Methodology for getting out of difficult life situations Karpovich. Test. "The way out of difficult life situations." How to get out of difficult life situations. What do you do if something hurts you deeply?

A) calm, slow, thorough, reserved, peaceful.

B) Timid, shy, touchy, impressionable, indecisive.

C) Energetic, restless, playful, hot, cocky.

D) Cheerful, optimistic, compromising, sociable, risk-taking.

2. What emotions do you experience most often?

A) positive, no violent reactions.

B) Fear

B) Anger, violent emotions

G) Positive emotions, I laugh a lot.

3. What games do you like?

A) secluded, quiet, calm.

B) secluded, quiet; mobile and noisy - only with loved ones.

C) gambling, noisy, active, even aggressive.

D) all sorts of things, but to make it fun.

4. How do you react to punishment?

A) practically without emotions

B) negatively, with resentment

C) to verbal ones - calmly, to others - with violent protest.

D) calm.

5. How do you behave in unexpected situations?

A) unemotional

B) trying to avoid this situation (self-preservation instinct)

C) trying to resist (need to fight)

D) show curiosity (expressed positive attitude)

6. How sociable are you?

A) I prefer privacy

B) I prefer solitude, I am sociable only with loved ones.

C) I need viewers and associates

D) I love the company of both adults and children, I get to know each other quickly.

7. What position do you occupy among your peers, do you have leadership qualities?

C) I put myself forward as a leader, but my peers react differently to this

D) a born leader, the soul of the company

8. Memory Features

A) I remember slowly, but I remember and almost never forget the whole thing (good long-term memory)

B) I remember differently, I delve more into the little things (self-doubt interferes with long-term memory, and the fact that I am distracted a lot interferes with short-term memory)

C) I quickly remember details, but quickly forget (short-term memory is well developed, long-term memory is in its infancy)

D) I quickly and easily grasp the whole and remember for a long time (good long-term and short-term memory)

9. How do you learn new things?

A) slowly, but thoroughly

B) depends on the circumstances

C) I grasp it on the fly, but quickly forget

D) quickly and easily

10. Fatigue:

A) very low, I almost never get tired

B) high, any activity causes loss of strength

C) sometimes medium and sometimes high, depends on my emotions

D) average, I get tired in proportion to the activity

11. Features of speech:

A) slow, without gestures, inexpressive

B) quiet and unsure, but expressive

C) speech is emotional, abrupt, fast, and constantly turns into shouting; I chatter, swallow words and syllables

D) with gestures and facial expressions, expressive, lively

12. Movements:

A) solid, leisurely, slow

B) fussy, inaccurate, insecure

B) sharp, impetuous

D) rhythmic, precise, confident

13. Getting used to school:

A) fear of new things, reluctance to change, long adaptation

B) long addiction, difficult adaptation

C) easy adaptation to a new environment, reluctant submission to the demands of adults

D) adaptation is easy and fast

14. Sleep characteristics:

A) I fall asleep quickly, I sleep peacefully, the state after sleep is sluggish, sleepy

B) I go to bed for a long time, but I fall asleep quickly, after sleep I feel cheerful

C) I fall asleep for a long time and with difficulty, restless sleep, after sleep the state is very different: from the worst to the best

D) I fall asleep quickly, my sleep is sound, and after sleep I feel cheerful.


Most answers A - PHLEGMATIC

Most answers B – MELANCHOLIC

Most answers B- CHOLERICA

Most answers G – SANGUINE

Usually, There are practically no pure temperaments.Every person has a combination of two temperaments, one of which is basic and the other additional. But the constant manifestation of only the main and additional temperament is the exception rather than the rule.Each personality contains all four temperaments, but in different proportions.Each of them comes to the fore, depending on the situation.
Main, leadingtemperament manifests itself at a close psychological distance (in a familiar environment, with close people) in a comfortable psychological atmosphere.
Additional temperaent manifests itself more clearly in a tense and (or) conflict situation. For example, protecting your personal interests, defending your opinion, etc.
Third type of temperamentmanifests itself in an official setting, at a distant psychological distance (in relation to management, subordinates or partners from other organizations, simply strangers
people). This type of temperament can be called role-playing, because a person in such a situation is constrained by conventions, and, adapting to society, plays a certain social role.
Fourth type of temperament, appears most rarely. As a short-term reaction to stressful situations (company collapse and unexpected dismissal, serious illness or death loved one, any natural disaster: fire, flood, etc.).

