Rituals for the waning moon. Rituals for the waning moon - examples, rules of execution. Spells for independent reading

The phases of the moon have big influence for a person's life. Depending on it, it is recommended to carry out various rituals. The old moon hides a special energy, which is why conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon bring purification, liberation and promise good luck in business and love. This period allows you to cleanse yourself of illnesses, mental burdens, and gain the spiritual energy necessary in the future.

How to correctly read conspiracies for the waning moon?

The waning moon is considered the best period for healing, protection and getting rid of everything unnecessary and negative in life. It is in this phase that the following conspiracies have the greatest results:

  1. A conspiracy against failure.
  2. For love and the return of a loved one.
  3. For protection from enemies.
  4. To get rid of loneliness.
  5. For good luck and financial well-being.
  6. To your health.

However, each of these rituals has a set of certain rules, without which it will not have the desired effect. There are also general instructions, including strict adherence to instructions, faith in a positive result, complete secrecy of intentions from other people and, of course, the appropriate phase - the waning moon.

New love and return of a loved one

Love affairs are one of the main rituals performed on the old moon. It is during this period that the forces of nature have a beneficial effect on personal life, awaken hidden feelings and ignite the flame of love and passion.

Waning moon conspiracies for a man’s love are best read using a photograph of the person you want to bewitch. To carry out the ritual, in addition to photographs, you will need 3 red church candles and a needle. You need to perform the ritual in the dark exactly at midnight, completely alone, observing all stages of the ritual:

1. Stand by the window so that you can see the moon.

2. Place candles on the windowsill and light them.

3. Take a photo of your loved one and, looking alternately at the moon and at the photo, read the spell three times:

  • “Just as the night loves the moon and comes only with its rising, so you, servant of God (name of the chosen one), love only me, (your name), be with me alone and don’t think about anyone else.”

4. The candles should be extinguished, and the melted wax should be applied to the face of the chosen one in the image.

5. Use a needle to draw a lock on the wax and say:

  • “I’m locking up your heart, I’m taking the key to it for myself.”

6. Hide the photo in a safe place and not show it to anyone until the wedding with your lover.

Bring your husband back to the family or a loved one is easier than to bewitch a stranger, because there is already love in his heart and it only needs to be revived. Conspiracies to bring back a loved one, which can be read on the waning moon, can not only bring back old feelings, but also permanently discourage the lover from other women.

For the ritual you will need one church candle and two photographs: yours and your husband’s or boyfriend’s. Since the ceremony is performed on fire, you need to purchase three church candles. As in the first version of the plot, you should wait until midnight and light a candle in complete silence and solitude. Then, looking at your loved one’s face, repeat three times:

  • “As soon as this candle burns out, the moon will revive love (names)”

Let the candle burn almost to the ground and extinguish the wick right hand, and hide the rest in a secluded place. This spell is considered one of the most powerful in love magic.

Protection from enemies

It is also possible to protect yourself and your family from enemies or eliminate enemies at work with the help of a special conspiracy. But you should consider whether you simply want to protect yourself from the influence of a person or to discourage him from yourself. To protect you, purchase three church candles: one large and two smaller. Place the one that is higher in the center of the table, and the smaller ones on the sides. Without taking your eyes off the flame, begin reading the prayer:

  • “God protect my home and the people dear to my heart. Protect my work and business from unkind enemies, from everyone I know, and from those who are not familiar to me. Protect and hide from villains and their intrigues. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amine b"

The ritual from worst enemies using candles and nails. He is able to ward off ill-wishers and, if they want to harm you, he can “prick” them in response. For this ritual you need to purchase exactly 7 candles and 7 nails. Place the candles on the table in a semicircle, and place nails in a row in front of them, take the sheet with the spell in both hands and read the spell out loud:

  • “As the moon wanes in the sky, so all my enemies will have no sleep. For every caustic word and insult, let them be washed with tears and be punished with a heavy share. Whoever called me names or encroached on my family, let him be doubly offended and humiliated. I send the enemy’s actions back to them. The enemies cannot find either forgiveness or repentance. Let it be so. Amen"

A conspiracy against enemies, read on the waning moon, can ward off troubles and misfortunes from your home, eliminate ill-wishers, and protect you from unprofitable deals and financial deceptions.

Money and luck

To attract good luck, both in life and in the financial sphere, it is important to free yourself from obstacles and bad luck. You can read a spell for money on the waning moon at home using just small mirror. Wait for the moon to rise, stand with your back to the window and raise the mirror so that it is reflected in it. Having caught the lunar reflection, repeat the spell three times:

  • “Mother Moon, you are full of gold and silver, deliver me from lack of money and poverty, give me a good share.”

