What battle was Golunova in? Vlad Kadoni: “My mother is the most powerful witch in Siberia

When the 13th “Battle of Psychics” came out on the screens, all viewers immediately drew attention to the participant in black - Siberian Elena Golunova, who positioned herself as a witch and necromancer. She passed test after test without fail, arousing more and more interest in her person. It turned out that the hereditary witch has long been familiar with the supernatural and otherworldly, and the biography of Elena Golunova is directly related to magic.

Childhood and first love

Lena first encountered the other world in early childhood, when she saw a ghost woman in her room. The parents who returned home did not notice anything and only waved their daughter away when she tried to talk about what had excited her so much. Only the grandmother believed the girl.

After talking with her, Lena learned that she belongs to a family of magicians and has paranormal abilities.

After her parents’ divorce, Lena moved to her grandmother, and she began teaching the girl magic, introducing her to rituals and unique family manuscripts. At the age of 17, Elena lost her beloved grandmother and was left alone. Father and mother had long ago started their own families, and they were of little interest to the fate of their daughter. They helped a little with money, but by and large The girl had to survive on her own.

Trying to get rid of melancholy and loneliness, Lena plunged headlong into an affair with a racketeer man almost 20 years older. But soon after the birth of her son Victor (aka Vlad Kadoni), Elena’s lover was killed, and the girl was left alone again. She experienced the death of her loved one for a very long time and blamed herself for his death, for not warning about the danger in time and not preventing the misfortune.

Making a Witch

Difficulties only strengthened Elena. The sorceress managed to graduate from university and worked for some time as an accountant. Married a good man, from whom she gave birth to two more sons. She did not forget about her magical gift, which fully revealed itself only at the age of 30, and began to help people. The rumor about the witch who helps solve the most difficult situations in life spread quickly.

Today Elena is considered the strongest witch in Siberia. Many scammers try to make money on gullible people in her name. Elena has an official website with links to the clairvoyant’s social networks, where you can familiarize yourself with the principles of her work:

  • Communication with the client and rituals are carried out exclusively in person, not remotely.
  • Payment for work is made only after acceptance.
  • The witch does not engage in healing or love spells, and does not look for missing people.
  • Psychic Golunova makes the strongest amulets to order to improve material well-being, health, personal life, protection from enemies.

Little known facts

Although Elena gives interviews, they mainly concern her activities rather than her personal life. A few little-known facts about the clairvoyant:

Participation in a mystical show

Elena Golunova was invited to the “Battle of Psychics” by her eldest son Vlad Kadoni. Although the witch's grandmother claimed that their gift was passed on only through the female line, Vlad also became the owner of paranormal abilities and took part in two seasons of the TNT channel's magic show. For a long time he persuaded his mother to come to the casting of the program, but she refused, not wanting publicity. But once still decided to take a risk. It was thanks to her that the 13th season (this is the “Battle of Psychics” Elena Golunova took part in) turned out to be one of the brightest and most unpredictable.

Always gloomy and serious, very wise and self-confident, she playfully coped with the tasks proposed in the show and easily reached the final. According to her, she was helped by the souls of the dead, with whom Elena can communicate, a ritual dagger, dead water and earth from the cemetery. But the audience voted for a competitor - the young sorcerer Dmitry Volkhov, who ultimately became the winner.

Psychic Natalya Banteeva, who won the ninth “Battle,” was outraged by the results of the audience voting. She considered it necessary to give her prize for winning the show, the crystal “Blue Hand,” to Elena.

Golunova’s defeat in the “Battle of Psychics” did not affect her popularity in any way. The witch began to be invited to radio and television for interviews. Queues of people lined up to see her. It was rumored that appointments with a psychic were made a year in advance. The sorceress receives clients in Moscow and her native Novosibirsk.

In addition to the popular psychics show, Elena Golunova participated in the program “Psychics Are Investigating.”

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Let's consider in detail Elena Golunova love spell - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

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Elena Golunova: how to make a black love spell. Attention: there may be negative consequences!

Perhaps it’s better without a love spell?

Psychic Elena Golunova - biography of a Siberian witch

Elena Golunova is a finalist in the thirteenth “Battle of Psychics,” a witch and necromancer. Despite the fact that she did not win, the magical talents of the witch in her hometown were widely known even before participating in the television project.

Elena Golunova - Siberian witch

Elena Golunova considers herself the strongest among Siberian witches. She does not complain about the lack of clients - her help is needed both in her native Novosibirsk and in Moscow. There are a lot of reviews about Elena Golunova, both good and bad. She positions herself as a necromancer and black magician; in her witchcraft work she often resorts to the help of the afterlife, and knows how to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

Contrary to stereotypes about black magicians and necromancers, Elena does not consider herself evil and says that in evil hands any object brings evil, not just black magic. In her opinion, black magic is stronger than white magic and can even be safer if you use knowledge wisely. The witch does not engage in love spells because she knows their consequences. modern church she considers it an even greater sin than magic. The witch is convinced that white magic There should be the same punishment in the next world as there is for being black.

Golunova's gift is inherited through both the female and male lines. She comes from an ancient line of Siberian witches. Vlad Kadoni, the son of Elena Golunova, also received this gift. Before she gave birth to three boys, paranormal abilities in this family were passed down only through the female line. Vlad Kadoni and his brothers became the first male magicians in this dynasty.

Elena Golunova and Vlad Kadoni

Many viewers were interested in why Elena has such pale skin. She explained this by saying that she regularly has to give part of her soul as a sacrifice to those from whom she asks for help. In her opinion, this can be considered the regular killing of a person, and therefore the person who practices such witchcraft begins to outwardly resemble a dead person.

Before participating in the “Battle of Psychics” project, Golunova was well known in her hometown of Novosibirsk. She held receptions at that time and had a lot of reviews. From her youth, Elena helped people whom only a magician could help. Losing the show did not damage his reputation, but only added fans. It is known that she does not allow clients into her house, preferring to meet them in other places. Elena is sure that you can only invite a loved one into your home.

