channel 8-1. And what becomes whole (in this case, channel 8-1) is the source of harmony. Do you understand how this works?

Now let's get back to our fictional "love" story. So that's exactly what we're talking about. Now think about it, if you lived with your parents for a very long time, during your childhood and youth, that is quite normal. And it was a happy time that you always remember with warmth and tenderness. You simply lived and enjoyed, because you knew nothing about Human Design) But in fact, perhaps you were very lucky, and, for example, your father or mother had in their bodygraph that donor channel that you were missing. Do you understand? Your father/mother made you happy, more whole. And if you carry this feeling of integrity through the years, then you will never forget it. And as soon as you meet another person in your life, a complete stranger to you, but who has such a “native” channel for you in his bodygraph, you will experience a feeling of “kinship of souls”, this may be some kind of trap))) You will think, that you were returned to you 🙂 But you won’t know that you remember the parent-child relationship, and the husband is neither a parent nor a child. Thus, you can experience disappointment when your body, the memory of your design, can fail you like this.

Of course, this is not “oh, what a tragedy,” you say, “after all, how many people have lived, are living, and will live like this. “It will, but if such a science exists, then why not use this gift? Why not get to know yourself and your partner more deeply? Or maybe your person is not so yours after all? It’s sad to live your life with a partner who is not right for you. Of course, there are always trials and errors in any relationship. But, you see, living YOUR life is much more correct with YOUR person!!!

P.S. Search and, I hope, you will find your person :) Human Design will help you, my patient and inquisitive friends!

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! In the editorial office of our media, a discussion arose regarding whether the word “manager” should always be only in the masculine gender? The opinion was voiced that in “philological circles it was unanimously recognized as the only possible masculine". Is this so? As a philologist, I cannot agree with this opinion. Tell us what they say about this in philological circles?

We are not familiar with such an opinion. Option head common.

Question No. 297685

Hello! Tell me, is it possible to say about the banking product - factoring: “factoring product”. For example, in the context: “if you are not familiar with the factoring product”? Is there a violation of the norms of the Russian language?

Russian help desk response

This usage is erroneous. You can say: if you are not familiar with the concept of factoring; if you are not familiar with the factoring product. But better: if you are not familiar with factoring.

Question No. 297232

Good afternoon Do Russians say that? THE WIND IS COMING Which sentence is correct? I am unfamiliar with the impersonal sentence. I'm not familiar with the impersonal offer. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Wind - blows, blows, increases, decreases, etc. It is possible to write together and separately: I don’t know about, I don’t know.

Question No. 294637

Hello! Please tell me how best to write words denoting foreign realities in Russian text? Are quotation marks and italics appropriate? For example: matsuri festivals (the word "matsuri" is translated from Japanese as "festival, holiday", but we use a borrowed word in the text, since it means a Shinto holiday, the Russian reader is not familiar with it) Matsuri is a Shinto festival that. .. Matsuri are held in Japan... Autumn matsuri... to attend a matsuri, etc. It would be great if you could tell me in which literature the rule/recommendation can be found.

Russian help desk response

Judging by the description, you are the word matsuri use it as the name of a regularly recurring event - a festival. In this case, it does not need to be allocated in any way. Reasons for putting quotation marks, writing with capital letter or italics no.

Question No. 281365
how to write correctly: we don’t know each other or we don’t know each other?

Russian help desk response

Possible combined and (if the negation is emphasized) separate writing.

Question No. 280066
Please tell me the combination of "blind spots" or " dead zones" (in relation to a car) should I put it in quotation marks?
Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Quotation marks are appropriate (especially in text where the addressee may be a reader who is not familiar with the meaning of these expressions).

Question No. 277254
“people I don’t know” - please remind me of the rules for writing the particle “not”. What part of speech (what form of adjective or participle?) is the word “familiar” in this case?

Russian help desk response

Right: people I don't know. Strangers – adjective, word presence to me is not a basis for separate writing.

Question No. 268637
Hello! I would like to know how specialists in the field of the Russian language feel about the words used everywhere in the world. Lately rpm:
I know THAT this is bad, he said THAT he doesn’t know this person, etc.
It hurts the ears terribly. Why not say: I know WHAT.

