How to clean laminated doors from grease stains. How to easily remove greasy stains from doors made of chipboard, MDF and veneer. A universal method for cleaning metal

Returning doors to their original cleanliness and neatness is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If greasy stains appear, it is not necessary to change the canvas. We will figure out how to remove dirt from interior doors.

PVC doors

If a material such as PVC is dirty, then the following will help remove greasy stains:

  • liquid soap;
  • toilet, bathtub and sink cleaner;
  • sponges and rags.
  1. Mix liquid soap and plumbing detergent in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the solution to the stained area. At the same time, thoroughly rubbing it with a sponge.
  3. Leave to stand for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  5. Wipe dry.

In this way, you can remove all traces of stains without spending a lot of time.

Doors made of laminated chipboard

This material is considered the most accessible. This is where many people have a lot of problems as soon as the first greasy spots become noticeable. In this case, it is difficult to wash off the dirt. It is worth remembering that the material should not be rubbed too much, as upper layer- paper.

First, try this method on an inconspicuous area. Look at the reaction of the material to alcohol. If everything is fine, then feel free to proceed with cleansing.

Higher quality laminated sheets can be washed with a household solvent, such as ammonia or acetone. To do this, you can carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Wet the sponge with the solution.
  2. Apply to the stain.
  3. Hold for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Wipe this area with a dry soft cloth.

Remember that when removing stains, do not keep the wet wipe on the door for a long time. The waiting time should not exceed 5 minutes.

If dirt appears, acetic or citric acid will help remove it. Coffee and various traces of drinks can be cleaned using the following working solution:

  • 3 tbsp. l. baking soda.
  • 200 ml water.

Prepare the solution and gently wipe the stains with it. Dry thoroughly with a hairdryer.

If traces of wax or chewing gum appear on the doors, it will not be difficult to wash them. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Dry the contaminated area.
  2. Use a special scraper to remove wax or chewing gum.

Such manipulations should be carried out carefully so as not to damage decorative coating doors.

Stains from paint and varnish materials delete traditional methods not worth it. For this it is better to purchase professional products.

MDF doors

If you find old greasy stains on an MDF door leaf, then do not rush to spend your money on expensive substances. There are raw potatoes in every home. And then everything is simple:

  1. Cut the vegetable into two halves.
  2. Use the cut side to wipe the stained areas.
  3. Wait for the potato juice to dry completely.
  4. Wipe the area with a dry cloth.

If there are small stains on the MDF doors, then prepare talc or powder. Apply the product to the fabric and gently work the fabric.

Fresh greasy stains from MDF doors can be washed using a solution prepared as follows:

  • A little dishwashing detergent is poured into the bucket;
  • add a little warm water;
  • The product is thoroughly foamed with a sponge.

The solution wipes off all greasy stains. We recommend cleaning the door afterwards. clean water and wipe it dry.

If door leaf had glossy surface, then after washing, treat it with polish.

Unpainted wooden doors

If you find dirt, you can wash it using a special paste, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • White clay;
  • vinegar.

The solution is diluted to the consistency of a thick paste and applied to the stained area. Be sure to let the mixture dry completely. Next, you should remove it and rinse thoroughly with water.

Wooden doors, varnished

If you notice greasy stains, give the product its original appearance A new varnish treatment will help. To do this, you will have to remove the door and remove the old covering. You can do this in three ways:

  • wash;
  • heat treatment;
  • mechanical method.

At home, it is better to use the first method. To do this you need to take several steps:

  1. The remover, which you need to buy in the store, must be applied to the entire surface of the door. Each stroke should be applied in the same direction.
  2. Wrap the canvas with plastic wrap. Let stand for about 4 hours.
  3. Remove the varnish with a spatula or sandpaper.
  4. Rinse off any remaining product with vinegar diluted with water.

After this, you can apply a new layer of varnish.

The methods discussed will help remove greasy stains on doors and give them their former beauty.

Every housewife, when cleaning her house, strives to achieve perfect cleanliness. But grease stains do not give up, especially trying to stain the entrance and interior doors. And no matter how much you polish it, if the handles and bottom are stained with dirt, then the result of cleaning will be low.