SANGUINE – emotional and has excellent performance. He quickly navigates an unfamiliar environment, is proactive, optimistic, becomes part of a team in a short time, creates a positive microclimate around himself, and experiences failures relatively easily. At the same time, he avoids acute problems and often simplifies the assigned tasks.

Strengths – active, full of energy, easily takes on new things. He easily experiences failures, is easy to communicate, and quickly becomes the life of the party. He will make a good leader or speaker.

Weak sides – often superficial in communication. He is very dependent on new impressions; without them he will become lethargic and indifferent.

PHLEGMATIC PERSON - calm even in the most difficult situations, calm, stable and consistent in aspirations and relationships. Adheres to the established routine, strives for a system, is leisurely and thorough. At the same time, he is inert, slowly switching from one job to another.

Strengths – reliable, self-confident, stubborn and persistent, can perform even the most monotonous work with high quality. Stress-resistant and balanced.

Weak sides – very vulnerable, experiences any conflicts deeply and for a long time. Slow, takes a long time to make decisions. Doesn't take well to change.

CHOLERICK – characterized by speed of action and decisions, frequent mood swings, and increased excitability. In relationships he is often too harsh and straightforward in his assessments. He is often quarrelsome, does not know how to restrain himself, has influence on others, and quickly moves from one thing to another. Loves to be the center of attention.

Strengths – A born leader who passionately devotes himself to his work, putting all his strength and energy into it. Has strong self-control in critical situations. Creatively approaches solving any problems.

Weak sides – often does not complete the task, because tries to do several things at once and quickly becomes exhausted. Unbalanced, sometimes aggressive. Characterized by frequent mood swings.

MELANCHOLIC - we get tired quickly, lack self-confidence, are anxious and suspicious. Well versed in shades of feelings, careful and prudent. Secretive and shy, very worried about the slightest thing. Difficulty adapting to new people.

Strong stores ony - has deep inner world. Has high sensitivity. Copes well with intellectual activities. Achieves significant success in creativity.

Weak sides - extremely vulnerable. It takes a long time and is difficult to make decisions, constantly doubts. Compliant with respect to external interactions.

To determine the type of temperament, there are specially designed questionnaires, there are quite a lot of them. Here's one of them. Its author is A. Belov.

After answering four blocks of questions, you will be offered a simple formula for the most accurate calculation of your temperament.

Using this technique you can also determine your child's temperament type.

Temperament test by A. Belov. Temperament formula:


Carefully read the list of properties inherent in a particular temperament, and put a “+” if the property is inherent in you, and a “-” sign if this property is not expressed in you.

Test material (questions).

