If everything is bad at work, what should you do? What to do if everything in life is bad

Sooner or later, every person is faced with a feeling of mental pain. It can occur for various reasons, and some people immediately manage to cope with the apathy that arises, while others plunge into depression for a long time. How to avoid the second option and help yourself?

What to do if you feel sad for no reason

If no grief has recently occurred in your life, you have not lost loved one and did not fall ill with a serious illness, then it is possible that you are really sad for no reason. In this case, it will be easier to get out of this state:
    Thank your fate for the fact that now you are really sad for no particular reason, but it could have been completely different! You are healthy, not hungry, you have friends and loved ones - isn’t this a reason to get out of the blues? Maybe it’s that you are just very tired of some of your responsibilities (work or household) and you just need a good rest for a long time. Consider devoting a few days to self-care, minimizing your usual worries. If you work, take a vacation and at least a couple of days rest as you want. Often people get tired of the same type of days and begin to feel sad because of the lack of sensations. Perhaps this is your case? Then provide yourself with new emotions, and the easiest way to do this is by doing something you haven’t done before. This could be a horseback ride, an individual dance lesson, going to a concert and much more. Allow yourself to break out of your daily routine and experience something new! Loneliness can often make you sad. If you suspect that this is why you are sad, then find some company! Surely, you have a friend or girlfriend whom you can invite to the cinema or for a walk. If it so happens that you have no friends, then it’s time to make them - for example, on the Internet through forums on this topic. Also, your circle of acquaintances can expand significantly if you sign up for some interesting courses.

What to do when you feel really bad because of someone

It’s hard and you want to cry from loss (breakup, divorce, death of loved ones)

The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences in life. No matter how difficult it is, it is important to understand that you just need to survive this period. The first days after a grief event, a person usually experiences shock and cannot fully comprehend what happened. A week after the tragic news, a person begins to understand what kind of loss he has suffered, which turns into acute emotional and sometimes physical pain. Mood swings, melancholy, aggression - all these symptoms are characteristic of the first year of loss. Then it gets easier. It is foolish to recommend being distracted by something else - in a state of strong emotions, you are unlikely to have the desire to do yoga or dance. However, still try not to plunge headlong into your grief. Realize that there are people who care about you and who need you. If you don’t want to plunge into deep depression for many years or even go to the hospital, then pay attention to the people who need you now. Delve into work, family matters, return to a once-forgotten hobby - do at least something that will help you ease the pain of loss a little. Divorce is easier to cope with than the death of a loved one. It may now seem to you that your life is over and there will be no more light, but this, of course, is not the case. In your case, you can and should distract yourself from thoughts about divorce. Come to terms with the idea that if there was a separation, then not everything was smooth in your relationship - someone was fundamentally not happy with the other. There will still be a person in your life with whom you will be suitable for each other in all respects. Most likely, later, when you are happy, you will regret the days spent worrying about a person who is not meant for you. If you are not yet ready for a new romance and meeting other men, then just bring new emotions into your life and paints. Surely, the period of divorce distracted you from many current problems and your own appearance. Make an appointment with a cosmetologist for several procedures, visit a hairdresser, update at least partially your wardrobe. Meet with friends more often, be alone less. If you have few friends or regular meetings are excluded, then expand your circle of acquaintances by signing up for some trainings and the like.

Problems in love relationships

If love relationship bring you pain, then you should think about breaking them off. Of course, parting will be a difficult stage for you, but even now it’s not easy for you. Wouldn’t it be better to get over a breakup with a guy and start moving on, rather than suffer in a relationship with him? Share your experiences with your lover, tell us what worries you, and what developments you see next. The relationship remains the same and you still suffer. Parting is the only right decision for you.

First, you need to determine how depression manifests itself? So, there are several telling signs. They may be present in full, or you may observe some of them in yourself. 1. Decreased performance. You feel like you have no energy left. Even if you gain strength and start doing something, you stop almost immediately. You cannot concentrate on your tasks, constantly being distracted by something else. 2. Depression. Your mood leaves much to be desired. Most often, you are not in the best mood, feeling depressed. People around you are increasingly noticing that something is wrong with your mood, and you are not even trying to hide it. 3. Lack of interests. You used to be fascinated by a lot of things, but now everything happens differently. You are not interested in any activities or hobbies, your work does not arouse your enthusiasm, you try to avoid meeting friends. If someone asks you to go to the cinema or something like that, your first thought is to refuse. Of course, you can “tune yourself”, but over time it becomes more and more difficult to do so. 4. Lack of self-confidence. You feel that you are unattractive or boring. You do not strive to make new acquaintances, being sure that the other person will not like you. You constantly feel like there's something wrong with you and that others notice. 5. Poor sleep. From time to time you suffer from insomnia. You think about something disturbing until late at night or wander aimlessly through the Internet. Sudden night awakenings are also possible. In the morning you get up in a “broken” state and in a bad mood.

