Show all small-sized kitchens of 6 sq. m. Color scheme for a small kitchen

Owners of apartments in panel houses built in the 50s-80s. cannot boast of a spacious kitchen space. A small kitchen of 6 sq.m is problematic from the point of view of arrangement: it is difficult to find and install everything necessary furniture and equipment and at the same time maintain at least a little free space for comfortable perception

Kitchen 6 sq.m. combined with living room

What mistakes are made during repairs, watch in this video:

Most of these typical kitchens have geyser, which also needs to be played out in the interior.

The geyser will fit well into the interior with a touch of loft

Six effective solutions for a 6 sq. m kitchen

1. Redevelopment

In some panel houses old building the partition separating the kitchen from the living room is not load-bearing, so there is a chance to coordinate the redevelopment by submitting a package of documents and an application to the relevant authorities.

– the solution is labor-intensive and may take time, but the result is worth it.

The exception is gasified kitchens.

In rooms with a gas stove, breaking the wall will not be allowed. In this case, you can install sliding or hinged translucent, tightly closing doors.

2. Functional set

Redevelopment is a troublesome and financially expensive task. You can comfortably and stylishly furnish a small kitchen without demolishing a wall. The selection of photos below is proof of this.

IN small room We managed to place not only a refrigerator, but also a washing machine.

Rectangular kitchen with a dining area in the form of a window-sill table

Having only 6 square meters, it is necessary to abandon bulky, voluminous furniture with complex shapes. It is better to replace a wide set with a narrower one, with dimensions slightly smaller than standard ones.

It is possible to install the set without the top row, if there is enough storage space, if you are willing to bend over for dishes more often than usual. But the room will be more illuminated and visually spacious.

To free up more space but maintain the functionality of the kitchen, the top row of cabinets can go up to the ceiling. In the store, choose the perfect one for the size of your room good option difficult. In this case the best solution will be the production of furniture to order.

Great idea– make a tall set in the color of the kitchen walls. Then it becomes invisible in space, and the room, even with a large refrigerator, will seem larger.

Secret good design small kitchen lies in making the right choice headset layout. The choice is determined by the shape of the room.

  • IN square kitchen will not disturb the proportions of the option. It makes excellent use of the space in the corner, further opening up additional storage space here.

The built-in refrigerator at the exit from the kitchen looks harmonious and does not disturb the overall color design.
  • In a rectangular kitchen it is better to install a linear set.

A set with a linear layout with a small built-in refrigerator under the countertop by the window.

One part of the headset will run along the window. The window sill is dismantled. The other part is made with a niche for the refrigerator.

The U-shaped layout allows for more storage space.

3. Built-in technology

In a small kitchen you cannot afford appliances that stand out in color and design. This immediately visually “steals” the space. Built-in equipment is not cheap. An alternative is to hide an unsightly refrigerator behind the facades.

If a refrigerator with a set in one color scheme, then it is possible to leave it open.

The hob looks more compact and ergonomic. A gas or electric stove in color that matches the kitchen design looks good.

It is not always possible to hide a gas water heater behind facades due to safety regulations. Leave it open, but play it up with color - to match the furniture or walls.

4. Compact dining area

Options suitable for this quadrature:

  • small, round table. The absence of corners will save space;

  • window sill table.

The tabletop can also be an extension kitchen set or installed separately after dismantling the narrow window sill. The radiator under the table needs to be shielded so that it is comfortable to sit here even in cold weather when the heating is turned on;

The soft dining area was replaced with bar stools with transparent chair backs. The transparent surface allows light to pass through and makes such furniture seem invisible.

  • hanging narrow table.

The wall-mounted tabletop on the wall opposite the set is practical and convenient. This option is good for a narrow kitchen;

  • retractable or folding table;

  • move the dining area into the living room.

If there is a lot of equipment and you need enough storage space, then the kitchen should be made just a room for cooking and placing appliances and utensils.

5. The correct color scheme is light and monochromatic

Mainly used in design bright hues. They give a feeling of freedom and spaciousness in the room.

Classic combination black and white, where white is dominant. On the background white headset And light walls You don’t have to be afraid of bright details. For example, make an unusual apron in rich colors.

Do not choose wallpaper, furniture, curtains with patterns. Where it is necessary (for example, in a Provence-style kitchen), give preference to discreet, unobtrusive options, as in the photo below.

