Lesson on wood as a natural structural material. Lesson summary on technology: “Wood as a natural structural material. Stages of creating wood products

3 Wood texture Wood texture is the pattern on its surface formed as a result of cutting growth rings and fibers. The beautiful surface of wood is said to have a rich texture. Oak, ash, as well as mahogany species growing in Africa, America, Australia, which produce red wood of various shades, have beautiful textures.

4 Lumber and wood materials When longitudinally sawing tree trunks on sawmill frames, various lumber is obtained: beams, whetstones, boards, plaits, quarters and slabs. Lumber has the following elements: weaves, edges, ribs and ends. Plywood, particle boards (chipboards), and fibreboards (fibreboards) are widely used as construction materials.

19 Graphic documentation Before producing any part, make a technical drawing, sketch or drawing. Such images of the future product are called graphic documentation. A technical drawing is a visual three-dimensional image of an object, made by hand, indicating the dimensions and material. A sketch is a freehand image of a part, indicating the dimensions and preserving the relationships between its parts. A drawing is an image of a product drawn using drawing tools according to certain rules.

20 Stages of creating wood products In order to make any product, it is necessary to perform a number of actions, that is, go through a number of stages. First of all, you need to think in advance what materials the product will consist of. First, the product is depicted in the form of a technical drawing, sketch or drawing. Select a high-quality piece of wood of the required species. Mark the workpiece, checking the dimensions several times. Then they plan, saw, clean and finish it, turning it into ready product. The manufactured product must be checked for strength and tested. If any shortcomings are discovered, the reasons for their occurrence must be found and eliminated.

>>Technology: Wood - natural construction material

A tree consists of a trunk, roots, branches, leaves or needles. Trees with foliage are called deciduous, and those with needles are called coniferous. Deciduous species are birch, aspen, oak, alder, linden, etc., coniferous species are pine, spruce, cedar, fir, larch, etc. A tree is called larch because, like deciduous species, it sheds its needles in the winter.
Wood as a natural structural material obtained from tree trunks when sawing them into pieces.
The tree trunk has a thicker part at the base and a thinner part at the top. The surface of the trunk is covered with bark. The bark is like clothing for a tree and consists of an outer cork layer and an inner bast layer (Fig. 8). The cork layer of bark is dead. The bast layer serves as a conductor for the juices that nourish the tree. Main inner part The tree trunk is made of wood. In turn, the wood of the trunk consists of many layers, which are visible in the section as growth rings. The age of the tree is determined by the number of growth rings.

The loose and soft center of the tree is called the heartwood. The medullary rays extend from the core to the bark in the form of light shiny lines. They have different colors and serve to conduct water, air and nutrients inside the tree.
The core rays create the pattern (texture) of wood.

Cambium - thin layer living cells located between the bark and wood. Only from the cambium does the formation of cells and the annual increase in thickness of the tree occur. "Cambium - from the Latin "exchange" ( nutrients).
To study the structure of wood, three main sections of the trunk are distinguished (Fig. 9).
Cut 1, running perpendicular to the core of the trunk, is made end-to-end. It is perpendicular to the growth rings and fibers.

Cut 2 passing through the core of the trunk is called radial. It is parallel to the annual layers and fibers. Tangential cut 3 runs parallel to the core of the trunk and is some distance away from it. These cuts reveal various properties and patterns of wood.
Wood species are determined by their following characteristic features; texture, smell, hardness, color.
Pine- coniferous breed. Soft. Impregnated with resinous substances. Wood reddish color with a pronounced texture. It is used for the manufacture of windows and doors, floors and ceilings, furniture, in the construction of ships, carriages, bridges.
Spruce- coniferous breed. Soft. Impregnated with resinous substances. The color is white with a yellowish tint. Used for heating musical instruments, furniture, windows and doors.
Birch- hardwood. Solid. The color is white with a brownish tint. Used to make plywood, furniture, ouds, gun stocks, tool handles, and skis.
Aspen- hardwood. Soft. The color is white with a greenish tint. Prone to rotting. Used to make matches, dishes, toys, paper.
Linden-deciduous species. Soft. The color is white with a soft pink tint. It is used for making dishes, drawing boards, pencils, and products with artistic carvings.
Alder- hardwood. Soft. The color is white, turns red in the air. Serves as a raw material for the manufacture of plywood, dugout oud, and packing boxes.
Oak- hardwood. Solid. The color is light yellow with a brownish-gray tint and a pronounced texture. On a radial section, the medullary rays are visible in the form of shiny stripes. It is used for the manufacture of furniture, parquet, cladding of valuable products, as well as in the construction of bridges and carriages.
The wood texture of the most common species is shown in Figure 10.

