Coffee color of the facade. “The color of coffee with milk in the interior: design for gourmets. Video: Modern kitchens in coffee tones

Used to decorate home furnishings various combinations colors. Many people prefer to choose a combination of coffee and milk. This is a favorable stylistic device that allows you to make the atmosphere cozy. The features of the interior in the color of coffee with milk are described in the article.

Design subtleties

Often conservative people choose a coffee interior. But it’s not just the older generation who have a love for the classics. Attractive shades do not go out of style for many years. Designers choose a soft palette, as it is an excellent backdrop for placing various objects of art. These include paintings, sculptures, photographs.

When it comes to a small living room, a coffee accent looks great on 1 wall. The interior in the color of coffee with milk looks beautiful in the office. It has the ability to soften decor while aiding research or teaching activities.

The choice of textiles is important in an interior in the color of coffee with milk. Replacing curtains can affect the perception of a room. If the windows face south and the walls are white, then coffee curtains can protect you from the hot sun. The shade of coffee perfectly ennobles any room. It makes the room cozy and luxurious.

You can purchase accessories for the interior - figurines, antiques, paintings, lamps. Embroidery on textiles looks great. Pillows and carpets are suitable for such an interior. The background can be diluted with gray or blue inserts. It is advisable not to use yellow and purple, as they can make the space heavier.

What do psychologists think?

What effect does an interior in the color of coffee with milk have on a person, according to psychologists? According to experts, this color stabilizes the nervous system. Comfortable housing allows you to “talk” and discuss problems. Since the milky range does not include cool colors, it remains indoors in winter warm environment. Thanks to the lack of pressure on the psyche, you can quickly relax.

Interior design in the color of coffee with milk helps you forget your worries for a while. It does not have a burdensome effect on guests, and is able to incite the hosts to creativity and intellectual activity. Therefore, popular colors are often found in offices. Brown wallpaper useful for those who lead an active life.

Coffee color was previously used in the decoration of aristocratic palaces. Chocolate decoration makes the room look solid. This effect will be enhanced by expensive furniture made from valuable species wood and genuine leather parts. A rich accent is provided by a luxurious Persian carpet on the floor.

Benefits of color

Although the coffee-milk color serves as a reminder of the taste properties of the chocolate drink, it can still have a calming effect. These shades are often used to decorate furniture - sofas, kitchen sets, tables, cabinets. This combination is not annoying. The colors don't get boring for a long time.

A skillful approach to design allows you to create the desired effects, since the shades of coffee are different: from light to dark. This color in the kitchen will allow you to install antique items art, photos, paintings, souvenirs. And in a small living room, the color of the walls can become decor. In the sleeping area, the color coffee with milk perfectly calms and lulls you to sleep.

Interior use

If you look closely at the color, the coffee with milk looks original. When not scheduled to be executed overhaul, you can do 1 accent wall. It is best to purchase a furniture set from natural wood, since the combination of natural textures and shades creates a peaceful environment.

If carried out redecorating, can be used wooden panels instead of dyeing. For finishing you can use:

  1. Bog oak.
  2. Mother-of-pearl nut.
  3. Ripe cherries.
  4. Larch.

Since the shade of wood is very different, owners can choose the finishing material directly to match the interior. Much is determined by the way it is processed. Usually simple impregnation or painting, as well as heat treatment, are used.


The color of the coffee-with-lait walls in the interior will look harmonious only when it is correctly matched to the rest of the room’s details. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with several shades. Experts advise using the following color combinations of coffee with milk in the interior:

  1. For large rooms with high insolation, coffee wallpaper is perfect. But brown color is also suitable for small rooms, if used in moderation. It is necessary to decorate one wall to express the accent. Other walls may have light shades.
  2. Finishing wallpaper for painting allows you to do the work yourself. A matte structure will look more attractive compared to a glossy one. It emphasizes the texture of the material.
  3. A great option would be a print of coffee beans on the wallpaper chosen for the kitchen. Dark areas can be used to decorate the work area.