6. The less decoration the better.

The decor is determined by the style.

The most actively used decorating elements are in Provence, country, and classic interiors. Use moderation here. Minimum flower pots, vases and other unnecessary objects that clutter the space. They can be replaced by a bright ornament on the apron, which will support the style.

Roman blinds are an excellent option for a small kitchen.

Modern styles suitable for the design of a small kitchen 6 sq.m. the best way. Here there is a preference for light colors and restraint in decor. Suitable, for example, are hi-tech, Scandinavian, minimalism, modern.

Hi-tak, which is characterized by glossy surfaces, metallic, mirrors in the interior can also serve the purpose of expanding space. This style is strict and does not like excesses in the use of decorative elements.

Make a mirrored backsplash to create the illusion of an expanded space
  1. Do not clutter the space near the window. Plan the arrangement of furniture so that it does not interfere with the free penetration of light into the room.
  2. Don't hang voluminous curtains. No lambrequins; curtains with a prominent pattern, large pattern, etc. are not suitable.
  3. More lighting. Several miniature lamps with a simple design are better than one large chandelier.
  4. Avoid colorful wallpaper. A simple pattern is only possible if it serves the purpose of expanding the space. For example, low ceiling Wallpaper with a vertically oriented pattern will lift up.

Few people can be surprised by small kitchens, because they are much more familiar than spacious ones.

Those who live in panel or old houses have long been familiar with the problem with kitchens of 6 square meters. m., which look more like boxes than rooms for preparing and eating food.

And since the problem is quite common, people have learned to find new, innovative solutions.

Any owner of an apartment with no large kitchen will confidently say that when correct layout the situation can be corrected.

Layout tricks

So, have you decided for yourself that you want to make a full-fledged and functional kitchen out of your small box?

Then you should pay attention to several very important factors that will subsequently seriously affect the layout.

In small kitchens, it is necessary to carefully ensure that all furniture is positioned correctly.

For a small kitchen 6 sq. m. The most suitable furniture layouts are: linear, angular, U-shaped.

By arranging furniture structures in this way, you significantly save free space and leave small passages for moving around the kitchen.

It is worth noting that the choice of which furniture to choose depends on your wishes and capabilities.

Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of the kitchen work area.

Be sure to make sure that the countertop is made of high-quality materials.

You should also not place all the necessary household appliances in plain sight. It is better to place it inside the headset.
Kitchen interior 6 sq. m. in the dining area should be multifunctional and compact.

This required condition, since you do not have enough free space to accommodate large furniture.

Give preference to those designs that are equipped with drawers and additional shelves.

To design a kitchen that has modest dimensions, it is unacceptable to use dark colors.

It visually “eats up” the space. Pay attention to the photo of the kitchen 6 sq. m., which is presented below.

On it you can notice that light shade Mother of pearl not only looks beautiful, but also visually makes the room more spacious and larger.

That's why the most the best option will be used light palette, which will slightly correct the shortcomings of the room.

Do not forget that in addition to a properly selected kitchen design, 6 sq. m. it is necessary to take care of high-quality lighting.

There should be enough lighting fixtures in the room to create comfortable conditions for those who will prepare the food, as well as for those who gather at the dinner table.

Avoid using colored lamps. Apply lighting, which imitate daylight, since it is perceived much better, does not hurt the eyes and does not dazzle.

Try to optimize the kitchen space as much as possible to achieve greater functionality of the room.

We use minimalism style to decorate a small kitchen

As already written above, the main disadvantage is not large kitchens is that it is very problematic to place the necessary furniture on them and at the same time maintain it in a certain style.

This is due to the fact that most styles have strict requirements for decorative elements, of which too many are often needed.

Using a large number of elements that serve only a decorative function in the kitchen is completely unacceptable.

You will get the maximum functional room, which will make a pleasant impression on every guest due to the modernity of the style and its conciseness.

Use color contrast and different textures to visually expand the kitchen space and add some playfulness.

However, since the area of ​​the room is quite small, white should be the main color.

Black will act as an auxiliary element that will harmoniously complement the white color.

But you shouldn’t stop at just using these two colors, because this will make your kitchen monochrome, and that’s not very good.

To remedy the situation, add a few pops of color.

For example, when renovating a kitchen of 6 square meters. m., paint the wires a bright lemon shade of yellow, it will look quite original and unusual.