1. If you:

1. Calm and cool-headed.

2. Consistent and thorough in business.

3. Be careful and reasonable.

4. You know how to wait.

5. They are silent and do not like to chat in vain.

6. You have calm, even speech, with stops, without sharply expressed emotions, gestures and facial expressions.

7. Restrained and patient.

8. Finish what you start.

9. Don't waste your energy.

10. Strictly adhere to the established routine in life and system in work.

11. You easily control your impulses.

12. Low sensitivity to approval and censure.

13. You are gentle and show a condescending attitude towards barbs directed at you.

14. Constant in their interests and relationships.

15. Slowly get involved in work and switch from one task to another.

16. Have equal relationships with everyone.

17. Love neatness and order in everything.

18. Having difficulty adapting to a new environment.

19. Have self-control.

20. Gradually meet new people.

2. If you:

1. Shy and self-conscious.

2. You get lost in a new environment.

3. Find it difficult to establish contact with new people.

4. Don't believe in your strength.

6. You feel depressed and confused when you fail.

7. They tend to withdraw into themselves.

8. You get tired quickly.

9. You have quiet speech, sometimes reduced to a whisper.

10. Unwittingly adapt to the character of your interlocutor.

11. Impressionable to the point of tearfulness.

12. Extremely sensitive to approval and blame.

13. You place high demands on yourself and others.

14. Prone to suspicion and suspiciousness.

15. Painfully sensitive and easily vulnerable.

16. Extremely touchy.

17. Secretive and uncommunicative, do not share your thoughts with anyone.

18. Inactive and timid.

19. Uncomplainingly submissive.

20. Strive to evoke sympathy and help from others.

3. If you:

1. Restless, fussy.

2. Uncontrollable, hot-tempered.

3. Impatient.

4. Harsh and straightforward in relationships with people.

5. Decisive and proactive.

6. Stubborn.

7. Resourceful in an argument.

8. You work in jerks.

9. Risk-prone.

10. Forgiving and non-offensive.

11. You have fast, passionate speech with confused intonations.

12. Unbalanced and prone to ardor.

13. Intolerant of shortcomings.

14. Aggressive bully.

15. You have expressive facial expressions.

16. Able to act and decide quickly.

17. Strive tirelessly for something new.

18. You have sharp, impetuous movements.

19. Persistent in achieving their goals.

20. Prone to sudden mood swings.

4. If you:

1. Cheerful and cheerful.

2. Energetic and businesslike.

3. Often do not finish what you start.

4. Tend to overestimate themselves.

5. Able to quickly grasp new things.

6. Unstable in interests and inclinations.

7. You easily experience failures and troubles.

8. Easily adapt to different circumstances.

9. Take on any new business with passion.

10. You quickly cool down if the matter ceases to interest you.

11. Get involved quickly new job and quickly switch from one job to another.

12. Be burdened by monotony, everyday, painstaking work.

13. Sociable and responsive, do not feel constrained with new people.

14. Hardy and efficient.

15. You have fast, loud, clear speech, accompanied by lively gestures and expressive facial expressions.

16. Maintain composure in unexpected, difficult situations.

17. You are always in a cheerful mood.

18. You quickly fall asleep and wake up.

19. You are often not collected and show haste in decisions.

20. Sometimes we tend to skim over the surface and get distracted.

Key to the temperament test.

Count the number of "+" for each temperament separately.

1 block - phlegmatic

Block 2 - melancholic

3 block - choleric

Block 4 - sanguine

Then calculate the percentage of positive answers for each type of temperament (the number of “+” for one type of temperament divided by the number of “+” for all four types of temperament and multiplied by 100%).

In its final form, your temperament formula will take something like this: T = 36% X + 35% C + 15% F + 14% M, which means that your temperament is 36% choleric, 35% sanguine, 15% phlegmatic and 14% melancholic.

Interpretation of the obtained values.

Phlegmatic person

New forms of behavior are developed slowly, but are persistent. Possesses slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. Persistent and stubborn, he rarely loses his temper, is not prone to emotions, calculating his strength, brings things to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, and does not like to chat in vain. Saves energy and doesn’t waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases a phlegmatic person may be characterized by “positive” traits - endurance, depth of thoughts, constancy, thoroughness, in others - laziness and a tendency to perform only habitual actions.


Has high sensitivity: there is a depth of feelings with little expression. He is characterized by restraint and muted speech and movements, modesty, and caution. Under normal conditions, a melancholic person is a deep, meaningful, responsible person who successfully copes with life’s tasks. Under unfavorable conditions, he can turn into a closed, anxious, vulnerable person, prone to difficult internal experiences of life circumstances that do not deserve it.

Characterized by increased excitability, actions are intermittent. He is characterized by sharpness and swiftness of movements, strength, impulsiveness, and vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, carried away by a task, he tends to act with all his might and become more exhausted than he should. Having public interests, his temperament shows initiative, energy, and integrity. In the absence of spiritual life, choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability and short temper under emotional circumstances.


Quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly gets along with people, and is sociable. Feelings arise and change easily, emotional experiences are usually shallow. Facial expressions are rich, mobile, expressive. He is somewhat restless, needs new impressions, does not regulate his impulses sufficiently, and does not know how to strictly adhere to the established routine of life or work system. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out work that requires an equal expenditure of effort, prolonged and methodical tension, perseverance, stability of attention, and patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity superficiality and inconstancy are developed.

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Possible answers to the questions: “yes”, “no”. The first answer that comes to your mind is correct. Write down your answers - "yes" - plus, "no" - minus - on a piece of paper.

    1) Do you often crave new experiences in order to experience strong sensations?

    2) Do you often feel that you need friends who can understand you, encourage you, and express sympathy?

    3) Do you consider yourself a carefree person?

    4) Is it true that it is very difficult for you to answer “no”?

    5) Do you think about your affairs slowly and prefer to wait before acting?

    6) Do you always keep your promises, even if it is not profitable for you?

    7) Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

    8) Do you usually act and speak quickly, and do you spend a lot of time thinking?

    9)Have you ever had the feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no serious reason for this?

    10) Is it true that you can decide on anything in a dispute?

    11) Do you feel embarrassed when you want to meet a person of the opposite sex who you like?

    12) Does it happen that when you get angry, you lose your temper?

    13) Do you often act under the influence of a momentary mood?

    14)Are you often bothered by thoughts that you shouldn’t do or say something?

    15) Do you prefer reading books to meeting people?

    16)Are you easily offended?

