What grows on sandy loam soil. What types of soils exist. Measures to increase the fertility of sandstones and sandstones

The quality and quantity of the harvest is influenced by several factors simultaneously. What matters are climatic conditions, the characteristics of the selected seed varieties, and adherence to planting dates and rules. But the basis of each land plot This is the soil; it is the soil that plays the leading role in matters related to gardening and vegetable farming. Intensive growth, development and adaptation of fruit- vegetable crops directly depend on the type of soil and its favorable properties.

Types of soils and effective methods for improving them

The following types of soils are common in Russia and gardeners often deal with them:

  • clayey and loamy soils;
  • sandy and sandy loam soil types;
  • calcareous;
  • swampy;
  • Chernozems are rare, but worthy of mention.

Each type of soil has its own characteristics, there are advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, operating conditions and selection of crops for plantings will vary in each case. But if you know and follow the recommendations, you will be able to successfully eliminate the disadvantages and further improve the characteristics of the land.

Clay soils

There are simple signs by which you can easily determine that clay soil predominates in the area:

  • dense, lumpy structure;
  • excessive sticking to tools and feet after rains;
  • low moisture absorption;
  • plastic texture.

The main disadvantages of a clay area:

  • soil refers to heavy, dense types of soil;
  • does not absorb water well;
  • low heating and ventilation coefficient;
  • Vegetable gardening is difficult.

Ways to improve clay soil

But not everything is hopeless with such a site; there are techniques to increase fertility and improve the clay type.

The best components for periodic application

  1. Thanks to sand, it will be possible to significantly reduce the water-holding force.
  2. Due to peat, the clay will acquire a looser structure and will absorb water better.
  3. Ash perfectly enriches with nutrients.
  4. Using lime, you can reduce the acidity in the soil and saturate it with air.
  5. Horse manure for fertility.
  6. Sowing green fertilizers that improve soil structure (oats, rye).

It is useful for owners of clay areas to know which crops can adapt to it. For example, it is best to plant trees and bushes with strong roots. And from vegetables, you can get quite a good harvest of potatoes, peas, and Jerusalem artichoke.

Features of sandy soils

Sandy soil is well saturated with oxygen and warms up quickly, it is easy to process.

Characteristics of sandy soils

  • light soil type;
  • loose, free-flowing consistency;
  • good moisture-absorbing properties;
  • Unlike clay, sand is not plastic. The formed lump will crumble.

Disadvantages of Sandy Soils

  • rapid cooling and drying of the earth;
  • the soil is not able to retain nutrients in the root zone;
  • poor microflora;
  • difficulties with growing plants.

How to improve a site with sandy soil

Such land requires a lot of care and constant enrichment. In order for the soil to become fertile, it is necessary to regularly increase its compacting and binding properties.

Suitable for these purposes:

  1. Compost.
  2. Humus.
  3. Clay and drill flour.
  4. Green manure.
  5. Covering the ground with mulch.

Such activities will allow you to achieve a good sustainable result in three years. But you don’t have to wait the entire period for this. With the use of fast-acting fertilizers, already in the process of refining, it is permissible to plant cruciferous crops, root crops (potatoes, beets, carrots), fruit trees, currant bushes and strawberries.

Sandy loam soil type

This type of soil has characteristics very similar to sandy soil. The only thing that distinguishes them is better holding capacity in every sense, thanks to clay inclusions.

Features of sandy loam soil

  • retains useful elements;
  • quick warm-up and heat retention;
  • easy to aerate and process - refers to light types;
  • does not dry out longer;
  • refers to suitable types soils for gardening.

Almost anything can be grown on such a plot, but the use of organic fertilizers and sowing green manure will not only make better quality land, and will also increase its level of fertility.

Loamy soils

Refers to the most optimal options soil for growing a fruit-bearing garden and planting all kinds of crops in the garden. The owners of such plots are very lucky not only with the ease of cultivation, but also with the high characteristics of this soil. Absolutely everything will grow in the garden.