Russian help desk response

The demonstrative word TO is used in combination with the pronoun ( union word) WHAT: Take what is bad(here WHAT is the subject, pronoun).

If WHAT appears in the meaning of a conjunction, then a correlative word is not required for it. Right: I know that... He said that...

Question No. 267688
This is the third time I've tried to get an answer. Answer today please!
Is the "yu" pronounced in the word NEXT? There is an idea that in different words(parts of speech) in different ways:
- NO IN next year Let's go to the Red Sea.
-YES: The face of the man following me seemed familiar to me.

Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Pronunciation is independent of meaning. Main option: next, in fluent speech it is possible: next.

Question No. 261312
Please tell me how to distinguish demonstrative pronouns (for example, this, here) from demonstrative particles. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

In practice, one can be guided by this principle. Particles are auxiliary parts of speech; they are not members of the sentence; they are not asked questions from other members of the sentence. With pronouns everything is different: they act as full members of the sentence.

Finally, when in doubt, look in the dictionary. There are usually hints:

1. E THAT. particle.
Strengthens interrogative pronoun or adverb, as well as other individual words in a sentence. Who came?Where are you going?After all, it was I who called you.
2. (with a predicate, expressed noun, inf. or predicate adverb).
Usage like a bunch. Music is bliss.Leading means always being ahead.Traveling is always interesting.

2. E THAT. I.
1. pronoun noun
to E that one.
Usage as an indicative word on the border of two sentences, of which the second is an explanation, interpretation of the first. X-ray was famous physicist, it was he who discovered gamma radiation. II. this, this; Wed
What is said in the preceding or following sentence. The economic crisis - all the newspapers write about it.
Everything that was listed in the previous speech. Music, voices - all this merges into a common noise.Beach, sea, dancing - this is familiar to me.

Hello! You write:
"Literary norm modern Russian language: _matE_. The emphasis is on the last syllable. For now, only this option is correct." I would like to know where this “norm” came from. How can one call the pronunciation of a word that most Russians are not even familiar with as a norm. Those who are familiar with mate are usually interested in culture Latin America, speak Spanish, and therefore pronounce it. All Spanish-Russian dictionaries provide the Russian translation of "Mate". So, where did this “norm” that you refer to come from?


Russian help desk response

Maximilian, visitors to our “Forum” have already answered you quite convincingly. With enviable tenacity, you are trying to prove the linguists - the compilers of dictionaries - wrong, arguing for the fallacy of the option mat e their ignorance Spanish and Latin American culture. But what is normative in one language does not always become the norm in another. The stress in a word in the source language and the borrowing language often does not coincide; there may be several reasons: these are the traditions of the borrowing language, and the influence of other languages ​​through which this or that word reached the borrowing language. Accent mat e in Russian, apparently, is due to the French spelling “maté” or pronunciation: it is possible that this word came to us from Spanish not directly, but through French mediation (as is known, in French the stress is always on the last syllable).

Let's add that the word mat e (with such an emphasis) was recorded in Russian language dictionaries not yesterday. The first cases of fixation date back to the first half of the 1980s: see, for example, “Dictionary of accents for radio and television workers” by F. L. Ageenko, M. V. Zarva (M., 1985), dictionary “New words and meanings "(dictionary-reference book on press and literature materials of the 1980s), etc. So in the Russian language there has already developed a certain tradition of using the word mat e , and such a fixation cannot be taken as ignorance of linguists.

Question No. 252728
this is an amendment.

“Oh names! Oh morals! In this article, the reader presents his research, starting with the indication that a certain Californian university is supposedly located in Pennsylvania. This is a false statement from someone who is not familiar with American practice. the link below shows this error. We are talking about California State University of Pennsylvania. This is a common mistake of those unfamiliar with the everyday life of the country. For example, it is in vain to look for the University of Miami in Miami, Florida; it is located in Oxford, Ohio.

California University of Pennsylvania, a comprehensive regional institution of higher education and a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a diverse caring and scholarly learning community dedicated to excellence in the liberal arts, science and technology, and professional studies that is devoted to building character and careers, broadly defined.

Russian help desk response

Thanks for the clarification!

