Triangular dormer window on the roof. Dormer window on the roof: types of structures, design rules, installation stages. Functions of dormer windows

Dormer windows this is an almost integral attribute of many buildings of the last century with a pitched roof. The purpose of this element is not clear to everyone, so today we will understand the purpose, functions and necessity of constructing such windows in a private house.

What is a dormer window

The very phrase “dormer window” can be misleading, because it is not intended to listen to anything. The fact is that previously the word “hearing” was given an alternative meaning: opening, vent, that is, in fact, it meant a hole.

Dormer windows are installed in pitched roofs and there are several types. The most popular windows are those protruding from the slope to form a triangular pediment. Some modifications are supplemented with straight walls at the base, while the front part acquires a “house” profile. Depending on the architecture of the building and the configuration of the roof, dormers can have an arched ceiling, be covered with one longitudinal slope, and even have panoramic glazing - in a word, take any shape necessary for the unity of the architectural style.

Dormer windows can also be considered dormer windows, but they have a slightly different purpose and design. The main structural difference is that the window is framed with a sealing contour and special flashings, while standard construction methods are used between the covering of the dormer window and the slope roof junctions- skates and valleys. On the other hand, a roof window provides full lighting; it is also subject to high energy saving requirements, which is often not important for a conventional dormer window.

Purpose and functions

But why then do you need a dormer window? To answer this question, you should consider the thermal engineering model of the roof and attic floor in summer and winter.

During the cold season, when the building is heated from the inside, a certain amount of heat and water vapor penetrates through the ceiling. The attic, operated in cold mode, acts as a sealed airlock, eliminating the effect of wind on the thermal protection circuit and slightly increasing the temperature of the outside air.

However, steam entering a confined space does not go unnoticed: moisture freezes on the supporting structure and the underside of the roof because it does not have the opportunity to evaporate into the air. external environment. Thanks to the dormer windows in the attic, moderate air exchange with the street is maintained without intense flows, so the overall thermal regime of the roof does not change too much, but frost does not form.

In summer, the dormer window promotes active ventilation of the under-roof space and cooling of the attic floor. This effect may seem insignificant, but history knows many examples when dormer windows turned out to be incredibly useful. One of these was the re-equipment of the roof of the Moscow Manege, where the damage to the finishing of the ceiling of the upper floor due to overheating was eliminated by inserting dormer windows. There is an opinion that the name of the windows comes from the name of the foreman who led the team of roofers involved in this project.

It should be noted that the presence of dormer windows allows you to create a warm attic that remains airtight in winter time and is ventilated in summer. In addition, through the dormer windows in attic space sufficient light enters to inspect the ceiling and rafter system. There is also access to the roof surface through the dormer openings.

Device Features

When installing a dormer window in the roof, three important nuances must be taken into account: the height of the insert, the connection with the rafter system and the junction of the roof covering. With the height of the inset, everything is simple: in the area of ​​the mauerlag there is an irrationally used volume of the under-roof space, so in most cases it is advantageous for the bottom of the opening to be located at the level of the attic floor. However, if the roof has a long eaves or rafter system stands on a parapet, the window will inevitably crash at some height.

The width of the dormer window is limited by the distance between the rafters. Inserting a window on a section of the slope that is intersected by a rafter leg inevitably necessitates strengthening the supporting system and installing additional spacers and racks. Of course, there are roofs with frequent rafter pitches and in such cases modification of the rafter system is inevitable; however, it is preferable to install several small windows rather than one large one.

10 minutes to read.

A dormer window is a window located in the roof of a building. Its main function is ventilation and lighting of the attic space. However, in addition to purely technical functions, dormer windows have a decorative value, being an important component of the external appearance of the building. In this article we will analyze the main types of dormer windows, their designs, the nuances of selection and placement.

A short excursion into history

Dormer windows were first used in architecture medieval Europe, becoming especially widespread during the Renaissance (XV-XVI centuries). In Gothic buildings they were traditionally decorated with rich stucco or carvings, turrets, side pilasters and false columns. Structurally, they were a continuation of the wall of the building’s facade, and were located parallel to it. Visible from afar, such structures in an exquisite decorative frame became a real business card the entire building.

The construction term “dormer window” is used only in Russian, having no analogues in other countries. Thus, in Europe, windows in the roofs of buildings, since the Middle Ages, have traditionally been called “lucarnes” in the French manner.

Dormer windows - lucarnes

In England and the USA, the name dormer or skylight is more common - attic, skylight. Where did this rather strange name come from in our language? There are two versions of the origin of this name. One is given in V. Dahl’s Russian language dictionary, and the other is associated with the legend about the construction of the Moscow Manege.

