Horoscope for September Leo woman love. Love horoscope for September for the sign Leo

Useful tips

Don't be sad that autumn has come! For most of the month, Venus - the planet of love and beauty - will move quite harmoniously through the bright sign of Leo, and this will bring very bright and memorable events into the personal lives of many that you will not be able to forget for a very long time!

Until September 20, Venus will be in the sign of Leo. This planetary position is not strong because Leo is quite assertive male sign and sometimes it doesn’t act at all as gently as Venus is used to acting. However, Leo gives people a special cheerfulness, makes them be passionate and bright, and also encourages them to look for love and relationships.

These days people are used to showing their feelings, they will not hide them. Theatricality in the manifestation of feelings and emotions may seem too vulgar to some, will amuse some, and will amuse others. will seriously hook you.

It will be easy to fall in love now, because many people will be inclined to communicate and have fun. Openness in expressing feelings will also contribute to this. Dates, romantic meetings, acquaintances - everything will happen quite easy to pass. If you have a desire to make new romantic acquaintances, act on the most favorable days for this, which will be discussed below.

Beginning of the month ( from 1 to 7 September) will still be associated with Mercury retrograde and reversal. This may bring back some events from the past. It is also possible that you will communicate with those people with whom you were once romantically involved.

After Venus is in sign of Virgo(September 20), where she is very weak, feelings and desire for romantic relationships will decrease somewhat. You will no longer express your feelings so clearly; they will be more restrained and less demonstrative. There will no longer be as much desire for entertainment as in previous weeks. Besides negative aspect of Venus with Neptune at the end of the month it can give deceptions and disappointments.

Important days for love and relationships in September 2017:

September 9-13, 2017: Venus trine Saturn. This aspect of Venus will bring seriousness of intentions and somewhat cool the ardor of fiery Venus. People, although they will light up like matches, will be able to quite soberly assess their chances of prolonging the relationship. You will be more restrained in showing emotions than at other times of the month. These are not bad days to take serious decisions that relate to personal life.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for SEPTEMBER 2017

September 12-15, 2017: Venus sextile Jupiter. This aspect is quite positive and will set you in the right mood. It’s easy to meet people and make love connections. This is the aspect of optimism and Have a good mood. Especially good days - September 14 and 15. Although these days the Moon will be in the sign of Cancer, which advises staying at home more and doing family things, the favorable aspect of Venus and Jupiter will provide an opportunity to survive new stage, and also find love.

September 15-18: Venus trine Uranus. This is the explosive aspect. Although it is positive, very unexpected and drastic events may take place these days, which are very difficult to predict. An explosion of passions and feelings can make you fall in love at first sight. Of course, not everyone tends to fall in love quickly, but those who easily begin to experience strong affection should be careful: these feelings may not be mutual and will cause you to suffer. In an established relationship there can be pleasant changes, renewal of feelings and new sensations.

September 25-29– unlucky days for love, relationships and dating. These days, avoid new companies; it is better not to particularly open your feelings to other people, as they can be used for selfish purposes. These days may be associated with anxiety, nervousness, and unpleasant emotions. Self-deception, castles in the air and illusions can bring you a lot of trouble. Don't give in to illusions! There may be misunderstandings, misunderstandings, disagreements with lovers, as well as breakups. These days it is better not to make important decisions, not to get involved in love affairs and not to trust the first people you meet.

Love horoscope: men and women

WOMEN. Do not act too actively during this period, let men take the first steps. Your assertiveness may scare them off a little. However, if you still feel confident in your abilities, then you can quite take the initiative. If closer to the middle of the month (September 9-13) they make you an offer, you can count on the fact that it will be a deliberate decision, and not a momentary weakness.

Read also: Astrological forecast by zodiac signs for SEPTEMBER 2017

MEN. During this period, the initiative will mostly come from you, because Leo is a masculine sign. You can have fun, enter into a quick and vibrant relationship. If you are looking for quick acquaintances, you can go looking for them on the most successful days of the month. But after September 20, light flirting will not be too popular. Women will be more serious and will not be too inclined to enter into easy and non-binding relationships.