Pros of loamy soils:

  • excellent ability to transmit moisture and air;
  • rich nutritional composition;
  • uniform distribution and preservation of moisture;
  • quick warm-up and heat retention;
  • In terms of plastic properties, loam is similar to clay, but it will fall apart when compressed.

Such high quality soils allow achieving good yields without special improvement procedures. All that is required of the gardener is to carry out measures that support fertility.

These include:

  • covering with mulch;
  • applying manure closer to autumn;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers as needed.

Calcareous soil types

Such soil is usually called poor. And this is explained by its meager characteristics, and therefore, rapid growth of planted plants is not observed; the foliage of crops is prone to yellowing.

Disadvantages of lime soil

  • rocky inclusions;
  • alkaline environment;
  • rapid heating of the earth, which provokes drying out;
  • has poor recoil ability nutrients root system;
  • The composition of soil can be either heavy or light.

How to improve calcareous soil?

To improve the structure and increase productivity, it is necessary to carefully manage such a plot. This involves regular mulching, application of organic matter and potassium fertilizers, and sowing of green fertilizers. In general, you can plant any crops, but you definitely need to loosen the rows as often as possible and organize watering in a timely manner. Proper selection and use will also be required.

Swampy soil type

Areas with swampy/peaty soils are not entirely suitable for farming, but they can be used.

What is characteristic of swampy soil type:

  • high ability to both absorb moisture and release it;
  • poorly exposed to heating;
  • high acidity;
  • nutrients are poorly available to crops. But this minus is offset by the good retention properties of the applied fertilizers;
  • the growth of weeds, so frequent weeding will be required;
  • ease of cultivation.

Ways to improve swampy/peaty soils

  1. Saturation with sand, clay flour.
  2. Particularly acidic soils require abundant liming.
  3. Application of manure, slurry, compost;
  4. Fertilizer with microbiological and potassium-phosphorus additives.

The listed procedures will allow you to plant a garden and organize a vegetable garden.


The soil is high class, but not too common. The area with black soil is considered the most best view for gardening.

This type of soil is a heavy type and is characterized by the following:

  • rich in humus and calcium;
  • excellent ability to absorb and retain moisture;
  • after 3 years of active cultivation of crops, the land is depleted and there is a need to add organic matter and sow green manure;
  • It is advisable to loosen the soil and add peat or sand.

On chernozems you can grow almost any fruit trees and shrubs, as well as all types of vegetable and fruit crops.

When purchasing a suburban plot, a summer resident, first of all, must find out about the type of soil of the future garden. If the site is intended for growing fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetables, this is an important factor for obtaining good harvests.

Knowing high-quality composition soil, the gardener can easily select varieties for open or greenhouse sowing, the type of fertilizer for any grown crop, calculate required amount watering All this will save money, time and your own labor.

All types of soil include:

  • parent part or mineral;
  • humus or organic (the main determinant of fertility);
  • water permeability and ability to retain moisture;
  • the ability to pass air;
  • living organisms that process plant waste;
  • other neoplasms.

Each of the components is of no small importance, but the humus part is responsible for fertility. It is the high humus content that makes soils the most fertile, providing plants with nutrients and moisture, which gives them the opportunity to grow, develop and bear fruit.

Of course, to obtain a good harvest, the climate zone, the timing of planting crops, and competent agricultural technology are important. But highest value has the composition of the soil mixture.

Knowing the components of the soil, fertilizers and appropriate care for planted plants can be easily selected. Russian summer residents most often encounter the following types of soils: sandy, sandy loam, clayey, loamy, peat-boggy, calcareous and chernozem.

IN pure form they are quite rare, but knowing about the main component, one can draw a conclusion about what one or another type needs.


The easiest to process. Loose and free-flowing, they allow water to pass through perfectly, warm up quickly, and allow air to pass well to the roots.
But all positive qualities are at the same time negative. The soil quickly cools and dries out. Nutrients are washed away during rains and during irrigation, go into deep soil layers, and the land becomes empty and infertile.

