Electrical traps. Review of effective traps for flying and crawling insects. Certificates for KILL PEST insecticidal lamps

I’ll give an excerpt in case it comes in handy:
"Practical use of insects flying to light

Sources of artificial light in combination with traps that collect arriving insects (light traps) are used for faunal collections, studying seasonal and other changes in numbers, obtaining insect biomass as food for other animals, and also sometimes for the destruction of harmful insects (I.A. Terskov, Η.Γ.Kοlomiets, 1966).

Collecting insects in artificial light, especially with an admixture ultraviolet radiation, make it possible to significantly expand the lists of insect species composition, however, some nocturnal and twilight species are not at all attracted to light or fly to it very rarely. Number ratio different types in collections for light, of course, says nothing about the real ratio of their numbers in nature. Moreover, these collections cannot be used to judge the real sex ratio in the population. Thus, in the Moscow region, both males and females of gypsy moths come to light, and in collections there are twice as many males as females. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, only males of this species are born. To the same extent, it is impossible to judge the physiological state of females based on the collection of births. Obviously, the absence of females of one or another physiological age in the collections indicates either that they are not yet in nature, or that they are not yet flying into the light or at all.

Similarly, the daily rhythm of arrival at light gives a highly distorted picture of daily activity. Of course, if insects do not fly at all given time days, it is difficult to expect that they will fly into the light at this time. Nevertheless, simultaneous observations of the level of activity of cutworm butterflies of different species in cages and during the summer of the same butterflies brought to light shows a negative correlation between the general level of activity and the number of people collected for light (V. D. Kravchenko, 1981). Most often, insects become active much earlier than their expected birth years.

In practice, light traps are often used to monitor the number of insects of different species. To what extent is the information obtained in this way true? Of course, there is no strict correspondence between changes in numbers in nature and the amount of food collected. As a comparison of collections of the same species of insects by window traps and light traps proves, the first appearance of insects in collections may be delayed by 2–3 weeks (M.N. Samkov, 1984). This discrepancy is explained by the fact that in spring and early summer these insects fly earlier in the evening at such high light levels, when artificial light is not yet possible.

Mass arrival at the light most likely indicates high numbers. However, there are examples where mass collections took place only due to migrating insects flying through a given area, for example caradrine butterflies Laphygma exigua Hb. Both before the mass summer of birth and after it, the number of caradrina in this area was almost zero, and the outbreak of mass reproduction occurred a thousand kilometers from the observation site. A small number of arrivals does not indicate a low abundance of the species. The catch by light is determined not only by the number, but also by the physiological state of insects, meteorological and geophysical conditions, and the level of lunar illumination. All this significantly complicates the interpretation of the results of collecting insects for light. Nevertheless, it is light traps that in many cases turn out to be the most reliable and convenient way to control the population harmful species, as well as to identify quarantine objects.

A light trap, especially one with an air suction device, can collect kilograms of insects on favorable nights. However, one cannot but agree with G.N. Gornostaev (1984) that recommendations for the use of insects collected from the world for feeding poultry and it is advisable to use fish in ponds only during a short period of time during the mass summer of certain pests, but in general they are not only harmful, but also immoral. The use of light traps as a means of extermination turns out to be irrational in most cases, despite a large number of caught insects. On the one hand, light traps, like insecticides, along with harmful ones, destroy a lot of rare and beneficial insects. On the other hand, the percentage of insects attracted by light is very small compared to the actual population size. Often female insects who have already laid eggs fly into the world. Experiments show that to successfully protect crops in a field, it is necessary to place a significant number of light traps and supply electricity to all of them. Nevertheless, there are a number of reports about successful field protection, for example, from tobacco hawkmoth or from corn borer, about the protection of greenhouse plants and champignons in greenhouses. Since the use of light traps is quite expensive and difficult, they can only be recommended for small areas with the most valuable agricultural plants.

