The ceiling in the house is made of cinder block. How to make wooden floors in a house with aerated concrete walls. How it works

A building made of aerated concrete has its own design features, requiring increased attention during its arrangement. When making a floor in a house from aerated concrete, it is necessary to take into account that this material is quite light and mobile. Therefore, heavy beams are absolutely not suitable in such a house, and the best option is a wooden floor. Such a frame will place minimal load on the load-bearing walls, which guarantees the subsequent stability of the blocks and the absence of cracks on the walls.

Advantages of wooden flooring

In addition to light weight, it has a number of other positive characteristics:

Wood is a “breathable” material, which is very important for proper humidity and air circulation in the room, and even if only the ceilings are made from such raw materials, this will significantly improve the microclimate in the rooms.

Disadvantages of wood

Unfortunately, in addition to its advantages, wood also has disadvantages, which must also be taken into account when making aerated concrete floors in a house.

First of all, this material is fire hazardous, which dictates certain safety requirements in such a house.

The ceiling conducts sounds quite well, so during installation it is necessary to install additional sound insulation.

Wood is very susceptible to excessive moisture and does not like temperature changes, under the influence of which it changes its characteristics. This point should also be taken into account during construction.

Wood is not a strong enough material, therefore, when making wooden floors houses made of aerated concrete, must be installed sufficient quantity load-bearing elements.

Preparation for work on the manufacture of the floor frame

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare both the material for making the frame and the walls of the house. The fact is that aerated concrete is not a particularly strong material that does not tolerate compressive loads well, so it must be reinforced.

This is especially important for interfloor frames, which include a wooden floor in an aerated concrete house with a basement. Such foundations bear not only the weight of the materials used in construction, but also the load from the furniture installed in the house and the people living in it. In this case, the floors experience both vertical and horizontal loads, which subsequently affect the aerated concrete walls.

Strengthening walls made of aerated concrete

Aerated concrete blocks, simply placed on a mortar or special glue, do not always withstand tensile loads, which is why walls are reinforced. Moreover, it is better to carry out this activity not only immediately before installing a wooden floor in a house made of aerated concrete, but also during the construction of walls every 4 rows of installed blocks. In addition, such a procedure will prevent the interaction of wooden beams with the block material.

Beams will subsequently be attached to the reinforcing belt using special anti-corrosion plates. In order to perform reinforcement, grooves measuring 12x12 mm are cut into the surface of the blocks, into which the reinforcement is placed. When used in walls, it is permissible to lay reinforcement in the seam gaps.

Wood processing

In addition to preparing the walls, it is necessary to compensate for all the shortcomings of wood raw materials. Before making a wooden floor in a house from aerated concrete, you need to treat the material with special impregnations that prevent rotting, the appearance of fungus and mold, and also reduce moisture absorption. All these products can be purchased in the store building materials or use old methods of antiseptic treatment. For example, use bitumen or mastic as waterproofing and antiseptic. It is also recommended to coat the material with agents that prevent the wood from burning.

Installation features

The specific characteristics of wood determine some Constructive decisions in the manufacture of flooring.

First of all everything load-bearing elements reinforced with metal; for this, all connections in the ceilings are secured to each other with stainless steel plates. If the room area is large enough, you need to add additional elements type of columns or crossbars.

The thickness of the beams is calculated depending on the planned load plus 15-20% in reserve.

Depending on the width of the span used and the load on the wooden floor in a house made of aerated concrete, the distance between load-bearing beams. In this case, the rule is observed: the larger the span, the more often it is necessary to install beams. This is necessary to prevent the beam from deflecting under its own and accompanying weight.

Installation of load-bearing beams

Installation of supporting beams is perhaps the most important work, on which the reliability and durability of the entire floor structure will subsequently depend.

In order to install the beams, special niches are cut out of their aerated concrete blocks into which the crossbars will be placed. The end of the beam is cut at an angle of 75 degrees, and the cut is treated with any available antiseptic. After this, the end of the crossbar is waterproofed using bitumen or mastic and wrapped with roofing felt.

The beam is placed in grooves on the walls, which also need to be thermally insulated with mineral wool or polystyrene foam, this will prevent the wood from getting wet. In this case, a gap of 3 cm is maintained between the end of the crossbar and the walls of the niche.