Several methods are used to increase fertility:

  • adding compost, humus, peat chips (1-2 buckets for spring-autumn digging per 1 sq.m. area) mixed with clay flour;
  • sowing green manure (mustard, vetch, alfalfa), followed by incorporation of green mass into the soil during digging. Its structure improves, saturation with microorganisms and minerals occurs;
  • creation of a man-made “clay castle”. The method is labor-intensive, but gives quick and good result. In place of future beds, a layer of ordinary clay, 5-6 cm thick, is scattered. A mixture of compost, sandy soil, chernozem, and peat chips is placed on top and ridges are formed. The clay will retain moisture and the plants will be comfortable.

But already at the initial stage of cultivation sandy soils It is possible to plant strawberries on them by sprinkling humus or compost under each bush. Onions, carrots and pumpkins feel great on such lands. Fruit trees And berry bushes They grow without problems on sandstones. In this case, proper application of fertilizers to the planting hole is necessary.

Sandy loam

Sandy loam is as easy to work as sandy soils. But they have a significantly higher content of humus and binding components. Clay components retain nutrients better.

The composition of sandy loam soils differs slightly, depending on the location of the site, but the main characteristics correspond to the name. They warm up quickly, but cool down more slowly than sandy ones. They retain moisture, minerals and organic matter well.

This species is optimal for growing gardening garden crops. But still, do not forget about the application of mineral fertilizers, compost and humus, which provide the plants with everything necessary for normal height, development and fruiting.

By growing zoned varieties on sandy loam soil and following agricultural practices that are appropriate climatic zone, there is an opportunity to get excellent harvests from a summer cottage.


They are considered heavy soils and difficult to cultivate. In the spring, they dry out and warm up for a long time, making it difficult for air to pass through to the roots of the plants. In rainy weather, moisture does not pass through well; in dry periods, the soil resembles stone and is difficult to loosen, as it dries out.

When purchasing such a plot, it must be cultivated over several seasons by introducing:

  • compost (humus) – 1-2 buckets per square meter. meter of beds annually to increase fertility;
  • sand to improve moisture transmission into the soil, up to 40 kg per square meter. meter of plot;
  • peat chips to improve soil looseness and reduce clay density;
  • lime and ash are added without limitation;
  • Once every 3-4 years, green manure is sown in free areas, followed by incorporation of green mass during digging.

Fruit trees and berry bushes, with their powerful and branched roots, tolerate clay soils well, provided proper preparation landing holes.

During the period of cultivation of the site, you can plant potatoes, beets, Jerusalem artichokes, and peas. The remaining vegetables are planted on highly dug ridges or ridges. This way the roots will warm up well, and the soil will dry out faster after the spring stagnation of moisture.

All planted plants are periodically loosened and mulched. Loosening is best done after rains or watering, before the ground is covered with a hard crust. Mulch with chopped straw, old sawdust or peat chips.


Loams are ideal for growing all garden crops. Thanks to its optimally balanced composition (60-80% impurities and 40-20% clay), it is easy to process. The advantage is that loams have a balanced content of minerals and nutrients, which allows them to maintain normal soil acidity.

The fine-grained structure remains loose for a long time after digging, allows air to pass well to the roots of plants, quickly warms up and retains heat. Clay components retain water for a long time, without stagnation, and maintain soil moisture.

Due to the fact that there is no need to cultivate loams, all garden crops thrive on them. But do not forget about adding organic matter during autumn digging and mineral fertilizing of plants planted in spring. To preserve moisture, all plantings are mulched with old sawdust, peat chips or chopped straw.

Peaty marshy

Areas cut into peat swampy areas require cultivation. First of all, it is necessary to carry out reclamation work. The plot must be ditched to drain moisture, otherwise over time the gardening community will turn into a swamp.

The soils in such areas are acidic and therefore require annual liming. The composition of the soil is quite saturated with nitrogen and phosphorus, but it is not suitable for growing cultivated plants, since it is not absorbed in this form.

To improve the fertility of the site, it requires sand, fresh slurry, a large amount of humus or compost, for the rapid development of microorganisms that improve the condition and structure of the peat-boggy soil.

