Venus hair: how to create conditions for favorable growth, photos of varieties with descriptions. Adiantum Venus hair - care at home, photo Flowers of Venus hair covered with sweet droplets

Adiantum is a decorative fern that belongs to the genus Adiantum and the Pteris family. It is rightfully considered one of the exquisite and delicate species of this genus. Natural habitat - tropics. In our climatic conditions, it is grown in greenhouses and botanical gardens, and it is also possible to breed it at home. TO indoor views The following varieties of Adiantum include:

  • beautiful;
  • wedge-shaped;
  • fine-haired;
  • gentle;
  • transparent;
  • Adiantum Ruddy;

It is the latter species that is most often grown at home. Adiantum capillus veneris, got its name due to its external resemblance to women's hair. This is a perennial fern that has a small creeping root in narrow dark scales and thin stems with multiple small wedge-shaped leaves that cover the flower pot with a beautiful openwork pattern. Such leaves have another name - “fronds”, in the lower part of which there are spores. Venus hair grows up to forty centimeters in height and up to sixty in width. It is odorless and does not bloom.

Adiantum is a sophisticated and delicate plant that perfectly decorates the interior of any room, and is also used with great success in floristry.

Maidenhair maidenhair has adapted perfectly to growing at home. It perfectly withstands dry indoor air for some time during heating season And low temperature in the room. But still, in order to preserve his external data, growth and splendor, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for him.

Home care

In order for the fern to grow and develop, it is necessary to create proper conditions for it and ensure proper care.

Doesn't like maidenhair bright light. Therefore, it must be positioned so that it receives light, diffused sunlight. It is also not recommended to place the flower in the shade, since its greenery still needs lighting and, if it is lacking, will begin to lose its rich color and fade. Window sills on the north and east sides and walls opposite the windows and cabinets placed near them are perfect for Venus hair.

As we have already said, the plant will survive dry indoor air for some time, but then it will begin to lose its leaves. Therefore, the adiantum needs proper care for its lush crown. Venus hair should be sprayed daily with warm, settled water from a spray bottle.

To maintain humidity, you can use special trays with expanded clay or wet peat in which flower pots are placed. Such care is required in the summer heat and during the heating season, when the indoor air is significantly dry. Venus hair does not tolerate heat, so in the summer it optimal temperature no higher than 22 degrees, but in winter it feels great even at +15. The main thing is to position it so that there are no drafts, since they are contraindicated for ferns.

Mandatory care for adiantum must include keeping the room where it is located clean. The plant does not like dust, foreign odors, especially tobacco smoke and fumes, so it is not recommended to place it in the kitchen. Adiantum venereal hair loves cleanliness and freshness, so the room must be ventilated daily and twice a week wet cleaning.

The plant is planted at home in wide, voluminous flowerpots, since it has powerful roots, and the surface crown branches beautifully and falls in a beautiful cascade over the sides of the pot. The soil can be used either purchased or prepared independently from the following components:

  • Earth;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • charcoal.

You need to add a little calcium to the prepared mixture. Such soil will be quite loose and water and air will be able to freely penetrate deep into the roots.

Proper care also includes regular watering. Adiantum loves soft warm water(+16-+18), pre-settled for 24 hours. Excessive soil moisture is not recommended. It can cause leaves to wilt and roots to rot. It is necessary to water when upper layer the soil will dry out, but at least once every seven days.

In spring and summer, ferns need not only proper care, but also additional nutrients. At home this need replenish by adding minerals and organic fertilizers. They feed Venus hair twice a month with special nutrients that can be purchased at flower shops.

Adiantum at home requires annual replanting, since it is a fast-growing plant with a powerful and well-developed root system.

The fern needs to be replanted in the spring, into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil is used the same as for the first planting (see above). Replanting must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the fragile plant. It is recommended to do this by transferring from one pot to another.

With the arrival of spring, Lady's hair requires special attention. A delicate bush should be carefully examined; damaged or dried leaves should be removed; if there are a lot of them, then don’t let this moment scare you. They need to be cut, the plant should be watered and all the care rules described above should be followed, and soon many young stems will appear.

Reproduction at home

Maidenhair maidenhair reproduces in two ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • disputes.

Ferns can only be propagated by dividing the bush in spring. As a rule, this procedure is combined with an annual transplant. A well-developed bush is suitable for division, which is carefully divided into parts so that each of them has buds. Plant the divided adiantum immediately into the prepared soil. But it should be noted that such seedlings require long-term and careful care, since they are quite capricious and require a long period of time for them to become stronger and take root.