6. Appearance. You pay less and less attention to your appearance. It all started with the fact that you started skipping visits to your hairdresser or cosmetologist, and now you don’t always adhere to basic hygiene rules - sometimes you’re too lazy to wash your hair (despite the fact that it clearly already needs it), renew your manicure and things like that. You take care of yourself and dress automatically, losing interest in applying makeup, choosing a wardrobe and various cosmetic procedures. 7. Lack of sexual desire. If you are in a close relationship with a man, then sex with him has ceased to please you. You do not show initiative and are reluctant to become intimate with him. You are not even in the mood to feign passion, and it seems to you that if your lover leaves you, then perhaps it will be even easier for you. 8. Apathy. You don't care about anything. You are not interested in what's new in the lives of your friends, you don't care what you'll have for dinner today, you don't care whether you look good, and many other things have also stopped bothering you.

1. Understand the situation It is important to understand why depression entered your life. Most likely, the impetus for it was some unpleasant event. Be honest with yourself - what exactly is it about? we're talking about. Perhaps some time ago you lost a loved one, got divorced, lost your job, found yourself in an unpleasant situation, became disappointed in someone. Having identified the root of the problem, realize that, be that as it may, it is in the past, it no longer exists. Your life moves on, and you need to make sure that a difficult event no longer leaves its unkind imprint on it. 2. Let go of the past, forgive or ask for forgiveness Perhaps the event that led to your depression was your own fault, and now it is eating at you. If you feel guilty towards someone, then apologize to that person. It is possible that he will not forgive you, which means it is his choice to live with a stone on his heart. Your task is to sincerely convey to him everything you feel, and also show your repentance. After this, the decision will rest with that person whether to continue communicating with you or not. If he doesn't want to reconnect, leave it in the past and allow yourself to live a new life. If someone hurt you and you still can't deal with your disappointment and pain from this situation, then you need to try to fix it - even if the offender does not ask for your forgiveness and does not feel guilty. Understand that the person who treated you badly is actually weak, and because of this weakness, life will bring him problems more than once. The best and most correct thing you can do is to bring so many bright events into your life and interesting acquaintances so that the resentment of the past is completely lost in the whirlwind of these emotions. 3. Change the scenery Often, just one short trip can radically change a person’s mood. Perhaps this is exactly what you need? Find time to escape from your usual surroundings and the city - at least for a few days! Go abroad or just to another city. Important condition: choose a place you have never been to. You can invite a loved one or good friend, or you can go on an independent journey, where you can rethink everything that happened to you.

Calm your soul with prayer

Some people note that prayers not only calmed them down, but also helped them look at their problem differently. You can just go to church and pray there. Many admit that the atmosphere of the temple sometimes has a special effect, and they leave the temple as if “renewed.” You can also find a suitable prayer on the Internet and read it in calm atmosphere, pondering the words. It is possible that this is what will bring you long-awaited peace.

Treat your soul with new sensations and acquaintances

Even if you don’t want any new experiences or acquaintances right now, depression is a case when you need to force yourself to experience new ones. positive emotions. It is clear that now you don’t want anything at all, you are ready to wrap yourself in a blanket and never leave your room. But you deserve bright interesting life, and you will have to go to it in small steps:1) Choose a profitable and interesting tour, and go on it in the company of a friend or alone. Choose what you liked best before, do not focus on your current state. Did you previously like to go on excursions to museums and attractions of foreign countries and cities? Take a tour that includes this item. you loved more beach holiday? Go to a hot country to warm sea! Undoubtedly, the trip will bring back your old emotions! 2) Don't refuse dates if men take the initiative. Perhaps one of these meetings will turn into happiness for you in your personal life! 3) Don’t avoid meeting people, but on the contrary – strive for them! Go to crowded places that involve communication - parties, exhibitions, trainings. It might make sense to take some fun courses where you can meet other people. Often public organizations They organize interesting meetings, including skydiving, ATV riding, launching night lanterns, and kayaking. If you don't have a lover, then don't neglect any opportunity to meet him - including dating sites. Register on the resource that will arouse your greatest interest, even if you were previously skeptical about such methods of communication. Bring more spontaneity into your life and depression will go away!