When is the best time to celebrate a wedding in September 2017?

This month has several days for marriages. But perhaps the most successful September 28, 2017. Although it is Thursday, painting on this day will be successful. For example, you can get married on Thursday and get married on Sunday, combining it with the wedding.

If for some reason this day is not suitable for you to get married, choose one of the following days: 1, 2, 7 (before 15:00), 12, 16, 17, 24, 27 (after 10:00) September 2017.

Until September 20 wedding celebrations, most likely, will be very magnificent, on a large scale and with many guests. After September 20 plan modest celebrations, then they will be more successful and you will be satisfied.

The most bad days this month for love relationship and dating: September 25-29, 2017;

The most lucky days for dating and starting relationships: 14-17, 20-22, 30 September 2017;

Extremely unfavorable days for marriage: 3, 4, 6, 7 (after 15:00), 8, 9, 13-15, 19, 20, 30 September 2017;

Valid days for wedding: September 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 29, 2017.

Astrological forecast: love life of zodiac signs in September 2017

♈ Aries love horoscope for September 2017

This month promises to be quite positive for your personal life and will leave only good memories. Now you should expect a happy occasion and a happy coincidence: a bright period in love and improved relationships with partners are expected. Use this time if you want to start new relationships: in the first 3 weeks of the month you have a good chance of making new acquaintances. If you are not alone, it's good to visit various kinds events with partners, be visible. This will help you strengthen and diversify your relationships.

Luck : high

Events in personal life : dating, building relationships, happy events.

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for September 2017

A good month for family people: a lot interesting events, surprises and fulfilled hopes await those who already have partners. If you are still single, do not lose hope of finding your other half. But leave any acquaintances for more favorable days, otherwise you will be disappointed. At the end of the month there is a risk of facing disappointments in love. Deceptions and misunderstandings. Your partners may be hiding something from you that may become apparent in unexpected ways.

Luck : average

Events in personal life : improving family relationships, surprises from partners, disappointments in love.

♊ Gemini love horoscope for September 2017

This month can bring you a lot of things you need and useful information, new acquaintances and a lot of communication with the opposite sex. Single Geminis have every chance to make new acquaintances, and in completely unusual places. For those who already have it family life, we can advise you not to sort things out towards the end of the month and not to try to find mutual understanding with your partners: this can confuse you even more and lead to misunderstandings. If you suspect your partners of something, it is better not to tell them about it yet and not to have serious conversations: wait for a better time.

Luck : average

Events in personal life : dating, misunderstandings in the family.

♋ Cancer love horoscope for September 2017

The desire for pleasure may be quite high this month. Money will be spent easily and quickly, squandered together with loved ones, who will not especially interfere with this, but on the contrary: promote it. But your relationships with your partners will not deteriorate because of money. After September 20, it is better not to try to meet new people or sort things out with existing partners. You may encounter deception and betrayal.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : entertainment with partners, deceptions, betrayals, misunderstandings with partners.

♌ Leo love horoscope for September 2017

Demonstrating your strengths will attract partners to your person. You love to attract attention, and this is the month to would be better suited in order to stand out from the crowd. In your relationships with your partners, you may surprise yourself. Your attractiveness will be especially striking now. Everything will directly depend on your desires. If you are single and dream of meeting someone, everything is in your hands, the main thing is to want, and all your desires will be fulfilled.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : dating, establishing relationships with partners.

♍ Virgo love horoscope for September 2017

Your personal life will be under seven locks for most of the month. You will not share your expectations, concerns or events with anyone. Even if you start a new relationship, you won’t tell your friends and family about it until everything is definitely clear. Now it will be more difficult for you to understand your feelings; you will not understand yourself and your attitude towards your loved ones. You will not particularly strive to meet new people, at least until September 20, if dating and romance are not on your list of goals. It all depends on you and your desires.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : hidden personal life.

♎ Libra love horoscope for September 2017

If you are single and dream of starting a new relationship, you should go in search of new acquaintances in the company of friends or like-minded people. Be more visible, act together. Although you may want to spend more time alone than usual, don't refuse your friends' offers to go out, take a walk, or attend any cultural event.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dating through friends.

