Do-it-yourself wave geyser repair. Water block of a gas water heater - repair and adjustment of a gas-water unit. Characteristic popping sounds when the unit is turned on

The geyser should last long enough. It is only important to properly care for it and perform all the necessary actions indicated in the instructions.

But when a breakdown occurs, you need to know who should repair it geyser.


The internal part is considered the same type gas water heater. If you look at the device from other companies, there are no significant differences. The difference lies in certain options, for example, the presence of a second temperature sensor, or a display.

In the inside of the device there is special heat exchanger. It is a tube with a ribbed texture made of copper. It is along it that the flow of water moves.

During a breakdown, many are interested in what to choose: do-it-yourself repair or call a specialist. Both options should be considered.

To eliminate bad smell(this may indicate a gas leak), it is necessary to repair the device. Most often they call the experts.

You can contact Gorgaz employees. But there is a high risk that they will not come due to workload. Sometimes the reason for refusal is that the repair work should be carried out by the company that installed the relevant equipment.

Note! If you turn to a company for help, make sure that it has all the certificates that allow it to carry out repair work.

Today there are many companies that do not have supporting documents. Therefore, if you see the incompetence of the master, refuse his services. back side is that often such companies charge twice the actual value from you.

The second option is to repair the geyser yourself. Not all problems can be resolved on your own. But, if you know how to work with tools, then repair work will not seem difficult to you.


It is worth noting that common problems with geysers involve incorrect adjustment. You should not leave the factory setting if you can configure it yourself.

In this case, use the instructions for repairing the gas water heater:

  • you should set the handle for supplying gas and water to the minimum value;
  • then open the taps to supply gas and water;
  • then open the tap with hot water, adjusting the pressure. To do this, use the handle on the equipment;
  • you should wait 1-2 minutes, then measure the value temperature regime. Then increase the flame to the optimal value;
  • after reaching optimal conditions renovation work needs to be completed. Now you can safely use the device.


If you're asking what you can repair yourself, then it's pressure. After all, problems can often arise. The device may also not start at all. To a large extent it depends on the pressure.

You can fix the problem in one of the following ways:

  • at high blood pressure systems, you can either change the inlet valve or install a pressure regulator;
  • if the system pressure is low, then it is necessary to change the membrane. After all, there is a high probability that it is clogged.

Important! When the membrane fails, the equipment most often fails and ceases to function normally. The unit stops responding to water pressure.


The most time-consuming part is cleaning the main pipe. Indeed, with barely warm water, when the gas knob is squeezed all the way, you can draw conclusions about possible clogging. During this period, heat is transferred rather poorly.

Because of Bad quality water users often encounter problems such as scale. This negatively affects the operation of the equipment, their thermal conductivity decreases significantly, and gas consumption increases significantly.

Before starting work, you need to check the inlet tap and valve. Perhaps this is the reason for the deterioration in functional performance.

No ignition

Another reason for breakdowns can occur due to several reasons. The column does not light up when any of the following reasons are present.

In the absence of normal draft in the chimney, there may be this situation. This is one of the most common and simple reasons. If the chimney is clogged, there is no draft and the heater cannot ignite normally.

To check the malfunction, you need to bring a napkin, or just a piece of paper, to the chimney. When trembling, the craving for in perfect order. If there is no trepidation, you should start cleaning the chimney.

Perhaps the reason for the non-ignition is the discharge of certain power components. This could also be due to a faulty wire or igniter unit. To correct this situation, you need to insert the battery and also check the electrical ignition system.

The equipment may also turn off spontaneously, and the water heater often leaks. The last problem occurs due to the long operating time of the device.


There are a number of cases where independent repair work is acceptable. In this case, you must be especially careful. After all, if done poorly or if there are errors, people may suffer.

If you are unsure of your qualifications, then you need to contact specialists.

Photo of the geyser repair process

Let’s say right away that repairing a geyser, like any other gas equipment, is a matter exclusively for professionals. But, although repairing speakers with your own hands is not allowed, knowledge is never superfluous. The ability to determine on your own what exactly is broken, what this breakdown threatens, and what the repair could cost will not hurt anyone. What kind of breakdowns of geysers happen, and what “symptoms” are they accompanied by?

How does a gas water heater work?

To begin with, before getting acquainted with the basics of fault diagnosis, it is useful to find out how the gas water heater is designed; repairs will largely depend on the device. We will not delve into the intricacies of the design of many speaker models; we will limit ourselves to just getting acquainted with the general principles.