The color of coffee with milk in the interior of a living room or other room looks original with a harmonious selection of all design elements. Light colors are often used to decorate surfaces, while dark shades are chosen for furniture. This the right approach. The emphasis is on an aristocratic setting, which looks great against a light background. You should not use only light or dark shades, as the space loses its shine and grandeur.

The combination of cream and brown tones, diluted with splashes, looks great seasonal flowers. These are turquoise or amethyst details, orange or terracotta. If the room lacks freshness, you can use olive inserts. You also need to think about quality lighting. The right light highlights exclusive accessories and expensive items.

Glossy color

The kitchen interior in the color of coffee with milk creates a cozy atmosphere. Modern design techniques allow you to use noble colors in any room. You can create romantic style, rustic, ultra-modern high-tech with metal parts.

Decor and finishing

Thanks to accessories, you can complement glossy furniture. Mirror surfaces can visually expand the space. Combinations may include the following set:

  1. Milky hanging shelving and brown chairs can create cozy atmosphere in the kitchen.
  2. The combination of brown and red details on cabinets, according to experts, increases appetite.
  3. The use of gold fittings will make the decor luxurious.
  4. Frosted glass and the brown texture of the wood creates a sophisticated, modern decor.

The color of coffee with milk in the bedroom interior will look good if harmonious elements are selected for the design. At the same time, the materials used for finishing are varied.


Wallpaper in the interior in the color of coffee with milk should be chosen taking into account the functional purpose of the room. If this is the kitchen, then the best decoration There will be a theme of small cafes. For the hall, it is preferable to choose contrasting ornaments and brown borders. IN suitable for the bedroom Art Nouveau curlicues above the headboard.

Coffee color can be on one or more walls. In your office you can use the alternating method: use below dark wallpaper, and at the top - light colors. A decorative border is placed at the joints.

Coffee with milk can be used in other rooms. For the hallway, choose the shade of milky cappuccino with vertical lines, since this room is usually cramped. Combination with wooden furniture allows you to expand the space. Dark colors It's better not to use it. And photo wallpaper with a still life, abstraction or engraving will suit perfectly. An industrial style is possible, in which they imitate brick walls.

What should you consider?

The advantage of color is its unpretentiousness. For underlining decorative elements no need to use complex design techniques. For such an interior, original souvenirs are suitable, coffee tables with carved legs, books, vases. You can place posters or artistic abstractions on the walls.

Designers know how to combine colors, creating new design options. Shades of latte, espresso, cappuccino, and macchiato can be used in the interior. Similar tones are often used in catering establishments. They decorate walls and furniture. This is how it is created cozy space. To decorate the interior, it is not at all necessary to involve specialists. You just need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Do not use a combination with bright and acidic colors - green, pink, blue.
  2. The general background can be diluted with decorative details of a contrasting tone.
  3. A local lighting system must be used.

When decorating the interior, you should not skimp on materials. They should suit the room and be practical. Then the completed repair can last for a long time.


The interior can be decorated with beige-colored additions. It is advisable to use fabrics of this color. Natural materials in a coffee-milk shade look great:

  • cotton;
  • wool.

The original finish is emphasized by shiny satin, silk, and velvet. Beige accents are used in accessories from natural materials. These can be figurines, sculptures, pots, porcelain and ceramic products.

Features of room design

A kitchen decorated in such colors is ideal for family people who love comfort and coziness. It is not difficult to choose an interior. To do this, choose coffee-colored wallpaper, against which a dark wood set will look great. The kitchen will look great if you choose stylish accessories.

You can select a work area. Glass jars of various shapes filled with coffee beans fit perfectly into the interior.

A living room in coffee tones looks luxurious. Light coffee wallpaper, furniture, and appropriate accessories are suitable for it. However, the shades in this room may be different. Eg, coffee-milk tone goes well with blue and white. Such an interior will not tire you.

