Educational project homemade devices in physics. Interesting physics experiments for children. Basics of radioactivity and ways to study it

Summary: Coin and balloon experiment. Entertaining physics for children. Fascinating physics. Do-it-yourself physics experiments. Entertaining experiments in physics.

This experiment is a wonderful example of the action of centrifugal and centripetal forces.

To conduct the experiment you will need:

A balloon (preferably a pale color so that when inflated it is as transparent as possible) - a coin - threads

Work plan:

1. Place a coin inside the ball.

2. Inflate the balloon.

3. Tie it with thread.

4. Take the ball with one hand by the end where the thread is. Make several rotational movements with your hand.

5. After some time, the coin will begin to rotate in a circle inside the ball.

6. Now with your other hand, fix the ball from below in a stationary position.

7. The coin will continue to spin for another 30 seconds or more.

Explanation of experience:

When an object rotates, a force called centrifugal force occurs. Have you ridden the carousel? You felt a force throwing you outward from the axis of rotation. This is centrifugal force. When you spin the ball, a centrifugal force acts on the coin, which presses it towards inner surface ball. At the same time, the ball itself acts on it, creating a centripetal force. The interaction of these two forces causes the coin to spin around.

Semyon Burdenkov and Yuri Burdenkov

Making a device with your own hands is not only a creative process that encourages you to show your ingenuity and ingenuity. In addition, during the manufacturing process, and even more so when demonstrating it in front of a class or the entire school, the manufacturer receives a lot positive emotions. The use of homemade devices in the classroom develops a sense of responsibility and pride in the work performed and proves its significance.



Municipal government educational institution

Kukui main comprehensive school №25


Do-it-yourself physics device

Completed by: 8th grade student

MKOU secondary school No. 25

Burdenkov Yu.

Head: Davydova G.A.,

Physics teacher.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Main part.
  1. Purpose of the device;
  2. tools and materials;
  3. Manufacturing of the device;
  4. General view of the device;
  1. Conclusion.
  2. Bibliography.
  1. Introduction.

In order to carry out the necessary experiment, you need to have instruments and measuring instruments. And don’t think that all devices are made in factories. In many cases, research facilities are built by the researchers themselves. At the same time, it is believed that the more talented researcher is the one who can provide experience and gain good results not only on complex, but also on simpler devices. It is reasonable to use complex equipment only in cases where it is impossible to do without it. So don’t neglect homemade devices; it’s much more useful to make them yourself than to use store-bought ones.


Make a device, a physics installation for demonstration physical phenomena with your own hands.

Explain the operating principle of this device. Demonstrate the operation of this device.


Make devices that arouse great interest among students.

Make devices that are not available in the laboratory.

Make devices that cause difficulty in understanding theoretical material in physics.


Use the made device, a physics installation for demonstrating physical phenomena with your own hands in the lesson.

If this device is not available in the physical laboratory, this device will be able to replace the missing installation when demonstrating and explaining the topic.

  1. Main part.
  1. Purpose of the device.

The device is designed to observe the expansion of air and liquid when heated.

  1. Tools and materials.

An ordinary bottle, a rubber stopper, a glass tube, outside diameter which is 5-6 mm. Drill.

  1. Manufacturing of the device.

Use a drill to make a hole in the cork so that the tube fits tightly into it. Next, pour colored water into the bottle to make it easier to observe. Apply a scale to the neck. Then insert the cork into the bottle so that the tube in the bottle is below the water level. The device is ready for experiment!

  1. General view of the device.
  1. Features of the device demonstration.

To demonstrate the device, you need to wrap your hand around the neck of the bottle and wait a while. We will see that the water begins to rise up the tube. This happens because the hand heats the air in the bottle. When heated, the air expands, puts pressure on the water and displaces it. The experiment can be done with varying amounts water, and you will see that the level of rise will be different. If the bottle is completely filled with water, you can already observe the expansion of water when heated. To verify this, you need to lower the bottle into a vessel with hot water.

  1. Conclusion.

It is interesting to observe the experiment conducted by the teacher. Carrying it out yourself is doubly interesting.

And conducting an experiment with a device made and designed with your own hands arouses great interest among the whole class. In such experiments it is easy to establish a relationship and draw a conclusion about how this installation works.