Much has been developed various designs light traps. Most often they take the form of a funnel, located under a lamp, which directs falling insects into a container with a fixing liquid (alcohol, formaldehyde, sometimes gasoline). If it is necessary to keep insects alive and damage them as little as possible, use a large container (usually a three-liter jar) loosely filled with crumpled strips of paper. The top of the trap is usually covered with a flat or slightly large conical lid that protects from rain. A number of designs also use reflective screens placed radially around the lamp so as to minimally block the light.

For the southern regions, where mass summers are common, the so-called Pennsylvania trap seems to be the most practical. The initial parameters of traps of this type, including the domestic ESLU-3, are as follows: funnel diameter - 44 cm, light source with a power of 15-30 W. In the temperate zone, more stable results are obtained using the SCEL model developed by G. N. Gornostaev (light, conical, screened trap), the diameter of which is at least 60 cm, light sources with an admixture of ultraviolet radiation with a power of at least 200 W. For expeditionary work, a conical trap can be made from polyethylene film on a folding hoop, which greatly facilitates its transportation.

Previously, medical methods were successfully used to collect insects from light. quartz lamps(PRK-2, PRK-4, PRK-8), in Lately lamps are used more often street lighting type DRL, producing softer radiation that does not lead to burns to the observer’s eyes. However, to increase the arrival, sometimes the outer glass shell coated with phosphor is specially broken and, thus, increases the share of ultraviolet radiation.

For faunal collecting and collecting, it is advisable to use not traps, which usually spoil entomological material, but individual collection of arriving insects on a lighted screen. The screen should be made of paper or cloth that has not been treated with bleach, as the latter will absorb ultra-violet rays. In this case, it is advisable to hang the lamp at a distance of 50–100 cm from the screen, preferably above the assembler’s head. It is advisable to have a headdress that shades the face from direct action light lamps, as well as glass or plastic glasses. It is very inconvenient to work in glasses with dark lenses. However, be aware that light reflected from the screen can also cause burns to the eyes and skin, so it is best to position yourself a few meters away from the screen and approach it as needed. For eye burns, it is advisable to use albucid and also a strong infusion of tea."

Humanity has been fighting flies that carry various infections on their legs for thousands of years. Many methods have been invented and drugs have been developed to exterminate this type of insect. The modern market offers a wide range of electric traps, exterminators powered by electrical network 220 V and autonomous. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a device against flies and mosquitoes, you should study their technical characteristics.

Killing flies

Trap for flies and mosquitoes

Currently, a large number of models of devices have been produced to combat flying insects in open spaces and indoors.

Types of traps for flies and mosquitoes:

  1. Shredders with ultraviolet lamps. They attract flies, mosquitoes, midges, with ultraviolet light. Approaching it, insects touch the metal grid, which is energized, and die from electric shock. The lamps installed in them are completely safe and do not harm human health, since their action is aimed exclusively at exterminating flies and mosquitoes.
  2. Electric traps, where a fan is installed inside, suck in insects that approach them. Devices that lure mosquitoes with a special light and a small amount of carbon dioxide, imitating the odor of the human body, so the blood-sucking mosquitoes perceive them as a living object.

Flying insect killer with ultraviolet lamp

Carbon dioxide insect trap

Pestkiller trap lamp for flies and mosquitoes

The device is equipped with two 20 W ultraviolet lamps, which attract flying insects with their light. In front of them is a metal mesh through which current passes. Flies and mosquitoes die when they come into contact with it. The device body is made of special lightweight, oil-resistant aluminum alloy, scratch resistant.

Pest Killer lamp trap for flying insects

The device is absolutely safe for pets and people. It can be turned on outdoors and indoors, for example: in hospitals, places Catering, in the country. The main condition is access to the electrical network. If you use the device outdoors, you need to make sure that it does not get exposed to rain. To do this, it is recommended to install it in covered verandas, gazebos, or make a canopy over it. There is a metal ring on the top of the product body. The device comes with a chain, thanks to which it can be placed in a place convenient for the owner. In a suspended state, the efficiency of the device increases, and insects flock to the light from all sides. The range of the Pestkiller fly and mosquito trap lamp is 40 m².