Elena Golunova in the “Battle of Psychics”

Vlad Kadoni, who repeatedly appeared in seasons 6 and 11 of the “Battle of Psychics,” called his mother Elena Golunova the most powerful witch in Siberia. He considers her very dangerous and is not sure that anyone can really compete with her. The finalist of the thirteenth “Battle of Psychics,” Golunova, later admitted that she really had no competitors, and only she had a chance of winning. To be more precise, she was sure that she had no equal on the project.

The witch Elena Golunova considers gold jewelry to be her unchanging attributes. In her opinion, these are elements of power that contain certain information. Gold decoration for this witch - not so much magical attribute, as a personal amulet that enhances abilities.

During the filming of “The Battle of Psychics,” Golunova could not do without a special dagger for ritual bloodletting. This often shocked the audience and crew, especially if she cut herself too deeply. Such a case can be seen in the series in which a test was carried out with the search for MMM shares at the bottom of a reservoir. Then Elena accidentally stained the entire boat with blood, cutting her hand too deeply. The result was worth it - she became the only participant to pass this test.

For a long time, Elena did not like the idea of ​​becoming the hero of the “Battle of Psychics” program. She was persuaded many times, but she replied that she did not want to become public person. Only the eldest son Vlad Kadoni managed to convince his mother to participate in the project following his example. Golunova calmly reacted to a large number of skeptics and did not pay any attention to the Safronovs, who often laughed at her. Moreover, this attitude ended after the first successfully passed test. Only Elena could cope with some challenges.

In total, Elena became the owner of the white envelope seven times. Only the audience vote prevented her victory. Dmitry Volkhov took first place, but Elena did not begin to doubt her abilities. Second place did not shake her confidence in own capabilities. Moreover, despite losing to Elena Golunova in the final, she had many fans. It is known that Natalya Banteeva gave her her crystal hand, received for winning season 9. This act can say that Elena has a significant reputation among her colleagues.

After such a notable participation in the “Battle of Psychics,” Elena Golunova participated in “Psychics Are Investigating.” She helped the police solve hopeless cases involving missing or dead people, and achieved considerable success in this.

Elena Golunova - biography

Golunov Lev and Dmitry

The biography of Elena Golunova is not very well known to the public. She was born on April 8, 1968 in Novosibirsk. Now he lives there, but often visits Moscow. In fact, the witch lives in two cities, because after participating in the “Battle of Psychics” she became famous and is very popular. The latter implies a large number of clients both in the small homeland and in the capital.

Elena Golunova is married to Dmitry Borisovich Golunov, and this is her only marriage. Her husband is in the automobile business and has nothing to do with mysticism. Elena Golunova has three sons. The eldest is Vlad Kadoni, known from seasons 6 and 11 of the “Battle of Psychics.” Now he is 25 years old. She gave birth to her first child quite early - at 18 years old. Vlad Kadoni's mother Elena Golunova for this early pregnancy was subjected to considerable public pressure, especially since she gave birth to a child without marriage.

Vlad Kadoni's father died almost immediately after his birth. The second son Dmitry and the youngest Lev were born from a marriage with Dmitry Golunov. Elena Golunova was very worried about whether her children would receive her gift. Adding to the mother’s worries was the fact that the eldest son was going to become a priest, and the church does not approve of witchcraft, especially black witchcraft, which Elena Golunova practices.

But now it is known for sure that Vlad Kadoni has become a famous clairvoyant. Her other sons also have the gift. The witch prophesies the future of a strong clairvoyant to Dmitry, and Leo, in her opinion, has powerful energy and will also continue family tradition. The middle son practices karate.

Some of Golunova’s preferences are also known. The Siberian witch's favorite film is "The Omen" from 1981. She prefers cloudy weather and does not like sunny weather too much. Favorite dish Elena - well-done meat without blood. It is known that she has a very severe and complex nature. One of the favorite books of the witch from Siberia is “The Master and Margarita.”

Elena Golunova's mother was a doctor, and her father worked as an engineer. She first saw a ghost when she was left at home alone for the first time in her life. The future witch noticed a woman wandering around the apartment and even communicating with her. When the parents arrived, the woman walked through them. The girl got scared and told her mother about the incident. But the mother did not believe her and called her daughter’s story a fiction. Moreover, Elena Golunova’s mother forbade her to approach her father with such ideas. Despite her mother's prohibition, the souls of the dead were her frequent guests.

When Elena Golunova was still very young, her parents divorced. She did not expose herself to the choice of the parent with whom she would live, and moved to her grandmother Lidia Ivanovna Bataeva. Even now, the witch cannot remember her childhood without tears. It seemed to her that her mother had forgotten about her daughter. Elena Golunova hoped that she would return, but this did not happen. The mother and father quickly had new spouses, and then new children.

But there was also a plus in living with my grandmother. She did not consider her granddaughter crazy, who sees something that does not exist. Grandmother explained to Elena that these were manifestations of her gift. Her mother, as it turned out according to her grandmother, abandoned her abilities immediately after their manifestation. Grandma taught future witch witchcraft, read with her family manuscripts, passed on only by inheritance, and often took them with her to the cemetery. She loved the latter most, the cemetery became a favorite place for the child, she looked after abandoned graves and communicated with the dead.

Golunova in her youth

Elena’s relationship with living people did not work out. Like most of the greats this moment sorcerers and magicians, she was too strange for normal communication with her peers. They avoided the strange girl, but she was a frequent subject of discussion and gossip. Now the witch is also not very sociable. Her neighbors say that the family leads a secluded life, and Elena herself can often be seen in the cemetery where her grandmother is buried.

