How to attach a perforated corner to an external corner. Plaster corner - how to choose and use correctly How to install a perforated corner

When working with drywall, it is necessary to learn the technique of processing corners when fixing perforated corner ok for putty. Leveling walls using a material such as drywall is a fairly popular procedure, as it easily solves the problem of the need to correct the curvature of the surface being treated. That is why it is so important to master all stages of work, which will allow you not to resort to the help of specialists.

Puttying drywall corners - briefly about the main thing

Before you start working with drywall, you need to obtain and understand whole line appropriate knowledge on how to level corners with putty. If work is performed incorrectly or carelessly, appearance the design will not be the most attractive. And this, of course, you want to avoid. During the procedure, drywall can be damaged - the material is fragile and requires especially careful handling.

To process external corners, special perforated corners made of metal or plastic are used. They help protect drywall from mechanical damage. To do this, putty is applied on both sides of the joint of the sheets on the outer corner. A specially prepared corner is carefully applied on top and pressed into the solution. required size, which is subsequently completely puttied. To do this, apply another layer of solution. After the putty dries, the quality of the work performed is assessed for evenness and, if it is not achieved, the treated area is primed and the solution is applied again.

The inner corner must be puttied using a serpyanka. The technique for performing the work is similar to that used when processing simple seams. A right angle can be obtained using a special spatula. It is dipped into the solution and the joint is treated.

How to putty corners with your own hands? What does that require? Do you need to have special knowledge, skills and experience or is it available to everyone? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Materials and tools for puttying drywall corners

Before you start puttingtying the corners, you need to purchase everything necessary materials and tools. Do not forget that the success of future work generally depends on their quality.

To process drywall corners you will need: initial and finishing putty, perforated corners (metal or plastic), non-woven tape, sickle tape or construction mesh, metal flat and angled spatula, construction knife.

To perform work on leveling plasterboard corners, arched perforated corners can also be useful. They are used when processing surfaces that have a rounded or wavy shape, as well as for complex elements of a suspended ceiling.

On this moment the best of brands on Russian market For the production of putty mixtures, Fgenfüller is considered. Most construction professionals recommend using it when processing drywall corners.

Several possible work execution schemes

For a more detailed consideration of this topic, we have divided it into several work flow diagrams and will try to describe each in detail.

Scheme 1 Plastic corner AquaBead.

AquaBead is a plastic perforated corner covered with special paper, inner side which is covered with glue. To attach it to the corner being processed, no first layer is required. The glue is soaked using ordinary water. The work is performed as follows:

  1. The end of the drywall is checked for evenness. The surface must be treated with a damp sponge or primer.
  2. A corner of the required size and length is cut.
  3. The inner surface of the corner is evenly treated with water using a spray bottle. The glue activates within 20-30 seconds, after which installation can begin. You can check the readiness of the adhesive to peel off by touching the surface of the corner with your fingers.
  4. The corner is being glued. To do this, it is pressed tightly against the corner and smoothed along its entire length.
  5. The initial putty mixture is prepared. 20 minutes after gluing the corner, you can start puttingty.
  6. A thin (about 2 cm) layer of putty is applied over the corner with a spatula. The surface is leveled as much as possible.

If you did not have time to use the AquaBead corner and the glue has hardened, you can re-treat the surface with water - all adhesive properties will be preserved.

Scheme 2 Metal corner.

When using a metal corner for processing drywall corners:

  1. The initial putty mixture is prepared.
  2. The end is checked for evenness.
  3. A corner of the required length and size is prepared.
  4. Putty is applied to both sides of the corner being processed.
  5. A corner is leaned against the corner and pressed into the putty mixture. Putty will come out of the holes on the surface of the corner, which must be immediately leveled by adding a small amount of fresh solution. Level the surface.

It is better to remove the excess mixture from the very corner of the corner, since it will not contact very well in this place and, accordingly, adhere to the surface.

Scheme 3 Metal corner and stapler.

With this method, at the first stage of attaching a metal corner to the drywall, not a putty mixture is used, but a construction stapler. Next, the corner on top is also covered with initial putty.

Scheme 4 Semicircular plastic corner

This type of corners is used in rooms where mechanical impacts on corners and walls are most likely. The corner itself has a rounded surface instead of a sharp corner and is made of very flexible, durable plastic. Features of its installation are manifested in preparatory stage. The end of the drywall to be processed must be cut off by one and a half to two centimeters at an angle of 45 degrees. Next, apply a generous layer of initial putty prepared in advance for use. Cropped under right size the corner is pressed into the mixture applied to the wall and is additionally fixed using construction stapler. The edges are smoothed with putty. The putty mixture must be removed from the semicircular part of the corner with a damp sponge.

