Installation of a mortise kitchen sink. How to cut a sink into a countertop How to cut a round sink into a countertop

Often the manufacturing company installs the bowl itself. But it happens that the service is not listed in the price list. In this case, the owner has to carry out the installation himself or with the help of specialists. But this is no reason to worry. The necessary set of tools and expert advice will help you successfully complete the task.

The topic of today's article is installing a sink in a countertop. This work is not particularly difficult, but you need to have certain carpentry and construction skills. The tips contained in the material will help you figure out how to embed a sink into a countertop with your own hands, and do it competently and quickly enough.

Installing a sink into a countertop yourself - stages of work:

  • Making a hole in the middle of the array.
  • Edge processing.
  • Installing the bowl, securing it from the back.
  • Sealing the space between the sink and the lid.
  • Supply of communications and connection of the structure to water supply and sewerage.

High-quality fastening of the structure is determined by the following factors:

  • Reliability of fastenings.
  • High-quality fit and sealing.

Important! Moisture is aggressive environment for the material from which the cover is made, especially for chipboard. High-quality installation does not allow it to swell or dry out, which makes it possible to significantly extend its service life.


This is perhaps the most important and serious stage if you need to embed the sink into the countertop:

  1. Place the sink in the center of the lid. The distance from the countertop to the edge of the sink should be 5 cm. If this gap is smaller, then the sink needs to be deepened.
  2. The interval from the corner plinth is 3 cm or more, so that there are no problems with cleaning. If the size allows, then it is advisable to leave a little space on both sides to place sponges and household chemicals.
  3. If the manufacturing company supplies a template for mounting the bowl, then the task becomes much easier. If there is no template, then you need to install the sink on the lid upside down and trace its outline using a washable marker.

Important! If you are going to install a round sink in the countertop, then the hole along the contour will have a round shape.

How to embed a sink into a countertop: hole for the bowl

To make the hole correctly, you will need a jigsaw. This - suitable option for structures made of chipboard or wood. A jigsaw cannot cope with more durable materials:

  • Prepare four centimeter holes at the tops of the rectangle. You should not cross the marking line.
  • Place a 2mm tooth file on the jigsaw.

Important! The direction of the tooth must be chosen in the opposite direction. In this case, there will be no chips on the front surface of the tabletop.

  • Secure the wooden plank across the sawn lines with self-tapping screws so that the cut out part of the tabletop does not fall prematurely under its own weight.
  • Remove the cut out portion.
  • Coat the edges of the resulting hole with silicone.

Installation work

Now - a direct answer to the question: how to embed a sink into a countertop. You will again need liquid silicone:

  1. Step back a few millimeters from the edge of the hole and apply a layer of silicone in the form of a rope. At the same time, the height of the silicone layer should slightly exceed the side of the sink.
  2. Then apply another silicone “tape”, stepping back from the first one by about a centimeter.
  3. After about 30 minutes the silicone will dry out.
  4. Insert the bowl into the previously prepared hole so that the silicone “bundles” take the shape of the sink, and leave for a few minutes.
  5. After this, remove the bowl and check the silicone layer. If it is not broken, it means that everything was done correctly, and the structure will receive an additional side made of silicone.
  6. Attach fittings to the countertop to install the hose and faucet.
  7. It is more convenient to attach the siphon to an already installed structure.
  • The hardest thing is to make the hole correctly. If it turns out to be excessively large, then the sink simply will not be able to hold on. You need to cut out the hole, stepping back slightly from the markings inward.

Important! If the bowl does not fit into the resulting hole, you can expand it to the required dimensions using a rasp.

  • Different types of silicone cure differently. If you rush to expose the sink, you won’t get an additional rim, since the silicone may burst.

Kit kitchen furniture includes many components for various purposes. The central element of the set in this room can be called the tabletop. It's not just basic working surface, but also a kind of frame with which kitchen communications, shelves, cabinets and, of course, the sink interact. And if the communication connection is carried out according standard schemes with given hole parameters, then the integration of functional elements into the platform niche itself requires more serious preparation. Cutting and fastening operations are only part of the work steps that a tabletop cannot do without. Implementing these and other tasks on your own is not easy, but it is possible if you follow the instructions.