To set up a garden, special preparation of planting holes is required. They provide a cushion of a properly formulated nutritional mixture. Another option is to plant trees and bushes on mounds. The height is at least 0.8-1 m.

The method used is the same as with sandstones, when the ridges are arranged on “ clay castle", and peaty-swampy soil mixed with sand, humus or old sawdust, lime is poured on top.

Currant, gooseberry, and chokeberry bushes are planted on uncultivated soils. Fruits well garden strawberries. With minimal care, consisting of watering and weeding, you can get a good harvest of berries.

Other garden plants can be planted on next year after cultivation.


The most unsuitable soil for gardening. It is poor in humus components; plants lack iron and manganese.

A distinctive feature is light brown color soil, which includes many lumps that are difficult to break down. If acidic soils require liming, then calcareous soils require alkalization with organic matter. This structure can be improved using fresh sawdust, which also acidify calcareous soil well.

The earth heats up quickly, not releasing nutrients to plants. As a result, young seedlings turn yellow, develop and grow poorly.
Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, sorrel, salad greens, radishes, and cucumbers suffer from a lack of nutrients and a high alkaline environment. Of course, they can be grown with abundant watering, frequent loosening, and the application of mineral and organic fertilizers, but the yield will be significantly lower than with other types.

To improve the fertility and structure of the soil, humus is used, large quantity manure for winter digging. Sowing with green manure followed by incorporating green mass into the soil will save the situation and cultivate the area with limestone.

The application of potassium fertilizers will improve the fertility situation. Nitrogen fertilizing of plants with urea or ammonium sulfate, mulching after watering and fertilizing will increase the acidity.


Standard for gardening soil. IN middle lane In the country, areas with chernozem soils are extremely rare.

The granular-lumpy structure is easy to process. It warms up well and retains heat, high water-absorbing and water-retaining properties enable plants not to feel drought.

A balanced content of humus and mineral nutrients requires constant maintenance. Timely application of humus, compost, and mineral fertilizers will make it possible to long-term use of a site with black earth soil. To reduce density, sand and peat chips are scattered on the site.

The acidity of chernozems varies, so to maintain acceptable values, a special analysis is carried out or they are guided by the weeds growing on the site.

How to determine soil type

To determine the type of soil in your suburban area enjoy in a simple way. You need to take a handful of earth, moisten it with water to a dough-like state and try to roll it into a ball. As a result, we can conclude:

  • clay - not only did it form a ball, but it was rolled out into a sausage, which is easy to put into a bagel;
  • loamy - a sausage from the ground rolls out well, but a bagel does not always turn out;
  • sandstones - you don’t always get even a ball, the earth simply crumbles in your hands;
  • It may be possible to form a ball out of sandy loam, but it will have a rough surface and nothing further will work. The soil does not form into a sausage, but crumbles;
  • the supposed chernozems are squeezed in a fist, after which a dark greasy stain should remain on the palm;
  • limestone, depending on the structure, can be soaked and made into a donut from a sausage, but they are easily identified by color and lumpy components in the soil;
  • Peaty-boggy soils are determined by the location of the site.

Using different cultivation methods for each type of soil, a good harvest can be obtained on any type of soil. The main thing is to follow the agricultural techniques of growing and caring for plants, timely weeding, fertilizing and watering.

Experienced gardeners know very well that most of the planned seasonal work. Maintaining a garden is not complete without taking into account the soil composition and characteristics of the soil on the farm’s territory. Sow, care for and fertilize the land to obtain great harvest necessary only after a thorough soil analysis.

To improve its quality and characteristics in agriculture even special techniques have been developed for processing and applying green manure, various plants, which fertilize and strengthen existing soils with the products of their vital activity. In order to effectively apply such agricultural technologies within your own country farm, it is better to use them after careful study existing varieties soils, their typical properties and characteristics.