Advantages of the Pest Killer electric trap:

  1. Soft ultraviolet light.
  2. The device is easy to use. It is enough to choose a place for installation and connect to the electrical network. No additional settings are required.
  3. The Pest Killer product is completely safe because it does not use chemical substances, as in classic traps, where you need to constantly buy poisonous liquid, or special plates.

Outdoor fly killer

Modern fly exterminators are divided into household and industrial (professional). The first category includes electrical devices universal purpose, which can be used indoors and outdoors, but in dry weather. Each of them is equipped with one or more ultraviolet lamps that attract flying insects. In front of it there is a high-voltage grid, contact with which kills flies and mosquitoes. The ultraviolet light emitted by the device is not dangerous to humans. The area of ​​action of household insect exterminators is up to 100 m², professional ones – from 100 m².

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the power of the lamps, since it affects the range, for example, 4–6 W lamps are suitable for an area of ​​15–20 m², 6–10 W – 30–40 m², from 12 W – more than 50 m². On average, their service life is 3–5 thousand hours. Devices for exterminating flies can be used wherever there is electric outlet 220 V, for example: in apartments, private houses, outdoors in gazebos or shops.

Currently, outdoor ones have been released, based on wireless operation - from batteries and the use of gas.

Outdoor fly killer

The Sadovy exterminator is effective in the fight against mosquitoes, midges, and flies in the open air. This is an original trap for certain types of insects, these do not include bees and butterflies. Inside the device there are two UV-A LEDs that emit ultraviolet light. LED service life is from 100 thousand hours. Insects flying into the light fall into the lantern, where they collide with a grid through which a current is passed. Dead flies and mosquitoes fall into a special tray. It is easy to take out and clean. The operating time of the device in insect killing mode is six hours.

The maximum intensity of the exterminator's action occurs at night, since it is during this period that it attracts the most flies and mosquitoes. This function is relevant only in the warm season; at low air temperatures the device can be used as a flashlight. In open space, it copes with protecting an area of ​​up to 50 m². To increase the effectiveness of the device, it can be supplemented with the attractant “Octenol”. This substance imitates the smell of a person, which attracts blood-sucking insects. Thanks to this, the operating area increases to 100 m², and the efficiency of the device increases three or even four times.

The continuous operation time of the product is eight hours. It is completely autonomous, as it has a special power system consisting of a nickel-cadmium battery and solar panel. During the day they are charged from solar battery, located on top cover devices. The device is convenient to use for exterminating flies and mosquitoes - there is no need to connect to a 220 V electrical network. Thanks to the installed solar panel, the batteries can be charged even in cloudy weather.

The insect killer can be hung on a hook or mounted on a rod. It is designed for long-term outdoor operation, so the body is made of environmentally friendly stainless materials that are resistant to temperature changes and adverse weather conditions.

Well fly trap

The Well electric trap works on all types of flying insects, including wasps, flies, mosquitoes and others. The device is equipped with ultraviolet lamps. The emitted spectrum does not pose a threat to people, even if they are constantly in the room with the device. A high-voltage grid is installed in front of the lamps. When touching it, insects immediately die and fall into a special tray.

Well fly trap

Despite the fact that the light emitted by the Well electric fly trap is not dangerous to humans, it is worth observing at least minimum requirements security. The device must be suspended at a height of 2–2.5 m from the floor. This will help prevent direct exposure to ultraviolet light to a person's eyes. The device is easy to install and operate.

Precautionary measures

  1. It is prohibited to install the Well electric trap near windows, explosive substances, flammable gases, or in drafts.
  2. The product should be stored out of the reach of children.
  3. The device should not be placed in the cooking or eating area. Optimal placement– above the head at a height of 2–2.5 m from the floor and in places where flying insects accumulate.
  4. ELN is most effective when used around the clock.