The texture of wood is the pattern on its surface formed as a result of cutting growth rings and fibers. The beautiful surface of wood is said to have a rich texture. For example, walnut or Manchurian walnut wood has the most brown and gray colors. various shades, it is highly valued for making furniture and hunting rifle stocks from it (Fig. 10, a). A particularly valuable texture is formed by unsprouted buds (eyes) on the surface of Karelian birch (Fig. 10, b). Oak, ash, and also mahogany species growing in Africa, America, and Australia have beautiful textures (Fig. 10, c), producing red wood of various shades. Such valuable types of wood are planed into thin sheets(veneer), which are glued to valuable products.


Determination of wood species from samples
1. Study the description or table of tree species.
2. Write down in your notebook the main characteristics by which wood species are determined.

3. Identify the types of wood using the samples given by the teacher.

  • Wood, tree, coniferous and deciduous species, trunk, bark, core, trunk cuts (end, radial, tangential), growth rings, texture.

1. What parts does a tree consist of?

2. What types of trees do you thorn?

3. Where is wood used?

4. What do tree rings show?

5. What is wood texture called?

A.T. Tishchenko, P.S. Samorodsky, V.D. Simonenko, N.P. Shchipitsyn, Technology 5th grade
Submitted by readers from the website

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Lesson No. 3-4. Wood as a natural construction material.

Target: to familiarize students with the importance of wood as a structural material in the national economy of the country, its species, structure, main types of defects and uses, to teach how to identify wood species and types of defects by the appearance of samples.

Tools and equipment: sample kits wood lumber, veneer, plywood, samples of wood with defects, instructional and technological maps.

During the classes:

I. Introductory part.

1. Consolidation of the material covered.

After solving this crossword puzzle, you will be able to read the word that is the most important in what you learned in the last lesson. (Crafting table)


1. The wedge should protrude above the table top to a height less than the height. (blanks)

2.What is the name of the discipline we are studying? (Technology)

3.The base of the workbench is (underbench)

4.It can be cutting and measuring. (Tool)

5.Profession of worker, employed manual processing wood (Carpenter)

6. Serves to secure workpieces. (Clamp)

7. Wooden blocks intended for supporting workpieces (Wedges)

2. Communicate the purpose of the lesson

II. Presentation of program material.

Forests occupy an area of ​​over 700 million hectares in our country. Despite such enormous forest wealth, everyone must treat the forest with care, since it significantly affects the climate, vegetation and animal world In addition, the forest is of great economic importance. Its main product - wood - is used in construction, furniture, match production, chemical industry, etc. Forest resources in our country are protected by law.

oLet's compare the properties of wood and materials such as metal and stone.

We come to the conclusion that wood is light, durable, and easy to work with. cutting tool the material is beautiful appearance.

At the same time we identify it negative qualities: easy flammability, warping when drying, rotting.

o What tree species do you know and what types are they divided into? Deciduous and coniferous.

Trees with foliage are called deciduous, and those with needles are called coniferous. Deciduous trees include birch, aspen, oak, alder, linden, etc.; Conifers - pine, spruce, cedar, fir, etc.

o What is a tree made of?