Preparation for installation activities

Before starting work activities, you should prepare Consumables, tools and directly washing. By this point, the countertop should be installed, and the material of its manufacture should match the sink. The fact is that different countertops, depending on the size and material of manufacture, have different bearing capacity. Thin models based on composites can only withstand stainless sinks. If you plan to install a stone sink into the countertop, then you should focus on a high load. In this case, either the tabletop must be made of at least artificial stone, or additional holders are provided in the cabinet itself under the platform.

As for the tools, you should prepare a set measuring instruments, electric drill or jigsaw, screwdrivers, adjustable wrench, construction knife and a sealant gun. What consumables will be needed depends on the installation method, which will be discussed below. The universal list includes screws and sealant. In addition, do not forget about the plumbing, the organization of which involves the use of a siphon, a water supply hose and a mixer.

Rules for marking

This is a critical stage, during which the configuration of the sink placement will be determined in accordance with its size. Of course, you should start from the parameters of a specific sink, but there are standard rules placements that should not conflict with the selected installation scheme. First of all, the cutting edge, that is, the line of contact between the sink and the countertop, should be located at least 50 mm from the edge. This value should be maintained regardless of the method used to further install the sink into the countertop.

You can install the sink yourself using both glue and hardware, but in both cases the load on the edge must be minimized. The only exception is the area with the rear end, where the distance from the edge to the cut can be 25 mm, since in this part the pressure on the structure will be less. Also, when marking, you should remember about the communications that will be connected to the central point of the sink - they must fit freely to ensure both water supply and drainage to the sewer.

Cutting countertops to size of sink

After marking, the lines for future cutting should be ready. To perform cutting, two tools are used - a jigsaw and an electric drill. First, a drill comes into play, which will create niches for sawing. If installation is planned, it is necessary to make holes with a depth of at least 10 mm in each corner. Next, from each hole you need to use a jigsaw to connect to another nearby point along a straight cutting line.

A different approach should be used if a round sink is installed in a countertop. It is more difficult to cope with this task on your own, since you will need to perform not a straight, but a curved cut. But you should also start by creating a hole with an electric drill. It will be one. To make cutting easier, it is advisable to initially have a jigsaw designed for figure cutting. Then you should carefully guide the saw strictly along the intended circular line. It is important to avoid even small deviations and to cut smoothly and without jerking.

Installing a sink using glue

The adhesive method of fixing the sink is not the most reliable, but it is practical and, provided it fits tightly, can be quite durable. Before applying the glue, it is necessary to treat the edges of the tabletop at the cut points. For this, fine abrasive materials or a fine-grained grinding wheel are used. Next, a polyethylene-based sealant is applied. It is usually supplied complete with the product.

It is also worth noting that the adhesive method is used to install a stainless steel sink into a countertop, but not stone models, the shift of which can lead to a breakdown in fixation. Both the future contact points of the sink itself and the polished edges of the countertop are first coated with glue. It will be possible to use the sink for its intended purpose only after the composition has completely crystallized - you need to wait about 24 hours.

Installation of sink with fastening materials

Mechanical fixation will provide greater reliability, but there is one caveat. The adhesive composition increases the tightness of the areas where the sink and countertop meet. In the case of screws, the use of waterproof sealants in the joints will prevent the risk of flooding at the joints. larger volume than in the case of glue installation. Usually the fastening material is supplied included, so you don’t have to look for special hardware.

A “cross” installation of the sink into the countertop is considered optimal. You can do this installation yourself either using a screwdriver or using a screwdriver manually. The fastening strips are positioned diagonally, after which the complete screws are integrated into the technical holes.

Inset and overhead sinks - differences in installation

Built-in sinks require customized installation, including with a shaped cut countertop. Overlay models are also rarely done without pre-processing the platform, but in this case, markings for future cutting are made along straight lines. As a rule, a square or rectangular shape is prepared, and cutouts of this format are made in special panels in the factory.

What are the benefits of installing a built-in sink into a countertop? Implement it yourself figure cutting for such a sink it is more difficult, but in the end it will provide a higher degree of reliability, not to mention aesthetic appeal.

Nuances of installing ceramic sinks

Both ceramic and stone sinks are performed only using the insertion technique. Such models require the creation of a more durable load-bearing structure with high quality fixation. It is recommended to fasten using a combined method - that is, using glue and mechanical fasteners. This way it will be done optimal installation ceramic sink in the countertop.