Puttying the inner corner of drywall

  1. Apply serpyanka to the corners of the drywall or construction mesh. The joint should be exactly in the middle of the strip of material.
  2. Apply the previously prepared putty mixture.
  3. Level using a special angled spatula.

Final work stage

How to level the corners with putty at the final stage?

  1. After the last layer of initial putty has hardened, be sure to check the angle for evenness. If necessary, prime it and apply another layer of mixture to level the surface.
  2. It is very important to treat the corners with finishing putty at the end. It will help further level the surface, making the corners more aesthetically pleasing. After this, they are ready for further construction and repair activities (i.e. painting, wallpapering, etc.).
  3. One recommended measure is to apply non-woven tape over the last layer. This measure will help increase the ability of the corner to withstand mechanical damage, i.e. will make it more durable. This is done through the following actions:
    • Non-woven tape is glued to the still uncured mixture.
    • Using a spatula, it is carefully leveled. The putty mixture saturates the tape right through.
    • Finishing putty is applied.

Designed to securely fix corners of walls, ceilings, floors, etc. With its help you can give the room a beautiful and smooth look. And then, when starting further repair work, it becomes much easier for the master to decorate the room with various materials.

  • Using a perforated galvanized plaster corner, you can make different geometric shapes - circle, oval, square, etc.

Thanks to the corner, work happens faster and better.

From the article you will learn:

  • Slopes using a corner
  • Application for arches
  • Cost of corners

About the use of perforated corner

If you decide to level and finish the walls yourself, but have never done this before repair work, then you simply need a perforated galvanized plaster corner. Every master knows that this small subtlety in work brings great results!

So, the corner is used in the following areas:

  • for partitions and walls that need to be plastered and leveled;
  • for corners (external, internal) that need to be made stronger;
  • for arches, boxes, so that they are strong and even (not crumbled).

Since most partitions, arches, boxes, and trims are made of plasterboard, it becomes clear that it can crumble around the edges if it is not secured and plastered. You just need a corner for this.

There are two types of plaster corners:

  • straight;
  • arched.

Well, corners can already be used for many categories interior finishing, but they all relate to plastering and puttying work.

What is a straight perforated corner

A straight perforated corner is a metal or plastic corner trim that is secured with plaster or putty, thereby giving the wall a smooth appearance and making its corners stronger.

It can be external and internal, as well as different in width and strength. For example, a wide galvanized corner is much stronger; it is also used as a beacon for plaster.

  • It is better to take scissors for trimming corners with a plier-shaped type, they are very strong and sharp. With ordinary scissors, you will simply damage the edges of the corner, and the work will be lengthy and inconvenient.
  • If it is a plastic corner, then large sewing scissors will do; sometimes you can cut it construction knife, but then the edges will have to be aligned using pliers or a hammer.
  • The right angle looks like two long rulers folded in half, and on each edge there are round holes– this is a perforation that has its own top.

  • The top of the inner corners is directed inward, and the outer corners are directed outward.

  • The perforation is for fastening, and the apex is for direction; the craftsmen orient themselves towards the apex and guide the spatula along it.

  • There will be big job, where you need to cut a lot of corners, then the best thing to do is the following: put them in a row, measure them, lift them to a height and cut them with a grinder. This will make working quickly and conveniently, and you won’t have to align the corners. Metal corners can be cut with pliers three at a time, this is faster.

How to use the corner and what it is intended for

The corner is used by installation method in two cases:

  • If there is a crooked angle. Then the corner needs to be cut along the edges and adjusted so that the corner takes on an even appearance, then putty and dry, again, and if necessary, three times.
  • Conventional fastening, on a straight (even) angle, uses a perforated corner.

External corner

Please note that you should not cover an even corner with plaster too much on the outer corner. Otherwise, it will then crumble under the finishing material, for example, wallpaper.

It is better to go through it once, so that the plaster is inside the perforation and slightly covers the corner. The corner of the corner itself should not be completely covered.

Strong fixation is necessary only where the outer corner itself is uneven or rotten. This type of putty is also used in bathrooms, only then the composition of the putty becomes more dense.

Internal corner

But it’s better to cover the inner corners a little harder, but also without fanaticism. They need to be dried and watched to check how the process has gone. Usually there should be no problems, but if you are installing corners to strengthen the corners, then use a wide corner and a thicker putty composition. Add cement mixture to it and walk around thin layer 1-2 times on the corner, it will instantly become strong.

Plaster perforated beacon

Typically internal and external corners that are plasterboarded or on load-bearing walls are subject to frequent use, for example, in the kitchen - these are the main corners in the room. They must be made very high quality and tightly reinforced. That's why they are called plaster beacons.

Can be used:

  • gypsum plaster;
  • a mixture of gypsum plaster and cement;
  • mixing cement mixture and gypsum plaster.