Life is not always colorful and happy; there are moments when even an optimist gives up. Around you it seems that everyone is against you - your loved ones, strangers, bosses, even nature cries pouring rain with you. There is a feeling that it can’t get any worse than it is. What to do in such a situation? First of all, calm down, figure it out, maybe you’re just screwing yourself up.

Is it possible to cope with your emotions?

Every person has a changeable mood. Sometimes we ourselves cannot figure out why it happened exactly the way it did. You need to be patient here! Not all days are good. It’s not for nothing that they say that life is an alternation of white and black stripes. But if you think about it, life is actually a chessboard, everything depends on the right move.

Did you get up in the morning and everything started to fall out of your hands? Do calming breathing exercises that will put your thoughts in order and tune in to a positive mood.

Often the cause of a bad mood, apathy, is idleness. Sometimes you get bored and don’t know what to do with yourself. I'm tired of the computer, and so is the TV. Tell yourself “stop”! Why are you living and wasting your time? Do something useful.

Many women on maternity leave constantly snap at their husbands in the evening because they are bored sitting at home all day. As a result, it disappears and problems arise in relationships. Haven’t you tried to occupy yourself with something interesting, try to develop, do what you like? Some women immediately find an excuse: “I have Small child! So what? Life does not end here, but only begins. If you set an example that you are constantly working and actively moving, your children will grow up purposeful and active.

Almost all experts say: “ It’s bad for those who don’t want to do anything to make things good. You can never give up. Life is a struggle, a kind of overcoming of obstacles.”. Take advantage of these valuable tips.

Think about something good

This is often where all the problems arise. Don’t escalate the situation; you don’t need to constantly convince yourself that bad things will happen. Remember a good moment in your life or dream about something pleasant. It will feel easier immediately.


Are you depressed or sad? Go to the mirror, look into it and smile. You are beautiful, a bad mood is not good for you, so get rid of it.

Appreciate what you have

Many people are selfish; they demand unknown things from others. The mistake is that egoists do not value what they have and want to conquer heights. Dreams and aspirations are good, but sometimes you need to come down to earth and think about the loved ones you are hurting. Some people can easily lose love and friendship; at first they think that there is nothing wrong with it. And then they realize the mistake, and it is no longer possible to return the person.

This doesn't just happen to people. Let's give a simple example: you dream about something for a very long time, wait for it, and when it comes true, everything is not as you wanted. As a result, there is emptiness in the soul, a feeling of anxiety and apathy appears. This feeling is often encountered by people who have... They constantly want to achieve their goal, but achieving the goal does not bring them joy.

Remember! Rejoice in the real thing, and not in the illusory, invented. Dream, but don't forget about real life.

Adhere to the principle: “Everything that is done is only for the better.”

Having problems? Try to model the situation differently. If this happens, then it must be experienced. You shouldn’t immediately panic, tear your hair out, or try to change something. Just calm down, wait, maybe you need to rest, and after a while you will laugh at your problems.

How to get out of a deadlock?

First of all, remember that “night always ends and day comes.” Learn to endure all trials, be wise. Experienced psychotherapists pay attention to the following methods:

  • Get your life in order. Get rid of everything that brings you discomfort. Tired of constantly repairing your sideboard? Throw it away and buy a new one. Worried about getting wet and ruining your hairstyle? Call a taxi. Are you constantly quarreling with your husband or wife, the relationship does not bring joy, it only torments you? Think about divorce. Remember, the end is always the beginning of a new life.
  • Do not give up. Some people think that the way out of the situation is to get drunk, get high, use stimulants, or party all night in a nightclub. Why rush headlong into the pool? Always remember that drugs are temporary happiness, which later leads to dangerous consequences.
  • Join the gym . Throw it all away negative energy during physical activity. In addition to improving your mood, you will look great, and this will give you confidence in life.
  • Try to do good, it will definitely come back to you . If something is constantly going wrong for you, you haven’t thought about the fact that you hurt someone or made a mistake.
  • Get rid of yourself negative emotions . You can go far into nature and scream with all your might. If it’s very bad, cry, it will all come out with tears. heartache. Write about all your problems and then burn the paper.