It is better to read the conspiracy against lack of money on the waning moon in small change, holding 13 coins in the palm of your hand. It is the coins that will be used to speak. Therefore, do not forget to throw them over your left shoulder after the ceremony and leave without looking back. Words to be said during the ritual:

  • “My poor thing, my poor fellow, get off me and go to the small change. Whoever picks up this penny will take all the poor from me. Amen"

From loneliness

* Reading a plot against loneliness on yourself on the waning moon will help you find happiness and faith, end sadness and free yourself. Moreover, the effect of this ritual is almost instantaneous. Perform the ritual better at night on Wednesday before bed. Prepare a glass of water, preferably holy, as it is a conductor of light energy. Then read the words:

  • “Voditsa - sister, you saw a lot, washing the land where your dear little one stepped, walked past my path. Turn our destinies around, unite our smiles, let your current open my threshold to my dear one. Wash, renew my blood, drive away melancholy and loneliness. Let happiness flow in a golden stream. May my darling be by my side forever!”

Drink water and go to bed. A dream can also carry an important meaning related to the ritual being performed, so it is worth paying attention to it.

From diseases

There are many conspiracies against illness during the waning moon, which can be read almost always and everywhere. For example, at noon you should lie on your right side and say: “Half a day has passed, half the illness remains” , and at sunset in the same position: “The day has passed, the illness has gone away.”

For diseases, the most universal conspiracy is considered to be one carried out on the street near a young tree. You need to touch the trunk and say: “The disease is painful, the disease is viscous and stretches to the trunk, goes to the tree, does not plague your servant (name), but sharpens the wood. I give my illness, I take my health. Amen!"

For pain of different nature a conspiracy will help. In this case, you need to move your finger around the diseased area of ​​​​the body and repeat:

  • “I appeal to you (indicate the organ that hurts or part of the body): don’t be in pain, don’t get sick, don’t torment the servant of God (name).As the Moon wanes in the sky, so does my illness recede. Amen!"

Read the words three times and, if the pain does not subside within a few days, repeat the ritual.

People have been using proven conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon for hundreds of years. This helps them solve many problems, attract good luck or get rid of something. Many rituals are performed taking into account the lunar cycle. This has some significance.

What can you do on the waning moon?

During the period when the moon is waning, conspiracies are read if you want to get rid of diseases, bad habits, failures, exclude from social circle certain people. The words and actions spoken should not be aimed at harming other people; this may also have consequences for the person performing the ritual.

After the full moon, when the moon goes down for two weeks, conspiracies against warts, for getting rid of smoking, drunkenness, obsessive and unpleasant habits will be effective. They will help against unhappy love, against a rival, and excess weight.

They also perform rituals aimed at getting rid of poverty.. Here, conspiracies are important specifically against lack of money, and not for making a profit, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Thus, the moon gives us the opportunity to get rid of problems in our lives.

It is important to know that if you decide to make a certain conspiracy, you are responsible for your actions, that is, each person must understand what consequences he may receive. How effective conspiracies and rituals are depends on correct setting words, day of the week, lunar day and the desires of the person himself. When you do something, you should cast aside any doubts, because our thoughts directly affect the result.

First day after the full moon

On the first day, when the moon begins to wane, the effect of the full moon is still strong. The energy is at its maximum, the moon is in the third quarter, so the conspiracies turn out to be quite strong and effective.

The first days during the waning cycle are good for general cleaning of the house along with energetic cleansing of the space. This time is well spent getting rid of everything unnecessary that interferes with your life, brings failures and illnesses. If you want to escape poverty, it’s time to read a conspiracy or perform a ritual. During this period, it is good to cleanse the space of foreign entities that for some reason have settled in the house.

In addition to clearing the physical space around you, Spells to cleanse the body also work. They also help get rid of bad habits. Cold spells and protective rituals work well.

Here are 10 conspiracies that can be effectively read on the first day of the waning moon.

From poverty and lack of money

The ritual should be done in the dark. It is necessary to install a mirror. The night light will be reflected in it. Next, you should turn away from this mirror and say the words to the reflection three times.

“As the moon wanes, so does money come to me. I dare poverty - I bring generosity, from people - an increase, from the boss - an allowance. Let it be so."

A week before the ceremony, you need to start collecting coins. On the waning moon, stand at the crossroads and throw coins into each of the four cardinal directions in turn, reading the words:

“I don’t throw away change, but lack of money. It went into the deep abyss, away from me and my house. To the far-distance, they will not return to her from where. Let it be so."

Then you have to go home and don't look back. Improvements occur within a month.

For warts

In addition to folk remedies for this disease, conspiracies that were successfully used by our ancestors are also effective.

For the plot, take an apple and divide it into three parts.. Each part of the fruit should touch the wart. The fruit is then thrown away or buried.

“Just as apples in the ground wither and dry up, so do warts dry up and then disappear forever, the fruits cleanse my skin. Let it be so."

First, water is poured into a carafe and left for 11 days. When the waning moon comes, you should find a birch tree. Standing under a tree, water your hands while saying words.