After the final installation of the beam, the gaps in the grooves are filled with a special solution.

Very long crossbars, over 4.5 m, when bent, can destroy the lower part of the niche, so a 5 mm chamfer is made along the edge.

Arrangement of roll-up and laying of insulation

A wooden floor in a house made of aerated concrete (photo below) requires mandatory installation of hydro- and thermal insulation. Initially, cross members are made to secure the sheathing. As a rule, bars measuring 50x50 mm are used, on top of which boards made of boards are fixed.

The ceiling is covered along the bottom of the bars, with plasterboard or chipboard most often used. These materials are also lightweight, and subsequent processing of such a coating is most preferable for finishing work.

Mineral wool slabs or more are laid on top of the shields. modern insulation- expanded polystyrene, which performs a dual function - not only insulation, but also noise reduction.

Typically, the insulation thickness is about 10 cm, but when creating a ceiling between the attic and the floor, as well as in the case of an unheated basement, the insulation height must be increased to 20 cm. If used mineral wool, an additional vapor barrier is provided, which prevents the material from moistening and prevents the appearance of condensation. If you use expanded polystyrene, this step can be skipped - such material itself is an excellent waterproofer.

Logs are laid on top of the insulation with an interval of 50-70 cm, and they are mounted on floorboard. At the same time, the gap between the insulation and the boards should not be filled with anything; it is needed for high-quality circulation, which will prevent the appearance of fungus and mold on the finished surface.

Depending on the characteristics of the building, the flooring materials are most often concrete and metal, and wood is increasingly receding into the background due to its lower strength. However, besides this drawback, it has other advantages that can be significantly enhanced in symbiosis with aerated concrete structures.

This combination is almost ideal, both in terms of material and labor costs, and in relation to the requirements for the reliability of the structure. Both aerated concrete and wood are not high-strength materials, but if properly reinforced with reinforcement, they can easily ensure the reliability and stability of the structure.

Types of wooden floors

1. Standard beams.

They are a system of monolithic or laminated wood beams, on top of which they lay rough coating floors in the form of cross boards, heated floors and other coverings.

The dimensions of such elements reach 400 mm in height, 200 mm in width and up to 15 m in length.

In cases where the base of the floor is connected to one or two or more walls, it is not laid from a separate 5 m beam, but one beam 15 m long is installed, centering it and strengthening it with additional spacer elements. Such monolithic technology construction is only possible with multiple supporting walls.

2. Lightweight ribbed

Such details are used infrequently, but they are indispensable when building a house from a wood frame.

Their main feature is that the cladding and ribs are laid at intervals of only 30-50 cm.

Their length is limited to 5 meters and width to 30 centimeters. Coverings from them are sheathed different materials: plywood, chipboard plates, and sometimes steel tape.

To soundproof structures made from them, mineral wool is mandatory. For aerated concrete buildings, their use is rational only in relation to the design features of one separate room.

3. Beam-ribbed

They are a combination of the first two types, by using both beams and ribs in one structure.

In this case, the ribs are installed across the beams, which in this case are needed an order of magnitude smaller due to a more uniform distribution of the load. In this case, less wood is consumed, but the installation process is slightly more complicated compared to the previous two options.

General rules for the construction of wooden floors

In the case of buildings made of aerated concrete, the correct technology for laying wood is no less important a factor in ensuring the stability and durability of the building than the blocks themselves. If it is violated, there is a possibility of displacement of the geometry and uniform distribution of the load between all structural elements, which in the worst case can lead to partial or complete collapse of the building.

To prevent this, during the construction process it is necessary to strictly follow following rules installation of wooden structures:

  1. Beams are installed into aerated concrete walls directly during the construction process, before finishing work is carried out. To find out required quantity beams, their installation intervals and optimal sizes wooden elements, must be made in advance engineering calculations the strength of the surface they form, taking into account the type of material.
  2. Beam elements are inserted into the wall during its construction: nests-recesses are arranged in it, so that their depth is equal to half the thickness of the entire wall. If it is necessary to organize a through nest, it must be covered with insulation with vapor-proof characteristics.
  3. The external beams located at the edges of the walls are always installed first. They are leveled using a level and a long, flat board, which is passed along the beams, placing it on the edge. To neutralize their distortions, pieces of boards of suitable thickness are placed under individual logs. Thus, the outer beams become reference beams, and the intermediate elements are aligned along them, using the same straight board, the ends of which rest on the already adjusted outer parts.
  4. The base for the subfloor on the floor is laid out with timber no more than 50 mm thick, fixing it with self-tapping screws. A thin, unplaned subfloor board is laid on top. Its elements are laid across the main beams and fixed to the beam with self-tapping screws. Wood parts intended for floor construction must undergo antiseptic treatment before installation.
  5. Before constructing the floor covering beam floors, layers of vapor and waterproofing materials are preliminarily laid on them. For example, polystyrene foam is laid in overlapping strips, after which all joints between its segments are covered with tape. Insulation slabs in the form of ecowool, expanded clay or the same foam plastic are placed on top of it, and finally fine finishing floor. It is not recommended to use heavy materials such as porcelain stoneware tiles. Perfect option regarding weight, reliability and durability - parquet or regular wooden board.

Floor installation

After preparing all the materials, tools and erecting load-bearing walls, you can begin the installation of floors, which is carried out in several stages.

1. Stage one - design calculation

The shortest room size is always taken as the starting point. The cross-sectional size of the base determines the installation step-interval. As a rule, it corresponds to one meter.

For initial timber especially necessary as much as possible Smooth surface, which will not allow it to be fixed even with a slight roll in the horizontal plane. The beam is selected so that it can withstand a load of more than 400 kg per square meter of its area.

Parts with a ratio of 1.5 to 1 are suitable in terms of height to width ratio.

Equip floors in gas conditions concrete structures it is necessary with a margin, so the beams are selected a little longer than necessary according to calculations, and then the excess is sawed off using a regular hacksaw.

2. Stage two – preparation for installation

Even at the stage of wall construction, it is necessary to make special openings in aerated concrete blocks into which covering elements will be inserted. The opening spacing corresponds to the beams and is made every meter, 300 mm deep, and 300 mm wide or more, depending on the characteristics of the beam.

After installation, the end of the ceiling is not filled with anything to prevent wood rotting. It is strictly forbidden to install a load-bearing beam adjacent to a parallel wall.

3. Stage three - floor covering

This operation itself implies a clear sequence of manipulations:

  1. One day before installation, all wood elements are prepared for installation by treating them with antiseptic and fire-resistant compounds, excluding the end surfaces.
  2. The beams are measured, if necessary, sawing off the excess with a hacksaw, so that on both sides of the installation there is a margin of up to 450 mm from the dimensions of the room. It is necessary to saw off the excess at an angle of 60 degrees to ensure a trapezoidal cut, which, due to its geometry, provides a more reliable fixation in the wall.
  3. Install the external beams, adjusting their position according to the level, centering them with a flat board across the direction of laying. The ends of the beam elements should not abut the aerated concrete walls - a gap of 30-50 mm must be provided for their ventilation.
  4. After aligning all the beams and adjusting their position, fix each of them using dry crushed stone.
  5. In conclusion, the landing nests in aerated concrete walls walled up with a solution of cement and crushed stone.
  6. As it sets cement mixture start organizing thermal insulation using polystyrene foam, expanded clay, ecowool and other materials.
  7. Next, a layer of waterproofing is applied in the form liquid rubber, mastics, polyurea, polymer varnishes, resins and other materials.
  8. Upon completion waterproofing works, using self-tapping screws, they install logs - timber, which is the basis for laying the floorboard.
  9. On top of the floorboard is a rough floor covering, and a decorative covering is laid on it.
  10. The ceiling performs two functions at once - floor and ceiling. To equip the second, similar operations are performed, including heat and waterproofing. However, in this case, the logs need to be much less massive, because they will only need to withstand the weight of the finished ceiling covering.
  11. Advantages and disadvantages of wooden floors.


  • Relatively low price, since wood is one of the most affordable building materials. Despite the use of wood best breeds, which has undergone several stages of processing, the price of the final structure made from it will in any case be cheaper than the option based on reinforced concrete.
  • Minimum weight characterizes wood material as not very durable, but this property is completely neutralized by the combination with aerated concrete structures, which do not create an increased load, unlike brick buildings, which means a structure with wooden elements does not lose strength. Therefore, combining two not the most durable, but inexpensive, lightweight and very easy to install and operate materials is extremely beneficial.
  • Ease of use. Unlike concrete structures, installation costs and restrictions are minimal. The tree does not require “wet” operations and is not limited by the time of year. Therefore, structures made from it can be installed both in winter and in summer. Adjusted for winter frosts when organizing a reinforcing belt for earthquake-prone regions.


