What is the best paint for inside slopes? Painting window slopes with acrylic paint - Blog Stroyremontiruy. How to prepare plasterboard slopes

When replacing old windows in apartments, slopes made of PVC panels are not always installed; some owners prefer not to destroy the walls and install only one double-glazed window. In this case, the question is always logical: how to paint the slopes, what is the best way to do this and whether it is necessary to preparatory work?

Stages of finishing slopes

When installing double-glazed windows, it is inevitable from the outside and inside chips and cracks appear that need to be repaired. Before painting the slopes on the windows, you need to carry out preparatory work, which consists of:

  1. There are cracks and crevices in the putty.
  2. Removing old paint, if any.
  3. Leveling surfaces.
  4. Sealing all cracks that appeared during the installation of double-glazed windows with special solutions.
  5. Primers for leveled surfaces.
  6. Painting slopes with your own hands.

Since slopes can be external and internal, you need to choose the appropriate paint for their repair. Suitable for external slopes facade paint, and it is best to choose a vapor-permeable one: this will not allow moisture to settle and prevent the formation of mold. You can paint the slopes on the windows from the inside of the apartment water-based paint, acrylic or enamel. Based on the shade, it is best to choose white, as it does not attract attention, visually expands the room, reflects sunlight and makes the room brighter.

Painting of slopes is done after completely dry layer of primer, otherwise the applied paint will form lumps and the work will have to be done again.

Painting water-based compositions gives a matte effect, the enamel on the surfaces will shine, and acrylic paint does not change its external characteristics under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and sunlight. Each owner decides which paint to choose depending on his financial capabilities. general style premises and how many years its renovation is expected to last.

Painting stages

Before you start painting the internal and external walls adjacent to the window, you need to prepare the tools required for the work process. This will help you deal with the coloring in less time. So, in order to paint the space adjacent to the glass unit, you usually need:

  1. Roller.
  2. Brush. You will definitely need a narrow brush for painting the joints.
  3. Masking tape.
  4. Paint tray.
  5. Rags.

Immediately before painting, wipe the surfaces with a clean cloth to remove dust. Then tape is glued around the perimeter of the glass unit so as to completely prevent paint from getting on the glass itself. It is advisable to cover the glass with polyethylene, this will help you not to worry about their cleanliness during operation. If the window sill is not planned to be painted, then it is also carefully covered.

Painting begins with finishing the joints; they need to be painted with a thin brush so that there are no breaks in the layer. Then they paint upper slope windows, this can be done with a roller or a wide paint brush. The work is done much faster with a roller, but here you need to have some skill so as not to grab too much paint at one time.

After painting the top horizontal surface, they move on to the side surfaces, which are easier to paint. It is advisable to paint the slopes on the windows in the apartment at one time. If you decide to paint the walls in two layers, then you need to wait until the previous one has completely dried.

After painting, you must immediately remove the masking tape from the windows, otherwise, after drying, it will firmly stick to the glass and will take a long time to tear it off. When committing painting work Safety precautions must also be observed. If you use paint with a smell, you must use a respirator and thoroughly ventilate the room. If paint gets on double-glazed windows, furniture, or walls, you must immediately remove it with a clean rag - after drying, this will be much more difficult to do.

Painting plasterboard slopes is the same important stage work like everyone else. Next, we will try to cover the question of how and with what to paint plasterboard slopes. Careless painting of slopes can ruin the entire look of the room. In order to paint them, it is necessary that they be clean, dust-free and appearance. We achieve this effect using finishing putty and grouting it with abrasive sandpaper. Aluminum corners should be installed on the outer corners of the slopes (this goes without saying).

When we have cleaned the putty, we treat the slopes with a primer deep penetration. If during processing the primer gets on the glass or window sill, wipe it off immediately.

We are waiting for the primer to dry completely. The next step will be covering the window frame with masking tape. We do this carefully and correctly. Take wide masking tape. We glue the tape around the entire perimeter evenly, without bends. Glue it so that the strip of tape fits as closely as possible to the supporting frame of the window. After everything is pasted over, press the tape as firmly as fashionable (within reasonable limits) with a plastic spatula. This is necessary so that during painting the paint does not flow under it, and especially in the corners of the opening.