♏ Scorpio love horoscope for September 2017

This month, your personal life may somehow be closely intertwined with yours. professional life. Relationships with employees, or new acquaintances through one of your colleagues are quite likely. If you already have a permanent partner, it is quite possible that you will discuss business together, or you will have partners at work, or in some way your partners will help you achieve your goals. Events in your personal life for the most part promise to be positive, only at the end of the month there is a risk of quarreling with friends.

Luck : average

Events in personal life : office romances.

♐ Sagittarius love horoscope for September 2017

This month will be successful for trips abroad with partners, or in general for travel and holiday romances. If you want to meet foreigners, there is no better time than the period from September 7 to 20. If the relationship is already well established, your lovers may quarrel with your friends. It’s better not to tell your friends about the details of your relationship, and not to share with them what you don’t like about your partners. Friends may not understand you and give you advice that is inappropriate for you.

Luck : average

Events in personal life : quarrels with friends over lovers, trips with partners abroad, holiday romances.

♑ Capricorn love horoscope for September 2017

Your partners can play a role in your financial affairs. It is possible that you will have to resolve some financial issues together, take out insurance together, or write wills. By the middle of the month you may have pleasant surprises in personal life. But it’s better not to go on vacation with partners towards the end of the month: trips may turn out to be unsuccessful. If you still dream of relaxing together, it is better to go before September 20th. There is a possibility of conception in women.

Luck : high

Events in personal life : desired conception, new acquaintances, establishing relationships with partners, problematic trips with partners.

♒ Aquarius love horoscope for September 2017

Your partnerships now promise to be quite successful. It is possible that right now you will have a desire to change something in them, to bring them to new level. Partners will present pleasant surprises. You can also cheer them up with gifts or surprise offers. If you are single and want to start a new relationship, act on the most successful days of the month. Then you will have much greater chances of meeting love. There may be returns of former partners with whom you have long lost contact.

Luck : high

Events in personal life : pleasant surprises, improved relationships, new romances, return of former partners.

♓ Pisces love horoscope for September 2017

This month is not very lucky for your sign. In relationships with partners, you can expect quarrels and misunderstandings, especially towards the very end of the month. There may be misunderstandings or you may find it difficult to understand your partner's actions and behavior. Also, your partners may deceive you. If you are looking for a new relationship, you should take a closer look at your co-workers: it is quite possible to start relationships at work.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : office romances, deceptions from a partner, misunderstandings with partners, separation.

Love horoscope for September 2017, Leo is advised to be generous and noble, like Robin Hood. Your chosen one is waiting not only for confessions and passionate hugs, but also for lovely surprises, gifts and appearances. There is a possibility that Leo will face a rival in September 2017. Just don’t make scenes of jealousy or challenge him to a duel. Try to first find out from your loved one how he feels about you and in which direction he intends to make a choice. Love horoscope for September 2017 for Leo woman predicts problems in amorous affairs. It is possible that the relationship with the man you love has become cooler, and even more complaints have appeared against each other. Leo does not need to “cut from the shoulder.” Show wisdom and a little cunning. It is in your power to do everything so that the chosen one does not leave, but again flares up with love for you. By slightly changing your external image, The Lioness will become even more attractive.

Love horoscope for September 2017 for Leo man does not advise making your partner jealous. You can't even imagine how it could turn out this situation. If Leo begins to stubbornly “pump up his rights,” then his beloved is unlikely to remain even his friend.

Leo family in September 2017

The horoscope predicts a difficult and “airy” relationship with your spouse. You will want obedience from your household, but they resist this in every possible way. Maybe you shouldn’t prove your opinion so hard and strive for leadership? It is advisable for Leo to engage everyday issues, calculate your budget for the fall with your spouse and think about the next vacation. By the way, are you already saving money for your trip? You should not solve accumulated problems alone. In 2017, only “working on mistakes” together with family members will help you come to the right decision.