Can’t cope with yourself on your own, have you fallen into deep depression? Contact a psychotherapist, he will help you find a way out of the situation. You may need to take sedatives for a while. For example, tincture of valerian and motherwort is often prescribed. But you shouldn’t get carried away with antidepressants and tranquilizers - they only make the situation worse.

Are you sitting and thinking, why is everything so bad? Look around, maybe someone has it much worse, and you just came up with your own tragedies. Learn to calmly accept all life's troubles, don't give up, always fight to the end. The main thing is not to give in to various temptations, negative influence. In any situation, remain yourself. Be happy, enjoy life and don’t pay attention to various little things!

What to do when everything is bad - what to do in a difficult period of life, when it seems that everything is falling apart

Everyone has periods in life when everything falls apart, falls out of hand and everything only gets worse.

Doors close in front of you, friends turn away, life turns into hell. And it seems that nothing good can simply happen. It can only get worse. How to act and how to behave in this difficult period"black streak"?

What to do when everything is very bad

Step 1 - Don't panic or get discouraged

The more we panic, the more mistakes we make, worsening our situation. Despondency and depression take away the strength to fight circumstances. Keeping a cool head is difficult, but it is the best course of action under the circumstances.

Step 2 - Don't argue with anyone

During such periods, everyone’s nerves are usually on edge and it’s easier than ever to lash out at someone. But in order not to be left alone in difficult times, it is better not to quarrel with your friends and loved ones if possible, they will be very useful to you. You shouldn’t quarrel with people you meet on the street on a bus, etc., they are simply responding to your negative attitude towards life. Treat people as condescendingly and with understanding as possible. This will protect you from large quantity unpleasant moments.

Step 3 - Keep Smiling

Of course everything goes to hell, but this does not mean that life ends. It just happens, something that needs to be experienced. A smile, even the most artificial one, will help you cope with your emotional state. The fact is that the position of the facial muscles is interconnected with the release of certain hormones in our body. That is, when serotonin is produced in our body, we involuntarily begin to smile, no matter how hard we try to restrain ourselves. You can also achieve the opposite success. If you put on even the most artificial smile on your face and maintain this position for 5-10 minutes, you will notice that your mood will improve significantly. This may not make your situation clearer, but it will obviously make it easier to think.

Step 4 - Believe that everything will get better

No matter how strange it may sound in our materialistic times, faith is half the way to success. Believe me, it’s not little either. By believing in something, without noticing it yourself, you form a certain energy impulse that is released into the outside world. This impulse will definitely return to you in the form of a random decision, advice or assistant. This is how the special energy of our consciousness works, since the world is a huge organism in which everything is interconnected and mutually attractive.

Step 5 - Humble yourself and accept what is happening for granted

Sometimes it is very difficult for us to understand what is happening in the right light. We simply cannot know why what we basically liked and were comfortable with is collapsing. Why are such drastic changes happening? However, in order to build something stronger and larger, we must first destroy the old, no matter how unpleasant this fact may seem to us.

Think back to your youth. How we wanted something and how angry we were when we couldn’t get it or do it. Remember how grateful you were later when you realized what consequences all this could lead to. But this realization does not come to regret right away. It takes time and patience. Therefore, no matter how difficult and bitter it may be for you now, just know that there are logical reasons for this.

Even after the worst storm, the sun always comes out. The main thing is to remember this and not forget during the very middle of the abyss of unpleasant events.

Everything will definitely get better!

Hello dear readers site www. rainbow - schastie. ru . The topic of our new article:What to do if everything is bad in life?If you have been thinking for a long time why everything is bad and what to do in this situation, then this motivating article is for you! If you are afraid that sooner or later you will be overtaken by a bad streak in life, then read this article!

Where can you start a conversation? Good question which sounds like this: " Why is everything so bad for me? Why has this been happening to me for a long time?” Unfortunately, we all know when a day, a week, or an entire month involves a series of setbacks. We know that another dark streak has come and we believe that it will end someday. And, in principle, this is how it happens. Our whole life is not stable. Nothing in this world is stable. Even you! Today you have good mood, and tomorrow it’s terrible, despite the fact that things are going well for you. Tomorrow you want one thing, and after tomorrow something completely different. Our desires change over time. Today we dream of becoming successful actors, and in 5 years we want to be deputies. But even here, some of you are faithful to only one dream.

