Review of small and compact wood-burning stoves for summer cottages. Small-sized brick ovens: choosing bricks, preparing mortar for masonry. Do-it-yourself garage oven Mini brick oven

Comfort country house, built far from gas supply networks, is unthinkable without a stove. In the cold season, it gives us pleasant warmth, relieving the air of dampness.

The market today offers customers all kinds of designs of metal “stove stoves”. Despite this, many summer residents prefer classic version– a heating stove made of brick. Its advantages are obvious: due to heavy weight it accumulates a lot of heat and releases it for a long time, warming the room well.

The service life of a brick structure significantly exceeds that of a metal one. Minimum costs The materials and simplicity of arrangement attract the attention of home craftsmen to a simple stove for a summer residence.

Our article will help you test yourself as a stove maker. In it we will look at several options for simple wood stoves and we'll give practical recommendations according to their masonry.

You will be convinced that there is nothing complicated in the drawings of these structures. Having learned to read “orders” - brick layout diagrams, you can build a full-fledged heat-generating device with your own hands.

How to build the simplest brick oven?

First you need to decide what you want to get from your future stove. If you only need to heat the rooms, and use bottled gas or electricity to cook food, then choose an option without a stove and oven. Anyone who loves soft healing warmth chooses the option with a bed.

For regular cooking of large quantities of food and pet food, a simple oven with a hob will be just right.

We will look at three examples of stoves with step-by-step guidance on how to lay them:

  • Simple direct flow;
  • With hob;
  • Heating.

Let’s say right away that you cannot expect high heat transfer from a simple design devoid of gas circulation. For this reason, such stoves are installed in garages and other small rooms with an area of ​​no more than 16 m2.

We will consider this option so that beginners get their first simple lesson in practical masonry.

Direct flow heating design designed to heat a small room

Such a stove does not require a strong foundation. Having poured large crushed stone in a layer of 15-20 cm, filled it with cement mortar and leveled the surface, after a couple of days you can begin laying.

Stove dimensions in plan: width 2 bricks (51 cm), depth 2.5 bricks (64 cm). Since there is no blower chamber in it, holes for air intake are drilled directly in the combustion door.

The sixth row covers the combustion chamber door. The top view helps to better understand the brick laying method.

The procedures for this design are simple. The main condition during work is to ensure that the seams are bandaged so that the top brick covers the seam between the two lower ones.

On the eighth row, the firebox is narrowed, using halves and “three-quarters” - ¾ of a whole brick. The exit from the firebox is thus obtained with a cross-section of 1 brick (125x250 mm).

The next row (ninth) is laid out in the same way as the seventh, using a whole brick.

After this, the brick tier is placed on the edge flush with the inner edge of the bottom row. The new tier is laid flat, using two whole bricks and four “three-quarter” bricks. In this way, the smoke channel is again narrowed in order to trap gases and increase heat transfer.

On the next tier, the stones are placed on edge. A brick is placed in the middle of the smoke channel. In this way, the oven is raised another five rows (one tier on an edge and a brick in the middle, the other tier flat).

The remaining four tiers are laid flat. With the last two rows of masonry, the smoke channel is narrowed to a size of 12x12 cm (half a brick). At this level, a smoke damper is placed in the furnace. A steel pipe is inserted into it from above.

Oven with hob

In the very simple version This design has small dimensions (width 2 and depth 3 bricks - 78x53 cm). However, even in such a limited area it is possible to place a single-burner stove.

Work goes smoothly when you have everything you need at hand.

Therefore, purchase the following materials and accessories in advance:

  • Solid red brick – 107 pcs;
  • Blower door – 1 piece;
  • Grate – 1 piece;
  • Single-burner cast iron stove – 1 piece;
  • Fire door – 1 piece;
  • Pipe valve – 1 pc.

Fire bricks are not needed for a wood burning stove. Buying it is a waste of money. But red should be chosen carefully, discarding cracked and uneven ones.

Preparation of the solution

The masonry mixture is made by mixing four parts clay with one part water and adding eight parts sifted sand. The normal consistency is determined simply: the solution easily slides off the trowel, leaving no drips on it. When laying, it should not leak out of the seams.

The volume of the mortar is determined based on the amount of brick. With an optimal seam thickness (3-5 mm), one bucket is enough for 50 pieces.

Having prepared the masonry mixture, you can begin laying the foundation. Its width is made 10 cm larger than the width of the oven. The height of the foundation is selected so that the bottom of the first row of bricks is at floor level.

An approximate prototype of a stove

If the underground is deep enough (50-60 cm), then there is no need to dig a hole for the foundation. It is enough to make formwork on the ground with a plan size of 76 x (51 + 10 cm). Two layers of roofing felt are placed on its bottom to protect it from moisture. Having laid the concrete, it is given a week to gain strength, after which they begin laying.

The dimensions of the stove with hob we are considering are 3 x 1.5 bricks (76x39 cm).

Expert advice: lay out each new tier of brick without mortar (dry). After adjusting the bricks to size, you can begin laying.

The first row is placed on a layer of clay mortar (4-5 mm). Having leveled the base, lay out the second one, leaving space for the blower door.

Before installing the door, you need to screw it to it. soft wire and place its ends in the seams for better fixation.

The frame of the cast iron door has four holes for wire, which is used for fixing in the masonry

To compensate for the thermal expansion of the metal, a gap is left between the door and the brick. Before installation, its frame is wrapped with wet asbestos cord.

The third row is laid by overlapping the seams of the second. At this level, a grate is installed in the firebox.

Order scheme from 1st to 8th row

The fourth row is placed on the edge, observing the ligation of the seams, and the walls of the combustion chamber are formed. Behind it will be the first and only smoke circuit (see section A-A in diagram No. 2). To clean its bottom, a so-called knockout brick is placed in the rear wall without mortar, which is periodically removed to remove ash. Inside the chimney, two stands are made from pieces of brick to support the internal partition.

The stones of the fifth row are placed flat, leaving space for the firebox door. At the back of the stove, in order, we see the walls of two smoke channels. During work, their surface must be thoroughly cleaned with a wet cloth to remove any clay protruding from the seams. This is an important condition for ensuring good traction.

Helpful advice! When focusing on the order drawings, do not forget to look at the two sections of the stove. They will help you better imagine its design and not make mistakes when laying out the bricks.

Order scheme from 9th to 11th row

Having raised the masonry up to the eighth row, they close the furnace door, placing wire in the seams to secure its frame. At the same level, in the back of the fuel chamber, a brick with a beveled end is placed - a smoke tooth. It improves heat output by preventing flue gases from quickly escaping into the chimney.

Having completed the ninth row, an asbestos cord is laid along it on a clay mortar. It is necessary for sealing the joints of a cast iron slab and brick. On the tenth row, the firebox is covered with a hob.

On the eleventh, a smoke valve is installed in the pipe. It is also compacted along the contour with an asbestos cord soaked in clay.

Rows 12 and 13 - formation of the pipe walls. After they are completed, a lightweight sheet metal pipe is placed on the stove, leading to the roof.

Heating stove

Now let’s see how to build a brick stove with your own hands, designed to heat a small country house.

Approximate prototypes of the considered heating stove option for a country house

Its dimensions:

  • width – 2 bricks (51 cm);
  • depth - 3.5 bricks (90 cm);
  • height – 2 meters 38 cm.

For construction you will need the following materials and accessories:

  • Red solid brick – 390 pcs;
  • Clay - 9 buckets;
  • Sand - 18 buckets;
  • Grate (25x40 cm) – 1 piece;
  • Fire door (20x30 cm) – 1 piece;
  • Blower door (14x20 cm) – 1 piece;
  • Cleaning door (14x20 cm) – 1 piece;
  • Gate valve - 1 piece;
  • Pre-furnace steel sheet (50x70 cm) – 1 piece;
  • Roofing felt for waterproofing (100x60 cm) – 1 pc.

Sequence of work

The first row is the base of the oven. It should be laid out especially carefully, checking the horizontality using a level.

The corners are the hardest part for beginners. To ensure that they are even, we recommend immediately installing four template posts on the edges of the masonry. They can be made from planed boards, knocking them down in pairs at right angles.