At home, flower growers usually practice the propagation of Venus hair using spores. They can be collected from the mother plant or purchased. Spores are sown in soil, which consists of two parts sand, part peat and earth. To germinate spores, use a special container, which can be covered with film or glass on top. Within a month, this is exactly the time it takes for shoots to appear, the container with spores must be kept indoors at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, be sure to water and ventilate daily. When the shoots have appeared, they are opened from protective film and placed in the light. Plants are transplanted when they reach at least two or three centimeters. At first, a small flowerpot no more than seven centimeters in diameter will do. Then, as it grows, the pot needs to be selected commensurate with the size of the adiantum.

Adiantum diseases. Fighting methods

Any diseases of indoor fern are associated primarily with improper care and the appearance of pests.

With a lack of moisture, the leaves of Adiantum begin to wrinkle and become covered with brown spots.

Dry and dirty indoor air causes the green crown to dry out. When the plant begins to react this way, proper measures should be taken immediately. Check the soil and if it is dry, water thoroughly. Wipe the leaves with a damp sponge to remove dust and fumes, spray and ventilate the room.

Pale and lethargic Adiantum indicates a lack of nutrients and excess light. To correct this situation Simply, you need to put the pot in the shade and feed the flower.

The fern reacts to cold by curling its leaves.

As we can see, the plant gives us clues when something is wrong in the conditions of detention. Therefore, knowledge of the basic nuances in caring for a house fern will provide it with the proper conditions.

Adiantum also suffers from flower pests in the face spider mite and aphids. In fairness, it is worth noting that they appear most often when the conditions of the plant are violated. Pests deplete the flower and it dies. Therefore, when they are detected, the following control measures must be taken:

  • bathe the fern in soapy water;
  • treat with insecticides.

As we see from right actions The gardener directly depends on the condition of the indoor Adiantum, which can be the highlight of any interior all year round for many years.

Adiantum, otherwise known as Lady's hair, is an exquisitely beautiful fern. Representatives of this family delight with their attractiveness. This flower is superior to its peers in that it is equated with the curly locks of the goddess of love. Loose green hair is attached to dark legs and sways gracefully at the slightest breeze.

It is necessary to take care of the adiantum diligently, just like you would care for your hair. It, like curls, is washed, fed, and cut. He doesn't need good lighting for good health, which distinguishes it from other house flowers. With proper care, the fern will delight you with lush greenery for a long time, and can decorate any corner of your apartment.

Adiantum - the most graceful fern

Adiantum is a specimen of multiple species of ferns. IN natural conditions you might encounter him in the most hidden corners of the tropical and subtropical montane forest. Venus hair has also conquered moderately soft habitats. It may also tolerate slight cold, but in frosty times the part that is above the ground dies.

Representatives of this species can be found:

  • on the Crimean peninsula,
  • in the north of the Caucasus,
  • in the mountains of Africa,
  • near Mediterranean Sea,
  • on the American continent,
  • in European countries.

The flower loves mountain landscapes and shady and damp places. Fern does not need a lot of soil; it can grow even on rocky soil. It grows near waterfalls near the river bank, in rock crevices.

About two hundred years ago, adiantum settled in people's homes. Flower growers did not remain aloof from the beauty of its leaves (their names are waiami). But another problem appeared, because the flower is very responsive to air quality, he was unable to adapt to stove-heated houses.

For this reason, rich people who have greenhouses and winter gardens. Soon central heating appeared and the air in the apartments improved significantly, and therefore adiantum could afford to grow all lovers of this species. But it appeared new problem- this is an excessively dry atmosphere in heated apartments, which is harmful to ferns. Currently there are different ways for air humidification.

Today, lovers of adiantum will be able to grow this plant without any problems. rare view fern. Since moist air, according to medical advice, is beneficial not only for flowers, but also for humans.

The name adiantum comes from Greek word adiant, translated (not to wet). There is an invisible film on the surface of the leaves of this flower, so drops of water flowing from them are not absorbed.

Features of Adiantum

Adiantum is the most exquisite indoor flower. The second name of the plant is Venus hair, it is typical only for this variety. There are other species that are no less attractive, but little known.

