What is the best way to cover a roof: roofing materials - review and comparison. The cheaper way to cover the roof of a house How to cover the roof

People who built a house have this question. It must be covered so that the roof of the house does not leak, is durable, and has an aesthetic appearance.

In this text we will tell you which type of roofing material is best for you to choose.

In our time construction market filled with a very diverse roofing material and therefore it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of one material or another. And so on, we will talk about different materials that can be used to cover the roof.

In order to choose a material for roofing, you should consider some nuances:

Roof selection

Professionals highlight several characteristics of the roof that need to be taken into account in order to get a good result.

Let's consider these characteristics:

  1. Colors;
  2. Form;
  3. Cost of work;
  4. Weight of material;
  5. Strength and reliability;
  6. Price of the item being purchased.

Before purchasing roofing material, it is necessary to take into account its weight, this is necessary in order to take into account the load on the rafter system when designing it.

Many consumers make a very big mistake by paying attention only to the external qualities of roofing materials and, as a result, other qualities of the materials are not considered. For this reason, the choice falls on materials of low quality and shorter service life.

To ensure that the roofing material lasts a long time and the functionality of the roof is not affected, experts give following tips :

  1. and must be combined;
  2. There must be access to surface treatment;
  3. Weight of material;
  4. Material price;
  5. Appearance;
  6. The roof covering must meet all necessary requirements.

To cover pitched roof, apply different materials, which we will talk about next.

Choosing roofing material

Metal tiles

This material was used more than a hundred years ago and in our time, thanks to new technologies, it has made it possible to improve appearance and quality

Advantages of the material

Ceramic tiles have the following characteristics:

  1. Durability;
  2. Reliability;
  3. Resistant to moisture;
  4. Strength;
  5. Durability;
  6. Does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

Ceramic tiles have both positive and negative qualities. Negative quality is heavy weight and price.


This material is seamless coating, made of fiberglass impregnated with bitumen and on outside a basalt layer of different colors is applied.

Flexible roof has everything positive qualities what and . For example, strength, sound and heat insulation, sealing.

Inexpensive and high quality. But first, let’s find out what properties a good roofing material has.

What to consider when choosing

  • Durable to withstand significant loads in the form of snow or water.
  • Weather resistance.
  • Light weight so as not to load supporting structures.
  • Easy to assemble, little waste when fitting.
  • Long service life.
  • Ease of maintenance, maintainability.

It is desirable that the price of the material is not too high. It’s good if the coating has an attractive appearance that lasts throughout its service life. So that the roof not only protects, but also decorates the building.

Metal tiles

Imitation of traditional ceramic tiles. It is a molded product coated with protective layers zinc and polymers. The shape of the shingles varies from trapezoidal to semicircular, and is painted in different colors. Compared to corrugated sheets, it has an attractive appearance and smaller width. The latter makes installation easier.


  • Low weight of about 6 kg per square meter. m. This allows you to lay the sheets on the sheathing and use them for houses with lightweight.
  • Strength of the assembled roof. This is due to the reliability of metal tiles and the small number of seams.
  • Durability. Serves on average 50 years. Metal tiles are used in all climatic conditions, withstanding both extremely low and high temperatures.
  • Simple, quick installation. Held at any time of the year. The presence of special fasteners and other components makes it easier. It is possible to equip the roof with high quality only with their help.
  • Fire resistance.


Metal tiles have low insulating characteristics. Additional noise and heat insulation is required. The attractive relief keeps snow on the roof, so the recommended angle of inclination of the slope is observed. It cannot be less than 14°.

Covering complex roofs with metal tiles is unprofitable. Adjustment of the pattern is required, because of this, waste during trimming can amount to up to a third of the required amount. The protective polymer layer is vulnerable to mechanical damage. Even a small scratch will become a “gate” for corrosion. For this reason, when laying it, they handle it very carefully, paint over all holes and cuts, and use only special fasteners.

Bituminous shingles

A representative of the flexible group, a kind of multi-layer “pie”. It is made on the basis of fiberglass, which is impregnated with modified bitumen. Apply on top decorative coating. This is colored mineral chips. It not only protects, but also decorates the product. The bottom of the fiberglass is covered with polymer-bitumen frost-resistant mastic.

The lowest layer is a film, it prevents the parts from sticking together. Removable during installation.


  • Good noise and thermal insulation characteristics. Arrangement additional protection not required.
  • Strength and elasticity that fiberglass does not lose even with low temperatures. This allows the material to be laid on a base of complex shape.
  • Light weight, about 5 kg per square meter. m. This greatly simplifies installation and does not place a significant load on the supporting structures.
  • Long service life. U different manufacturers it varies from 30 to 50 years.
  • Big choice shapes, colors.
  • Easy installation. You can cover the roof with flexible plates without the help of specialists.

