Methods of work of officers to prevent offenses due to the use of alcoholic beverages by military personnel. Lecture on the topic of the place and role of officers in implementing the requirements of the Russian Minister of Defense. The role and place of military personnel in the successful implementation of

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Topic: 3 "The place and role of officers in implementing the requirements of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation on information support for the reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"
1. Information work is the most important factor in the successful implementation of reform of the Armed Forces
2. Tasks of officers regarding information support of the reform process.
1. Concept for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 1997.
2. Law on Defense.
3. Magazines of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Orientir" No. 1 and No. 6 1998.
Question 1 Information work is the most important factor in the successful implementation of reform of the Armed Forces
At the end of July this year, President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin approved the Concept for the construction of the Armed Forces for the period until 2005. From the moment it was signed, the practical stage of implementing this concept began.
Reforming the army and navy, optimizing their numbers, and improving their structure and composition is expected to be carried out in two stages.
First stage: 1997-2000. During this period of time, the tasks of the Armed Forces will be clarified, their structure and composition will be streamlined, and parallel, duplicative structures will be eliminated. Work in these areas is ongoing full swing.
Second stage: 2001-2005. This is, first of all, the beginning of equipping the Armed Forces with new weapons and equipment systems. Troop reorganization efforts will continue. At the second stage, a transition will be made to a three-service structure of the Armed Forces according to their areas of application: land, air and space, and sea. Preparations will be ensured for a systematic increase in the quality parameters of troops and forces through the supply of the latest weapons and an increase in the level of operational and combat training, and improvement of the leadership system of the Armed Forces.
Thus, the main goal of the reform is the creation of a new army that meets the requirements of modern times, an army in which it will be honorable and prestigious to serve. An army capable of reliably defending the Fatherland.
In terms of its objectives, scale and complexity, military reform has no analogues in world practice. The main directions of reform of the Armed Forces.
1. Optimization of the structure, combat strength and strength of the Armed Forces.
2. Qualitative improvement in the training and support of the officer corps.
3. Raising the efficiency and quality of operational and combat training, training of troops, strengthening law and order and military discipline.
4. Increasing the quality level of technical equipment of troops.
5. Creation of economical, rational systems for recruitment, training of military personnel, military education, military science and military infrastructure.
6. Ensuring legal and social protection of military personnel and those discharged from military service, their families.
The reform of the Armed Forces is taking place in difficult conditions of formation new Russia. The financial and political crisis that erupted in the country left its mark on the construction of the army. Under these conditions, the role of officers in implementing the requirements of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for information support for the reform of the Armed Forces has increased more than ever.
First of all, what is “information support”. Literally according to the dictionary: “Information” is information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person. “Provide” - to supply something in the right quantity.
The most important role in reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, along with financial, personnel and other measures, is given to its information support. Today we should strive to ensure that information work becomes the concern of the entire officer corps. To do this, it is important for each officer to understand the relevance of this difficult work, its goals and objectives and the specifics of its implementation. We have to learn to effectively influence the consciousness and feelings of subordinates in conditions of information freedom in society.
Events taking place in the world and the country convincingly indicate the growing role of information in human life and activity. However, it is also capable of negatively influencing people, teams, and even government institutions. In recent years, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have fully felt this impact.
Of course, the “moral well-being” of soldiers in the flow of contradictory information depends on the level of their upbringing, education, service and personal experience, many other components.
It is not news that a contingent of conscripts, and often under contract, are now joining the Armed Forces. A range of various diseases, including mental disorders, up to 20% of conscripts are underweight. What positive information can a person with an empty stomach convey? The situation is also difficult with those entering military schools, and now institutes. We all, especially the teaching staff, know that the quality of education in schools is steadily declining.
Taking into account complete information freedom, or, more simply, information chaos, it is difficult to deny the fact that the life attitudes of people (especially untrained people with little experience), their behavior is largely determined by the nature and content of the information they receive. That is why the focused work of unit and unit commanders, their deputies for educational work, and all officers to provide information support for the tasks facing the Armed Forces is so necessary. The indifference of officers to this problem can have a serious impact on the progress of reforms in the army and navy.
Information support for reform means the targeted, comprehensive use by military command and control bodies, military media, and officers of means and methods of information influence on personnel and society in order to successfully solve the problems of reforming the Armed Forces.
the main objective- contribute to strengthening the convictions of soldiers in the need and importance of the ongoing reform of the army and navy, developing in each serviceman a sense of personal responsibility for the fate of the reform, maintaining high combat readiness, military discipline and law and order.
It is gratifying that information and educational work is increasingly becoming a powerful factor in ensuring the combat readiness of troops, strengthening military discipline, and a proven means of developing a state-patriotic position, a sense of duty, professionalism and strict adherence to the best traditions of the Russian Army and Navy among military personnel.
The most important condition for effective information support for the construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the targeted, coordinated use of the information potential available in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
To accomplish this task, by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Coordination Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for information support for the reform of the Armed Forces was created.
A plan for information support of the reform has been adopted and is being implemented. It is aimed at explaining to personnel the military policy of the state, the tasks of military reform, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on reforming the Armed Forces, ensuring objective communication to the Russian and foreign public of the content of practical measures of military reform in the Russian Federation; formation in society of a deep understanding of the activities of the country's leadership to strengthen the defense power of the state, increase the prestige of military service and the authority of the Armed Forces.