You can also prepare the internal holding base yourself. This is done using wooden planks that secure the niche of the heavy tabletop under the cabinet. Such planks can also be fastened with nails, but a more preferable option involves the use of self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Connecting the sink to communications

First, connect the cold and hot water. On one side - to the mixer, on the other - to the water supply channel. The integration point of the mixer must contain rubber compressor. Next, a siphon outlet is introduced into the sink - it is advisable to use a curved model, since bottle ones quickly become clogged. A sewer pipe is connected to the siphon.

If it was installed in a countertop, then the communication line should be used as strictly as possible. For example, the nozzle may have a reinforced corner design. On final stage it is necessary to check all connections and, if necessary, provide sealing collars at the joints.

During the installation process, regardless of the installation method, a sealant will be used. You should not feel sorry for him, since the joints must be well sealed. However, excess that extends beyond the gaps must be removed before it dries.

Another nuance concerns working with stone and ceramic structures. This is the most labor-intensive installation of a sink into a countertop. It is physically difficult to carry out such installation on your own in the kitchen, so it is better to work with a partner. And one more point concerns the choice of the method of tightening the screws. If possible, it is better to perform such operations without power tools and manually, since excessive force can lead to deformation of the materials of the countertop and the sink itself.


How ergonomic a sink integrated into the countertop will be depends on many factors. Highest value will be the location of the object in the overall configuration of the headset. The durability and reliability of the structure will be determined by the installation of the sink in the countertop. Self-installation can guarantee the success of future operation only if the above recommendations are followed, as well as high quality used consumables.

Particular attention in this context should be paid to sealants and adhesive composition. It is advisable to choose both products from the lines of major manufacturers recommended for use in the kitchen under harsh operating conditions.

Installing a kitchen sink into a countertop plays an important role in the overall design. Carrying out this process with your own hands will not be difficult, even if you have never done this before. If you don’t have enough experience, you should find out, and only then start decorating this part of the apartment.

Necessary materials:

  • directly the sink itself;
  • silicone sealant;
  • pencil for marking;
  • masking tape;
  • thin drills;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw

We first strengthen the cabinet with wooden blocks to prevent the sink from sagging inside the cabinet. After this, the upper edge of the cabinet is treated with a moisture-resistant sealant, and the sink is placed on it.
If you have a sliding sink option, then after assembling the cabinet, the sink simply slides into the grooves.

  1. We are preparing the pattern. If there is no ready-made pattern in the kit, then take a piece of cardboard and trace the sink along inner contour so that the pattern is slightly larger.
  2. Attach the pattern to the tabletop with tape. We trace the cardboard pattern, having previously measured it several times. Consider in advance the convenience of the location of the hole for washing. We detach the glued pattern and stick masking tape around the perimeter to avoid damage to the tabletop.
  3. We drill several closely spaced small holes with a drill with a diameter of 2 mm near the point where the cutting begins. We connect them into one using a chisel big hole. From this place we cut out the wood with a jigsaw.
  4. We treat the edges of the hole with sealant, insert the sink there and press firmly for 1 minute. We remove the remaining sealant and leave everything until it hardens.
  5. We connect the hoses, sewerage and mixer to the sink in series. We check for leaks. The sink is ready for use. After connecting the communications, evaluate the condition of the cabinet and, if it needs additional rigidity, tighten it from the inside with strips.

    See also video: Installing a sink. Furniture assembly. Embedding the sink into the countertop.

How to install a sink on a kitchen countertop? This process is considered quite labor-intensive and complex, but it is quite possible to do it yourself. To understand how to embed a sink into a countertop with your own hands, you need to carefully study the instructions and follow the recommendations of experts.

Variety of models by design

There are several ways to install a kitchen sink into a countertop. First, it is important to take the correct measurements. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the furniture and installing the product unevenly.

Under-desk models

Installing a sink under the countertop is very convenient. In addition, under-table models look stylish. You can install a kitchen sink in a countertop if it is made of stone or plastic. The fact is that non-moisture resistant materials will lead to failure of the table. How to install a sink under a countertop? This is done in such a way that the product is below the table level. In this case, water will constantly fall on the cut in the table.

This is why moisture-resistant materials such as stone or plastic are ideal for this installation method.