First of all, it should only be placed on a continuous sheathing made of moisture-resistant material. This increases the price square meter. For this reason, the costs of metal roofing are approximately the same, despite the significant difference in price.

There are restrictions on the angle of inclination. If it is less than 12°, cover flexible material roofing is not allowed. For structures with a slope of 12° to 18°, it is desirable to install additional waterproofing on fragments exposed to moisture. One of the small disadvantages is the roughness of the plates, which means that they will have to be cleaned more often. High temperatures are not dangerous for bitumen, but soften it. Therefore, you cannot walk on tiles in hot weather.


Natural cellulose is used for its production. The fibers are heated, pressed, and shaped corrugated sheets. Finished goods painted in various colors, impregnated with bitumen. Thanks to this technology, the plates acquire good water resistance, in which they are superior to almost all analogues.


  • Light weight. The sheet is four times lighter than a slate sheet of similar area. This makes transportation and installation easier. Strengthen truss structure or the foundation will not be necessary.
  • Weather resistance. Acids, alkalis, and petroleum products are not dangerous to ondulin plates. Therefore, industrial gases and acid rain will not spoil it.
  • Hygiene and... The coating does not emit toxic fumes. Contaminants do not linger on it.
  • Good insulating properties. The house will be quiet even during heavy rain.
  • Low price, which allows you to inexpensively equip the roof.
  • Ease of installation. The plates bend and are easily cut with a regular hacksaw. They are secured to special nails, which are driven into the highest point of the wave.

Despite its many advantages, ondulin is not always chosen for private homes. Much more often used for or outbuildings. The reason lies in negative reviews. They appear after improper installation. For example, each sheet must have at least 20 nails, otherwise the strength will suffer greatly. The sheathing pitch affects it; it should be no more than 60 cm. Failure to comply with the technology leads to loss of performance properties.

If everything is done correctly, ondulin will last 15-20 years. Considering its price, this is very good.


An indisputable disadvantage is flammability and fading. These shortcomings cannot be eliminated. Despite the assurances of manufacturers, the biological stability of ondulin is approximately the same as slate. Shaded, damp areas may “bloom” after 3-4 years.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally whether it is better and cheaper to cover houses. To find correct solution, it is necessary to take into account the climate, operating conditions, location of the building, etc. There are many options, you can always choose the best one from them.

  • Material prepared by: Inna Yasinovskaya
The better and cheaper way to cover the roof of a house The beauty of a house's roof depends on many factors, but the roofing deck plays a major role. The correct choice of roofing coating depends on how comprehensively the material has been analyzed and all its properties have been correctly assessed.


The beauty of a house's roof depends on many factors, but the roofing deck plays a major role. The correct choice of roofing coating depends on how comprehensively the material has been analyzed and all its properties have been correctly assessed. Only after a detailed study of the roofing materials market can you decide what is best to cover the roof of your house and which flooring will be cheaper.

The main characteristics of roofing decking that should be taken into account when purchasing building materials:

  • Compatibility of the configuration, color and texture of the roof with facade cladding houses, landscape style;
  • Strength, durability, roof resistance to numerous external influences;
  • The mass of roofing modules, which affects the method of construction rafter system;
  • Labor intensity and cost installation work when installing the roof;
  • Plasticity, the ability to form a roof of complex shape;
  • The degree of noiselessness of the coating under the influence of precipitation;
  • Price category of building materials.

Comparative table of properties and costs of roofing materials:

Roofing material



Price, rub./m2

Reasonable price.

Variability of shapes and color palette.

Ease of installation.

Mechanical strength.

Light weight.

Moisture and frost resistance.

Risk of corrosion.

Flexible tiles

Presentable appearance, variety of colors.

Easy to install and repair.

High heat and sound insulation.

Moisture resistance.

Susceptibility to deformation due to temperature changes.

Ceramic tiles

Noble appearance.

Excellent sound and heat insulation.

Durability is about 100 years.

Considerable weight. High price.

Labor-intensive installation.

1000 or more

Affordable price.

Durability (at least 30 years)

Lightness and strength.

Easy to install and repair.

Environmental friendliness and biosustainability.

Frost and moisture resistance.

Attractive appearance, wide range of colors.

High fire hazard.

Susceptibility to deformation from mechanical stress and temperature changes.

Budget cost.

Frost and moisture resistance.