The great Russian ethnographer Dal gives in his dictionary the following interpretation this architectural term. “A hearing window made in the roof.” The word “rumor” previously in colloquial Russian also had the meaning of “vent”, “ventilation hole”. Dahl is inclined towards this interpretation, because “there is nothing to listen to in the attic through this window.” The legendary version associated with the construction of an arena in Moscow is also widespread. This building, now located on Manezhnaya Square of the same name, was erected in honor of the five-year anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleonic hordes from Russia.

As you can see, the playpen has many dormers

Initially, the Manege was called Exertsirgauz, and was intended for drill training of troops, as well as for reviews and parades during bad weather. The construction was initiated by the victorious Emperor Alexander I personally. The construction of the building was completed in a year, and the autocrat had to personally accept the building. But by the time Alexander visited the Manege, a big problem had occurred: suspended ceilings, richly decorated plaster stucco, for some reason were noticeably deformed. This did not escape the meticulous gaze of the emperor, who ordered the cause of the defect to be identified and eliminated.

The reason turned out to be simple: deformation of the rafters made of larch. Metal roofing The playpen heated up in the summer sun, and after it, the attic space, made without vents, also heated up. The civil engineer Slukhov was entrusted with correcting the situation, who found a way out in the device along the entire length of the roof of two rows ventilation windows. Since then, roof windows have become an integral part of the structures of all large buildings, especially those roofed with metal. And in Russian architecture, they are named after the engineer Slukhov, and the name “auditory” is supposedly assigned to them.

More information about the history of dormer windows:

Types of roof windows

Over time, dormer windows began to be installed in all houses, which was facilitated by the fashion for arranging residential attics in previously uninhabited attics. Today, all their varieties can be divided into several main types:

  • Pedimental. They are installed in the end, gable wall of the house and are currently the most common and simple design. It is used for gable roofs and consists of inserting a regular window into a gable wall. Geometric shape it can be very different - from rectangular to round and multifaceted.
  • Dormer. This design came to us from England, as evidenced by its name. In Russia it is often informally called “cuckoo”. It is located directly in the roof of the building, protruding beyond its boundaries. Dormer has several options, depending on the shape of the walls and external slopes. This type of dormer window is structurally quite complex, and entails additional costs of time and effort for its arrangement. However, it allows you to increase the internal volume of the attic space and has undeniable design advantages.
  • Antidormer. A similar dormer window is also located in the roof slope. But, unlike the dormer, it does not go beyond the slope, but, on the contrary, seems to be buried in it. This design, although it has its aesthetic appeal, is not so popular due to the complexity of its implementation and the need for careful waterproofing. Also, the anti-dormer “eats” a significant part of the internal under-roof space.
  • Dormer window. An option that is installed in the roof slope, but does not protrude or recess into it. The window is located at an angle, flush with the slope. This allows you to maximize the level natural light attics. In terms of its design, this version of the dormer window is the simplest and most inexpensive. The downside is the need for good waterproofing of the joints of the window structure and roof slopes to avoid leaks.
  • Clerestory. In a strict sense, skylights are not considered dormer windows, although they perform the same functions. They are installed on flat roofs and are designed to allow sunlight to enter the building. If the design includes skylights with opening flaps, they also serve to ventilate the premises.

Types of dormer windows

The dormer window has the greatest aesthetic appeal, and gives construction workers - both professional architects and self-taught carpenters - the greatest flight of imagination. Today you can meet the most different types“cuckoos” located in rural huts and country mansions, public administrative buildings and country houses. The most common designs of dormers are:

  • Single-pitch. The roof of the dormer window slopes towards the street.
  • Gable. The shape of the roof of such a “cuckoo” repeats the classic gable roof of a conventional building.
  • Triangular. A simplified version of a gable dormer, in which there are no side walls.
  • Hip. Has a more respectable appearance. Traditionally, the slope of the hip is made at the same angle as the slope of the roof of the house.
  • Flat, or French. They have a flat roof on all sides three sides equipped with small slopes.
  • Arched. A rather complex version of a dormer window with a roof rounded in the form of an arch.
  • "Bat". A complicated type of arched dormer, having a curved shape, tapering and sharpening towards the edges. In Europe it is also called "bull's eye".

These are only the main, so to speak, typical versions of dormers. In fact, there are many transitional forms that combine elements of one design or another.

Technical functions of the dormer window

In addition to decorative and aesthetic functions, dormer windows also play a purely utilitarian role. Moreover, this role is the main one - the durability and ease of use of the structure depend on it. Among their main technical purposes can be called:

Depending on whether the attic space is residential or not, the dormer windows can be glazed or covered with decorative bars.

Glass provides warmth in the residential attic, but allows the room to be ventilated only when the sash is opened. If the attic is not residential, then glazing the roof windows is not recommended. It is better to choose an option with bars or blinds that prevent cats and birds from entering the attic, but do not interfere with natural ventilation.

