Sheep wool blanket. Sheep wool blanket: properties, advantages and disadvantages, care tips. By appearance

The most popular category of bedding are blankets made from natural sheep wool. Lovers healthy image Life especially value them for their environmental cleanliness and healing properties. Compared to products made from synthetic materials, wool ones have a noticeable weight, which provides additional comfort and a sense of security. Most of the advantages of such accessories are determined by the characteristics of their natural filler.

What is good about sheep's wool and how to choose a wool product

If made from sheep's wool, in addition to comfortable conditions, you can also get a healing effect.

It's all about natural material, which has the following characteristics:

  • does not generate static electricity;
  • Excellent air permeability and heat retention;
  • absorbs moisture several times faster than materials made from plant fibers;
  • with proper care can be used for a long time;
  • contains natural wax – lanolin, which provides an antibacterial and healing effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the human body, reduces pain in the joints, neutralizes toxins, and serves as a prevention of colds;
  • supports comfortable conditions, prevents the penetration of cold air and retains heat.

The material is environmentally friendly and is often used to make children's bedding. Woolen items, depending on the model, can be used in winter and summer time.

It should be remembered that even inexpensive blankets made from 100% sheep wool will have a noticeable weight. Manufacturers strive to make their products lighter, but the lighter the wool product, the lower the percentage of natural material in it. Therefore, if you want to purchase an accessory without artificial fibers, pay attention to its weight.

For small children and people with sensitive skin The best decision- buy products made from Merino sheep wool, which is considered an elite material and does not cause allergic reactions.

Bedding made from high-quality wool fibers is valued in Russia and has a fairly high cost. But you don’t have to overpay if you buy a winter sheepskin blanket in the TekstilBest online store.

The best blankets for any season on the website

The TekstilBest online store is waiting for customers best price for sheep wool blankets in Moscow and the widest range.

Here everyone can choose a model for comfortable rest in any season:

  • warm and very warm- For cold winter;
  • all-season– comfortable in any weather;
  • ultralight- for warm summer.

The high-quality fabrics used - cotton, satin, teak - ensure optimal air circulation, practicality and hygiene of textiles. The accessories are accompanied by quality certificates, placed in attractive packaging and are quite suitable for a useful gift.

From time immemorial, people have raised sheep for milk, meat and, of course, wool. It is wool that serves as material for a wide variety of textile products: for clothing, for, as well as for rugs and blankets. Bedding made from natural wool is highly valued for its ability to retain heat, for its environmental friendliness and durability, as well as for its positive effect on human health. Let's consider the main advantages, types of blankets made of natural wool, as well as recommendations for choosing and caring for them.

Blankets made of wool and more: overview of types and types

Open and open blankets are made from sheep wool. closed type.

A blanket is called a universal bedding, which is usually used to cover oneself in order to keep warm and avoid hypothermia. Traditionally they were made from wool, but nowadays synthetic fillers are very popular. One can argue for a long time about which materials are better, synthetic or natural, and not come to a consensus. However, sheep wool is a proven material for centuries, accessible, replenishable, humane, and excellently warming, which is why it is still widely used in the creation of bedding.

Depending on the structure, blankets are divided into two large groups: open and closed (with fillers).

Open blankets include:

  • products made from tanned animal skin, on which all the hair is preserved; retain heat well, look impressive, but are considered extremely inhumane;
  • double warm wool sheets designed for winter;
  • light wool blankets for summer and well-heated rooms;
  • (a blanket that can be used on the road, in decorative purposes and to take cover).

Closed blankets consist of filler sewn into a special textile cover, they come in:

  • natural (down, mulberry, wool);
  • synthetic (acrylic, ).

Closed sheep wool blankets are made in three ways, depending on the type of distribution and fixation of the filler in the cover:

  • Quilts are a three-layer fabric (fabric, wool, cloth) stitched with a fine machine stitch. This is an ancient and honored method of making bedding and some types of clothing, but the filler in such a product can clump and migrate, that is, move uncontrollably from place to place.
  • Karostep is a blanket with patterned machine stitching. Thanks to the complex geometric pattern (crosses or eights are often depicted), the filler is better held in place and better protects a person from the cold. When purchasing this type of product, you should pay attention to the holes through which the needle passed - if they are too noticeable and wide, then the filler may break through over time.
  • Cassette blankets are considered the most reliable and durable. The product is a textile mosaic of connected elements – segments, volumetric squares, “cassettes”. The filler does not migrate or deform at all when enclosed in a limited textile space.