When Elena was 17 years old, her grandmother died. She was lonely, the girl dreamed of starting a family and getting rid of loneliness. Elena got involved with an adult man - a 35-year-old racketeer and gave birth to a child from him. You can read about what came out of this above. Golunova does not like to talk too much about her youth, and it is easy to understand her, because everyone knows that the fate of a single mother is quite difficult. Her parents did not help her, her grandmother was not around, and she met her future husband a few years after the birth of her first child.

Elena managed to enter higher education educational institution. She received an education as an accountant and worked in her specialty for a long time. In her youth she loved sports, with a particular preference for swimming.

Perhaps one of the most valuable pieces of advice from Elena Golunova is the one in which she does not recommend trying to repeat the rituals seen in the show “Battle of Psychics”. Some rituals of black magic from the Siberian witch imply the presence of components that are dangerous for an unprepared person, for example, burial ground.

According to Golunova, it is better for novice magicians to pay attention to the forces of nature, which are much safer to interact with. She advises starting with recharging the energy of trees, burning leaves with lists of problems on the fire, and also washing away negativity with water. The witch also advises to stay away from love spells. She recommends not making old mistakes and using all the lessons that life gives, and then no love spells will be required.

Elena Golunova considers it necessary to keep the altar for practicing magic in the eastern part of the room. There is an energy flow there that will enhance the effectiveness of rituals. Witchcraft objects and components should not be given into the hands of strangers, this primarily harms them. You can’t keep symbols of different religions in one house, and if you can’t remove one of them, keep the items at least in different rooms. The room in which witchcraft is practiced must be clean.

Another piece of advice from the witch is that each person can help himself. You need to go to a fortune teller, clairvoyant or witch for help when there is no other way out. Elena believes that every person is able to see the path they will have to follow to achieve their goal.

In order to improve your financial situation, a sorceress from Siberia advises having one or more money plants. These include indoor bamboo, geranium, cactus, fern and crassula. Money plants require careful care, because their condition affects their financial situation. Moreover, bamboo and crassula attract money, and other plants help to preserve it, learn to save money and get rid of squandering.

Overall, this woman comes across as a strong and talented witch. At the same time, her biography is not hidden behind a veil of secrets and is not full of various fables, as is the case with other, more shocking participants in television projects.

Elena Golunova: how to make a black love spell

Psychic Elena Golunova spoke in her blog about a black love spell. The Siberian witch claims that only this type of love spell will help tie a man to her for a long time. Any woman can make a black love spell. For the ritual you only need desire bring back your lover and faith in magic.

Before starting a black love spell, Elena Golunova recommends finding out exactly how the love spell will work and what its consequences will be. A black love spell usually works for 5-7 years. After this, you need to repeat the ritual. As soon as the ritual is performed, not only the feelings of the bewitched person towards the woman will change, but also his fate. The consequences of a love spell can be both positive and negative. According to Elena Golunova, the consequences of a love spell cannot be predicted: a couple can live happily ever after and no one will even suspect that a love spell was cast. But there are cases when love magic only harmed both the man and the woman who bewitched him. Such couples, as a rule, have neither children nor a stable financial situation.

For those who are not afraid negative consequences black love spell, participant of the “Battle of Psychics” Elena Golunova advises making a love spell from a photograph. To do this you will need a black candle, a photograph of a man, a spoon, a needle, White list papers and high heels.

This love spell is done on the waxing Moon after sunset. You need to light a candle and strip naked. On a blank sheet of paper you need to write the name of the person on whom the love spell is being cast. After this, you need to attach the photo to the paper. This is the first stage of a black love spell.

At the second stage, you will need to mix a few drops of your blood with a tablespoon of spring water. This mixture in a spoon must be held over a candle flame and at this time read the words love plot: “13 days, 13 nights, don’t sleep, don’t eat, and you think about me (man’s name). My blood now flows through your veins. In your eyes is my reflection. In your thoughts there is only me, no one else. Let it be so".

After the water and blood have evaporated over the fire, you need to put on high-heeled shoes and step on the man’s photo with your left foot. After this, you need to immediately go to bed. After 13 days, the black love spell on blood and photographs will work.

Psychic Elena Golunova recommends performing such love rituals only for those who consciously want to tie a man to themselves. If it is just a whim or curiosity, then black magic can cause harm and change fate for the worse.

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Psychic Elena Golunova. Reviews and cost of admission. How to get an appointment.

Elena Golunova, mother of the notorious participant in the “House 2” program throughout Russia, Vlad Kadoni, and finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” - who is she? A charlatan posing as a fake evil witch, or a mysterious sorceress from Siberia gifted with unlimited psychic powers? Many years have passed since she won the famous Russian project about the greatest psychics, and now her income comes from welcoming people. And today we will tell you about reviews about Elena Golunova, about the cost of an appointment with Elena and a few other interesting things about her.

Reviews on the Internet about Elena Golunova.

To get an appointment with Elena, you need to wait quite a bit - basically, the entire queue is scheduled for a year in advance. But even if you have time, you will have to fork out a lot, because the cost for one appointment with Elena Golunova is no less than thirty thousand rubles. As a result, you find yourself in a thirty-minute session, during which mysterious manipulations will be performed on you in the most general outline will tell you about your problem no less in general phrases. It wasn't worth my money or time and the problems only got worse. (Review from the “Battle of Psychics” forum).

At first, Elena Golunova seemed like a really good psychic to me, because, watching her go through the tests, I involuntarily thought - why not go see her myself, since I also have several important issues? In the end, she was extremely upset, because this “psychic” does not even know the details about the dead and spirits, it is clear that she does not understand these issues. Don't believe this blatant and blatant scam! (Review from the “Battle of Psychics” forum).

Generally speaking, on the Internet you can find very contradictory reviews about Elena Golunova. Some say she helped fix life situation, solve problems and, in general, improved life. Many reviews published about Elena Golunova on her VKontakte page say that she is the strongest witch in Siberia. And someone, on the contrary, speaks very unflatteringly about Elena.