“I wash my hands with clean water and wash away bad warts with it. They leave me, leave my body. In the ground with water, there is their place. Amen."

Another strong conspiracy, which is working:

“Just as in a bathhouse the water disappears in the cracks, so my illness (or the person’s name) goes away, leaves. Amen."

The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced in the bathhouse while washing.

From fullness

Along with carrying out special procedures for improving the body, they also make conspiracies.

“The moon is waning - I’m going to lose weight. The moon has beautiful horns, I have a slender body.”

Read within 9 days.

For the next spell you will need a photograph, a candle and an envelope. The words are read over the photograph, which is placed in an envelope and sealed with wax.

“As the moon wanes, so does my fullness go with it. I am getting slimmer, prettier, and healthier. I lock the fat with seven locks, with seven shackles, not to be fat, but to be slim. Let it be so."

From diseases

The waning moon is the time to get rid of ailments. At this time, conspiracies and rituals are most successful. When pronouncing any words, you must believe in the power of healing and sincerely desire this so that the effect is most successful.

To perform the ritual, a basin of water is taken. They wash her face, saying words. After which this water must be poured into the sink or outside.

The ritual is carried out every day until the new moon comes.

“I give dirt and disease to water, and I invite health to me. The whole night is given to the moon, and the energy comes to me.” The ritual is widely known egg rolling

. On the waning moon, you can also carry it out by saying these words:

“Healing comes, illnesses and illnesses quickly go away from me.”

While pronouncing the words, roll an egg over the sore spot. At the same time, one must vividly imagine that illnesses go away, the body is freed from everything bad. The egg should then be buried in the ground as far as possible from the house.

From envious people The following words are necessary

say seven times, holding a lit candle in your hands:

“The candle burns out, but other people’s envy smolders. My defense grows, other people's anger will go away. I am always in health, prosperity and good luck, and other people’s envy passes me by.”

The waning moon will take all the negativity with it.

Vanga's conspiracy to lose weight

Vanga was considered a successful healer and soothsayer. Therefore, its rituals are still used today. To read the plot, take a glass of water and hold it in your hand. You need to sit in front of the window. It is important that there are no clouds in the sky at this time, and that the night light is clearly visible. You need to focus your thoughts on the desire to lose excess weight.

During the ritual, it is necessary to exclude distractions and it is advisable that there are no other people nearby. Looking at the moon they say:

“The moon is waning, I (name) am going to lose weight. May the night luminary be round and full, and may I be thin and slender. Let the moon waning, and I grow thin and fit. All my fat will go away by the moon, and it will add beauty to her. The will is strong, the words are strong, as it is said, so it will be.” You should drink water from a glass

and go to bed immediately.

For melancholy

Sometimes it happens that your loved one forgets about you, but magic comes to the rescue. For this there are spells for melancholy, they are easier than a love spell and do not have serious consequences. To carry out the plot you will need a candle, preferably a black one, paper, a pen or pencil, and dishes for burning

“I read the word and make (name) sad. He can’t see his life without me, he’s tormented, sad and bored. Walk next to me, make me happy alone, see happiness only in me. Let it be so."

Doing a ritual it's important to know that you really want this person around and you won't change your mind.

From enemies

You can get rid of enemies by casting various spells.

“Water, water, let me wash, don’t let others use my power. Deliver me from my enemy, drive away the one who wishes me harm. Amen."

Words slander a bottle of clean water, better than a well, then they wash themselves with it, and also spray the house and other property.

For the love of a man

In the next love plot we ask you to take away loneliness and failures in your personal life. During the waning moon before going to bed, say the words while looking at the night star:

“Luna, please send me happiness, save me from celibacy and failures, save me. Give me your power, give me beauty, may I find happiness forever.”

This plot is read if you need to destroy love between people. Say the words while looking at the photo of your loved one:

“The moon is waning, the love of God’s servants is subsiding. Let (name)’s heart begin to ache with melancholy. May you, my love, live with me forever. In dreams and in reality, you can only see and love me. In your dreams you will see me as an obsession. I take your thoughts for myself and conjure you to dream about me. Let it be so."

From failures

In the third and fourth lunar quarters, you can also get rid of failures in life. For this you can use even the most simple conspiracies, you just need to be sure that the bad will certainly go away.

To do this, take a mirror. It should not be new, but stand and be used in your home for a long time. You should go with him to the crossroads. The mirror should be broken and the spell cast:

“Go back, failures, to where you came from. This is no place for you. You cannot stay in this house, you cannot linger. You can’t bring bad things to black people.”

After that you should leave, you can’t look back, otherwise everything will come back.

What conspiracies are they reading?

In the third and fourth lunar quarters, you can do a lot of conspiracies and rituals. This period begins after the full moon and ends when the satellite is no longer visible in the sky.