By installing such “formwork” from floor to ceiling, you can easily create ideal angles.

Homemade template for laying corners

On the second row, two bricks with a beveled edge facing into the ash chamber are laid at the end of the furnace. The laying of the third row begins with the installation of a blower door, fixed with wire in the seams of the side bricks.

Order diagram from 1 to 10 and cross sections of the heating furnace

Rows 4 and 5 continue to form the walls of the ash chamber. In the sixth row, they begin laying the walls of the fuel chamber and install a grate in it.

At the level of the 7th and 8th rows, a combustion door is installed. At the back of the chamber, beveled bricks are placed to improve traction. The ninth row covers the firebox door.

From rows 10 to 16, the fuel chamber and vertical smoke exhaust duct are being laid. On the seventeenth, a cleaning door is installed in the oven.

Rows 18-30 form smoke circulation channels. They need to be laid out as evenly as possible, rubbing the inner walls with a wet cloth.

Rows 31-32 form a vault covering the oven.

33 and 34 form the chimney.

Having finished laying, the stove is left for a week with the doors and pipe open to dry. After this, a test fire is made, burning small portions of wood chips, branches or straw.

A stove in a country house is simply necessary, especially in cases where garden plot It is used not only as a place of rest, but also for fruitful agricultural work, the fruits of which provide the gardener and his family with vegetables and fruits for the whole winter. If a dacha serves as a kind of source of wealth, then its owners have to work on the land from early spring until late autumn.

During the “off-season” period, and sometimes even in the summer, the nights can be quite cold, and therefore without heating it will be very uncomfortable to be in the house. In addition, it is impossible to live in suburban conditions without hot food, and cooking over a fire is inconvenient and not very hygienic. In both cases, a stove can always come to the rescue.

In addition, we can remember the aesthetic component of the issue - most people really like to sit by an open firebox, watching the flames. It’s especially nice to have such a cozy evening and relax in a comfortable chair after active work in the garden.

As you know, not all country houses can boast of a large area, so most often a mini stove for a summer house is chosen for such conditions.

Criteria for choosing a country stove

Based on the specific conditions of future operation, it is necessary to determine the criteria by which to select a stove for a country house. These may include not only technical and ergonomic characteristics, but also economic considerations.

  1. The compactness of the device or brick structure is one of the main conditions for a small cottage room.
  2. The most important condition for a country stove is its safety, since they are usually out of town the houses are built from wood, which dries quickly in the sun and when sparks hit it, it can literally burst into flames like a match. In addition, the device itself and the chimney pipe must be completely sealed and have excellent internal draft, since carbon monoxide, entering the premises, can lead to irreversible tragic consequences.
  3. A stove installed in the country and not used in winter period, must withstand this fairly long period without a firebox and not become damp.
  4. Quick kindling and warming up of the device, the distribution of heat throughout the premises are also important conditions for a country stove, since in rainy weather or simply after finishing work in the garden, you want to relax in the warmth and drink hot tea as quickly as possible.
  5. It is advisable to have a stove with a large firebox door in your dacha so that it can serve as a fireplace, since it will be quite difficult to do without evening gatherings near the fire.
  6. Long-term heat preservation is especially necessary if summer residents come to the dacha for an overnight stay, so that the heat from the stove heated in the evening will last until the morning.
  7. It will not be easy to manage without a hob in a country stove, especially in cases where electricity is cut off quite often in the village and there is no gas supply.
  8. An important factor accompanying this is the fuel required for the stove. To save money, you should choose an “omnivorous” heating device that can be heated with different types of fuel - firewood, brushwood, briquettes, pellets, coal and even household waste.
  9. It is advisable that the stove be equipped with a built-in hot water register for showers.
  10. The simplicity of the chosen design of the heating device will allow you to install or fold it yourself and save a significant amount, since calling specialists will be quite expensive.
  11. Aesthetic appearance The design of the stove is also important, since it can decoratively transform the room or, conversely, introduce disharmony into its design.

Types of mini-ovens based on material used

Country mini-stoves can be made of different materials - for example, they are steel, cast iron and brick. Each of the varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which type will be preferable depends on several criteria, which will be discussed below.

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Steel furnaces

Steel furnaces can be called ideal option for installing them in the country. Of course, made independently, they will not look as aesthetically pleasing as those purchased in specialized stores, but they will cost homemade stoves much cheaper.

Steel stoves are the most affordable and easy to install

A steel stove is the lightest and most affordable heating device. She is, as a rule, quite mobile, so if desired, summer period it can even be moved to a gazebo or veranda by disconnecting it from the chimney. The compactness of the steel device allows it to be installed in a small room, and its relative lightness does not require the installation of a monolithic concrete foundation for it - it will be enough to organize a non-combustible flooring made of asbestos and metal sheets.

Stoves made of this material almost always have a cooking surface that heats up quickly enough and remains hot throughout the entire firebox. In addition, you can choose a model that has an oven, which allows you to bake bread or pies in your country house.

The disadvantages of steel products include the following:

  • Such stoves are less durable than cast iron or brick, but since they will not be heated constantly, the metal oxides that are formed under the influence of flame and temperatures during fires, in the intervals between them, interacting with oxygen, form a thick, heat-resistant deposit. It is this layer that allows the stove to be used for 18–30 years, that is, twice or three times longer than with regular heating.
  • Not all steel furnaces, which have proven themselves well in other conditions, are suitable for installation in summer cottages. For example, these include models long burning“Slobozhanka” or “Bubafonya”, as well as some other options. They are not recommended for the following reasons:

— long heating of the surface;

— lack of a full-fledged hob;

- having relatively little big size, still take up a lot of space, since they cannot be installed close to the wall;

- do not have glass doors, so they can be used as a fireplace only by opening the solid door wide. “Bubafonya” is completely impossible to use in this role.

— rather unaesthetic appearance of the stoves.

  • Exhaust stoves should not be used in dacha premises, as they emit an unpleasant odor that is harmful to health. In addition, they are quite fire and explosive.

Cast iron mini ovens

Cast iron stoves have many advantages and are great for country houses, but only if permanent installation. This metal has a large mass, and you need to take into account that it will most likely not be possible to take such a stove outside in the summer. In addition, embed yourself in cast iron model The DHW register will also fail, since cast iron is almost impossible to process at home. Therefore, if you plan to install a stove with this function, then you need to immediately purchase a model that is initially equipped with it.

Cast iron stove - reliable, durable, has high heat transfer

The price of cast iron products is quite high, but such a stove will last a very long time, unless, of course, it is subjected to sudden temperature changes (cast iron can crack when, for example, a bucket of cold water splashes onto a hot stove) and excessive mechanical stress - this metal doesn't like shock.

It is necessary to build a foundation under a cast iron stove, as it is very heavy, and a wooden floor her may not stand it. In addition, the furnace heats up to high temperatures, so a foundation is necessary to comply with fire safety regulations. Moreover, it must be large enough and extend beyond the dimensions of the stove by 400÷500 mm on all sides of the heating device.

Otherwise, a cast iron stove is ideal for a summer residence, due to its following positive qualities:

  • For this material, interruptions in the heating period are unimportant, since it does not oxidize and does not burn out.
  • Cast iron is not affected by moisture and therefore does not rust.
  • The material warms up well and retains heat for a very long time.
  • Typically, cast iron stoves have a large enough cooking surface that allows you not only to boil a kettle, but also to place a pot or frying pan next to it.
  • As a rule, heating devices made of this material are given a very aesthetic appearance. The walls of the stove can be decorated with ornamental floral pattern. Cast iron stoves can have only a decorative appearance or be made in the form of a kitchen stove.
  • This type of stove is produced in a wide range of sizes and may have a built-in oven and even a heating circuit.

Brick kilns

Brick stoves are considered traditional for private houses in Russia, so country houses are often no exception. Brick stoves are rightly recognized as the most reliable and heat-intensive.

The stove can be installed in such a way that it will heat two rooms at once without installing a heating circuit in it. Properly brought out with the valve installed - quite fireproof, but for such a structure it is necessary to equip a reliable foundation, completely isolated from the foundation of the walls. This must be observed in order to maintain the integrity of the masonry, since when the foundation of the house itself shrinks, it can pull the base of the stove with it.