  1. Literature.

1. Physics educational equipment in high school. Edited by A.A. Pokrovsky “Enlightenment” 1973

In school physics lessons, teachers always say that physical phenomena are everywhere in our lives. Only we often forget about this. Meanwhile, amazing things are nearby! Don't think that you need anything extravagant to organize physical experiments at home. And here's some proof for you ;)

Magnetic pencil

What needs to be prepared?

  • Battery.
  • Thick pencil.
  • Insulated copper wire with a diameter of 0.2–0.3 mm and a length of several meters (the longer, the better).
  • Scotch.

Conducting the experiment

Wind the wire tightly, turn to turn, onto the pencil, not reaching its edges by 1 cm. If one row ends, wind another on top in reverse side. And so on until all the wire runs out. Don’t forget to leave two ends of the wire, 8–10 cm each, free. To prevent the turns from unwinding after winding, secure them with tape. Strip the free ends of the wire and connect them to the battery contacts.

What happened?

It turned out to be a magnet! Try bringing small iron objects to it - a paper clip, a hairpin. They are attracted!

Lord of Water

What needs to be prepared?

  • A plexiglass stick (for example, a student’s ruler or a regular plastic comb).
  • A dry cloth made of silk or wool (for example, a wool sweater).

Conducting the experiment

Open the tap so that a thin stream of water flows. Rub the stick or comb vigorously on the prepared cloth. Quickly bring the stick closer to the stream of water without touching it.

What will happen?

The stream of water will bend in an arc, being attracted to the stick. Try the same thing with two sticks and see what happens.


What needs to be prepared?

  • Paper, needle and eraser.
  • A stick and a dry woolen cloth from previous experience.

Conducting the experiment

You can control more than just water! Cut a strip of paper 1–2 cm wide and 10–15 cm long, bend it along the edges and in the middle, as shown in the picture. Insert the sharp end of the needle into the eraser. Balance the top workpiece on the needle. Prepare a “magic wand”, rub it on a dry cloth and bring it to one of the ends of the paper strip from the side or top without touching it.

What will happen?

The strip will swing up and down like a swing, or spin like a carousel. And if you can cut a butterfly out of thin paper, the experience will be even more interesting.

Ice and fire

(the experiment is carried out on a sunny day)

What needs to be prepared?

  • A small cup with a round bottom.
  • A piece of dry paper.

Conducting the experiment

Pour water into a cup and place it in the freezer. When the water turns to ice, remove the cup and place it in a container of hot water. After some time, the ice will separate from the cup. Now go out onto the balcony, place a piece of paper on the stone floor of the balcony. Use a piece of ice to focus the sun on a piece of paper.

What will happen?

The paper should be charred, because it’s not just ice in your hands anymore... Did you guess that you made a magnifying glass?

Wrong mirror

What needs to be prepared?

  • A transparent jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Mirror.

Conducting the experiment

Fill the jar with excess water and close the lid to prevent air bubbles from getting inside. Place the jar with the lid facing up against the mirror. Now you can look in the “mirror”.

Bring your face closer and look inside. There will be a thumbnail image. Now start tilting the jar to the side without lifting it from the mirror.

What will happen?

The reflection of your head in the jar, of course, will also tilt until it turns upside down, and your legs will still not be visible. Lift the can and the reflection will turn over again.

Cocktail with bubbles

What needs to be prepared?

  • Glass with strong solution table salt.
  • A battery from a flashlight.
  • Two pieces of copper wire approximately 10 cm long.
  • Fine sandpaper.

Conducting the experiment

Clean the ends of the wire with fine sandpaper. Connect one end of the wire to each pole of the battery. Dip the free ends of the wires into a glass with the solution.

What happened?

Bubbles will rise near the lowered ends of the wire.

Lemon battery

What needs to be prepared?

  • Lemon, thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • Two pieces of insulated copper wire approximately 0.2–0.5 mm thick and 10 cm long.
  • Steel paper clip.
  • A light bulb from a flashlight.