For this purpose the following are provided:
- organizing the prompt communication of decisions on military reform, as well as positive experience in reforming troops and forces, to the military and civilian media;
- informational counteraction to attempts to discredit the plan and progress of military reform;
- dissemination of positive experience in resolving issues arising during military reform in the troops (forces) and other areas of work.
Undoubtedly, the main burden of information support for the reform directly in the troops (forces) falls on the officers of units and subunits. In carrying out this work, it is important to be able to use, first of all, combat training classes, joint training, informing personnel, as well as other forms and methods of satisfying the information requests of military personnel and civilian personnel.
Question 2 Tasks of officers in information support of the reform process
In information support of the reform process, it is extremely important to project the general tasks of military reform onto the problems of a specific unit (unit). It is important to help people see the reform not only from above, but also from below. For this purpose, it is advisable to make maximum use, first of all, of combat training.
It is no secret that currently the combat training of troops is associated with certain difficulties. Moreover, the responsibility of officers for its organization increases. During combat training classes, the entire educational material through the prism of the problems of reforming the Armed Forces, explain to personnel the intent, goals and expected results of military reform.
Public and state preparation is called upon to play a key role in information support of the reform process. It has the most systematic organization, has a certain substantive depth, has great opportunities on the impact on the consciousness of personnel.
In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of 1993 No. 250, classes on the OGP are conducted with officers for at least 4-6 hours a month, with female military personnel - 2 hours a week, with other categories of military personnel - at least 3 hours a week. Training with civilian personnel is also provided.
In comparison with other types of information impact, the UCP has the most developed educational and methodological base, which makes it possible to convincingly and thoroughly convey public policy issues to listeners, national history, rights, etc.
It should be taken into account that many officers of units (ships) are leaders of UCP groups. They are faced with the task of effectively using the opportunities of classes for the purpose of deep and comprehensive coverage of the tasks and progress of military reform.
The plans for public and state training of personnel for the 1998 academic year provide for a block of topics directly devoted to military reform. There are topics that highlight the experience of military reforms of the past. Of particular importance are topics reflecting today's problems of military reform in Russia. It is impossible to do without highlighting certain aspects of the reform when studying other topics. Here, a lot depends on the preparedness and methodological skills of the lesson leaders.
Another effective form Information support for the reform process is to inform personnel. According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 235 of 1995, informing soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen serving under conscription is organized 2 times a week for 30 minutes; warrant officers (midshipmen), cadets (listeners) of military educational institutions - once a week for 1 hour; officers - 2 times a month for 1 hour; civilian personnel, family members of military personnel - at least 1 time per month.
Thus, information, being an operational form, allows timely explanation of military reform measures carried out by government bodies, facts of successful implementation of tasks within the framework, reforms in the troops (forces), and relevant decisions of commanders and superiors.
Holding common information days is of great importance. Their competent and creative organization allows not only to highlight individual reform issues, but also provides feedback. An experienced officer-leader gets the opportunity to study the mood of subordinate personnel, their attitude to specific events within the framework of reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
From the point of view of information support for military reform, military social work plays a large role. An important place in it is occupied by communicating to subordinates and explaining legal documents as more general, and directly related to the reform of the army and navy. It is especially valuable when an officer not only carries out this work himself, but also involves specialists from law enforcement agencies, representatives of the military leadership, state power, local administration. Of course, such work should be supported by increasing the level of social protection of military personnel and compliance with the principles of social justice in the unit (unit). Doing everything possible to complete assigned tasks and solve problems of subordinates is the primary task of a commander (chief) of any rank.
It is also important to use such forms as evenings of questions and answers, honoring leaders of service and study, summing up the results of work to strengthen law and order and military discipline.
The effectiveness of information support for military reform will not be high enough without individual work with subordinates. It makes it possible to most accurately convey the reform strategy to every military man, worker and employee, as well as to assign specific tasks to subordinates that arise from the general logic and goals of military reform.
Along with the listed forms, cultural and leisure activities should be used in the interests of information support. This includes theme nights, oral journals, amateur arts activities, quizzes and much more. In a word, we're talking about about those events in which the troops have accumulated vast experience. The list of forms of information work would be incomplete without mentioning wall printing. All that remains is to introduce new ideas and fresh factual material into this work, to tune it, figuratively speaking, to the pulse of reform.
When improving the level and focus of information for various categories of military personnel, it is advisable to use relevant dates and anniversaries, primarily public holidays and days of military glory of Russia. The latter are defined by the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia” dated March 16, 1995.
To achieve a greater effect in the information support of the reform, you should not confine yourself within the framework of a unit (division). The success of the reform largely depends on the attitude towards it not only of the personnel of the Armed Forces, but also of the entire society. It is necessary to actively work with the local population, in sponsored enterprises, organizations and institutions.
When conducting information work, the officer must take into account the socio-political reality today. One of its conditions is a multi-party society. This causes ideological confrontation between parties and movements and is the reason for different interpretations of reform problems in the media. A complete distortion of facts is also possible. Countering such phenomena is one of the most important tasks of officers within the framework of information support for military reform. In this case, it is preferable to work “proactively”, preventing negative, harmful information reform. The most effective means of prevention is timely, systematic and objective informing of the personnel of the unit (unit) about events, facts, and problems in the progress of the reform. The more convincing the information, the fewer reasons there are for various speculations to arise.
Undoubtedly, speaking about information support for the reform of the Armed Forces, it is impossible to foresee everything. However, the main thing in this work is creativity and foresight, initiative and persistence.