The territory of Russia is quite diverse and the soil composition can also vary. When the question arises of adding green manure for processing and improving gardening, selecting garden crops to obtain a high-quality and rich harvest, dividing the site into planting and fertilizing zones and other work to improve soil quality, it is necessary first of all to study the characteristics of the soil on the site. Such knowledge makes it possible not only to avoid many difficulties with growing plants, but also to qualitatively increase productivity and protect your garden from typical garden diseases and pests.

This variety is very easy to identify. So, when during the spring preparatory work, the soil is dug up, the clods turn out to be large, they stick when moistened, and you can easily roll a long cylinder out of the ground that does not crumble when bent. This type of soil has a very dense structure with poor air ventilation. Saturation of water and warming of the earth are poor, and therefore planting and growing capricious garden crops on clay soils is quite problematic.
But in gardening, this type of soil can become the basis for a good harvest if you resort to tillage on the site. For cultivation clay soils The addition of green manure is rarely used; in order to lighten the dense structure, they are enriched with sand, peat, ash and lime additives. An accurate calculation of the amount of various additives can only be made by conducting a laboratory study of soils from the site. But to increase their fertility, it is better to use averaged data. So, to enrich a square meter of land, you need to add about 40 kg of sand, 300 grams of lime and a bucket of peat and ash. It is better to use organic fertilizers horse manure. And if it is possible to use green manure, you can sow rye, mustard and some oats.

It is very easy to identify their variety. The main characteristics of such soils are looseness and flowability. They cannot be compressed into a lump without it falling apart. All the advantages of these soils are also their main disadvantages. Rapid heating, easy circulation of air, minerals and water leads to rapid cooling, drying out and leaching of useful substances. The substances necessary for plants do not have time to linger in such soil and quickly sink to depth.
Therefore, growing any type of vegetation on sandstones is a very difficult task, even after the start of processing. To cultivate the land in such an area, they use the introduction of substances that make the light structure more dense. Such additives include peat, humus, compost and clay flour. It is necessary to add sealing components to each square meter no less than a bucket. It would not be superfluous to use green manure. For this work, you can sow mustard, rye and different varieties oats, after such treatment even the use of fertilizers will become more effective.

Sandy loam priming

This type of soil cover is very similar to sandstones, but due to a higher percentage of clay components, it retains minerals better.
Cultivation of such soils is easier and does not require as much effort as sandy and clayey varieties. Types of sandy loam soils may differ slightly from each other, but the characteristics always correspond to rapid warming up and heat retention for a long period, as well as optimal saturation with moisture, oxygen and useful substances. To determine the sandy loam cover, you can compress a lump of earth, which should take the shape of a lump, but gradually disintegrate. These types of soil are initially ready for growing any garden and vegetable crops. But for greater efficiency and in cases of depletion of soil cover, you can use the planting of green manure plants (rye or mustard). It is enough to plant rye and mustard once every 3-4 years; if the choice fell in the direction of oats, then strengthening is carried out more often.

Loamy priming

These types are optimal for growing a wide variety of plants. Their characteristics make it possible to do without additional processing. Such soil contains optimal quantity useful and necessary for the full growth and development of microelements, as well as high level saturating the root system of plants with water and air makes it possible to achieve not only big harvest potatoes. On such lands you can grow all types of garden and vegetable plants. It is very easy to distinguish them from other types of soil. You need to squeeze the earth into a ball, and then try to bend it. Loamy soil will easily take shape, but will break if you try to deform it.

Lime priming

A very poor variety of land for gardening work. Plants grown on a lime base often suffer from a lack of iron and manganese.
You can distinguish calcareous soil by its light color brown color and a structure with many stone inclusions. Such soil requires frequent cultivation to obtain a harvest. Flaw basic components and alkaline environment do not allow moisture and organic composition receive everything necessary for proper growth and development. To improve the fertile properties of the land, the use of green manure is very effective. A simple solution will sow rye and mustard. If you grow rye and mustard on a plot for several years, you can increase the yield of other crops several times.

marshy or peat priming

In their original form, these soils are unsuitable for planting a garden or vegetable garden. But after treatment, growing plants is quite possible.
Such soils quickly absorb water, but do not retain it inside. Also, such land has a fairly high level of acidity, which leads to a lack of minerals and beneficial elements for vegetation. After the landscaping work carried out in the fall, the next season you can try to grow unpretentious garden crops.