    17) Do you often like to be in company?

    18) Do you sometimes have thoughts that you would like to hide from other people?

    19) Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything in your hands burns, and sometimes you feel very lethargic?

    20) Do you prefer to have fewer friends, but especially close ones?

    21) Do you often dream?

    22) When people shout at you, do you respond in kind?

    23) Are you often bothered by feelings of guilt?

    24)Are all your habits good and desirable?

    25)Are you able to give free rein to your own feelings and have a lot of fun in a noisy company?

    26) Do you consider yourself an excitable and sensitive person?

    27) Are you considered a lively and cheerful person?

    28) After something is done, do you often return to it in your mind and think that you could have done it better?

    29)Are you usually silent and reserved when you are among people?

    30) Do you sometimes gossip?

    31) Does it ever happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts are popping into your head?

    32) Is it true that it is more pleasant and easier for you to read about what interests you in a book, although it is faster and easier to learn about it from friends?

    33) Do you have palpitations?

    34) Do you like work that requires constant attention?

    35) Does it ever happen that you “shiver”?

    36) Is it true that you always say only good things about people you know, even when you are sure that they will not know about it?

    37) Is it true that you don’t like being in a company where they constantly make fun of each other?

    38)Are you irritable?

    39) Do you like work that requires quick action?

    40) Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts about various troubles and “horrors” that could happen, although everything ended well?

    41) Do you walk slowly and deliberately?

    42) Have you ever been late for a date, work or school?

    43) Do you often have nightmares?

    44) Is it true that you are such a lover of conversation that you never miss an opportunity to talk with a stranger?

    45) Do you have any pain?

    46) Would you be upset if you couldn’t see your friends for a long time?

    47) Can you call yourself a nervous person?

    48)Are there people among your friends that you clearly don’t like?

    49) Can you say that you are a confident person?

    50)Are you easily offended by criticism of your shortcomings or your work?

    51)Is it difficult to really enjoy a party?

    52) Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?

    53) Would you be able to bring some life into a boring company?

    54)Does it happen that you talk about things that you don’t understand at all?

    55)Are you worried about your health?

    56) Do you like to make fun of others?

    57) Do you suffer from insomnia?


If the “key” answer matches your answer, you add one point to yourself. If it does not match, zero points.

1. Confidence scale.

The answer is “yes” to questions: 6, 24, 36.

The answer is “no” to questions: 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

Count the amount. If the result is 5 or more points, this means that you answered not as it really is, but as you would like or as is accepted in society. In other words, your answers are not reliable.

2. Extraversion scale.

The answer is "yes" to questions: 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 37, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56.

The answer is “no” to questions: 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 41, 51.

Count the amount.

3. Emotional stability scale.

Answer "yes" to questions: 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52 , 55, 57.

Having received the sums for the “Extraversion Scale” and “Emotional Stability Scale” values, mark them, respectively, on the horizontal axis “Introversion-extroversion” and the vertical axis “Emotional stability”. The intersection point will show your temperament type.

Draw the coordinate axes: the horizontal axis is the “extraversion scale”, vertical axis- "emotional stability scale". Each scale from 1 to 24 intersects at point 12. Mark your indicators on the axes. Find the intersection point. A point can lie on an axis if one of the scales is 12.

The result you got is your predominant temperament type. On the extraversion scale, you can see the type of personality orientation: extrovert or introvert.

Four types of melancholic people
Pure, pronounced melancholic: introversion (int.) - from 1 to 9, emotional. stability (em. mouth) - 16 to 24 points.

Melancholic phlegmatic: int. - from 1 to 9, um. mouth - 12 to 16 points.

Mild melancholic: int. - 9 to 12, um. mouth - 12 to 16 b.

Melacholycholeric: int. - from 9 to 12, um. mouth - 16 to 24 b.

Four types of phlegmatic people
Pure, pronounced phlegmatic: introversion (int.) - from 1 to 9, emotional. stability (em. mouth) - 1 to 9 points.

Phlegmatic sanguine: int. - from 9 to 12, um. mouth - 1 to 9 points.

Slightly phlegmatic: int. - 9 to 12, um. mouth - 9 to 12 b.

Phlegmatic melancholic: int. - from 1 to 9, um. mouth - 9 to 12 b.

Four types of choleric people
Pure, pronounced choleric: introversion (int.) - from 16 to 24, emotional. stability (em. mouth) - 16 to 24 points.

Choleric melancholic: int. - from 12 to 16, um. mouth - 16 to 24 points.