Elena herself has repeatedly stated that there are problems that she is powerless to combat. For example, cancer. The psychic also says that not a single magician in the world can cure fatal diseases, and anyone who claims to be able to do this is a charlatan.

In conclusion, I would like to say about the price of admission. As you may have noticed, in the first review the price is written for an appointment for a year in advance, however, if you want to get to Elena Golunova urgently, then you will have to fork out an even larger amount - 60 thousand for an appointment and additional cash for solving problems. Additional procedures, consultations and answers to questions will incur additional fees. Therefore, whether or not to go to see a healer, you will have to decide for yourself, although 95% of the reviews are negative, which should definitely influence your decision.

Thank you for reading our material, I hope this information helped you accept correct solution about the advisability of signing up for an appointment with Elena Golunova. Goodbye, and be careful!

Elena Golunova love spell

Hereditary witch of Siberia. Lives at the junction of the world of the dead and ordinary human life. Not always a supporter of modern trends in magic. He doesn’t conduct appointments “openly” and doesn’t work with everyone. Capable of changing the life of any person. The last woman of her kind.

Married. Three children. One of them is Vlad Kadoni. He is the eldest son in the witch's family. Esotericist, mystic, media personality, living in outrageous ways and famous for his unpredictability, charisma and willpower.

Elena is in confrontation with her son, since their paths diverged on the main issue. Vlad lives with esotericism, not in it. Elena is completely immersed in this world. It was she who was behind his success at the “Battle of Psychics” in season 11. But Vlad was not able to fully penetrate his mother’s power. On season 6 of the “Battle of Psychics,” she was completely opposed to him speaking openly about her.

Now Elena Golunova has become a participant in the 13th season of “Battle of Psychics” on TnT. She did not come for victory, but few doubt that she is the one worthy of it. Elena undergoes trials in close unity with the deceased, calling on the power of the Siberian land and family ties for help. She does not position herself as the most powerful witch in Siberia, but this is exactly how Siberians who are involved in the world of magic speak about her. In more than 20 years of practice, she has helped many. Although he lives the lifestyle of a modern hermit, despite big family. For Elena, this is the first time in her life when her work and activities are filmed on camera, and only this moment can stop her from revealing some features of her gift, but the fact that the power of black magic is concentrated in her hands and is not even under threat doubt.

Elena herself always speaks about herself very briefly and modestly:

“I am the Siberian Witch, less words, more action, everything else does not concern anyone. »

This group was created in support of Elena Valerievna Golunova, who was persuaded to participate in the Battle by her son Vlad Kadoni. Unfortunately, she will not be able to take an active part in the life of the group, but she will visit us regularly.

Elena Golunova: reviews. Who was at the reception? How to get an appointment with Elena Valerievna?

The times have long since sunk into oblivion when people were afraid of even the hint of possessing unusual abilities, lest they end up at the stake of the Inquisition. Now we have times of permissiveness, you can buy at least a dozen books on black magic, where detailed instructions absolutely any rituals. Read it and declare that you are a sorcerer and can easily solve any problem. Of course, not for free. To verify the veracity of these words, just look at how many people come to the casting of the “Battle of Psychics” project. It was thanks to him that the world learned that a real hereditary witch Elena Valerievna Golunova lives in Siberia. Reviews of her appointment, however, are in no hurry to appear on the Internet. Either Elena doesn’t help anyone, or the clients are afraid that they will jinx the result if they tell anyone about it. What is the most powerful witch of Siberia? Is it worth contacting her?

What kind of childhood do witches have?

Few people do not know that psychic Elena Golunova is a native of the glorious city of Novosibirsk, and that she was born in the spring, on April 8, in the not-so-distant year of 1968. As is usual with most magicians, their extraordinary abilities the future witch discovered it as a child. She could see strangers, which no one else saw, and they freely passed through the walls. This says that Elena Valerievna unusual features vision, because seeing any object is the perception by the eye of light rays reflected from it. It turns out that the rays reflected from dead entities were perceived only by the eyes of little Lena.

The girl's parents placed her in the care of her grandmother, completely preoccupied with personal problems. Psychic Elena Golunova, whose reviews are so contradictory, once said that she felt like an orphan with her mother and father alive and suffered greatly because of this. The grandmother tried as best she could to replace her parents and at the same time explain what her visions meant. This gift is a family gift, passed down through the female line. At school, the unusual Lena became an outcast, because she was different from others. Gradually, the girl learned to understand what those whom no one but her could see were telling her. She felt much more comfortable with them.

First love

Now the famous psychic Elena Golunova - mature woman, who knows exactly what she needs from life. But once upon a time she took only her first steps in such a cruel adult world. At the age of 17, her first love came to her in the person of a man almost twice her age. Elena gave birth to his son Victor, who later became Vladislav Kadoni. They say that for such an unseemly act at the time as giving birth to a son at 18, she was condemned by society. But life gave her a more difficult test - her beloved died, leaving a woman with a small child in her arms. Then she was not yet a witch, but an ordinary girl.

As Elena Valerievna Golunova herself recalls, reviews of whom are sometimes unfair, at that stage of her life she felt terrible and often, after putting her son to bed, she went to the window, pressed her forehead against the glass and cried, not knowing what to do next with her life. Coming to the cemetery, Elena heard voices, although there was no one next to her. She felt that those who were already there, beyond the line, were trying to communicate with her. other world. Misunderstood by the living, she reached out to the dead. Being a strong person, Elena Golunova decided at all costs, by all means available to her, to become happy.