Fabrics used to create covers:

  • - affordable, popular cotton fabric. The material is very unpretentious, inexpensive, and is widely used for the manufacture of covers for bedding.
  • - durable cotton fabric, often available undyed and unfinished.
  • – smooth glossy fabric made of silk and cotton with satin weave. The material is light, cool to the touch, and glides pleasantly over the skin.
  • – tenacious cotton twill fabric. Used for sewing massive products, such as heavy ones.
  • dense material or plain or twill weave. Traditional material for the manufacture of pillows, blankets and mattresses. Often produced with a characteristic striped pattern.

The size, fabric of the cover, method of fixing the filler - these are all individual characteristics, the buyer chooses for himself suitable option. It cannot be said that there is a standard wool blanket, the best example - the purchase is made based on personal preferences, financial plan and overall quality products.


When purchasing a sheepskin blanket, you should consider it for the following reasons:

  • size affects the cost of the product;
  • the dimensions of the blanket must be coordinated with the size of the bed, as well as with the number of people who will sleep under it and their height;
  • for products not standard sizes It's difficult to find suitable bedding.

In total, there are three size options that you can freely buy and choose aesthetic underwear sets to match:

  • One and a half blanket - suitable for one person. Classic size- 140x205 cm, also on sale you can find models with dimensions ranging from 150x200 cm to 160x210 cm.
  • Double - a more comfortable size product, suitable for married couples. The traditional size is 175x205 cm (it is also called English or Soviet). You can also find options from 170x200 cm to 180x210 cm - you should pay attention to the numbers when purchasing in order to make choosing underwear easier in the future.
  • Euro standard - improved double blanket big size 200x220 cm. Very comfortable and spacious.

How is sheep's wool obtained?

Before sewing wool products, it is sorted according to the quality of the fibers.

Before you can make a cozy and warm blanket, you need to get the material for it, that is, wool. There are many breeds of sheep, and depending on the region and climate, the animals are shorn at different times. Typically, herds are kept on special farms, raised and fed, and the conditions are maintained to obtain high-quality products. The warmest wool comes from sheep that live in cold regions. There the animals successfully adapt to the harsh climate, and their fur grows very thick.

Sheep are sheared carefully, following technology and safety rules, so as not to damage the fleece or injure the animal. It is impossible to automate this process, so wool is obtained through manual labor.

The cut wool is washed several times with a soap-soda solution, then rinsed in clean water, squeeze well, removing moisture, and dry. Before making anything from wool, it is stored in a completely dry room, because when it gets wet, wool loses its elasticity and becomes less strong. For further production of textiles, wool is sorted by fiber quality and color.

Natural sheep wool curls and bends, forming “curls” - this feature increases the elasticity of the material. The hairs have microscales that adhere to each other and help form strong yarn and reliable insulating fabrics. The structure of the hairs, their shape suggests the presence of air between the fibers, which significantly helps in caring for the coat - water penetrates freely between the fibers, washing away dust and dirt.

Material characteristics

This closed-type sheep wool blanket is very light and soft.

Natural sheep wool is warm and soft to the touch, products made from it provide good warmth and have a beneficial effect on overall human health and skin condition. Among the advantages of this material are:

  • Antistatic – wool does not become electrified during use.
  • Safety - natural material does not cause redness and itching, does not contribute to allergies, as well as various irritations.
  • Air permeability - wool allows air to pass through the fibers well. This indicator also helps to effectively retain heat in the human body.
  • Hygroscopicity - the material absorbs moisture 7 times faster than fabrics of plant origin (cotton, linen), does not allow it to remain on human skin, and at the same time quickly evaporates water. Professional travelers, especially those associated with the water element, prefer blankets and other insulating items made of natural sheep wool or sheepskin - this material has been tested for centuries, is affordable, and is believed to be able to absorb water better than synthetic substitutes.
  • Durability – the material is very wear-resistant, does not rub off or pill. If used correctly and properly stored, a sheep wool blanket can last more than 10 years.
  • Lightness – wool weighs little, does not create a feeling of heaviness, and does not “suffocate” during sleep.
  • Softness – natural material is pleasant to the touch, does not irritate the skin, and has a pleasant spring when pressed.
  • The presence of lanolin – natural wool contains animal wax, which is called lanolin. This substance remains even after processing the wool, helps neutralize toxic substances and has a positive effect on human skin - rejuvenates, increases elasticity, and makes the skin more elastic.
  • Positive effects on health - wool massages the skin, improves blood circulation, prevents colds, alleviates the symptoms of osteochondrosis and radiculitis, and also helps relieve joint pain.
  • Practicality. Wool is a very durable material, durable, lasts a long time and does not wear out. Due to its natural properties, natural wool can self-clean and also repels different kinds dirt, which makes caring for the blanket as easy as possible.
  • Thermoregulation - not only helps keep you warm, but also maintains comfortable temperature. Low thermal conductivity does not allow cold air to penetrate to the skin, and also does not release warm air out.
  • – wool retains its shape well, fibers do not migrate, the material is resilient and elastic.


Sheep wool and human health

Sheep wool is considered a healing material.

Sheep wool is a healthy, natural material, ideal for making bedding. A wool blanket is warm, durable, practical, perfectly breathable and absorbs moisture, allowing you to maintain a comfortable body temperature. In addition, sheep wool is considered a healing material; it is used to prevent and prevent various diseases, as well as as an aid in treatment.

Sheep wool has the following healing properties:

  • analgesic and antibacterial effect;
  • anti-inflammatory and warming effect.
  • arthrosis;
  • asthma;
  • muscle pain;
  • sinusitis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • orthopedic problems;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • otitis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism.

Sheep wool is used for pneumonia - a blanket helps to warm up in the manner of mustard plasters and rubbing. Wool warms well after hypothermia, and also helps relieve muscle pain after active activities. physical labor, after sprains and injuries, restores normal blood circulation.

Sheep wool is safe for children, so small children's blankets are also made from it. Bedding made from this material can be used both in winter and summer - thanks to good aeration, the blanket protects the skin from dryness and excess sweating. In addition, the wool constantly gently massages the body.

Features of care

All natural materials require careful handling - only proper care will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the product and all its positive properties.

  • To prevent the filling from pilling and seals from occurring, a blanket with natural wool should not be washed at home. Dry cleaning with a brush or vacuum cleaner is acceptable. In case of serious contamination, the product should be sent to professional dry cleaning.
  • If absolutely necessary, the blanket can be washed at home, but you will need to purchase special remedy for woolen products, which will prevent tangling and damage to the fibers, and will also quickly be washed off and rinsed. Hot water may damage the product, so do not use it.
  • To refresh the blanket, it should be aired regularly, at least once a season. To do this, it is best to take the product outside and leave it in the shade; you can use the balcony for ventilation.
  • After washing or if the blanket accidentally gets wet, it is dried in the same conditions as ventilated - outside, on the balcony or in a well-ventilated room.
  • When the wool blanket is not in use, it is stored in a ventilated, clean and dry closet. Factory packaging is also suitable for this. Storage in vacuum bags is not recommended.

When purchasing a sheep wool blanket, you should make sure of the quality of the product. The packaging must indicate the manufacturer, address, Contact phone numbers. Before purchasing, you should visually examine the blanket - the fabric of the cover should be even, smooth, without snags, without paint streaks (which indicates low-quality dyes). All seams should be tight and even, threads should not stick out, forming loops. Ideal if traces of puncture of the fabric with a needle are not noticeable. The blanket should be soft and elastic to the touch, without internal irregularities, lumps, or compactions.

A blanket made of sheep wool is a universal sleeping accessory, suitable for all seasons, for children and adults, and has a positive effect on human health. Care when purchasing, proper care, storage and operation will help keep the product in excellent condition for many years.

Wool products (sheep, camel, cashmere) are in particular demand. When choosing a particular blanket, everyone is guided by considerations and preferences. Some are more concerned about cost, others - appearance. But the main thing is what sensations the sleeper experiences while being made of this or that material. In general, wool blankets are suitable for people who like dry warmth and the feeling of the weight of the blanket.

Camel wool blanket

A blanket made from itself is a unique product, as it has positive energy and has a healing effect on the human body, treating sore joints. And lanolin, an animal fat contained in its fur, when in contact with human skin, absorbs toxins and rejuvenates the body. It's all about the peculiarities of the conditions in which camels live - in the desert the weather is hot during the day and cold at night, and the camel's fur has adapted to these conditions, it keeps cool and warm.