For beauty

At this time, women perform rituals to get rid of unwanted, ugly features of appearance. The following conspiracy is simple, it is used to get rid of shortcomings:

“Water, pure sister, take all the problems from my face. Give me youth and beauty. Let it be so."

Wash your face every day with water, reciting this spell until the problems disappear.

For money

It must be remembered that on the waning moon, conspiracies are made not to receive, but to get rid of the problem.

“As a candle burns out and melts, so my money troubles go away. The wax melts and the fortune increases.”

To perform it you will need three church candles. They are intertwined so that the wicks are side by side. This triple candle must be lit and the words read three times. Cross yourself and place the candle on the window to burn out. Repeat in a month.

Rituals and conspiracies that are done to improve one’s own well-being done alone.

From debts

To complete this plot you will need open the tap with cold water . Read three times.

“A drop goes to a drop, a stream tends to a stream. Just as water flows quickly, debts float past me and melt away. Clean water washed, hidden from debts.”

Another conspiracy is being carried out over a river or stream with a fast current. In this case, you need to throw a coin into the water.

“My payment for the debt is quick, my life is cleared of debts. Debts go into the water, and from the water they go into the ground. I cry with silver, I cry from myself. I'm closing my debts forever. I lock it with a coin, I close it with a word.”

For trade

If the goods are stale and not for sale, you can say the following words to the items:

“As many ants are in the house, so many buyers come to me, bring their money, and leave with the goods they bought.”

And if the seller needs to lower the price, during the auction they say to themselves:

“Break off your piece, seller, and half is enough for you.”

For good luck

This plot is read after sunset, when the night star becomes visible in the sky. L It’s better to go outside or at least open the window. Before pronouncing the plot, they tell the moon about all their failures, then say the words:

“The moon is bright, the moon is pure silver. The night star is waning, taking away all my difficulties. As the moon dissolves in the night, so does it in me new luck will be born."

As soon as the conspiracy has been pronounced, you should return home, go to bed, imagining that all the bad things will go away, and in the morning good luck will come to the house.

To reduce appetite

Place it in front of you harmful products and talk:

“As you, Moon, decrease, so does the desire for these products, and my weight melts. I don’t want you, neither my will nor my body needs you. I will live well without you, I will gain harmony. So it will be.”

After this, the food should be taken out and left somewhere for the animals to eat. Then go to bed.

From drunkenness

To cure your husband's drunkenness, you will need his ring. It is thrown into a glass of water, and then the plot is read:

“You, water, heal my husband (name) from drunkenness, drive away the infection, healthy life return. The disease will go away, it will never come to him. As long as he has the enchanted ring, he is not afraid of binges. So be it.”

The ring must be taken out and returned to the husband for him to wear.

Another conspiracy with water. You will need it clean, preferably spring water. The following words are read on the vessel with water:

“As this water gets inside (name)’s body, his drunkenness goes away, his addiction disappears, disappears and never returns. Drunkenness is gone, health is back. May it always be so."

The spoken water is gradually dripped into the food or drinks of the person who needs to be rid of the habit..

For my husband

Sometimes it happens that your husband leaves, and you want to bring him back. In this case, conspiracies are assistants, a way to redirect a person’s energy and thoughts so that he wants to come back and start all over again.

You need to light a candle, take a photo of a person and say:

“Just as the night loves the moon, so you (name) loved only me (name), you love me, you don’t go to anyone else. Let it be so."

You need to seal the photo with candle wax and put it in a secret place, additionally saying: “I lock it, I take the key for myself.”

The following words can be said over sweets:

“As from rich and sweet food, so from me (name) my beloved (name) will have sweetness. If he doesn’t come to me, any food will taste bitter to him. I close the conspiracy, I protect love.”

Desserts should be given to the husband to eat.

For a mistress

A homewrecker often causes the destruction of a family, but you can get rid of it too safe methods. There is absolutely no need to make strong conspiracies so that they do not harm you and your husband.

Words are spoken while looking at the moon, preferably near an open window.

“Go away, rival, this place is not yours, love is not yours, but yours beyond the threshold of our house. Luna, please give me back what is mine, and give her yours. I won’t give up my half, what’s mine is not hers.”

For the boss

An angry and picky boss can seriously poison your life or interfere with your career. To change his attitude, there are also effective conspiracies.

“I’m on one side, and you’re standing on the other. You should not shout in front of me, but remain silent and respect me. Your lips are closed, your thoughts are left with you, not directed at me. Now it’s always like this.”

Read before going to see your boss. You can do this before going to work.

When performing any conspiracies, you need to know that you definitely want this desire to come true. Any words can change our reality, so you should think before using them. Conspiracies and rituals are only assistants; you should not rely on them alone, because life also consists of many little things that should be taken into account.