It is best to mix a cement mixture and gypsum plaster; it is not too dense, but not a weak solution. It dries very quickly and securely fixes the corner. Then it does not crumble and holds up perfectly.

Apply it with your hands very quickly and level the corner, and then go through it with a spatula, and so on until the end. You shouldn’t apply the entire mixture over the corner at once, it dries quickly, do 10-15 cm at a time. It’s most convenient to first fix the corner at the top and bottom, and then continue working.

Measure everything you need with construction tools so as not to spoil the corner. In places where the wall is too thin or dilapidated, you can use a mesh.

This plaster mesh reinforces the corner and makes the walls near the corner stronger. The corner itself is attached very securely.

  • You can also stick a sickle mesh onto a regular corner; you can cut it a little wider than the corner and grab the wall with it. This is done in order to secure the corner as securely as possible. Then it is not necessary to use a mixture of gypsum plaster and cement; gypsum plaster will be sufficient.

How to use a corner to create a protective pad

Let's consider three options for using a corner as a protective element for wall corners.

First, this is when the walls in the room are already plastered, leveled and everything is ready for repair.

  • If the walls are prepared for finishing work, then you just need to secure the corners with ordinary putty, as described above. Without fixing the corner too much. We only need it to maintain an even appearance and begin gluing or painting the walls.

Second, for example, when the repair has already been made, but the corner is damaged and needs to be strengthened. Or, if there is no repair and it is not planned, but the corners need to be tightened, etc.

  • Here it is worth taking precise measurements, initially plastering the wall near the corner and the corner itself, and then using gypsum plaster and cement to make a corner for the lighthouse.

Third option when you need to secure and align the corners of an arch, box, or partition.

  • In this case, it is enough ordinary plaster, but sometimes, in cases where it is necessary, a mesh is used to strengthen the corners.

Such actions are necessary to align and strengthen the corners.

For thin items or hard-to-reach corners, you can use construction adhesive.

There are also self-adhesive corners on sale, but they are used only for such corners as, for example, an arch made of durable drywall, boxes in the wall, etc.

To join corners, it is necessary to select identical corners and suitable sizes.

Plastic corners are perfect for residential premises, where necessary. But, for example, for office, shop and other non-residential premises where there is a lot of traffic and activity, it is better to use aluminum corners.

Slopes using a corner

Making slopes yourself is very difficult if you don’t professional master, but it is possible. Keep in mind that attention always falls on the slopes, and they must be strong, perfectly level, and smooth. The future condition of the window also depends on how the slopes are made. If putty is applied incorrectly, the window may begin to fog up, cracks may appear, and there will be a draft from the window.

Initially, you need to thoroughly putty the entire window and prepare it for working with the corners. It is necessary to constantly measure the slopes and measure them with a construction ruler to ensure that they do not have unevenness. The same goes for door slopes. Then proceed to the corners, here the lighthouse technology is used. You need to securely fasten the corners, and at the same time very evenly. Because the inside will be without finishing materials. In order for the angle to be very even, you need to slowly apply the mixture, stroke by stroke, 10 cm at a time and immediately level it with a spatula.

Advice. Prepare two spatulas, new ones, so that there are no stuck or dried mixtures, paint, etc. on them. With their help it will be easier to make a perfectly even angle. Having leveled, immediately apply two spatulas on both sides, pressing them tightly, and hold for about 20-30 seconds. Actions for every 10 cm should not take more than 1.5 minutes, otherwise the mixture will dry out and you will not have time to trim the lines between strokes!

Or buy a spatula like this.

Having completed everything, wait until the corner dries. Then check with a clean hand by lightly rubbing it and then using a ruler. If small unevenness or roughness is found, then do not panic, you will just have to work a little more. Take the grout (sandpaper) and, without being too zealous, slowly, in a circular motion, like a mechanical device, rub out the defects from top to bottom. And so on both sides, then measure again. Then you can walk a little with a roller dipped in plaster. As a result, the slope is painted inside with a special paint, preferably with a roller.

Application for arches

It is not so difficult to work with arches where right angles are present. Here you just need to reinforce the opening so that it is durable and has an attractive appearance. For such work, arched corners are used; they fit together easily, and it is not difficult to plaster them.

An arched corner doesn't look the same as a perforated corner, it's a little different.

Arched corners are made of plastic. There are leaf-shaped slits on the lines. Therefore, they are easy to select to match the required arch shape.

Standing in a store, you will be faced with the question of which corner to buy, soft or hard. If the arch is large, then it is better to take a solid corner. For a small arch, for example, in an apartment, a soft corner is suitable.

Before you start installing the corners, squeeze it so that later the leaves do not stick out through the putty. It is difficult to work with an arch alone; it is better to bring an assistant.

When you start working on the corner, you will notice that it bends back to make the puttying process easier; you can secure it with buttons. This will allow you to complete the job faster and smoother.