Centralized hot water supply appeared relatively recently by historical standards. The issue of heating water at home has been resolved different ways, but the most common one we had was a storage solid fuel heater - the so-called titanium. Titanium was heated with coal, less often with wood or fuel oil. The water in the boiler had to be heated in advance. So it took at least an hour to take a bath. Of course, using such a device was very inconvenient. The problem of quickly heating water was solved in geysers.

The operation of the column is accompanied by popping noises

Possible reasons are as follows:

      • The gas pressure is too strong, the burner ignites too actively, causing the flame to fail.
      • The gas pressure is too weak, air gets inside the burner, which is accompanied by a micro-explosion.

The burner needs cleaning and adjustment. In principle, nothing complicated, but you don’t need to take on this work yourself; repairs to the geyser should be carried out by a specialist.

Low water temperature

Insufficient water heating may be due to low power columns. Don't open at the same time hot tap in the bath, sink and kitchen, or buy a more powerful unit.

Another possible reason the burner may be clogged, as indicated by yellow flame. Call a gas technician, a specialist will solve this problem in an hour.

When you turn on the speaker you smell gas

This is already serious and threatens with the most dire consequences. Immediately turn off the column, turn off the gas supply valve, ensure constant ventilation in the room, call the emergency service (104) and wait for the brigade to arrive.

In conclusion, once again I would like to remind you about safety. Do not attempt to disassemble, clean or repair gas equipment yourself. This work is for qualified professionals only.

From the author: Hello, dear readers! Despite the popularity electric water heaters, gas equipment occupies a considerable niche. It is highly efficient, economical and has many other advantages. Of course, like any other equipment, such a heater requires regular maintenance, and sometimes minor repairs that can be done at home.

In order for you to be able to carry out these operations, you need to know how to disassemble a gas water heater. Today this is exactly what we will talk about. In addition to the disassembly process, you will also learn about methods for descaling the heat exchanger, as well as some repair work.

Regarding the last point, it is worth saying the following right away. Not every repair procedure can be done at home. Blue fuel is a flammable and explosive substance, therefore, if there is even the slightest likelihood of such consequences occurring, you are strictly prohibited from fixing the problems yourself. Moreover, this is not a theoretical ban, but a very official one.

There are several types of problems that can only be resolved by specialists:

  • igniter malfunction- it needs to be replaced;
  • When the speaker is operating, popping noises are heard- this indicates too high or too low pressure when supplying gas; adjustment of the column is necessary;
  • When the burner is running, the flame is yellow, not blue- most likely, the problem is a clogged element;
  • When you turn on the equipment you smell gas.

Since in all four cases we're talking about If there is a malfunction of the elements responsible for the supply and combustion of gas, only specialists from the relevant service should deal with the issue.

It is worth mentioning separately about the fourth case. If you smell gas when you turn on or operate the column, you need to take several actions immediately.

  1. Turn off the equipment.
  2. Close the shut-off valve on the gas supply pipe.
  3. Ensure an intensive level of air exchange in the room - in other words, open the windows for ventilation.
  4. Call the emergency gas service and outline the problem.

Apart from turning off the dispenser and turning off the gas, you cannot do anything else with this equipment until the problem is fixed by specialists. Safety is the most important thing you should remember in this situation.

Well, we've sorted out the prohibitions. Let's now move on to what you can do yourself if your speaker is acting up and doesn't want to work properly.

Equipment disassembly

Before you begin disassembling the equipment, you need to do three things:

  • shut off the water supply;
  • shut off the gas supply;
  • remove the speaker from the wall.

The first two operations are done using shut-off valves installed on the corresponding pipes. As for removal from the wall, there are options. If you just need to carry out a routine inspection of the inside of the device, then the column can be left in place. If any repair work or cleaning is required, it is better to remove the device. As a rule, it is fixed on the wall using special elements and fasteners. To remove, you only need a screwdriver.

Before removing the speaker from its rightful place, be sure to disconnect it from all communications. First, open the “hot” tap at the nearest water tap and drain the remaining water in the heat exchanger. Then close this faucet. Disconnect water pipes, then gas. Don't forget about the chimney pipe.