Painting the slopes

How to paint drywall slopes? Paint and her quality characteristics it's up to you to choose. Financial opportunities Each one is different, but we don’t recommend taking very cheap paint. When choosing, consider the following criteria:

The paint should be easy to clean even after a long time.

Look at the composition of the paint and the manufacturer; for example, acrylic paint will last longer than regular water-based paint. The more expensive the paint, the fewer layers you have to apply, the longer it will last.

There is no competition in the quality of coloring in acrylic paint, because beautiful slopes will decorate any room. This coloring composition perfectly resists ultraviolet radiation, does not lose color or fade over time, and meets all environmental standards.

IN classic version gypsum plasterboard slopes are made in the usual white color. But, when white color does not harmonize at all in the interior, or you want something fresh, you can choose all possible colors. You just need to choose carefully, otherwise daylight and in evening light the color may look different. Ideal option in this case, it will be if you have one color for painting walls and slopes.

It’s also tedious to buy yourself additional tools for painting: a roller; flute brush; paint tray and find something you like to use to open a paint can.

Let's get started

Work should be done in one breath, without smoking breaks. If you do not finish painting the slope, paint one side, the paint will dry, and you will already be applying a new layer to the already painted one. At good lighting such hackwork will be noticeable. We paint the drywall on the slopes with a roller, where the roller did not reach, we continue to work with a brush (with longer pile on the brush, the more traces of hairs on the paint will be visible). And if you want the coloring to be of the highest quality, then it is better to use a velor roller with short pile.

We paint window slopes at least 2 times. If you use acrylic paint, it should dry for at least 12 hours. The paint should dry at a constant temperature without drafts. Also cannot be used heating devices for quick drying. When after the first layer there are lint, bubbles, lumps, etc. - It's OK. This can be easily fixed with fine sandpaper. Light it carefully, wipe it with a dry cloth and apply a second coat.

According to most people, the most important things associated with this type of work are the best colors for painting the slope - there is Tikkurila, made in Finland, and Condor, made in Germany. Finnish paint is considered elite and expensive, and German is considered to be of high quality average price, but how to paint plasterboard slopes is up to you

Immediately after applying the paint, tear off the tape from the window frame. If you miss such a moment, it will come off with small pieces of paint, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction of the slopes and the window frame.

After completing the work, do not forget to wash the tools in warm water. They can then be used more than once, of course, if they are of high quality.

When installing new windows - wooden or plastic - the question arises of sealing them around the perimeter, leveling the slopes, and painting them. Slopes are a framing and important decorative element when viewing a window. Also external slope performs the function of protecting the foam when installing a window from atmospheric influences.

The foam will simply crumble over time if it is not insulated in a timely manner by covering it with a slope. Treat this issue very responsibly so that moisture does not seep into the apartment and mold and mildew do not appear on the walls.

How to paint the slopes on the windows depends on what type of slopes you choose. Another important detail is what material you are going to paint the slopes from. Let's consider only those that are painted, since PVC and sandwich panels are also used for finishing slopes.

Slopes on windows by location:

  • internal (from the apartment side)
  • external (facade of the building)

What paint to paint window slopes:

For internal slopes, these are water-based or acrylic paints, very rarely oil paint or enamel.

For exterior use façade water-based or acrylic paints.

When deciding to make slopes from plasterboard, it is preferable to paint them with water-based paint.

If you want the paint on the slopes to have an attractive appearance and last a long time, then choose a more expensive one, because... its characteristics are much preferable.

After about 5 years, you can cosmetically refresh the paint. If there are cracks or cobwebs, then putty and paint the slope.

Painting slopes is final stage their finishing. Let's look at what and how to paint the slopes.

First, you need to do preparatory work before painting, which consists of leveling the slopes - with plaster, putty. Having previously cut off the protruding foam, we apply silicone sealant as a vapor barrier material.

In order not to stain the glass and frame, we will use masking tape - stick it on the frame, and close the glass plastic film. It is especially difficult to remove primer from glass.