Horoscope for Leo for September 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Leo for September 2017

Love horoscope for the month of September for other zodiac signs:

  • Favorable days for Leo in September 2017: September 5, 9, 12, 24, 25, 30.
  • Difficult days for Leo in September 2017: September 2, 18, 22.

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo woman

Love horoscope

September 1 - September 10. Your problems in your personal life will not disappear. Saturn will continue to make relationships difficult for you. You will feel that you are not as close to your loved one as you would like, that you are very different. This and much more can make you temporarily forget about those great and strong feelings that you had for each other quite recently.

September 11 - September 20. A period of positive changes is coming in your personal life. You will no longer think so much about how bad your chosen one is. Finally you will understand that your loved one is completely worthy man. So now you can start a new honeymoon.

September 21 - September 30. Venus will make you think that either you have lost your attractiveness, or your loved one is not active enough. In fact, you should not draw any far-reaching conclusions - the time for this has not yet come. Lower your demands for a while, become more patient and adjust your appearance.

Romantic date. The conjunction of Venus and Mars in Leo creates excellent conditions for dating. Your taste and sense of beauty will tell you the most best ideas for a romantic evening. Your partner will be delighted!

Family horoscope

Saturn will make you doubt what you have a good relationship with relatives. You may quarrel with your parents or older relatives, and the reason for their complaints against you will be your lifestyle. If you are married, then your husband will become jealous of you with or without reason. There may not be the same warmth in your marital relationship; you will want more freedom, perhaps you will start looking for another person who will give you more love. By the end of the period, you will understand that your search was a mistake, and your relationship with your family will become the same.

The secret of happiness. The main thing is patience and the ability to wait. You need to make it a rule not to react to the situation immediately, but to make an informed decision. After you give it some thought, your views may change greatly.

Holiday horoscope

You will have a great rest if you take care of yourself. This could be a shopping trip with friends, or a visit to the hairdresser or stylist. All men will start turning around after you and dreaming about how to get to know you. This will significantly improve your mood and self-esteem.

Place of power. Beauty salons, only the most expensive and fashionable ones, large clothing stores located in the city center, with a sophisticated and wealthy audience. You will also be happy to travel abroad to enjoy shopping there.

Horoscope of work and money

Now you will have good career opportunities. Your work will be well paid. You just need not to act under the influence of emotions, but to develop a plan of behavior in a given situation.

Purchase of the month. You can purchase good clothes, which will suit you exclusively and which you will wear for a long time and with pleasure.

Horoscope health

Tense aspects can cause your long-standing health problems to worsen. Chronic diseases will remind you of themselves, and increased fatigue will return. Now you should pay more attention to your well-being, since your immunity is significantly weakened.

Horoscope for September 2017 for Leo men

Love. A Leo man will make you worry. At times you will be tormented by jealousy, because he is such a wild success with all the girls he knows. Try not to give way to your negative thoughts. Once Leo feels that you don't trust him, he may do things that you both will regret later. Leos love women who are ready to support any scenario and turn everything into a game. If you begin to treat his flirting with irony, he will understand that he was not mistaken about you.

Tone. Your loved one will be more conscious of their appearance than ever before. He will start going to the gym regularly and taking care of his clothes and hair. There is some danger that your Leo will get better; he will visit restaurants with good cuisine too often.

Finance. Now Leos can make good money. Your partner won't have to spend much, since going to interesting places he will be at the expense of his friends or colleagues.

Hobbies. In September, Leo will begin to pay too much attention to the charms of strangers. You can consider this period a test of your relationship. You should distract your loved one - for example, with car racing or sports competitions.

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo child

0–6 years. The Leo baby will be restless and charming. Right now his first love may visit him, and you will need attention to his experiences. Your opinion and kindness are very important to him.

7–12 years old. Young Leos will want to make a strong impression on their classmates and teachers. This can cause trouble - if your child misbehaves and attracts too much attention, he will face punishment. Talk to him and explain his mistakes.

13–17 years old. The Leo teenager will be the center of everyone's interest, even from those whom you would not want to see next to him. You may not like his current environment, you will want to protect your child from the influence of these boys and girls, but love will suddenly intervene in the matter, and this will greatly complicate your life.