It should be remembered that brick kilns They really don’t like dampness and long downtime, therefore, in order to achieve the required heat transfer after an unheated period, it is necessary to carry out two or three drying fireboxes without a heavy load. Moreover, in each of them the amount of firewood needs to be increased - this process is often called “overclocking”.

It is precisely because brick buildings are afraid of dampness that such stoves are installed in the country only in cases where the country house is occupied most of the year, and it is possible to carry out periodic heating.

Many residents of private or suburban country houses Only stoves built from brick are considered real and useful, not recognizing heating devices made from other materials. Indeed, brick stoves give a home special warmth and comfort. And what is also very important is that they can be multifunctional. Furnace specialists have developed a considerable number various models, from which you can easily choose the one you need for the specific area of ​​your country house.

Review of models of small stoves for summer cottages

To make it easier to make a choice, it makes sense to consider several ready-made models made from various materials. Such stoves can be purchased in specialized stores, and some of them (steel and brick), if you have the skills, can be made independently.

Cast iron models


An excellent model for a summer house, both in size and design, and in characteristics, is the PINETO stove from the Polish company Nordflam. The model is made in a “vintage” style and has a bronze color, so it will fit into the most different variants interior, be sure to decorate it with your presence.

Having a door with fireproof glass, the stove can be used as a fireplace. The hob is large enough to accommodate two pieces of cookware, so eat you can cook two dishes at once. The connection for the chimney pipe is located on top, on the hob, which means that the stove can be installed very close to the wall of the house, provided that heat-resistant protection is installed material - brick, special drywall, asbestos board or ceramic tiles.

This model has the following technical characteristics:

  • Type of fuel - firewood.
  • Power – 6 kW.
  • Heating area – up to 70 sq. m.
  • The stove has a top connection.
  • Diame tr trchimney lips - 120 mm.
  • Efficiency – 87%.
  • Door opening type – side.
  • The model has the following functions:

- systemsself-cleaningglass;

long burning;


  • Width – 440 mm.
  • Height – 610 mm.
  • Depth – 330 mm.
  • Weight – 165 kg.

The manufacturer provides a one-year warranty on its product.

Prices for the Pineto stove

stove "pineto"

Bake " Isotta Forno"

Another option for a compact and aesthetic cast iron stove, produced by the famous European countries, and now in Russia, by the Italian company “LaNordica” - the “Isotta Forno” model.

This heating device will not take up much space, since additional function— an enameled oven, located on the “second floor” above the firebox. Therefore such the oven can be purchased even for heating a very small room.

Prices for the Isotta Forno stove

La Nordica Ghisa Isotta forno

The technical characteristics of this model are as follows:

  • Manufacturing material – cast iron.
  • Type of fuel - firewood.
  • Efficiency – 90%.
  • Power – 11 kW.
  • Heating area – 95÷100 sq. m.
  • Door opening type – side.
  • The stove has a top connection.
  • The diameter of the chimney pipe is 150 mm.
  • The model has the following functions:

- systems self-cleaning glass;

— long burning;


  • Width – 795 mm.
  • Height – 1244 mm.
  • Depth – 530 mm.
  • Weight – 296 kg.

The Isotta stove is made entirely of cast iron and has double walls, between which air flows can circulate.

Panoramic glass with a self-cleaning function can withstand temperatures of 750˚C.

There is a door on the side of the stove into which longer logs are placed.

The device is equipped with an air supply regulator that is capable of completely shutting it off, which is especially important when using a long burning mode, as well as for creating beautiful picture flame games. In addition, the regulator ensures the operation of the furnace in gas generation mode and helps clean the glass from soot.

This stove model is capable of heating an area of ​​about 100 m² within an hour, while the walls of the structure are heated to 80˚C.

When fully loaded, in smoldering mode (long burning with afterburning of pyrolysis gases), the stove is capable of providing the room with heat for 15-18 hours.

Stove-fireplace “Svezia”

This product from the Italian company “LaNordica” harmoniously combines refined taste and practicality, since the materials used in its production and finishing are aesthetic and durable. The stove body is cast from high-quality cast iron, and the lining consists of steel and panels made of ceramic or natural stone. These materials, as well as the glass part of the door, are fireproof and can withstand temperatures of 750˚C.

The model is equipped with a removable box for drying firewood and an ash pan, which are installed in the niches provided for them in the lower part of the device body. With a sufficiently high power, the stove consumes only 2500 g of wood per hour.

The technical characteristics of the Svezia fireplace stove are as follows:

  • Manufacturing material – cast iron.
  • Finishing material – steel, ceramics or natural stone.
  • Type of fuel - firewood.
  • Efficiency – 84.5%.
  • Power – 9 kW.
  • Volume heating– 258 m³.
  • Bakehas an upperconnection.
  • Diametr trchimney ledge – 150 mm.
  • Door opening type –side.
  • The model has the following functions:

systemsself-cleaning glass;

regulatorair intake;

long burning;


  • Width – 599 mm.
  • Height – 1254 mm.
  • Depth – 544 mm.
  • Weight – 188÷230 kg, depending on the cladding.
  • The size of the hearth is 377×340×385 mm.
Heating and cooking stove “Rosa Palladio”

This version of the “Rosa Palladio” heating and cooking stove from the same Italian company “LaNordica” has larger dimensions than other models, but is also equipped with significantly greater functionality - this is a spacious hob and a voluminous enamel oven, which allows you not to cook any dishes , but also bake bread products.

This model can be called combined, since its frame and main elements are made of cast iron, and the cladding is made of high quality steel and ceramic plates, which promote longer heat retention. The stove can be installed in a kitchen or room decorated in rustic style. Stoves are produced with finishing made in different colors - these are burgundy-brick (“Burgundy”), milky pink (“cappuccino”) and milky gray (“parchment”) shades.

Technical characteristics of the heating and cooking stove “Rosa Palladio”:

  • Manufacturing material – cast iron.
  • Finishing materials: steel and ceramics.
  • Type of fuel - firewood.
  • Efficiency – 79.8%.
  • Power – 10 kW.
  • Volume heating– 185 m³.
  • Bakehas an upperconnection.
  • Diametr trchimney ledge – 150 mm.
  • Door opening type –side.
  • The model has the following functions:

systemsself-cleaning glass;

— regulator with two air supply systems;

— long burning mode;

- mode secondaryafterburning.

  • Width – 1030 mm.
  • Height – 851 mm.
  • Depth – 660 mm.
  • Weight – 169 kg.
  • Size doors – 420×395 mm.
  • The size of the firebox is 270×340×400 mm.

Steel furnaces

More affordable, but no less effective - steel models of stoves for summer cottages. They may have different design and forms - from the simplest to the most complex. Steel models are equipped with only the necessary functions or may have advanced capabilities. Their cost today ranges from 4,000 to 25,000 rubles, depending on functionality and design.

Heating and cooking stove "Breneran" type OO with two burners.

This economical option suitable for a small room, as it has compact dimensions. However, despite this, it is capable of heating a room with a volume of up to 100 m³.

This model is produced Russian manufacturer“Laotherm” is made of high-quality steel and has a coating of heat-resistant paint, which hardens with the first heating of the device.

Prices for the Breneran stove

The stove is equipped with an air supply regulator, which is located on the door, and a gasifier regulator is provided on the branch pipe for connecting the housing to the chimney. The hob has two burners with removable lids that allow for quick heating or cooking.

The door of this model is equipped with a comfortable safety cool handle. The convenience of the stove is that it can heat two or three small isolated rooms. To do this, flexible metal sleeves are attached to the upper holes and distributed throughout the rooms.

Technical characteristics of the Breneran furnace:

  • The material of manufacture is steel; sheets 4 mm thick are used for the firebox.
  • etc..
  • Efficiency – 75%.
  • Power – 6 kW.
  • Volume of heated room – up to 100 m³.
  • The oven has a rear connection.
  • Diametr trchimney lips - 120 mm.
  • Door opening type –side.
  • The model has the following functions:

— regulator with two air supply systems;

  • Width – 455 mm.
  • Height – 555 mm.
  • Depth – 720 mm.
  • Weight – 73 kg.
  • Sizedoors: 420×395 mm.