Topic: 2 "Constitution, legislation of the Russian Federation on the defense of the country. Legal basis for the reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."
1. Legal basis for organizing the defense of the Russian Federation. Responsibilities of state authorities and management in the field of defense.
2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on the composition and organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. 1993
2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Defense".
3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Military Duty and Military Service" dated February 11, 1993.
4. Military law. Textbook for military educational institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Edited by N.I. Kuznetsov. - M.: Publishing house "Military University MORF", 1996.
5. In the service of the Fatherland. A manual for public and state training. Edited by Academician of the Leningrad Region of the Russian Federation, Major General Zolotarev V.A., Military Publishing House, M.: 1997.
6. Social and legal protection of military personnel. Collection of normative acts and sample documents. Edited by N.V. Sumenko. Publishing house "Printing Dvor", St. Petersburg, 1994.

7. Benefits, guarantees and compensation for military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, persons equivalent to them and members of their families.
8. Directory: Federal laws and other normative and legal acts. // Pchelintseva L.M., Pchelintsev S.V. Publishing house "Alpha". St. Petersburg, 1997
Question 1. Legal basis for organizing the defense of the Russian Federation. Responsibilities of public authorities and management in the field of defense
National defense is one of the most important external functions of the state. The content of this function includes the implementation of a set of measures of an economic, political, social, scientific, technical, legal and military nature, ensuring the country’s readiness and ability to repel any military attacks, attacks on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.
Public relations in the field of defense and military development are regulated by norms that can be combined under the concept of “defense legislation.” Taking into account the significance and specificity of military construction itself, from the content of this legal branch one can distinguish “military legislation (law),” which represents the core of defense legislation (law). The norms of these legal branches are contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993); Laws “On Defense” (1996), “On the Status of Military Personnel” (1993), “On Military Duty and Military Service” (1993), “On the State Border of the Russian Federation” (1993), “On the State Defense Order” (1995) , “On the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation” (1995), etc.
Issues of organizing defense and military development are also regulated in regulatory decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
The most important, fundamental provisions on the organization of defense and military development are enshrined in the Basic Law - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Its norms establish the duty of the state to ensure the integrity and inviolability of its territory (Article 3). In Art. 59 of the Constitution establishes that the defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Clause 2 of this article emphasizes that a citizen performs military service in accordance with federal law, and clause 3 establishes the right to replace military service with alternative civilian service if military service contradicts the citizen’s beliefs or religion.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains norms that establish the constitutional foundations of the powers of the highest bodies of state power in the field of organizing defense and military development. So, in Art. 80, 82, 83, 87-89 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation established the competence of the President of the Russian Federation as the head of state in this area; in Art. 102, 104, 105 - the competence of the Federation Council and the State Duma; in Art. 114 - basic competence of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The fundamental principles of defense and military development are also enshrined in the Laws “On Defense”, “On Military Duty and Military Service”, as well as in the Military Doctrine Russian state.
The first section of the Law “On Defense” is devoted to this, establishing the foundations and organization of defense. The law enshrines the very concept of defense, thereby defining its content.
Defense means a system of political, economic, military, social, legal and other measures to prepare for armed defense and armed defense of the Russian Federation, the integrity and inviolability of its territory.
The Armed Forces play a leading role in the defense of the country. At the same time, according to the Law, the Border Troops of the Russian Federation, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Railway Troops of the Russian Federation, troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, and civil defense troops are involved in defense.
Of particular importance for the organization of the country's defense and military development is such a document as the Basic Provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation.
Military doctrine is a system of views officially adopted in the state on the prevention of wars, armed conflicts, military development, preparing the country for defense, organizing counteraction to threats to the military security of the state, the use of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation to protect the vital interests of the state.
The current Basic provisions of the military doctrine of the Russian Federation were approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 2, 1993. In its content, this document is integral part security concept of the Russian Federation. Its implementation is achieved through the implementation of coordinated measures of a political, economic, legal and military nature with the participation of all government bodies, public associations and citizens.
This document formulates the political foundations of the military doctrine, military fundamentals, as well as military-technical and economic fundamentals. The political foundations include provisions establishing the attitude of the Russian Federation to armed conflicts, the use of the Armed Forces and other troops; identifying the main sources of military danger; establishing the political principles and main directions of socio-political support for the military security of the Russian Federation; formulating the tasks of the state in the field of ensuring military security.
The powers of the President of the Russian Federation as the head of state in the field of defense and military development are enshrined in Art. 80, 82, 83, 87-89 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in Art. 4 of the Federal Law “On Defense”.
The President of the Russian Federation, being the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, determines the main directions of military policy and approves the military doctrine of the Russian Federation; exercises leadership over the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies.
Based on the provisions of Art. 87-88 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President, in the event of aggression or an immediate threat of aggression against the Russian Federation, the outbreak of armed conflicts directed against the Russian Federation, declares general or partial mobilization, introduces martial law on the territory of the country or in certain localities with immediate notification of this to the Federation Council and the State Duma, gives orders to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces on the conduct of military operations. It enacts wartime regulatory legal acts and terminates them, forms and abolishes executive authorities for the period of wartime in accordance with the federal constitutional law on martial law.
The President of the Russian Federation makes, in accordance with federal laws, a decision on the involvement of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies in carrying out tasks using weapons other than their intended purpose. This provision of the Law “On Defense” makes it possible to implement the task of preventing and suppressing internal conflicts and other actions using means of armed violence on the territory of the Russian Federation that threaten its territorial integrity and other interests of society and citizens.
The President approves the concept and plans for the construction and development of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations, and bodies. It also approves federal state programs for armament and defense development industrial complex, nuclear and other special testing programs and authorizes the conduct of these tests.