A bedroom in coffee tones evokes drowsiness. Walls in this color make the room somewhat smaller, making it more comfortable. The interior will be romantic if there are bright accents. Herbal shades or fuchsia look great.

The bathroom is also decorated in the same color scheme. Light coffee-colored wall tiles are perfect. Milky tones are diluted with dark chocolate colors and asymmetrical patterns. The interior looks noble, where coffee color harmonizes with gray shades.

The children's coffee room stimulates the acquisition of knowledge. To prevent the color from becoming boring, it is diluted with peach, orange, and red. Bright accents can make a room look fun and stylish at the same time. Coffee interior creates a feeling of security, coziness, stability, comfort.

The color of coffee with milk is considered a classic that has remained relevant for many years. It is recommended not only by designers, but also by psychologists. The popular range can create a cozy atmosphere in any room.

The color of coffee with milk in the interior is very similar to beige, but several tones darker. It is light, nuanced, and is usually associated with something matte and non-glare. Alone, it is not particularly expressive, but when given decorative support, it appears in all its splendor.

“What do psychologists say?”

Like brown, coffee with milk is classified as neutral tones, however, it is considered warmer, like this aromatic drink. Unlike real coffee, such an interior will not stimulate mental activity, will not increase your heart rate, and will not help you cope with a deadline. However, it promotes concentration and helps you go deeper into your studies - remember the decor of home libraries of the century before last, which were entirely decorated with wood or dark wallpaper.

“How to fit it into the interior?”

The color café au lait is traditionally used as a background for those accessories that you want to highlight. Especially if they contrast with the rest of the interior elements or have a complex texture - shaded with coffee, they will stand out. It will also help to connect objects that do not fit into the situation with the situation if you place them in pairs.

A design project where coffee is the main color - that is, wallpaper, furniture and floors are painted in it - is calm and conservative. It is chosen by people who are not inclined to often change their idea of ​​the appearance of their home. It is also suitable for those who do not yet know at all what style to decorate the room in - the café-au-lait interior will serve as a good basis on which you can later layer anything you want.

"Living room"

The milky coffee color looks good in living rooms. They can be used to paint walls, floors and ceilings, and purchase furniture, textiles and accessories of this shade. The main thing is to remember to add other appropriate shades, patterns and textures.

“Color coffee with milk + blue and white”

  • How to make the interior eclectic and not boring at the same time? You probably guessed that its variety of colors and extremely bold style require something grounding, including in terms of color. In the next photo we see an excellent solution - in addition to the selection of a coffee sofa, the designers included a beige carpet and a daring animal print into the interior. By the way, a carpet will be a very convenient and profitable purchase, as it will allow you to cover a large space with the color of coffee and milk.

“Coffee au lait color + wenge color”

  • Let's take note of another confectionery combination - coffee with milk and wenge color in the interior. Because different shades Brown are combined harmoniously, the living room will look impressive in any case. Pay attention to the alternation of light and dark tones - the interior is built on a strict order of their arrangement. Keep in mind that any rearrangement will nullify all efforts, so the living room design will have to be fixed in this state.

“Cafe au lait color + brown shades”

  • The color café au lait is suitable for country-style interiors, which are usually built on a combination of wooden tones. The color of the walls can be any - white, peanut, straw, chestnut, but always lighter than the shade of the furniture. Coffee will add more elegance to the atmosphere, because country is usually painted in rough tones. In this photo we see it in detail - lampshades, stools, figurines, dishes. Mixed with buff and kolkotar, it looks very elegant and fresh.

"Cappuccino + cherry + orange"

  • And here the cappuccino color creates the very support that we talked about earlier. Bright cherry and orange cannot simply be placed on an open surface; they will break up the intended composition and disrupt the overall elegant style. Brown color in the interior and sweet shades are a clear frame in which contrasting textiles are enclosed.