From a trunk, root, twigs, leaves or needles Wood as a natural structural material is obtained from tree trunks by sawing them into pieces Fig. 3

The tree trunk has a thicker part at the base and a thinner part at the top. The surface of the trunk (Fig. 3) is covered with bark (7). Bark is the “clothing” for a tree; it consists of an outer cork layer and an inner bast layer. The cork layer of bark is dead. The bast layer (6) is a conductor of the juices that nourish the tree. The wood of the trunk consists of many layers, which are visible in the section as growth rings (4).

o What can you learn from them?

You can determine the age of the tree. The loose and soft center of the tree is the pith (1). Heart-shaped rays extend from the core to the bark in the form of light shiny lines (2). They serve to conduct water, air and nutrients inside the tree. Cambium (5) is a thin layer of living cells located between the bark and wood. Only as a result of the activity of the cambium does the formation of new cells occur. "Cambium" - from Latin "exchange"(nutrients).

To study the structure of wood, three main sections of the trunk are distinguished (Fig. 4). The cut (1) running perpendicular to the core of the trunk is called the end cut. It is perpendicular to the growth rings and fibers. The cut (2) passing through the core of the trunk is calledradial . It is parallel to the annual layers and fibers.Tangential cut (3) runs parallel to the core of the trunk and is some distance away from it.

Wood species determined by their following characteristic features: texture, smell, hardness, color. (Show how to identify wood types using the poster.)

The disadvantages of wood are also the following:knotiness (Fig. 5p),wormholes (Figure 5.6). They limit the use of wood in industrial production, but may prove valuable in the manufacture of decorative items.


Let's move on to considering lumber and wood materials.

When longitudinally sawing tree trunks on sawmill frames, various lumber is obtained (Fig. 6): beams (a, b), bars (c), boards (d, e), plates (f), quarters (g) and slabs (h)


Lumber has the following elements:face, edge, end, rib . ( Indicate on the poster. Plywood is widely used as a construction material.)

oHow do you get it?

By gluing three or more thin sheets of wood on top of each other -veneer . Veneer translated from German - "sliver"The veneer is cut (peeled) with a sharp knife of a special peeling machine while rotating a log about 2.0 m long (Fig. 7). At the same time, the log, like a roll, is rolled out into a veneer strip. The veneer strip is cut into square sheets, which are dried in dryers, spread with glue and stacked on top of each other so that the direction of the fibers in them is perpendicular to each other. The sheets are glued together under a press. This is how plywood is obtained.

Plywood is stronger than wood, almost does not dry out or crack, and bends and processes well.

o Where is it used?

In construction, furniture manufacturing, mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing.

o You've probably heard the word chipboard, but what does it mean?

Particle boards. They are obtained by pressing and gluing crushed wood in the form of shavings, sawdust, and wood dust. The slabs are made with a thickness of about 10-26 mm. They are durable, almost do not warp, and can be processed well with cutting tools.

o What are they made from?

Furniture, doors, partitions, walls, floors. However, over time they release substances harmful to health, so they are not recommended for use in residential areas.

o What is fiberboard?

Fiberboards. They are pressed into sheets of wood pulp that has been steamed and crushed into individual fibers. They have a nice grey colour, smooth surfaces, bend, like plywood. They are used for interior decoration premises: cladding walls, ceilings, floors, in the production of furniture, doors.

oWhat is the common disadvantage of plywood, chipboard and fiberboard?

They are afraid of dampness.

III. Practical part

1. Students cut a block of soft wood (pine, linden) along and across the grain with a regular knife. As a result of this operation, they come to the conclusion that wood is easily split along the grain with little effort, but it is impossible to split across it, even with great effort.

2. Students try to identify types of wood from samples, look at samples of lumber, plywood, chipboard and fiberboard.

Check whether the samples can be easily processed with any tool (file, hacksaw, etc.).

IV. Final part.

Summarize the lesson, note the most active students during the discussion of the material.

Clean the workshop.