In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Defense”, the President of the Russian Federation approves a unified list of military positions to be filled by senior officers, total positions to be filled by colonels (captains of the 1st rank), assigns the highest military ranks, appoints military personnel to military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of senior officers, releases them from these positions and dismisses them from military service in the manner prescribed by federal law.
The President approves the structure, composition of the Armed Forces, military formations (up to and including unification) and bodies, as well as the staffing level of military personnel. He makes decisions on the deployment and redeployment of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations from the formation and above.
The President of the Russian Federation issues decrees on the conscription of citizens for military service, military training (indicating the number and distribution), as well as on the dismissal from military service of citizens undergoing military service under conscription. It approves the maximum number of military personnel of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies for secondment to federal government bodies.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Defense” establish the powers of the highest legislative bodies in the field of defense.
The Federation Council is considering:
- defense expenditures established by federal laws on the federal budget adopted by the State Duma;
- federal laws in the field of defense adopted by the Duma;
- approves decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and state of emergency on the territory of the Russian Federation or in certain localities, as well as on the involvement of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies using weapons to perform tasks other than their intended purpose;
- resolves the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the country.
The State Duma is considering:
- defense expenditures established by federal laws on the federal budget;
- adopts federal laws in the field of defense, thereby regulating various aspects of activities related to the organization of defense and military construction.
In addition to these powers, the Federation Council and the State Duma exercise parliamentary control in this area through their committees on security and defense.
In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation “implements measures to ensure the defense of the country” (clause “e” of Article 114). This constitutional norm is specified in Art. 6 of the Law “On Defense”, which establishes the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of defense.
- carries out measures to ensure defense and bears, within the limits of its powers, responsibility for the condition and support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies;
- directs the activities on defense issues of the federal executive bodies subordinate to him.
- submits proposals on defense spending in the federal budget to the State Duma.
- organizes the equipping of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies with weapons and military equipment according to their orders;
- organizes their provision of material resources, energy and other resources and services according to their orders;
- organizes the development and implementation of state weapons programs and the development of the defense industrial complex.
- organizes the development and implementation of transfer plans (mobilization plans) of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government and the country’s economy to work in wartime conditions, as well as plans for creating reserves of material assets of the state and mobilization reserves;
- manages the mobilization preparation of executive authorities of local self-government and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, transport, communications and population of the country.
In the field of military education, the Government of the Russian Federation makes decisions on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of military educational institutions of professional education, faculties of military training and military departments under educational institutions higher professional education; approves the Regulations on military departments at these institutions.
Among the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation, an important place is occupied by the organization of the development of a federal state program for the operational equipment of the country's territory for the purpose of defense and implementation of measures for the implementation of the program, as well as the development of plans for the placement on the territory of the Russian Federation of objects with nuclear charges, facilities for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear waste.
An important place in the management of defense and military development belongs to the Security Council of the Russian Federation, headed by the President. The Security Council is a constitutional body that prepares decisions of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of ensuring the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats, and the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of security. The tasks and functions of the Security Council, its composition and formation procedure, work procedure and other issues are regulated by the Law “On Security” and the Regulations on the Security Council of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on July 10, 1996.
In addition to the highest executive authorities of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments participate in the activities of organizing and ensuring defense and military development. The functions and responsibilities of these bodies are also enshrined in the Federal Law “On Defense,” which emphasizes that they carry out this work in cooperation with military command and control bodies.
When organizing and ensuring the implementation of legislation in the field of defense, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments:
- participate in the development and provision of programs for operational equipment of the territory and preparation of communications for defense purposes;
- organize and ensure military registration, preparation of citizens for military service, conscription
service and mobilization;
- make reservations for the period of mobilization and in wartime;
- provide accounting and mobilization preparation of transport and other technical means for defense purposes;
- organize work on military-patriotic education;
- meet the needs for material resources, energy and other resources and services;
- provide social guarantees established in connection with military service and participation in hostilities;
- ensure the implementation of mobilization plans and tasks for the accumulation of state and mobilization reserves;
- participate in planning and provide measures for civil and territorial defense;
- ensure the fulfillment of defense orders.
In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, local government bodies are not included in the system of government bodies. However, in the field of defense they are vested with separate state powers.
Question: 2 Legislation of the Russian Federation on the composition and organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation..
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are a state military organization that forms the basis of the country's defense. The Armed Forces consist of central military command bodies, associations, formations, military units and organizations that are included in the branches and branches of the Armed Forces, in the rear of the Armed Forces and in troops not included in the branches and branches of the armed forces.
The branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is their component, distinguished by special weapons and designed to perform assigned tasks, as a rule, in any environment. These are the Strategic Missile Forces and the Ground Forces. Troops air defense. Air Force, Navy.
A branch of the armed forces is understood as a part of a branch of the Armed Forces, distinguished by its main weapons, technical equipment, organizational structure, the nature of training and the ability to perform specific combat missions.
Ground forces include: missile forces and artillery; motorized rifle; tank; airborne troops; air defense troops; special troops (engineering, chemical, radio engineering, communications, automobile, road, pipeline).
In the air defense forces - anti-aircraft missile; fighter aircraft; radio technical troops.
The Air Force consists of long-range, front-line and military transport aviation.
The Navy includes: surface and submarine forces of the fleet; Navy aviation; coastal troops; Marines; auxiliary fleet.
Other troops are also assigned to solve the problems of the country's defense, which include: Border Troops of the Russian Federation; internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; Railway troops of the Russian Federation; troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information; civil defense troops.