“Cafe au lait + lemon color”

  • Coffee color may not perform a specific function, but simply complement other warm and light colors. The next photo shows a charming combination with lemon. This is non-contrasting homogeneous mixture, which will attract attention only upon close examination. She is also expressive, but in her own way - much softer and quieter than those discussed earlier.


Many people call the color of coffee with milk nothing other than sleepy. This is truly so - its softness envelops, instills tenderness and calm. In general, all warm pastel colors belong to the so-called “bringing” colors, that is, the object against their background looks a little closer than it actually is. This also applies to the walls - they seem to taper a little, which makes the interior more comfortable and protected.

“Creamy + coffee with milk”

  • The color of coffee with milk in the interior of this bedroom sets the necessary accents - creamy shades are dispersed throughout the room, smooth wallpaper hides the outlines, and it becomes difficult to grasp the overall picture. Coffee does not stand out from the general order, does not disturb the snow-white balance, but outlines subtle strokes along which the eye will move.

“Coffee with milk + bright accents”

  • If you think that the bedroom design should be more romantic and playful, complement the color with coffee bright accents. Absolutely any shades are suitable for this – from thick and rich to ringing translucent. In the next photo we see its combination with fuchsia and herbal flowers - and even such a flashy contrast looks appropriate and formal.

“Terracotta + coffee with milk”

  • Light coffee color and terracotta color. Shades of baked clay and confectionery colors, oddly enough, belong to classic combinations. Neither of them depresses the other, and the effect produced is beyond praise.


What are we going to cook? Airy cappuccino, multi-layer latte, Arabic or Viennese coffee, with a lush top of whipped cream? Sprinkle with cinnamon or grated chocolate, season with caramel or almond syrup? Creative place - creativity– create an interior in the color of coffee with milk best traditions barista!

"The color of café au lait, cinnamon, nutmeg and cane sugar"

  • We create an invigorating design, the power of which you will certainly appreciate in the morning. For this we need the color of grated nutmeg, cinnamon sticks and cane sugar. Just add a drop of milk and you will feel the rush vital energy! The point is that we do not use blurry calm tones, but more energetic dark ones.

"Coffee-milk and apple color"

  • If you need a cup of coffee to forget your worries and dream a little, let's take a course on the color of whipped cream. Creating a kitchen filled with sunlight is the dream of any city dweller, and light milky tones will help you achieve this. The space in the photo below contains only delicate inserts of apple color and chocolate chips, but there is an airy and clean feeling.

"Coffee-milk color and patterns"

  • And if you like coffee cocktails, where many flavors and colors are mixed, and the milk foam is crowned with some intricate pattern, decorate the coffee-with-milk color base with multi-colored decor, mainly in delicious fruit tones. By the way, beige tones colorists characterize them as tolerant - since they favorably accept almost any addition.


The color of coffee with milk in the bathroom interior will always look organic, you use it only in tiling, painting the walls or throughout the room. There are no special secrets for using it in the bathroom; all recommendations are similar to those mentioned above.

"Coffee with milk + dark chocolate"

  • Of course, in this room you can afford more daring combinations, but you will achieve real sophistication with monochrome. The only thing we will offer you is to texture the drawing, visually or tactilely. The interior of the next bathroom looks more interesting due to the marble tiles, the patterns on which are located asymmetrically - even a single tone does not allow the bathroom to get boring.

"Coffee with milk + gray"

  • This bathroom is so elegant that even the crystal chandelier in it does not look pretentious. The pale brown color scheme has amazing property elevate the appearance of the interior to a higher rank, where true luxury does not catch the eye, but looks with all possible modesty.


Despite its apparent simplicity, coffee-milky color is quite serious. As we have already mentioned, it promotes the acquisition of knowledge and does not allow you to get scattered over trifles. If you expect the same diligence from your child, help him with this by painting the interior of the nursery in the color of coffee with milk.