Building code requirements

Vaults building codes actives have their own requirements for dormer windows. So, according to SNiP, the pediments of a window installed in pitched roof, must be supported by side walls. The height of these side walls should not be less than one and a half meters. The side walls should rest on the attic floor beams, and the window pediment should additionally rest on the outer wall of the building. Therefore, in accordance with the standards, when constructing a roof frame, a rafter system is initially installed, and only after that the racks are tied to the rafters.

Next, the arrangement of the dormer window is carried out according to the scheme prescribed in GOST No. 12-506-81. The rafters adjacent to the side walls of the dormer are made double, and their ends are cut flush with external wall building. Then beams are installed between them with rafters, serving as jumpers. These beams must be secured to the rafter legs using overhead brackets. Cutting or cutting into rafters is not allowed, as this weakens the roof frame structure.

Gable frames are made strictly vertically, flush with the outside load-bearing wall the buildings. After installing the dormer ridge, the pediment is checked again for verticality. All connections are carefully secured using overhead brackets and self-tapping screws, or through bolted connections. It is recommended to use moisture-resistant plywood for cladding the gable of a dormer window.

All provisions of GOST in relation to private construction are rather advisory in nature. That's why House master, who independently builds a house, may allow deviations from building standards, but not to the detriment of technical specifications designs. Thus, it is necessary to provide effective waterproofing of the roof and walls of the dormer, especially in the places where it interfaces with the roof of the house.

If the attic is residential, then the required level of thermal insulation should be ensured by covering the walls and roof of the dormer window with insulation and vapor barrier.

How to make a dormer window with your own hands, see the following video:

Features of choice

When choosing the type of dormer window, you need to rely on a number of factors. If the attic is not residential, and the window is needed only as a vent, then it is better to opt for the pediment version. This is the simplest and most low-budget type of dormer windows, which can be easily cut even in a ready-made roof.

When a home owner wants to decorate the roof decorative design, giving the building an original and sophisticated look, you can choose one of the types of dormer windows. Thanks to their design, they are clearly visible from the outside, and can be executed in various design options. They will also solve the problem of insufficient internal space in the attic.

For residential attics, sloping windows installed flush with the roof slope are most suitable. They provide excellent natural lighting to the interior space. At the same time, a roof window is the simplest option for installation directly in the roof, which does not require the construction of additional frame structures in the form of walls and pediments. For good thermal insulation, it is recommended to install double-glazed windows in roof windows.

Dormer windows are not only an architectural and aesthetic element of the house design, but also perform important technical functions. Therefore, their selection and arrangement should be approached as responsibly as possible, taking into account all the factors influencing their operational characteristics.

Dormer windows on the roof are installed as a source of natural light and ventilation in attics and attics. And thanks to all kinds constructive solutions they also perform an aesthetic function - the facade of the house acquires an attractive and finished appearance.

Functional purpose

Houses with a roof with a dormer window always stand out from the general development with their original, unique appearance.

Dormer windows make the building stand out from the background of ordinary houses

What is a dormer window for? Its main function is to provide ventilation and lighting of the under-roof space. When choosing the location of the source of natural light in the attic or attic, it is important to take into account the orientation of the future dormer window to the cardinal points. It should face south, then all the requirements for natural insolation of the room will be achieved.

The attic window can be replaced with a device ventilation grille. The absence of even a minor element in the roof structure ventilation duct will entail significant troubles:

  1. Heat loss will inevitably occur into the attic space, where when the air cools, condensation forms, which, due to the lack of ventilation, will accumulate in a closed room.
  2. Due to the lack of lighting, mildew and mold will spread very quickly in the attic.

The grille can be installed on the facade of the house from any material. It can be brick, wood, block houses.

The attic grill serves as a replacement for the dormer window

Also, a dormer window on the roof can provide access to the roof for repair or installation work.

If we talk about the architectural appearance of the building, then a hip, hip or half-hip roof by its very design suggests the construction skylights.

What are they?

Exist different solutions. The window structure can be built into the roof plane or it can be vertical glazing.

The use of small triangular, arched and trapezoidal openings with a fully glazed vertical plane is common.

Dormer windows on the roof, the structures of which have side walls, vary depending on the type of roof:

  • flat;
  • quadrangular single-pitched;
  • quadrangular gable;
  • triangular;
  • semicircular;
  • panoramic trapezoidal;
  • light lanterns;
  • round.
  1. Single-pitch

This is the simplest type, characterized by the presence of a flat roof, the slope of which is less than the slope of the roof.

A lean-to window has a flat roof with a slight slope

It is characterized by the presence of sufficient space under the ceiling compared to the gable option. When installing it, attention should be paid to providing high-quality drainage equipment for rainwater and other precipitation. The downside of a slight slope is the reduction in the number of options for roofing materials that can be used.