MKOU Novoelovskaya main comprehensive school

Education Department of the Talmensky District Administration Altai Territory

Technology Lesson Project

Topic: “Wood is a natural structural material”

Textbook: V.D. Simonenko “Technology” 5th grade

Technology: LOO

Teacher: Tyakotev Dmitry Alexandrovich

With. Novoelovka

Methodological justification for the lesson

The use of entertaining tasks in the educational process is one of the most important development techniques for students positive motivation and cognitive interest in the work of adults, the world of professions, one of the conditions for preparing young people for a conscious choice of the profile of their future activity in one of the spheres of social labor.

In grades 5-6, I try to include more playful and entertaining tasks in the educational process to form a sustainable motive for activity. And at the same time, they are an intermediate link between elementary and high school.

Achieving efficiency and quality educational process, obtaining the planned results of training, education, development and socialization of students is ensured by the organization of the following key processes:

    orderly exchange of information ( communication) between all participants in the educational process;

    ensuring visibility of the progress and results of the educational process ( visualization);

    motivation all participants in the educational process;

    monitoring educational process;

    reflection teacher and students;

    analysis activities of participants and evaluation of results.

The topic of the lesson is “Wood is a natural structural material.” This lesson is lesson 3-4 in the “Wood Processing Technology” section.

Lesson objectives:


Create conditions for students to develop the following concepts: “wood”, “wood structure” to develop the ability to distinguish tree species by their characteristics


Create conditions for the development of memory in students, logical thinking, imagination.


Create conditions for the formation of self- and mutual control.

Didactic purpose of the lesson: create conditions for organization cognitive activity students, leading to the need to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

The structured nature of the educational process is ensured by dividing the lesson into certain interconnected phases (stages, parts), each of which has its own goals, objectives and methods. The structured nature of the process allows you to create a clear and precise plan, set a directed forward movement towards the set goals of the lesson, ensure the methodical study of each phase and the sequence of transitions from one phase of the lesson to another, and effectively monitor the progress and results of the educational process.

Lesson structure (90 minutes)

    Motivational 5 min

    Goal setting 3 min

    Activity planning 2 min

    Implementation of the activity plan 75 min

    Lesson summary 5 min

Tools and equipment:

    Textbook V.D. Simonenko “Technology” 5th grade;

    Cards with tasks (for each child);

    Cards for practical work (for each child);

    Tests (for each child);

    Crossword puzzle (for each child);

    Sets of samples of wood of various species (2 pcs).

Teaching methods:

verbal, visual, practical, reproductive

Forms of work:

independent, individual, group

Lesson type: combined

During the classes

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activity

Methodological explanations and notes


Greeting students.

Checking student attendance.


Forests occupy an area of ​​over 700 million hectares in our country. Despite such enormous forest wealth, everyone must treat the forest with care, as it significantly affects the climate, flora and fauna. In addition, the forest has great importance for the country's economy.

Growing a forest is not an easy task. First, they sow the seeds, then plant tiny seedlings and take care of them. A tree grows on average 90-120 years before it can be cut down and the wood obtained for making products.

Do you know that

A medium-sized birch has 35...40 thousand leaves with a total area of ​​100...150 square meters

Pine occupies about 15% of all forests in Russia, spruce – 12%. - the most common coniferous species in Russian forests is larch. It occupies 40% of the total area of ​​our forests.

Children join in the lesson.

They listen carefully.

A friendly tone, teachers, greeting and introduction to the lesson, the use of an introduction encourages communication, and creates a favorable atmosphere, creates a positive motivational aspect.

    Goal setting

Wood is one of the most common materials that man learned to process in ancient times. With the help of an ax, knife and other tools, people made houses, bridges, fortifications, tools and much more. And these days we are surrounded by a large number of wood products. Name them.

So, the topic of the lesson: “Wood is a natural structural material”, write it down on the board.

Furniture, musical instruments, toys, etc.

Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook

Formulate goals for the lesson with the help of the teacher.

At this stage, students, with the help of the teacher, learn to set goals for the lesson.

    Activity planning

Now let's make an action plan for the lesson.

    Reviewing what was learned in the previous lesson

    Learning new material

    Practical work

Write the lesson plan on the board.