The manufacturer's warranty is 2.5 years.

The model does not have a viewing glass on the door, and if you want to sit near an open fire, you will have to open it wide. Therefore, for fire safety purposes, a base made of heat-resistant material must be provided under the stove, and the sheet must extend beyond the device body by at least 500 mm.

It should be noted that, despite its modest size, the stove has a fairly high price. Today its cost varies from 15,000 to 19,000 rubles.

This version of a steel stove-stove can be called the most affordable by price, by compared to all existing models of mini-stoves for summer cottages, since its cost today varies only from 2800 to 4000 rubles. In fact, this model is an ordinary, familiar potbelly stove and has a very simple design.

The stove is made of steel 5 mm thick. The device is equipped with a solid metal door with a side opening and no viewing glass.

Prices for the Vesuvius mini stove

Vesuvius mini

Another disadvantage of some versions of these stoves is the absence of an ash drawer, although the manufacturer, when describing the product, notes that when wood burns, it produces an “ash cushion” that prevents overheating of the bottom of the firebox. However, the absence of this element eliminates the possibility of qualitatively adjusting the draft inside the firebox, and you have to perform such adjustment yourself, opening the firebox door a little - and this, you see, is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, when choosing this model, it is best to find an option that has an ash pan, which is also a draft regulator.

Model specifications:

  • The material of manufacture is steel 5 mm thick.
  • Finishing material – heat-resistant paint.
  • Type of fuel - firewood, briquettes, paper, shavings, branches andetc..
  • Efficiency – 60÷70 % .
  • Power – 5 kW.
  • Volume of heated room - 100 m³.
  • The oven has a top or rear connection.
  • Diametr trchimney lips - 155 mm.
  • Door opening type –side.
  • Width – 310 mm.
  • Height – 623 mm.
  • Depth – 470 mm.
  • Weight – 27 kg.
  • Sizedoors: 420×395 mm.
  • The model has the following functions:

— if there is an ash drawer, an air supply regulator.

The best fuel for this stove is chopped dry wood, which quickly flares up and effectively heats the walls of the device. The wood that produces the least soot and clogs the chimney is birch and aspen, but the logs need to be dried well after being brought into a warm room. It is also possible to use wet firewood, but they are less efficient in terms of heat transfer.

The hob is quite large and allows you to cook two dishes on it at once, which is quite comfortable in country conditions.

The model is lightweight, so it can even be installed on a wooden floor, previously protected with heat-resistant material.

The disadvantage of such a potbelly stove is the lack of a water circuit for the shower, but, if desired, it can be installed, although this process will require additional costs.

Stove-fireplace “NARWIK WT”

The steel stove, manufactured by the Polish manufacturer EuroKom, has a water circuit, which allows you to heat water for use in the shower or when washing dishes. The side walls of the housing are lined with ceramic tiles, which help retain heat and release it into the room for a longer period of time.

The firebox of the device is made of high-quality steel, 6 mm thick, and, in addition, the inside is lined with fireclay bricks, which protect the metal from burning and also retain heat well for many hours.

The stove has two niches - for drying firewood and for heating or cooking food. The design is equipped with a retractable ash drawer.

The operating principle of this stove is based on natural heat circulation, and, in addition, thanks to the water circuit, thermal energy can be transmitted through a pipeline to an adjacent room.

The small size and aesthetic appearance of the device allows it to be placed even in a small room.

The technical characteristics of this model indicate its effectiveness and comfortable use:

  • Manufacturing material – steel.
  • Finishing material – ceramics.
  • Lining the firebox with fireclay bricks.
  • Cast iron grate.
  • Type of fuel – firewood.
  • Efficiency – 78%.
  • Power – 11 kW.
  • Square heating85 m².
  • Bakehas an upperconnection.
  • Diametr trchimney ledge – 150 mm.
  • Door opening type - swing
  • The model has the following functions:

- system self-cleaning glass;

— air supply regulator;

— door blowing system;

— long burning mode – up to 8 hours;

— secondary combustion mode;

— equipped with a cast iron grill;

panoramic view flame.

  • Width – 590 mm.
  • Height – 970 mm.
  • Depth – 550 mm.
  • Weight – 120 kg.
  • The size of the firebox is 270×340×400 mm.

The manufacturer's warranty is 5 years.

Naturally, having such advanced capabilities, the stove cannot be cheap, so its price varies from 46,000 to 65,000 rubles.

Another, very miniature steel stove, is presented in this video:

Video: Wood-burning stove “Mini-Horizon”

Brick mini ovens

For those who do not recognize stoves other than brick ones, I would like to present two options for compact structures that are accessible in design even for self-construction.

First option

A small-sized oven equipped with a hob and a door with heat-resistant viewing glass.

This version of the heating structure is so compact and simple in design that even a novice craftsman can build it if he wants to install a brick stove in a country house. In order for the work to be of high quality, and for the stove to stand for many years, it is necessary to follow the recommendations and adhere to the presented procedure diagrams.

This oven has the following dimensions: width – 510 mm, depth – 640 mm and height – 2150 mm. The design has a single-burner hob and oven, which, if desired, can be replaced with drying chamber or hot water tank.

These dimensions assume a firebox depth of no more than 500 mm, and a chimney opening with a cross-section of one brick laid flat.

It should be noted that the presence of a hob and an oven not only allow you to prepare hot food, but also contribute to faster heating of the room where such a stove is installed.

To ensure the compactness of the stove, its design is designed in such a way that the firebox, cooking chamber, oven and smoke exhaust channels are located vertically. The heated air, together with the gases emitted by the fuel, passes outside the rear wall of the cooking chamber, and then enters the smoke exhaust channels and pipe.

This design consists of the following elements, numbered in the diagram below:

1 – ash pan or ash chamber;

2 – combustion chamber with cast iron door;

3 – single-burner cast iron hob;

4 – cooking chamber;

5 – metal corner and plates covering the cooking chamber and creating a base for the masonry;

6 – chamber for cleaning smoke exhaust channels;

7 – horizontal smoke circulation channel;

8 – oven;

9 – second chamber for cleaning internal channels;

10 – valve.

To build such a brick mini-stove, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and parts (without taking into account the construction of the foundation and chimney pipe):

  • Red brick – 222 pieces;
  • Fire door 200×200 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Blower door 140×140 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Cleaning doors – 2 pcs.;
  • Cast iron hob with one burner 380×350 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Oven 320×280×420 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Gate valve -2 pcs.;
  • Pre-furnace.;
  • Flat slate panel 510×370 mm – 1 pc.;;
  • Steel corner - 350×350×4 mm;
  • Clay – 5 buckets;
  • Refractory clay – 2 buckets;
  • Sand – 14 buckets.

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The design of the kiln itself consists of 31 rows of bricks laid flat. The pattern of row masonry can be clearly seen in the drawings presented below.

This figure shows the order from rows 1 to 11, and the linear parameters of the first row are indicated, that is, the basics that will need to be guided by when building the building in height.

A blower door is installed on the third row, and a grate is installed on the fifth row.

Before laying the sixth row, a fire door is installed and secured on the front brick of the fifth, which is then supported on both sides by bricks of the sixth row.

After installing the 11th row, stepping back from the back wall of the resulting well by the width of a brick, install a metal strip or corner, which will become the basis for laying the hob. Then, on top of the walls and metal lintel, a cast iron hob is laid.

The next part of the drawing clearly shows the masonry order from the 12th to the 22nd row.

Continuation of the masonry - ordering from the 12th to the 22nd row

From rows 12 to 15, the walls of the cooking chamber and the rear vertical smoke exhaust duct are exposed.

Having laid out the 15th row, place it on top metal corners or a slate sheet, which forms the basis for further continuous masonry.

At 17- ohm a cleaning chamber door is installed in a row, which overlaps by 22 ohm row, and under it an empty space is formed, combined with the rear smoke exhaust duct.

The last part of the diagram shows the masonry from rows 23 to 31.

Completion of construction - ordering from the 23rd to the 32nd row

On the 24th row, pieces of asbestos are laid on the inner edges of the well. Then the oven box is wrapped with asbestos rope and installed in its intended place. Asbestos protection will protect the cabinet walls from burning out, and will also help retain heated air in it for a longer period.