  1. The traditional solution is a window located in the wall plane on a gable roof.

Gable design windows significantly reduce the space under the roof

The design itself gable roof characterized by small headroom. The window can have a pointed or rounded shape. A complex structure will require greater financial costs than a lean-to structure. The downside is that the space under the roof will actually decrease.

  1. The external design of a hip window evokes an association with a measured and comfortable life. The angle of inclination of the structure and the roof repeat each other.
  2. The arched design gives the appearance of the house the atmosphere of a mansion. In addition to the horizontal placement of dormer windows, vertical placement is possible.
  3. A window called “skylight” will add visual lightness and airiness to the exterior of the building.

  1. Panoramic windows on the roof provide high visibility and maximum natural light.
  2. Fencing side surfaces trapezoidal windows are covered with roofing material.
  3. A window called a “bat window” is better suited for window designs with a slight slope.
  4. Dormer windows do not serve to decorate the facade. They perform the practical task of providing attic living space sufficient quantity natural light and fresh air. Installation of these windows will not require the construction of auxiliary structures. In terms of waterproofing qualities, modern window systems are reliable and durable.

Constructive decisions

There are several basic layouts for dormer windows:

Design and installation

Before starting design, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of SNiP II-26 and SNiP 21-01. Why do this? Compliance with them guarantees that the constructed structure will meet the requirements of reliability and durability, while the roof parameters will not lose the reliability and quality of their technical parameters.

SNiP conditions regarding the construction of dormer windows:

  1. The roof slope must have a slope of 35 degrees - in this case, installation is considered possible.
  2. If it is necessary to erect a superstructure, it is important to take into account the distances recommended by the standards from the external building envelope.
  3. The minimum size of the sashes that open and are located on the window is considered to be 0.6 by 0.8 meters, therefore, the permissible parameters of a roof window will be 1.2 by 0.8 meters.
  4. It is impossible for the window façade to hip roof and a quadrangular opening continued the wall of the building.

GOST assumes the use of different facing materials: copper, sheet metal, roof tiles. Windows can be equipped with overhangs, their own roofing or gutters.

In some cases, it is possible to arrange a balcony on the roof

If the opening is of sufficient size and there is a building envelope, it is possible to construct a balcony.

Frame development

After determining the parameters of the opening, it is necessary to begin developing a drawing future design, which should be not only functional, but also aesthetically attractive.

The width of the auditory opening is taken so that it exceeds half the width of the attic room.

Frame installation

The installation of a dormer window should occur at the stage of installation of the load-bearing system of the main roof of the building.

Structurally, the dormer opening is a roof in miniature. Its roof is equipped with its own load-bearing structures, lathing and, if necessary, a ridge.

The window frame contains the same elements as the roof truss system

First of all, gables are made on the roof surface. Then the ridge beams and rafters are fastened, and openings are made in the designated places.

It is necessary to fence the openings using strong rafters, which will distribute the main load. The rafters can be double or triple.

The racks are placed on the beam located below, connected at the top using a block. As a result, the structure must be connected using beams to the upper beam.

The result will be a frame that does not yet have its own rafter system.

To ensure that the rafters do not lose their load-bearing capabilities, all elements must be fastened using metal fasteners.

After checking the frame in all directions, you can begin installing the ridge beam and the supporting roof structure.


Moisture-resistant material is used to cover the side walls of the structure. The roof covering is laid at the stage of installation of all roofing material.

To avoid leaks, it is important to properly waterproof the joints using membranes, silicone sealants, clamping strips.

A dormer window is a frame with glass that is built into the plane of the roof.

It can have a wide variety of different shapes and designs, thanks to which the appearance of the entire house becomes original and unique and the building acquires its own style.

What types of dormer windows are there?

The types of dormer windows are determined by the shape of the roof above the window and design features: with flat roof;

· quadrangular lean-to;

· with a hip roof;


· quadrangular with gable roof;

· panoramic with trapezoid roof;

· attic;

· round or semicircular;

· all glass and many other options.

Dormer windows on the roof serve to ventilate a room in which no one lives, so that everyone wooden structures were not subject to rotting.

They are used as a door to the roof for repairs and maintenance, as well as an emergency exit in case of fire and other incidents. There are 4 main types of dormer windows:
In the gable wall. The location of this design is the top end wall between the slopes. As a rule, this area has a triangular shape. Such a dormer window is quite easy to install, since no additional structures are required for it.
Dormer. This design is located above the roof slope and protrudes above it. The design of such an element is not simple, so you will have to work hard when calculating. The most important thing is to strengthen the supporting structure of the roof and waterproof the window well. Dormer, in turn, has many modifications: gable, single-pitch, arched, triangular, built-in, panoramic.