Question No. 252243
Please tell me how to write correctly: the number is not familiar or the number is unfamiliar?

Russian help desk response

Correctly: I don't know the number.

Question No. 251201
Good afternoon Please tell me which spelling of “not”, combined or separate, to choose in the following case:
“Unfortunately, schoolchildren are not familiar with the specifics of this test.” Thanks in advance

Russian help desk response

Correctly separate spelling.


Our family and friends sometimes bring
we have more trouble than strangers

Not long ago I received the following letter:

Hello. I recently became a reader of your newsletter - it’s fascinatingly written, and most importantly, it’s true. I am interested in one aspect related to the so-called manifestations of good and bad in a person - why do bad sides appear in us more often in relation to close people? After all, you must admit that in front of strangers we often try to show ourselves better than we really are. And only our loved ones see us “in all our glory,” so to speak. I know this from my own experience - very often, in a fit of anger or irritation, you behave rather ugly, with your parents, for example. And then you suffer from remorse and think that you wouldn’t allow yourself to behave like that in front of someone else. Or do you feel the same on yourself - the person you love and know that he has the same feeling for you, in an impulse behaves with you in such a way that you wonder - is it him? And where are his virtues that inspire such delight in you and those around you? And you can’t help but think that he wouldn’t allow himself to do this in front of any other woman.
What is this - a manifestation of our selfishness or weakness? After all, sometimes only those close to us know about these manifestations of ours, and does this mean that we are demonstrating to them our weaknesses?
Thank you.
Sincerely, Victoria.

Curious questions. If a person himself admits his shortcomings, then he is worth something, because this necessary condition to get rid of them.

Let's dig in.

The world is woven from contradictions

If mortal enemies now appeared among earthlings - some Martians who would decide to pump out our atmosphere and oceans for their own needs, and Earth waste, then our entire planet would unite into a single pole of opposition to the aggressor. People would disdain religious, national, ideological and other differences, and all of humanity would unite in their common struggle against an external enemy. But we don’t have extraterrestrial enemies yet, so people spend the energy of their natural aggression on internal struggle: international and market competition, confrontation political parties, different ideologies (value systems), wars, scandals, and other fuss.

Let's take the most united people in the world. Why did he rally? Or rather, against whom? Against external forces - other nations. But if external forces disappeared, then within this united people the struggle between its internal poles would begin to intensify: various clans and political forces.

No matter how much you break a piece of magnet in half, in the hope of separating the plus from the minus, each piece will still have both poles. If there are no interplanetary contradictions (with the Martians), then international ones have become aggravated; if we weaken international ones, domestic ones will worsen; remove intra-state ones - intra-city, intra-family, etc. issues will become worse.

The world is woven from contradictions - poles of opposition. Every moment at every point in the Universe there is a struggle of opposites. Any government will always have opposition. Any hero from the opposite point of view - the villain. But in the world there is no good And bad forces, but there are only opposing sides with their own interests. No of good And evil, but there are only opposite energy statuses.

If you remove contradictions from the world, it will collapse. Remove everything from the world evil- utopia, because the remaining good will immediately divide into more good And less good, i.e., again on good And evil.

Inside each person, like a piece of a magnet, there are also internal opposite poles. Everyone has good And bad. Most Kind a person can manifest aggression to others (we talked about this).

Aggression is a property of all living things - the basis of conflicts

All living things eat each other. Even the most innocent vegetarian kills carrots and horseradish. Our body will also someday go to feed other starving objects in the Universe. When we brush our teeth, we bring about the end of the world for several generations of bacteria living in our mouths. That's life. This is aggression.

In the generally accepted sense, aggression is an attack. This is the malicious infliction of harm on someone out of gross selfish motives. However, this is an extreme form of aggression in the narrow sense of the concept. Aggression is in in a broad sense words are not only a desire to hit your opponent in the face. Aggression is the desire to make a movement towards the world around us, it is any interference in the affairs of the world, it is overcoming the resistance of the world. The world is already full of contradictory problems, and here we are with our needs: “Please excuse me, dear world, that I am addressing you. Can I walk over you, touch you, breathe you, drink some of you and take a little bite from you?” , and also perform the second part of a single metabolic process on you? And don’t think, I’m not an aggressor - I don’t demand too much!” Such simple questions and statements as: “Where have you been?”, “Why don’t you call me?”, “Do as I do,” “Buy yourself a vacuum cleaner” are manifestations of aggression (of course, not to its extreme degree), because they reflect the individual's desire to extend his influence to others. Sexual desire is also a manifestation of aggression (by the way, the ritual movements of courtship and attack in many species of animals begin in the same way, which indicates their common essence).