Family and happiness

They say that if you really want something, it will definitely happen. So it is with Golunova. She met good man Dmitriy. She happily married him and gave birth to two sons. It was believed that the gift in Elena’s family was passed on only through the female line, but then providence changed its rules and awarded psychic abilities Elena's first son - Vlad Kadoni. It was he who forced her to take part in the psychic show. Elena doesn’t like this word, she says that between a psychic and a witch there is the same gap as between a computer and a book. Golunova generally does not speak very well of the computer, is not friends with it and does not use social networks. This information is for those who are figuring out how to get to Elena Golunova for an appointment and are trying to find out something from the witch through the World Wide Web.

Elena Golunova's website

As soon as any famous person, scammers are immediately activated, trying to profit from someone else’s fame. This fate did not escape Golunov either. There are about a dozen of her “real” sites on social networks, where people make an appointment with her and even “get into the situation” and provide services online for relatively little money. Elena Golunova has indeed created her own website, but only one, where a video is presented in which the witch warns everyone that she does not advise anyone online. Whatever the reviews about Elena Golunova, you cannot deny her truthfulness. On her only website, the witch warns about scammers and reveals the scheme of their activities regarding extortion of money. To solve your problems, you need to come to Golunova in person. Only in this case does she undertake to do her job.

How to sign up

Many people are looking for information about where psychic Elena Golunova receives appointments and how to get an appointment with her. This is written about on her only website. Registration takes place by phone. It is led by professional psychologist-administrators. The number is: +7 495 723 0666. In a conversation with the administrator, you need to describe your problem. Some people wonder: why? After all, Golunova will see everything anyway. The administrators' answer is very simple: so that Elena Valerievna can prepare for the meeting and ritual, because solving each problem requires different attributes. The session is allotted only 30 minutes, for which you need to pay (according to the latest data) 30,000 rubles. This price is valid if the client is willing to wait about a year until his turn comes. If help is needed urgently, prices double.

Where the witch takes

The few reviews about Elena Golunova’s appointment provide information that she works mainly in Novosibirsk. The exact address is provided by telephone during registration. In addition to her hometown, Golunova travels to Moscow and St. Petersburg for receptions. The days need to be clarified by calling the above phone number. The Siberian witch also visits some other cities, for example, she was in Orenburg, and even gave an interview to the local press there.

Admission procedure

Although there are only isolated reviews about the work of Elena Golunova, they shed barely visible light on this action. Thus, it is reported that the office requires you to sign a document stating that the amount of money is voluntarily transferred as a gift to the Kandy society, so no claims and, of course, no compensation for losses. The woman who wrote this review paid 60,000 rubles for 30 minutes of communication with Elena, gave Kandy LLC money and left without finding out anything for herself.

We tried to find those who were helped by Elena Golunova. Reviews about positive result found only on fraudulent sites. Here they are very talented in praising the impact, admiring the change in fate in better side and solving all problems. To be convincing, some advice from Elena Golunova is given and her help is offered online. To get it, you just need to pass a short test - answer the question whether Elena rightly took second place in the battle of psychics, although she should have taken first place. After the answer, you are asked to fill out a simple questionnaire so that the witch has an idea of ​​​​the one who is thirsty for her help. The questionnaire contains 36 questions. By filling it out, you get the opportunity to finally figure out what worries you. The answer comes within a couple of seconds. Its content is approximately as follows: give us money and we will send you new tests.

True reviews

Perhaps a really powerful magician is Elena Golunova. Reviews from those who attended the reception, unfortunately, do not talk about this. In any case, there are no such reviews on the Internet. And those that exist report that problems cannot be solved in such an expensive session. For some clients, things even got worse. There are reviews that during the paid 30 minutes, Elena Valerievna actually performed the ritual, accompanying it with several general phrases and wishes for everything in life to become good. The result is still in the waiting stage, and it must certainly be, as Elena Golunova assured. Reviews from those who attended a witch's reception are isolated, but the opinions of a large group of magicians and psychics in Novosibirsk are presented in sufficient quantity. What is at work here is either professional envy or the intrigues of competitors, but these reviews very clearly state that among the Novosibirsk magicians, of whom there are about 40 people, they had never heard of Elena Golunova at all, and learned about her only thanks to the “Battle of Psychics.” Miracles, aren't they?

A few words about the show

Thousands of viewers believe that Elena Golunova was the best and strongest in the 13th “Battle of Psychics”. Reviews from those who attended the reception, however, are not very enthusiastic about her psychic talents. But on the show she really was the strongest. Reviews appeared on the Internet from a person who supposedly worked on this project, but was fired, and now, in revenge, tells the whole world the truth about it. This Mr. X says that all the tricks are mounted there, and the psychics have signed contracts in advance with salons that provide the corresponding magical services. To support these claims, it is argued that real witches never appear on the show. And if they take on something, they don’t lose.

Elena Golunova about herself and her activities

Regardless of what reviews about Elena Golunova’s reception are on the Internet, the witch herself is proud to have such a gift. She chose the appropriate image for herself - all black, clothes, makeup, hair color, nail polish. Plus to this is her absolute straightforwardness, some roughness, a piercing gaze, calmness and even some kind of satisfaction when working with blood. This captivates and makes you believe in its uniqueness. And Elena Valerievna’s other witchcraft attributes, such as dead water and cemetery soil, dispel the last doubts.

In the rare interviews that the witch sometimes gives to the press, she looks like a woman who looks at the world philosophically, loving mother and a person who wishes everyone well. An unusual witch, isn't she?

About her eldest son, the magician Kadoni, and his participation in television projects, Elena says with some subtle regret that his youth is in full swing in him. Over time, everything will fall into place, but she is very glad that the ancestral gift was also passed on to him. The middle son, too, may have taken some piece of unique abilities for himself, since he already has a noticeable talent for foresight.

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they prove to the audience that the magical gift is inherited.