What you need to know before cleaning

When starting to clean interior doors, you need to consider some points:

  • Do not start cleaning door coverings without testing the selected cleaning product. To do this, you need to use an inconspicuous area. If it doesn't come negative consequences, then you can begin to thoroughly wash the surface.
  • Do not use any kind of hard brushes, steel wool or scrapers. They will certainly lead to the integrity of the coating being compromised. Once the stain is removed, it will be necessary to repaint or replace the entire door.
  • Do not use the following strong reagents when cleaning: 96% alcohol, pure, undiluted acetone, acids and solvents.
  • Do not leave the cleaning agent, or water, on the surface to be cleaned for a long time to avoid unpleasant consequences such as swelling or lightening of the area.

Methods for cleaning doors made of various materials

Before you begin removing grease stains from the surface of interior doors, you need to clarify what material they are made of. Cleaning methods depend on this.

Chipboard and MDF (verified by the editors)

Method 1: citric acid or vinegar cleans chipboard and MDF surfaces well. Prepare a solution of 2 tbsp. l. lemon (or table vinegar) in a glass of water and use a soft sponge or cotton pad to clean problem areas.

Method 2: make a soda solution (take 3 tablespoons of product per 200 ml of water). The dirt is washed off with a soft sponge soaked in it, and then wiped dry with a clean rag.

Method 3: prepare a solution of water and dishwashing gel and foam thoroughly. This foam is applied to greasy blots and left for 5 minutes. After this, the remaining dirt is washed off with water and wiped with a dry cloth. This method is suitable even for white products.

After cleaning using any of the above methods, be sure to polish the surface using soft flannel.

Verified by the editors: on MDF doors old greasy stains. Previously, alcohol-based glass and surface cleaners were used for cleaning. The result of cleansing is 10 out of 100.

Tested on one of the doors citric acid solution. The photo shows 100% removal of stains from the door. But it wasn't easy. The procedure had to be repeated several times with pressure. Cleaning an entire door in this way is very difficult, time-consuming and troublesome.

result after cleaning stains with solution citric acid

Next test - cleaning soda solution. Stains from doors are washed quickly, without any effort. After cleaning, you need to wash off the whitish stains. The only drawback is that the drops fall on the floor, which will need to be washed immediately. And this may not be included in the plans of those who are used to general cleaning do partially. Which is even correct, so it’s worth laying something down.

result of cleansing with soda solution

Read also: on interior doors.


The surface of such doors is a particularly durable laminating film, with the exception of paper, which greatly simplifies the task of washing off greasy stains.

  1. The first method requires alcohol. Dilute it at the rate of 9 parts water to 1 part alcohol. Place a cloth soaked in the solution on the stain for 5 minutes. After this, wipe the door dry.
  2. 72% laundry soap cleans laminated surfaces very well. To do this, grate it on a coarse grater and prepare a thick soap solution from it. To prevent the material from absorbing water, the procedure must be done as quickly as possible. Use a foam sponge to wipe the stain, and then remove the moisture with a paper towel.

Do not use abrasives or chemically active reagents (acids, alkalis) to clean laminated products.

If the stain still cannot be removed, you can purchase hardware store special concealer pencil to match.

Wooden surfaces

You can remove dirt from a wooden door using talcum powder. Pour a little powder onto a sponge and rub grease stain. Remove any remaining marks with a damp cloth and then wipe everything dry.

Raw potatoes will also help clean a wooden interior door from greasy marks. You need to cut the potato and grate the cut side problem area. Then remove the residue with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

For the next method, prepare a mixture of 3 tbsp. l. white clay and 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, and then cover up the dirt with a small brush. After waiting for everything to dry, you need to remove the residue with a damp sponge.

Painted doors can be cleaned with 9% vinegar. Soak the stain with a cotton swab soaked in it, and then remove the dirt with a damp cloth.


To remove stains from such doors, you can use a regular glass cleaner, or prepare an alcohol solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water (can be replaced with ammonia in the same proportion). After washing the glass surface with this solution, rub it with crumpled newspapers.