    Let's repeat homework

    Let's learn new material

    Let's do it practical work

Having a work plan leads to organization, discipline and control of activities.

    Implementation of the activity plan

4.1 Updating knowledge

      Learning new material

4.3 Consolidation

Practical work

Let's review homework, before you are tasks of 2 difficulty levels:

Task No. 1 (Annex 1) For a more difficult one, you need to solve a crossword puzzle; after solving it, you will be able to read the word that is the most important in what you learned in the last lesson.

Task No. 2 (Appendix 2) you need to identify the elements of the workbench.

After completion, a mutual check is organized; the optimal option would be an exchange between different cards.

After checking, the cards are handed over to the teacher.

Conversation with children

There are trees with foliage, what are they called?

And trees with needles, what are they called?

Name the tree species that are classified as deciduous?

What parts does a tree consist of?

Wood as a natural construction material is obtained from tree trunks by sawing them into pieces

Now let's call " positive traits wood" and

"negative qualities of wood"

The tree trunk has a thicker part at the base and a thinner part at the top. The surface of the trunk (Fig. 8) is covered bark(7). Bark is the “clothing” for a tree; it consists of an outer cork layer and an inner bast layer. The cork layer of bark is dead. Bast layer(6) - conductor of juices that nourish the tree. The wood of the trunk consists of many layers, which are visible in the section as tree rings (4).

What can you learn from them?

Loose and soft center of the tree - core(1). From the core to the bark in the form of light shiny lines extend heart-shaped rays(2). They serve to conduct water, air and nutrients into the tree, cambium(5) - a thin layer of living cells located between the bark and wood. Only as a result of the activity of the cambium does the formation of new cells occur. "Cambium" comes from the Latin "exchange" (of nutrients).

To study the structure of wood, three main sections of the trunk are distinguished (Fig. 9). The cut (1) running perpendicular to the core of the trunk is called the end cut. It is perpendicular to the growth rings and fibers. The cut (2) passing through the core of the trunk is called radial. It is parallel to the annual layers and fibers. The tangential cut (3) runs parallel to the core of the trunk and is some distance away from it.

Wood species are determined by their following characteristic features: texture, smell, hardness, color.

Texture wood is the pattern on its surface formed as a result of cutting growth rings and fibers.

Valuable breeds wood is planed into thin sheets (veneer), which are glued to the products.

Physical education minute

Now let’s consolidate the knowledge, for this you need to solve the test (Appendix 3).

Guys, study the description of tree species in the textbook.

I distribute sets of samples of wood of various species, 1 set per group. Carefully examine the samples and identify the wood species by writing down the characteristics on a card. (Appendix 4).

If there is time left

then you can offer students interesting information about different tree species (Appendix 5).

The guys are doing


birch, aspen, oak, alder, linden, etc.

pine, spruce, cedar, fir, etc.

From a trunk, root, twigs, leaves or needles

Write it down in a notebook

Lightweight, durable material, easy to machine with cutting tools, and has a beautiful appearance.

Flammable, warping when dried, susceptible to rotting.

Students listen and consider

rice. 8 Structure of wood. (in the textbook)

You can determine the age of the tree.

Write down the main sections of the trunk in a notebook:




Write it down in a notebook

Write it down in a notebook

Working with a textbook

Do practical work

Listen with interest

A differentiated approach is most optimal, because students independently determine the degree of difficulty of the task, this reduces both nervous and mental tension, the children feel more comfortable. Educational tasks in the lesson are solved through mutual and self-examination, which instill in children such qualities as responsibility, mutual assistance, and accuracy.

During the conversation with students, new information is reviewed. At the same time, a constant connection is maintained with the students’ existing information, connection with practice and everyday life. Students reason based not only on knowledge, but also on skills, facts taken from the life of their family, relatives and friends

4.4 Homework

Write down your homework:

    §2 questions to the paragraph,

    "Bridge" (Appendix 6)

    Write a message about the type of wood (optional pine, spruce, birch, cedar, larch, aspen, fir).