From typical fern with a rosette of elongated hanging arched leaves, the flower has a difference in the form of dark cuttings in a shape similar to a spiral. It is precisely because of the cuttings that plants are compared to curls. For what reason does only Venus have hair? Since this deity is the very personification of love and splendor, emerging from the depths of the sea.

Only she can wear such exquisite hair. Because curls-cuttings covered with wavy petals, very reminiscent of curly hair. Along the edge of each petal there is a sorus; this is a pocket in which fern seeds ripen.

There are some beliefs about how the Adiantum appeared. An attractive, young girl fell from a cliff. It was in that place that a waterfall formed, and the curls became like a fern. The next fable says that when Venus was cutting her hair, she dropped one curl, which got its name.

Appearance and important features plants:

  • Adiantum is not a very tall fern, since its leaves do not reach a length of more than 40–60 centimeters.
  • Fern grows quickly, during the spring-summer period, can double, take this ability into account when choosing permanent place growing a plant.
  • Adiantum is a capricious flower and does not welcome moving from one place to another. If hair venus is susceptible stressed state, then this is reflected in its vegetation, which loses its lushness and may dry out. We advise you to immediately choose a suitable place for him.

Healers of ancient centuries noted the similarity of fern leaves with curls and therefore recommend this plant for medicinal purposes for hair follicles. And the people of China use an infusion of leaves to treat alcohol and tobacco addiction. Venus hair will push you to healthy image life. Because it is overly susceptible to contaminated oxygen. Does not tolerate tobacco or any other smoke.

Pampered fern vegetation will cause trouble for the florist. It is enough just to provide this flower habitual conditions for its habitat, and it will delight you with its lush green willow. The flower will decorate any corner of your home, at a time when other flowers do not want to live there.

The flower does not need additional lighting winter time, because it loves shaded places. Venus hair is perfect for growing on a stand, hanging, or on a windowsill.

Caring for adiantum at home

How to care for adiantum

The home flower adiantum does not tolerate scorching sunlight. Choosing shady place please note that you need to place it near the northern or eastern windows, because from excessively dazzling lighting, the delicate patterned leaves of the fern die off.

Venus hair in the apartment loves fresh air, but he cannot stand chapping and dust, and therefore you will need to frequently wet clean the room, where this one resides home flower, and freshen the air in the room. Smoking near the plant is prohibited, and carbon monoxide from the kitchen can also destroy the flower.

Dry air is harmful to ferns:

The plant does not like when its habitat is changed, so try not to move the pot with adiantum. Spray the fern with warm water every day, especially during the hot season. During the cool season, it is not recommended to spray the plant, as this will harm it.

We recommend feeding the fern from April to September. For this liquid fertilizer is suitable for indoor or foliage and ornamental vegetation. Use half of the dosage indicated on the package, once every three weeks. IN winter period no need to feed.

Watering adiantum

Constantly moistening the soil will help to properly care for the plant, since its drying out will lead to drying out and death of the foliage. Important do not overdo it with watering because it will rot root system at the flower.

To prevent poor-quality moisture, it is necessary to lower the flower pot into a container with water that has settled at room temperature. The peas should be kept in water until the top layer of soil in the pot sparkles with water. Then The flower is placed in the sink to drain away unnecessary water., and return it to its place. In winter, you do not need to water the plant abundantly, but the rule of moisturizing remains the same. It is recommended to moisturize once a week in winter, and twice a week in summer.

Adiantum transplant

The flower prefers a spacious pot. Since it grows at a slow pace, it needs to be replanted once every two or three years. spring period when the roots of the flower begin to peek out from the drainage holes in the pot. For an obsolete flower, it is necessary to annually change the surface layer of soil to a thickness of five or seven centimeters.

The fern has massive roots, so it needs spacious pot made of wood or ceramics, unglazed in the inner part with rather large drainage holes. To transplant a plant, a massive layer of drainage base is laid out on the bottom of the pot.

The soil for adiantum needs to be loosened, sour and fertilized with humus. For this, peat with deciduous soil is suitable in a ratio of two to one. To do this, you need to sprinkle a small amount of substrate on the drainage layer and place the flower in a new pot and gradually add soil so that there is no soil in the pot. empty space. But at the same time, do not press the soil, as the flower loves loose soil.

Adiantum pests and diseases

The foliage of the plant contains substances harmful to insects, but despite this, harmful insects that are very resistant to poison harm the plant. For example: aphids, spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs.