Waning moon conspiracies are rituals that are performed during a certain phase of the moon. It is at this time that the magic of rituals has enormous power. The period of the waning month is a time with strong energy, ideal for cleansing rituals and getting rid of what bothers a person.

There are a variety of magical rituals that can be performed on a waning moon. And we will talk about what activities can be performed on such a moon in this article.

Everyone knows that lunar phases provide a huge impact for human life. On a full moon, the connection between a person and a person is especially acutely felt. other world. During the growing month, requests are made for the addition of something or the appearance, and during the waning moon, they ask for deliverance.

When the month is waning, just for fun, you can try general cleaning. It will turn out much better and go faster. After all, this time is great for getting rid of everything unnecessary, superfluous or disturbing.

The rituals that are best performed on the waning moon are as follows:

  • rituals for love, in which a person needs to be rid of unnecessary feelings, separated from someone, or cooled off;
  • health rituals when you need to get rid of an illness, lose weight, overcome addiction;
  • magic for money, in which a person gets rid of lack of money, financial problems and troubles;
  • good luck spells when you need to end a bad streak in life.

As you can see, many rituals are performed on the waning moon, including rituals for health, weight loss, love, luck, and money. When performing such a ritual plan, candles, water or fire are very often used. Magic with candles is considered very relevant during this period.

If there is discord in your family due to the appearance of another woman who wants to separate husband and wife, then performing a lapel is perfect solution. It will destroy the love and affection between a spouse and another woman.

For this ritual you will need new needles, one church candle and a box of matches.

In a deserted place you need to make a small hole. Stick all the needles there one at a time, imagining how your beloved man gets rid of his feelings for another woman and his love passes.

“Needles should not be together, just as God’s servants (name of husband and mistress) should not be together.
When the needles grow together into one, then they will unite.

The words are repeated three times. Now, in the place of the hole, you need to light a candle and leave this place without looking back.

Water conspiracies

Waning moon conspiracies with water and candles are very effective in getting rid of illnesses and addictions. To complete such an event you will need a new iron mug and a candle.

Early in the morning, tap water is filled into a mug, a candle is lit and the words are read:

“Water-water, help me get rid of (name what you want to get rid of),
So that just as the water leaves my face, so does my problem leave me.
My word is strong, my strength is strong, my desire is strong!

You need to repeat the spell seven times, after which you should wash your face with water and put out the candle. The ritual is repeated every day for seven days. Please note that you cannot miss a single day.

This ritual can be performed to lose weight, and to get rid of illness, and from addictions, alcohol, drugs. It is very important to believe that the ritual will work and help you solve your problem.

Money plot

There are situations when a person is constantly accompanied by failures in terms of finances and lack of money becomes the main problem. In such cases, rituals that are performed during the waning month help.

To complete one of these events you will need coins from yourself. of little dignity. These coins must be collected within one week before performing the ritual.

On the night when the ritual is performed, you should go to a deserted intersection and throw a few coins in four directions. After that, read the following on each side: magic words:

“I’m not throwing away change, but my lack of money,
It went into the abyss, into the forests, into the seas, from me,
From my house, from my family!
Into the distance, far away, far away, from where you can’t return.

After the plot is said and the coins are thrown out, you should return home without turning around or talking to anyone. As a rule, the first results will be noticeable within a month after performing the ritual.

The most common are money conspiracies, love rituals, rituals for weight loss and conspiracies for lack of money. All in all a large number of Black and white magic activities can be performed on the waning moon.

Conspiracies for the waning moon video:

Having chosen the rites and rituals that are most suitable for you, they can only be carried out in full accordance with the instructions. One should resort to magic only if a person believes in its effectiveness. Otherwise, conspiracies can even cause harm, so it is not recommended to do them out of curiosity or for testing.

Among the fair sex, the love spell on the waning moon is especially popular. With its help, you can bewitch your beloved man, even if he is on the long distance from you. The main thing is to follow all the instructions, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a positive result.

The power of the waning moon

If you decide to adapt to magical rituals, then you should know what conspiracies are read on the waning moon. The night luminary can help not only love sphere, but also improve health, financial side life and If you decide to get rid of either you or them, you can fight them using a simple ritual.

    1. Late at night, between midnight and one in the morning, you should go outside and look at the heavenly body.
    2. Take in your hands any thing that symbolizes your desire. This could be a photo from beautiful figure or a photo with a clean face.
    3. Place your other hand on the photo, close your eyes, and read the following plot:

“I, the servant of God (name), ask the luminary of the night to help me in this situation. difficult situation. I have been dreaming of losing weight for a long time, but all attempts have been in vain. The skin on my face is constantly covered in inflammation, so the men I like don't pay attention to me. I don't want to suffer from being overweight. I wish to become an attractive woman, gain beauty and get rid of psoriasis and papilloma. Hair and skin should be my pride. Getting rid of a wart is my dream. I want women to be jealous of me, and men to always be at my feet. May the Lord hear my prayers and send me a solution to all my problems. Amen".