Vlad Kadoni’s mother: “I dream of putting my children on their feet”

Elena Golunova is not only one of the strongest participants in the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics” on the TNT channel and the mother of the famous Vlad Kadoni, but also our fellow countrywoman. In an interview, Elena talked about her son, magic and participation in the most mystical show on Russian TV

- Elena, now you are taking part in the “Battle of Psychics” program on TNT. Please tell us how you started doing magic? Or is it more correct to call it extrasensory perception? What is the general difference between these concepts?

I don’t really like to talk about this topic, excuse me. I can say that my family is my strength. Long before I was born, he had already devoted himself to magic. And I just began to continue the work of my family and I am proud that I withstood all the tests with dignity and carried this work throughout my life and gave the opportunity to live on it in my children. The difference between magic and extrasensory perception? “Psychic” is actually some kind of newfangled word; in principle, I don’t understand it well. I understand the words “witch”, “sorcerer”, “witch”, “shaman”. And “psychic” sounds in this list like the word “computer” in the list of words “book”, “notebook” and “album”. Well, you understand me. But if you delve into this too much, I would deduce simple formula: extrasensory perception can answer a person’s questions, and magic solves these questions.

- Male and female magicians - are there any? fundamental difference in their abilities? Do you notice these differences among the participants in the “Battle”?

A male doctor and a female doctor - are there any differences? Some - yes. Only a blind person could fail to notice the differences among the participants in the “Battle of Psychics.” All participants are different. The 13th season in general is very unusual in itself, and its composition is completely unusual.

- Your path is black magic. Isn't it dangerous to do it? What could this mean for karma?

This is a delicate question, I would even say personal. Human hands have the ability to change the essence of things with their touch. In hand evil man an ordinary knife can turn into a murder weapon, while for another, this knife will cook food and save a life. But a knife is still a knife, isn't it? So black magic will always be black. But whose hands will take it?

- Is there any object that is sacred to you?

Yes. It is kept at my home. And I wear his symbol around my neck. But that's all I can say about this.

- Your son Vlad Kadoni was twice a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” on TNT. According to the Internet, for a long time you forbade him to tell you that you were his teacher. If this is true, then why?

This is true. He was too young. And you yourself understand, this excessive love of his for television... I am convinced that a person is not able to sit on two chairs at the same time. And Vlad, it seems to me, will lay down his whole life to prove the opposite. In my understanding, if a person with a gift lives in the world of magic, then he lives only in this world. My son believes that such a person can simultaneously become someone else, and this “someone” can be even more successful and bright. He's still young. And soon it will come to what everyone comes to. He is not the first and not the last, but what he has from our family will take its toll, whether he wants it or not! It would be easier for him to accept it. Rebels are broken.

- Please tell us about your family... What do Vlad Kadoni’s brothers do?

The youngest is two years old. What does he do? Destroys the apartment and ties the dog's ears in a knot. For now, these are his main activities. The average one learns, gets to know himself and this world.

- Why were you most worried about Vlad? Did you approve of his actions: participation in the “Battle of Psychics”, “House-2” on TNT? What kind of child was he when he was at school?

Most of all I was worried about “House-2”, and Vlad, in principle, was always a restless child and a difficult teenager. They say about such people: “It was all in one place.” The worst thing is that years have passed, but the sewing is still in the same place. She never approved of her son’s participation in “House-2”, she just accepted it at a certain moment. After all, he is an adult and this is his life, why should I approve or condemn it? Why should he live the way I want? True, we are still arguing over this project; I believe that it gave my son nothing except dubious fame and hassle. And he believes that he gave him a lot. For me, he could have gotten this “much” by other methods. And his antics? Sometimes I didn’t recognize my son at all. I would also gladly postpone his second trip to the “Battle of Psychics,” but he is again with a mustache. I already waved my hand. I didn’t resist, although I know that he is capable of more than he showed.

You just said a lot of words that are unfamiliar to me. I am not friendly with the Internet and computers and do not suffer from it. Vlad periodically shows me what’s going on there, tells me something, explains it, prints out letters. My assistant is looking through her mail. Vlad started a VKontakte page for me. I read sometimes. And who would give time for this Internet? I want to tell everyone that I don’t surf the Internet.

- On the VKontakte website, Elena Golunova’s page (probably yours) lists false sites of Elena Golunova. Who creates them and why?

Fraudsters create them. On my behalf they promise three boxes and collect money. Vlad wrote wherever he could that I help people only in person and when we meet. But apparently, not everyone read it. Now he persuaded me to make a website to post a video there with my appeal to people. The website is being made. For a long time I didn’t understand why I needed it, but now, when I looked at how many sites were simply extorting money on my behalf, I was shocked! But as soon as my own website appears, I think it will be clear where the scammers are operating. Vlad says that they register sites in different countries abroad and it is impossible to catch them.

- What did you like most and what did you not like about the “Battle of Psychics” project?

I didn’t like the fact that some of the participants, I won’t point fingers, were more worried about the number of white envelopes than about what happens to people during the tests and after them. What I liked was that I didn’t have some things in my practice, but here they are. It is very interesting. For example, I never tried to look for a bomb on the rails; they didn’t bring me a stone and ask me to tell where it came from. Yes, there are many such interesting moments that I will remember for a long time. But most importantly, I hope that many will finally understand that black magic is not always only evil!

- Which task at the “Battle” turned out to be the most difficult for you?

It’s hard to judge what is complex and what is not. Wherever there is human grief, it is always difficult. After all, you experience many emotions and let them pass through you. Over the decades of my practice, I, of course, have planted a lot nervous system, what is there to hide here. And here there is still wild stress in terms of cameras. I'm not used to them. Fortunately, there are agreements according to which my rituals are not shown in full, so that people cannot harm themselves by performing them at home on their own. I myself have to hide some things, because you can’t tell everything to the whole country. Well you have to understand...

-Are you really able to communicate with the dead? If so, what are they saying? What kind of future are they predicting for all of us?