In case you are not going to do major renovation for a very long time, you can use a regular picture made in bright colors.

You can place it on the wall near the dining table or on any other surface.

Photo of a kitchen 6 sq. m.

A small room always poses a challenge, since in such a situation it is necessary to fit everything as compactly as possible. This is especially true for the kitchen, where you need to place many different kitchen utensils, furniture, and appliances.

Often a kitchen of 6 square meters leads to a difficult situation experienced designer. The article will further describe the subtleties and tricks for arranging such a small space.

Kitchen layout 6 square meters highlights

The first step is to figure out which layout is best for your kitchen. After all, the correct placement of the set makes the kitchen beautiful and cozy, and at the same time functional, according to the rules of ergonomics.

Certain factors should be taken into account:

  • Room shape.
  • Location of communication systems that are not subject to transfer.
  • Sizes and location of windows and doors.
  • The need for a refrigerator in the kitchen.
  • Determining the location of the dining area.
  • Number of family members.
  • The need to install a washing machine.
  • Number of household appliances.

So, based on these criteria, you need to choose one of the options, namely L-shaped, U-shaped, linear form, or a kitchen in two rows. Linear layout will become great solution for elongated rooms, quite narrow. In this case, the entire kitchen set is installed along a long wall.

The corner layout is the most versatile and can be suitable for any kitchen. Here the set is installed perpendicularly along two walls. It is very convenient when using a wall with a doorway for one of the sides. This will leave more space for the dining area, especially in a square-shaped room.

With a U-shape, three walls are occupied; most often the wall with the doorway remains free. This placement will allow you to install maximum amount lockers and equipment.

However, with such a layout there is unlikely to be room for a dining group. Therefore, it is ideal for a small kitchen if dinner table located in the living room.

A parallel layout involves placing the headset along two longer walls. It also allows you to make maximum use of the space for arranging furniture and appliances, while on 6 square meters there is hardly any room left for a dining table.

Advice: with a U-shaped or parallel layout, you can use a window sill instead of a full-fledged table. By installing it a little higher and wider, you will have an excellent cozy place for a food consumption area.

Choosing a kitchen set

For a kitchen of 6 square meters, it is very important to choose the right furniture so that such small sizes do not look bulky and visually reduce the space even more.

It is imperative to arrange all the elements compactly, functionally and as conveniently as possible. Design solutions can help with this thanks to the developed special features that save space.

When choosing furniture, it is important to focus on smooth lines, without sharp corners. It is better not to choose an intricate technique, but to make do with simplicity, while focusing on strength.

It is worth remembering that a ready-made kitchen set is most often intended for large or medium-sized kitchens. Therefore, for such a small space it is worth purchasing a custom-made kitchen.

This will not only allow you to buy a headset clearly according to the necessary measurements, but will also allow you to introduce certain design solutions into the interior according to preferences.

Alternative to the kitchen table

The kitchen is 6 square meters and so very small. I want to fit as much kitchen equipment into it as possible so that cooking is convenient, comfortable, and most importantly functional.

Therefore, it is not always possible to fit a dining table, especially a large one, into such an area. It is very good when, instead of a small kitchen, there is a large living room in which you can place a dining area for a comfortable meal.

However, what if this is not possible? In this situation, there is an excellent alternative - a bar counter. It is quite compact, so it can fit even in a small area.

It can be used not only for eating, but also as a work surface. Again with limited space Absolutely any place can be used, including the windowsill.

Kitchen corner for 6 square meters of kitchen

In such a small kitchen it is very difficult to install Kitchen Area. It is usually bulky and takes up a lot of space. It can become relevant in a square room using an L-shaped headset. Then the corner opposite will be free and it is quite possible to choose a compact corner.

In other cases, it would be better to use chairs. They will take less space, especially when they are not in use, they can be moved under the table, freeing up space for cooking.

Moreover, chairs will be an excellent solution when installing a bar counter, which will serve as an alternative to a dining table. The main thing here is to determine the required height and match them to the interior.

Refrigerator location

Very often, to save space, a refrigerator is not placed in the kitchen at all due to its large dimensions. The location is carried out nearby in the corridor or installed in the hallway.

This is of course a good idea to increase the space for a kitchen unit, but this arrangement is not entirely convenient.