At 28- ohm The cleaning chamber door is installed in a row and is immediately secured on both sides with brickwork.

On the 29th and 31st rows, chimney valves are installed in the masonry, and from the 32nd row, a chimney is being erected.

As you can see from the drawings, the scheme of this design is simple and easy to implement, but still, before starting laying on the mortar, experienced stove makers recommend assembling the stove dry.

To lay any heating brick stove, it is necessary to prepare a clay solution, which consists of one part water; four parts fatty clay and eight parts sand. Before mixing, the sand must be sifted, otherwise the mixture will turn out heterogeneous, which will interfere with the accuracy of the masonry. The solution is usually diluted at the rate of two buckets of mixture per 100 bricks.

Second option

This stove model is suitable for a dacha only if you need to provide efficient heating in the rooms, since it is capable of fully heating two rooms. large rooms. Therefore, such stoves are most often installed even as part of the wall, which serves as a partition for them. The design does not have a hob or oven, so it cannot be used to cook hot food or boil a kettle.

This model has the following parameters: width – 510 mm, depth – 890 mm, and height – 2380 mm.

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The furnace structure consists of the following elements (starting from the top):

— chimney valves;

— cleaning chamber with door;

— firebox door;

- ash pan or blower door;

- waterproofing material.

Such a stove consists of 35 rows of masonry, and for its construction the following materials and cast iron parts will be required (again, without taking into account the arrangement of the foundation and chimney):

  • Red brick – 260 pcs.;
  • Fireclay bricks for laying the firebox – 130 pcs.;
  • Grate 250×400 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Fire door 200×300 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Blower door 140×200 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Cleaning doors 140×200 mm – 2 pcs.;
  • Gate valve – 2 pcs.;
  • Pre-furnacemetal sheet 500×700 mm – 1 piece.;
  • Roofing felt sheet for waterproofing 1000 × 600 mm – 2 pcs.;
  • Clay – 6 buckets;
  • Refractory clay – 3 buckets;
  • Sand – 18 buckets.

The mortar for laying the stove is mixed in the same proportions as for the first model.

The order diagram consists of three parts, which will make it easy to understand the construction of the structure.

The first part represents the masonry from the 1st to the 12th row. Here you also need Special attention pay attention to the dimensional parameters of the first row, which will need to be guided throughout the entire work using a plumb line and a building level.

Ordering - from 1st to 12th row

The first row is laid on roofing felt laid in two layers on the foundation. To more accurately lay out the first row, markings can be made with chalk on the waterproofing material.

A blower door is installed on the second row, and a vertical smoke exhaust channel begins to form.

A grate is placed on the fifth row, covering the blower chamber. The masonry, starting from this row and ending with the 15th, is made with fireclay bricks.

On the sixth row, the combustion door is installed and secured with wire. Further work proceeds according to the scheme.

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The second part of the diagram represents the order from the 13th to the 24th row.

The middle part of the oven - from the 13th to the 24th row

These diagrams show the gradual formation of the combustion chamber and vertical channels, so it is very important to adhere to the exact repetition of the drawing in compliance with the dimensions of the brick. Having laid out the 16th row, on 15- ohm lay down layer of clay-cement mortar, which will strengthen the bottom of the cleaning chamber, and then the door itself will be installed.

The last part of the diagram represents the order of the masonry from the 25th to the 35th row.

The final stage - from the 25th to the 35th row

On the 25th row, the bottom surface of the second cleaning chamber is sealed - for this, a layer of clay-sand mortar is laid on the brick surface. The cleaning chamber door is also installed on the same row.

On the 28th and 32nd rows, two valves are installed, with the help of which the draft will be adjusted. These tools allow you to solve the problem if it suddenly appears.

From the 35th row, a chimney with a cross-section of half a brick begins to rise.

If you want to install a brick stove in your dacha, you can find other models of these structures, however, if you lack experience, you should not choose structures that have complex internal circuits masonry, since at first you can easily get confused in their configuration.

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Video: example of dry-laying a miniature brick oven for a summer residence

When making a choice in favor of a particular stove, you need to take into account all the “pros” and “cons” of materials, operational features of structures, and also make a list of criteria that you should rely on.

Evgeniy AfanasyevChief Editor

Author of the publication 10.01.2016

They are building in country houses heating or heating and cooking mini brick ovens. These structures allow you to heat the house in the off-season and in the winter.

A stove intended exclusively for heating is erected if in a summer cottage all year round There is gas and electricity. If there is nothing to cook food on, ovens with a hob are built.

Schemes of small brick stoves

Compact ovens don't take up much space, which is especially important for small spaces. Heaters have rectangular section at the base. Height stoves depends on the height of the building and the selected model. A brick chimney is often replaced steel pipe factory production.

Heating and cooking mini-oven

Small stoves intended for heating a home and cooking food are built into niche for stove.

You can build into another niche located above the firebox oven, hot water container. Niche space is often used for drying things.

Let's consider a specific diagram of a compact stove with a size base 0.64 x 0.51 meters (2 x 3.5 bricks) And 2.15 meters high (32 layers of masonry).

This heater model is designed to heat small and medium-sized houses with an area of from 25 to 40 square meters . Ceramic solid (ordinary) brick is suitable for masonry.

The oven is built in the kitchen (in the middle of the room or against the wall). The oven of this model contains the following structural elements:

  • combustion chamber;
  • blower;
  • smoke ducts;
  • hole for cleaning smoke ducts;
  • hole for construction chimney;
  • niche with cooking floor;
  • niche for installing an oven or hot water tank.

Metal elements for heater buy at a hardware store. Add to list factory parts included:

  • fire door size 20 x 20 cm(solid cast iron or with fireproof glass in a metal frame);

Photo 1. Fire door measuring 30 by 30, made of polished cast iron and fire-resistant glass. It is possible to regulate traction.

  • ash door ( 14 x 14 cm);
  • 2 doors for cleaning smoke ducts ( 20 x 14 cm);
  • grate ( 45 x 25 cm);
  • cooking floor size 20 x 35 cm(with or without hole);
  • 2 valves;
  • steel angle profile length 50 cm(attached between the firebox sheet and the stove wall);
  • pre-furnace metal sheet size 50 x 60-70 cm.

Oven and hot water tank welded from steel sheet. Under pre-furnace sheet lay asbestos cardboard of the same size. For furnace work you will need:

  • 222 units full-bodied red bricks;
  • ready masonry mixture for fireplaces and stoves (or a solution of sand and ordinary clay taken locally in a quarry).

Small heating device

Let's consider a specific heater circuit. Base This model has the shape of a rectangle measuring 0.89 x 0.51 meters (2.5 x 2 bricks). Height stoves - 2 meters 38 cm.

Compact dimensions allow the heater to be installed in a corner or in the center of the room. If the dacha has a kitchen and a couple living rooms with total area up to 40 square meters, the heater is built into wall openings ( interior partitions).

Basic elements this model:

  • firebox;
  • blower;
  • smoke channels;
  • outlet to the chimney.

A door with heat-resistant glass in a metal frame or a solid cast-iron door is built into the firebox portal. The furnace is being built on a solid foundation, buried in the ground. The foundation is made solid or columnar.

Important! The oven is laid out from ceramic and fireclay bricks The firebox is made of fireclay bricks, and the lower and upper parts of the heater are made of ceramic bricks. The masonry is done on sand-clay and fireclay-clay solutions.

Making a small stove for a summer house with your own hands

IN in this example Let us consider in detail the preparatory and main work for the construction of a compact heating mini-stove at the dacha. Important points works are:

  • selection of ready-made project;
  • choice places in a country house for the construction of a stove;
  • acquisition materials;
  • purchase of metal parts and accessories;
  • oven preparation tool, purchase or rental of power tools (grinders, vibrating drills);
  • construction foundation;
  • construction stoves.

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Selecting a finished project

Main requirement to the heater - the ability to release heat within several hours after heating. Quick heating of the house while burning fuel economically is of considerable importance. To choose from also influence:

  • weather region in the winter months and off-season;
  • square country house and the number of heated rooms;
  • price materials.