  1. After this, return home, put the enchanted item under the bed or mirror and go to bed.

There will be no result after performing the ceremony once. You need to repeat it 2-3 more times, and literally in a month you will notice changes in positive side: extra pounds will gradually disappear, and the skin will be cleared of acne and inflammation.

Ritual to get rid of failures

To get rid of a series of failures and troubles, you should turn to magic for help. A conspiracy that attracts good luck and happiness is carried out quite simply. All you have to do is put a glass of water on the windowsill at night and look at the moon, you can light candles.

After this, the following magic words are read:

“Unexpectedly, unpleasant changes occurred in my life that completely turned my consciousness and understanding of this world upside down. It seems to me that someone has cast an evil eye or spell on me. I hope that higher powers will help me speak out against failure. I cannot eat, sleep, work and live when every action I take is unsuccessful. I read this conspiracy for the waning moon against failure from the bottom of my heart. I ask you, Lord, hear my words, give me back my luck. May all my wishes come true and may my plans end in success. Amen".

Leave the glass on the windowsill until the morning. This will allow him to be saturated with the energy of the moon. In the morning you should drink this water on an empty stomach and read the same plot again. A similar ritual is carried out every month for six months. Literally after 2-3 times you will notice positive changes.

A refund

People who are engaged in trade know what conspiracies can be read on the waning moon so that with the help of such rituals you can establish trade and raise your business to new level. To do this, you need to stay near your workplace at night and pick up a small amount.

“I don’t know for what reason, but trade began to go wrong and a lot of debt arose. It seems to me that the cause of poverty was my constant conflicts with competitors who are trying to drive me out of the market business. I ask for help from higher powers who always help those in need. Let buyers come to me and bring money. This is the meaning of my life and way of living. IN modern world It is difficult to survive without funds. I don't want to suffer from lack of money. If it doesn’t work out to get the winnings to get rid of debts, then I want buyers to buy all the goods from me. The waning moon hears conspiracies and always helps. I am ready to make discounts just to achieve relief from poverty. May things get better for me, I will be very grateful.”

The money enchanted in the ritual should be placed under the threshold of a store or trading place. They cannot be touched, even if there is no change. They will become a talisman that will fulfill all your wishes and will link between you and the moon.

To improve your health

There are also proven daily rituals that are aimed at improving health. They allow you to achieve the following results:

  1. help get rid of bad habits
  2. boost the immune system;
  3. improve overall health.

Usually they are recommended to be held on Wednesday: on this day the magic is stronger. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, you should go outside and look at the moon. After this, you must find the tallest tree that grows on your street. Approach him and read the spell against diseases for the waning moon:

“I, the servant of God (name), suffer from frequent illnesses. Most likely, the reason lies in the damage or evil eye that my ill-wishers sent to me. This tree, in front of which I am now standing and asking for help, has lived for hundreds of years. It has never hurt, which is why it stands so beautiful. I will read conspiracies on the waning moon until my illnesses disappear. Because of them, I can’t live normally and be happy.”

After that, go home and write the same magic words on a piece of paper. Early in the morning, with the first rays of the sun, you should go and dig this leaf into the roots of the tree. In just 2-3 weeks you will notice the effect of this proven ritual.

Effective rituals for the love sphere

Waning moon spells for love are especially popular. Almost every second woman or girl comes to sorcerers to improve her personal life or her man. There are several varieties of such proven rituals, which are considered the most effective and give almost instant results.

Get rid of your rival

It often happens that a rival appears in life, who complicates the process of returning her husband and his love. - the only way out. At such moments you should look at open window and read the following plot:

“I want the man I love to be inflamed with reciprocal feelings for me. I can’t imagine my life without my husband, if he’s not next to me. Let the woman who now shares his bed and kitchen table, will disappear. The moon is waning, and let the love between husband and mistress disappear. We will be together forever, even if the stars don’t align. Let my loneliness disappear. I send my thoughts in your direction, my betrothed, conjuring you to pay attention to me. Amen".

Magic words are read at least 7 times. Possible Negative consequences, if you read the words with anger.

Conspiracies from photos

This ritual should be performed on Friday, after sunset. He is considered strong, so he requires emotional return. At night, you need to put a photo of your loved one near you and light a red candle next to you.

Looking at the fire, read the following words:

“Even though now, my beloved, there is no love in your heart, but soon you will understand that you love me selflessly. This photograph will become a symbol of the sincerity of feelings between us, so I will carry it with me all the time. A red candle enhances feelings. No one will ever be able to lift this spell, and the moon will be a faithful witness to this. Let the love between us grow, even if we are at a distance. My feelings will never change. Amen".

Ritual of sending melancholy

You can make a guy or girl feel sad by spending strong ritual. Loose and combed hair is immersed in a basin of water and salt and placed under the rays of the moon. To enhance the effect, you can light candles.