Mild choleric: int. - 12 to 16, um. mouth - 12 to 16 b.

Choleric sanguine: int. - from 16 to 24, em. mouth - 12 to 16 b.

Four types of sanguine people
Pure, pronounced sanguine person: introversion (int.) - from 16 to 24, emotional. stability (em. mouth) - 1 to 9 points.

Sanguine choleric: int. - from 16 to 24, em. mouth - 9 to 12 points.

Slightly sanguine: int. - 12 to 16, um. mouth - 9 to 12 b.

Sanguine phlegmatic: int. - from 12 to 16, um. mouth - 1 to

General concepts about temperament

Each person has his own characteristics of mental activity.
Temperament is a characteristic of a person, namely:




the intensity of these mental processes and states.

Temperament determines and ensures the speed, strength and balance of our reactions. It manifests itself in thinking, speech, and manner of communication.
At the same time, temperament does not affect interests, success, intelligence, business qualities- here we are able to independently develop our inclinations, turn them into abilities or forget about them.
The ability to make choices and take responsibility for them are indicators developed personality, and not manifestations of temperament characteristics. Knowing your own type of temperament greatly simplifies the process of knowing yourself, accepting your manifestations and, as a result, choosing your own lifestyle.

Temperament human - a biological quality, innate, not acquired. Only 25% of 100% of temperament can be corrected. And this correction is our adjustment to the requirements of society (the world around us, society...). For what? For the purpose of a more efficient and successful existence.
IN pure form temperaments are rare. Every person has something of choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. The question of who is better to be does not make sense, just like the question of what time of year is better. Each has its pros and cons. You need to know them and act, choosing an effective model of behavior depending on the situation. That is, do not follow the lead of natural qualities, but develop them.

Features of temperament must be taken into account when choosing a profession, but temperament should not be confused with character.

Kindness and cruelty

hard work and laziness,

neatness and sloppiness -
All these are character traits that are not inherent in nature, but are formed throughout life.

Smart or stupid

honest or deceitful

talented or untalented
Can be a person with any temperament. A person’s success does not depend on his temperament, but on the abilities, knowledge, skills and orientation of the individual.

Basic components of temperament

Analysis of the internal structure of temperament leads to the identification of three main, leading components. Each of these components has a complex multidimensional structure and different shapes psychological manifestations.

The sphere of general mental activity of a person.

    the individual’s desire for self-expression, effective mastery and transformation of external reality;

    intellectual and characterological characteristics, a complex of relationships and motives

The degree of activity extends from lethargy, inertia and passive contemplation at one pole to the highest degree of energy, powerful swiftness of action and constant ascent at the other.

Motor skills.

In the motor (motor) component, the leading role is played by qualities associated with the function of the motor (and special speech-motor apparatus). Among the dynamic qualities of the motor component are:





    amplitude and

    a number of other signs of muscle movement.

Features of muscle and speech motor skills can be observed more easily than others in humans. Therefore, a person’s temperament is often judged only by this component.


This is a large complex of properties and qualities that characterize the peculiarities of the emergence, course and cessation of various feelings, affects and moods.
This component is the most difficult. It has a branched structure of its own:

    Impressionability - a person’s susceptibility, his sensitivity to emotional influences, his ability to find the basis for an emotional reaction where such soil does not exist for others.

    Impulsiveness - the speed with which emotion becomes the motivating force of actions and actions without prior thought and a conscious decision to carry them out.

    Emotional lability - the speed at which a given event ceases emotional condition or one experience is replaced by another.

From the history of teachings about types of temperament

Hippocrates (5th century BC) first spoke about temperaments. He argued that people differ in the ratio of the 4 main “juices” of life that make up it:



yellow bile and

black bile

Claudius Galen (2nd century BC) continued. He developed the first typology of temperaments (treatise "Detemperamentum"). According to his teaching, the type of temperament depends on the predominance of one of the juices in the body. They identified temperaments that are widely known today:

choleric (from the Greek chole - “bile”),

sanguine (from Latin sanguis - “blood”),

phlegmatic (from Greek - phlegma - “phlegm”),

melancholic (from the Greek melaschole - “black bile”)

I.P. Pavlov hypothesized that certain fundamental properties underlie differences in behavior nervous processes- excitation and inhibition. These properties include:

excitation strength
reflects the performance of the nerve cell. It manifests itself in functional endurance, i.e. in the ability to withstand long-term or short-term, but strong excitation, without passing into the opposite state of inhibition

braking force
is understood as the functional performance of the nervous system during the implementation of inhibition. Manifests itself in the ability to form various inhibitory conditioned reactions, such as extinction and differentiation

their poise
balance of excitation and inhibition processes. The ratio of the strength of both processes decides whether a given individual is balanced or unbalanced, when the strength of one process exceeds the strength of the other

their mobility/inertia
manifests itself in the speed of transition from one nervous process to another. The mobility of nervous processes is manifested in the ability to change behavior in accordance with changing living conditions. A measure of this property of the nervous system is the speed of transition from one action to another, from a passive state to an active one, and vice versa. The nervous system is more inert the more time or effort it takes to move from one process to another.