Rules for caring for an electric fly killer:

  1. Once a year, it is recommended to replace the lamp in the device so that it works as efficiently as possible.
  2. The trap must be cleaned at least once every two months, having first been disconnected from the electrical network.
  3. Next, you need to remove dead insects from the tray and bottom of the ELN. Wash the mesh.

Flies in the pan of an insect killer

The modern market offers a wide variety of devices for controlling flies and mosquitoes in terms of power, size, operating principle, which allows everyone to choose a specific model that suits its characteristics.

The electric insect trap operates on the basis of ultraviolet radiation. It works or is recharged from the city electricity network. Attracts pests bright light carbon dioxide released during the combustion process, heat. The electric trap for insects differs in design, construction, power, and the operating principle is identical.

How the innovative device works

The product for catching flying pests does not create noise, is convenient to use, differs high efficiency. The principle of operation is based on the natural instincts of midges, mainly females.

They find the victim by carbon dioxide released during exhalation, heat emanating from the body, and ultraviolet light. Flying insect traps attract pests and then electrocute them. Behind the plastic housing is located metal structure, through which current passes. Touching the grille, a mosquito, midge, or other flying creature receives an electric shock and dies.

On a note!

All this happens unnoticed by humans. The main task is to install an electric trap in convenient location without violating safety rules and instructions.

Range of applications

An electric insect catcher is made for indoors and outdoors. The devices differ in range, power, and design. There are insect traps with moisture protection - visors, lids, and other additions to the main structure. The latter are used outdoors: in courtyards, gazebos, summer areas of shops, restaurants, and recreation centers.

Externally street electronic traps resemble a lantern or heater. For indoor use, the devices are made more original. They combine several functions at once - a night light, an insect catcher, a compass, a clock, etc. The designs are very different, they are placed on hard surface in any convenient place, hung from the ceiling, attached to the wall.

On a note!

The ultraviolet trap can operate from the city power supply, battery. The last option is often taken with you on vacation. Set up in a tent, near the gathering place.

Radius of action

An insect catcher for the home is made in the form of night lights, the range of influence is limited to one room. If you need to protect the entire house, buy several pieces. Place it on the bedside table, tables, hang it on the wall, or attach it to the ceiling. It starts working immediately after switching on, the effect becomes noticeable after 20-30 minutes.

Outdoor traps against flying insects are made more powerful. The radius of action covers 5-50 m. Installed on a hard surface or suspended, dig the leg into the ground. Devices are often made in the form of a lamp or flashlight.

On a note!

Universal electric traps can be powered by a solar battery. They charge during the day, work at night, there are no operating costs other than the money to purchase the lamp itself.


Electronic catchers act not only on mosquitoes and midges; moths, butterflies, moths, and other insects fall into the trap. Some users see this as a disadvantage. The effectiveness depends on the quality of the device, power, range, and correct application. There is no point in installing powerful outdoor traps indoors; an indoor insect-catcher night light will not work in the yard.

Electric traps use energy sparingly. The costs are no more than for a regular fluorescent light bulb. Many devices are powered by solar panels and batteries.

Instructions for use, safety issue

The current passes through a metal grid located inside the trap behind plastic construction. At correct use the likelihood of being shocked is reduced to a minimum. Even if this happens, the person will feel a slight tingling, numbness of the limb. Everything works out without serious consequences.

A tabletop trap in the form of a night light should be installed at a distance of 5 m from a person; hanging or wall-mounted traps should be mounted according to the instructions. Periodically, the trap must be cleaned of dead insects. First, the device is disconnected from the electrical network, the tray is removed, emptyed, put back in place, and the device is connected.

There is a risk of electric shock if:

  • incorrect placement of the trap;
  • moisture ingress;
  • excessive curiosity on the part of young children.