This thin sheets wood used to cover door products or furniture. For veneered surfaces, it is best to use a polish containing wax. Raw potatoes will help remove old greasy stains, as in the method for cleaning wooden door products.

If you get rid of greasy stains and wash them in a timely manner interior doors at least once a month, you can preserve their original appearance for a long time.

After purchasing a durable steel door With MDF panel finishing, you will be sure that it will last more than 10 years and will protect your home from uninvited guests. It is impossible to squeeze it out of the opening; it is also impossible to knock it out due to hidden loops, and no one will open the lever lock in such inconvenient conditions.

But there is still a problem - aesthetics. Over time, a laminated door will become stained with dirt and grease. It is quite possible that you will want to improve the sealing of the seams with polyurethane foam, and excess material will remain on the surface of the door. You won't scrape them out with a knife to increase the attractiveness of the door, will you? Getting rid of scratches will be much more difficult.

An even more unpleasant event may happen - hooligans will start writing obscene expressions on your door or simply leave graffiti. You will have to peel off the paint, and with it the coating.

How to clean safely?

From the information above, you already understand that there are 3 types of serious pollution:

  1. Polyurethane foam;
  2. Dye;
  3. Grease and dirt.

Firstly, getting rid of grease and dirt is much easier than getting rid of foam and paint (you don’t have to use chemicals and harm your health if safety precautions are not followed). Secondly, if you are allergic and have sensitive skin, and just the smell of paint makes your head swim and your vision darkens, call a friend for help, you shouldn’t harm your health.

Cleaning from dirt and grease is carried out taking into account the door coating. For example, if the model is painted oil paint, then you need to use warm water with alcohol. Pour a liter of water into a bottle and add 5 milliliters ammonia, then wipe the door. The main rule is don't use detergents with solid particles, as they severely scratch the coating. Because of this, you will have to spend a lot of money on repainting the door.

Use a soft cloth for cleaning. Be sure to dry the door, otherwise the paint will gradually curl and turn yellow.

If on your door there are Russian words with a “deep” meaning, written by young representatives of subcultures, then do not rush to treat the door with acetone. Yes it effective method, but what if you have a delicate wood covering? This will only worsen the structure of the material. You can only use acetone if you have a thermal spray door coating.

Buy door cleaning products from a specialty store. They are versatile and easy to handle paint. You need to apply the product to the coating and leave it for a certain amount of time until the paint is removed. At the end, the door is wiped with a damp cloth and completely cleared of paint.

The main problem is removing dried polyurethane foam. Precisely dried, since fresh foam can be easily removed with a damp cloth. Here you can object and say that the foam falls off easily when using acetone and other substances that are sold in hardware stores. But remember - all doors are covered with MDF panels or a thick layer of paint. Aggressive chemical substances They will worsen the condition of the door, but the foam will naturally be removed (but at what cost).

If your door has a powder coating as a coating, then you can remove the foam using steel wool. First, cut off most of it with a knife, then rub the stain. Polish can be used to erase stains that have formed on a model with wood covering. It is not recommended to use chlorhexigine and other aggressive drugs, but it is possible - the main thing is to use them locally and in small quantities (if you do not want to damage the fabric).

A universal method for cleaning metal

Are you afraid of worsening the condition of the door?

A good door costs at least 10,000 rubles and not everyone wants to take risks, so using acetone or other substances is highly undesirable. But a door with a lot of stains or graffiti will not please homeowners. If you are nervous and do not know how to clean the door, then contact the specialists. For example, to the company where you ordered the model. Specialists will inspect the door covering, take into account all the nuances, and carry out cleaning. This is absolutely safe way, although you will have to pay a small amount.

We touch doors every day, more than once, and not only us, but also guests and neighbors. As a result, on the surface doors sebaceous greasy spots that are necessary wash. And even if you install a new one entrance or interior door, cleaning cannot be avoided. Doors are now usually installed using polyurethane foam and if they do it carelessly, the remains spoil the look.

Task 1: wash the metal, iron entrance door

After installation or insulation input (usually metal, iron) doors there is a need to wash remnants of polyurethane foam.