Conducting the experiment

Strip the opposite ends of both wires at a distance of 2–3 cm. Insert a paper clip into the lemon and screw the end of one of the wires to it. Insert the end of the second wire into the lemon, 1–1.5 cm from the paperclip. To do this, first pierce the lemon in this place with a needle. Take the two free ends of the wires and apply them to the contacts of the light bulb.

What will happen?

The light will light up!

Slide 1

Topic: DIY physics devices and simple experiments with them.

Work completed by: 9th grade student - Roma Davydov Supervisor: physics teacher - Khovrich Lyubov Vladimirovna

Novouspenka – 2008

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Make a device, a physics installation to demonstrate physical phenomena with your own hands. Explain the operating principle of this device. Demonstrate the operation of this device.

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Use the made device, a physics installation for demonstrating physical phenomena with your own hands in the lesson. If this device is not available in the physical laboratory, this device will be able to replace the missing installation when demonstrating and explaining the topic.

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Make devices that arouse great interest among students. Make devices that are not available in the laboratory. make devices that cause difficulty in understanding theoretical material in physics.

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With uniform rotation of the handle, we see that the action of a periodically changed force will be transmitted to the load through the spring. Changing with a frequency equal to the frequency of rotation of the handle, this force will force the load to perform forced vibrations. Resonance is the phenomenon of a sharp increase in the amplitude of forced vibrations.

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EXPERIENCE 2: Jet propulsion

We will install a funnel in a ring on a tripod and attach a tube with a tip to it. We pour water into the funnel, and when the water begins to flow out from the end, the tube will bend in the opposite direction. This is reactive movement. Reactive motion is the movement of a body that occurs when some part of it is separated from it at any speed.

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EXPERIMENT 3: Sound waves.

Let's clamp a metal ruler in a vice. But it is worth noting that if most of the ruler acts as a vice, then, having caused it to oscillate, we will not hear the waves generated by it. But if we shorten the protruding part of the ruler and thereby increase the frequency of its oscillations, then we will hear the generated Elastic waves, propagating in the air, as well as inside liquid and solid bodies, but are not visible. However, under certain conditions they can be heard.

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Experiment 4: Coin in a bottle

Coin in a bottle. Want to see the law of inertia in action? Prepare a half-liter milk bottle, a cardboard ring 25 mm wide and 0 100 mm wide and a two-kopeck coin. Place the ring on the neck of the bottle, and place a coin on top exactly opposite the hole in the neck of the bottle (Fig. 8). After inserting a ruler into the ring, hit the ring with it. If you do this abruptly, the ring will fly off and the coin will fall into the bottle. The ring moved so quickly that its movement did not have time to be transferred to the coin, and according to the law of inertia, it remained in place. And having lost its support, the coin fell down. If the ring is moved to the side more slowly, the coin will “feel” this movement. The trajectory of its fall will change, and it will not fall into the neck of the bottle.

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Experiment 5: Floating Ball

When you blow, a stream of air lifts the balloon above the tube. But the air pressure inside the jet is less than the pressure of the “quiet” air surrounding the jet. Therefore, the ball is located in a kind of air funnel, the walls of which are formed by the surrounding air. By smoothly reducing the speed of the jet from the upper hole, it is not difficult to “plant” the ball in its original place. For this experiment you will need an L-shaped tube, for example glass, and a light foam ball. Close the top hole of the tube with a ball (Fig. 9) and blow into the side hole. Contrary to expectation, the ball will not fly away from the tube, but will begin to hover above it. Why is this happening?

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Experiment 6: Body movement in a “dead loop”

" Using the "dead loop" device, you can demonstrate a number of experiments on the dynamics material point around the circumference. The demonstration is carried out in the following order: 1. The ball is rolled down the rails from the highest point of the inclined rails, where it is held by an electromagnet, which is powered by 24V. The ball steadily describes a loop and flies out at a certain speed from the other end of the device2. The ball is rolled from the lowest height, when the ball just describes a loop without falling off top point her3. From an even lower height, when the ball, not reaching the top of the loop, breaks away from it and falls, describing a parabola in the air inside the loop.