Antidormer. It is the antipode of a dormer, that is, it is located in the very slope of the roof and does not protrude beyond it. This type of dormer window is not very common, although it is easier to construct and costs less. But at the same time it decreases effective area attic space.

Sloping window. Another name is a dormer window, which is located in line with the roof. These are the most modern designs, a huge variety of forms of which are presented metal-plastic products. They do not add special beauty to the roof, but they do an excellent job of their functions: they transmit a stream of light and do not require the installation of additional load-bearing elements and perfectly protect against moisture and water.

Useful tips

If you like a structure similar to the roof, the drawing should be ready at the stage of developing the roof frame. In the process of sketching and designing, you need to think through everything carefully, including the types of windows, their number and location.

Many years of experience have shown that it is not worth placing dormer window structures near the fronts, at a short distance from the ridge and near the eaves. The pitch between the windows should be such that the roofing material can be laid without difficulty. If the distance is small, snow will accumulate in the gaps, and preventive inspections of the roof will be difficult. Therefore, the minimum step between windows is 80 cm.

The lower edge of the window opening should be at a height of about 90 cm from the attic floor level. The owners are free to choose the height; it depends on the height of the ceiling of the attic itself.

Video instructions for installing a dormer window with your own hands:

Window installation

The installation of dormer windows on the roof begins immediately after the installation of the general rafter system of the entire roof. Everything needs to be planned in advance.

The frame for the dormer window is made of beams, but sometimes the side walls are lined with brick. In this case, the side walls should rest on the floor beams and be located at right angles to external wall. If the window opening is too wide, you need to compensate for the load. For this purpose, reinforced rafter legs(2-3 pieces together) framing the window opening.

Experts do not recommend cutting lintels into the rafters; this weakens the entire structure. The best option for fixing all elements is metal fasteners. Increased attention should be paid to the installation of the waterproofing layer. The window structure itself is insulated with the same material as the entire roof.

The window frame itself is another miniature roof, so you need to be very careful when making calculations. Answering the question of how to make a frame for a dormer window, we give below the sequence of work:
Fence the openings with rafter legs prepared to size from durable wooden beams that can withstand the load of the entire frame.
Lay the transverse beams, with the lowest element being at the level of the house wall, and the top element at your own discretion, depending on the height of the window.
Install vertical racks on the lower horizontal beam, which is at the level external wall, and tie them together using the upper cross beam.

Fasten the frame to the top beam using longitudinal bars.
Check the position of the frame both vertically and horizontally.
Lay down ridge beam and the rafters of the miniature window roof. It is better to make a template and cut out these elements using it.
Cover the walls on both sides with durable, moisture-resistant material.

The covering on the roof of the window and on the roof of the building itself is installed simultaneously to ensure that the roof is solid, durable and of high quality. When installing dormer windows, you need to be very careful so that the intended decoration of the roof and the house does not turn into a defect.

If you have a living space in the attic, then the design of the dormer window serves for lighting.

True, experts say that such openings allow much less sun into the house than attic ones, since the side walls prevent light from entering inside.

They can be installed on the roof of almost any structure - single-slope, gable, hipped, broken, multi-gable.

The most possible various options combination of the roof of the house with the appearance of the opening, and it can be placed both on the roof itself and on the pediment.

If you have chosen a flat roof option for your home, then you should consider that such a device must be equipped with additional gutters for drainage.

Therefore, the roof must be made at a slope of approximately 5 to 15º.

Option of a quadrangular shape with a gable and pitched roof similar in design to a window with a flat roof, but the slope angle of the slopes should be from 15 º.

On the roofs of private houses and cottages, triangular options are often found. Instead of side walls, it has slopes.

This way you can install it with fewer joints, but significantly less light will enter the room.

Looks very interesting option O round shape. It makes the appearance of the house very unusual.

Most interesting option both in terms of functionality and appearance, is a dormer window in the form of a skylight.

It makes the house visually lighter and airier, and allows a lot of sun into the rooms.

The dormer window is also attached between the rafters. They are used on slopes of 15 - 20º. This is an obstacle to water flows, so the design of this option is very complex.

Manufacturing of this product It’s almost impossible to do it yourself, so it’s best to order ready-made wooden or plastic windows from specialists.

Finished products from manufacturers have a special cover, which, when opened, protects the room from water ingress.

Dormer window design

Before creating a drawing of your future dormer window, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of SNiP, since compliance with building codes for installing a dormer or attic window with your own hands is necessary.

By adhering to these requirements, you will receive a reliable and durable product with powerful performance parameters.

· Installation is possible only if the roof has an angle of inclination of 35º;

· Superstructures must be placed at a clearly limited distance from the external walls;

· The doors must be no smaller than 0.6 by 0.8 m, that is, the opening size must be at least 1.2 by 0.8 m;

· If you want to make an opening with a hip roof, then it will not continue the wall of the house.