If the corners of the arch are very curved, then it is better to use a soft corner. In this case, you can use self-tapping screws that will securely fix the corner and in the future it will definitely not fall off. You just have to choose the right screws and fasten them more tightly so that they don’t show through the corner.

Fastening an arched plaster corner with self-tapping screws.

Cost of corners

Use plaster corners turns out inexpensive and convenient:

  • perforated from 11 rub.
  • reinforced perforated from 12 rub.

Please note that if you need repairs big house, apartments or office premises, then, of course, you will need a lot of plaster corners, but it is much cheaper than leveling the corners with a profile or other expensive materials. Moreover, if you do everything diligently, the quality will please you.

Plastering and finishing corners are different products. Each of these building materials your purpose, don’t get confused!

So that when leveling the joint of the wall planes has correct design, craftsmen often use various plaster corners. Yes, at first glance this detail may seem completely simple to you - it is not so easy to use. If you decide to do this, you must follow a number of rules.

This is exactly what we will talk about in more detail in this material. Let's look at how to choose a plaster corner and how to use it correctly.

Types of corners

It is not difficult to guess that the plaster corner today is represented by a variety of different types. Now let's look at it in more detail.

Metal models

When a finisher gets to work, he needs to have the required number of corner pieces on hand. And considering that today the range of such products in retail chains is quite wide, it is better to decide on the model in advance - so that there are no unpleasant surprises later.

Overlays for puttying and plastering on corners, depending on the material, are usually divided into plastic and metal. Let's look at each of the product groups, but first, let's look at the most popular ones.

Metal corners for plaster can be made of different metals:

  • Made from galvanized steel, these products are highly durable, but at the same time they weigh quite a lot (when compared with analogues). Moreover, there is a possibility that this corner will rust over time - especially in those areas where the plaster layer is thinning. The metal there is exposed to direct moisture (from the atmosphere)
  • Made from aluminum, such products are very durable. They are practically not afraid of corrosion and are very light. But there is one “but” - the mechanical parameters of this pad will be an order of magnitude worse than those alternative options. Aluminum is simply a soft metal - and everyone knows this.

To prevent the galvanized steel plate from corroding over time, the product must be handled very carefully during installation. Try not to damage the galvanization when attaching the corner to the wall. It’s better to do the cutting with metal scissors (it’s better to avoid the grinder here).

Metal corners may vary in shape:

  • Usually the most popular are simple corners - that is, a strip of metal curved at ninety degrees. The thickness of this product is only 0.4 mm. Perforation is applied to the sides of such an overlay - this is done so that the mass of the product becomes even smaller. And thanks to such actions, adhesion to the plaster mortar significantly increases;
  • The plaster corner with mesh looks a little different. Such models are selected when wet plastering is performed. In this situation, the corner itself is equipped with a narrow overlay - a steel mesh, the width of which is a couple of cm, is attached to its edges.
The perforated plaster corner is ideal for securing planes. At the same time, your finish becomes more durable - that's a fact.
  • Today on the market you can also choose for yourself models of corners that are combined. In this situation, the aluminum or steel corner is equipped with a special polymer mesh (fiberglass is especially popular). Such products have all the advantages of both plastic and metal models plaster corners;
  • It’s also nice that the cost of combined plaster overlays is a little higher - but they will also serve you longer;
  • The main difficulty in working with metal linings is that such material is susceptible to corrosion, especially due to exposure to alkalis and acids. That is why many craftsmen advise installing them only if the finishing is done with latex, acrylic or plaster.

Plastic models

Let's consider the options which are the most used today:

  1. The linings are standard - this element is identical in design metal corner. But instead of steel or aluminum, they choose plastic for production - that’s enough High Quality. Such overlays are not afraid of corrosion, so if you are plastering rooms where the humidity level is high, they should definitely be used;
  2. The main disadvantage of a standard plastic corner is that the thickness of the material is quite large. At the same time, plaster is not usually applied in a thick layer; it rarely happens that the layer is more than 3 mm. And this is quite enough to disguise a plastic product;
  3. Arched corners for plaster are used in situations where it is necessary to form the joint of planes on surfaces that are curved. One side of this corner is not made solid - it is segmented. Due to this, the product can always be bent, and the bending radius will be arbitrary;
  4. In addition, you can easily find mesh corners for plastic plaster. The mesh in this case is an overhead element. These corners are used to be embedded in a thick layer of plaster. At the same time, the reliability of fixation increases many times over, because the corner will be held not only on the base, but also due to the high adhesion of the mesh part and the solution;
  5. It should be noted that this is a model that is not used very often. We are talking about a universal mesh corner for plaster. This is a thin strip of plastic (or even tape) - a strong mesh will suffice. You can bend it at any angle. These overlays are used to form oblique angles - that is, those that are less or more than ninety degrees.
Quite often this model is used when finishing the internal joint of walls. If it were not for such an element, the work here would have to be done without an overlay at all - which is not recommended.