Photo 2. An example of a drawing of a small heating brick stove with dimensions. On the right is a sectional view, the order is indicated.

The choice of model is influenced tastes of the owner of the house. A well-built heating stove of this design can not only heat up, but also decorate a country house.


Choice quality materials allows you to build a reliable stove. For work will be needed:

  • ceramic bricks ( 260 units);
  • fireclay bricks ( 130 units);
  • factory (ready) mixtures for furnace work (clay-sand and fireclay-sand).

When choosing fireclay bricks for the firebox, pay attention to the markings. Bricks with letter "U" made from recycled, recycled fireclay. They have lower strength indicators compared to bricks with letter "Ш".

Suitable for laying the lower and upper parts of the heater ordinary red brick. The quality of the material is judged by the presence of cracks and black spots from factory firing. If there are a lot of broken, cracked, burnt bricks in the batch, it is better to look for the material in another store.

Mixtures are diluted with water according to the instructions on the package. There is no need to add salt or other ingredients to them.

Advice. Masonry paste of normal consistency, scooped onto a spatula, does not fall or flow when the tool is tilted 45-55 degrees.

Metal parts of the stove are purchased at a hardware store. For this design you will need:

  • fire door size 30 x 20 cm;
  • blower door size 20 x 14 cm;
  • 2 doors for cleaning holes - 20 x 40 cm;
  • grate ( 40 x 23 cm);
  • roofing felt ( 60 x 100 cm), two segment;
  • steel sheet size 50 x 70 cm;
  • asbestos slate ( 50 x 70 cm);
  • steel angle (rolled) length 50 cm;
  • 2 furnace valves size 13 x 13 cm.

To secure the doors to the masonry you will need 6 meters steel wire diameter 1-2 mm or steel strips ( 1.65 meters), bolts and long screws.

Foundation preparation

The size of the foundation depends on the specific construction conditions. Minimum thickness of the base for this model of a small stove - 55-60 cm.

The foundation is built in such a way that it blocked the soil freezing zone, A little rose above the floor or was on par with him. Concrete, steel reinforcement, brick, rubble stone, sand, crushed stone, waterproofing are used for construction. roll material.

For a compact small furnace, a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation. Installation and pouring are underway in the following order:

  • A pit is dug in the ground, the dimensions of which exceed the perimeter of the future stove 10-20 cm on each side.
  • The bottom of the pit is leveled and compacted.
  • A layer of fine crushed stone is poured into the pit ( 22-25 cm), on it is a layer of medium-grained sand ( 15-17 cm).
  • The loose stone cushion is leveled and compacted.
  • The pit is lined with roofing felt, roofing felt, and the joints are coated with mastic made from bitumen and tar.
  • Installed in the pit formwork before required height, a grid of steel reinforcement is installed inside it.
  • The pit is filled with concrete, and a vibratory drill is used to compact and release air bubbles.
  • After the cement has completely set and dried, place it on the base. two waterproofing layers from roofing felt.
  • Two layers are placed on top of the roofing felt kiln brick(per solution).

Construction of the brick kiln itself

Before starting work, mix masonry mortars. The brickwork is led to strictly horizontal surfaces. This parameter is checked at the foundation construction stage. Below is a description of the row laying of a mini-heating stove.

1 row. According to the diagram, bricks are laid to form a ash pit. The lower frame of the blower door is secured into the blower portal.

2-3 rows. Laying according to the diagram.

4 row. Fastening the blower door into the masonry, laying according to the diagram.

5 row. Laying out the combustion chamber. Installation of the grate. Installation of the combustion door into the portal (laying fasteners into the seams).

Rows 6-9. Laying the combustion chamber according to the diagram. Fastening the door holders into the seams.

10-12 rows. Laying the combustion chamber.

Rows 13-15. Laying the furnace roof, forming the furnace smoke channel.

16-17 row. Laying according to the diagram, installing a door for cleaning the smoke duct. Seal the door fasteners into the seams.

Rows 18-24. Formation of furnace smoke channels.

25-26 row. Installation of a door for cleaning the smoke duct. Formation of smoke channels.

27 row. Laying channels.

28 row. Installation of the lower valve, laying of channels.

Rows 29-31. Formation of channels, work according to the scheme.

Photo 3. The middle of the furnace construction process: the firebox is constructed, the formation of smoke channels begins.

32 row. Solid masonry, closing channel arches, forming a chimney. Installing the upper damper.

Rows 33-34. Solid masonry with the formation of a chimney.

Row 35 Construction of the first layer of chimney masonry.

Possible difficulties and problems

When constructing stove walls, inexperienced craftsmen do not use a frame made of wooden beams and a plumb line, which leads to deviation of walls from vertical.

If during the construction process it is discovered skewed walls, the masonry should be disassembled and rearranged.

After finishing the work and natural drying, the mini-oven begins to be heated with small portions of firewood.

At the same time, the stove walls become covered with cracks due to the fact that shrinkage processes are taking place in the heating structure. To eliminate cracks, dilute the solution and cover the seams.

Improper sealing of the door fasteners can cause the door to move. To avoid door misalignment, it is not left open until the fasteners are completely sealed into the seams. If displacement is discovered during construction, the rows are dismantled and the fasteners are sealed again.

Useful video

Video showing the 3D model phased construction small stove for a summer residence: for clarity, each row is painted in its own color.

Average rating: 2.14 out of 5.
Rated by: 7 readers.

A small brick oven can sometimes be quite useful, especially if you don't have large room and you do not live in it permanently. It will quickly warm up the room and create a comfortable environment.

Today we will tell you how to make a small brick oven with your own hands, what you need to take into account for this, and we will offer instructions on manufacturing rules. You can also watch the video in this article and select the modification you need.

Mini ovens and their features

Small brick stoves for summer cottages also have their own characteristics; you should familiarize yourself with them before making a final decision.

  • The compactness of a brick or appliance structure is considered the main condition for a small room;
  • An important condition for such a stove is safety, because usually country houses are built from wood, which dries quickly in the sun and, if hit, can easily flare up like a match. Among other things, the chimney pipe and the device itself must be sealed, they have excellent internal draft, because carbon monoxide that gets inside can lead to quite dire consequences;
  • The stove, which is placed in a summer cottage in the winter, must withstand without kindling for quite a long time and not become damp;
  • Warming up and quickly lighting the device, spreading heat is also the most important condition for a stove of this type, because when it rains or when completing difficult work, you want to relax in a warm room and drink hot tea;
  • It is desirable that such a stove be equipped with large doors so that it can perform the functions of a fireplace, because it is almost impossible to do without evening gatherings next to the fire;
  • Long-term heat retention is extremely necessary moment, if you are going to a house overnight;
  • It is almost impossible to do without a hob in a country house, especially if the electricity in the village periodically turns off and there is no gas supply;
  • Also an important factor is the fuel used for the stove. To save money, choose an omnivorous heating device that can be heated in various ways - brushwood, coal, firewood or household waste;
  • It is desirable that the stove has the ability to install a hot water supply register;
  • The simplicity of the design of the heating device allows you to fold and install it yourself, which saves a tidy sum, because the services of craftsmen in this regard are not cheap;
  • An important point is aesthetic appeal, because with the help of the device you can transform a room, or add general design some kind of gray spot.

Brick ovens

A small brick stove for a summer residence is used quite often.

But during installation you will need to consider the following points:

  • The stove can be installed in such a way that it will distribute heat to several rooms without heating circuits. If the stove was installed correctly and a valve was installed, it is considered fireproof, but for this building it will be necessary to create strong foundation, which will be isolated from the foundation walls. This is a basic condition; if it is not met, the masonry may lose its integrity, because when the foundation of the house shrinks, it can begin to pull on the base of the stove;

Attention: Do not forget that such stoves do not like long periods of downtime and dampness, therefore, in order for the heat transfer to be maximum after a period when it was not in use, you need to carry out several drying fires without significant loads. In each of them we gradually increase the amount of fuel - this process is usually called acceleration.