  • Restrictions on use. Wooden floors in aerated concrete houses do not always provide sufficient structural reliability. For example, in multi-storey buildings with the third and subsequent floors, wood cannot be used on construction sites whose seismicity exceeds 8 points.
  • Low durability. Over time, a tree sooner or later loses its original performance characteristics. All sorts of impregnations and compounds that are used to pre-treat it will slow down this process. But even if an entire beam rots, its replacement is not an impossible or extremely complex and expensive operation and cannot be compared with the problems of restoring reinforced concrete floors.
  1. When choosing a wood section, preference should be given to a more powerful element, since otherwise it will not be possible to compensate for their excessive weakness, even by making a solid palisade out of them in the ceiling.
  2. For multi-storey buildings, it is recommended to lay wooden floors between floors not directly on aerated concrete blocks, but on a reinforced concrete reinforcing belt mounted around the entire perimeter of the building.
  3. For laying a reinforcing belt and installing beams, the most suitable are special U-shaped blocks, which must be calculated and ordered separately.
  4. The attic floor is subject to minimal loads, so you can seriously save on it by eliminating reinforcement and flooring. To move around the attic, it is enough to lay bridges between the joists.

Houses made of aerated concrete have firmly taken pride of place in modern construction market. This can be associated with a number of advantages and positive qualities such houses, the speed of their construction and relatively low cost.

Professional construction of aerated concrete houses is entrusted to specialized construction crews, firms and companies. Specialists in this field will carry out the construction in the shortest possible time, while observing all necessary rules and taking into account all the specific nuances.

Features of floors in houses made of aerated concrete

The characteristic features of such floors are that for houses of this type Only wooden flooring is strongly recommended. Heavy materials, such as reinforced concrete slabs, can bend the structure because they are very heavy for such houses.

However, even in this case, some factors must be taken into account:

  • number of storeys of the building. If the house consists of more than two floors, then use it as flooring wood is not recommended. This is due to the fact that it does not act as a sufficiently necessary power support element;
  • if the seismic activity of the area on which the construction is located is high.

Reinforced concrete slabs as a floor are very easy to install; wooden slabs are more complex in this process, requiring certain knowledge.

Types and methods of wooden flooring

In aerated concrete houses, beams are the basis and main holding element for the floor. They are the ones who transmit and distribute all the loads that the floor receives onto the walls of the house.

All wooden floors in a house made of aerated concrete blocks can be divided into three main groups:

  • classic (beam) look. This is a floor that is laid using beams located at a certain distance from each other. They form the basis for the floor;
  • ribbed method of laying flooring in the house. This type of installation is not particularly popular in this case and involves the fact that the floor is based on wooden ribs covered with a layer of sheathing;
  • mixed type of flooring. This method combines positive sides two of the above options.

Wooden flooring has a number of advantages over reinforced concrete, in particular, they are lightweight, flexible, easy to install and have a wide selection.

Among the main disadvantages wooden covering One can highlight the tendency to be flammable and the need for treatment with special antiseptic agents.

In this video you can see how to make a heated floor in a house made of aerated concrete:

Aerated concrete is a modern building material that allows you to quickly build a house. Its main features are good preservation heat and ease of processing. Calculations of the maximum loads of the material show that using aerated concrete it is possible to build houses with a maximum height of three floors - this Weight Limit walls and ceilings that the material can be guaranteed to withstand without changing its physical characteristics. Interfloor ceilings in aerated concrete houses are made from various materials and each of them has certain requirements.

Wooden floors are most often used in house construction

Requirements for floors

Any house under construction must be reliable, comfortable and resistant to various climatic and temperature conditions. It is important to understand that the ceiling is the main structure connecting the house, which is subject to the following requirements:

, which are both temporary and permanent;

Rigidity– there may be “deflections”, but no more than the norms allow;

Soundproofing– external and internal noises should not distract owners;

Thermal insulationwe're talking about about structures that separate rooms with different temperatures (damp attic and living room).