Write down homework in a diary

5.Summing up the lesson

5.1 Lesson summary

5.2 Reflection

Guys, what knowledge did you gain today?

Have we achieved the lesson objectives? Let's check.

What is the name of the natural structural material obtained from tree trunks when sawing them into pieces?

Name the types of trees?

Guys, please look at the board, there is a picture of a mountain there, please rate yourself today in the lesson from the foot to the top:


I liked the lesson, I understand all the material


I didn’t like the lesson and I didn’t understand anything

Take turns speaking


Deciduous, coniferous

Evaluate their work, draw a little man in some place on the mountain

They learn to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions.

Students have the opportunity to show their attitude to what they have learned and the lesson as a whole. The teacher draws appropriate conclusions. When preparing for the next lesson, he takes these results into account.


Task No. 1


1. The wedge should protrude above the table top to a height less than the height. (blanks)

2.What is the name of our textbook? (Technology)

3.The base of the workbench is (underbench)

4.It can be cutting and measuring. (Tool)

5.Profession of a worker engaged in manual processing of wood. (Carpenter)

6. Serves to secure workpieces. (Clamp)

7. Wooden blocks designed to support workpieces (Wedges)



Question No. 1. What groups can all tree species be divided into?

1. Deciduous and evergreen

2. Deciduous and coniferous

3. Highs and lows

4. Evergreens, herbaceous and shrubs

5. Herbaceous and shrubs

Question No. 2. Which answer option lists only coniferous species?

1. Pine, spruce, chestnut, juniper

2. Oak, aspen, birch, poplar

3. Cedar, spruce, pine, larch

4. Currants, gooseberries, pineapple

Question No. 3. In which reference book is it most likely to find information on the structure of wood and tree species?

1. Handbook for a young mechanic

2. Handbook of a young livestock breeder

3. Handbook for a young carpenter

4. Handbook of machine parts and mechanisms

5. Handbook of mathematics

Question No. 4. Which of the proposed answer options lists only deciduous species?

1. Thuja, pine, linden, acacia

2. Elm, banana, cedar, alder

3. Juniper, larch, cedar, fir

4. Poplar, alder, aspen, chestnut

Question No. 5. Which tree’s wood is most valuable for furniture production?

2. Mahogany

Question No. 6.What are the most characteristic features coniferous species?

Resinous smell and "striped" texture.

"Striped" texture and moiré shine.

Gloss and capillary structure.

Short brown streaks over the entire surface of the wood and a resinous smell.

Question No. 7. What group of species does the fragment of wood shown in the photograph belong to?


Coniferous breed.

Question No. 8. Why is coniferous wood most often used in carpentry?

Because it has a beautiful texture and a pleasant resinous smell, which attracts the attention of many people.

Because coniferous wood It is easy to process and is also impregnated with resinous substances, and therefore less susceptible to rotting compared to hardwood.

Because it has high strength and density, and therefore can withstand high mechanical loads.

Question No. 9. Which photographs show the textures of conifers?

Pictured 1, 2, 4

Pictured 1, 3, 4

Pictured 2, 3, 4

Pictured 1, 2, 3

Question No. 10. Which coniferous species is most resistant to rot?



Wood type





Interesting information about some tree species

BAOBAB. Surprisingly unusual life force baobab Unlike most trees, it does not die when its bark is torn off - it grows back. The baobab tree does not die even when it falls to the ground. If at least one of its roots maintains contact with the soil, the tree will continue to grow lying down.

Usually baobabs are not very tall, but according to some reports recently flashed in the press, a real giant was discovered in the savannas of Africa - the tallest tree on our planet, which reaches 189 m in height with a trunk diameter of 43.5 m! The Guinness Book of Records for 1991 talks about a baobab tree with a girth of 54.5 m.

SCHMIDT'S BIRCH. This amazing tree grows in the southern part of Primorsky Krai ( Far East). Its local name is “iron birch”. It is one and a half times stronger than cast iron. If you shoot into its barrel, the bullet will fly off without even leaving a trace.