If you choose a narrow refrigerator, it can easily fit in the kitchen. There is a huge selection on the market. It can be narrow and tall, which will not at all reduce its internal volume.

Therefore, using the height of the room is very important in this situation. Regardless of the layout, it is best to place the refrigerator near the cutting surface.

Equipment placement

Of course, appliances have become an indispensable attribute of any kitchen. At the same time, it is quite difficult to place it all in a small area.

Small appliances such as an electric kettle, blender, mixer can be hidden in cabinets and taken out as needed. In a kitchen with an area of ​​6 square meters, it is better to refuse to purchase a stove and use a hob that can be built into the countertop.

Regarding the microwave oven, it is better to place it on a hanging shelf or use brackets. It’s easier to find space on the wall than to replace an already small work surface.

The situation is more difficult with a dishwasher. Often you have to abandon it altogether. However, you can also choose fairly compact dishwashers, which are best placed near the sink.

How to place a geyser and hood

One of the main problems in a small kitchen is the gas heater. Often it is an eyesore and does not fit into the interior at all. The solution for this is quite simple. It can be hidden in wall cabinet, which will be the same as the entire interior around.

At the same time, it is important to remember fire safety. The cabinet should contain many holes for pipes, ventilation, and corrugations. Therefore, it is best to make such a cabinet to order, taking into account the characteristics of your particular geyser.

It’s even easier to install it in a corner. There she will be barely noticeable.

A range hood is absolutely indispensable in a small kitchen. However, it also takes up a certain space. First of all, you should choose narrow hoods.

The second nuance is the possibility of replacing cartridges, since in small rooms they become dirty faster. In addition, high power is important, otherwise it simply will not be able to draw in all the odors and steam.

Secrets of saving space

It is very important to use absolutely all the space in a small room. Therefore, it is worth applying the entire surface of the walls to the very top. On the top shelves you can put rarely used things that you don’t need to climb to get out often.

An excellent option would be a variety of retractable systems, such as multi-level drawers, a retractable cutting board, and corner modular cabinets.

They are very roomy and you can store many kitchen utensils in them, due to which working surface will be released.

Advice! One of the options for saving space would be roof rails on which various small items are stored. However, when using them, you need to remember that not every style accepts a lot of objects in sight, so it is important not to overdo it with them.

What style should you use for a 6 square meter kitchen?

Choosing a style is one of the main tasks when decorating a kitchen, especially such a small one. Classic style always in fashion, but it is not entirely appropriate for a small room.

If you adhere to it completely, then the room can be overloaded, which is why it will look rough, and the area will only visually decrease.

Moreover, if you use some elements, for example, wooden furniture, paintings, ornate shapes of mirrors, then this idea will look pretty good.

Minimalism is ideal for a small room. Already from the name you can understand that in such an interior everything will be simple and functional, only the main elements, without unnecessary accessories and contrast.

Practicality is important here, so that everything is in a convenient location. Built-in appliances and systems will be relevant for minimalism.

The high-tech style is becoming popular, since technology does not stand still, the choice of equipment is growing every year. This kitchen features the latest developments household appliances, which in addition to functionality have a wonderful design.

There is no abundance of accessories in this style, and the emphasis is on contrast. At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it, since light colors increase the space more.

Choice of colors

In any small room, you can expand the space with light colors. Dark colors on the contrary, they make the room more cramped, which is why it will be uncomfortable to be in it.

Not best choice there will be contrast. The transition should be smooth. This will make the kitchen more comfortable and warm.

Of course, bright accessories will also come in handy, which can make the atmosphere more lively and not boring.

You can also highlight the apron. Bright or dark horizontal stripe will expand the room and make it more spacious.

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Good advice and 150 visual photos kitchen design examples 6 square meters.

Do you live in Khrushchev? Is your kitchen 6 square meters or so?

We know how to create truly stylish, beautiful, comfortable and functional design kitchens 6 sq.m. without mountains of gold and specialized special courses!

Features of kitchen design 6 sq.m.

6 sq.m - standard kitchen for Khrushchev, the most popular type of house in the entire post-Soviet space. And although this area, according to modern European standards, is “not so much wealth,” our designers have gotten the hang of working with it effectively and they really have something to offer.