  • It is precisely because brick is afraid of dampness that such stoves are installed in a dacha only when people live in the house most of the time and there is the possibility of burning it;
  • Residents of private houses consider only those buildings made of brick to be useful and real. Wherein heating devices made from other materials are not recognized at all. In fact, such a stove will give the room a special coziness and unique atmosphere. And what’s more important is that they are multifunctional. Professionals in the stove business have developed a huge number of different models from which you can choose for a specific option.

Installation of a small stove

A small brick oven can be installed with your own hands without any problems.

There are two options here:

  • First option, you are simply making a stove with a foundation. Then the price of the building will increase, but it will be a fairly heat-intensive structure;
  • Second option, this is if you do not have enough funds and do not have the skills. Then it is quite possible to install a metal stove and simply cover it with bricks to increase the heat capacity.

Attention: In the first option, your structure will take up more space and the heat transfer will be higher.

Materials that will be required for the work

You will need:

  • Twenty liters of clay mortar;
  • Boards;
  • About sixty bricks;
  • Blower door;
  • Cast iron plate;
  • Fire door;
  • Lattice;
  • Fireclay brick.

The size of a small stove occupies 0.4 m2 and is made of brick, which is laid on an edge or flat. This type The oven perfectly retains and distributes heat.

The design is quite simple, because the mini-oven does not weigh too much and the foundation structure is not prerequisite. The floor should be made of thick and durable boards that are well secured.

A similar stove on its own is an alternative to a potbelly stove, but it has more functionality and a heating part, which includes a cooking part. It also plays the role of a fireplace. Such a furnace can be erected without any problems and within 24 hours.

At the very beginning, you need to light the stove with paper and wood chips, but do not take logs, because sudden temperature changes may cause cracks in the solution. This will subsequently lead to smoke or wrong movement air.

Before starting the oven, it is necessary that it dry thoroughly. Usually this takes about a week.

Masonry mixture

Everything can be done with your own hands. Then the price will be significantly lower. It is quite possible to use several compositions in masonry. What to choose is up to you.


  • For bricklaying, clay-sand is used, cement mortar. For example, screenings instead of sand for the mixture are used to fill the foundation, and a mixture of cement and sand is used for one or several rows of masonry. If for the M400 cement grade sand is added ¼, then for the screed the screenings must be mixed in a proportion of 1/6;
  • It is a little more difficult to prepare a solution of sand and clay, because it will take much more time. In order for the lumps of clay to break, they must be soaked in water in the evening, and those that remain in the same state should be kneaded with your hands so that no small lumps remain;
  • The ratio of clay and sand is one to two or one to three - everything here depends on the degree of fat content of the solution (this is checked with a trowel). The consistency is considered normal when the solution slides off the trowel without any problems, leaving no traces, and in its thickness it should resemble mashed potatoes.

How to make a stove

Now let's look at how to make a small brick stove in detail. It has its own technology and procedure.

In order to properly build a stove yourself, you must follow the following recommendations:

Attention: Fire-resistant material must be used for the combustion part. It will also withstand coal burning. It is better to use a clay mixture as a solution. It is the most practical and durable.

  • We choose a suitable place for the mini-stove, and instead put roofing felt, film, glassine or hydrosol into it. The size of such material should be 78x53 centimeters;
  • You need to pour and level sand onto the litter (the thickness of which is about a centimeter);
  • On top of it we lay the first row of twelve bricks, which do not need to be fastened together. After this, we align all the bricks to the same level so that they are strictly horizontal;
  • A small layer of clay is applied to the initial row, after which you can begin installing the blower door. It is extremely important that it is wrapped in asbestos cord or cardboard. We secure it with wire, after which you can safely move on to laying the next one;
  • Fireclay brick is used for the third row of the mini-stove, after which the grate is installed. It is mounted above the ashpit only when the third brick row is completely formed;
  • We make the following from bricks, but we lay them on edge; in the middle of the chimney it is necessary to lay supports for internal partitions. The back wall of the stove is laid with a small protrusion outward and without the use of clay - they are called knockout bricks;
  • After this we install the combustion door. Again, before you begin installing the door, you need to wrap it with cord in such a way that it can be opened from the bottom up. It is secured with wire and fixed for a while with several stones. The first one is placed at the back, and the second one is placed on top of the door;
  • Also, to ensure reliable fastening, a wire is inserted into the holes, twisted and the ends are laid in order;

  • The fifth row is made flat; here we make sure to check the outline of the previous row. But the sixth row is laid edgewise. Then we rub the walls of the large stove with a wet rag and proceed to the next stage;
  • On the 7th row we lay the brick flat. Next, we place a couple of bricks edgewise and proceed to the back wall;
  • When the time comes for the 8th row of the stove on your own, make sure that it overlaps the combustion door above which it will end. It is at this time that we install a beveled brick over the firebox so that the flame is directed to the center of the stove burner;
  • We lay out a soaked asbestos cord in advance so that the space between the bricks and the slab is completely sealed. Since cast iron and clay have different coefficients of thermal expansion, we do not lay the slab on clay. Afterwards you can move on to the ninth row, but here it needs to be shifted so that the doors are kept open;
  • When working with the following, you will need to form a chimney that will expand at the rear. To make a stove of this type, there is no need for a mounted pipe that will expand at the top, since this type of pipe will lead to a change in the center of gravity. There are various chimney designs. They are: horizontal, straight, countercurrent, combined, and so on. In our design, the stove should have a direct version;
  • When working with next row do not forget about inserting a plug, which is sealed with a cord (it is advisable to additionally coat it with clay);
  • Thus, the pipes will be connected to the metal one. If the chimney goes to the side, then it must be covered with several rows of bricks;
  • After this, we remove the brick from the fourth row and clean the pipe from dirt that has accumulated during construction work;
  • We whiten the stove. We protect the metal part of the stove itself and its walls with film. To prevent it from turning yellow over time, you need to add milk and a small amount of blue to the solution. Each piece of the stove must be processed in the most careful way, special attention is paid to the joints of bricks and cast iron surfaces;
  • Carefully seal the gaps between the first row and the floor. This is necessary so that the sand that was poured under the brick does not spill;
  • Afterwards, we nail a plinth along the edge of the building, which will protect the stove from sand spills. We nail it level and tightly to cover all the cracks. Thanks to such actions, the stove will look even better;
  • As soon as you fire the first fire with wood chips and paper, leave all the doors and burners in open position so that everything dries thoroughly.

A small brick stove for a summer house is made quite quickly and will last a long time. The main thing is to look at the photo and choose the option you want. The instructions will prevent you from making mistakes.

Brick kilns, even the smallest ones, have many advantages in front of metal heating devices.

Iron stoves heat up very quickly, but also cool quickly without warming the air. Mini brick oven gives off heat for a long time And holds comfortable temperature few hours.

This heating structure can be made independently, without the help of a professional stove maker.

Schemes of brick mini-ovens

Small ovens occupy a small area, dimensions of their bases hesitate from 50 to 70 centimeters in width and up to 65–100 cm in length. Height heating plant is from 1.5 to 2.3 meters. A cooking floor, an oven, and a water heating tank are built into the oven. Stove makers have also developed devices intended only for heating a home.

Small heating structure

This is the simplest heating structure. We will analyze the model in the following sizes:

  • width grounds - 51 cm;
  • length base (depth) - 89 cm;
  • height238 cm.

The mini-stove is installed in the middle of the kitchen or against the wall. Optimal heating area - 20-35 meters. Interior partitions are erected around the stove, which allows heating both the kitchen and the adjacent room.

Inside the device are located:

  • combustion chamber;
  • blower;
  • smoke channels leading into the chimney.

Furnace door mini ovens ( cast iron or glass) is selected depending on the aesthetic preferences of the home owners. A door made of heat-resistant glass, through which you can see how the wood is burning, gives the structure a resemblance to a fireplace. In the middle and upper part stoves are installed two smoke valves. There is one door for cleaning the channels. To build this model of the device you will need:

  • 260 pieces bricks ceramic;
  • 130 pieces of fireclay bricks;
  • grate (40x23 cm);
  • combustion chamber (30x20 cm) And blower (20x14 cm) doors;
  • 2 doors for cleaning holes ( 20x40 cm);
  • metal pre-furnace sheet (50x70 cm);
  • two sheets roofing felt 60x100 mm in size;
  • sand and clay(or ready-made clay-sand mixture for masonry), clay-fireclay mixture.