Floors for houses made of aerated concrete

The ceiling is a horizontal structural element in a building, with the help of which the floors are separated. The floors will have to withstand loads from floors, furniture and partitions.

On this moment The following types are distinguished:

    Monolithic ceiling in a house made of aerated concrete;

    Slab: aerated concrete or reinforced concrete slabs;

    Beam: wooden or metal beams.

Wooden beam ceiling between the first floor and the attic

When choosing the type of floor, you should take into account the number of floors of the building, the size of the span, the seismicity of the region and the vertical load.

Wooden floors in a house made of aerated concrete are a popular method that has the following positive qualities:

    Price. Wood belongs to the category of affordable building materials. Even if first-class, carefully processed wood is used, this flooring option will be many times more affordable compared to using reinforced concrete flooring;

    Light weight. In the field of construction, there are certain conditions that regulate the weight of the material used. For example, it is not allowed for the structure to be too light - this indicates insufficient strength. As a rule, wood does not weigh down the structure too much, but if you take into account the fact that the house is built from aerated concrete - a material that is subject to less high loads, then this method could not be more relevant. This will not make the building less durable, and the developer will only benefit - the material is easily and simply maintained;

Aerated concrete walls require lightweight materials, and wood is optimal options

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of aerated concrete houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

    Undemanding. Compared to concrete floors, wooden structures are much easier to prepare and process. First of all, it is worth noting the fact that there are no “wet” operations. Secondly, installation is easy even in cold weather.

You also need to take into account some of the disadvantages of wooden floors:

    Operating restrictions. Aerated concrete blocks, although they have a small mass, should be fixed in certain places reinforced concrete elements. Overlap is not a force support element, but they are still used as a connecting link, so they must be strong. Wooden floors do not always meet this requirement. For example, if you are building two-storey house in an area where seismicity is more than 8 points, then wooden floors will not cope with their task;

    Fragility. This applies to any structures made of wood. The physical and operational properties of the material are lost after a certain time. Of course, wooden structural elements are being processed by special means: impregnations, fire retardants and others, but the service life depends more on external conditions - changes in humidity and others.

Everything is better protective compounds apply before final installation wooden beams

However, if the beam is rotten, it can be relatively easily replaced with a new one. And if it is necessary to reconstruct or update reinforced concrete floor, then this will take much more time and effort.

Monolithic interfloor slabs

An equally popular method of arranging floors when constructing houses from foam and gas blocks. Its main advantages:

    use of fireproof parts;


    variety of materials for conducting construction work;

    relative ease of installation work.

The highest load-bearing capacity is achieved if monolithic slabs, which also increases the functionality of the structure. The span can have any size, dimensions and geometric shape. According to the technology, the overlap is done directly on site. To complete the task, you will need concrete (purchased or made on site), which is used to fill the formwork on the 1st floor. The mixture is poured in such a way that the slab is 100 to 200 mm thick (depending on the project).

Formwork and reinforcement for pouring first floor floors

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of internal redevelopment of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

When choosing this method, you should take into account the following factors:

    Before filling the formwork you need preparatory work ;

    If you plan to produce concrete on site, you will need special equipment(concrete mixer and special pump);

    Bearing structures will have to completely harden, which is required time;

    To obtain the required grade strength of concrete, you need competent specialist who understands proportions;

    Monolithic ceiling – not the most affordable, but reliable option.

Iron beam ceilings

Modern houses made of aerated concrete are covered with metal beams. The method is popular due to the fact that it allows you to make a strong and reliable floor with a large length between load-bearing walls. But it is important to understand that despite any treatment, the metal deteriorates over time, or at least becomes covered with rust, losing its performance characteristics.

Corroded beams quickly lose their performance properties

How wooden floors are attached

For correct fastening wooden blocks, special open or closed nests are formed in aerated concrete walls. You also need to be sure that the wood can “breathe”, for which the end of each beam is cut at an angle of 60-75 degrees. The cut is carefully treated with antiseptic agents.

The end of the beam that was treated with an antiseptic (with the exception of the cut edge) should subsequently be wrapped with roofing felt or other waterproofing material. In addition to protecting the wood, this is also done so that the beam “sits” tightly in the socket.

From the point of view of thermal insulation, nests are the weakest points of the second floor in a house made of aerated concrete. Therefore, they are additionally insulated, for which mineral wool or polystyrene foam plates are suitable.