The main features of a 6 sq.m kitchen are:

  • There is very little space to organize a work area (not to mention a dining room)
  • Very little space for storing kitchen utensils and food
  • Low ceilings (relevant for any room in Khrushchev)

Among other problems that one has to face in the process of organizing the space of such a kitchen, the following are often encountered:

  • Availability of a geyser
  • Difficulties in connecting the exhaust duct

But in every complexity there is always new opportunity and we will now clearly demonstrate to you how to make candy from a 6 square meter kitchen.

10 tricks for arranging a kitchen of 6 sq.m.

There are exactly 10 tricks with which you can not only visually, but actually expand your kitchen if its area is only 6 square meters. We will tell you in detail about the advantages of each of them, and also give an example of successful implementation.

1. Redevelopment

The easiest way to enlarge a kitchen with a refrigerator in a Khrushchev apartment is to combine it with a room and/or a balcony (if there is one).

In the first case, you will get a studio apartment with a kitchen-living room, and in the second, the space is 2-3 square meters larger (which is also not bad).

You can combine the kitchen and the room completely or partially, leaving symbolic partitions.

But be warned! Without approval from the relevant control authorities, you will not be able to sell your apartment later or even re-register it as an inheritance, so before you decide to take such a step, consult with specialists about necessary documents and permissions.

The most common option to separate the recreation area from the kitchen area in the kitchen-living room is to install a bar counter. It is often combined with a kitchen table so that the space is used as efficiently as possible.

Important point! If you have studio apartment and the living room doubles as a bedroom, then keep in mind that the smell of pies and other aromatic dishes will become your constant companions in bed. After all, bed linen (along with towels) absorbs odors very strongly. The situation can only be saved by a very powerful hood over the stove.

2. Lighting

In Khrushchev it is often very bad daylight, this is especially true for the lower floors with tall trees near the windows. Therefore, small kitchens with a refrigerator in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings often seem even smaller and more uncomfortable than they really are.

You can contact utility services to cut down unwanted trees. But it's better to organize in your kitchen quality lighting with several lighting scenarios.

In addition to the main lighting (chandelier or ceiling lamp) use local ( wall sconces), functional (above the work area) and decorative (for example, in cabinets with glass fronts).

3. Visual effects

A lot can be achieved with visual effects expansion of space. Photo wallpaper or kitchen aprons with perspective images (landscapes, urban landscapes) will visually make your kitchen larger. A mirror will cope with this task perfectly; it can be placed above the dining table in the dining area. And here are the mirror ones glossy facades on the contrary, they will create the impression of cluttered space due to glare.

Vertical stripes will help to visually raise ceilings.

4. Additional tiers of headset

This trick solves the problem of storing 6 square meters in the kitchen. It's about about the 3rd and 4th tiers of the kitchen set above the top line. As a rule, they occupy the entire space up to the ceiling (which, as we remember, is not very high, so this will not greatly affect the final cost of the kitchen set). Also don't forget about the base tier of the bottom line, which can be used as storage space.

Little trick! Since getting to the contents of these tiers is not very convenient, it is best to store in them what you use the least.

5. Small-sized built-in appliances

It is better to choose high but narrow household appliances for a kitchen of 6 square meters. This is especially true for refrigerators and washing machines.

If there is an opportunity to hide equipment behind the facades of the headset, do not miss it under any circumstances! This way the eye will have nothing to catch on and the kitchen will look neater.

But we don’t recommend saving on the width of the stove or induction hob, especially if you are used to cooking for the whole family for the week ahead in huge pots: they simply won’t fit on a small panel.

Take your choice seriously oven. Firstly, do you need it at all? Secondly, do you need it in the form of a traditional stove with oven or will you be satisfied with a free-standing model. More often it is the latter - smaller and more compact.

6. Window sill

If earlier seedlings were grown on window sills, today designers prefer to convert them into fully functional kitchen space. Today it is fashionable to replace the traditional window sill with a tabletop. It can be a working one, or it can serve as something like a bar counter and a dining table for two or three people part-time. By by and large the only difference is what requirements are placed on the tabletop material. In the first case, it should be more durable (“working”), and in the second, it should be beautiful and pleasant to the touch.

7. Non-hinged doors

Here we want to talk to you about facades, or more precisely about the mechanisms for their fastening.

Traditional swing doors are simple and often cheap, but impractical in many ways:

  • They require more free space to open
  • They often become loose and break

That's why modern manufacturers kitchen furniture offer a wide range of retractable, roll-out and lifting mechanisms for kitchen facades without compromising their appearance.