This must be done either immediately, before the foam dries, or, on the contrary, wait until it dries. In the first case use:

– solvents (white spirit, acetone, profit).

– special polishes for PVC – Cosmofen, Top Clean, Fenozol.

– special cleaners for hardened foam (sold in many stores) on a metal entrance door.

Dried foam can only be removed mechanically by grinding the surface. Residues are washed off using the methods listed for the first case.

Solvents will also help remove grease stains from metal surfaces.

Task 2: wash plastic and wooden doors

Surfaces of plastic and wooden doors similar in texture. At the same time, wooden doors are often painted, and plastic ones are laminated, so abrasive powders can scratch them. To launder such doors you can use:

– a soft damp cloth;

– a solution that will help remove greasy stains on the door: 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia + 1/2 liter of warm water;

– wooden surfaces painted with oil paint are also best washed with water and ammonia. How dirtier than the door and windows, the more concentrated the solution should be: for example, 2 teaspoons of ammonia per 1 glass of water. Usually it is enough to pour 2 teaspoons of ammonia per 1 liter of water;

– soap solution for heavy soiling: wood shavings laundry soap, dissolved in warm water;

- facilities household chemicals: “Silit” for bathrooms, “Domestos”, “Shumanit”, “Profit”;

– solvents in small quantities, such as acetone and white spirit (do not use for painted surfaces);

– baking soda solution: moisten a soft cloth and wipe the door (be careful, the smooth laminated surface may be scratched);

– glass cleaner based on ammonia is excellent will remove fingerprints from the surface of a plastic or painted wooden door.

Important When using any of the listed means, remember that a napkin soaked in the solution should not be kept on the surface of the door for more than 5 minutes. 1-2 minutes after treatment, wipe with a damp cloth.

Task 3: wash off greasy stains on the interior door

WITH greasy stains on the interior door Household chemicals for washing dishes will do the job, as well as hand-prepared solutions based on table vinegar, ammonia, and citric acid. Solvents (acetone, white spirit) are effective, but should be used with caution on painted surfaces.

Preparation of cleaning solutions:

– Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of warm water. a spoonful of baking soda and 1 tbsp. spoon of washing powder, mix, then add 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Time-tested: these components dissolve dirt and grease well. Make sure that the soda and powder are well dissolved, otherwise the grains may scratch the surface of the interior door. - A solution based on ammonia can clean not only windows, but also interior doors. It is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10.

– Vinegar is diluted as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Comfortable pour the solution into a container with a spray bottle and thus spray it onto the surface. After treatment, be sure to rinse off any remaining solution with a clean water soft cloth.

Creativity is the real solution!

In conclusion, I would like to express an idea on how to transform interior wooden or plastic doors cheap and beautiful: SELF-ADHESIVE! This self-adhesive film can be purchased at a hardware store or wallpaper boutique. The assortment is huge: any colors, styles and textures. Purely done or flowered - the choice is yours. This creative solution, by the way, is suitable for window sills and old shabby furniture.

The door performs not only a protective, but also an aesthetic function. And renovation is a “natural phenomenon” within one apartment, which leaves its mark on the entrance and interior doors. As a result, the door leaf becomes covered with greasy stains, stains, and becomes dull.

To clean the doors after repair, you need to try hard. The choice of cleaner depends on the material of the door leaf and the degree of contamination. In addition to special cleaning compositions, improvised means are used that can be found in any home.

Cleaning iron surfaces

Many people are looking for an answer to the question of when to install doors - before or after renovation? Experts recommend installing front door after work to minimize the degree of contamination. Although for this purpose the canvas can be covered plastic film. So, in any case, the decision is yours.

After you have installed the front door, it remains polyurethane foam. The fresh mass can be removed with a spatula, and the residue can be washed off with a solvent (white alcohol, acetone, Profit), or a special polish for polyvinyl chloride (Top Clean, Fenozol, etc.).

In addition, a cleaning agent for hardened foam is used for this purpose.

If the foam has dried, then it is carefully cut off from the surface or removed by grinding. Then metal door the contaminated area is washed with any of the above solvents.