Built-in models

How to install a sink into a countertop so that it is level with the table? This product is called mortise. How to install a sink in the kitchen? They are installed in a hole in the table, which is cut out with a special tool. The work must be done very carefully and accurately. Otherwise, the structure may not stand up straight.

Overhead models

Most in a simple way is to install a sink in the countertop in the kitchen above the table level. Installation requires the least amount of tools. Installing a sink on a countertop using an overhead method is possible at home. This does not require specialists.

Manufacturing materials, price difference

The materials from which products are made vary. They differ appearance, price and have their advantages and disadvantages. The most commonly used materials: stainless steel, artificial stone, plastic.

Models made of stone (artificial and natural)

The stone sink in the countertop looks beautiful. Recently their popularity has increased. This is explained by the fact that products made from artificial stone have a number of advantages. Among them:

    Moisture resistance

    No noise

    Environmental friendliness of the material

    Wide range of products

    Resistance to temperature changes

    Long service life

The main disadvantage is the high price of the product. Such products will cost much more than stainless steel sinks. The large mass of the products does not allow you to install them yourself.

Stainless steel products

Shells from of stainless steel enjoy in great demand. This is explained affordable price, practicality and a wide range of products. The disadvantage of stainless steel is its high noise level and unreliable fastening of the mixer. This applies to thin material.

Ceramic models

Install a ceramic sink into the countertop in Lately everything is decided more people. Ceramic models will cost more, but they look very impressive. The advantage of these products is their durability, variety of shapes and colors. Ceramic models are heavy, so it is unlikely that you will be able to install them yourself.

Overlay installation basics

How to integrate a sink into a kitchen countertop? For this, special fasteners are used. They usually come with a sink. 4-5 fasteners per product are enough.

Installing a sink into a countertop yourself looks like this:

    First, make the necessary notes. To do this, attach fasteners to inside table and take notes

    To prevent the table from being damaged by water, its ends are covered with sealant.

    If necessary, remove excess sealant

    The last stage is connecting to the sewerage and water supply system

Flush installation

Installing a built-in sink into a countertop is somewhat more complicated than installing a countertop sink. Installing a sink into a kitchen consists of several stages:

    Make the necessary measurements

    Cutting out a hole

    Install the sink

    Fasten the product

Self-installation of a built-in sink into a countertop without the help of professionals is quite possible. To do this, you need to follow the following instructions.

How to cut (cut) a hole in a table

How to make a cutout in the countertop for a sink? First you need to determine the cutting line. To do this, the product is turned upside down and placed on the table. When the sink is installed on the countertop, you need to mark it along the contour with a pencil. Next, the undermount sink is installed as follows:

    You need to make a hole along the line marked with a pencil. To do this, first drill in the corners with a drill

    After this, the outline is cut out with a jigsaw. It is necessary to cut from the front side of the table, otherwise chips may form on the surface

    Sealing the sink in the countertop. To protect the table from water, its edges are coated with sealant

Mortise mounting method

How to attach a built-in sink to a countertop? The sink is attached to the table using clamps. These items are usually included with the sink. Excess sealant is carefully removed. At the end, communications are connected.

How to fix corner, round and granite sinks

There are sinks different color, made from different materials. In addition, their shape is also varied. They can be round, square, or unusual designer ones. The method of fastening them is somewhat different from each other.

Round model fastener

Install round sink in the kitchen it is recommended if the room area is small. The round model will save space and increase its functionality. Such products generally have a deep and large thicket. Circle-shaped sinks fit perfectly into modern furniture and in the corners kitchen sets. Installation of a round sink usually occurs in a mortise manner.

How to install a sink in the kitchen round shape? This is done like this:

    The sink is placed on the table

    Draw around the edges with a pencil

    Sawed along the lines

    The edges are treated with sealant

    The sink is installed and fixed

Installation of a granite model (video example of installing a black granite sink)

Granite products can be of various shapes and colors. They also differ in size. It is recommended to take into account the dimensions of the kitchen furniture and sink so that the overall picture creates a beautiful and harmonious look. The placement of a corner sink is no different from round model. Granite sinks are installed in three ways, including:


  • Integrated

With the overhead method, the sink is installed on top of the table and secured with special clips. The mortise method involves cutting out a hole into which a granite product is placed. In the latter method, the countertop and sink are one piece.