Here are just a few examples.

8. Short curtains

Curtains in the kitchen 6 sq.m are good, but short curtains- better!

  • They won't bother you
  • They will get dirty less
  • They will be easier to iron and hang (unless you have a Roman or roller blind).

And at the same time, they will remain an important stylistic addition and just a beautiful touch to the interior of your kitchen!

9. Elegant furniture

Thin, elegant, translucent furniture is a must have for the dining area in the kitchen of 6 sq.m.

The more discreet your furniture is, the more spacious and lighter your kitchen will appear.

I don’t even want to say anything unnecessary here, just look at these photos!

10. Perfect Void

No kitchen will look neat and well-groomed if it is a mess.

Even a carelessly left cup can create a feeling of clutter, untidy, and disorder.

Here the question is not even for designers, but rather for psychologists and self-discipline.

And there are two tricks in this matter:

  1. Nip the problem in the bud. A mountain of unwashed dishes begins with one abandoned plate. Don't wait for one half-baked action to turn into systematic laziness of catastrophic proportions.
  2. Store things and kitchen utensils where you can easily put them back. If you really need something, you won’t be too lazy to even go to another room for this thing. But it always seems to be put in place a waste time. So organize the space so that all things fall into place by themselves, without effort or conscious participation on your part. The simplest example is dish drainers right next to the sink.

When ordering a small kitchen set for a kitchen with an area of ​​6 sq.m., it is important not to make following errors(watch the video):

What color to choose for a 6 sq.m. kitchen design?

10 tricks for decorating your kitchen standard Khrushchev Quite versatile and easily applicable in almost any apartment.

Now let's talk about how to make your kitchen individual, beautiful and loved by YOU.

Guess what we're talking about?

Of course, about the kitchen design color palette!


Universal, loved by many, but, alas, impractical color for kitchen decoration!

It is popular due to its ability to visually expand space.


A worthy alternative to white. Executed in beige color a 6 sq.m kitchen seems spacious, but at the same time easy to clean.

Beige color is used as in traditional styles, and in modern ones.


More often brown kitchen- This is a kitchen made of natural wood. Less commonly made brown modern facades from artificial materials.

The color is quite practical, non-staining, but due to its property of visually weighing down the space, it is not popular.


Dynamic, strong and very passionate color!

The kitchen has 6 sq. m is used in limited quantities, most often in combination with white and black colors to decorate a room in a modern style.


Delicate, cool, harmonious shades of blue are most often used to decorate kitchens in provencal style or high-tech style.

Pairs well with white, beige, lavender, yellow, and gray.

They lose their charm in lamps with a “warm” (yellow) glow.


An interesting, calming eco-hue.

Thanks to its unobtrusiveness and naturalness, it fits into almost any interior design style.


A universal, neutral and at the same time multifaceted color. Every year it becomes more and more popular among modern designers interior Highlights textured materials.


Enough bold decision for decorating a small kitchen in Khrushchev.

Looks good only with high quality lighting.

Ideally combined with both matte and glossy facades.


Sunny, bright and cheerful yellow will refresh even the most dark kitchen 6 sq.m.

Looks best in modern style kitchens, but can fit interestingly into a country or Provence style kitchen.


The palette of orange shades is infinitely diverse and ranges from delicate peach to rich carrot and juicy orange.

Perfect for interiors in northern latitudes, where there is little light and warmth.


The most fashionable color of 2018. It is mistakenly believed that only lavender can be used in the kitchen. purple shades(and only within the framework of the Provençal style).

In fact, the purple color scheme fits perfectly into many popular styles of kitchen interior design in Khrushchev.

6 popular styles for decorating a 6 sq.m. kitchen.

There are many styles of kitchen interior design. There are only 6 popular and most functional ones.

We will tell you about them.


A timeless style, known for its sophistication, restraint and aristocracy.

Beautiful and practical.

Traditionally classic interior It is made in dark shades of natural wood, but in a kitchen of 6 square meters we recommend that you use the so-called “American classic” style, which, unlike the traditional one, is light and light.


Fashion trend recent years. Popular due to its unpretentiousness. Often used in studio kitchens and living room kitchens.


The light and sentimental Provence style is very often used in small kitchens due to its simplicity. will be feminine and cozy.