Simplified installation diagram.

Low level of noise and heat insulation.

Low strength, especially along the edge of the roof.

Susceptibility to the formation of fungal and mold outbreaks.

Corrugated sheet

Low price.

Durability provided proper installation.

Simplified installation diagram, easy repair.

Moisture, frost, fire resistance.

Light weight.

Low level of noise absorption and thermal insulation.

Susceptibility to corrosion.

The need for a lightning rod.

Traditional tiles

Tiles are one of the oldest roofing materials known since ancient times. If previously it was made only from clay, now sand-cement and lime-sand mixtures are used, covered with colored glaze or engobe, achieving high wear resistance of the modules. The key advantages of classic tiles include their ideal durability (about 100 years) and environmental friendliness, fire, water and frost resistance, noiselessness and low costs during roof operation.

Fundamental disadvantages of traditional tiled roof- fragility, high cost and massiveness, requiring significant reinforcement load-bearing walls and arrangement of a strong foundation. Among other things, when installing a tile roof, a steep slope is required for effective snow melting and storm water drainage, and installation of the decking is significantly complicated due to the piece nature of the material.

Metal tiles are made from profiled metal sheet(steel, copper, aluminum) with a protective zinc and decorative polymer coating. The beauty of the material is achieved through stylization to resemble natural ceramic tiles. High aesthetics and resistance to fading, reliability and durability, ease of installation and budget cost - these are the key advantages of a metal tile roof. In addition, the low weight of metal tiles can significantly simplify the rafter system and foundation design, reducing the cost of building a house as a whole.

The disadvantages of metal tile flooring include:

  • Susceptibility to corrosion, especially in areas with a damaged polymer layer, in places where sheets are cut and along the contour of mounting holes.
  • High noise level, the need for thorough sound insulation of the roof.
  • Increased thermal conductivity, requiring high-quality thermal insulation of the coating.
  • The metal creates a cold bridge, due to which condensation forms in the under-roof space of a metal tile roof - the installation of a sealed membrane is mandatory.

Flexible roofing (bitumen shingles) is made from fiberglass, impregnated with bitumen and enriched with colored stone coating. This roofing decking is moisture resistant and not subject to corrosion processes. Flexible tiles are plastic, which allows them to be used for arranging spherical and dome-shaped roofs, as well as roofs of complex geometry. Light weight, variety of shapes and shades, noiselessness are the cardinal advantages of the material. The main disadvantage is the high cost of installation, which requires the installation of a solid base flooring made of wood or plywood. In general, flexible tiles are cheaper than ceramic tiles, but more expensive than metal tiles.

Modern look flexible tiles- roofing material Onduvilla. This is a coating that maintains volume and color uniformity throughout its entire service life. Onduvilla perfectly waterproofs and does not make noise in the rain, does not heat up in the heat and does not crack in the cold. Condensation does not accumulate under such a roof, and installation and transportation of the material is simplified due to the small format of the modules.

Ondulin - practical and budget material for roofing, imitating slate. Light in weight, silent and moisture-resistant, durable and flexible, easy to install - ondulin has a lot of advantages - due to this, it has gained the love of many private developers.

Advantages of ondulin:

  • Reduced roof weight due to the low weight of the sheet and narrow end overlaps.
  • Easy installation without marking and aligning sheets due to convex guides and ready-made holes for hardware.
  • Excellent waterproofing parameters thanks to lock system when installing overlapping.
  • Sheet fasteners are equipped with molded caps with an O-ring that completely cover the mounting holes.


Slate is a common roofing material for a wide range of homeowners, relatively durable (about 50 years) and cheap. It is sealed, mechanically stable and quite durable. Disadvantages - tendency to destroy edges, susceptibility to the spread of fungus and mold.

Modern construction technologies And roofing materials allow developers to obtain a high-quality and durable roof at relatively small financial losses.

But in order to have the expected end result, several conditions must be met.

  1. Choose the right roofing material taking into account the characteristics of the rafter system. The more complex the roof, the more unproductive waste the sheet roofing materials have, in some cases it can reach 15%. This has Negative influence for the final estimated cost of the roof, it is better to select piece roofing materials from the cheap price segment or flexible roofing materials.

  2. Pre-calculate the cost of installation. Most specialized companies and professional construction crews They draw up long estimates of their work just to divert attention. They calculate the final price of services simply - within 60–80% of the cost of materials. For very complex roofs a special coefficient is applied. If you want to have cheap coating, then it is recommended to do simple designs rafter systems with a minimum number of different architectural elements on their surfaces.