I.P. Pavlov distinguished between the strength of excitation and the strength of inhibition, considering them two independent properties of the nervous system.
The 4 types of nervous system identified by I.P. Pavlov correspond according to their main characteristics to 4 classic types temperament:

a strong, unbalanced type with a predominance of excitement - choleric;

strong, balanced, agile - sanguine;

strong, balanced, inert - phlegmatic;

weak type - melancholic

Description of temperament types.
Types of temperament according to I.P. Pavlov

I.P. Pavlov understood the type of nervous system as innate, relatively weakly susceptible to changes under the influence of environment and upbringing. According to Ivan Petrovich, the properties of the nervous system form physiological basis temperament, which is mental manifestation type of nervous system.
Two things to note:

Weakness of the nervous system is not negative property.
Strong nervous system copes more successfully with some life tasks (for example, in work associated with large and unexpected loads).
A weak nervous system copes more successfully with others (for example, in monotonous work conditions). A weak nervous system is a highly sensitive nervous system, and this is its advantage over a strong one.

The division of people into four types of temperament is very arbitrary. There are transitional, mixed, intermediate types. Pure temperaments are relatively rare.

Hans Eysenck studied the works of C. Jung, R. Woodworth, I.P. Pavlov, E. Kretschmer and other famous psychologists, psychiatrists and physiologists. He proposed three basic dimensions of personality:


characterizes emotional stability/instability (stability/instability).
High scores on neuroticism are expressed in nervousness, instability, poor adaptation, a tendency to quickly change moods, and strong reactions in relation to the stimuli that cause them.
Low scores on neuroticism are expressed in the preservation of organized behavior, situational focus in ordinary and stressful situations. Characterized by maturity, excellent adaptation, lack of great tension and anxiety.


Extrovert - a person who is outward-looking, sociable, optimistic, with a wide circle of acquaintances, impulsive, acting under the influence of the moment. He needs contacts like air. He prefers to act, move forward, rather than reason.

Introvert - a person turned inward prefers to communicate only with close people, and distances himself from others. He is reserved, not sociable, shy, reserved, keeps his feelings under control, and is prone to introspection. An introvert likes to think about his actions.

Extroverts are much more tolerant of pain than introverts; they pause more during work to chat and drink coffee than introverts; excitement increases the effectiveness of their actions and actions, while for introverts it only interferes.

Introverts prefer theoretical and scientific species activities (eg, engineering and chemistry), while extroverts tend to prefer jobs that involve people (eg, sales, social services).

Introverts are more likely to admit to masturbating than extroverts; but extroverts have sexual intercourse in more early age, more often and with a large number partners than introverts.

Introverts achieve greater academic success than extroverts. Also, students who leave college for psychiatric reasons are more likely to be introverts; while those students who leave for academic reasons are more likely to be extroverts.

Introverts feel more alert in the mornings, while extroverts feel more alert in the evenings. Moreover, introverts work better in the morning, while extroverts work better in the afternoon. In crisis situations, extroverts prefer to seek help and support from people, in communication with relatives and friends, in companies. Introverts crawl into their closet and hide from people.


propensity score antisocial behavior, pretentiousness, inappropriate emotional reactions, high levels of conflict, self-centeredness.
People with a high degree of psychoticism are self-centered, impulsive, indifferent to others, and tend to resist social principles. They are often restless, have difficulty communicating with people and do not receive their understanding, and deliberately cause trouble to others.

The result of a combination of high and low levels of introversion and extraversion with high or low levels of stability and neuroticism became the four categories of people described by Eysenck. High level neuroticism (emotional instability/instability) is characteristic of melancholic and choleric people. Low level - for sanguine and phlegmatic people. But introversion is characteristic of melancholic and phlegmatic people, while extroversion is characteristic of choleric and sanguine people.