A style known for its practicality. Distinctive feature kitchens in Scandinavian style- a spacious storage system that allows you to place everything you need even in a small space.


Minimalism is characterized by the absence of unnecessary details. This allows you to make even the smallest space visually wider.

But there are also some nuances - where everything is hidden, there is never anything “at hand”.


This style is chosen by connoisseurs of exoticism, creativity and non-standard solutions. It is valued by many for its uniqueness and desire to make everything as individualistic as possible.

Kitchen layout 6 sq.m.

Your comfort directly depends on how successful the layout of your kitchen in Khrushchev will be.

Corner kitchen

A corner kitchen set is considered the best option for small kitchens.

One corner of the kitchen is fully utilized and the work triangle is reduced.

Direct kitchen

Suitable for you if you are going to arrange a small dining area in your kitchen.

If there is not enough space for the refrigerator, take it out into the hallway.

Double row kitchen

Suitable for narrow kitchens and corridor-type kitchens.

U-shaped kitchen

The U-layout is chosen by those for whom a standard corner kitchen is not enough.

The U-shaped set is much more spacious than the corner one. But it takes up a lot more space, so the space for the dining area in the kitchen is 6 sq.m. it may simply not be enough.

Island in the kitchen 6 sq.m: for or against?

An island in the kitchen is convenient, but in the Khrushchev era it is rarely feasible due to the complexity of re-equipping communications. The only exception may be an island in the kitchen of 6 square meters. m in a private house. IN ordinary apartments experiments with the transfer of communications can end in failure.

Unfortunately, some apartments do not have a spacious and large kitchen. But, despite all this, any interior specialist can argue that in matters of kitchen design, the key is not the number of square meters, but correct use total area. Same design small kitchen can be both comfortable and beautiful, but for this it is worth taking into account some exceptions to the layout, as well as the basic rules for the design of rooms with small area. Every housewife eventually understands that their small kitchen is uncomfortable and cramped. In this situation, it’s time to change something, and this cannot be done without changing the design. After all, the kitchen is the place where every housewife feels like a culinary master, and if the mood is bad, this will directly affect the prepared food.

There are currently a large number all sorts of options optimal modification of a small kitchen area.

Kitchen interior layout 6 sq. m.

Having an idea of ​​a small kitchen area, you can understand that its area is less than even 8 square meters. meters. In particular, there are kitchens of this size that are either rectangular or square in shape. In a situation where you are preparing to carry out major renovation work, you can increase the kitchen area by connecting it to another room, for example, to the living room. This move implies the absence of a kitchen door: a sophisticated opening in the form of an arch will add beauty. By the way, the absence of a door greatly increases visual space kitchen, and it will also be easy to move individual items to another room.

If you do not want to combine two different rooms, but the apartment has a balcony, then a different layout is allowed. To increase the kitchen area, you can remove balcony windows and a door, and the remaining lintel can be used as a table in the form of a bar counter. But remember, to make such changes, you must make sure that the balcony is well insulated and glazed.

It is allowed to use several options for a varied layout of a small kitchen. The likelihood of choosing one or another layout depends on the following factors:

  • kitchen shapes;
  • the presence of a dining area or its absence;
  • sizes and characteristics kitchen furniture;
  • location of sockets.

Key task efficient planning kitchens (5, 6, 7 sq. meters) is a convenient arrangement of kitchen furniture and appliances, proper division of small areas for storing dishes, cooking, etc. The table, stove and sink should be located at a distance of one and a half meters from the refrigerator and cabinets so as not to narrow the space.

The option with a sink at the entrance is one of the most convenient. In this case, a table and a refrigerator should follow the sink along the wall.

The triangle rule in kitchen design

If the sink is located in the corner of the room, then the set should be on both sides of it, supposedly forming a triangle. The work triangle includes three centers of activity - the refrigerator, sink and stove. In a correctly created triangle, the distance from one vertex to another should be minimal so that the housewife can use all the necessary items. If movements inside the triangle are difficult, then this option should be bypassed. The main question is: “What and where is it?” So, the sink is considered the epicenter of activity, so it is allowed to be located in the center of the triangle. It is convenient to place the stove closer to kitchen table, but away from the refrigerator. The refrigerator is placed in the next corner of the room, but only if its open door does not cover the available free space.