If there are children in the house, hang an insect trap from the ceiling in an inaccessible place, and do not leave the child unattended.

Efficient electrical appliances

You can buy a flying pest catcher in a specialized store, hardware departments of supermarkets, at the market, and you can often order it online. Products are presented domestic, foreign manufacturers. They differ in range and price.

    • Windhager 9W. Ultraviolet lamp with plastic grid. Valid at a distance of 35 square meters. m, power consumption 9 W. Guarantee period service 12 months. Periodically you need to clean out dead pests. Cable length 1.5 m. Used indoors, on a summer terrace, veranda, gazebo. Country of origin: Austria. average price 1000 rub.
    • Mobile powerful flashlight for camping, protection land plot from mosquitoes, midges, and other flying insects. Durable shock-resistant housing, moisture protection, bright light. Powered by batteries, one full charge lasts for 30 hours. In addition to the lamp, a bait that imitates the smell of a person is sold. The portable trap does not sink in water, has 3 light brightness modes, is compact and lightweight. Price within 2500 rubles.

  • BONA-ML-16W. The trap is intended for use indoors or outdoors under cover. Energy consumption is 16 W, grid voltage is 3000 V. The operation of the ultraviolet lamp is designed for 20 thousand hours. Made of plastic, aluminum. The lamp is suspended at a distance of 1.8-2 m from the ground away from other light sources. Average price 3000 rub.
  • Stinger Indoor Insect Trap. Lamp for rooms, gazebos, verandas, terraces. The principle of operation is somewhat different. Attracts pests with ultraviolet light, but inside there is not a metal grid with current, but a fan. Draws bloodsuckers inside, kills. The special tray needs to be cleaned every month. The price of the device is within 2000 rubles.

Specially designed electric traps designed to kill flying insects are a special lamp that emits soft ultraviolet light. This lamp, thanks to its radiation, is capable of attracting a variety of insects, for example, moths, mosquitoes, flies, and so on. The moment an insect flies up to the ultraviolet lamp, it lands on a special grid made of metal. An electric current that is lethal to small insects passes through this grille.

At that moment when the insect, trying to fly as close to the lamp as possible, falls on metal mesh, it immediately dies from the resulting current discharge. These electric traps are also called electroshock insect killers.

Trap for killing insects (insecticidal lamp)

Summer time is the most suitable period for vacations, outdoor recreation, and development own business. After all, most restaurants, shops, summer cafes, as well as beaches, are equipped with special outdoor gazebos that allow visitors to spend time in nature.

However, the summer season, despite the huge number of advantages, still has one big disadvantage - these are annoying and sometimes dangerous insects, which can act as carriers of a wide variety of infections, as well as causative agents of dangerous diseases. To protect your family, loved ones, yourself, and your business from insects, you need to take all necessary precautions. To get rid of unwanted flying insects, such as midges, mosquitoes, wasps, flies, it is recommended to use modern models electrotraps.

How do electric insect traps work?

Insect traps are equipped with a special ultraviolet lamp. This lamp, during its operation, emits soft ultraviolet light, which causes absolutely no harm to either people or animals. This ultraviolet light actively attracts a variety of insects. The lamp emitting ultraviolet light is surrounded by a special metal mesh through which voltage passes.

Electric insect traps are equipped with a special transformer. Thanks to it, the voltage level that flows through the metal mesh can reach from 1.1 to 4 kW. It is worth noting that the voltage indicators that are connected to the grid depend on the selected model. Simply put, on some models the grid voltage indicator is the same, while on others it may be slightly more or less (depending on the installed transformer).

A voltage of 1.1-4 kW will be quite enough to kill insects. Traps can be equipped different quantities lamps (from 1 to 3 pieces), depending on their size indicators. In addition, the traps are equipped with a special removable bottom. Thanks to this design, it is very convenient to clean them from already dead insects (it is necessary to clean the trap as it becomes clogged). Electric traps are additionally equipped with a metal chain or a special loop that allows you to attach it to work surface(for example, on a porch, gazebo). To operate the device, you must be connected to a 220 Volt network.