Reference. Masonry mortar increases the volume of the device by the thickness of the seams.

Base and top The mini-oven is lined with ceramic bricks on a clay-sand mortar. Firebox laid from fireclay bricks on a clay-fireclay mixture.

On long side base fits three and a half bricks, on short - 2 standard bricks 25 cm long. In height the masonry consists of 35 rows.

Small heating and cooking stove

This is a mini-oven model for heating and cooking - a convenient and very compact structure. Optimal heated room area at sub-zero temperatures20-25 square meters.

The device has the following dimensions:

  • length base (depth) - 64 cm;
  • width grounds - 51 cm;
  • height215 cm.

The structure is being erected in the kitchen. The device includes:

  • blower;
  • combustion chamber;
  • smoke channels leading to the chimney;
  • cooking floor;
  • niche for the oven.

Cooking floor made of cast iron has a hole closed with a disk and a circle. Solid flooring is also available for sale. IN niche for oven chamber have a metal oven or hot water tank with a tap. If the niche is left free, it is used for drying things. For the construction of a stove will be needed:

  • 222 pieces ceramic bricks;
  • grate (40x25 cm);
  • door for the firebox ( 20x20 cm);
  • door for the blower ( 14x14 cm);
  • cooking flooring (35x38 cm);
  • metal oven or hot water tank;
  • iron pre-furnace sheet (50x70 cm);
  • two doors for cleaning holes ( 20x14 cm);
  • two valves;
  • piece of flat slate;
  • steel corner;
  • clay, sand or ready clay-sand mixture for masonry.

Before starting masonry, preparatory work is carried out. These include next steps:

  • choice project;
  • selection and purchase materials;
  • purchase of metal stove parts;
  • Preparation tool, containers for solution;
  • Preparation places for building a stove;
  • construction mini ovens.

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Project selection

On the Internet and in furnace textbooks there are serial diagrams of a dozen mini-ovens.

The choice is great, but if the home craftsman has no experience at all, it is worth consulting with local professionals or with people who have successfully built similar stoves. When choosing a device that you plan to build yourself, several factors are taken into account:

  • square heated room;
  • quantity heated rooms;
  • temperature air in winter;
  • frequency of use heating structure;
  • appointment mini ovens;
  • experience furnace construction and repair;
  • material expenses.

Photo 1. Before starting construction, it is very useful to model the appearance, dimensions and order of the future stove.

If planned Cook, the preferred option would be one with a hob and an oven. Need in hot water in winter and in the off-season, the water heating tank will be closed in a niche. In it, by removing the removable tank, you can dry shoes and other things. If there is always electricity in the house or gas stove, choose the option of an oven without a cooking floor and a niche for the oven.

For regions where winter temperatures drop below 20 degrees and stays at this level for weeks, it will do large oven with heat shields. Mini stove Not recommended drown continuously more than two hours in a row.

For many people it matters design designs. It can be tiled or laid with bricks with a relief surface.


For the chosen mini-oven project you will need high-quality bricks. Should choose smooth brick 1st grade, uniform coloring, without chips or cracks.

For laying bricks, it is better for a home craftsman without experience to choose ready mixture at a hardware store. It is diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions.

If the master creates a solution from individual ingredients, you should purchase sand and clay. The ratio of materials is determined experimentally. The solution is scooped with a spatula and tilted work surface by 45-50 degrees. Masonry mass normal composition does not fall in clumps from the spatula and does not flow from it.


To work, you will need all the stove maker’s tools and a table on which you can stand when laying the top rows. Add to list tools include:

  • spatulas: wide and narrow:
  • Master OK;
  • jointing to form beautiful seams;
  • trowel;
  • hammer a stove-maker with a flat back and a pick;
  • mallet;
  • level long construction;
  • plumb line building;
  • wooden beam for the frame;
  • threads, fishing line, chalk for marking the base;
  • Bulgarian with a set of discs for cutting and grinding;
  • rule aluminum.

Important! The temperature in the room when laying the stove and drying it should be positive (from plus 5 degrees).

To prepare the solution you need big tank. To mix the paste you need wooden stirrer(oar) and construction mixer.

Preparing the area for the oven

Before laying, mini-ovens are prepared in advance foundation. This is necessary because even the smallest device with a brick pipe weighs from 500 kg and more.

Such pressure on the floor boards will lead to deformation of the floor and stove walls. This can cause a fire on the roof and in the house.

There are several options for constructing foundations. Construction concrete base for mini oven includes next steps:

  • pit excavation depth 50-70 cm;
  • compaction of soil in the pit;
  • laying a layer of crushed stone in the pit ( 20-25 cm);
  • laying sand in a pit ( layer 15-20 cm);
  • compaction of sand and crushed stone;
  • waterproofing the pit with roofing felt: joints are sealed with tar and bitumen mastic;
  • installation of steel reinforcement with mesh diameter no more than 8-10 cm;
  • pouring concrete and compacting it with a vibrating drill;
  • laying two layers of roofing material on dried concrete for additional waterproofing.

Important! The stove is erected on a foundation that protrudes beyond its perimeter by 10-20 cm. From the firebox side it is recommended leave 50-70 cm foundation in order to mount a pre-furnace platform on it.

Order of masonry

Masonry ceramic bricks is carried out using a clay-sand mortar on a prepared foundation:

  • 1st and 2nd rows. Solid masonry.

Photo 2. Layout diagram of the first rows for a small heating and cooking stove. Next comes the chimney pipe.

  • 3rd row. Lay out the chamber for the blower. Install (on wire or metal strips) the blower door.
  • 4 row. The laying of the blower and the strengthening of its door continues. A ledge for the grate is laid out.
  • 5 row. A grate is placed loosely on the ledges, without mortar. They leave it around gaps are 5-7 mm.
  • 6th row. A combustion door is installed in the furnace portal. It is secured by laying steel wire in the seams or using steel strips. The planks are also laid in the seams using mortar.
  • Rows 7-11. Laying the firebox, final fastening of the door by laying wire (steel plates) in the seams on the mortar.

Photo 3. Installation and fastening of doors for firebox and cleaning. Using a plumb line, the accuracy of the tub is monitored.

  • 11a. Upon completion 11 rows lay a metal strip (or corner) on which the cooking floor will rest. After this, the cooking floor is laid.
  • Rows 12-15. Walls are erected around the cooking floor (cooking chamber), and a chimney leading from the firebox is laid out.
  • 15a. In order to have a roof made of non-combustible material above the cooking chamber, a sheet of flat slate is placed on it.
  • 16th row. The roof of the cooking chamber is covered with solid masonry, and the chimney continues to be laid out.
  • 17th row. Installation of a chimney cleaning door (on wire or steel strips).
  • 18th row. Securing the door.
  • Rows 19-22. Masonry according to the chosen scheme.
  • 23 row. Laying out a niche for the oven.
  • 24 row. Laying the walls of the oven, installing the oven. Strips of asbestos cardboard are placed around the perimeter of the chamber at the bottom. The oven is wrapped with asbestos rope (for greater contact with the brickwork and heat accumulation) and finally installed in a niche.
  • Rows 24-27. Brickwork is built around the oven.
  • 28 row. Installing a second door to clean the smoke duct.
  • 29 row. Installing a damper above the smoke duct.
  • Row 30 Masonry according to the chosen scheme.
  • 31 row. Installing a second damper above the smoke duct.
  • 32 row. Completion of masonry.

Besides, 32 row is the basis for the construction chimney. It can be brick or metal.

Photo 4. An example of a finished brick mini-stove with decorative finishing. The design is not intended for cooking, but will heat the house well.

Problems when building a mini-oven with your own hands

Amateur stove makers, due to inexperience, commit errors which then lead to problems. Let's look at the most common cases:

  • Laying stoves with deviation from the project. As a result, there is no normal draft in the smoke ducts, and the walls heat up unevenly. The solution to the problem will be disassembly of the furnace and laying according to proven schemes.
  • Laying stoves by eye, without using a level, frame, plumb lines, rules. The device warps, the center of gravity shifts, and during operation the device collapses faster.
  • in small temporary housing buildings