After completing the leveling work, we complete the slope with a corner, securing it to external corner. We give time for the solution and putty to set, sand with a paint net, and the surface is ready for painting. When working, use a level to check the evenness of the surface.

If this is an external slope, then it will be exposed to precipitation and be located in a zone of temperature changes, high humidity or dryness, exposure to sunlight.

External slopes are plastered only cement mortar, putties are used only on cement based. The technology for painting external slopes is the same as for internal ones.

Before painting the slopes on the windows, be sure to prime the surface with a primer for better adhesion of the selected paint and the surface of the slope.

We wait for the primer to dry and begin painting the first layer. Apply a layer of paint with a roller, paint the corners where the roller does not go completely with a brush. You can paint everything with a brush - it all depends on skill and preference. We are waiting for the paint to dry. Then apply a second layer, and, if necessary, a third. Now you can remove the tape and plastic film.

I would also like to add that in order to save money, many of you make the outer sashes blind, so getting to the outer slopes to paint them is problematic. I advise you not to take risks by leaning far out of the window, but simply remove the outer glass unit.

You can arrange with a representative of a window installation company to do this. You just need to remove the glazing beads and take out the glass unit. Then it will be convenient for you to work, and this is a guarantee that you will not make a mistake.

I was forced to write this article FAQ my friends who are far from construction. Many have installed plastic windows, but they don’t know what to do with the slopes. What material to use to make them, what to do with the protruding foam, what and how to paint the slopes on the windows, how long the slopes will last. I'll go and help. I hope that this article will help you cope with this work correctly and efficiently.

When installing or replacing a window, the issue of finishing the slopes and bringing them into full order. Plaster or drywall alone is not enough here, since the surface needs additional coating. Below we will tell you how to paint the slopes on the windows and get a decent result.

Choosing paint for slopes

In theory, paint for window slopes can be used in any desired color, but the classic one is mostly used. white version. The most suitable look becomes acrylic water-based paint or an oil-based analogue containing drying oil in the composition.

Acrylic paint is most often used for painting slopes. white

When choosing what to paint the slopes on the windows with, keep in mind the recommendations of craftsmen who do not recommend using:

  • bitumen enamel;
  • bitumen-vinyl;
  • bitumen-epoxy.

If you purchased an oil version without drying oil, you can correct the defect by diluting the paint with this substance yourself. The approach is not forbidden, but take into account the advice of professionals who advocate purchasing already prepared material where all proportions are met. Painting the slopes will consist of two stages, one of which involves applying a primer layer on next stage you need to apply coloring mixtures.

Before painting the slopes, a primer mixture is applied to them.

Do not forget that acrylic materials dry much faster than oil materials and do not emit strong odors. Another important difference is the matte surface of acrylic as opposed to glossy oil paint . Oil compositions form a film when applied to a surface, while acrylic paints are considered “breathable”. Both types of paint mixtures can be used with equal success for both internal and external painting of slopes. Having considered the options and decided what to paint the slopes with, you can safely move on to preparing the tools.

Required set of tools

Before you start processing slopes, make sure you have the right tools.

These tools are required for painting slopes

In our work we will need:

  • large and small brushes;
  • paint container;
  • cruvette and roller;
  • masking tape;
  • ladder;
  • construction knife;
  • primer and a clean rag;
  • fine abrasive mesh;
  • liquid acrylic;
  • construction pistol.

Painting drywall trim

Painting plasterboard slopes will require preparatory work that will help achieve best result. The best option the paint will become water-based, since it adheres well to the surface, and after drying leaves the possibility of washing internal slopes without damaging the coating.

Preparing the slopes

Once you have finished the slopes with plasterboard, the next step is to putty all the empty holes, joints and corners. Before sealing, the areas for fastening with self-tapping screws need to be slightly widened so that the putty lays more evenly. This can be done with a Phillips screwdriver, running along the hole and expanding it by approximately 3-5 mm over the entire diameter. Allow the applied mixture to dry for several hours, then sand the surface using an abrasive mesh, carefully going over the areas of the window. The mesh will help get rid of all the unevenness and clean the prepared surface well.

An abrasive mesh is used to clean out uneven surfaces.