The Armed Forces are intended to repel aggression, armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties Russia.
In accordance with the basic provisions of the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces and other troops can be used to counter internal sources of military threats. To prevent and suppress internal conflicts and other actions using means of armed violence on the territory of Russia that threaten its territorial integrity, other interests of society and Russian citizens, mainly internal troops and internal troops are involved. They ensure the protection of public order and the maintenance legal regime state of emergency in the conflict area; carry out localization and blocking of conflict areas; suppress armed clashes; carry out measures to disarmament and liquidate armed groups and confiscate weapons from the population in the conflict area, etc.
To assist the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in localizing and blocking the conflict area, suppressing armed clashes and separating warring parties, as well as in protecting strategically important objects in the manner established by current legislation, separate formations of the Armed Forces and other troops may be involved.
The state border of the Russian Federation is guarded by the Border Troops. The Armed Forces may also be tasked with providing assistance in protecting the State Border, assisting in the protection of maritime communications, important state facilities and economic zones, and in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, and piracy. The forces and means of the Armed Forces and other troops may also be involved in providing assistance to the population in eliminating the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.
The involvement of the Armed Forces in carrying out tasks using weapons other than their intended purpose is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws.
The use of the Armed Forces to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis and in accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation and stipulated in these treaties and agreements. Part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be part of the joint armed forces or be under unified command in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.
The Law “On Defense” for the first time formulated legal basis resolving issues related to the deployment of the Armed Forces. The deployment of associations, formations and military units is carried out in accordance with the tasks of defense and the socio-economic conditions of the places of deployment. The redeployment of military units and subunits within the territories transferred for use to the Ministry of Defense is carried out by decision of the Minister of Defense, and from formations and higher - by decision of the President of the Russian Federation.