Read the horoscope for September 2017 for other zodiac signs:

In the first month of autumn 2017, an interesting time filled with events awaits you. The planet of love Venus is in your sign until September 20, its influence gives you exceptional attractiveness, so it will not be difficult to captivate and charm someone.

The presence of Venus in Leo may be enough to assure you of good prospects for your love life. However, now the planetary configurations are becoming even more favorable, because Venus is forming harmonious relationships with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. Take into account that you are under a special influence and something special is about to happen.

On the other hand, the general astrological context of the month is quite tense, and difficulties in relationships are possible. But if you are in harmony with your loved one, then love and kindness will win.

In the last decade, monetary interests actively interfere in love affairs. There is less romance in relationships as material interests become your priority. Perhaps you and your significant other will be busy planning family budget, discuss major acquisitions, think about buying real estate or luxury items, jewelry.

Leo career horoscope for September 2017

This is a productive period for career development and work. The period ends on September 6, 2017 Mercury retrograde in Leo, and the planet begins to move forward. If your projects progressed slowly and with obstacles, then gradually the problems will dissipate.

Venus, the ruler of Leo's career house, is located in your sign, moreover, it has positive aspects with other planets. This means that the period promises good luck and achievements, regardless of the specifics of the work. However, most of all, the stars are favorable to those who are engaged in creativity and artistic activities.

September 23, 2017 The Sun moves into the third house associated with communications, knowledge and travel. Many of you will want to take a training course and gain valuable professional experience. The circle of communication is expanding, new useful contacts are appearing.

Leo financial horoscope for September 2017

In September 2017, unique planetary configurations are taking shape, which will have an impact, first of all, on finances. The Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus are transiting through your house of money, so financial side life takes on a positive dynamic. Moreover, these planets form positive aspects with Pluto in the work sector, promising generous time.

You can actually make very good money, but your tendency to take risks with your money will let you down. Avoid financial adventures so that the month does not end with a loss. Hopefully Mercury, also located in the house of money, will help you see things clearly.


Your mood is great and you have a lot of energy. Even if the month is quite stressful, try to find time to relax. This good time for relaxation, entertainment and hobbies.

Pluto in the health sector forms harmonious aspects with other planets, so the period is suitable for visiting doctors, diagnostics, and medical consultations. If there are any health problems, treatment will be effective.

Don't judge people based solely on their appearance, and don't judge anyone based on their income level!

Leo horoscope for September 2017.

Because next month you will sometimes be provoked by unnecessary offers and transactions, purchases, adventures, sex or communication that you do not need. Therefore, learn to refuse gracefully - without offense, but firmly. Moreover, pay great attention to ensure that your refusals are truly cultured and beautiful. So that it doesn’t look like the situation when mom asks Alina: “Daughter, have you started swearing rudely? -No, mom! Where did you get the idea? - Because our cat began to respond with “fuck you, hairy bitch”!

Otherwise, the horoscope for September 2017 promises Leos and Lionesses a wonderful and happy month. You will want to enjoy the joys of life and enjoy all the pleasures available to you, and sometimes even those that are inaccessible. And it will be right. Don’t put off “for later” even the smallest joys. After all, we all have only one September 2017. And the next one will be only in a year. And we won’t tell you yet what it will be like.

Judging by the horoscope next month, some Leos will be engaged not only in pleasure, but also in reflection. And this will also be correct. Some Leos will be able to touch the highest wisdom in September 2017. You will develop an interest in meditation, philosophy and reflection. Therefore, try to think globally, without stooping to the details. Otherwise, you may spend too much time thinking about your dreams from Thursday to Friday, instead of making a plan for the next few months. Let’s say you are still sure that dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. Now imagine that you dreamed that your former classmate, whom you had not seen for 10 years, hired detectives who would chase you in Africa because you did not give up your seat to her on the minibus?! Therefore, think more about real things than about your “superpowers”.