A few words about how to properly paint slopes so that there are no small cracks left. Follow simple rules:

Do not replace acrylic with silicone materials as they do not paint as easily as acrylic.. Allow the window to dry thoroughly for 12 hours, then prime the entire area. It dries quickly enough and there is just enough time to cover it with masking tape. window frame. Try to apply the tape evenly and without errors so that the painted areas can look attractive.

Let's start painting

Pour the paint into a convenient container and stir thoroughly. It is advisable not to save on the cost of painting material, since expensive paint Requires fewer layers. Similar water-based options with low cost will lead to high financial costs.

  • First, with a small brush you need to carefully paint the corners and other places that are inaccessible to a large brush.
  • Once you've finished with the corners, you can apply paint all over. work surface using a large brush or roller.

If you decide to use a roller for painting, give preference to velor products with fine pile, then the paint will apply in even layers and with less consumption.

Using a velor roller the paint will go on smoother.

Try not to go over the same place many times, painting the entire surface evenly. Poorly painted areas can be covered with a second coat, but only after the first one has completely dried. Otherwise, roughness and unevenness may appear on the surface.

Painting the plaster finish

Before painting slopes on windows with a plastered surface, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, which will contribute to high-quality painting.

Preparing the slopes

First you need to remove the residue using a painting knife. polyurethane foam, level all protruding areas and cover with two layers of putty. After complete drying, we pass over the surface abrasive mesh, smoothing out minor defects and irregularities. The subsequent stages of preparation are similar to the previous option:

Let's start painting

First, we go through all the corners and hard-to-reach areas with a small brush, after which we work with a large brush or roller. The slopes must be painted in a double layer, waiting for the first to dry. Do not try to dry the paint with a hairdryer or other devices, as the material is more likely to deteriorate in the future.. Strictly monitor the room temperature, avoiding drafts and high humidity.

Upon completion of work, immediately clear the windows. masking tape. If you do this after the paint has dried, pieces of material from the slopes may come off along with the strips of tape.

Someone who recently installed metal-plastic windows, I realized that now I need to repair the slopes, putty them and paint them. It will not be possible to simply finish them with plasterboard or plaster the surface; you will have to additionally cover them with a layer paint and varnish material. You can hire a professional to level and paint damaged slopes, but you can also save money by doing the job yourself. To do this, you will need to buy a leveling compound, and you also definitely need paint for slopes, which can be different types and has various characteristics.

Leveling agent

The choice of paint for a window opening is influenced by the type of material from which the base is made. To level the slopes on the inside of the room, you can choose one of the following materials:

  • plasterboard slabs;
  • putty;
  • plaster.

Slopes on the street side can only be leveled with cement mortar, and drywall, putty and chipboard cannot be used for external surfaces, as they are vulnerable to the effects of precipitation and frost.

Requirements for paints

Paint for slopes must be selected taking into account where it will be used - on the outside or inside of the window. Here is a list of the basic requirements that must be met for paint:

  • aesthetics and attractive appearance, since one of the main purposes of the coloring agent is to create a beautiful frame for a new window;
  • sufficient strength and abrasion resistance. After the paint for window slopes has dried, it should withstand washing with chemical detergents without damage;
  • The paint and varnish composition must correspond to the conditions in which it will be used. For example, if a window opening in a bathroom is to be painted, the paint should have an increased moisture resistance rating. And if the window will be processed from the street side, then the paint must be able to withstand temperature changes, heat, frost, ultra-violet rays, precipitation;
  • environmental cleanliness and safety. This requirement refers to situations where paint for slopes is used indoors, especially in living rooms and children's rooms.

Interior decoration

For painting slopes located indoors, experienced specialists It is recommended to choose the following types of paints and varnishes:

  • acrylic latex paints. This variety is great for painting plasterboard slopes. These compositions have almost the same characteristics as water-based mixtures, however, due to the presence of latex components, the paint has a higher strength and resistance to moisture. Latex additives make the dried paint solution more attractive and glossy. They make both glossy compositions that beautifully reflect the sun's rays and color, and matte ones that effectively emphasize the beauty of the window;
  • acrylic water-based. These paints are very convenient and easy to use for painting slopes; they dry quickly enough, after which they create an attractive and durable protective layer. Even a beginner can handle their application; they have good water-repellent characteristics, so they are used not only for living rooms, but also for painting slopes inside kitchens or bathrooms. Acrylic water-based paint contains ordinary water as a solvent, so this mixture is absolutely non-toxic, does not harm human health, and produces virtually no odor during application and drying.