In order to remove scale insects from affected leaves, use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. To cure a fern from aphids it is necessary spray with soapy water and then wash it off clean water. A necessary measure is to treat with a solution of Decis or Biotlin, Derris, Fitoverm, as well as Antitlin, Inta-vir, Actellik.

Antitlina and Fitoverm are suitable for combating mealybug together with insecticides such as Konfidor, Aktara or Confident, Mospilan. Fitoverm and Actellik are used against spider mites.

Often at a fern leaves dry out around the edges, purchasing Brown color. This is a problem of improper moistening or release of gas near the flower.

The problem of curled but not dried adiantum leaves lies in the extremely low temperature air, but at the same time increased humidity. If the leaves turn pale, this indicates that the plant must be moved to a darker place O. When the leaves of a flower fall off, this is a problem of low air humidity, so systematically moisten the fern.

Properties of adiantum

The composition of fern leaves includes triterpenoids, lipids, essential oil, steroids, phenalcorboxylic acid. The foliage of the plant is used for medicinal purposes; medicinal powders, syrups, and infusions are made from it, which are actively used by residents in Western Europe.

An aqueous extract from the plant is widely used as it has antimicrobial properties. A syrup and infusions are used as antipyretics and an expectorant. It is used for diseases of the liver, spleen, and Bladder, as well as for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Adiantum leaf juice is used in the form of lotions and compresses to treat malignant ulcers and bites from rabid animals. For the treatment of alcoholism in Chinese medicine juice from the plant is used. The juice is also used to rinse hair to get rid of dandruff. To do this, we recommend diluting fern juice with water and rinsing your hair with this solution. An alcohol infusion is used to treat psoriasis.

Venus hair, or as it is also called Adiantum, is the most graceful fern.

The delicate texture of the plant is often compared to the hair of Venus, the goddess of love.

Its lush green crown looks like a cap of hair on dark petioles and develops beautifully in any slight wind.

There is even a legend associated with its name that its appearance is due to the fact that Venus dropped her lock of hair to the ground, and this is how Venus hair appeared.

In flower language, adiantum means love, and there is even a belief that having it in a woman’s house will bring her happiness and mutual love. And if suddenly the flower withers, then problems in the relationship are looming.

Features of care

Venus hair requires the same careful and diligent care as natural hair. At the same time, adiantum has a significant advantage over other plants that are grown at home.

He doesn't require large quantity Sveta. And when the right approach before care, it will bring joy and decorativeness to the house for a long time, even on the north side of the house and in dark corners.

Venus hair is also often used to create beautiful bouquets for a wedding. But it must be remembered that after the adiantum is cut, it withers very quickly.


Venus hair belongs to the genus Adiantum and the Pteris family. His natural environment habitats are topics, and in climatic zone In Russia it can be grown in a greenhouse or botanical garden.

It grows most often in forest areas on the banks of mountain rivers, gorges, in rock cracks, and near waterfalls.

It is also suitable for decorating apartments and growing at home.

The name of the flower adiantum goes back to Greek expression a diant - do not wet. It was given to the plant for its interesting coating on the leaves, which prevents them from getting wet.


Fern is perennial plant, grows up to 60 centimeters. Its roots are short, creeping, with black scales.

The petioles of the fronds, growing up to 25 centimeters, are black and brown, thin and glossy, with small leaves of a delicate green color, resembling curls of hair.

Along the edges of the leaves there is a sorus, a pocket in which spores ripen, dark in color. Adiantum bears spores throughout the summer. The leaves of the hair of the maidenhair grow to 40-60 centimeters.

It grows very quickly; its rosette can double in size in one spring. And when choosing a place for planting, this must be taken into account and planted so that it is comfortable.

Adiantums do not like replanting; if it is replanted often, its fronds will lose their decorative effect and may dry out. Therefore, it is always better to choose a place for it right away.

Varieties of Venus hair

More than two thousand species of ferns are found in nature. And the adiantum is considered the most delicate and refined. And some of its species are widely recognized by gardeners.

The most famous species is the Adiantum venus hair, and very often this name is used to refer to all types of adiantum.

Adiantum venereal hair

In nature, it is found on the stone banks of rivers and lakes located in the mountains. Its leaves can grow up to 25 centimeters, appear asymmetrical and are heavily pinnate.

The dark petioles are crowned with small leaves, up to 3 centimeters long, arranged in a wedge shape and covering the pot with an openwork cover.

The light green leaves and black petioles contrast very effectively. Plant spores ripen from late spring to October. At home, adiantum is propagated by dividing the root.