“Coffee-milk + peach”

  • But so that such an environment does not seem too boring to your baby, you will have to add a little bright colors. Orange color in the interior we traditionally love small children. In addition, it itself requires a calm background. In this photo, the cozy and modest combination of coffee and peach is slightly balanced with red and dark brown.

“Milk coffee + blue + lavender”

  • The color scheme of this room is typical of the Provençal style. The color of diluted cocoa is combined with lilac and lavender, and with the help of soft textile textures, this light interior becomes more tangible and sustainable.

IN psychology and meaning of colors brown can convey several meanings: hostility, laziness, stupidity, ordinary and outdated - the color of the poor.

The color coffee or brown is one of the colors that produces the most disgust in people, according to surveys, ranking last in the list of people's favorite colors.

If you've read our other articles on the psychology of color (, blue, orange) you may have noticed that these are among the colors with associations that are predominantly positive and somewhat negative. With brown, the opposite happens. But there is an explanation.

Although coffee is not the most popular color of all for certain aspects of our lives, it is highly coveted in others. For example, in the interior, wood has a high cost, as well as the whole range of brown colors in clothing design.

Thus, as is the case with the other twelve colors that are part of the theory of color psychology, brown or coffee is filled with a set of complex associations that speak about us and our psyche.

“Color is the native language of the subconscious.” Carl Jung.

Why is the color coffee so hated?

With so many negative associations that have been developed for this color, the first reasonable question that arises is: “why is the color so hated?” After all, it is the color of the earth, the bark, the natural. Why don't you rate positively?

According to research, Eva Geller, the mother of color psychology, brown is the color of ugly, unattractive, laziness and stupidity, the color of the poor. Even he is associated with National Socialism in Germany. Yes, Nazis.

There is certainly no color that has a worse resume, brown, although in its origins Goethe, the father of color psychology, defined it as the color of the rich and fashion. But all this hostility has a completely logical explanation.

One of the reasons why brown is so little valued may be hidden in the theory of color formation. And that, in essence, brown is not a color in itself. It would be more accurate to say that it is a mixture of colors.

We know that there are primary colors, which cannot be formed with other colors, and secondary colors, which consist of two fixed colors. For example, purple always requires blue and red, and cannot stack with other colors. This doesn't happen with brown.

Brown can be created in many ways. All colors together create brown, all primary, as well as all children. Or any color greater than black. And a mixture of the basic plus the opposite (for example: red and green) creates brown.

This may give the feeling that he is not present a certain color What color, no character. In brown, the other colors disappear (merge for it), so it is like a vortex that can swallow the beauty of other natural colors.

The fact that brown is a mixture of all colors. It is also the color of skin, wood, earth, and the color of animals that are highly valued because of their beauty.

However, brown is also the color of litter, dirty, rustic, dust, dirt, faded, rotten, antique. And besides, it was the color that the fascists chose to represent all of his movements.

Wherever we look we will find brown, and its natural forms will always be valued, but as a color it is despised by most. This is a duality that does not highlight this color.

Watch the video: What does brown mean?

The symbolism of the color coffee or brown - the good, the bad and the ugly

We have already seen for what reasons this color is not friendly. But as already said, color is subconsciously associated with many types of emotions. Analysis of symbolism allows us to round out the full understanding.

So let's see what symbolic associations the people make on the color brown, who are independent cultures, and as such know no boundaries. Firstly, in the positive pole.

  • Seriousness (responsibility, dedication, honesty, trust).
  • Practicality (persistence, realism, common sense, maturity).
  • Stability (structure, strength, support, protection, safety of material, moderation, order).
  • Sense of belonging (to family, work, friendship, intimacy, patriotism, loyalty, devotion).
  • Comfort (quality, warmth, simplicity, calm, sensitivity, sensuality, sophistication).
  • Natural (health, well-being, conservation, ecology, care, protection).

We think that a manager who is dressed in a black suit will call someone ambitious and private. If in exchange for this, we present a suit dark brown- this will give us the feeling that the employee is more loyal, more mature, more responsible and friendly.