After this, read the following conspiracy for the waning moon:

“I want (the name of the person to whom you are sending melancholy) to miss me, shed tears and not be able to live a day without thinking about me. I live with such feelings, God’s servant(s). Amen".

Such magic words can be read before bed to consolidate. With the help of such a ritual, you can return your former neighbors with whom you were on good terms.


The power of magic has been proven for centuries. There are skeptics who feel negative towards her. But if there is no other way out, and all natural methods do not help in achieving the goal, you have to take extreme measures, which actually turn out to be effective.

The period when according to lunar calendar the night luminary is waning - this is a blessed time, with the strongest positive energy, which should be used for internal healing, to change your own life for the better. A conspiracy for the waning moon will help you get rid of drunkenness and financial failures, improve your poor health and gain a new figure. As they say - change your own life in a better direction and give back everything that was done to you by envious people.

The waning luminary of the night is a special period when the body is cleansed and freed from the negativity affecting it; during this period, you can carry out general cleaning, both in the house and in the body and soul. What conspiracies are read for the night luminary waning in the sky? First of all, cleansing and liberating, which help remove human-induced evil and negativity, damage and the black evil eye.

Conspiracies that are especially effective during this period

Speaking about rituals that are especially effective and efficient during this period, practicing astrologers and magicians highlight the following rituals:

  1. A ritual performed for love, where a person needs to be freed from feelings and dependence imposed on him, to make it easier to survive separation and separation.
  2. Rituals personally performed to get rid of induced diseases and human addiction are a special topic for conversation, which will be discussed below, and especially if a person in the family suffers from alcohol addiction.
  3. Financial magic, which helps to overcome poverty and lack of money - such rituals are performed only as a last resort, when a dark period comes.
  4. Conspiracies for your own good luck and the end of a bad streak in life are a separate graph of magic, when all the negativity is sent to you by a dark influence from the outside, so to speak, damage or a slander has been made.

As you can see, there are a lot of rituals and they all help change better side your life and the situation at home.

Alcoholism conspiracy

The ritual at this time is the most powerful, capable of overcoming the addiction of a husband or wife, child and saving the family from suffering. Read more powerful rituals against drunkenness.

Ritual performed with a white, new towel

To carry out the ritual, you should buy a white and new towel - the main thing is that no one has used it before, and when the sun sets below the horizon, open the window and stand under the streams of light from the night luminary. Next, read the words out loud 3 times magical conspiracy above the towel - you should hold it with both hands, unfolding it.

“Like a servant of God….name….he wipes himself with this and a towel - so his craving for alcohol stops, the illness goes away, all the dirt and the towel transfers. Just like 7 days will pass - so the servant of God….name….will be completely healthy.”

The addict himself must use the enchanted bath accessories - he must dry himself with it throughout the week, and no one else. After the week period has expired, you should pick up the towel and take it away from the house and bury it in a vacant lot or simply burn it, and be sure to flush the ashes down the toilet or scatter it outside the window.

Holy water ritual

They simply chant water from the temple, preferably taken on the eve of a large Orthodox festival, and read over it 33 times:

“You are pure water and holy water - help you cleanse yourself to the servant of God...name...with your illness, your serious addiction, your destructive habit. The body does not accept fiery water, it rejects all alcohol - just as 7 days will not pass, so the harmful craving will disappear.”

Then water a couple of drops into the alcohol - after a week he himself will refuse the glass offered to him. The main thing is that the spouse not only wants to overcome his addiction, but also does not see how you carry out and add the charmed water to the alcohol.

So that the spouse does not drink

To turn a spouse away from vodka, a ritual is performed using his own wedding ring. Place secretly what you took from your husband wedding ring into a faceted glass and fill it with holy water, they say quietly:

“Holy water - heal my husband, servant of God .... name ..... from harmful drunkenness and drive away his illness. As long as the spouse wears the ring, there is no binge or drunkenness for him. Just like I said, so you did it.”

The main thing is to hold the glass right under your lips so that the water absorbs the words of the magical, cleansing spell - then take the engagement ring out of the glass and let it dry, then return it to your spouse.

Conspiracy against bad luck

In terms of effectiveness, such rituals are very effective in correcting one’s own affairs - financial, material and career, the cause of which was human evil and envy, slander and lining.

Magic ritual for failure

When the night luminary appears in a clear, cloud-free sky, go outside or stand by a wide-open window and raise your hands to its face and simply talk about your own failures in business. Then say the words out loud:

“The moon - you are bright, made of pure and silver. Yes, as it diminishes, it takes my difficulties with it. As soon as it dissolves in the morning, my new luck will be born.”

Afterwards, simply go to bed - in the morning the decision will come to you on its own on how to get out of the current negative situation, you will find a way out and the most The best decision your problem.