The hair of a camel from the desert has its own characteristics - it is hollow inside and has no scales, so camel wool is very light.

Camel is much lighter than sheep's, but at the same time warmer and more durable. Camel hair is not collected as often as that of other animals, and therefore this material is very expensive. Blanket from camel hair cannot be cheap - this is perhaps the only disadvantage of such a product.

Sheep wool and blanket made from it

A blanket made from sheep wool also has many advantages and is also much cheaper than a blanket made from camel wool. This product is denser, has more weight, it is comfortable to use even in cool weather in summer, and medicinal properties a sheep blanket has no less than a camel blanket. For example, scientists from England have proven that such a blanket helps improve human metabolic functions, and thanks to the lanolin with which sheep's wool is impregnated, it traps air and retains heat.

In New Zealand, a sheepskin blanket is used to care for premature babies; this product helps the baby maintain body temperature, keep warm and keeps the baby dry. A sheep wool blanket is well suited for people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism and ARVI.

People who are prone to allergies should be careful when using a sheepskin blanket. And of course, it is worth considering that caring for woolen products is quite complicated; it is recommended to use dry cleaning.

The biggest advantage of these blankets is that during sleep, they will not only warm you up, but will also have time to heal your body.

Choosing bedding is a serious and responsible task. In order for your sleep to be healthy and your rest to be complete, they must be as convenient and comfortable as possible. In this article we will talk about such an item as a sheep wool blanket. Consumer reviews of this item are mostly positive. But we will try to see for ourselves whether a blanket made from natural sheep wool is really as good as they say. And are there any contraindications for its use? Also from the information presented you will learn where you can buy such bedding and what rules exist for caring for it.


Three types of blankets are produced from sheep wool: quilted, woven and fur. What are these items?

The quilt is located between two layers of fabric. The entire product is stitched. The thicker the layer of wool in it, the warmer it is. Lightweight sheep wool blanket has 1 square meter up to 400 grams of this natural material. If its quantity reaches 700 grams, then such a thing is considered moderately warm. Well, those blankets that contain more than 800 grams of natural filler per square meter can protect from the cold even at sub-zero temperature in room.

Woven blankets are a thin, dense fabric. At the same time, it is very warm. This thing retains heat perfectly. This blanket does not wrinkle or cake when stored folded. But caring for him is not easy. It should be washed strictly according to the instructions. If the technology is violated, it can shrink, lose its shape, and become hard to the touch. It is recommended to clean such a blanket made of sheep wool (consumer reviews confirm this) by dry cleaning.

Delicate, soft, warm, beautiful. These characteristics apply to a fur blanket made from sheep's wool. From this natural material special technology produce fabric. The fur on it can be located on one or both sides. Just looking at such a thing gives you a feeling of warmth and comfort. But there is one small drawback: it will last no more than two or three years. It tends to “roll off” over time.

The benefits of bedding made from sheep wool

Blankets made from this natural material have thermoregulating properties that help maintain the body's optimal temperature. The fibers of wool shrink in the cold, making the fabric even denser. On the contrary, they expand due to heat, allowing air to pass through them. Therefore, sleeping under such natural shelter both in the cold season and in the warm season is comfortable and convenient.

A blanket made of sheep wool (customer reviews confirm this information) has a high hygroscopicity, which allows it to absorb up to 30% of the moisture from its total mass. Therefore, if you are sweating, or the room where you sleep is damp, cover yourself with just such an item. You will feel comfortable and warm under it.

Natural wool contains natural animal fat - lanolin. His thin layer covers the surface of the lint, which creates unfavorable conditions for bedbugs and mites, which most often live in furniture and bedding.

Medicinal properties

Wool bedding helps heal many diseases. It is recommended to use them for people suffering from the following ailments: rheumatism, arthritis, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, ischemia lower limbs, disruption of the circulatory system, inflammation of ligaments, tendons, muscles, diseases of the genitourinary system, bedsores, neuralgia, allergies. The blanket (filled with sheep's wool) warms the body very well, helping to improve the functioning of all systems and organs.

For diseases of the head and cervical spine, it is recommended to sleep on a pillow made of this natural material or a blanket folded into a roll.