Any organization strives for expansion. Every living organism wants to subjugate the whole world: “if I can’t take over the world myself, then I will spread my seed so that my descendants can do it!” - the instinctive motto of any living subject. (It's not an easy life beautiful girls, whom everyone they meet wants to impregnate in the hope of letting their offspring roam the Universe. A woman dreams of being impregnated, but not by the first womanizer she comes across, but by the best one and, preferably, with mutual sympathy). Every weakling in his soul cherishes the hope of victory over the world, but the world is incredibly stronger and filled with unimaginable greatness. And every old man understands his defeat in the struggle of life (let’s not start a fruitless discussion here about life after life, because this is a subject not of knowledge, but of faith; besides, the discussion itself is under discussion).

All in all, if it's alive, it means it's aggressive, because “aggression serves to preserve life” ( Konrad Lorenz, Nobel Prize Laureate).

Living beings need to spend their vital energy(aggression) to fight the outside world, because the world is constantly putting pressure on them. Life is impossible without movement. Movement is the result of the struggle of opposites: we move forward because we are driven by fear and attracted by pleasure. Complete calm destroys and drives you crazy. Every living being invades the lives of others with its own selfish interests simply by virtue of its existence. Therefore, people tend to stress each other out. This is a manifestation of aggression in the form of intraspecific struggle. Intraspecific competition manifests itself more aggressively than interspecific competition (unless the species are at odds with each other for food or territory, like tigers and leopards) - when a tiger chases an antelope, its face does not express anger, as when meeting another tiger, but rather excitement. Due to temporarily coinciding interests, people go hand in hand, but in a close community, conflicts are inevitable. That's why sometimes it's better to be friends from a distance.

They hurt the weak. They fear the strong

People also tend to pester those who are weaker more (you can be lenient, but for the time being - in besieged Leningrad, some people ate their dogs and cats). They are afraid of the strong and therefore try not to openly interfere with their aspirations for their own good. Who do you think the marshals of the Supreme High Command were rude to more often: their beloved wives or Comrade Stalin? Let me remind you of the words of Niccolo Machiavelli: “people are more likely to offend someone they love than someone they fear.” Not always, of course, but, as a rule.

Why are strangers polite to each other?

Let's first answer the question: why doesn't an unfamiliar cat usually confuse us? Obviously, because it doesn’t matter to us what impression she gets of us due to her feeble mind, and we are confident that she won’t tell anyone anything bad about us. And also because we are not afraid of her and do not consider her to be a person at all.

An unfamiliar bear confuses us more, even if he doesn’t say anything bad about us to anyone, because if he likes us (like dinner), then he will eat us, and if we don’t like us (like an enemy), he will bite us to death - we are afraid of him .

A stranger is not a cat or even a bear - he has more brains. Therefore we are concerned about what first impression about us (if someone says: “I don’t care about others’ opinions about me,” then let him answer the question: why in the sweltering heat does he not walk through the streets of the city naked, or at least in his underpants, because it’s more comfortable that way? I assume that this is also because he does not want to arouse sympathy among the police). The first impression that people try to make on others, like advertising, is intended to attract a “customer” and is often deceptive. In advertising they usually don’t write: “give us your money, in return take the junk and get lost,” although they often think that way. When communicating with strangers, we, as a rule, advertise ourselves, so most often we behave politely - we often say not what we really think, but what is pleasant to the ear of the interlocutor - in general, we try to demonstrate the plausible sides of our personality. Besides, stranger for us it is not yet a specific person, but an average type. Until we get to know him better, we can assume that he is capable of everything that can be expected from a person. This may cause some concerns: what if he is a notorious psychopath or a shameless rogue?