The dead are not coffee grounds and don’t guess about the future. The dead are still the same people and in each case they talk about their own things. Someone asks for help to calm down, someone comes to warn of trouble. It happens that you are sitting at home, minding your own business, and you hear someone crying. You think, little one. And he sits quietly and plays. If you look closely, there is a girl sitting in the corner of the kitchen and crying. Is this what she's talking about? Nothing, she just wants to be pitied because she doesn’t understand where she is, who she is and why her mother isn’t around.

- Can you say something about the future of Novosibirsk? What unusual changes await our city?

I do not predict the future of cities, countries, continents. I don’t play in casinos, I don’t guess the results of matches. Leave that for someone else. I'm working out specific people and specific problems.

- What customer requests would you never agree to fulfill?

I don't have any clients. There are people I help. I don't do love spells. Categorically. There are always other ways. It’s just that a person is not always able to see them, I help him with this.

- Are there things, character traits that shock you?

When a person himself does not know what he wants, when he has no goal in life. When he doesn’t want to do anything to achieve this goal, if there is one. When people say one thing, but think another and believe that no one knows about their thoughts.

- What is your dream?

Get the kids back on their feet. What dream? Regular.

Biography of Elena Golunova

Even before the start of the battle, Vlad Kadoni stated that Elena Valerievna Golunova is the most dangerous and powerful witch in Siberia. In addition, Golunova herself, at the award ceremony for the winner of the 11th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” openly made it clear that she did not see competitors on the program from a professional point of view. After such a statement, you need to be not only brave, but also a confident person in order to still take part in the “Battle of Psychics” project.

Elena Golunova was born on April 8, 1968 in the city of Novosibirsk. Her unusual gift manifested itself at the age of five, when she saw in her empty closed apartment the stranger who walked through the wall when her parents appeared. Little Helen did not immediately realize that she had seen a spirit dead person. Her mother, who worked as a doctor, only twirled her finger at her temple at the girl’s stories and forbade her to talk about it in front of her father, an engineer. And Lena continued to develop her gift. Most often, the ghosts of children came to her to play games with the little witch. After some time, she realized that she could also hear the dead without their visible presence. In the end, Elena began to feel more comfortable with the dead than with the living, they became for them real family y.

Elena Golunova still finds it difficult to talk about her parents. While she was still in school, her parents divorced, started new families, and the girl was simply thrown out of their lives. Total from school uniform and with a pair of panties in her arms, she went to live with her grandmother. For several years, the young witch hoped that her mother would return and take her, but over time, all that remained of those hopes were tears. Grandmother played a very important role in Elena's life. It was she who explained to her that she was not crazy and had a very strong gift. She also told her that her mother also had a gift, but she refused to accept it.

The granddaughter, under the supervision of her grandmother, began studying ancient family manuscripts, collecting herbs in the forests and caring for abandoned graves. Since then, the cemetery has become the second home for the witch.

A strange student of a Soviet school, who is an orphan with living parents and communicates with ghosts, was an outcast, an undesirable person in society. When Elena was 17 years old, her grandmother died. The girl had long dreamed of a real family, so she fell in love with a 35-year-old racketeer, and at the age of 18 she gave birth to his desired son, Vlad. In those days, such early motherhood only caused condemnation, so pressure from the public only increased.

Family. The friend of the dead has three sons. The eldest son is Vladislav Viktorovich Kadoni. His father died when the boy was not even two years old. The second son’s name is Dmitry, he is only 15 years old, but he is already professionally involved in karate. According to Elena, he has a psychic gift. And the third child is son Leo, who also has quite powerful energy.

For the witch, the birth of her first child was a surprise, and she was very worried about whether her gift would be passed on to her offspring. The thing is that in her family magical powers they were betrayed only through the female line, and Vlad Kadoni (formerly Vitya Golunov) dreamed of becoming a priest from early childhood. As a result, Vlad became a powerful sorcerer and forgot about his dream.

Golunova's current husband's name is Dmitry. He is in the automobile business. As for the first husband, he died of cardiac arrest due to an encounter with an aggressive soul in the world of the dead. Elena herself also risks dying every day, since contacts with the dead are unpredictable and dangerous. Therefore, she does not tell her sons, especially Vlad, about everything, in order to ward off trouble from them.

Real life. In order to find out what Elena Golunova, the strongest Siberian witch, is like, real life, we had to go to Novosibirsk and withstand 30 degree frost. Neighbors immediately began to talk about her witchcraft gift, and that she often visited the Zaeltsovsky cemetery and talked with spirits. Her grandmother Lidiya Ivanovna Bataeva is buried in the same cemetery.

IN gambling Elena Golunova has not played for a long time, and does not use her gift to win. The witch lives secretly and does not let everyone into the house. During work, she prefers to meet on neutral territory that is convenient for her. She believes that only truly close people should be allowed into the house.

To communicate with the world of the dead, Elena uses her own special methods, which she read in her grandmother’s books or found herself from other sources. To communicate with representatives of the “other world”, she conducts harsh, dangerous rituals that strangers and uninitiated people should not see. People from all over Russia come to see the Siberian witch. Everyone has their own problem: some have problems with their careers, others with relationships, etc. Elena doesn't study love spells, because he knows that matters of the soul entail grave consequences. Basically, a witch specializes in necromancy and communicating with spirits to get answers to questions that concern her.

Preferences. It can be noted that Golunova’s constant companions are various gold jewelry. For her, these are not just beautiful things, but real sources of information. Among the films that Elena really liked, the first place is “The Omen” from 1976. Like all black witches, she hates sunny weather and enjoys cloudy and rainy weather. In addition, she adores human vices. Knowing the weaknesses of people, you can easily control them, turning them into real slaves. Her favorite dish is fried meat, but only well done, without blood. The pale skin of the witch is explained by the fact that she regularly communicates with the dead, giving them a piece of her soul for the information provided. Another sacrifice is her blood. She always carries a small box with a dagger with her. We learned about this from the episode when she cut the vessels on her wrist for the ritual, which shocked both the audience and the entire film crew. In the same box, Elena Golunova carries earth from her “native” cemetery and dead water, which speeds up the healing of wounds.