The wool fibers in the blanket fabric perform a micro-massage of the body, which promotes its relaxation, relieves tension, and soothes pain. A person, covered with such an object, falls asleep very quickly.

Are there any disadvantages to a blanket made from natural filling?

This item has no drawbacks, this is also evidenced by reviews of people who have been using a similar thing for more than one year. The only thing that sheep wool, like the fur of any other animal, can cause in humans allergic reaction. The symptoms of this disease are itching skin, sneezing, watery eyes, weakness, irritability, rash. If you notice such phenomena after sleeping under a blanket with natural wool filling, it is recommended to stop using it and seek help from a doctor.

Like sheep's wool?

Like any other bedding, a blanket needs care. And it consists of cleaning and washing. How to correctly perform these procedures with a blanket filled with natural wool?

The best way to clean a piece like this from dirt is to take it to the dry cleaner. There specialists will do their work efficiently and reliably. But if you still decide to wash a sheep’s wool blanket at home, then carefully study the following recommendations. They will help you effectively remove dirt and keep your bedding intact and beautiful.

Machine stitching a blanket with natural filler allowed in "wool" mode. You need to add a product containing lanolin to the water. It is recommended to use wool conditioner for rinsing. The spin function cannot be used.

At hand wash sheep wool blanket (reviews from housewives confirm this) when performing following rules retains all its special qualities. In a large basin with warm water(no more than 30 degrees) need to be added liquid product for caring for woolen clothes. Lower and raise the blanket into it as many times as possible. IN running water Rinse the product thoroughly. Do not rub the stains, as this may cause the fur to fall out. In case of heavy soiling, it is recommended to wash the blanket in soapy water in several passes. There is no need to wring out this woolen item.

Drying rules

The washed blanket must be dried flat on a horizontal surface. Do not expose it to direct sunlight or place it close to heating devices. Ironing this item is not recommended.

As a rule, blankets made at specialized enterprises have labels sewn on them. They contain all the information on caring for the product. Please pay attention to this information before performing any cleaning procedures on the blanket.

How and where to buy bedding?

If you want to buy a sheep wool blanket that meets all quality standards, contact only specialized retail establishments. There, professional consultants will show you the entire range and tell you in detail about this or that product. It is very convenient today to purchase such things in online stores. On the website page you will find all the information you are interested in: type of blanket, size, composition, price. By filling out the order form in in electronic format, you can buy blankets made of sheep wool (Ivanovo or other manufacturers) without leaving your home.


If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, then a sheep wool blanket is a must have in your home. It will give you and your household complete rest, comfortable and restorative sleep.

It is hard to imagine modern man, for whom comfort is not important. Tired of the fast pace of life during the day, you want to relax, forget yourself until the morning, plunging into a soft blanket.

In search of the perfect padding, manufacturers are constantly improving technology by mixing fibers different types to obtain the perfect product. However, the most popular products of all existing lines sheep wool blankets remain. Compared to other fibers, they have a number of features and advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sheep wool is a natural material obtained by shearing sheep and further processing. Wherever it is used, it is characterized by warmth and practicality. Any product made from this material becomes not only warm, but also therapeutic, capable of preventing various diseases or becoming an auxiliary component of the treatment itself.

Healing properties blankets are explained by “dry” heat, which can:

  • calm the nervous system;
  • relieve muscle and joint tension;
  • speed up recovery from colds;
  • increase blood circulation, relaxing the body;
  • soothe the skin.

Sheep wool blankets are antistatic. When they come into contact with the user’s body, they give off a useful negative charge, freeing the person from the negative and positive. Due to this, it does not appear on a person harmful effects, which increases the body’s resistance to headaches, dizziness, depression, and thyroid dysfunction.

Due to the fact that such blankets have low thermal conductivity, they do not allow the user's body heat to penetrate beyond the blanket.

At the same time, they do not allow outsiders temperature factors(heat or cold) have an effect on the body covered by the blanket itself. Thus, the bedspreads create the most comfortable conditions for resting or sleeping, eliminating the formation of sweat or freezing.

Sheep wool blankets are very hygroscopic. They are able to absorb moisture in an amount of one third of their weight (mainly from the air and produced human body), and immediately evaporating it without a trace. Therefore, such products are always dry and provide the same atmosphere and comfort to the user.