Description of temperament types.
Types of temperament according to G. Eysenck

Characteristics of temperament types according to G. Eysenck

G. Eysenck gave characteristics of “pure” types of temperament (that is, in the extreme angular positions of the quadrant). And we already realized that such types are extremely rare. Make adjustments accordingly when you receive test results. Moreover, the closer one type of temperament is to another, the more characteristics overlap.
For example, if you got the result: neuroticism 13, extraversion 17, then you are a sanguine choleric. Then you have the characteristics of both choleric and sanguine people, but not as pronounced as pure Cholerics and Sanguines. IN different conditions, V different situations you can exhibit both characteristics.
Remember that the literature often provides characteristics of “pure” types of temperaments.

Pure types of temperament

Phlegmatic person

Unhurried, unperturbed, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. Has logical judgments. He has a strong, balanced, efficient nervous system, a persistent, persistent worker, he gets things done to the end. Most often he is calm, restrained and constant in his feelings, his mood is even, he rarely loses his temper.
Capable of deep, stable and permanent feelings. Phlegmatic is peaceful, attentive, caring. Moderately talkative, does not like to chat about trifles. Saves energy and does not waste it. Facial expressions, speech, gestures and actions are slow and calm, restrained, emotionally inexpressive. He is thorough, reliable, and distinguished by the depth and constancy of his thoughts.
But a phlegmatic person has difficulty switching from one job to another, “swings” for a long time, does not adapt well to a new environment, and is passive ( low level activity), it is difficult to develop new habits and behavior patterns, but they become persistent. He is characterized by lethargy, laziness, indifference to others, and lack of will. Tends to do familiar work in familiar, familiar surroundings.


Fast, passionate, impetuous, open, with quick mood changes. Choleric is active, mobile, optimistic, impulsive, but at the same time easily excitable and restless. A choleric person also has a strong nervous system, but he is unbalanced, quick-tempered, irritable, impatient, touchy, and vulnerable.
He may have emotional breakdowns. Due to conflict, he does not get along well with other people. A choleric person easily switches from one task/topic of conversation to another task/topic; he is characterized by sudden mood swings. He is highly excitable, has pronounced emotional experiences, and is unable to control his emotions.
The movements and speech of a choleric person are fast, intermittent, abrupt, impetuous, and impulsive. Prone to exhaustion, because when he is passionate about a task, he acts with all his might. In the interests of society, he is proactive, principled, active, and energetic.
In the absence of spiritual and personal growth affective, irritable, hot-tempered, aggressive, unrestrained, conflictual.


A lively, hot-tempered, active person, with frequent changes of mood and impressions, with a quick reaction to all the events happening around him, quite easily coming to terms with his failures and troubles. Sanguine is cheerful, friendly, talkative, flexible, and responsive.
He has a strong, balanced nervous system, high performance, while he is active and mobile, easily experiencing failures. He easily communicates with people, quickly gets along with people, switches easily, easily and quickly reacts to what is happening around him. At the same time, he strives for novelty, a change of impressions, is restless, and does not sufficiently regulate his impulses. He has rich, agile facial expressions, fast, expressive speech.
A sanguine person cannot do things that require concentration, attention, perseverance, or patience. He has a rapid change of feelings, but the feelings are shallow, he is prone to inconstancy and superficiality.


A person who is easily vulnerable, prone to constantly experiencing various events, he reacts sharply to external factors. A melancholic person is highly impressionable, easily emotionally vulnerable, touchy, but at the same time sensitive and empathetic, easily gets along with different people, non-conflict.
He has a weak nervous system, increased fatigue, low mental activity, and slowness. He is highly emotional, but tends to experience problems within himself, which leads to self-destruction. His feelings are deep, constant, stable, but at the same time poorly expressed. He has difficulty concentrating on anything for long periods of time.
A melancholic person experiences failures hard and acutely (they often give up), he is timid, shy, anxious, indecisive, unstable to stress, his speech is quiet, slow. He is withdrawn, uncommunicative, quiet, pessimistic, his mood changes easily, but at the same time he is melancholic and reasonable.
In a healthy environment, he is productive and can perform monotonous work that requires attention, perseverance, patience, and concentration. A deep, meaningful person. But under unfavorable circumstances, he becomes anxious, withdrawn, fearful, and vulnerable.

II Remember the proverb: “The body is the soul’s glove.” Are you tactful in communication or are you looking for reasons to argue? Test yourself with the test.