What to do if everything is bad in life?

To begin with, you should ask yourself this question out loud: Why am I doing so badly? What exactly is wrong with me now? This is an important step. After all, a person can itch endlessly: “Oh, how terrible everything in my life is. I don't want to live. My life is pure horror." But if you ask him what exactly is wrong with you, he may go into a stupor! It turns out everything is quite good. There is just a habit of being a victim and you need to complain to someone about something. Test yourself! Are you one of those people?

We have taken the first step! Now we need to identify the reason why everything is bad. What did you do wrong? Where did you make a mistake? And in order for you to think faster, you need calm down. Without this, your brain will not be able to find the true reasons for you. While you are angry and irritable, everything gets worse (certainly not better). Most The best way calm down, thisdraw air into your stomach at a speed of 4 seconds and exhale smoothly for all 8 seconds.Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds. Try this exercise now!

And the third step remains - start thinking positively and enjoying life. This is the only way you can get your white stripe. In order to start thinking positively, you need to keep yourself busy with something interesting. If you are currently depressed, then only sports will help you. Especially running. Running shakes everything out "dirty" thoughts and only energy remains, which charges you for the whole day.

If you just want to improve your mood, then this will help youcomparison method.

1. Compare yourself with people who live much worse than you. Remember people with disabilities who are limited in their movements (and not only). Remember children from orphanages, beggars who don’t even have normal clothes, pensioners who spend their entire pension on medicine, bread and water.

2. If you have a dream, then dream. It's better than not dreaming. We have already said that without a dream a person is the same as dead. Make a map of your desires and all possible actions to implement them. This will make you forget and remember how much good can await you.

3. Start reading positive books, watch funny comedies, watch various videos. You can even play a video game that is interesting to you (the main thing is that it does not annoy you). And what you shouldn't do is drink alcohol. Everything else is possible!

4. Go to the gym, sauna, massage.

These are all the things that will make you forget about difficult situation for a while, let your brain calm down, and you won’t notice how, but life begins to get better. Imperceptibly, but getting better.

It is important to know and clearly understand:panic, stress, irritability, constant search for reasons why everything is so bad will not help you. Only by calming down with a cool mind can you overcome the black streak. And only by enjoying life will you reach a streak of good luck!

And the last thing that is important to remember: Your problem may go away on its own. This phenomenon exists in our lives. The more you touch your problem, the bigger it becomes. Once you forget about her, everything falls into place. But it depends on the problem itself. We need to analyze them, since many of them will require your intervention. But if you do intervene, then with a smile on your face and a cool head.

That's all and see you soon!

Obstacles and difficulties are an integral part of life. It’s bad when life itself turns into one continuous nuisance. Some people compare this state of affairs with a funny computer game. Others say that if everything were different, our existence would be boring and uninteresting.

True, sometimes, raising your head for a second from under the pile of problems that have piled up and looking around, it seems: without all these troubles, life would not be more boring, but simpler and calmer. When trouble knocks on the door, a person will least of all perceive it as fun. Usually the first thing we have to deal with in our reality is who is to blame and what to do. If in life, a person would rather dream of boring and “uninteresting” days in which there is no room for problems.

Of course, for one person, certain events will be perceived as more complex and difficult; to others it will seem like a small thing. But life on earth is not easy for anyone - all because in the depths of everyone’s soul there are hidden desires, eager to come out and thirsting for fulfillment.

And, as usually happens, the more we want something, the more painful the disappointment is in case of failure. Perhaps this is a form of torture - wanting something with every fiber of your soul and constantly being refused.

They say it is in moments like these that a person's willpower is tested. But even if you decide to test your strength in almost all life events, we suggest considering the following ways to cope with these tests. Let's see what those people do whose willpower gets an A on the life test.

After all, even powerful of the world This circumstance sometimes develops contrary to their wishes. Their dreams go to hell no less often than those of the common man in the street. Sometimes this happens due to random circumstances, sometimes the reason is competitors, neighbors, work colleagues, family members, in the end. Do you think that strong personalities tear and rush? Perhaps in the first five minutes. So, how can you follow their example if everything in life is against you?