Companies make rulers for people of different ages. The most compact models designed for children, most of the line is designed for adults. In addition, woolen sheepskin blankets are relatively inexpensive. This allows you to choose a product taking into account the desired parameters, which will not hit your budget.

However, some clients, faced with the purchase of such a blanket, note that on average the price is best models can't be called small. As a rule, if the cost is several hundred rubles, this indicates the low quality of the product and the mixed structure of the filler (for example, a mix of wool with synthetic fibers).

A high-quality option worthy of purchase will cost approximately 2,500 to 5,000 rubles, or even more.

Such bedspreads have the ability to neutralize odors. Due to lanolin (a natural antiseptic), they eliminate the smell of sweat and other extraneous odors, killing the toxic toxins they contain. In addition, thanks to the fine mesh structure of the fibers, air constantly circulates in the filler, which eliminates settling dust.

Often, buyers purchase two blankets at once: one for daily use, the second as a spare, which can be used to cover guests when they arrive.

This approach allows you to easily take care of those closest to you, because a sheepskin blanket is a good gift for any celebration. It's appropriate and always required item everyday life, so he is always welcome.

Alas, exactly natural composition The material gives the blanket some inconvenience. Unfortunately, natural sheep wool is not suitable for all users, as it contains a considerable percentage of lanolin.

Those who have very sensitive skin (including allergy sufferers) cannot purchase such a blanket, as it can harm their body, causing discomfort (redness, irritation, itching). Therefore, the purchase of such a product should be thorough, regardless of the age of the future user.

Like most bedding, a sheep's wool blanket is often home to dust mites. Moreover, if you do not use it for some time or there is a lot of humidity in the house and the room is not ventilated, moths will certainly appear in this blanket.

The service life of such products is approximately 10 - 15 years.

The manufacturer assures that all this time the structure of the filler will remain unchanged, will not cake, remaining homogeneous. In reality, the product loses its properties much earlier.

If dead hair from a killed sheep gets into the filler, it can change the overall idyll of softness, introducing a kind of fly in the ointment: such fiber is rougher to the touch.

Another disadvantage of such blankets is heavy weight, which is twice as high as analogues made from camel wool, not to mention down and light synthetic products. On the other hand, this feature is even liked by many users, for whom the weight is comparable to indicators of quality and body protection.

One of the significant disadvantages of sheep wool blankets is the difficulty of care. Moreover, even the most delicate approach is not always successful, and the quality of the product noticeably deteriorates with each cleaning. In addition, part of the line has a characteristic smell, which not all buyers can put up with.

How is it useful?

Thanks to modern technologies, manufacturing companies have learned to produce products that are not prickly, but soft and pleasant to the body, and quality characteristics the blankets do not shrink.

In addition to the fact that such blankets prevent overheating in summer and cold in winter, they have beneficial features, being an aid in the treatment of various problems:

  • according to doctors, warm sheepskin blankets can strengthen the immune system, having a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • they relieve the user from the feeling of fatigue and blues;
  • help create cozy atmosphere surfaces sleeping place for babies, adding warmth and comfort to a hard surface orthopedic mattress;
  • relieve prickly heat in children and adults;
  • relieve pain in the spine, relevant for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism;
  • recommended for those who suffer from sinusitis, asthma, gout, otitis media;
  • improve metabolism, relieve swelling and slow down skin aging;
  • have a mild anti-cellulite effect;
  • normalize blood circulation and reduce heart rate, normalizing heart function.

There is an opinion that blankets made of sheep wool help with pneumonia, are indispensable for hypothermia, and promote rapid recovery of the body during muscle strain and active physical activity.

Sometimes users note some massage effect when using such a bedspread. In addition to anti-inflammatory and warming effects, such products have an antibacterial effect.


According to external indicators and the method of manufacturing, sheepskin blankets come with open and closed wool. In addition, they can be one-sided or two-sided. The composition of such a blanket can be natural wool or wool blend (with the addition of polyester in a ratio of 4:10), woven or non-woven.

By type of production

Today, all types of woolen sheepskin blankets can be divided into three groups:

  • quilted;
  • woven;
  • fur.

Of these, only the quilted ones are closed. Moreover, these models are in greater demand today than others. Quilted models with sheepskin filling are a warm quilted wool fabric located between two layers of textiles.