For each question, choose one answer.
Imagine an argument breaks out on public transport. What are you doing?
a) don't interfere
b) you can intervene, take the side of the victim
c) always interfere
In a meeting, do you criticize management for mistakes?
a) no
b) depending on personal attitude towards him
c) always
Your manager outlines his work plan, which seems to you to be unsuccessful. Will you offer your plan?
a) if others support you, then yes
b) of course
c) no
Do you like to argue with your colleagues and friends?
a) only with those who are not offended
b) yes, but only on fundamental issues
c) yes, with everyone and for any reason
5 . Someone is trying to jump ahead of you
a) thinking that you are no worse than him, you try to bypass the queue
b) you are indignant, but to yourself
c) openly express your indignation
Imagine that you are considering an innovation proposal from your colleague, which has a bold idea, but also contains errors. You know that your opinion will be decisive. How to proceed?
a) speak out about the pros and cons of this proposal
b) talk about the advantages of the proposal and offer to give the opportunity to try out the idea
c) you will only criticize
Imagine: your mother-in-law (mother-in-law) constantly tells you about the need to save, about your extravagance, and every now and then she buys expensive things. She wants to know your opinion about your latest purchase. What will you tell her?
a) that you approve the purchase
b) say that this thing is tasteless
c) quarrel with her because of this
You met teenagers who swear and smoke. How do you react?
a) don't interfere
b) reprimand them
c) if it were in public place, then you would reprimand them
In a restaurant, do you notice that the waiter is shortchanging you?
a) don’t give him the tip you prepared
b) ask him to count the amount again in front of you
c) making a scandal.
You are in a holiday home. The administration is busy with extraneous matters and does not fulfill its duties. Does this outrage you?
a) yes, but you don’t speak out
b) complain about her
c) take out your dissatisfaction on junior staff
You argue with your teenage son (daughter) and make sure that he (she) is right. Do you admit your mistake?
a) yes
b) no
c) what authority do you have if you admit that you are wrong?
The cost of answer “a” is 4 points, “b” is 2 points, “c” is 0 points.
If you typed:
10-14 points - you are looking for reasons for disputes, most of which are petty. Love to criticize only when it benefits you. Think about whether there is an inferiority complex hidden behind your behavior?
15-29 points - they say about you that you conflict personality. You persistently defend your opinion, regardless of how it will affect your work and personal relationships.
30-44 points - you are tactful and easily avoid conflict situations, strive to be pleasant to others, but when they need help, you do not always dare to provide it.
Maybe you only demand everything from others. “A wise man demands everything only from himself, but an insignificant man demands everything from others” (Chinese wisdom).

To you, dear site visitors //website, a software (computer) test for determining temperament is proposed, online and free.
This Eysenck test will determine not only temperament, but also extroversion, introversion or ambiversion of the test subject (see extrovert, introvert, ambivert).

In addition, by taking a test to determine your temperament type, you will determine the level of emotional stability - instability (neuroticism (neuroticism) / stability).

If you wish, you can take the same Eysenck test without software and find out your temperament yourself by calculating the results manually.

Take a test to determine your temperament type

Attention! In order to qualitatively (with correct results) pass the Eysenck test to determine the type of temperament, you need to answer the questions posed quickly, without thinking or looking for the right answers, which are not here.

Please keep in mind that in online test built on temperament lie scale, and if your answers are not truthful, the test will not be counted - you will have to take it again.

As you know, the temperament of humanity is divided into four, far from equal parts. The imperturbable phlegmatic person, the passionate choleric person, the lively sanguine person and the vulnerable melancholic person are present to one degree or another in each of us, because nature has endowed humanity with a huge amount of emotions. Anger, shame, joy, grief, fear, sadness, pride, tenderness, excitement - these are only a small fraction of the components that make up temperament, and, as a result, the character of an individual.

A short conversation is enough for an experienced psychologist to understand what kind of temperament the interlocutor has. But to figure out for yourself which of these feelings prevail in your mind, you can take a temperament test.

What are the characteristics of a temperament test?

Keep in mind that each type has both positive and negative qualities, which can be formed in the process of personality formation. For example, the development of a sense of self-control and good upbringing in melancholic people are manifested by impressionability and emotionality. Under the same conditions, a phlegmatic person cultivates self-control, a sanguine person is characterized by responsiveness, and a choleric person awakens activity.

Having studied yourself, it will be easier for you to understand the motivation for the actions of those around you or to shape the character of a child.

The content of the test to determine temperament is questions, the answers to which allow us to determine three areas of the manifestation of emotions: their amplitude, general activity, and motor skills. They relate to situational behavioral reactions, attitudes towards friends and colleagues. Analysis based on these indicators when taking a test to determine temperament will allow you to judge what type the respondent belongs to.