Adiantum macrophylla

This type of fern was developed in America, where it is found along roads and near drainage ditches.

Its leaves are pointed, up to 50 centimeters long, and very unusually colored. Its young shoots are red with a pink tint, and green tint acquired over time.

Adiantum stopiform

It is the most cold-resistant fern species. Can grow in wildlife in the southern regions of Russia and can be found here and there in the middle zone.

Flexible dark petioles grow up to 60 centimeters; small leaves, dissected at the edge, are placed on them like an umbrella.

Bushes of this species have a semicircular shape. Suitable for growing at home, and not capricious like other species.

Adiantum finely pubescent

Sometimes it is also called fine-haired. It grows freely in mountainous areas in Africa, Australia, and India.

The petioles are brown in color, growing up to 35 centimeters, crowned with diamond-shaped leaves, with jagged edges and pubescent below. Their sori are located very densely. Well suited for growing indoors.

Adiantum tender

Found in the wild in tropical America and the Antilles.

Petioles up to 30 centimeters long are black with delicate feathery leaves, very decorative. Spreads as a houseplant.

Andiantum venustum

This species is native to Nepal and India. Its petioles are red-brown in color with elongated leaves of a rich green hue.

The fern grows up to 40 centimeters in height and is often used as an hanging plant.

Adiantum reniform

It is the most unusual species among ferns. Long flexible petioles end in semicircular leaves resembling horseshoes.

In the wild it is found only in the Canary Islands, and grows up to 20 centimeters. Its dwarf variety grows only up to 10 centimeters.

Adiantum Ruddy

It is native to tropical America.

Its leaves are long, creeping, and the petioles are dark brown, almost black. It is popular as a houseplant and has several subspecies.

Adiantum Fragrance

It grows very quickly and reaches a height of 50 centimeters. Its curly leaves are loosely arranged on gray-brown petioles.

Adiantum Chilean

It stands out for its small growth, up to 40 centimeters, and good drought resistance. It has leaves round shape, jagged, densely located on the petioles, creeping on top of each other.

Ethiopian maidenhair

Originates from Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It has unusual petioles, colored purple on top and black underneath. The leaves are arranged loosely in wide wedges with rounded edges.

Growing Venus hair

Adiantums are not capricious ferns, but they require certain conditions in order to reveal their beauty.

Conditions for favorable growth


The attitude of Venus hair to lighting is very simple.

He doesn't really like direct sunlight, and feels most comfortable on a windowsill on the north side of the house.

In rooms where it is quite hot, it will feel good under a rack.


All types of adiantum grow well on fresh air, however, in order for them to grow throughout the year, the temperature must not be allowed to drop below 10 degrees. If the temperature rises above 20 degrees, then it is necessary to provide additional moisture.


Dry indoor air is detrimental to ferns. With a long period of dry air, it will begin to lose leaves.

Therefore it is necessary to spray it warm water, settled, boiled or tap water, from a spray bottle daily.

To keep the air in the room humid, you can use a tray with wet expanded clay or peat, or use special electronic humidifiers.

You can place the fern in a damp room, kitchen or bathroom, or place a pot of the plant near an indoor fountain.

Such humidification is mandatory during heating periods in apartments, and on hot days in summer. It is necessary to arrange a shower once a week for the maidenhair, covering the ground with polyethylene to prevent waterlogging. You can also ventilate the room with not very cold air.


The room where the maidenhair pot is located must be kept clean. Fern does not tolerate dust and strong odors, such as tobacco and smoke. The room must be ventilated twice a day and wet cleaned twice.


Adiantum prefers to be watered with soft and warm water, which is left to stand for 24 hours. Watering is done after the top layer of soil has dried, at least once a week.

During the summer, and during the heating period in winter, it is best to water twice or thrice a week.

In autumn and winter Adiantum is watered very rarely during periods, since at low temperatures the roots of the plant can rot.


Fertilizers are applied under the roots of the plant once every two or three weeks, during periods of active growth in spring or summer period. Suitable for adiantum organic complex fertilizers, suitable for ferns or decorative foliage.


Venus hair is planted in wide pots or vases for a comfortable arrangement of powerful roots. The crown of the fern falls down the outside walls of the pot.

The soil mixture should be used from peat, humus, sand and charcoal, with the addition of calcium-containing fertilizer. Or buy ready mixture in the shop.


If there is a need to transplant the fern, it must be done at the end of March.