The main advantage of plastic plaster corners is that they are chemically inert. Often such products are placed directly into (which, moreover, has alkaline reaction). And in general, polymers are not afraid of corrosion - in many ways this makes them very popular (even if we take into account low level strength compared to metal products).

How to use corner pads - let's figure it out

Now let's talk about how to properly use plaster corners (overlays). However, first things first.

Preparing a corner for finishing

So that a plaster corner made of metal or plastic copes one hundred percent with its function (protects the joint of planes from possible damage) – it must be installed correctly.

In fact, such a task is not particularly difficult. But you need to pay attention to certain points:

  • First of all, there must be a solid wall under the corner overlay. To do this, you need to check the quality of the surface - if necessary, all loose elements are removed;
  • Then, all walls are primed and dust-free, including the corner. First, remove the dust, then apply a primer. This must be done in any situation - so that the plaster layer has good adhesion to the base;
  • In the case where the wall joint is severely damaged, before installing the plaster corner, leveling is carried out - this will help with this work plaster mortar. Of course, due to this approach, the work time will increase, and the finishing will take longer - but it is better to “lose” a couple of days in this way than to get a plane at an angle;
  • Next, plaster beacons are placed on the plane. You need to focus directly on them when aligning steel or aluminum corners.
Only when all the preparation work has been completed can you begin to install the plaster overlay.

Fastening the corner

This is not to say that installing a corner on a wall is somehow difficult. Let's look at a very simple instruction:

  • Small piles of solution are placed on the surface. 300 mm - this is exactly the optimal pitch;
  • The overlay is cut to size - a knife will help you with this (if you are working with plastic models). If the corner is made of metal (aluminum or steel), use metal scissors. From application circular saw it is better to abstain - corrosion processes will then necessarily be activated where the heating was;
  • The corner is installed on the wall, it is pressed into the mortar so that the plaster penetrates the perforation. If there are mesh pads on the edges, they should be immersed in the leveling layer as deeply as possible;
  • Using a level and rules, they monitor the correct installation of the lining. If the need arises, the position of the part is adjusted by smooth pressing.
Please note that if you have not applied enough mortar, you will have to remove the overlay and add a leveling mixture. The corner, in any case, must be placed with the beacons on the same level. There is no need to “remove” the plane with plaster alone.

If the finishing layer is thin - The corner can also be mounted on mechanical fasteners.

But at the same time:

  1. The overlay is installed at an angle, aligned horizontally and vertically;
  2. For fastening, holes are drilled with a hammer drill;
  3. Plastic sleeves must be driven into the resulting holes - they are fixed with locking stainless screws;
  4. If your wall material allows, it is necessary to use not anchors, but self-tapping screws made of stainless steel;
  5. Keep in mind: you should not use standardized fasteners here, since if they oxidize, rusty marks may appear - either on your plaster, or even on the finish that will be applied over the plaster layer.

Grouting the joint of planes and leveling

As soon as the mortar on which the corner pad was installed hardens - you can start plastering.

Here everything is done like this:

  • As part of the first stage, the wall is leveled - at the same time, the corner is not reached by about 400 mm;
  • Then not so far from installed corner the mortar is placed - and by means of the rule it is smoothed: this way all excess will be removed;
  • The above operations are repeated, but this time it is not the rule that is used, but a wide spatula or grater;
  • The connecting planes are aligned - the master must ensure that during this work no plastic or metal is exposed;
  • To create an inner corner, you can use a special spatula. Its blade has a special shape - therefore, both surfaces can be removed very efficiently: a correct depression will be formed between them.

Watch a video on how to attach plaster corners. Surely, this lesson will help you gather your thoughts before work and understand how and what needs to be done.

Now we need to wait for the plaster to dry - the outer layer must undergo polymerization. And then they start grouting.

It all looks like this:

  • The corner is first rubbed on one side, then on the other;
  • When moving the grater, the master must ensure that it does not remove material from the edge - after all, in this situation, the occurrence of chips is not excluded. This should not be allowed;
  • Using a float and sponge, grout the inner corner. If the plans do not include putty, the plaster can be corrected with regular sandpaper.


The use today of corner overlays for plastering walls significantly facilitates the work of those owners who want to carry out repairs in an apartment or house on their own - without the involvement of professional teams.

Yes, if you have little experience (or none at all), it’s not so easy to design a corner well, so you definitely don’t need to neglect various auxiliary devices. Take action - and everything will definitely work out, experience will come with time and everything will work out perfectly - right the first time!