From the same approach, a restaurant decorated in dark red colors conveys a feeling of speed and low quality. The same place, but decorated using brown tones, will give us a stamp good quality, sophistication, comfort and well-being.

Strongly flavored foods like coffee and chocolate taste better in artificial flowers, such as blue or green. And they should also be strong, sensual and natural if their packaging is brown.

We see that brown is more than a color. In the tourism industry it gives a feeling of hospitality, offices motivate communication and commitment, firms talk about the possibility of problem resolution and protection, etc.

One can see some negative associations with the color brown. Some of them have already been mentioned in previous section, but here we can see and understand them more clearly.

  • Lack of a sense of humor or excessive seriousness. It makes people boring and too predictable.
  • Dirt or lack of care for hygiene. This also connects with work.
  • Old age or lack of actual meaning. It connects what is outdated and out of fashion.
  • Passivity or slowness. Not suitable for products or services that want to keep up with the fast pace of the times. Also associated with depression or laziness.
  • Materialism or stinginess. Associated with the accumulation of money or property.

What we may notice is that these associations were not given to all shades of brown or to any form in which they are used. It's more likely not correct use colors. If you use balanced shades, you prevent their negative associations.

Finally, with regard to symbolism, there are some associations proper to some specific cultures that are not repeated in other contexts. It is worth reviewing some of the most outstanding.

  • IN Chinese horoscope represents the color of the earth.
  • In India it is the color of the morning.
  • In Nicaragua as a sign of disapproval.
  • In the West it is associated with errors.
  • In Germany, he is associated with the Nazi Party.

It is important to note that since brown contains all other colors, it receives signals from its own and other colors (for example, red or blue), and takes on many psychological characteristics.

And the same thing happens when brown is combined with some other color in a specific design. For example, brown with green defines the feeling that something is natural, and brown with blue, something reliable.

11 color variations of coffee/brown and its psychological meaning

In some countries, brown is better known by some alternative names, such as coffee or chestnut. However, the term brown is currently preferred as a generic term, with the rest sending signals very specifically to this color.

As Eva Geller says: “We would never think of saying that coffee is the color of tobacco, or tobacco is the color of nuts. The ideas we have from these colors [despite possible similarities] are inseparable from the context.”

In her research, Geller worked through 95 shades of brown, exploring the emotions each of them could evoke. In this list we find common colors like amber, oak, as well as others more strange, like mummy brown.

Ultimately, from these 95 tones, 11 shades of brown were identified that evoke sensations that are more specific and universal. Noticing, moreover, that only one of them created a positive association, and two of them the association was relatively neutral.

It is important to remember, however, that Heller's findings were based on a survey of 2,000 men and women of the highest different professions and ages, but they are all Germans. Analyzing other colors may not be appropriate, but here, yes, it is.

Since historically dressing the German people after the Second World War, everything that is associated with Nazi culture caused rejection of almost everything. This may be the reason why brown is so poorly positioned in this study.

An update of this study should be done with the participation of people of different nationalities in order to check how representative the survey of the German average is to the rest of the world. It is likely that more positive associations are found to take this approach.

If your favorite color is brown or coffee, your personality is...

Color psychology focuses on more than just knowing what effect colors have on people depending on how they are used. Also can tell us what your personality is according to your preference with flowers.

It is assumed that personality is a concept that is stable enough that there remains very little change in adulthood. As are the color settings. Thus, one can use data, color preferences, as an approach to personality.

However, personality theory is not qualified (such as psychoanalysis, for example), but it can be very useful to know aspects that are personal about yourself. We can also get information from flowers that we don't like.

Thus, it is logical to assume that people who prefer brown color have many of the positive or negative traits mentioned above. But let's take advantage the following list to highlight 10 new aspects related to personality.