In this case, you need to choose a larger pot than the previous one.

The soil for replanting is chosen the same as for the initial planting. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method to avoid damage to the fern roots.

Rest period

Since ferns never bloom, their resting period is not as pronounced as that of flowering plants. In winter, the adiantum simply slows down the growth processes.

At this time, it needs diffused light, high humidity, moderate temperature and protection from hot air and drafts. Comfortable temperature It is considered 15-20 degrees.

Moreover, the lower the room temperature, the less often the plant will need to be watered.


Adiantum propagation occurs in two ways: by dividing the bush and by spores

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This division is usually done during transplantation. A well-developed bush is divided into parts so that all individual parts have buds. The separated parts must be immediately planted in the ground and provided with increased care.

Reproduction by spores

They are collected from the mother plant or bought in a store.

  1. Spores are sown in a container with soil consisting of sand, peat and earth.
  2. It is covered with film or glass on top and placed in a warm room, limiting direct sunlight, ventilating daily and ensuring regular watering.
  3. After a month, the first blooms will appear, at which time the film is removed and the container is moved to the light.
  4. Transplantation is carried out when the sprouts reach a height of 2-3 centimeters.

Diseases and pests

All fern diseases occur due to improper care or due to pests.

  • Lack of moisture leads to the appearance brown spots on the leaves and to their wrinkling.
  • In dry and dirty air The crown of the adiantum dries up. At the first signs, it is necessary to ventilate the room, water the plant, wipe the leaves with a sponge and spray it.
  • Pale color and dullness are the result of a lack of nutrients in the kidney. Corrected by feeding.
  • In the cold the fern curls its leaves.
  • Infestation of aphids or spider mites. They deplete the adiantum's strength and it dies. If detected, it is necessary to wash the fern with soapy water and then treat it with insecticides.

Medicinal use

Except decorative properties, adiantums also have medicinal properties.

The leaves and petioles of Venus hair are used to treat smoking addiction.

And in Italy, a drug has already been created from the acid contained in adiantum, which treats alcoholism, addiction to coffee and tobacco.

Infusions and powders from the plant are often used as an antipyretic and expectorant.

In some countries, in the form of a paste from plants, they heal wounds and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And in powder form they treat gastritis, jaundice, urolithiasis and are used as a diuretic and laxative.

Maidenhair is probably the finest and most delicately textured of all the ferns. The beautiful fronds of this plant are widely used to create large wedding bouquets. At the same time, you should not forget about one feature: after cutting, its fronds fade quite quickly. About the features of growing this indoor plant read the article.

Adiantum capillus-veneris. ©Stacy

Botanical description of the plant

Adiantum venereal hair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) - a species of ferns from the genus Adiantum ( Adiantum) family Pteris ( Pteridaceae). In some classifications it is included in the Adianthaceae family ( Adiantaceae).

A perennial fern up to 60 cm tall with a short creeping rhizome covered with narrow, blackish scales. Petioles of maidenhair frond are 10-15 (up to 25) cm long, black-brown, thin, glossy. The frond plates are 20-40 cm long, light green, twice or thrice pinnate, broadly oblong in outline, not wetted by water.

The frond segments are 2.5-3 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide, very delicate and thin, on hair-like petioles, obovate in outline, with a wedge-shaped base and a fan-shaped lobed apex. The sori of the maidenhair of Venus's hair shine through thin fabric segment of the frond, framing it with a dark dotted line.

The maidenhair maidenhair sporulates all summer long - from late spring to early autumn. In Russia, it is found in the wild only in the lower mountain zone North Caucasus, outside our country, the adiantum of Venus hair is widespread in Western Europe, Mediterranean, in the mountains of Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Asia Minor, Africa, North and Central America.

It grows along the banks of mountain rivers and streams, in rock cracks, near seeping water, and near waterfalls; prefers carbonate rocks. Maidenhair maidenhair is one of the most famous ornamental ferns. Widely cultivated in greenhouses, easy to grow indoors.

Adiantum capillus-veneris. © Andre Karwath

Features of growing adiantum venereal hair

Growth: Vigorous growing plants, easily doubling in size in a season.

Smell: absent.

Lighting: Maidenhair maidenhair does not like direct sunlight, feels comfortable on the windowsill of a window facing north. In a greenhouse, where it is very hot, it grows well under shelving.