Thus, the sink can be placed in the countertop independently in several ways. Some models are difficult to install without the help of a professional.

Today a person can install in his kitchen the sink that he likes. And it is not at all necessary to seek help from a specialist specialist; sometimes people decide to carry out a process such as installing a mortise sink with their own hands.

Modern market sanitary products can offer wide choose kitchen sinks. Modern sinks can have a variety of shapes, differ in the materials from which they are made, and come in a variety of colors. However, out of all this variety, it is worth highlighting a stainless steel sink, which is considered the most durable and budget-friendly.

Of course, the service market today is significantly developed and can offer such a service as installation kitchen sink. But people sometimes prefer to deal with such issues themselves in their home, and it is quite natural if they are faced with the question: how to install a built-in sink yourself?

The most common method of installing a sink in the kitchen, regardless of the material from which it is made, is to embed the sink into the countertop of the kitchen furniture. And in order for the process of installing a sink with your own hands to go flawlessly, you need to follow some rules and recommendations.

Tool selection and preparation

To embed a sink into a kitchen countertop, you may need the following tools:

  1. pencil for markings;
  2. roulette;
  3. construction corner;
  4. Phillips screwdriver;
  5. well sharpened knife;
  6. jigsaw with saw;
  7. electric drill with a metal drill with a diameter of 10 mm;
  8. self-tapping screws 4x30;
  9. universal or plumbing sealant;

When installing a sink with your own hands, it is important to prepare everything necessary tools, so as not to waste time searching for them while working.

Making the markings

The key to a successful result when installing a kitchen sink is the correct and precise marking.

So, the main stages of work:

  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the axis symmetrically relative to which the sink will be installed.
  • Next, you should consider the distance from the edges of the tabletop. Typically, such indentations are 50 mm from the front edge of the tabletop and 25 mm from the back.

When marking before installing a sink in the kitchen, it is important to remember that the above dimensions are not reference and can be changed depending on the size of the sink itself, the features of the insert, and so on.

  • With a sharpened pencil, make marks on the front side of the tabletop, which will indicate the axes and center.
  • Next, you should outline the boundaries of the kitchen sink itself.
  • In order to determine the distance from the edges of the countertop, the sink should be placed on it with the bowl down and aligned with the markings made by yourself. Without moving the sink, we outline its edges and remove it from the countertop.

Depending on the manufacturer, in order to assemble the sink, metal or plastic fastenings. It is better if these are metal fasteners. And, before you start installing the sink yourself, you should disassemble these fasteners and install special parts on the sink itself.

Cutting a mounting hole in the countertop

Depending on the shape of the sink, you should make holes in the kitchen countertop. To wash a round shape you will need to do one thing, and for rectangular shape- several holes.

It is important that the hole is located close to the cutting line, but does not touch it, and drilling should only be done from the front side of the kitchen countertop.

The result should be a hole through which you need to cut with a jigsaw yourself. To prevent the kitchen countertop from falling down, self-tapping screws must be inserted into the gap. After the cutout is ready, you need to place a sink next to it to make sure that the actions and markings are correct.

After the inside of the countertop is removed, the sections must be cleaned of dust and covered with a special sealant. The sealant must be used to kitchen countertop then it didn’t get wet when exposed to water.

Sink mount

After the countertop is cut out with your own hands for the sink, you can begin to attach it. To do this, you need to insert the sink into the hole and secure the fasteners equidistant from each other. It is important to remember that you should not tighten the fastenings completely.

It is important, when attaching the sink, to tighten the fastenings manually, without using any tools, always monitoring the position of the sink.

Then you need to turn the tabletop over front side down, install the remaining fasteners and tighten them completely. At the same time, the sharp spikes of the fasteners should stick into the tabletop as much as possible so that they can then be filed with a file.

In order to finally assemble the sink, you need to tighten the screws, pulling the sink to the countertop.

As a result of the work done, the sink along the entire perimeter should be pressed to the surface and installed clearly along the marking lines. If excess sealant is visible, it should be removed with a simple clean rag. The sealant dries completely within one day.

How to properly install a mortise sink in the kitchen (video)

Installing a sink in the kitchen is a responsible task and requires patience and skill from a person. However, if you strictly follow all the installation rules, you can do everything in in the best possible way, giving the kitchen interior a finished look.