  3. Really evaluate your own qualifications. Cover the roof with your own hands without practical experience execution construction work very difficult. The results of such actions can be significant losses and the need to redo the roof. Sometimes it is better to invite an experienced roofer to help and be his assistant than to allow defects during roofing works. Moreover, it is very difficult and time-consuming to roof houses alone; safety regulations prohibit such work.

It's important to remember that cheap roof not one that required minimal financial resources to cover. Two more very important factors need to be taken into account: the duration of operation and the cost of periodic maintenance. There is no savings in using very cheap roofing materials if such a roof will have to be frequently maintained and then completely replaced after a few years.

For example, if the price of an expensive roof is five times higher than the cost of a cheap one, but its service life is ten times longer, then it is cheaper to use expensive roofing coverings. You can invest 50 thousand rubles in the roof, but it will be used for 10 years, but you can invest 200 thousand rubles. and it will serve for 50 years. In the first case, the cost of one year of operation is 5 thousand rubles, and in the second, 4 thousand rubles. The result of an expensive roof is direct financial savings of one thousand rubles annually. In addition to material benefits, one should also take into account the beautiful appearance, ease of maintenance, etc. Smart Europeans say that they are not so rich as to buy cheap roofing materials.

In this article we will look at the options for the cheapest house coverings based on the fact that developers this moment time have difficulties with finances and cover the roof temporarily in the hope of solving financial problems in a few years and replacing temporary roofing coverings.

Modern manufacturers produce a wide variety of different types of the same type of materials. In terms of cost and durability, they differ significantly, or even by an order of magnitude. The comparison table will indicate the technical parameters and cost of the cheapest types of roofing materials of each type.

NameApproximate cost, rub./m2Warranty period, years

300 10

250 30

330 15

360 15

400 15

Materials for inclined rafter systems were considered. Flat roofs are extremely rarely used on private houses, and then only on exclusive, expensive buildings. On them flat roofs are used, the coatings are, accordingly, very expensive.

It is considered one of the cheapest roofing materials; its commercial name is Euroslate. True, manufacturers do not specify that such slate in Europe is used only for arranging the roofs of outbuildings, on residential buildings he doesn't meet.

It is made from recycled materials (waste paper) and paper production waste (substandard cellulose); modified bitumen is used as a waterproofing impregnation. To change the color, surfaces are painted with permanent dyes. More expensive types of ondulin are colored during sheet pressing, and mineral dyes are added to the mass. At the final stage, stone chips can be glued to the surface.

The shape of ondulin resembles wavy slate. It is wavy coatings that have the highest performance characteristics - maximum strength at minimum thickness, greater resistance to bending loads, minimal risk of leakage, stability of the direction of water drainage.

Cheap varieties of ondulin have an extremely limited service life due to exposure ultraviolet rays bitumen loses its plasticity, microcracks appear on the surface, gradually increasing in size, the base breaks through and leaks appear. The surface changes color and lichens and mosses quickly develop on it. The edges of the sheets are deformed and bent, the appearance and tightness of the roof is significantly deteriorated.

Prices for various types of ondulin

Traditional material, in Lately V developed countries prohibited for use. The reason is that asbestos accumulates in the body and has carcinogenic properties. Such statements are very doubtful; many millions of our compatriots have been living in houses under slate roofs for decades, and no sharp surges in cancer cases have been observed for this reason.

The service life is 30 years, but in practice it lasts 50 or more. Resistant to aggressive chemical compounds, including urban smog. Modern slate is produced in a wide range of colors - there is an opportunity to improve the designer look of the house.

In terms of cost, it has no equal and is considered the cheapest option. Sheets can have 6–8 waves, thickness up to 5 mm.

Like all roofing materials, slate has a number of disadvantages.

Asbestos-cement corrugated slate is not widely popular; it is installed on cheap rural buildings.

Calculator for calculating the amount of slate per roof

Enter the requested data and click the "Calculate the number of sheets in a row" button.
The calculation is made for sheets of a standardized length of 1750 mm.
The result will be given rounded to tenths of a sheet (to assess the possibility of using leftovers) and rounded to whole sheets

Length of building facade, meters

Length of the slope from the ridge to the outer surface of the house wall, meters

The steepness of the roof slope

Planned width of the gable roof overhang, meters

Planned width of the roof eaves, meters

Slate type

Calculation direction

Prices for different types of slate

Metal profile

In terms of cost, it is not considered the cheapest, but in aggregate performance characteristics This roofing material can be classified as budget.