Temperature: Maidenhairs are highly adaptable, most commercially available varieties grow well outdoors in summer. You should not allow the temperature to drop below +10°C if you want them to grow all year round. At temperatures above +20°C, high humidity must be ensured.

Watering maidenhair lady's hair: It is necessary to maintain high humidity at all times, but do not allow water to stand in the pots. In summer, water twice a week, using rainwater if possible; in winter, less often, once a week, but do not allow the soil to dry out. Please note: There are a few deciduous varieties that lose their fronds in winter, but these are not usually sold as houseplants.

Feeding adiantum venereal hair: In summer, add half the recommended dose of liquid fertilizer to the water every 14 days.

Humidity: high. Place the pot on a saucer of damp pebbles or place it in an outer container filled with damp peat or moss. In houses with central heating Spray the plant daily with settled water at room temperature.

Cleaning adiantum venereal hair: Daily spraying keeps the vines clean. Never use cleaning agent.

Atmosphere: cannot tolerate the smell of gas combustion products and cigar smoke.

Soil for maidenhair maidenhair: peat-based soil mixture: take equal parts of fibrous peat, turf soil and fine white sand, adding a little basic fertilizer.

Transfer: Prefer to grow in pots that are slightly too small for them. Repot maidenhair maidenhair in the spring when the plants become too large for their container. Do not compact the soil too much.

Trimming adiantum venereal hair: Remove only damaged or very old fronds. If, unfortunately, the plant is dry, cut off all the fronds and spray what remains with water twice a day. New fronds will appear soon.

Low maintenance makes it easy to grow these plants at home. But please note, they do not like to be moved from room to room. For active growth, they need to acclimatize in one place and stay there.

Adiantum capillus-veneris. © Hugo Sanchez Adiantum capillus-veneris. © taibif

Caring for maidenhair maidenhair hair

Potted varieties of ferns are kept in partial shade, as delicate fronds wither in direct sunlight. The ideal temperature for the plant is +15 .. + 20 ° C, if the temperature rises, the plant suffers, the fronds become dry, pale and brittle.

The fern is planted or replanted at the end of March in a mixture consisting of one part peat, one part leaf humus, one sand and two pieces of charcoal, and a little fertilizer containing calcium is added.

After winter, branches with fronds of maidenhair may turn brown; they need to be cut off at the very base and the plant should be watered moderately so that new branches with leaves appear, while the minimum temperature should be approximately +15°C.

In spring and summer, water thoroughly to keep the soil moist but not wet. In addition, every two weeks you need to feed liquid fertilizer. In autumn and winter, the maidenhair maidenhair is not watered much, because if it is cold, the roots will rot. Life in the plant will freeze and it may even die if the temperature is below +7°C or it is exposed to cold air.

Reproduction of adiantum venereal hair

Old plants can be divided at the beginning of summer, but this is not always good, since it often takes a long time for these divisions to grow. It is better to grow young plants from spores that are on the underside of the fronds. Sow them in early spring, and, if possible, provide heating from below. A simple greenhouse will give excellent results.

Diseases and pests of adiantum venereal hair

Spider mite can be harmful if the air is too dry - cobwebs appear on the stems, fronds become lethargic, turn yellow and fall off. You need to remove the cobwebs from the plant, wash it carefully under a weak warm shower, and increase the humidity around it.

Aphids the fronds are damaged from the bottom side, the tops of the shoots - the damaged parts become discolored, the fronds curl, turn yellow and fall off, the plant is sprayed with derris, fitoverm, decis, actellik, inta-vir, after drying you need to rinse the fronds in clean warm water.

belonging to the monotypic family Adiantaceae. Very often it is included in the Pteridaceae family. The name ratsenia comes from the Greek α- - not-, without-, and διαινειν - to moisten, as water easily rolls off the plant, leaving it dry.

IN indoor floriculture the most common is the Adiantum capillus-veneris. Therefore, some flower growers know this fern simply under the name “Venus’s hair”.

Adiantum schweinfurthii.

In nature, this fern can be found in North America, in the mountains of Asia, southern Africa, India, China, and is also found in the subtropical zone of Europe. For its growth, it chooses cracks in rocks and the banks of various bodies of water.

Adiantum is one of the. Despite its external fragility, it is quite persistent and hardy, but requires certain growing conditions. Most often, at home, adiantum

This fern is very sensitive to tobacco smoke, dust and drafts. You should not choose a kitchen to place this plant, as gases released during combustion harmful substances very toxic to adiantum.