  • Take a break. Most people who have trouble in their lives are more likely to do the exact opposite - they will think about the problem, trying to carefully consider its aspects under all possible angles. They will begin to get more and more entangled in this endless tangle of thoughts and reasoning. Every second they are usually haunted by the feeling: a little more, just a little more, it’s worth thinking about this issue, and the solution will come... Alas. Problems are almost never solved by grinding the same issue over and over again. It only brings headache.

    The harsh truth is that it is very difficult to get an accurate picture of what is happening while in the thick of it. Therefore, in order to understand what is really happening, you need to take a step to the side. The most important decisions require enormous attention - but attention to the essence of the problem. The difficulty is that, being too involved in what is happening, we may not notice most of it. important points. We find ourselves unable to pay attention to Possible Solution our problems. This is why distraction is so important.

    Sometimes people forget that any life situation you can pause it, stop thinking about it, and thereby waste your precious mental energy. After all, everyone knows about the wise words that were written on back side rings of Solomon: “Everything will pass, and this too will pass.”

  • Pay attention to what is within your capabilities. When a person is beset by problems on all sides, it can be a huge relief to solve at least some of them.

    But in a difficult situation it is not so easy to deal with those difficulties that seem secondary. People who ask themselves and others “What to do when everything is bad in life?” are more likely to act in obedience to their momentary impulses. This is dictated by the instinct of self-preservation, which requires immediate action. But often, to solve many of life’s difficulties, a completely different approach is needed: sometimes, on the contrary, you need to stall for time; sometimes switch attention to other issues; and sometimes even let go of the situation altogether.

    To prevent life’s difficulties from turning into an avalanche, it’s worth thinking about: what is in my power now? What can be done to ensure that at least some of the troubles are neutralized? Sometimes we tend to underestimate problems that are not in the foreground at the moment. However, regardless of our attitude, the algorithm for the development of troubles has one common pattern: it is easier to destroy them when they are still in their embryonic state. Let this statement be illustrated by an example from family life.

    Let's imagine a woman who, for some reason, is completely absorbed in an event such as separation from her husband. Of course, such a life restructuring takes away almost all her emotional strength, and against the background of this event, everything else seems insignificant. Suppose that she cannot get a divorce for a long time, and this sluggish separation has long exhausted the entire limit of her strength.

    However, no matter how cruel life may seem, if this woman does not change her tactics and stop focusing solely on one problem, her situation may become even worse. Suppose our imaginary heroine has another difficulty that does not seem so important to her yet. For example, she may have a daughter adolescence, experiencing at this time certain psychological problems.

    If you don't give her enough attention now, your daughter may drop out of university, start abusing alcohol, or even turn into a teenage single mother. As we see, the results of ignoring so-called “minor” problems can be very far-reaching.

  • Bring others to shine life spheres(at least one). This recommendation is similar to the previous one, but has a more positive basis. In this case, your actions should not concern solving problems - major or minor - but improving a certain area. In order to stay afloat during life's storms, it is necessary that at least one area of ​​your activity is in ideal condition.

    In other words, having an area of ​​your life that is not cluttered will allow you to counter negative thoughts and emotions about another area. To create such a “shelter” for yourself, you need to determine the plane that can be least affected by your pressing problems, and start working on it tirelessly. It could be your health, your physical fitness, your passion, your spiritual life, and so on.

    When you see the fruits of your efforts, your mind will finally question the idea that life is a complete failure. This will help you feel like a much stronger person.

  • Get rid of the position of a victim of circumstances. When everything is bad, such an attitude towards the situation will lead to nothing but its deterioration. Sometimes you need healthy cynicism, sometimes you need a sense of superiority over people and events, but the role of the victim and the behavior that accompanies it will only lead to aggravation of the situation. No matter how it turns out, we always have a choice - not recognizing it means taking the position of a victim.

    If you constantly attract the same people and circumstances to yourself, you need to eventually stop implementing this type of behavior. To begin with, you can try to find role models. This will serve as a good workout. Spend time with people for whom a situation like yours is not worth a damn. Study their behavior and start following their example.

As you can see, the first reaction to difficulties, which seems natural, does not always help get rid of them. What seems obvious may only cause more harm, and their solution may lie in a completely different area.