We wash plastic and wooden surfaces

Plastic and wooden doors have a similar texture; the former are often laminated, and the latter are painted. For this reason, it is not recommended to clean interior doors with abrasive powders, which scratch their surface. The following products are used to wash them:

  • Aqueous ammonia solution. Add 2 tbsp to 500 ml of warm water. spoons of ammonia. This solution is used to remove grease stains. To wash wooden painted canvases, a solution of ammonia is also used, but less concentrated (2 teaspoons of ammonia / 1 liter of water). If severe contamination is present, the concentration of the solution increases (2 teaspoons/200 ml of water).
  • Detergents, for example, Domestos, Profit, Shumanit.
  • Solvents (white alcohol, acetone) to remove stubborn stains. Aggressive substances must not be used on painted surfaces.
  • Baking soda. To clean iron surfaces, use a soda solution, soak a rag in it and wipe the contaminated area. This method is not suitable for washing laminated products.
  • Ammonia-based glass cleaner is used to remove fingerprints. This product is suitable for washing plastic and wooden cloths.

All of the above products will help clean the door after repair from dirt of varying degrees of complexity. The main thing is to keep a rag soaked in liquid on the surface for no longer than 5 minutes, then wipe the treated area with a clean damp cloth.

Removing greasy stains from door panels

Grease stains are difficult to remove, and therefore special products are used to remove them.

White spirit is used to clean iron products. It's aggressive, but effective remedy With a neutral odor, it quickly removes greasy stains.

The following products are used to clean wooden doors:

  • Potato. Raw vegetable cut in half, rub the stain, and after 15 minutes the marks are removed with a damp sponge. Potatoes are used to clean polished surfaces.
  • Talc. Sprinkle a damp washcloth with powder and wipe the contaminated areas until the stain disappears. Then the door is wiped with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Vinegar. To clean a painted door leaf, generously dampen a cotton swab or soft cloth vinegar and scrub the stain. When all the moisture has been absorbed into the surface, wipe it with a clean cloth.
  • Soapy water. To eliminate fresh traces of fat, add to warm water soap shavings, and then wipe the surface. After this, walk over the treated area with a damp, clean cloth.
  • Clay with vinegar. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous paste is formed, apply the mixture to the oily mark, and let dry. Then the remaining product is washed off with a damp, clean cloth.

Laminated doors are cleaned with alcohol solutions. To do this, water is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 9:1. A cotton swab dipped in liquid is applied to the stain and left for 5 minutes.

Then wipe the surface with a clean, dry cloth. To clean laminated doors, it is prohibited to use abrasive particles or aggressive solvents containing acids and alkalis.

Beautiful glass items are the hardest to clean from grease stains. You can do this using aqueous solution ammonia. To eliminate contaminants, mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:10, soak a cloth in the liquid, and rub the contaminated area.

Baking soda can be used to remove traces of grease by applying it to a damp cloth and wiping the stained surface. For this purpose, special cleaners based on ammonia are often used.

Other contaminants

To wash iron or wooden surface for whitewashing use warm water and a soft cloth. Wipe the product with a damp cloth until the stains disappear. It is important to change the water as often as possible. From glass white coating removed using a special spray.

Solvents will help remove paint from the door. Alcohol will help remove stains from a pressed MDF panel; for this, cotton wool is soaked in liquid, applied to the stain, and left for 15 minutes. Then the paint is wiped off with a rag or carefully scraped off with a blade.

The matte glass surface has a porous structure into which paint is embedded. To clean glass with a sandblasted pattern, solvents are used, and the paint is scraped off from a glossy surface with a special blade. Fresh water emulsion is washed off with water and a clean rag.

Remove fresh primer from the door leaf with a damp sponge. For frozen pieces, use a solution of vinegar, glass and tile cleaning liquid, and ammonia.

Thus, it is not difficult to clean the doors after repair; the main thing is to choose a cleaner depending on the surface material and the type of contamination. To protect the door leaf from stains various kinds, cover it with a piece of polyethylene or thick fabric during repair work.