Relationships between loved ones

Everything is clear with loved ones. They know us well, so we don't have to worry about forming a first impression on them (promoting ourselves). We, in turn, know them well, so their reaction to our attacks is more predictable for us. If the mood is lousy or there are disagreements, then you can disperse them. They love us, so they will put up with us. And they will forgive. However, if dad is strict, then the daughter will not be rude to him like she is to her mother.

Therefore, indeed, if people bother their neighbors, they usually do it because of their selfishness- source of aggression. And by virtue of its weaknesses("He who is a tiger at home is usually a sheep outside" ( Theodor Hippel)). Weak people, who are oppressed at work by evil bosses, in order to feel their strength, often take it out on their household. Such behavior is no better than betrayal, for that is exactly what it is. “I feel good when you feel bad” is the motto of unbalanced and dissatisfied weaklings.

I dare to say that most “lovers” hang the shackles of their unbearable jealousy on their loved one, put him in the prison of their pretensions and call such violence love. It is not easy for them to come to terms with the idea that they close person, although so dear, nevertheless does not belong to them (in this world everyone is left to themselves and even if they sacrifice themselves or their freedom for the sake of others, they do so voluntarily). Here, of course, it is a matter of taste - some people like to belong to someone, but such relations - property relations, similar to those that flourish in the market - are nothing more than a simple desire to own a person as a thing. This is a passion based on crude egoism (for oneself at the expense of the freedom of another), from which one step leads to hatred. This is an ordinary game. Everything in life is frivolous games. "Adults are children, only their toys are different" ( Skilef).

True, not everyone does this to their loved ones. If a person is reasonable, and also tolerant of others and generous (which Victoria strives to be), then, returning home out of sorts, he will leave all his problems at the door and will not take it out on his family. Strong and integral natures are noble. They will never indulge in quarrelsome words not only with loved ones, but also with any other people. They stand above petty troubles. And lewdness is especially not for them. If their relatives tire them, they will show leniency towards them and will not be offended or rowdy, but only conduct constructive dialogues. “People of small minds are sensitive to small insults; people of great minds notice everything and are not offended by anything” ( Francois de La Rochefoucauld).

We understand perfectly well that our family and friends are not the most worthy people on Earth, however, our duty (voluntary) is to bring to our family and friends what we call good- and first of all, spare their nerves. And to carry them an honorable mission bad, which is also necessary for life balance, let the upstairs neighbors and dissatisfied aunts in public transport take upon themselves.

Why can a stranger be unpleasant to you?

Dear E. Essas.

Why does it happen that you accidentally meet a person who behaves normally, looks normal, but he is very unpleasant to you and causes you to have very hostile feelings towards him.

You communicate with him absolutely normally, politely and friendly, and he is also polite and friendly with you, but the strong rejection of this person remains one hundred percent.

I personally encountered the same rejection, and often and not often - from other people towards me.

Is there an explanation for this, from your point of view (as a rabbi)?

Thank you if you consider it necessary (necessary) to answer.

You very clearly described a “phenomenon” that is widespread in our reality, when people (this happens to almost everyone) unexpectedly can experience negative feelings (irritation, hostility, etc.) towards a complete stranger, without having any information about him. ). And he is unable to explain to himself where this seemingly unsupported feeling came from. It seems that, as you write, the person “behaves normally, looks normal.” Polite and friendly. But…

It’s good if this is a casual, non-binding acquaintance: we met and went our separate ways. But what if unconscious rejection arises in relation to, say, someone, even if not close relative, with whom you still have to see from time to time, or, say, a colleague who works in the same room as you?

Perhaps if we could understand what the “trick” is, dealing with problems of this kind would be much easier. However, from a rational, materialistic point of view, this riddle, perhaps, cannot be solved.

It is known that the French writer Marcel Proust struggled with this for a very significant part of his life, devoting his seven-volume literary work “In Search of Lost Time” to the study of this topic. The same attempt was made at about the same time (the first half of the 20th century) by the famous Irish writer James Joyce in the voluminous (a thousand pages) novel “Ulysses” he wrote.

Now I will try to explain the phenomenon you described from the Torah position.