CEDAR. About 41 million hectares are occupied in Russia cedar forests. The pine forests of the Angara River basin, the upper and middle reaches of the Yenisei, as well as the Sayan Mountains are especially famous for their productivity. Cedar lives a long time. This is probably why he is in no hurry to grow. At 30 years old, the tree reaches only the average height of a person.

The actual scientific name of this tree is Siberian pine. Real cedars grow far in the south - in Lebanon, North Africa, on the island of Cyprus. These are powerful trees with valuable aromatic wood. They are distinguished by their impressive size and longevity, because they live one and a half to two times longer than ordinary pines - 800-850 years.

It is always warmer in the cedar forests; the air here is said to be two to three times cleaner than in the operating room.

KETEMF. This plant is a champion among super-sweet plants and grows in tropical forests West Africa. Scientists have isolated from it the sweetest substance in the world - toumatin. It sweeter than sugar(hard to imagine) 100,000 times! This substance will be sweet even if toumatin is dissolved in a concentration of 10 g per ton of water!

HANGA. It grows in the Philippine Islands and is most often called the oil tree. The fact is that hangi fruits contain almost... clean oil. Therefore, the country is developing technology for using it as a source of fuel for engines. internal combustion.

SEQUOIA. The tallest of them also reach over 100 m, but their trunks are much thicker. For example, one of these trees had a girth of 46 m and 15 m in diameter.

Redwoods belong to the "living fossils". They were distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, including in the south of Eastern Europe back in the pre-glacial period. Giant lizards - brontosaurs and dinosaurs - once walked under such trees, and the ancestors of modern birds - pterodactyls - rested on the branches.

Sequoias have survived on Earth only in the state of California (USA), on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Average age these trees, like eucalyptus trees, are 3-4 thousand years old, and according to calculations of the growth rings on the stump of one cut sequoia, a record age was even discovered - 4830 years!

By the way, it is very difficult to topple such a giant. One sequoia was cut with a seven-meter saw over 17 days. To transport it, 30 large railway platforms were required.

There are known cases when a dance floor was located on the stump of a giant sequoia. It freely accommodated an orchestra of 4 people, 16 dancing couples and 12 more spectators.

Sometimes souvenir shops were set up in redwood hollows, and one even had a garage. In one of the museums in New York, part of the trunk of a huge sequoia tree, which was cut down in California, is on display. It has a girth of 75 m. There is a hall inside that can easily accommodate 150 people.

The largest sequoia is called "Founder" (112 m in height).


Wood is a natural construction material

Technology teacher

Chushkin Alexander Anatolievich

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 115


The purpose of the lesson:

  • study the main types of lumber;
  • analyze methods of lumber production;
  • consider the scope of use of lumber;
  • master the process of making a model sailing ship from lumber.




Timber cutting

Lumber production



The board is not edged

Edged board


Edged board

lumber with section sizes from 16 × 8 mm to 250 × 100 mm. Edged boards are made from wood different breeds. Main difference edged boards- this is the absence of wane (the edges of a board with bark when it is cut out of a log).

Edged board

The dimensions of the edged board are determined according to the diagram a × b × l, Where b- calculated as the larger side of the cross section, size a- smaller side, l- board length, for example, 50×150×6000 mm.


The most common board lengths are: 6000 mm, 4000 mm, 3000 mm.

In Russia, the most common board is thick (parameter " a"): 22 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm.

Unedged board

a board with unsawed or partially sawn edges, with a wane more than acceptable in an edged board.


Obapol croaker


Obapol plank



Beam – has a thickness and width of over 100 mm

Four-edged beam

Double edge beam


Bars – have a thickness of up to 100 mm and a width of no more than double the thickness.


Timber materials are materials made from wood that have preserved its natural physical structure and chemical composition, obtained from fallen trees, sticks and (or from their parts) by transverse and (or) longitudinal division.





A whip is a trunk of a fallen tree cleared of branches without the root part and top separated from it.