Participation in the “Battle of Psychics”. We heard about Elena Golunova even before her participation in the “Battle of Psychics” from her son Vlad Kadoni, who also participated in the television project. He stated several times that she was one of the most powerful witches not only in Siberia, but throughout Russia. The eldest son dreamed of seeing his mother in the Battle, and for a long time persuaded her to take part. The first time we called the witch, she simply hung up. That’s when our entire editorial team began to call Elena one by one, but she rejected any offers and insisted that she did not lead a social life and did not arrange public receptions. But, thanks to the requests of Vlad Kadoni, she still agreed to take part in the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics” program. It was then that she realized that living, human communication could be no worse than “dead” communication. Now she thanks her son for bringing her to this television project, and is very proud of him.

When Elena Golunova first came to the casting, her first thought was: “I ended up in a madhouse. There are people running around the camera, the participants want to prove that they are at least worth something, sometimes even without a gift.” It was then that we had no idea about her abilities, but this ignorance did not last long. The Safronov skeptics met the witch with a smile on their face, like all those who speak with better dead than with the living. But during the test they were no longer laughing. Just remember the episode with the snakes. When the witch Elena Golunova made a mistake in her choice, she approached the snake and said a few phrases to it. By the end of the test, the snake died in terrible convulsions. After this, not only the film crew, but also the audience, watched Elena Valerievna with increased interest.

Skeptics did not interfere with the work of the Siberian witch, but the cameras often interfered. Rituals of bloodshed, conversations with the dead, ground skin and bones frightened the audience, but at the same time only fueled their interest in Elena Golunova

Shows about the paranormal abilities of people enjoy enormous attention among television viewers, which is why more and more new episodes are aired. The mother of Vlad Kadoni, another famous magician, took part in one of the seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Vlad Kadoni and his mother have already won an entire army of fans. Who are they and where are they from, what is the secret of their popularity?

Vlad Kadoni became famous for his participation in one of the seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”. The young sorcerer immediately attracted the attention of TV viewers and presenters. Appearance his was quite unusual. Vlad prefers to dress in all black, and during some tests he took a black raven with him.

Unfortunately, Vlad did not manage to reach the finals and prove his extraordinary abilities, but he still showed himself in some tasks. Perhaps his youth prevented him at that time, because the other participants were much more experienced than him. Further, Vlad was a participant in the television project “Dom-2” for a long time. It was during one of the broadcasts that viewers saw his mother, Elena Valerievna Golunova. This woman also loves to dress in all black and looks quite impressive.

But then few people realized that Elena was not just Vlad’s mother, but the most powerful witch in Siberia. That’s what they call her in her hometown of Novosibirsk. In her homeland, this woman is extremely popular, but a wide range of viewers became aware of her only when she took part in one of the seasons of the “Battle of Psychics.” Throughout all the episodes, Elena showed her amazing abilities. She was undoubtedly the leader among the other psychics. The audience fell in love with her for her strength and ability to speak the truth face to face. Golunova was popular and her ratings were quite high. Unfortunately, she only finished second in the battle. The winner was the young psychic Dmitry Volkhov. Elena's fans considered this a huge injustice, because the Siberian witch was not weaker than him, and in some trials she showed herself more clearly. But rules are rules. The winner is chosen by popular vote. Elena assures that the loss did not upset her at all, because she does not doubt her own abilities.

Even as a child, Elena Golunova discovered that she had a gift. Her own grandmother, who was raising the little girl, also told her about this, since Lena’s parents abandoned her after they divorced and started other families. They simply didn't need her.

Elena Golunova is a strong and assertive woman. She may seem quite rude to some, but the witch herself assures that her life has made her this way. The witch did not have a very simple childhood. In her youth, she experienced the loss of a loved one. Her first husband proposed to her when Lena was 17 years old and her grandmother died. Soon the family's first child, Vlad Kadoni, was born. Unfortunately, Elena’s husband passed away very early and she was left with a small child in her arms. She had to endure pressure from the public, financial difficulties, but everything is already in the past.

Despite the fact that Elena did not win the “Battle of Psychics,” the organizers recognized her as one of the most powerful witches in the entire history of the project. Golunova took part in the show “Psychics Are Investigating.” In the episodes of this program, people with paranormal abilities tried to shed light on the most brutal crimes. In some cases, this actually helped the investigation.

Currently, viewers can enjoy watching the show “Battle of the Strongest,” in which Golunova takes an active part. In each episode of the project, 2 psychics at once try to help people understand this or that situation, solve a certain problem.

Elena Golunova lives in Novosibirsk. There she has a husband and two small children. Vlad Kadoni has been living in Moscow permanently for several years. The witch's husband admits that it is not so easy with Elena, but those close to her have long been accustomed to her explosive character. At some moments, they prefer not to aggravate the situation, but to smooth out the conflict.

Golunova is engaged in extrasensory perception, predictions, and witchcraft. In Novosibirsk she has own office, which, at first glance, resembles the home of a real witch. Elena's neighbors know her as a very positive and decent person. Just a few years ago, some acquaintances did not even suspect her unique abilities, since Golunova tried to keep it all a secret. But today everyone knows about it.

Elena loves her children very much and considers Vlad Kadoni a great magician. He may not be very experienced yet, but Golunova is confident that he has a great future ahead of him. She believes that Vlad should combine work on television with extrasensory perception.

Vlad Kadoni’s mother is not just a beautiful woman, but also a strong psychic, the most famous witch in Siberia. She has a lot of fans who have the opportunity to constantly watch new episodes of popular television shows with her participation.