He is without big problems mounted, it is possible to order sheet sizes taking into account the parameters of the rafter system. Due to this, the consumption of additional elements and hardware is reduced, the amount of waste is minimized, which also has a positive effect on final cost roofs. The cheapest metal profile does not have finishing coating polymer paints, its surfaces are protected from corrosion only by a zinc layer. Price roofing largely depends on the thickness of the metal and the amount of zinc per square meter.

The corrugated sheet is made from cheap steel alloys; to give it a shape, it is not necessary to have high ductility of the metal. Dimensional accuracy depends on the production equipment used and the professionalism of the personnel. Installation of profiled sheets requires unconditional adherence to technology, otherwise problems will certainly arise during operation.

Disadvantages - low bending strength, high noise during hail or heavy rain. In windy weather, installation of sheets cannot be carried out - big sizes increase windage. The roof can injure workers, break out of their hands, break, etc. An unpresentable appearance can also be considered a disadvantage, but there is no consensus here.

Prices for corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheet

Metal tiles

A little more expensive than professional sheet. The increase in price is explained by the complex geometry of the coating profile. For its manufacture, alloy steels with high ductility are used; the metal must be stretched without the formation of ruptures and microcracks. As for the rest technical parameters, then they are no different from profiled sheets. Same installation technology, service life, color solutions, types of finishing polymer coatings etc.

Disadvantages - noise and complexity of installation of multi-slope hip roofs. There is another drawback - mistakes made are sometimes impossible to correct. The sheet will have to be thrown away, but it costs a lot. Regarding the general estimated cost covering the roof with metal tiles, then it can very conditionally be considered budgetary.

The peak of popularity of flexible (bitumen) shingles is in the past. main reason such a phenomenon - it has been used for many years and consumers in practice have been able to compare the advertising assurances of manufacturers with actual performance indicators. Experienced roofers are sure that the price of flexible tiles does not correspond to quality indicators. Technical parameters are not on the same high level, as well as the cost.

Of course, this roofing material is much cheaper than piece roofing natural tiles, roofing from natural stone, copper or aluminum sheets. In comparison, bituminous shingles are considered relatively cheap roofing coverings.

Flaws. After 5–6 years, the appearance of the roof sharply deteriorates, the reason is to improve the appearance and additional protection of bitumen from negative impact hard UV rays surface bitumen shingles covered with stone chips. Front side rough, it retains dust well. As a result, after a short time moss and lichens grow on the roof, their root system destroys the bitumen and the base, the tiles lose their original physical properties. In addition, the appearance becomes unattractive; areas with different color shades appear on the roof.

Prices for different types of tiles

Roof tiles

Video - Installation of flexible tiles

Step-by-step instructions for installing an ondulin roof

The quality and durability of the roof depends on two factors: the technical parameters of the roofing material and the professionalism of the craftsman.

What should you pay attention to in order to increase the service life of the cheapest pitched roof?

  1. Location of the house. Ondulin reacts extremely negatively to high temperatures. When heated above +80°C, it softens greatly, almost completely loses its ability to resist dynamic and static loads, and the edges of the sheets bend upward. If the house is in an open area in the southern regions with a hot climate, then it is recommended to buy more expensive ondulin and always in light colors. A dark roof can heat up to +100°C and above. This has a very negative effect on the appearance and duration of operation.
  2. Snow depth and minimum air temperatures. One of the disadvantages of ondulin roofing is that ductility decreases at low temperatures. If there is a lot of snow and severe frosts in winter, then under the influence of these factors the material may crack. In such operating conditions, it is recommended not to use ondulin; it is better to choose metal coatings budget spectrum.
  1. Ondulin is not recommended to be installed at temperatures above +30°C and below -5°C. In the first case, it softens greatly and can lose its shape even with slight pressure. This greatly complicates the installation process, and there are risks of damaging the appearance of the sheets. At negative temperatures the roof may crack.

  2. The material is cut with a wood hacksaw with fine teeth; to reduce friction forces, the blade should be lubricated car oil or working out.

  3. The roof needs to be fixed with special nails; they are purchased at the same time as ondulin. You can use slate, but the appearance of the roof of the house deteriorates. The nails are driven into the crest of the wave, which significantly reduces the risk of leaks.

  4. The roofing material does not have high bending strength, the loads must be transferred to the sheathing. When tilting up to 10° it is required continuous lathing. When tilting more than 15°, the step increases to 60 cm.


Step 1. Prepare tools and equipment, check the condition of the roofing system. At this stage of work they can be eliminated without major problems, but later it is much more difficult to do. Sometimes it is necessary to dismantle already installed roofing sheets.

Step 2. Count the number of sheets.