  1. These are working people who love hard work.
  2. They believe in material rewards for Good work, and love quality things.
  3. Some of them may be accumulators of money or property.
  4. Well organized and structured.
  5. May not get along well with situations that are spontaneous or where they have no control. They prefer what is controllable and predictable, the same way they act.
  6. When they have problems, they usually think before solving them.
  7. These are people who are sensitive to the needs of others, as well as to criticism.
  8. As a rule, they prefer the calm that they have forged for themselves, and therefore others bring their own problems to them.
  9. They don't like wasting money and time on things that are frivolous or unnecessary. Don't give more than someone or something deserves. Therefore, they are usually viewed as stingy.
  10. They can restrain their emotions in some cases and withdraw from the outside world.

People who feel an aversion to the color brown tend to be more dreamy and creative, and therefore tend to reject routine, and embrace everything spontaneous, innovative, impulsive, etc.

In addition to comfort and beauty, the kitchen has another unusual property. It can be delicious. What does it mean? Of course no one will try kitchen furniture per tooth But when you walk into a kitchen like this, your mouth waters in anticipation of a belly-fest. The impression of deliciousness in the kitchen is given by the shades in which the room is designed - from the walls and furniture to towels and napkins.

This design is a source of vital energy

One of the most common delicious color ranges for the kitchen space is a brown palette.

Wonderful beige shades in a glossy design

What attracts you about the color brown? Its depth and warmth. The interior of the kitchen evokes calm and tranquility. The softness of brown shades gives a feeling of special comfort. Shades of this color are good for any style from classic to ethnic.

Coffee tones are suitable for big family and for the apartment of a convinced bachelor.

Coffee palette in the interior: walls, floor and ceiling

The brown color palette has a huge number of shades. From the color of milk chocolate to the darkest - rich chocolate. All these shades are warm and cozy. Their distinguishing feature– amazing softness of perception. They exude reliability and age-old regularity.

This design will make you smile and not fall into a blues.

Evokes associations with aromatic coffee or dark chocolate. This is the color classic style with its nobility and aristocracy.

Red-brown is a luxurious representative of the Victorian style with its stability and conservatism. The color of red furniture made from expensive solid wood will also suit the brilliant art deco.

Yellow-brown will be appropriate in ethnic styles: wooden Russian, sultry African or luxurious Egyptian. This is an optimistic color of cheerful comfort and good mood.

Gray-brown or taupe is a discreet background for a solid Scandinavian style. An excessive amount of gray in decorative details will make this shade of brown uncomfortable and faded.

The light brown shade hides comfort and tranquility. This shade is conducive to quiet family evenings with a cup of coffee and intimate conversations in a close circle.

Ideal partners for brown shades in interior design:

  • Relaxed beige and soft milky will lead to a self-sufficient union. Combining colors with milky color comes with the added warmth of this shade.
  • Optimistic orange will give positive energy and will add joy. White shades will fit into this duet and give the interior lightness and airiness.
  • Blurred yellow will bring a bit of regularity and detachment. Better to use as a background.
  • Fresh green will add coolness. Light shades are distinguished by restraint, and dark ones – by elegance.
  • Rich gold will highlight the sophistication of the design in brown tones. This color is best used only for decorative elements.
  • Reliable blue will bring practicality to the interior of a brown kitchen.

This kitchen creates an exquisite picture of the interior

The lighter the brown shades, the richer the blue color should be. It is better to combine light tones of blue with dark chocolate ones.

Nuances of a coffee interior

You need to be very careful with brown shades in the kitchen interior. I went a little too far with the dark brown color, and the kitchen depresses with an uncomfortable atmosphere. I decorated it only in light colors, and the kitchen lost its individuality.

A kitchen the color of coffee with milk requires a special approach. When decorating your kitchen space, you should follow simple tips:

It is advisable to avoid an abundance of dark spots in the kitchen - they make the room gloomy.