Exterior painting

To protect windows from the outside, street side, it is recommended to choose one of the following colors:

  • latex acrylic, which has excellent protection and good decorative qualities. However, it is important to keep in mind that latex paint compositions that do not contain additional additives have poor resistance to temperature changes, so they quickly become unusable. Therefore, when purchasing an acrylic latex mixture, it is important to carefully read the instructions and information on the packaging, which should contain the inscription: “for outdoor use”;
  • epoxy, which combines visual appeal and excellent strength. However, such compositions are expensive, and it is difficult for novice painters to apply such solutions. To paint windows and slopes, these materials are rarely used, since the market offers cheaper dyes that have good decorative properties and protective characteristics;
  • alkyd, based on organic solvents. It's great for any type building material, including plaster, brick, concrete, wood, and others. Alkyd paints and varnishes can withstand temperature changes without problems, and their cost is low. Their only drawback is toxicity, they are harmful to health, therefore they are applied only with a respirator and rubber gloves, and are suitable for external work.

Of course, it is important to choose the right paint composition. But in order for the windows to look impressive and attractive, you need to choose the right shade of paint and varnish composition.

Color selection

Manufacturers today offer a huge range of paint and varnish shades. You can choose the color to your taste, but it is important to consider that metal-plastic windows are usually produced in a standard white color. If you paint the surface next to them with too bright paint, then the interior or exterior of the house or apartment may suffer and an imbalance will be introduced into it.

Experienced designers advise using the following shades for interior painting:

  • white shade, it should differ by a couple of tones from the color of the window;
  • light wood color. This option will be suitable especially when the room has wood panels.

It is also important to choose the right shade for outdoor painting. The color is selected in such a way that it harmoniously fits into the facade decoration.

What tools will you need?

When the owner has decided on the type of paint and its color, you can proceed to preparation necessary tools which will be required for finishing. The following set of tools will be needed:

  • if the surface is uneven, you will need tools to level it;
  • masking tape;
  • cuvette for pouring paint;
  • latex gloves;
  • suitable tools for applying the dye.

To apply paint and varnish material, you can use a brush or roller. Not every roller and brush will work; specialist painters advise following these tips:

  • not worth buying too large roller, the best option there will be a medium and small size;
  • The roller pile should not be long, it is advisable to choose natural fur or a sponge. Long fleecy rollers will spray the coloring solution, as a result of which the splashes will stain plastic and glass;
  • It is best to use a brush only for painting hard-to-reach places and joints; it is advisable to paint all other areas with a roller. Thanks to this, the painted layer will be even, and the consumption of paint and varnish material will be minimal.

Preparing for coloring

The preparation must be taken carefully and responsibly, since after painting all the defects and imperfections of the base will be clearly visible. In order for the surface to be as smooth and even as possible, it must be carefully prepared before painting; the following steps are performed:

  • the base is inspected using a lamp, any dent, defect or unevenness is leveled using putty. Most often, unevenness is found on plastered, putty surfaces and on chipboard. When the base is leveled, you need to inspect again;
  • After leveling the base, cleaning is carried out. Any contaminants are removed, such as dirt, dust, grease stains, etc.;
  • the slope must be primed; this can be done using a special primer and a roller. After the soil has dried, an inspection is carried out again, and if any uneven areas applied primer, then this procedure is repeated.


When the primer is dry, you can begin painting. Experts recommend painting the joints first and that’s it. hard to reach places using a brush, after which you can begin painting the remaining areas using a roller. It is advisable to paint in two layers, the second layer is applied only when the first has dried. Moreover, the first coating is applied in a horizontal direction, from the wall to the window, and the second layer must be applied vertically, from top to bottom.

If you choose the right paint, taking into account all the requirements and recommendations, and paint in accordance with the above expert advice, then the window opening will be very attractive.