  1. Removing the handles. We are talking about regulators that are located on the main panel of the device. They are installed on the same principle as the handles on regular stove. You can remove them either by simply pulling them towards you, or by prying them with a long flat-head screwdriver and, again, pulling.
  2. Removing the casing. The front panel is usually secured with screws. Their location depends on the specific speaker model - they can be at the top and bottom, or on the rear panel. In any case, they need to be found and unscrewed. After this you can remove the front panel. Sometimes it is additionally secured with hooks. In this case, you need to lift the lid a little and only then pull it towards you. Do not make sudden movements, since wires are attached to the control panel from the internal elements of the speaker. They need to be disconnected and only then completely remove the casing.
  3. Removing the heat exchanger. Typically, it is attached to the fume hood and to gas burner using screws. They need to be unscrewed and pulled out, and then the element itself must be removed, being careful not to damage the wires and contacts. Detailed description You can watch the video of removing the heat exchanger:

For all these operations you only need a set of screwdrivers. Be careful: place all removed screws in some container so that they do not get lost later. When it comes to removing the heat exchanger, we recommend photographing the location of the structural elements before each subsequent step. This way you can later easily restore their original position and connect everything correctly.

After the equipment is completely disassembled, you can begin preventive or repair procedures.

Removing scale from the heat exchanger

Scale is very common problem any water heating equipment. It is formed as a result of the interaction of salts contained in water with high temperatures. Accordingly, its main concentration falls on those elements that are simultaneously in contact with both heat and liquid. In this case, it is a heat exchanger.

Scale has a rather negative impact for equipment. At a minimum, it clogs the tubes, reducing their capacity. Because of this, the water circulates worse, and even heats up poorly in the process.

You can determine whether there is a problem even before you disassemble the column and look inside the heat exchanger. Symptoms may include:

  • hot water from the mixer runs much worse than cold water;
  • the gas in the water heater goes out almost immediately after ignition;
  • the column does not turn on;
  • The water began to heat up worse than before.

Fortunately, you can deal with scale yourself, and it will not require any major costs. You only need a certain amount of time, a large basin, a hose, lemon acid and warm water. Just in case, also stock up on a rag - a little liquid may spill on the floor during the process.

  1. Prepare a cleaning solution. To do this, 100 grams of citric acid must be diluted in 1 liter of warm water. If there is a lot of scale, then it is better to use more radical means. In shops household chemicals various are sold chemical compositions designed specifically to remove such deposits. Of course, this will cost more than citric acid, but this product also works more effectively. If both options are not suitable for you for some reason, you can try a not too concentrated solution of vinegar - you should use the table variety for it, not the essence. In extreme cases, a soda like Coca-Cola or Sprite can pass for a cleaning agent. They contain orthophosphoric acid, which plays the role of a solvent. But use this method at your own peril and risk, since, to put it mildly, it is not recommended.
  2. Place the heat exchanger in a large basin. Pour the prepared solution into the tubes until they are completely filled. To make it more convenient, use a rubber enema bulb or something similar.
  3. If you used vinegar or lemon solution for cleaning, then the heat exchanger should lie in a flooded state for 15 minutes. If you used store-bought chemicals, the soaking time is indicated on the package.
  4. After the soaking has taken effect, it is necessary to drain the solution and rinse the heat exchanger. For this you will need a hose. Lower one end of it into the nearest sink, and attach the other to the heat exchanger, which must be connected to the supply pipe cold water. Then open the shut-off valve on it. A stream of water will wash away all the solution, draining through the hose into the sink. Do the flushing for a longer period of time so that all the aggressive composition leaves the walls of the heat exchanger. Otherwise, exposure to substances will continue, which may lead to damage to the metal.

After washing, perform a visual inspection of the heat exchanger tubes. If the walls are clean, great, you can assemble the column to its original state. If there is some scale left in the tubes, then repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

Repair work

Now let's move on to repair work, which you can implement yourself. We remind you once again that some problems can only be fixed by specialists from the gas service. Do not ignore this warning, as this is primarily about your safety.

So let's look at what you can do if the column is:

  • does not ignite;
  • constantly fades;
  • does not heat well;
  • produces a stream of water with low pressure.

Burner does not light

The first thing you should do if such a problem occurs is to check the condition of the igniter. If it is not working, contact your gas service to have the element cleaned or replaced. If everything is in order with the igniter, then another cause of the problem may be the lack of a spark. For example, columns with electronically controlled Usually they issue it only if there is a power source, which is batteries. for new ones - most often, such a simple action leads to success.