Galvanized corner for plasterboard 25x25 mm is one of the types of material that is used to level parts of walls. As you know, drywall is popular in construction and is easy to work with. However, prefabricated ones have problem areas– corners that are most often subject to mechanical stress. This is where they will come to the rescue different kinds existing corners.

Existing types corners for drywall

They perform protective function parts of the walls and will help build even corners. Knowing their classification, you can choose a suitable specimen.

Most common the following options products:

Metal perforated corner

This type is a thin sample made of a profile with perforation and a rigid edge along the edge. There are basically 2 types of similar corners for drywall:

  • straight;
  • arched.

These representatives have many subspecies. The corners are not glued, they are practically “slung” onto the structure and secured with putty or.

Straight perforated angle is used for processing internal and outside corners

It is a V-shaped profile with many holes - perforations.

Options for metal perforated corner for drywall

Actually, with their help this is what happens quality connection with processed corners, and the top located at internal corners– inside, and for external ones – outside, serves as a guide for the spatula. Excess air also escapes through the holes. Straight perforated corners are made of plastic, aluminum, and galvanized. The latter is tougher than the others, and the wide one can generally be used as a plaster beacon.

Plastic corner

This sample is more resistant to moisture than the profile, but its resistance to mechanical damage is lower. Among the advantages can be noted low price and no corrosion of the material. There is also a type of plastic corner, for example, AquaBead, which has a special paper with glue applied. No putty is required for fixing, just moisten with water adhesive surface and just glue the corner to the right place.


Various Decoration Materials, such as plaster, wallpaper, panels and others. But in order to preserve the transition points between planes, an arched corner is used, which has great opportunities. Arched corners are divided into the following types:

  • Installed under plaster, perforated. They have separate petals on one side of the corner, allowing you to place a sufficient strip on any arched curve. There are plastic and profile ones;
  • Decorative, which are glued to the plaster.

Read also

Serpyanka for drywall seams and the process of gluing it

This is what an arched corner for drywall looks like

Before attaching the arched corner, you need to match it with the main finish or in contrast, so the design will look more original.

Products with mesh

Such elements are used in places that require strengthening corners and protecting them from damage. Plaster mesh corners are designed for internal and external corners. They can be made of either plastic or metal profile. The choice will be influenced by the shape and material of the finishing surface.

Installation of corners on drywall using corners

When starting to install a corner on drywall, you need to have tools and material on hand.

Required material

  • the selected type of corner will need to be purchased with some reserve;
  • by using ;
  • It is best to buy Vetonit putty, which is of high quality.


  • metal scissors will help you cut out the necessary parts correctly and quickly;
  • a brush that will be needed to apply the primer;
  • wide and narrow spatulas will be needed for;
  • The sanding block will remove all unevenness on the plane, while the angle will be perfectly even.

This is what mounted corners look like on drywall

When starting installation, you need to familiarize yourself with the sequence of leveling the corners with putty so as not to damage this fragile material.

Stages of work

  1. First, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with a primer. Proceed to next stage only needed after it has completely dried.
  2. Measurements are taken and the required length of the corners is cut. They are applied to the drywall as a sample.
  3. For further work you will need non-woven tape, serpyanka mesh for internal corners, one of the types of perforated corners: plastic, adhesive, rounded or metal profile or on paper.
  4. Before you make a choice, you must make a choice. To form internal and external corners, it is better to buy a dry gypsum mixture. It has a reasonable price good quality and will be able to securely fasten the elements to the structure.
  5. The putty is prepared following all the steps: poured, poured, stirred, allowed to settle, kneaded again.
  6. When working with external corners, you need to remember that they are most often subject to mechanical stress; it is better to mount metal samples, in some cases having a rounded shape.
  7. Check the flatness of the end.
  8. Putty is applied to the area to be treated with smooth movements. Without allowing the composition to dry, you need to secure the corner with pressure, check the accuracy with a level, and if necessary, you can tap with a rubber mallet.
  9. Sometimes the corner is attached to the drywall with a stapler or glued with glue, and then covered with putty.
  10. On installed element another layer of the mixture is applied and now the alignment occurs with the general plane of the wall.

    Applying a second layer of putty

  11. After thorough drying, the slope corner is polished.
  12. Installing corners inside the structure looks similar, even a little easier. Carefully coat the adjacent sides and the gap between the corners with a spatula, and remove excess mixture. On a dry, sanded surface with the required form. You can buy it, just apply it to wet putty.
  13. check the fastening of the corner on the plasterboard, then use the next layer to hide the unevenness.
  14. After thorough drying, the surface is finished with sandpaper or a sanded block, forming a perfect angle.
  15. To facilitate the leveling process, so-called beacons are used, attached to the surface with a plaster solution; here you can do without fastening parts.
  16. I would especially like to mention the semicircular plastic corner, used in rooms with the greatest possible impact on corners. It is made from flexible plastic and has not an acute angle, but a semicircular one. Its price is quite reasonable, and its durability is beyond doubt. It differs in some features at the installation stage, namely cutting the end by 1.5-2 cm with an angle of 45 ͦ . A corner is pressed into the applied initial putty, fixed with a stapler, and the edges are treated with the mixture.