Methods for embedding beams in walls; processing of the ends of the beam protects against condensation and rotting of materials

Having completely processed, wrapped and installed the beam, it is necessary to additionally inspect the nests - there may be cracks in them that need to be covered with special solutions and sealants in order to prevent wet and warm air. Anyway additional protection There will be no unnecessary nests and will extend the life of the beams.

Fastening a monolithic floor

Before constructing the floor, an armored belt is made, since aerated concrete blocks are a fragile material that can easily burst under load. Under the armored belt should be built wooden formwork, following the contour of the walls. It is important that it be solid, that is, not interrupted. After this, the armored belt is filled with concrete solution.

Preparing armored belt for floors

Before you begin constructing the formwork, it will require the installation of supports. Typically, steel supports are used at this stage. It is important to install the supports evenly, without errors, as the consequences can cause great difficulties. To level the stands it is convenient to use a building level. One rack can withstand a load of 300-500 kg.

Application building level will help to lay beams without distortions

Afterwards, the transverse beams are laid (you can start either from the top or from the bottom, sewing them to the supports). On next stage reinforcement mesh is installed. The cables are laid first, since if the concrete is poured first, laying them will be problematic. At the same stage, pipes for ventilation are installed and an unfilled area is left where there will be a staircase between floors. Wire is suitable for tying the reinforcement, after which the structure is filled with concrete.

Based on the volume of the concrete mixer, concrete is made according to the following proportion:

    Cement – ​​7 liters;

    Sand – 15 liters;

    Crushed stone and water – 30 liters.

The area where it is subsequently poured is prepared in advance. ready mix. The monolithic floor itself should have a thickness of 150 to 300 mm. For the mixture to completely harden, it is enough to wait a few days. If the floor was divided into sections, then the beams used to separate it must be removed.

Video description

How to install wooden floor beams on aerated concrete walls, see the video:


At the moment, there are several options for arranging a floor for a house made of aerated concrete. A competent choice should be based on the calculated loads and financial opportunities. The durability of a house is influenced by many factors, such as temperature, humidity, loads, and so on. Floor slabs made of aerated concrete are not uncommon, but monolithic types, prefabricated monolithic and reinforced concrete slabs are more popular.

Aerated concrete is a material with which you can quickly build a house. It holds heat well and is easy to install. Buildings made of aerated concrete have a maximum of 3 floors. This is due to the calculation of the maximum load. There are ceilings in such houses different types, depending on the capabilities of the customer's wishes. Let's try to understand most of them.

Features and types of floors for aerated concrete

The floors of the first floor are a structurally important part of the building. It is on them that the entire vertical load of the walls of a house made of aerated concrete falls. The floors also have to withstand the weight of installed furniture, flooring and people living in the building. In addition, they provide the necessary rigidity to the structure. Photo of wooden beams of different sections below.

It is especially important to correctly calculate and select floors for houses made of aerated concrete. Due to its porosity, this material has lower compressive strength, which should be taken into account when choosing beams of different sections or other structures for a building made of gas silicate blocks.

There are several flooring options for aerated concrete houses. Each of them has its pros and cons and is suitable in one case or another. Types best designs ceilings can be divided into the following types depending on the materials used and installation technologies.

  • Monolithic;
  • On metal or wooden beams;
  • Tiled floors: made of aerated concrete or reinforced concrete.

Below you can see photos of the installation of structures with beams of different sections and others.

Wooden floors in an aerated concrete house

Installation of wooden floors in aerated concrete house along the beams is one of best options. A special feature of this design is the mandatory armored belt on the aerated concrete on which it will be installed. Wooden beams of different sections are secured with studs, as well as metal corners and plates. This method is quite reliable for structures made of gas silicate blocks.

The installation of wooden floors in a house made of aerated concrete on large-section beams differs from each other according to several criteria. First of all, this concerns the material from which the beams are made. The best forms are edged board or timber, in some cases a log. Increasingly in Lately I-beams of wood are widely used for installation; glued beams are used a little less frequently in a private house made of aerated concrete.

The construction of floors made of large-section wooden beams on reinforced belts on aerated concrete may also differ in the method of filling voids. For this purpose, the rolling of their shields on top of the cranial blocks, as well as insulation, steam and waterproofing materials.