Now let's move on to more complicated reasons. For example, the column may not ignite if there is no normal draft in the chimney. In this case, the sensor that monitors this factor will simply not allow the elements responsible for the fire to work. And he will do the right thing, because without recusal carbon monoxide using a speaker is deadly.

Diagnosing this problem is simple. Unfasten the pipe connecting the column pipe and the ventilation outlet. Then bring several long strips of paper to the latter. The test must be carried out when open window. If the paper is pulled into the channel, then everything is fine. If not, then there is a clear problem with traction.

There are two ways to solve this. The first is to clean the canal yourself. This is done strictly from the apartment side. To work, you will need a long metal brush. Use it to scrape off soot, cobwebs and other deposits from the canal walls. Then clean up the whole thing using a regular vacuum cleaner.

After this operation, check the traction again. If the situation has not changed, then this usually indicates the presence of a blockage somewhere deep in the channel. You can’t do anything about this on your own, so your path lies in an organization that provides home maintenance. Write a request for cleaning there ventilation system, after which a specialist will come and do everything.

The last reason for the lack of normal ignition of the column may be deformation of the membrane, which is located in the water unit. Regardless of the quality and cost of water heating equipment, this element wears out over time. It can serve for at most seven years. The result of deformation is a decrease in sensitivity - the membrane simply does not respond to increased water flow, so the signal for ignition is not given.

To confirm this assumption, open the tap on the mixer so that the water flow is as powerful as possible. If at the same time the column lights up, but does not at lower pressure, then the reason is almost 100% in the membrane.

To get to this element, you need to unscrew two nuts from the water unit, as well as three screws with which it is fixed in the gas unit. Then separate the knot into two halves. Inside you will see a rubber membrane. Ideally, it should be flat. If any deformation is observed, the element must be replaced. When you purchase a new membrane, opt for a silicone one - it will last much longer and more reliably than one made from ordinary rubber.

Since you have already climbed inside the water unit, then at the same time check the condition of the filter - as they say, so as not to get up twice. If the mesh is clogged with dirt, disconnect it and either wash it or replace it with a new one. Then install all the elements in place and reassemble the unit by performing the steps described above in reverse order.

The burner flame constantly goes out

As a rule, burner extinguishing is of protective origin. This is influenced by a sensor that monitors the heating level of the column. If the temperature begins to exceed the permissible value, the protection is activated and the burner turns off.

Normally, this does not happen often. But there are malfunctions in the operation of the equipment, as a result of which attenuation begins to occur constantly. Naturally, it is simply impossible to use the column in such cases. There are two options for how performance impairment manifests itself. temperature sensor:

  • the burner goes out after a while start of work, then the column cannot be started for about half an hour. After this period, it starts working again, after which everything repeats. This problem is caused by the excessive sensitivity of the temperature sensor. That is, the protective element reacts even to temperatures that are not dangerous for the equipment. As a rule, this malfunction is a consequence of a defect in production;
  • The burner behaves unpredictably. It can spontaneously go out at any time, or even not ignite at all in the first place. The reason is usually as follows. There is insulating material on the temperature sensor conductor. If it wears out, then chaotic short circuits to the housing begin to occur. Reacts to this safety valve, which turns off the burner.

In this case, the gas service will not be able to help with the repairs, but you are unlikely to be able to do it yourself. Of course, if you have experience in such work, then this is not a problem - just replace the sensor with a new one. But if you lack the appropriate skills, it is better to contact service center without trying to fix the problem yourself.

This is especially true for situations where the equipment is still under warranty. If you try to fix it yourself and you fail, then even under warranty you will not be able to restore the speaker’s functionality, since there will be interference from outside. Therefore, if the service period has not yet expired, then it is better to immediately send the column to repair specialists.

Poor water heating

There may be two reasons for this phenomenon. The first is burner clogging, as mentioned above. In this case, the flame turns yellow and not blue, as it should be. You cannot remove the blockage yourself, since this falls under the competence of the gas service.

The second reason is the initially incorrect selection of equipment. If the speaker has less power than is necessary for your family, then the result will be obvious. For example, you purchased a device designed for two water points, but in fact it works for three. It is clear that there is simply not enough water for such a volume of water.

There are two ways to solve this problem. Or buy a more powerful speaker that will suit your family's needs. Or hold a meeting of household members, at which you decide that only two water points can be used at the same time, and not three or more.