Chernozemny priming

Chernozems are a gardener's dream. But among dacha soils it is rare. A stable, coarse-grained structure, an abundance of humus and calcium, and ideal water and air exchange make chernozems the most desirable soils.
But with active cultivation and use for cultivation fruit trees and vegetable crops, even such soil can be depleted, so it must be promptly fed and stimulated its fertile properties. For such purposes, growing green manure is ideal. Rye and mustard are very good to plant after potatoes, which quickly deplete the soil. It is worth repeating the procedure with planting green manure once every 2-3 years. Rye, mustard and varieties of oats are often used in mass agriculture to restore soil fertility, but also in conditions personal plot can be achieved excellent results. It is easy to establish that there is indeed chernozem soil in the area; you need to squeeze the earthen lump and a greasy and black spot will remain on the palm of your hand.

Selection of plants based on soil composition

To make your work easier when creating a garden, you should select garden crops based on characteristic features and plant adherence to soil varieties. Thus, some representatives of the flora will not grow on land that is not suitable for their cultivation, despite all the efforts made, while others, under the same conditions, will actively grow and bear fruit.

When choosing garden vegetation, the soil characteristics of the site must be taken into account.

Clayey Earth

The density of the soil does not allow the root system to be fully saturated with air, moisture and heat. Therefore, the yield of vegetable crops in such areas is very small, the only exception being the cultivation of potatoes, beets, peas and Jerusalem artichoke. But shrubs and trees with a strong root system feel quite acceptable in an area with clay soil.


Even before adding compacting components, you can increase the yield level of the site if you sow carrots, melons, various varieties of onions, currants and strawberries. If you fertilize the soil regularly throughout the season, you can get a good harvest of potatoes, cabbage and beets. The use of fast-acting fertilizers can increase the fruiting of fruit trees.

Sandy loam and loamy Earth

Any plants are suitable for these types of soil. The only limitation can be considered the selection of garden crops, taking into account the area, zoning and climatic conditions.

Limestone Earth

Growing plants in such soil is quite problematic. It is not suitable for growing potatoes; you should also avoid tomatoes, sorrel, carrots, pumpkins, cucumbers and salads.

marshy or peat Earth

Without cultivation, only gooseberry and currant bushes can be grown on peat bogs. For other garden crops, cultivation work is required. Growing fruit plants, especially potatoes, is impossible in peat bog conditions.

Chernozemnaya Earth

Most the best option for dachas and household plots. It is ideal for all garden crops, even the most finicky ones.

For each type of soil, professional agronomists have developed special techniques and techniques that ensure optimal survival of new plants and full growth of existing ones.

To increase your yield, you can use the following simple recommendations.


For clay soils recommended:
- high position of the beds;
— it is better to sow seeds at a shallower depth;
— seedlings are planted at an angle for optimal heating of the root system;
— after planting, it is necessary to regularly apply loosening and mulching;
— in the fall, after harvesting, it is necessary to dig up the soil.


For sandstones There is a technology where a clay base, about 5 cm thick, is created on sandy soil. On this basis, a bed is created from imported fertile soil and the plants are already planted on it.

Sandy loam soils

Such soils respond well to the application of a wide variety of organic fertilizers. It is also recommended to periodically mulch, especially in the fall after harvesting.


Loams do not require additional processing. It is enough to maintain them with the help of mineral fertilizers, and in the fall, when digging, it is very good to add a small amount of manure.


For limestones needs to be carried out regularly following works:
- saturation of the earth organic fertilizers;
- mulching with application organic impurities;
— it is necessary to often sow green manure plants: rye, mustard, varieties of oats;
— it is necessary to sow seeds with frequent watering and loosening;
— the use of potassium fertilizers and additives with an acidic environment gives good results.