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Body movement in a "dead loop"

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Experiment 7: Hot air and cold air

Pull it onto the neck of an ordinary half-liter bottle balloon(Fig. 10). Place the bottle in a pan of hot water. The air inside the bottle will begin to heat up. The molecules of the gases that make up it will move faster and faster as the temperature rises. They will bombard the walls of the bottle and ball more strongly. The air pressure inside the bottle will begin to increase and the balloon will begin to inflate. After some time, transfer the bottle to a saucepan with cold water. The air in the bottle will begin to cool, the movement of molecules will slow down, and the pressure will drop. The ball will wrinkle as if the air has been pumped out of it. This is how you can verify the dependence of air pressure on the ambient temperature

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Experiment 8: Tension of a rigid body

Taking the foam block by the ends, stretch it. The increase in distances between molecules is clearly visible. It is also possible to simulate the occurrence of inter-molecular attractive forces in this case.

municipal budgetary educational institution "Mulma secondary school of the Vysokogorsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"

« Physical devices for DIY physics lessons"

(Project plan)

physics and computer science teacher


    Individual topic for self-education


    Main part

    Expected results and conclusions


Individual topic for self-education: « Development of students’ intellectual abilities during the formation of research and design skills in the classroom and during extracurricular activities »


In order to provide the necessary experience, you need to have instruments and measuring instruments. And don’t think that all devices are made in factories. In many cases, research facilities are built by the researchers themselves. At the same time, it is believed that the more talented researcher is the one who can carry out experiments and obtain good results not only on complex, but also on simpler instruments. It is reasonable to use complex equipment only in cases where it is impossible to do without it. So don’t neglect homemade devices - it’s much more useful to make them yourself than to use store-bought ones.

The invention of home-made devices provides direct practical benefits, increasing the efficiency of social production. Students' work in the field of technology helps them develop creative thinking. Comprehensive knowledge of the surrounding world is achieved through observations and experiments. Therefore, students develop a clear, distinct idea of ​​things and phenomena only through direct contact with them, through direct observation of phenomena and independent reproduction of them through experience.

We also consider the production of homemade instruments to be one of the main tasks in improving the educational equipment of the physics classroom.

A problem arises : The objects of work should first of all be the devices that physics classrooms need. No one should make necessary devices, then not used anywhere.
You should not take on work even if you are not confident enough in its successful completion. This happens when it is difficult or impossible to obtain any materials or parts to make the device, or when the processes involved in making the device and processing the parts exceed the capabilities of the students.

During the preparation of the project plan, I put forward a hypothesis :

If physical and technical skills are developed within the framework of extracurricular activities, then: the level of development of physical and technical skills will increase; readiness for independent physical and technical activities will increase;

On the other hand, the presence of homemade instruments in a school physics classroom expands the possibilities for improving educational experiments and improves the organization of scientific research and design work.


Making instruments not only leads to an increase in the level of knowledge, it reveals the main direction of students’ activities, and is one of the ways to enhance cognitive and project activities students when studying physics in grades 7-11. When working on the device, we move away from “chalk” physics. A dry formula comes to life, an idea materializes, and a complete and clear understanding arises. On the other hand, such work is good example socially useful work: successfully made homemade devices can significantly supplement the equipment of a school office. It is possible and necessary to make devices on site on your own. Homemade devices also have another permanent value: their production, on the one hand, develops practical skills and abilities in teachers and students, and on the other hand, testifies to creative work, about the methodological growth of the teacher, about the use of project and research work. Some homemade devices may turn out to be more successful than industrial ones in methodological terms, more visual and easier to use, and more understandable to students. Others make it possible to carry out experiments more completely and consistently using existing industrial instruments and expand the possibility of their use, which is of very important methodological importance.

The significance of project activities in modern conditions, in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC.

Usage various forms training - group work, discussion, presentation of joint projects using modern technologies, the need to be sociable, contactable in various social groups, ability to work collaboratively different areas, preventing conflict situations or emerging from them with dignity – contribute to the development communicative competence. Organizational competence includes planning, conducting research, organizing research activities. In the process of research, schoolchildren develop information competencies (search, analysis, generalization, evaluation of information). They master skills competent work with various sources of information: books, textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias, catalogues, dictionaries, Internet sites. These competencies provide a mechanism for student self-determination in situations of educational and other activities. The individual educational trajectory of the student and the program of his life as a whole depend on them.