Where are they used and what are the advantages of insect traps?
Electric insect traps (insecticidal lamps) can be used in household, warehouse, industrial, and food premises. In addition, such devices can be safely used in stores, trading floors supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, utility rooms. Quite often they are used to catch and destroy insects in production workshops and factories.

Insect traps have a number of very diverse advantages (compared to a variety of chemicals, aerosols, plates, etc.). The advantages of these devices include:

1. Simplicity during operation.
2. They have no odors.
3. During operation, they do not emit harmful or toxic substances.
4. Safe for humans and animals.
5. Can be used indoors different types(closed and open).

To provide effective work device, you need to choose the right electric insect trap, taking into account the area of ​​its operation. It should be noted that the installation location, as well as the level of ambient lighting, can influence the area of ​​influence of this device.

Any outing into nature, and even more so a permanent vacation outside the city, is associated only with fresh air, but also with constantly buzzing insects, whose bites are not fatal, but unpleasant. Of course, many people use repellents the old fashioned way in the form of ointments, creams and aerosols, but reliable protection they don't guarantee. But an electric insect trap is a high-tech modern invention, created specifically to completely get rid of flying scourge.

Operating principle of electrical traps

The modern flying insect killer trap is based on knowledge instinctive behavior insects Some of them use bait (for moths, flies or wasps, for example), and some work using ultraviolet light. For example, an electric mosquito trap attracts annoying “bloodsuckers” due to the fact that it completely imitates a person’s breath and the smell of his skin. For these purposes, the device is equipped with a special lamp. Actually, the work of such a device is as follows:

  • the mosquito is attracted by the warmth and smell emanating from the lamp and flies up to the trap,
  • the device has a built-in powerful fan that draws the insect inside,
  • mosquitoes end up in a special compartment where they die. This container is then removed and easily cleaned.

By the way, one of the advantages of devices of this type is their expressive design - today you can buy mosquito or fly traps in the form of a full-fledged night lamp or in the form of a lantern. Stationary outdoor traps also have a futuristic design that fits perfectly into the landscape.

But an electric fly trap works a little differently. However, the principle of attracting insects is the same here - it works UV lamp(or LED), and approaching insects fall on a metal mesh with an electric current passed through it. Among the advantages of such a device are safety and efficiency, as well as the complete absence of chemicals, because no chemical compounds are used for operation.

Advantages of insect traps

The peak activity of street insects is summer season. Huge hordes of annoying midges are almost main problem in the country. Therefore, it is important that the chosen method of protection is effective and reliable, and also meets a number of strict requirements - including that it can be safely used in open space.

Thus, insect traps on trees will not only save your time and protect your crop from pest invasions and damage, but will also save you from the need to use expensive pesticides that are unsafe for your health. The same devices will also help in the apiary - you should buy traps for wasps and hornets and you can protect beneficial insects from pests.

The most important advantages that an electronic insect trap has are:

  1. presentable design,
  2. complete safety for humans,
  3. no need to use pesticides,
  4. perfect silence and absence of any odors,
  5. ease of use.

How to choose the right electric mosquito traps

Among our offers, you can easily select the device that best suits your needs. Thus, electronic mosquito traps can be of the following types:

  • stationary and portable,
  • used outdoors or intended exclusively for indoor use,
  • varying in area of ​​action.

The effectiveness of such devices is due to an understanding of the biology and behavior of insects. Thus, a trap for wasps and hornets can radically reduce their population within a few days, making the area around you safe. For large areas, stationary fly traps can be used - their use is justified large areas, for example, cafes or summer cottages.

By the way, a midge trap powered by electric current, is completely safe for humans, because the voltage applied to the metal mesh is infinitesimal, sufficient solely to kill insects.