Location of household appliances

Just as in the case of room planning, there are a number of options for the arrangement of furniture and appliances in the kitchen - these are:

  1. The location of the refrigerator directly depends on its size, the number of cabinets and the location of the outlets;
  2. It is appropriate to replace a large stove that occupies a significant area in the kitchen hob, on which there are only 2 burners, and not as many as 4;
  3. If available comfortable spot to place the oven, then you need to do this, but it’s easier to replace this item with a modern microwave with a large number of different functions;
  4. A microwave oven can work well even on hanging shelves to save space on horizontal surfaces;
  5. If the washing machine in the kitchen plays an important role for you, then hide it under the countertop;
  6. If you have a dishwashing machine, you can also move it under the countertop. By the way, there are services of professionals who can place dishwasher above the washing machine to save space.

Kitchen furniture 6 sq.m. m.

Your little secrets in the field of design of small kitchen premises are also available. Furniture is an integral part of any room, and it plays an important role in the kitchen. With the help of properly selected furniture you can create a practical and cozy design kitchens.

  1. One of the most popular pieces of furniture for small spaces is corner cupboard, since it takes small space.
  2. A wide window sill can be used as a tabletop.
  3. Replacing conventional curtains with roller curtains.
  4. Drawers are an ideal place to store dishes and other small items. They are much more convenient to use than huge cabinets with hinged doors.
  5. To make optimal use of the available space, you should stock up on cabinets for the floor and ceiling, so that everything you need is stored nearby below, and the least necessary is placed upstairs.
  6. A regular dining table can be replaced with an elongated table in the form of a bar counter.

Color scheme for a small kitchen

Professional designers are ready to offer a large number various options colors for the kitchen. In any case, you should rely only on your personal tastes and preferences.

The choice of room shade depends on the properties of the room itself: its size, lighting parameters, general style and mood. It is important to remember that tones close to red are warm and always convey only coziness and comfort, but shades of blue are cold, so they are characterized by purity and a kind of practicality.

When you decide on the key shade of the room, you can move on to combinations. If you have a set made of wood, then the combination schemes must be created appropriately, using cream, coffee and dark green shades. Keep in mind that white in the design can visually enlarge the area, but also remember that white alone looks boring, so it’s worth diversifying it using shades of black, gold or silver. White combined with blue will also look unique.

Playing with the proportions of shades of green and yellow you can give the kitchen individual look, adding a drop of mood.

In the design of small rooms, you should not overuse dark monochromatic and too bright contrasting colors, but rather rely on light combinations of shades.

Kitchen lighting

The interior design of a small kitchen area is both excellent functionality and, at the same time, convenience and beauty. Lighting plays an important role in this matter.

The central lighting source must be located above the main table in order to dinner Zone was not deprived of light. There must be additional lighting near work areas: near the stove, near the sink. You can install small comfortable lamps near the window.

Remember that the kitchen is a place for preparing food, and without good light lighting there is no way around this place.

How to expand the space of a small kitchen

Every housewife, literally, dreams of increasing the space in a small kitchen. It's possible! Exist different ways make this dream come true. And let’s say more, many have been using these methods for a long time and are satisfied. So:

  1. A correctly selected color scheme will significantly expand the space. Such tricks include: painting walls in light colors, using beige and coffee colors in design, avoiding rich monochromatic contrasts, using decorative elements in bright colors, using flowing or roller blinds;
  2. Using curtains or special curtains instead of a door;
  3. Mirror located in the center. If the mirror vertical type, then the room will seem long, and if horizontal, then wide and spacious;
  4. Longitudinal direction gender;
  5. The use of laconic facades, drawers and corner cabinets.

  1. Replacing a traditional sliding door or simply creating an arch.
  2. Glossy material of the kitchen set. The glare emanating from it will visually increase the space.
  3. A mirror above the main table or opposite the windows, in order to figuratively expand the territory.
  4. The space available under the sink can be used to store various useful items.
  5. Place a wide cutting board above the sink. This move involves adding an additional workplace.
  6. Use of kitchen rails (hooks, shelves, baskets).

As you can see, creating a specific design in order to increase space in a small kitchen is not only a demanding job, but also quite interesting activity which requires creative approach, special attention to the smallest details and some knowledge in the field of decoration and interior design. And, of course, such an activity creates a love for one’s native cuisine!


An example of arranging a small kitchen with low ceilings

63 photos of kitchen design ideas 6 sq. m.