As for materials, copper, metal sheets, and tiles are used for cladding. Some options may have their own roof, ledges, and gutters.

If a very large opening is made in the roof, it can serve as a balcony.

Based on the parameters of your home, it depends on what types of dormer windows you can make.

Dormer window frame

When you have determined the dimensions of your opening, you should develop drawings of the future product. It should not only fulfill its functions, but also decorate the facade of the house.

Experts say that the total width of the auditory openings should be more than half the width of the attic.

After you have drawn up the drawing, you can begin constructing the product yourself. Manufacturing should begin when the supporting roof system of the entire building is installed.

The roof of the opening has its own bearing structures and the sheathing, if it is gable, then it’s your strong point. The design of the dormer opening is similar to the design of the roof of a house, only miniature.

First, the pediments are made on the roof of the house, then the ridge beams and rafters are attached. Openings are made in the right places.

They are fenced with very strong rafters, since they will bear the entire load. You can use double and even triple rafters.

After this, beams are fastened across the rafters. The lower beam will be placed at the level of the outer wall of the building. And the top one is as provided for by the dimensions of the future window.

Next, racks are placed on the underlying beam, which are connected on top with a block. The further arrangement involves connecting the structure to the upper beam using beams. IN last years The use of roof windows is becoming more and more widespread. In addition, occupying the same roof area, they provide more light due to the slope, in addition, they are much easier to install.

And yet, a dilemma often arises: what to choose? If the house was built a long time ago and it is necessary to adhere to certain architectural frameworks, then a dormer window will most likely be suitable. If the house was built relatively recently and you simply decided to make a residential attic for your house, then an attic may be suitable.

First, let's look at the auditory variety. To install it, you need special niches that the roof must have. Frame roof truss and side walls requires a large number of connections with the main roof, it is quite difficult to do it “by eye”. Therefore, we need a drawing created good specialist. The pediment and side walls are sheathed with construction plywood and sheathed facade material. Roofing materials are laid on the roof at the same level as the main roof. The connection between the dormer window and the roof is waterproofed and insulated.

The roof window is mounted between two rafters. Attic roofs serve as a barrier to water flow, which is why such a structure is usually installed mainly on roofs with a slope of 15-20 degrees. Modern roof windows are enough complex designs having good protection against leaks and cold. It will be very difficult to make it yourself, so that it turns out to be of high quality and reliable. Therefore, you will make your life easier by simply purchasing it from a reliable manufacturer. Fastening to the roof is carried out using a support plate. To drain water, the frame has a special flashing, represented by a metal frame, which is located around the perimeter. In order to open it, the design has friction hinges that are located just above the center of the window. They open the window frame so that all the water that gets into it flows onto the roof and does not get inside.


In private homes there is often a need for window opening in the roof. Completely redoing a roof is a rather long and expensive task, so it is possible to construct a dormer opening using several techniques.
Determining where the window will be

Window parameters should occupy no more than 10% of the space underneath them. Big windows on the roof provoke a large loss of heat. In addition, their glass is not strong enough and is not as resistant to external influences as necessary. The best option is to position the window precisely in the center between the two load-bearing roof beams.

We mount the window frame

Cut the required hole for the window opening in the slate and begin installation window frame. It is installed on the load-bearing roof rafters using a special wooden frame 40x50 mm. It is better to attach it to the rafters using stainless material. The frame is mounted with wood screws with tight fixation to the rafters. You can also mount a frame dormer window that will be parallel to the roof of the house, but such complex structures are best left to professionals.

Sealing and finishing the window opening

Sealants that are suitable for this:

· vapor-tight sealed self-expanding tape;

· acrylic;

· bituminous;

· silicone.

Self-expanding tape, laid in a layer around the perimeter, is best suited. The top of the crack can be sealed with acrylic material. It is better to perform such actions in warm and dry weather. If you decide to build a dormer window with your own hands, then let’s talk about it in a little more detail.


A flat roof dormer is usually installed with gutters, so the roof should have a slope of 5 to 15 degrees. A quadrangular design with a single-pitched or gable roof is similar to a window with a flat roof, but it must have a slightly larger slope of the slopes, at least 15 degrees.

A triangular-shaped dormer is most often found on roofs. country houses and cottages. This design does not have side walls; their place is taken by roof slopes. This leads to a decrease in the number waterproofing work, but at the same time reduces the illumination of the attic if the front part of such a window is not directed towards the facade of the house. IN Lately appeared interesting solution in a round shape. Popularly, such structures are called “frog mouth” or “ bat».

The most functional is the window in the form of a skylight. Visually, this is a lightweight structure that does not weigh down the roof, and it illuminates the attic perfectly. Specialists usually adhere to the following figures when drawing up drawings, determining the number and size of dormer windows: the total width must not exceed half the width of the attic, the lower edges of the dormer windows must be at a height of 0.9 m from the floor; The higher the dormer window is located, the better the lighting.