Types of adiantum

  • Adiantum pulverulentum.

  • Adiantum macrophyllum.

  • Adiantum edgeworthii.

  • Adiantum cunninghamii.

  • Adiantum venustum.

About caring for adiantum

Temperature: The most optimal temperature for growing adiantum is 16-20 °C. The fern responds well to the difference between day and night temperatures; it is advisable to provide it if you want rapid growth and development of the plant. Adiantum does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and summer heat, so in summer the fern needs to be given Special attention. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 10 °C, but in such conditions it is necessary to very carefully monitor the condition of the soil, since it should not be too waterlogged - this is fraught with rotting of the roots.

Adiantum pedatum.

Lighting: This fern needs dim, diffused lighting. The plant must be protected from direct sunlight. Adiantum is grown mainly on the eastern and northern windows, where it is not annoyed by direct sunlight and too much high temperatures. It is also permissible to grow ferns on a stand next to a window. In this case, it is very important that the plant has enough lighting, otherwise it may lose its decorative effect. Adiantum reacts poorly if it is moved from place to place.

Watering: In summer, the plant is watered on average 2-3 times a week, trying to maintain a constantly moist substrate. In autumn and winter, the adiantum is in a relative period of rest; the growth and development of the fern slows down, so it is watered once a week. If the adiantum is kept at low temperatures, watering is reduced. Water the plant with soft, settled water. Complete drying of the soil is detrimental to the plant.

Adiantum pedatum.

Air humidity: Adiantum is a moisture-loving plant, but is characterized by rapid adaptability, especially if the temperature does not exceed 20 °C. If the temperature exceeds 20 °C, the fern needs daily spraying. To further increase humidity, you can also use trays with wet expanded clay, but the bottom of the pot should not touch the edge of the water. You can also place vessels with water near the plant and use air humidifiers. From time to time, the adiantum should be given a warm shower, covering the soil with polyethylene. It is important not to place the adiantum near heating appliances.

Crown formation: The fern does not need pruning or shaping.

Adiantum monochlamys.

Fertilizers: During the period of active growth, use organic fertilizers 1-2 times a month. Mineral fertilizers are not recommended because the plant does not tolerate salt in the soil well. During the dormant period from the beginning of autumn to the end of winter, all fertilizer applications are stopped.

The soil: The plant is grown in orchid soil to which a universal substrate is added. To increase nutritional value, you can add a little humus to the soil mixture. A thick layer of drainage is required at the bottom of the pot.

Adiantum hispidulum.

Transfer: Adiantum is replanted as needed. Young plants are replanted, gradually increasing the pot each year. When replanting, it is necessary to monitor the level of the root collar, which should not be buried. Ferns are replanted only by transshipment, as this is a less traumatic method for the roots. During replanting, you can inspect the roots of the plant and, if necessary, remove rotten ones. After this procedure, damaged roots should be sprinkled with activated carbon.

: The fern is resistant to pests, but from time to time it can also be affected.

Young bushes are separated with part of the root. For rooting, the root with the young plant is placed and secured on the surface of the soil, without deepening it, and covered plastic bag. You don’t need to tie the bag, just cover the pot. A couple of times a day, lift the bag and lightly spray the young plant to maintain moisture. Try not to overdo it and make it too damp. Rooting occurs within a couple of weeks.

Most often, at home, adiantum is propagated by dividing the bush during transplantation. The division is carried out by hand, carefully dividing the bush into equal parts, trying not to damage the roots. Such propagation can be used if the plant has enough full-fledged growth points. If the fern has few growing points, division can lead to the death of the plant. After the division procedure, young plants can sit in one place for a long time and not grow. Be patient.

Adiantum fern.

Problems when growing adiantum:

  • Adiantum leaves turn yellow if the plant lacks nutrients, it needs fertilizer. Yellowing can also occur due to lack of moisture or improper watering;
  • The tips of the leaves and stems dry out at too high temperatures and excessive dry air in the room where the fern is grown;
  • Fading color and lethargy of the leaves indicate that the plant is watered too much at low temperatures;
  • The leaves turn pale, dry, and turn yellow if the plant is exposed to direct sunlight;
  • Leaves fall when exposed to drafts;
  • It happens that when the temperature is too high, all the foliage of the adiantum dries out. Do not rush to throw away such a plant, move it to a cooler room and continue to lightly moisten the soil from time to time. If the plant has living roots, it will produce new young leaves.

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