I put the following target:

identifying gifted children and supporting interest in in-depth study of specialized subjects; creative personality development; developing interest in engineering and research professions; instilling elements of a research culture, which is carried out through the organization of research activities of schoolchildren; socialization of personality as a path of knowledge: from the formation of key competencies to personal competencies.Make instruments, physics installations to demonstrate physical phenomena, explain the principle of operation of each device and demonstrate their operation

To achieve this goal, I put forward the following tasks :

    study scientific and popular literature on creating homemade devices;

    make instruments on specific topics that cause difficulty in understanding theoretical material in physics;

    make instruments that are not available in the laboratory;

    develop an interest in studying astronomy and physics;

    to cultivate perseverance in achieving the set goal, perseverance.

Were determined next steps work and implementation deadlines:

February 2017.

Accumulation of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills;

March – April 2017

Drawing up sketches, drawings, project diagrams;

Choice of the most good option project and short description the principle of its operation;

Preliminary calculation and approximate determination of the parameters of the elements that make up the selected project option;

Fundamental theoretical solution and development of the project itself;

Selection of parts, mat

Mental anticipation of materials, tools and measuring instruments to materialize the project; all main stages of activity in assembling the material model of the project;

Systematic control of your activities during the manufacture of the device (installation);

Taking characteristics from a manufactured device (installation) and comparing them with expected ones (project analysis);

Translation of the layout into the completed design of the device (installation) (practical implementation of the project);

December 2017

Defense of the project at a special conference and demonstration of devices (installations) (public presentation).

The following will be used while working on the project: research methods:

Theoretical analysis scientific literature;

Design of educational material.

Project type: creative.

Practical significance of the work:

The results of the work can be used by physics teachers in schools in our region.

Expected results:

If the project goals are achieved, then we can expect following results

Obtaining a qualitatively new result, expressed in the development of the student’s cognitive abilities and his independence in educational and cognitive activities.

Explore and test patterns, clarify and develop fundamental concepts, reveal research methods and develop measurement skills physical quantities,

Show the ability to control physical processes and phenomena,

Select devices, instruments, equipment that are adequate to the real phenomenon or process being studied,

Understand the role of experience in cognition natural phenomena,

Create harmony between theoretical and empirical meanings.


1. Homemade physical installations have greater didactic impact.

2. Homemade installations are created for specific conditions.

3. Homemade installations are a priori more reliable.

4. Homemade units are much cheaper than government-issued units.

5. Self-made installations often determine the fate of a student.

The manufacture of instruments, as part of project activities, is used by a physics teacher in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC. Many students are so captivated by the work on making instruments that they devote all their time to it. free time. Such students are irreplaceable helpers to the teacher when preparing classroom demonstrations, laboratory work, workshops. About such students who are passionate about physics, first of all, we can say in advance that in the future they will become excellent production workers - it is easier for them to master a machine, machine tool, or technology. Along the way, the ability to do things with your own hands is acquired; Honesty and responsibility for the work you do are fostered. It is a matter of honor to make the device in such a way that everyone understands, everyone climbs the step that you have already climbed.

But in this case, the main thing is different: being carried away by instruments and experiments, often demonstrating their operation, talking about the structure and principle of operation to their comrades, the guys pass a kind of test for suitability for the teaching profession; they are potential candidates for teaching. educational establishments. Demonstration of the finished device by the author in front of his friends during a physics lesson is best score his work and the opportunity to celebrate his services to the class. If this is not possible, then we will demonstrate a public review and presentation of manufactured devices during some extracurricular activities. This is an unspoken advertisement for the activity of making homemade devices, which contributes to the widespread involvement of other students in this work. We must not lose sight of the important circumstance that this work will benefit not only students, but also the school: in this way a concrete connection between learning and social life will be realized. useful work, with project activities.


Now it’s as if everything important has been said. It’s great if my project “charges” with creative optimism and makes someone believe in themselves. After all, this is what it consists of the main objective: to present something difficult as accessible, worth any effort and capable of giving a person the incomparable joy of comprehension and discovery. Perhaps our project will encourage someone to be creative. After all, creative vigor is like a strong elastic spring that harbors the charge of a powerful blow. No wonder the wise aphorism says:“Only a beginning creator is omnipotent!”