The dormer window frame is installed at the same time that the roof rafter system is being installed. If the roof is gable, the frame has its own sheathing and rafters. It's basically a separate mini-roof. When a rafter system is being erected, in those places where dormer windows are planned, it is necessary to provide openings that protect the rafter legs with increased strength, because they will have to take on the weight of the dormer window structure.

Then transverse beams are laid on the rafter legs: the upper one according to the size of the window, and the lower one at the level of the outer wall of the house. Vertical posts are installed on the lower beam, which are connected at the top by a transverse bar. We get a frame, which we fasten with longitudinal beams to the upper beam, which is laid on reinforced rafters. So we get a frame, but so far without the rafter system of the window itself. The rafter system in the attic is made following the image of the main roof structure.
Triangular window frame

When installing lintel beams, it is not advisable to make cuts into the rafters of the main roof structure in order to prevent weakening of the load-bearing capacity. All frame elements are fastened using metal fasteners. After checking the frame horizontally and vertically, you can install the ridge beam and small rafters of the dormer roof. Cut the rafters according to the template - this simplifies the work quite well. The side walls are covered with moisture-resistant material. The window roof is installed simultaneously with the installation of roofing material on the main roof.

Properly waterproof the joints between the dormer and the main roof to prevent leaks.

This way the rafters may lose their load-bearing capacity. All elements must be secured to metal fasteners.

The rafters can be cut into templates, which will significantly simplify the construction of the opening.

The walls are sheathed with moisture-resistant materials, and the roof is made together with the installation of the roof of the entire house.

Particular attention should be paid to insulating joints from moisture to prevent leaks.

Membranes, silicone sealants, and pressure strips are used as insulating materials.

If you want to make a roof window with your own hands, then such a device is installed directly in the roof.

Their advantage is that they allow more sunlight into the rooms, and installation is much faster.

How to make such a window in a finished roof?

Often home owners need to install a dormer window in a finished roof.

Remaking it completely is not a cheap task, as a result of which many are interested in how to make such a window themselves. Making this option is not at all difficult.

It is better to place the dormer window in the center between the load-bearing beams. This will make the window stronger and more stable.

An opening is cut into the roofing material. Then the frame is installed on the supporting rafters.

They fasten it with self-tapping screws, fixing it very tightly.

The window opening should be carefully sealed with bitumen, silicone or acrylic sealant or vapor barrier tape.

A person, planning to build a house, dreams of creating something special, unlike all the buildings that existed before.

For two centuries now, people have been successfully decorating their homes by installing various dormers on the roof.

It is this unique “zest” that can give a home its individuality, making it recognizable and memorable. To achieve the desired result, you need to carefully think through this element, select materials successfully and perform it with high quality.

A little history

Europe. Roofs with dormer windows appeared in the 19th century in all European countries almost simultaneously. They arose as a functional element of the building for ventilation and lighting of the attic, making attics suitable for constructing residential and utility rooms.

But immediately dormer windows began to serve as decoration for buildings. Europe in the 19th century was characterized by lucarnes - exquisitely decorated dormers in the same style as the façade of the building, be it Gothic, Renaissance or Baroque. Moreover, in different countries they looked different.

Russia . The appearance of dormer windows in Russia is associated with the construction of the Manege in 1817 in honor of the fifth anniversary of the victory in the Russian-French war. This grandiose building, 45 m wide, was covered with wooden trusses, to which there was a suspended ceiling. But, since the construction was carried out in a hurry, the larches for the structures were damp, cracks soon appeared in the structures, and the ceiling was bent.

According to legend, team worker Alexey Slukhov, whose name is associated with the name “dormer windows,” took on the task of correcting the defects. Under his leadership, rectangular holes were cut into the roof of the building and decorated with additional structures in the form of houses with walls, a roof and a glass facade - a window through which the building was ventilated. The design showed its effectiveness - the floor trusses, and as a result the ceiling, straightened.

The first experiment turned out to be successful; the majestic building of the Manege still exists today with dormer windows, which, undoubtedly, is its decoration.

So this architectural design took root in Russia, making the attics of houses habitable, primarily in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Mostly people with little income settled here. In addition to living quarters, workshops and other utility rooms were located in the attics. Through the dormer windows one could easily access the roof to repair it, as well as escape in case of natural disasters - fire or flood.

The design has proven its durability - today you can see a wide variety of dormer windows.

Window classification

  1. In the gable wall;
  2. Dormer:
    1. triangular,
    2. quadrangular with pitched roof
    3. trapezoidal,
    4. segment-shaped with a trapezoidal roof (panoramic),
    5. arched (“bat”, “bull’s eye”);
  3. Antidormer;
  4. Oblique;
  5. Clerestory.