Poor water pressure

Too much weak pressure water is usually associated with clogging of the heat exchanger with scale. Its throughput capacity becomes much smaller, and therefore the jet produced is thinner. How you can get rid of scale yourself has already been discussed above. Moreover, it is advisable to carry out this procedure not when the column has already begun to produce a pathetic trickle instead of the normal pressure, but preventively - that is, regularly.

There are especially advanced cases when the heat exchanger tubes are almost completely clogged, and scale cannot be removed. In addition, the presence of a thick stuck layer often affects the condition of the walls. In such a situation, it is better not to bother with cleaning, but to replace the heat exchanger. In this regard, it is advisable to contact specialists who have experience in such work.

Dear friends, now it will not be difficult for you to disassemble, diagnose and fix the existing problem. When deciding on necessary work Remember that the main thing in this case is safety. Therefore, if you have any doubts, it is better to contact specialists. Good luck!

For most families, a gas water heater is the only way to cook warm water V home life. Regardless of the intensity of use and the country of origin, geysers often break down, stop heating and become useless. Considering that everyone needs hot water, a damaged gas water heater becomes a headache.

Now consider the reasons why the geyser refuses to work, we will divide them into two types:

    • Mechanical: wear of working elements (membrane torn, thermocouple, sensitive sensor burned out);
    • Natural: clogged burner, igniter tube, radiator - which significantly reduces efficiency.

These are the consequences of the lack of annual Maintenance, which is neglected by the owner, bringing the device to an inoperative state.

Repair of geysers at home on the same day!

Keep in mind, this type equipment is prohibited from being dismantled and taken to a service company, so repairs of geysers in Moscow are allowed to be carried out with a technician visiting the customer’s home. Thus, current repairs And preventive work The engineer is carried out directly to the installation site of the column, where, after a diagnostic inspection, the type and nature of the malfunction is revealed, and subsequent repairs are carried out with the replacement of new spare parts.

  • Soldering the heat exchanger - from upper reinforcement water is dripping or pouring;
  • Replacing the valve (servomotor) - does not turn on, the red LED is blinking.

Breakdowns and malfunctions of geysers

Breakdown No. 1. Turns off the wick after releasing the button. The most common damage occurs in manually switched speakers. Caused by a clogged igniter tube or a faulty bimetallic sensor. It is possible to clean the igniter yourself, but only with complete disassembly, so if you have doubts about the confidence in carrying out such work, the right decision will entrust repairs to qualified craftsmen.

Breaking №2. The water does not heat well or does not heat at all. The first step is to check the integrity of the membrane - if there is visible deformation, replace it with a new one. Clean the radiator and remove any accumulated soot. Soot interferes with heat exchange between hot gas and water. Eliminate the smoking factor to increase heating efficiency. To prevent the heater from losing heat in winter, the above actions should be carried out as part of regulated inter-seasonal prevention, otherwise there is an increased risk of completely losing the device or its main part - the heat exchanger.

Breakdown No. 3. It turns off after 1-2 minutes of operation. Pay attention and, if necessary, clean the carbon monoxide exhaust duct (check the draft). Light a match and bring it to the viewing window; if the flame does not deviate towards the window, you should consider calling a specialist to professionally check the carbon dioxide exhaust system.

How to repair a gas water heater

Call the master at urgent repairs geysers is carried out by prior agreement, with the reservation of arrival time and price. You can contact the specialist by calling the number provided. Having trouble connecting? Use the electronic application form or send a letter. To increase the speed of service and eliminate initial diagnostics, describe in detail the breakdown of the column without using technical terms.

It is worth noting that the gas water heater should be trusted to authorized persons, as it is a potentially dangerous piece of equipment. Unqualified intervention or service by an incompetent person in order to save money can lead to disastrous consequences and increase the subsequent price of services. We offer a professional approach to business. We have more than 6 years of experience working with geysers.

Many of us have wondered about the application instantaneous water heater. When thinking about the purchase process, probably everyone had gas water heaters on a special account. These devices, unlike their electric and storage counterparts, are more convenient and economical to operate. By choosing a gas water heater for your home, you can save a lot cash due to the difference in electricity tariff and gas price, as well as make your life more comfortable and enjoy warm water, when it is necessary. However, like any device, geysers have a habit of breaking down. And there is no escape from this. In this article we will try to describe the main breakdowns and figure out how to repair a geyser with your own hands.

About how geysers are designed and how they work

These devices resemble an unremarkable one. A heat exchanger and two burners are mounted inside it (we’ll find out what the two are for a little later). A pair of pipelines approach the body: one is gas, the other is water.