The second ritual for failure

Fill a bowl with water and drink from it, say:

“Mother, you are pure and cold water, like gold and silver is the road, you wash the mountains, you sharpen the stone, you erode the wide spaces between them - wash away all the bad luck from the servant of God. From his clean body, from his white, charmed face, from 100 diseased joints - from human malice, and from vain, black speeches. To be according to that."

As a rule, positive results will appear within 3 days of the ritual.

To get rid of debts

There may be situations in life that are constantly accompanied by financial losses and lack of money - it is worth resorting to rituals during the period of the waning night luminary. To perform one of effective rituals to get rid of debts - you should prepare small coins in advance and their denomination does not matter. Collect small coins throughout the week - 7 days before the waning moon and the expected date of the ceremony.

After you have collected coins for a week, the night before the ritual you should go to a crossroads, in a deserted time, and throw a few prepared small coins in each of the 4 directions. After each such ransom throwing coins in each direction, it is worth saying:

“I’m not throwing away small change - but I’m giving away my failures, my lack of money has gone into the abyss, into dark forests and deep oceans, from me and my home. To the distant distance, may they never return.”

This should be repeated in each direction, the next time you throw coins, and when this is done in relation to the south and north, west and east, go home. In this case, the main thing for you is not to turn around and not react to any noise or shout, and not to talk to passers-by. Positive changes will show themselves after a month.

The second ritual for getting rid of debts and lack of money is no less effective and is also quite popular even among beginners. It helps remove unhappiness from your path in financial sector– the main thing is to resort to it only when a bad streak occurs in your life.

To do this, you should first prepare an ordinary small mirror - the main thing is that it has been in your home for a long time and therefore a new one simply will not be suitable for this ritual. When the sun sets below the horizon, it is worth finding, if possible, a quiet and deserted intersection of roads and breaking a mirror on it. At this moment it is worth saying the words of the ritual conspiracy:

“I’m returning to where I came from with good luck.”

After this, turn around and leave the intersection. The main thing is not to turn around and talk to anyone, do not discuss everything that you have done. Positive result will show itself almost instantly, relieving you of many failures and painful emotions, unnecessary experiences for you.

Weight loss conspiracy

Weight loss conspiracies - they are the ones that help harmonize the soul and cleanse the body, and most importantly, lose excess weight. Below are the most popular and effective weight loss conspiracies.

  1. This ritual spell is very popular among girls - it is easy to carry out and helps normalize weight. To carry it out they take liter bottle the simplest vegetable oil and a container with earth - when the 15th lunar day comes according to the lunar calendar, write “My fat” on the bottle with a marker. When the inscription is made, you should not eat anything fatty for 24 hours, and in the evening they pronounce the words of the conspiracy over it:

“You take my butter and fat for yourself - fix it in yourself.”

Afterwards, for exactly 2 weeks, drop a little oil into a container with soil and at the same time say out loud:

“I expel fat from my body - I water the earth with oil, the black soil accepts my suffering, saving me from overeating.”

Just before the new moon, they pour the last drops of oil into the ground and throw the bottle and the soil on the river bank.

  1. A magical ritual that involves using the power of holy water can also successfully lose weight. It is worth reading the holy words at night, preferably before dawn.

“Luna, you are my sister - you are a dear girl to everyone, you rule the water, leaving the sky, take away my excess weight.”

Afterwards, they drink water - as practice shows, your weight decreases by as many grams as the amount of water you drank was in the charmed glass. At the same time, a ritual conspiracy is carried out daily - read it once, but until the phase of the moon changes.

  1. A conspiracy carried out on the waning moon against excess weight, carried out on Monday or Friday, is also an equally effective and popular ritual. It is on Monday or Friday that it has special power - the words are read on a blank paper prepared in advance, running water. Read it before going to bed:

“Help me, our Light, Lord, bless me, God. On the sea and on the ocean - there is the island of Buyan, on it there is a bed, on it there is down and a feather bed, and on it there is a hog lying, zealously guarding my fat. You are a hog with 3 heads, yes with 5 heads, yes with 7 heads, with 9 heads - eat my fat with each head. As the 9th head eats up my fat, the excess weight will go away. So be it."

They drink a little water and wash the rest of the body, especially wipe it in those places where there is an accumulation of extra centimeters. It is advisable to spend it outside or on an open balcony.

  1. Another equally effective and effective ritual for weight loss, carried out during the waning night light. The main thing is to carry it out over a glass of plain tap water, always running:

“The moon you are bright - you are going down, but for me to lose weight. Moon, you have beautiful horns - give me a slender body, in your word and my deed - and in your deed.”

They must pronounce the words 9 times, while standing in front of a wide open window - the result will show itself after 9 days, for 10 days. Everything else is directly up to you, although the help of magic costs a lot. More rituals and rituals for weight loss, read.