The shade of coffee with milk is very attractive in itself, but its use in the kitchen interior is somewhat limited. To create a non-boring design, it is better to dilute it with bright inserts:

A very cozy and elegant room for the whole family

  • Decorative elements of soft pink color will add sophistication to the interior.
  • Dark brown furniture and curtains will highlight the warmth of the café au lait color.
  • Bright green splashes will reveal your delicate taste and add style to the kitchen interior.
  • The color of coffee with milk goes well with orange shades. Warm coffee with milk combined with optimistic orange blossom will create a special harmony with notes of optimism.
  • Café au lait expands the space with shiny details. Glossy shine will reduce the excessive softness of the interior.

Coffee, milk and vanilla themes in kitchen design

You can take the coffee theme in your kitchen beyond just applying color. Tile For kitchen aprons, clocks, glass panels are made with coffee beans or steaming cups. Everything to highlight the interior of coffee with milk. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee will complement the picture.

The coffee-with-milk kitchen will easily fit into your interior a corner of a real cafe. The bar counter can easily be turned into an elegant coffee shop. A dark chocolate tabletop, a painting or poster on the wall that matches the theme, light metal chairs with twisted legs – a coffee shop a la Paris is ready.


It doesn't matter what style you choose for your kitchen. If you decide to make it in a coffee-milk color, you value reliability and comfort, and elegance and naturalness are your life credo.

The cafe au lait kitchen has already become a classic due to the softness and versatility of the color. With such a background it is not difficult to create harmonious interior, if you know the successful combinations. Chocolate-milk, coffee shades, cappuccino color create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the room.

Coffee with milk is close to beige, but in the interior it can look more sophisticated. Therefore, in classical cuisine it has no equal.

Cappuccino colored kitchen

The palette of coffee shades can include very light, cold, warm, yellowish or closer to gray tones.

Coffee palette

Even taking into account multiple variations, it will not be difficult to choose the right tone for decoration or furniture, because... today this is a fairly popular range among manufacturers finishing materials and kitchen sets.

Design ideas and successful combinations

Basic and neutral colors - white, brown, black, gray - go well with chocolate milk or cappuccino.

Cappuccino colored ceiling combined with white furniture
Chocolate range in the kitchen interior

Other good combinations:

  • pink, purple, lilac;

It is better to use pink or purple in the kitchen interior as additional or accent colors.
  • mint, turquoise, green, khaki, marsh, pistachio;
Light coffee sofa and two-tone set with green accents
Pillows on the sofa in cappuccino color in combination with the upholstery of the chairs in a marsh shade

  • bright raspberry.

Coffee and milk walls

Finishing in soft and calm colors will be an excellent backdrop for creating a bright and eclectic design.

Light brown walls

Among the assortment of wallpapers, it is not always possible to choose the right tone. But among the paints on sale there is much more choice. You can mix several solutions of different shades and get your own, unique one.

Kitchen set in cappuccino color

Among the options offered by manufacturers, there are often coffee-and-milk-colored sets with glossy facades.

More design ideas in the video:

The shine emitted by the surface of the furniture can in some cases create the desired effect, for example, visually expand a small kitchen,

But some options, such as those made from cheap plastic, can look tacky. Gloss is demanding on lighting.

The correct direction of light, its softness and sufficiency will create beautiful reflections, which is why kitchens with glossy facades are so popular.

Kitchen in dark chocolate milk color with matte fronts Furniture with glossy facades in natural and artificial lighting

see also beautiful ideas kitchen design in milky color.

Monochrome range

This design looks best in classic, exquisite interiors. Unlike the brown and beige colors, this palette will introduce a piece of modernity and dilute the prim traditional design.

Modern kitchen in monochrome coffee tones

Details in the interior

Some eclectic styles, such as art deco, can make good use of café au lait. They look very harmonious soft chairs With carriage tie in soft colors.

Other such details could be a small ottoman in the corner of the kitchen, covers on stools, curtains, etc.

Chairs and curtains in coffee colors
Tulle, apron area trim and other details in coffee shades in combination with the milky color of the furniture