The classification does not end there. Thanks to development construction technologies With the emergence of new materials, old window designs are being improved and new ones are being developed.

Constructive decisions

There are four basic diagrams of dormer windows.

In the gable wall

The window is located in the gable (the upper part of the end wall in the shape of a triangle, limited by the roof slopes) in the plane of the facade. The window structure does not require additional structures; you can easily get through it external staircase to the attic.


The window is located entirely above the roof slope. The design of such a window requires reinforcement structural elements roofs and thorough waterproofing. From an architectural point of view, this is the most common and most spectacular type of dormer windows, having a large number of modifications.

Diagrams of some types of dormer windows dormer are given here.


The window does not protrude beyond the roof slope, is built-in and therefore reduces the useful volume of the attic. This type of window is not widely used, although it is simpler to implement than dormer. The option is more economical in terms of materials consumption and simpler in terms of waterproofing.

Sloping (dormer) window

It is located directly in the plane of the roof. Currently, effective attic designs have been developed, in particular metal-plastic windows various forms: standard rectangular, round, triangular.


It is a completely glass window and can have different shapes. The design provides maximum illumination. It is used on the roofs of industrial and public buildings.

Dormer windows on the roof photo - examples of use in individual residential buildings

The roof is gable with a dormer window - a traditional solution. It is located in the plane of the wall on the roof slope.

The lean-to structure consists of three windows with piers.

Hip windows evoke feelings of antiquity, comfort and regularity of life. With this solution, the angles of inclination of the roof and the hip are equal.

A triangular dormer window on the roof is a common attribute of a romantic, sometimes even fairy-tale house.

Attention ! It is the triangular window design that is the simplest in design and convenient for waterproofing.

The disadvantage is the limited amount of light.

An arched bull's-eye window will give the interior the features of a patriarchal mansion.

Dormer windows on the roof can be arranged in vertical groups in addition to the usual horizontal arrangement.

The panoramic window provides a wide view and maximum illumination.

There are no side walls at the window with a trapezoidal roof. All of its covering is done with roofing material.

Can be used different types dormer windows within the same roof.

There are three types of windows on this large roof. But perhaps the most interesting of them are the windows, called “bat” or “frog’s mouth” due to their recognizable outlines. Their device is on tiled roof thoroughly developed by the tile manufacturer, Roben.

Batwing windows will look impressive even on roofs with a minimal slope.

It is difficult to decorate a building using flat roof windows.

Nevertheless, they transmit light perfectly, do not require additional structures and, thanks to well-developed installation technology, provide reliable waterproofing.

Basic design requirements

The number, type and size of dormer windows are determined by the purpose of the premises, the required illumination, the orientation of the building to the cardinal points, the general architectural concept of the building and the materials used. That is, dormer windows are designed at the sketch stage, and not at the stage of developing the roof plan.

SNiP requirements must be observed when designing windows of any design and style. This necessary condition to ensure the strength and integrity of the roof structure and the durability of the building as a whole.

The top of the window is assigned arbitrarily based on the size of the roof. The higher it is, the more light will enter the room.

The area of ​​dormer windows in residential premises should be 1/6-1/8 of the floor area.

The design and installation of a dormer window should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. Regardless of the design features and style of the chosen design, it is necessary to comply building regulations and norms. This allows us to ensure the necessary reliability and durability of this structure without weakening the operational parameters of the building’s roof.

The key SNiP requirements for dormer windows include:

  • installation is permissible if the roof slope angle is 35 degrees or more;
  • superstructures must be located at a regulated distance from the external walls of the building;
  • sashes that open and are located on the dormer window must have minimum size 0.6×0.8 m, which means its permissible size on the roof will be 1.2×0.8 m;
  • if a window with a hip roof and a quadrangular opening is provided, its facade cannot be a continuation of the wall of the building.

Warning ! When designing, you should maintain proportions and not overload the roof with a row of massive windows.

Dormer windows on the roof, design

The basis of the dormer window design is the frame, which is mounted simultaneously with the roof rafter system.

The structure is most often made of wood, although the side walls can be made of brick.

The installation of the dormer window is carried out after the roof frame - the gables must be erected and the rafter system of the building must be installed. Openings are made in the places where dormer windows are installed. If the opening is larger than 110-130 cm, then in order to compensate for the increased load from the window structure, the rafter legs framing the opening must be double or triple. The side walls of the dormer window structure are installed perpendicular to the outer wall and supported by floor beams.

Important ! When installing lintel beams, cutting into the roof trusses is unacceptable, as this weakens its structure. Metal fasteners should be used to secure all frame elements.

Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing. The structure of the dormer window should be insulated with the same layer of insulation as the roof. External cladding walls are usually made of the same material as the facade of the building.