Let's start with the fact that the soul of every person, figuratively speaking, like some kind of impartial “video camera,” records all the events of his life - significant and insignificant, large and small. It records everything that a person has to deal with, including what the owner of this soul did not even pay any attention to. Moreover, in all time periods throughout human life. And from all this infinitely huge amount of information and impressions in it, the soul, there remains a certain, indefinably voluminous “sediment” (in Hebrew - roshem).

This roshem updated daily, hourly and every second. To the previous roshem a new one is superimposed, giving rise to new impressions, revealing some, and, on the contrary, muting and obscuring others.

In other words, the soul in a certain sense is a “locomotive” that drags behind it a train of innumerable carriages. And each carriage has its own unique content, woven from “pictures” of the present and past, and perhaps from fragments of episodes from the lives of previous generations that have settled somewhere.

Therefore, when you meet someone, the incredibly multidimensional space of your soul collides with the multidimensional space of the soul of this person you met. And somewhere, both in you and in him, there are certain areas that, intersecting, can give rise to images and associations that are unconscious to a person. Sometimes they are pleasant, sometimes they are repulsive.

Relatively speaking, you, for example, can at the subconscious level perceive in a person unfamiliar to you a resemblance (not necessarily external, but, say, in some kind of movement, facial expression, gesture, etc.) with one of the images imprinted by the soul. And the feeling, positive or negative, that will arise in you upon meeting will depend on the emotional coloring of that image in roshema of your soul.

In passing, I note that the phenomena of this series probably also include what we call “déjà vu” - when a person who finds himself in an unfamiliar place (or in unfamiliar circumstances) has the feeling that he has once been here before (that Some of these circumstances and/or visual images seem familiar to him). I think it’s clear that such a “hint” is given precisely by roshem.

But let's return to the main topic of our conversation - to the phenomenon when a person can feel an inexplicable hostility towards a stranger.

However, it also happens the other way around: a stranger, for no apparent reason, wins you over, evoking pleasant, bright feelings. And then, if the acquaintance continues, such feelings may sometimes be replaced by bitter disappointment.

What to do with all this? How to behave with those you know nothing about? Should you listen to your “intuitive” feelings?

The correct attitude towards a stranger when there is no reliable information about him is determined in the Talmud by our Teachers. It is necessary, without concentrating on the “first impression,” they instruct, (regardless of whether he made a good impression on you or a bad one) treat the person kindly and favorably, with respect. And at the same time, “turn on the verification mechanism” (an echo of this Talmudic rule, by the way, was the proverb “trust, but verify”) that has become entrenched in Russian culture.”

It is important to maintain a certain balance between the two “elements” mentioned here. On the one hand, don’t give in negative emotions, but also not to open your arms, so as not to become a victim of thoughtless goodwill. On the other hand, do not raise the verification system to a paranoid level.

You should always remember, among other things, that each individual, specific case is individual. Therefore, the “tactics” of behavior in different situations when meeting with strangers it can and should be different.

And in conclusion, I will give one general, fairly universal recommendation.

Try to be calm about similar situations. Gain life experience. Study the Torah, increase the quantity and quality of the good deeds you perform - this helps you better navigate in life, develop observation skills, the ability to properly communicate with people, and the skill in assessing the human personality.

5 minutes to read.

Have you ever had flashbacks from past life? Do you believe that we all once lived, and the people nearby were also nearby many hundreds of years ago? Where does recognition of favorite traits in a hitherto unfamiliar person come from? And why sometimes a stranger seems closer to real blood relatives? Past lives exist. And here's an example. “Why do I feel like I know you?” Once again, technology helped them meet across time and distance. How pleasant it was for her to see his shining eyes, so familiar and dear that she had the feeling that she had always known them. He smiled tenderly at her from the monitor screen and told her another interesting case from life. “You know, it seems to me that you and I have definitely met before. Once upon a time in other lives, many, many years ago...” - there was a note of thoughtful sadness and slight nostalgia in his voice. She was surprised at this change of topic. Considering that I myself was inadvertently just thinking about...

Have you ever experienced memories from a past life? Do you believe that we all once lived, and the people nearby were also nearby many hundreds of years ago? Where does recognition of favorite traits in a hitherto unfamiliar person come from? And why sometimes a stranger seems closer to real blood relatives? Past lives exist. And here's an example.