The construction and installation of wooden floors in a house made of aerated concrete along beams with reinforced belts may also vary depending on the material used to line the beams. It can be plasterboard sheets, plywood, chipboard, plastic lining, Often the bottom of the wooden floor in a house made of aerated concrete along the beams is left without filing, creating the effect of antiquity or embodying other design solutions. Photo and video solutions with beams and their The best way installation is located below.

Monolithic ceiling in a house made of aerated concrete

A monolithic floor in a house made of aerated concrete using beams of different sections is made independently at the construction site. The exception is the concrete itself, which is needed for installation. It is not recommended to make it in small-sized mixers, but it is better to order it directly from specialized companies ready-made. This is due to the fact that monolithic floors are a structure that is responsible for the safety of people living in a house made of aerated concrete. It is quite difficult to prepare reliable concrete by hand.

The most important part of a monolithic floor is the frame. It is made from reinforcement of small cross-section and the required thickness, tied with wire. The metal frame will take on the entire load from the concrete. It is mounted in pre-prepared wooden formwork. Typically, the thickness of the monolithic floor in gas silicate houses is 150-300 mm thick. Heavy load gas silicate blocks may not be able to stand it.

To the benefits monolithic design can be attributed:

  • The best bearing capacity unlike beams of small section;
  • Variety of manufactured standard sizes for installation and installation in buildings made of gas silicate blocks;
  • Wide range of configurations. A monolithic floor can be cast in any shape, not just rectangular like with beams. Visible in the photo.
  • Possibility of installation or installation in buildings made of aerated concrete, where the use of tiled floor devices is limited or completely excluded.

Monolithic structures in a house made of gas silicate blocks, in addition to their advantages, also have a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • Deadlines. This includes both the duration of the installation itself and the time required for the concrete to gain the necessary strong parameters, in contrast to floors wooden beams in an aerated concrete house.
  • The need for specialized equipment for installing the best monolithic floors in the house, such as mixers, concrete pumps.
  • To install the best monolithic floor in a house made of gas silicate blocks, it is necessary to make a load calculation project.
  • A fairly high price, which increases the total cost of installing a building made of aerated concrete, in contrast to flooring with wooden beams.

Interfloor ceilings

The installation of the best interfloor floors in a house made of aerated concrete on wooden beams of different sections or on a monolithic basis is one of the most important. Its peculiarity is the need to install a floor on which people will walk and install household items and furniture. As a result, the load on the best interfloor floors will increase significantly in a house made of aerated concrete on the installed beams.

One of the best solutions is to install a wooden floor, namely natural or laminated timber, as well as modern I-beams. The spacing of their installation in the best interfloor slab in an aerated concrete house depends on the cross-section, but is usually 0.6 - 1.2 meters. The best length for large-section beams in a house is considered to be 6 meters. In the photo you can see the correct calculation and installation of the best wooden floor and the number of beams on the first and second floors.

In the wooden floor of a house made of aerated concrete, excellent beams are mounted at right angles to the load-bearing walls. They will be installed on a pre-prepared reinforced concrete reinforcing belt. Beforehand, a layer of waterproofing is laid under the wooden beams installed on the walls in the planned floor structure of an aerated concrete house.

The size of the niche should be 2-3 cm. The beam in an aerated concrete house should rest on a reinforcing belt for a length of 15 cm. The supporting part should be wrapped in a layer of roofing felt over bitumen or a self-adhesive membrane. In places where wooden beams are installed on the monolithic reinforcing belt of aerated concrete house, anchors or plates are installed. Look at the photo best solutions installations on gas silicate blocks.

Basement ceiling

According to the principle of construction, a basement floor on wooden beams aerated concrete house almost no different from the interfloor one. Although there are some peculiarities.

  • If on ground floor If there are damp rooms in an aerated concrete house: a bathhouse, a swimming pool, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing layer over the beams before installing the insulation. If the interfloor ceiling in the house is wooden, then the material must be treated with an antiseptic to avoid the occurrence of fungus and rot.
  • If the lower floor of a house made of aerated concrete, for example a storage room or garage, is cold, the size of the insulation along the beams should be increased. The best thickness is 20 cm. Photo showing the installation of wooden beams below.
  • The difference in temperature between floors of an aerated concrete house can lead to condensation. To avoid similar situation follows on top of the wooden insulation interfloor covering Apply a vapor barrier layer to the wooden beams. Look at the photo for the best installation solutions for gas silicate blocks.