The work process begins after one of the cranes hot water will open. The valve that supplies gas to the burner opens. As a result of the combustion of the energy carrier, heat is generated, which is transferred through the coolant to water, which is directed precisely to the tap being used at that moment. Everything that remains from the combustion of the energy carrier is discharged to the street through the chimney.

Types of geysers

These devices are divided according to the type of ignition into:

  • electronic;
  • manual;
  • with piezo ignition.

Manual geysers are a thing of the past. To use them, you need to supply gas to the column and use matches to light the pilot light. To turn on the main burner, it is necessary to submit an appropriate control signal.

Now there are more practical geysers that meet the requirements modern people, accustomed to having automation do all the work for them. Electronic system ignition works as follows. Again, it all starts with turning on the hot water. The system detects a fall and sends a signal to supply gas and form a spark. After these steps, the igniter lights up, and then the process is the same as in manually controlled burners. The main burner will come into play and the heated water will flow to the switched on tap. The burners also turn off automatically - after the tap is closed and the pressure is restored.

Geysers with piezo ignition use the so-called piezoelectric effect to operate, as can be judged by their name. When the device is turned on, a button is pressed, which converts the mechanical action into an electrical discharge. As a result of the discharge, the igniter will light, and then the second burner. After the hot water turns off, the main part stops working, but the pilot light continues to burn. Therefore, the next time you turn on the hot tap, everything will work automatically.

The most common faults

Like any other device, this device requires periodic maintenance and compliance with certain rules. And then it will work for a long time, and geyser malfunctions will not bother you. Despite this, breakdowns cannot be ruled out, for example, due to poor quality of water or energy. In such cases, knowledge of how to repair a geyser with your own hands will be very useful. Let's look at what breakdowns are the most common and how to deal with them.

Scale on the heat exchanger - what to do?

Not all residents country houses and city apartments will be able to boast of quality tap water. If you make a rating of “Geyser malfunctions”, then the first place in it will be taken by contamination of the heat exchanger with scale due to too hard water. Scale forms when water is heated above eighty degrees. To combat this phenomenon, you can resort to prevention. To do this, you just need to avoid using very hot water. It's no secret that in order to wash, it will be enough to heat the water to 45 degrees. The same temperature is enough for washing dishes, and taking into account the fact that modern detergents cope with their task in cold water, even less. In order to wash clothes, a temperature of about sixty degrees will be enough.

The fact that, for convenience, many do not turn off the ignition of the gas water heater also contributes to the appearance of scale. Because of this, the temperature in the heat exchanger can rise to values ​​exceeding the scale formation threshold. Therefore, it is necessary to turn off the ignition if the heater is operating in this moment is not needed, and turn it on when such a need exists. Also, experts do not advise messing with the automation settings in case of poor water pressure. To solve this problem, it is recommended to purchase a booster pump.

In cases where preventive actions are no longer relevant, since a breakdown has occurred, in order to repair Neva geysers (or any foreign brands - it doesn’t matter), it is necessary to clean the heat exchanger. The first step is to make sure that it is a blockage. The symptoms are as follows: insufficient hot water pressure, the unit turns off immediately after turning on or does not turn on at all.

In order to repair geysers "Neva" or foreign analogues, you will need the following tools:

First you need to disassemble the column. Then you should turn off the water supply to the device and open the nearest hot tap. Next you need to remove the supply tube from the heat exchanger. You need to drain about a liter of water from it. Next you should put the tube back on. Using a funnel, you need to pour the cleaning solution into it, preferably slowly and carefully. Antiscale must be left inside the heat exchanger for two hours. There is a little trick: to make the cleansing process faster, you need to heat the solution with a fuse.

After time has passed, you should resume the water supply and check what comes out of the hose. If traces of scale and other foreign things are noticeable in the liquid, and then the pressure becomes better - everything went well, no - the steps should be repeated.


It is worth noting that replacing a leaking heat exchanger with a working one is not the only option for repairing speakers. Considering what to buy new radiator will be very expensive (a third of the cost of the entire device), it will be very useful to know how to repair a geyser with your own hands in this case. The repair will involve soldering the coil. Due to the fact that solder melts at more high temperatures, compared to those that occur in the radiator, this repair option is quite reliable. Spare parts for geysers are very expensive, so repairs are an excellent alternative to replacing them.