The main mistake of Leos and Lionesses in September 2017 will be attempts to change and reform others, instead of changing themselves, and setting an example with their behavior and life. Try to look at yourself through the eyes of other people in September 2017, and you will see that you yourself have enough, problem areas that need to be worked with. Therefore, in September 2017, first of all, show care and attention to yourself, and then others will look with interest at you as an example to follow.

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo favorable days are 1, 3, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23 and 29.

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo unfavorable days - in any situation, say that “everything is going according to plan!” You never know what kind of “freaking” plan you may have! And then the calendar unfavorable days You definitely won't need it.

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo work, career and business.

At work, Leos and Lionesses will face a very rapidly changing situation. And it doesn’t matter whether you like it or not. You will not be able to influence the speed of September.

Yours professional issues and practices may be seriously challenged. Therefore, try to adapt to new requirements. In principle, the evolution of change will be useful to you, especially if you know how to negotiate. And you can prove your need. But don’t delay, otherwise you may end up on the sidelines.
Although, in principle, after September 5, 2017 and such a position of Mercury, your life at work should be easy and pleasant. You will build relationships of friendship and trust with your colleagues, and your professional tasks will likely not require too much effort.

Try to interest and involve in your work as much as possible. more people. Use creative methods to get people to do your work. Like, for example, Nikolai, who asked the girls: “Do you want to get a good tan in September? -Yes!! “Come to me to dig potatoes!”

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo Finance.

The first half of September may turn out to be less financial than you expected, especially since most likely you will have to pay off some debts. But don't panic: the astral climate will give you the opportunity to earn additional resources. In September 2017, sometimes you will be very generous, and sometimes too economical. Try to avoid extremes. In addition, during September you will have money so that you do not have problems with money. Well said, right?

Love horoscope for September 2017 Gemini. Horoscope for September 2017 Gemini Love.

Mercury will most influence the relationship between Leo and Lionesses in September 2017. Mercury is the god of communication, speech, dialogue. Therefore, in September 2017, couples will be able to better understand each other and find mutual understanding. The astral climate of September will contribute to an active love life. Therefore, many Lionesses and even Leos next month will float on their little pink cloud, and by some miracle, without losing contact with reality. Some Leos and Lionesses will even think about marriage, or cohabitation. The stars will incline you to the sweet madness of love and thoughtfulness. Therefore, the climate in the sphere of love will be very romantic, but not devoid of passion and great sexual attraction.

That is why the love horoscope for September 2017 for Leo warns family Leos and Lionesses to beware of temptations! This is especially true for young Leos and Lionesses, who may want to experience new sensations in amorous adventures. And this is especially true for Lionesses. In September 2017, it is better for adult Lionesses to pay more attention to children. Taking care of children will help you drive away thoughts of amorous adventures. Moreover, it was not for nothing that one experienced sailor said that the most scary tale there was a time in his life when he was transporting children's dolls. And when a big wave tilted the ship, all these dolls simultaneously opened their eyes and said: “MA-MA”!!! Therefore, in September 2017, Lionesses should not forget about an alibi, and about the fact that there are eyes everywhere. Adult Leo men should also not forget about children and pay attention to them. But not like Papa Seryozha, who was in a hurry while telling a fairy tale, so the bunny choked, but finished eating the bun.

Lonely Leos and Lionesses will be able to meet love in the most unexpected place in September 2017. Even on the corner own home or work. This is especially true for August Leo men. The main thing when inviting a girl to your home, do not forget about the main rule - never, you hear, NEVER switch the TV when a girl is sitting next to you. There may be a Stas Mikhailov concert on any channel! And the evening was gone!

At the end, the horoscope for September 2017 tells Leos and Lionesses that you should try to remain calm in any situation next month. Don’t overwhelm yourself with bad thoughts – everything will be fine. This is especially true for Lionesses. Don't worry even if you carry a bowl of very hot soup into the living room from the kitchen. It's OK. Don't be afraid to spill. You need to worry if the soup is really very hot. It’s even worse if you have a guy visiting you. And it’s completely fucked up if this idiot decided to make a joke and jumped out of the closet.

In any case, Leos and Lionesses – don’t be afraid to spill. September 2017 really promises to be “hot” for you. Which means delicious!

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