In such designs, the principle is observed: the thicker the wool layer, the heavier and warmer the blanket itself:

  • the lightweight sheepskin version includes about 100 - 150 grams of fiber per 1 square meter. m;
  • in lightweight models for 1 sq. m. of canvas use approximately 250 - 300 grams of wool;
  • in moderately warm (standard) products there is more filler - 400 grams;
  • especially warm (winter) models for those who are constantly cold allow 700 - 800 grams of wool per 1 square meter. m or more.

As a double-sided coating for the wool layer, brands often use dense, breathable textiles made from natural and mixed fibers (cotton, calico, satin, polycotton). This category of bedspreads is distinguished by its richness color palette and colors, which is always important for the buyer and is noted in reviews on the Internet.

A woven model is essentially a thin fabric, which does not reduce its thermal characteristics. This blanket is resistant to deformation, does not wrinkle, and is convenient to store in a closet or linen drawer on a sofa (bed). Such models are good as summer and demi-season blankets: for those who do not accept thin bedspreads for winter, they may not be warm enough.

Sheepskin fur bedspreads can be called the most luxurious category of the line. They may have one or two open sides soft filler, processed along the edge with a wide finishing edging made of jersey.

Models open on both sides are the most expensive, but also the most impractical, since caring for them is doubly difficult than their one-sided counterparts.

A single-sided blanket with open wool is convenient because it can be used as a blanket or blanket, decorating the surface of the sleeping area during the day. More often, the top of one of its sides becomes polyester or satin. Sometimes manufacturers decorate such products with jacquard materials with bright prints.


The parameters of the blanket matter; not only the cost of the product depends on them. It is important that there is enough cover and that you do not have to bend your legs to cover yourself. It’s bad when you have to huddle under it. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to take into account the number of people, as well as their height.

In addition, it is important to keep in mind that manufacturers make bedding to certain standards. Choosing a duvet cover for a non-standard model will be difficult, if not impossible.

Today, companies produce products in several sizes, which can be classified as:

  • children's– products from newborns to children of kindergarten age, the length and width of these products are 60x90, 80x90, 90x120, 100x140, 110x140 cm;
  • single-and-a-half-size– varieties with parameters 140x200, 140x205, 150x200, 155x200, 155x220, 160x210 cm for one user;
  • double– analogues for two, characterized by greater comfort and dimensions: 170x200, 175x205, 180x210 cm;
  • euro standard– not only comfortable, but also the most spacious models – 200x210, 200x220 cm.

The best manufacturers

A wide range of textile products gives you a lot of opportunities to choose a quality sheepskin blanket. Sometimes it is so big that it is easy to get lost in it.

To have a more detailed understanding of such bedspreads, You can get acquainted with the products of the following companies, marked by positive customer reviews:

  • Belashoff– a line of products made from fine fleece sheep wool with a satin-jacquard cover made of 100% cotton, as well as mixed packaging, lightweight and standard quilted models with pleasant colors (budget products designed for the mass buyer);
  • Billerbeck– branded products from a German manufacturer, well-known European level quality, made from the wool of fine-wool sheep, which has gone through several levels of cleaning and carding (original products with a fluffy side made of llama wool, the second side made of cotton fabric and a sheepskin core);

  • La Scala– lightweight quilted models made from Australian sheep with low weight (from 1000 to 1300 grams on average), complemented by a jacquard cover, options for adults in standard sizes;
  • Dargez– quilts for single and double beds (including Euro-size), a line of warm and inexpensive breathable models made from sheep and merino wool from Australian sheep; warm models of different weights with high elastic and heat-resistant qualities;
  • "Erdenet"– products of a Mongolian company universal sizes for adults, characterized by a relatively low cost and high quality bedspread; quilted models packed in natural cotton covers in pleasant pastel colors;

  • "Holti"- products from Moscow trademark for adults, single-sided with fur and satin sides, decorated with plain, patterned jacquard covers, as well as double-sided counterparts, warm, incredibly soft, pleasant to the body;
  • "Posteltex-plus"– closed bedspreads from the Ivanovo manufacturer for different age categories of users (designed for children and adults), medium density (300 grams per 1 sq. m.), have plain and colored covers made of teak, calico (the most budget products from the presented companies).

How to choose?

If such a blanket is on sale, sellers will definitely highlight this and offer it for purchase.