“Why do I feel like I know you?”

Once again, technology helped them meet across time and distance. How pleasant it was for her to see his shining eyes, so familiar and dear that she had the feeling that she had always known them. He smiled tenderly at her from the monitor screen and told her another interesting incident from his life. “You know, it seems to me that you and I have definitely met before. Once upon a time in other lives, many, many years ago...” - there was a note of thoughtful sadness and slight nostalgia in his voice. She was surprised at this change of topic. Considering that I inadvertently just thought about the same thing. “You won’t believe it, but I thought about this too. There is something about you that cannot be expressed in words. Very familiar. It seems to me that in past lives we had similar facial features as in this life. Maybe that's why we recognize each other. It is impossible to forget those whom you sincerely loved. Even if in past incarnations. If only we could remember who we were, who we were, what we were. And when was the last time our destinies crossed.” A spark flashed in his gaze. “What if...” he thought. – "Let's try to practice remembering a past life". Now a spark of enthusiasm flashed in her eyes: “How??? Is that allowed? Do you know how? Can you? Wow!!! Tell me, tell me quickly!” He laughed. How much he liked her slightly childish curiosity and inexhaustible adventurism. “So it’s like this...”

Vision from the past

She sat in a chair, closed her eyes, and listened carefully to his voice. The voice led her through the labyrinths of memory to the place where they once lived. “Now you are there. What do you see? Who are you? What's around? What time is this, country?” A vision opened before her inner gaze. At first it was very uncertain, unclear. She intensified her attention and the outlines became clearer: “I’m in nature, clearing, grass... I’m a woman... a girl. Young." “Yes, yes. I see you too,” it was a joint practice, where he acted as both a presenter and a participant at the same time. - “What else do you see? What is your name?” She saw herself - a young girl, 22-24 years old, from the merchant class. Green sunny meadow on the hillside. A river flowed below, and behind the river there were massifs of mountains. This was 17th century France. The times of Cardinal Richelieu. She was wearing a traveling dress Brown. The hair is brown. She was traveling. It was a stop for a short rest after a tiring journey. Now she began to understand why France had been so attractive to her all her life, especially the times of the musketeers and kings. The memory of the past made itself felt. He also saw it and confirmed everything she said. When she was slightly uncertain about something about herself or around her, he almost always confirmed her vision. "What is your name?" She thought: “I think Sue... Something like that, in C.” “And to me information is coming“that your name is Anna,” he corrected. “Yes, exactly, Suzanna!” - how everything converged in their vision! The girl Suzanna was not alone in the clearing. A boy, about 6 years old, was running nearby. This is her son. She said the name - Henri. He said the same thing. “Can you see me?” She didn't see a man nearby. Only a child. “Turn back. I stand higher than you on the slope." Now she looked through the eyes of her past self. The vision became more intense and more realistic. She turned around. Indeed, higher up the slope a man stood by the carriage and talked to the groom. He was a tall, handsome man with long blond hair. Apparently, of noble origin. She realized that he was her husband. To check, she asked: “What do you look like?” He listed everything she saw, right down to the color of his clothes. The man's name was Antoine, 32 years old. (The name was longer, unfortunately, I didn’t remember it). So, they were happy and loving married couple with baby. They were traveling from France to another country, carrying an important letter. Some kind of war loomed on the horizon...

Everything is real

Where does recognition come from when two people meet? strangers? Where does the feeling of something dear and close come from a complete stranger? We've all met once. And if the connection was very strong and sincere, then the memory does not completely disappear during rebirth. We recognize our loved ones and are loved by their unchanging features, by their eyes, by their character. Feelings cannot be deceived. The soul always recognizes the true beloved even after many hundreds of years. The events described above are a real experiment. A little amazing in that the memories were seen by more than one person. Two people saw the same thing at the same time. It’s difficult to say what it was - a hypnotic trance or an altered state of consciousness, I only know one thing - when two people destined for each other meet, they can create even more miracles through joint efforts. Because their strength increases disproportionately! So you still don’t believe in memories from a past life?