For peat bogs Quite a lot of gardening work is required:
- you need to strengthen the soil with sand or clay flour, for this you can carry out in-depth digging of the area;
- if the soil is found to be highly acidic, it is necessary to carry out liming;
— you can increase the fertility of the land by adding a large amount of organic matter;
— the introduction of potassium and phosphorus equations increases productivity well;
— fruit trees require planting in deep holes with the addition of fertile soil or planting on artificially created earthen hills;
— as for sandstones, for a vegetable garden it is necessary to create beds on a clay bed.

For black soil no special processing required. Additional work can only be associated with the characteristics of specific groups of plants. It is also necessary to regularly carry out work to prevent soil depletion. It is enough to plant a few green manure plants: rye, mustard and oat varieties, and the soil will be strengthened and saturated with useful elements for several more years.

Do you apply fertilizers, apply pesticides, water and loosen, from morning until late at night in the beds, but the harvest is not pleasing? Spend money on zoned modern varieties and hybrids, but as a result there are pathetic, sick plants on the site? Maybe it's all about the soil?

Gardening and horticulture are aimed at obtaining good harvests. Suitable varieties plants, timely use of fertilizers and pesticides, watering - all this affects the final result.

But correct agricultural technology gives the desired result only when taking into account the characteristics of the soil in a given area. Let's understand the types and types of soil, their pros and cons.

Soil types are classified according to their content:

  • minerals (main part);
  • organic matter and, first of all, humus, which determines its fertility;
  • microorganisms and other living beings involved in the processing of vegetation residues.

An important quality of soil is the ability to pass air and moisture, as well as the ability to retain incoming water.

For a plant, such a soil property as thermal conductivity (also called heat capacity) is extremely important. It is expressed in the period of time during which the soil is able to heat up to a certain temperature and, accordingly, give off heat.

The mineral part of any soil is sedimentary rocks formed as a result of weathering of rock formations. Over millions of years, water flows separate these products into two types:

  • sand;
  • clay.

Another mineral-forming species is limestone.

As a result, 7 main types of soils can be distinguished for the flat part of Russia:

  • clayey;
  • loamy (loam);
  • sandy;
  • sandy loam (sandy loam);
  • limestone;
  • peat;
  • chernozem.

Soil characteristics


Heavy, difficult to work with, takes a long time to dry and warms up slowly in the spring. They do not allow water and moisture to reach plant roots well. In such soil, beneficial microorganisms develop poorly, and there is practically no process of decomposition of plant residues.


One of the most common soil types. In terms of quality, they are second only to black soils. Suitable for growing all garden and vegetable crops.

Loams are easy to process and have normal acidity. They heat up quickly, but do not immediately release the stored heat.

A good environment for the development of underground microflora. The processes of decomposition and rotting, due to the access of air, proceed intensively.


Easy for any processing, well permeable to water, air and liquid fertilizers to the roots. But these same qualities also have negative consequences: the soil quickly dries out and cools down, fertilizers are washed away by water during rains and watering and go deep into the soil.

Sandy loam

Possessing everyone positive qualities sandy soils, sandy loams hold better mineral fertilizers, organic matter and moisture.


The soil is not suitable for gardening. It is low in humus, as well as iron and manganese. Alkaline environment requires acidification of calcareous soil.


Areas in swampy areas need cultivation and, above all, reclamation work. Acidic soils must be limed annually.


Chernozem is a standard soil and does not require cultivation. Proper agricultural technology is all that is needed to grow a rich harvest.

For a more accurate classification of soil, its main physical, chemical and organoleptic parameters are considered.