Log - round assortment of timber for use in round form, with the exception of small-sized mine stand, poles And stakes, or as raw material for lumber production general purpose and special types of forest products


Ridge - a section of the lower, butt part of the trunk, intended for the production of special types of forest products: veneer, containers, skis, matches, sleepers, mainly from hardwood wood, less often from conifers.

The thickness of the ridges ranges from 12 cm for container ridges of hardwood to 46 cm for larch ridges for the manufacture of wooden conductors for mine shafts), length - from 0.5 m (gun ridge) to 14 m (coniferous shipbuilding ridges)


Churak is a short-length round assortment, mainly a piece of log, the length of which corresponds to the dimensions necessary for processing on woodworking machines.



Podtovarnik - thin construction logs for auxiliary and temporary buildings, thickness: for coniferous trees - from 6 to 13 cm inclusive and for deciduous trees - from 8 to 11 cm inclusive.


Lumber production

Timber trucks deliver logs to the warehouse of a wood processing enterprise.

Lumber production

The logs are unloaded and sorted by diameter, species and purpose.

Lumber production

From the warehouse, logs are transported via conveyors to the sawmill.

Lumber production

Sawmill frame

Band saw machine

Video of sawmill frame in operation



Interior decoration

Production of window and door blocks

Furniture manufacture

Sailing ships

Literature: Slide 5,6 http://b2bconstruction.ru/images/gallery/obreznaya-doska.jpg https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B4%D0 %BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0 Slide 7 http://www.palki.ru/messages/images_78089.jpg Slide 8 http://www.scieriedrombois.com/42-72-thickbox/dosse-charpente-sur-liste.jpg Slide 9 http://images.ru.prom.st/107328_w640_h640_obapol_vid_sverhu.jpg Slide 10 http://f1.ds-russia.ru/u_dirs/079/79072/f8c89f14f96dff4e780d952f2741402c.jpg http://www.fanera-doski.ru/img/brus_stroitelniy.jpg Slide 11 http://derevo-store.ru/photo/brusok01m.jpg Slide 12 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/52/Biella-Trecciolino_-_legna.jpg/1024px-Biella-Trecciolino_-_legna.jpg Slide 14 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f4/Tree-lengths_in_storage.jpg/1024px-Tree-lengths_in_storage.jpg Slide 15 http://www.companion.ua/data/filestorage/magazines/2012/27-28/047_470x325.jpg Slide 16 Slide 16 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridge_(woodworking) http://www.woodtrade.ru/files/img/msgboard/gallery/1132_p800.jpg Slide 17 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nu6w7JimzqQ/TiaAB5AcPBI/AAAAAAAAAAc/midt3Ci2Wy8/s1600/i.jpeg Slide 18 http://lhp-tavolga.ru/public/default/balans_B.jpg Slide 19 http://strport.ru/sites/default/files/resize/8_6-500x343.jpg http://s005.radikal.ru/i211/1011/1b/9072273f4d3e.jpg Slide 21-23 http://www.oborudovaniederevo.ru/news/fotos/39844421158.JPG http://sdelanounas.ru/images/img/www.khabkrai.ru/x400_user_files_arkaim_2009_8.jpg.jpeg http://www.ideibiznesa.org/wp-content/uploads/pilomaterial-na-vyhode-s-ramy.jpg Slide 25-29 http://1-metr.com/uploads/posts/2011-01/1296473459_oblikovka-sten-derevom.jpg http://www.sbstil.com.ua/windtree/design.jpg http://masterpomebeli.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/derevjannaja-mebel.jpg http://korabley.net/_nw/13/98003726.jpg

  • Methodological material“Lumber” was developed for the section “Technology for creating wood products. Elements of mechanical engineering" for 6th grade students. Students intensify their knowledge on the topic “Types of lumber”, consider methods of longitudinal cutting of logs into lumber, study the operation of a sawmill frame and make a model of a sailing ship. The teaching material “Lumber” includes methodological recommendations for the lesson, a presentation, applications with tasks to test the mastery of the material covered, and a route map for making a ship. IN methodological recommendations There is a link to the video for the lesson.