Attic floor in a house made of gas silicate blocks

A peculiarity of the installation of attic wooden floors in aerated concrete houses, in contrast to interfloor ones, is the absence of laying the floor along the beams in most cases. Except for the moments when the attic will be used as living rooms.

If the premises will be used as a storage room, for example, then only a subfloor along the beams will be sufficient. Most often, on the attic wooden floor in an elite aerated concrete house, instead of a floor, as opposed to an interfloor floor, simply bridges will be laid, along which you can control the condition of the rafter system or roof.

To prevent cold from penetrating from an unheated attic into the interblock space, insulation should be laid along the beams. His optimal thickness should be 15-20 cm. Due to the lower load on the wooden floor in a house made of aerated concrete, unlike an interfloor one, it can be made from beams of smaller diameter, as can be seen in the photo.

Construction of floors in houses using aerated concrete: video

Regardless of what material is chosen for the installation of floors in a house made of aerated concrete, the work requires special knowledge and skills. The video below shows step by step the process of installing wooden beams on gas silicate blocks.

For the installation of metal and wooden interfloor floors of a house from gas silicate blocks, the main stages are the manufacture of beams, their installation on special gaps in the reinforcing belt, installation of flooring from boards or profiles, all necessary insulation materials And waterproofing layers, floor.

Monolithic work on the first floor consists of preparing formwork, making a frame and pouring concrete. Interfloor tiles are considered the simplest, you just need to place the blanks correctly on load-bearing walls from gas silicate blocks, as in the photo.

Overlapping the first and second floors in a house made of aerated concrete

Any type of flooring for the first floor in a house made of aerated concrete can be suitable. possible types designs. These can be tiled, monolithic, wooden or metal beams along a reinforced belt. The ceilings of the first floor in the house do not receive negative impacts neither from the cold and damp basement, nor from the attic. Although they often bear the main load on the beams.

Typically, the second floor houses heavy furniture, bedrooms, and people move frequently. Therefore, you need to carefully calculate the load on interfloor monolithic wooden floors and beams in a house made of gas silicate blocks, look at the photo.

After covering the second floor there is usually an attic. If it is made in the form of an attic, where it is supposed to be placed living rooms, then the requirements for the interfloor wooden floor made of beams in a house made of gas silicate blocks will be the same as after the first floor. If the attic is uninhabited or not equipped at all due to its low height, then you can make lightweight design without flooring or will be limited to installing a rough one. Photos of the beams are just below.

Armopoyas on aerated concrete

The installation of a reinforced belt on an aerated concrete house is fundamental for the first floor floors on wooden beams. It has several meanings. Firstly, thanks to the interfloor monolithic armored belt The entire aerated concrete house is strengthened on aerated concrete, securely holding the aerated concrete together.

The room becomes more protected from precipitation and deformation. Secondly, wooden or metal floor beams in an aerated concrete house rest on the reinforcing belt. Photos and videos of the reinforced belt are just below.

In order to install a monolithic armored belt on aerated concrete under wooden floors, use special material with gutter. They are installed metal carcass from reinforcement. Then concrete is poured for the reinforced belt. To retain heat on the outside of the wall, polystyrene insulation is added for floors over wooden beams in an aerated concrete house.

If it is impossible to purchase special aerated concrete, then you can make a regular monolithic one reinforced belt or make the necessary holes yourself. Photos and videos of the structure below, as well as the wooden beams located on them.

Choosing the best floor for an aerated concrete house: expert advice

Which flooring is best for an aerated concrete house? Or which one is more reliable? These questions are often asked by people planning to build a house from aerated concrete. There is no clear answer to them. But we can highlight the fundamental points.

  • The ceiling on the ground floor of an aerated concrete house is best done monolithic or block. Wooden and metal beams are significantly deformed under the influence of excess moisture, and even all the necessary waterproofing materials will not be able to completely protect them.
  • For attic floor in a house made of aerated concrete it is quite enough light wooden structures made of beams, with a subfloor and a thick layer of insulation. It will bear the minimum load that any structure must cope with.
  • For the interfloor covering of an aerated concrete house, you can choose either tiled or monolithic or using wooden and metal beams.