A video of arranging corners will help you see how parts of the drywall are reinforced, and will also allow you to select and buy the necessary elements.

Finishing internal and external corners will not seem difficult when the right approach and the necessary training. The main thing is that during installation there should be items that require minimal finishing.

Perforated plaster corner

A perforated galvanized plaster corner helps in finishing many parts of the room. The master finisher achieved compliance of these places with the intended design thanks to experience and skill. After all, it is extremely important that the area is straight or oval, where necessary. Today, finishers come to the aid of devices that significantly simplify and speed up their work.

Today we will tell you where and how a perforated plaster corner is used. Also in the video in this article you can find out Additional information about the use of this material.

  • Where is the corner used?
    • Straight perforated corner
    • Corner like a plaster beacon
    • Slope finishing

Where is the corner used?

Master decorators try not to advertise that the beauty of smooth walls largely depends on the edging.

This definition implies the following areas of use of putties and plaster mixtures How:

  • Connection of walls with floor and ceiling;
  • Internal, external corners;
  • Arches, boxes, corners, channels and other similar structures

At their core, all accessories refer to perforated corners for plaster. There are only two main types of corners: arched and straight, which in turn are divided into different categories. The scope of their use is extremely wide, and covers almost all types of work related to plaster and putty.

Straight perforated corner

The perforated plaster corner is available in two versions: internal and external. The materials used for their manufacture vary from plastic to galvanized, and the width of the corner also varies.

When using one corner or another, it is worth starting from the task at hand, since there is no global difference between them. Although the galvanized corner is more rigid than others. This property allows it to be used as a beacon for plaster, especially if it is wide enough.

Application of straight perforated angle

Attention; To use a corner, you must choose metal scissors of the appropriate quality. Otherwise, poorly cut edges of the corners will interfere in the future.

  • If you use plastic corners, you can even use a stationery knife to work with them. However, if you don’t have any tools at hand, you can break the perforated corner with your hands. In this case, the edges will then have to be straightened using a hammer or pliers, or even manually.
  • Straight perforated corner for plastering works looks like the English letter "V". Moreover, its flat sides are perforated, and the top protrudes about a millimeter. It is characteristic that those corners where it is directed inward are called internal, and external, respectively, those where the top looks outward. The top serves to guide the spatula, and the perforation is necessary to attach the corner itself

Attention: Cut a dozen corners required footage You can use a tape measure and a grinder. To do this, you need to fold the corners one to one, and then, measuring desired length use a grinder. To work with a small number of products, you can also use scissors, however, if there is a power tool not far away, then it is better to use it.

The purpose of the corner and how to use it

Perforated plaster corner is used to strengthen the corner and give the correct geometric shape.

Installation of this product happens in two ways:

  • A curved corner, in this case, if the radius is not large, you will need to make cuts along the stiffeners so that the corner takes the desired shape;
  • Right angle, in this case the corner is simply attached along the plane in the form in which you purchased it.

Corner like a plaster beacon

In the first option, the corner will be used as a plaster beacon. To install it, the plaster is placed on the main corner. It is worth noting that if you have sufficient finances, then it is better to choose gypsum plaster; working with it is much more comfortable.

  • This plaster mixture is applied not along the edge, but in strokes in the form of a cake. This is done for convenient setting of the angle. The corner is set according to the plane and level, using construction tools, in particular rules and levels.

Attention: If gypsum plaster is mixed with cement or cement mixture then the beacon will rise within a few minutes, after which you can continue working.

  • In order to avoid overlap of perpendicular planes, it is better to cut the working corners at 45 degrees. It is worth noting that as plaster beacon It is not advisable to use an internal perforated corner. With its help it is better to emphasize the straight lines of the edging.
  • In places where the outer corner is subject to frequent mechanical stress, it is worth using a corner that has plaster mesh. A plaster mesh made of fiberglass in combination with a corner made of plastic or metal, if necessary, reinforces the corner. These categories of perforated corners are used as plaster beacons. Because, to hide the mesh under the finishing putty, you will need to apply a layer of plaster at least 5 mm thick.

Attention: If you use a regular perforated corner as a reinforced one, you can glue a mesh onto its shelves - a serpyanka that grips the wall. As such a mesh, you can use materials such as non-woven fabric and fiberglass. Putty can be used as an adhesive element.

Using a corner as a protective cover

In the case when the wall has already been applied high quality plaster, then perforated corners for plaster serve to protect the corner from severe mechanical damage and emphasize its straight lines.