Statistics show that cracks form mainly on pipes located on outside heat exchanger. Before starting soldering, it is necessary to empty the heat exchanger of water. If this is not done, the water, by removing heat, will not allow the solder to set well. In order to get rid of water, you should open the hot tap, then remove the fasteners for supplying cold water to the device. After these steps, the bulk of the water should drain. What remains can be blown out with a compressor.

Now you can proceed directly to soldering. Using sandpaper, you need to treat the area of ​​the crack, and then clean and degrease it. Tinning is carried out at a temperature of 180 degrees, it is best to use a soldering iron of at least 100 W. It is recommended to use rosin when soldering, but if this is not available, you can replace it with regular aspirin tablets. The soldering area must be covered with an even layer of solder. It is recommended to increase this layer to two millimeters, and then this defect will never manifest itself. After this, you should inspect the entire radiator tube. If there are green inclusions, these places also need to be soldered, since, most likely, they also formed due to cracks, only smaller ones. If this is not done, they will become larger over time, which is why you will again have to repair the gas water heater yourself.

In cases where the cracks are located in inaccessible places, soldering will not be possible. This will require removing the heat exchanger, which will require full analysis geyser. This procedure is very dangerous, so repairing the Junkers geyser from Bosch, as well as domestic ones, is best left to specialists.

The gas heater does not light up

Most often, the cause of such a breakdown is a lack of draft in the ventilation. This occurs due to a foreign object entering the shaft or becoming clogged with soot. You can simply verify that there is no draft: if the flame of a lit match deviates to the side, there is draft; if the flame does not sway, there is no draft.

There are other reasons why a gas heater does not light up. For example, if the elements of the apparatus responsible for the formation of a spark in automatic systems ignition switches are not charged, this can also render the installation inoperative.

Another reason for the dispenser to malfunction may be insufficient pressure in the water supply system. If the cold water pressure has become worse, then most likely the fault lies in the water supply system. If the cold water pressure is good, but the hot water barely flows, then the water unit of the installation may need to be repaired (membrane repair or filter cleaning).

The filter becomes clogged due to a water supply shutdown. It is necessary to remove it and rinse under pressure of water. Removing the membrane is more difficult, but the geyser diagram will help with this. If the surface of the membrane is deformed, it must be replaced. To do this, you can choose a silicone product that has a longer service life. Stores that sell spare parts for geysers can offer such options.

There are situations when the unit goes out immediately after ignition. The reason for this is poor-quality contact between the thermocouple and the solenoid valve. If the thermocouple is in good condition, the gas flow column is suitable for repair (cleaning contacts and the automation unit).

Characteristic popping sounds when the unit is turned on

They talk about the following things:

  • There is no draft in the ventilation shaft.
  • Poor battery charge.
  • Nozzle clogged.
  • Excessive gas supply.

The first thing you need to do is watch the flame. It should burn steadily and the color should be blue. A yellow-red color and a small flame indicate the need for an igniter.

Incorrect water heating

The cause of this problem may be the incorrect choice of installation power. To do this, when purchasing, you need to make sure that the gas water heater from Bosch or another company has the necessary characteristics for your home. In addition, the device may be clogged. This is confirmed by the presence of soot and the uncharacteristic color of the flame. If the heating is insufficient, you can try adjusting the energy supply. This is done using a special tap.

There is also the opposite situation - the water is too hot. Here the Bosch gas water heater does not require repair, since this is not considered a malfunction. This is because in summer the water temperature in the water supply is warmer and the pressure drops. Many geysers are not designed for this mode. The characteristics of geysers include the optimal water pressure, which ensures normal operation of the unit. The solution to this problem is the following: it is necessary to reduce the energy supply.

Replacing gaskets

It happens that a leak forms. The water pipes in the columns are connected using nuts with gaskets. Over time, all of them become less elastic, and as a result, their ability to keep water out is lost, hence the leak. Flow column a gas system that has begun to leak probably requires replacing this part. This will not take much time, but if after repair the leak does not stop, you can try using another, additional gasket.

Be careful - gas!

The most dangerous malfunction of geysers is a gas leak, which causes a characteristic odor. If it occurs, you should not take risks and try to repair the device yourself. You must immediately turn off the gas, ventilate the room and call the gas service. By following these recommendations, you can not fear for the health and life of yourself and your loved ones.

So, we found out how these devices work, looked at their main faults and how to eliminate them. These geyser repair instructions will help you find out the cause of the breakdown and fix it as soon as possible.