Soil type


clayey loamy sandy sandy loam limestone peat black soil
Structure Large blocky lumpy, structural Fine grain Finely lumpy rocky inclusions loose Granular-lumpy
Density high average low average high low average
Breathability Very low average high average low high high
Hygroscopicity low average low average high high high
Heat capacity (heating rate) low average high average high low high
Acidity Slightly acidic Neutral to acidic Low, close to neutral slightly acidic alkaline sour From slightly alkaline to slightly acidic
% humus Very low Medium, closer to high short average short average high
Cultivation Adding sand, ash, peat, lime, organic matter. Maintain the structure by adding manure or humus. Adding peat, humus, clay dust, planting green manure. Regular application of organic matter, autumn sowing of green manure Application of organic, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers, ammonium sulfate, sowing green manure Adding sand, abundant liming, manure, compost. When depleted, add organic matter, compost, and sow green manure.
Crops that can grow trees and shrubs with a developed root system going deep into the soil: oak, apple trees, ash Almost all zoned varieties grow. Carrots, onions, strawberries, currants Most crops grow when used proper agricultural technology and zoned varieties. Sorrel, lettuce, radish, blackberry. Currants, gooseberries, chokeberries, garden strawberries Everything grows.

Main soil types in Russia

More than a hundred years ago V.V. Dokuchaev discovered that the formation of the main types of soils on the Earth's surface follows the law of latitudinal zonation.

Soil type is its attributes that arise under similar conditions and have the same parameters and conditions of soil formation, which in turn depend on climate over geologically significant periods of time.

The following soil types are distinguished:

  • tundra;
  • podzolic;
  • sod-podzolic;
  • forest gray;
  • black earth;
  • chestnut;
  • brown.

The tundra and brown soils of semi-deserts are completely unsuitable for agriculture. Podzolic taiga and chestnut soils of dry steppes are infertile.

For agricultural activities, the main importance is medium-fertile sod-podzolic soil, fertile gray forest soil and maximally fertile chernozem soil. Humus content, climatic conditions with necessary warmth and moisture make these soils attractive for working on them.

We are used to seeing beauty in the clouds, in the surrounding nature, and never in the soil. But it is she who creates those unique pictures that remain in the memory for a long time. Love, get to know and take care of the soil on your site! She will repay you and your children wonderful harvests, the joy of creation and confidence in the future.

Determination of soil mechanical composition:

The importance of soil in the life of mankind:

In addition to acidity and nutrient content, to plant plants it is necessary to know the mechanical composition of soils, which reflects the content of sand, clay, and dust in them. Soils in which 10-20% of fine clay particles are classified as sandy loam soils, characteristic of the temperate zone.

The mechanical composition can be determined by rolling a sausage with a diameter of no more than 35 mm from moistened soil. If it does not crack when folded into a ring, then the soil is clayey; if it cracks, then it is loamy; if it begins to crumble, then it is sandy loam. If the sausage does not roll at all, then the soil is sandy. Among all this variety, sandy loam soil is the most favorable option for gardening.

Sandy loam soil is light. It is easy to loosen, water-permeable, breathable, warms up quickly, is capable of retaining organic and mineral substances, and, therefore, biological life develops better on it. However, what is its advantage is, in some way, also its disadvantage. Thus, poor soil moisture retention will cause plants to suffer during periods of drought, and during rainy periods it will be more difficult for it to retain minerals and nutrients.

Plants for sandy loam soils

Of the ornamental tree and shrub plants on sandy loam soils, pine, juniper, some willows, as well as amorpha, mock orange, currant, viburnum leaf, and heather feel great without additional care. If the soil is watered and fertilized, it is quite suitable for most fruit trees.

Loves sandy loam soils lawn grass. Because on well-aerated soils, cereal plants develop well - fescue, awnless brome, wheatgrass. Pay attention to flower crops - silver wormwood, pearl anafalis, mountain weed, bergenia. Grayish-blue carnations and grass, speedwells, thyme, and sages grow well on sandy loam soils.

If you provide minimal care, then in a sunny area you can plant sunflowers, coreopsis, paniculata's gypsophila, red scurf, broadleaf kermek, as well as unpretentious cereals - barley, lagurus, haretail - and flowering leguminous plants- peas, beans, beans.

Although sandy loam soils are considered relatively fertile, measures must also be taken to improve their condition. Regular application of peat will help to better bind solid soil particles, and the addition of manure and compost will favor the activity of soil microorganisms. However, before planting, do not forget