  • This corner is installed similarly to the first option. The difference is the use of a more liquid plaster mixture, and its layer should be as small as possible. For such tasks, as a rule, plaster corners made of plastic or aluminum are used.
  • Moreover, it is not necessary to use plaster mixtures or putty for installation. The corner is adjacent to the surface, covering it because the base is already level. Installation of such a corner with a thin layer of plaster mixture as an adhesive element is used when working with gypsum plasterboard products.
  • It is important that these structures are assembled properly. For such work, a perforated corner is used, on whose shelves self-adhesive strips are applied; such products can be used by moistening them with water.
  • In some cases, there is a need to connect corners, in which case it is important that the joining corners are made of the same material. This is due to the fact that different corners can have different sizes, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the finish.

Attention: If the room is frequently walked, then it is better to use a galvanized perforated plaster corner. It is more rigid and better withstands the loads of plastic.

Slope finishing

Slopes on windows and doors should be treated with special responsibility because... upon visual observation there is an involuntary comparison with door or window openings. In other words, the straightness of the lines is assessed. If you do everything with your own hands, then attention should be at its best.

  • Not even any minimum deviations there should be no lines from door or window lines. You should also check the window openings for compliance with the level; they may collapse. Basically, when plastering slopes, craftsmen focus on the level.
  • Therefore, it is recommended to use a perforated corner for this, which can also be used as a beacon. If gypsum fiber boards or gypsum boards were used when installing slopes, and the quality leaves much to be desired, the corner will help eliminate the shortcomings.
  • It is important that when working with a brick slope, sandwich products, installing gypsum boards on a slope along building regulations and as a rule they need to be plastered. A perforated corner in this case will facilitate the correct alignment of the drywall.

Perforated corner for arched openings

Working with right angles in most cases does not pose any particular problems. Here's how to get it to optimal option arched, curly designs or multi-level ceilings?

After all, the familiar fold here Building tools, a straight perforated corner will not help either. For these works it is used special kind perforated corner, which is called “arched”.

Photo of finishing the arch with a perforated corner
  • Such a corner is always made of plastic, and one of its shelves is cut into petals. This design of the product allows you to change configurations to most accurately match the curves of the surface.

Attention: When using arched corners, be extremely careful; they cannot be corrected. In this case, the corner is set exclusively visually.

  • To do this, the room must have good bright lighting and the help of a partner is desirable. Before installing the product, squeeze it, otherwise petals will protrude from the plaster.
  • An arched perforated corner can be either hard or soft, it depends on the manufacturer. A rigid corner is necessary when working with three-dimensional structures, where there are many smooth shapes and bends. Although, the price for it is usually higher.
  • The bent arched corner tries to straighten, providing the necessary roundness of the lines and leveling out the “angularities”. When trying to use the corner on small details design, where there are a lot of steep transitions, it will break and it will be impossible to fix the work.
  • To finish steep transitions and arched openings (see How to decorate an arch: shapes of arches and types of finishing) with a small radius, it is worth using arched corners from soft materials. The lack of rigidity in these products is fraught with the formation of depressions and tubercles in the future, which will spoil the smooth transitions. To avoid such difficulties, these arched corners are installed using plaster mixtures. Moreover, this installation method allows you to correct visual defects during plastering.
  • It is important that self-tapping screws and similar installation elements will not damage the lines being processed. In order for the corners to look more attractive, they should be installed with a little effort, stretched.

Corners from an economic point of view

Perforated corners for plaster, and other similar products have a relatively low cost, ranging from 40 to 50 rubles. This applies to corners made of plastic and aluminum.

The same galvanized product would cost a little more, about 60 rubles. A rigid arched or reinforced corner will cost much more, approximately 150 - 200 rubles.

  • Naturally, when decorating an entire cottage or private house, the number of such corners will be in the dozens. After all, it won’t always be possible to connect even in construction garbage a lot of items may be wasted. In this case, the estimate will be impressive. However, the reliability of protected corners with the help of these accessories also costs money. Don’t forget about the speed of finishing using corners and the positive visual effect.

Attention: Do not confuse finishing corners with plaster corners, these are completely different products that solve different problems. The finishing corner is used at the final stage of finishing. To install a plastic corner, it is optimal to use liquid nails. Keep in mind that finishing corners are also divided into types and subtypes.

  • When drawing up an estimate for home decoration or renovation, it is definitely worth taking into account the costs of corners. Otherwise the effect of finishing works will be incomplete. When choosing such products, you should rely on the opinion of the master; he will have to work with them.
  • Also, with its use there will be significant savings in time. Indeed, in this case, finishing the angle will not take much time.

A perforated plaster corner will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the costs of purchasing it, it will pay for itself and that’s for sure. And the instructions will help you make the right choice.