The activities of each society most of all depend on its leaders. This psychological axiom is even more prevalent in the army, where discipline reigns.

Some officers now serve for a long time, they educate, they are a source of knowledge, they are the highest commanders and they are the key to victories and defeats.

The basis of the entire life and combat activity of the army should be its officers.

If the character of a nation declines, then the great feelings that animate the warriors are diminished: the material wealth of the world comes first.

Happy are those nations where there is an awareness that not everything can be bought with money; happy are those where there is a class of knights who value iron and steel more than silver and gold.

Such a class always gives energy from the idea, the class of martyrs, which is not equal to the energy of the percentage, the class from the philistines. The efforts of false philosophers and subordinate peoples dreaming of independence will always be aimed at destroying the foundations of the army.

Finally, many civilians still do not like officers simply because of everyday petty reasons.

Thus, from various sides, both external and internal, they are trying to hinder, consciously and unconsciously, the development of the army and improve the composition of its officers.

Meanwhile, who does not know the axiom that for a state a lost campaign will always be more expensive than preparation for a victorious war. And who will dare to fight with us when he knows our strength and readiness.

Even before the unfortunate Russo-Japanese War, it seemed that in the life of our army and its head - the officers - there were many sides where improvements were necessary and possible.

At the beginning of 1903, I published my work “Statistics of Generals” where, by examining the conditions of service of the highest command element, I tried to find ways to improve.

Although the book was written very restrainedly and, as it seemed to me, fairly, I nevertheless had to endure troubles. The point was that some unknown person dared to look for new ways in training the officer corps and did not say that everything was fine.

It seemed to me that our army had deviated from the path indicated by the great commanders, the great experts on man. They started raising her the wrong way and teaching her the wrong things to do for war.

In it, the main attention was paid to the appearance, partly to the life of the soldier, but little attention was paid to the essence of the improvement of the officer.

The spiritual power, the great connection between the father-commanders and their subordinate children, disappeared. The ability to lead and manage, the ability to force everyone and everything to die has ceased to be valued in practice. There was no need, and I didn’t want to look into the future. More attention was paid to an accurate knowledge of forms, to the ability to manage a household, in a word, to the valor of a peaceful citizen and a good owner.

I repeat, good composition officers are the basis for good combat performance of the army. The Russian army has never had better soldiers than at present, and yet has experienced only defeats.

The leader of the lesson is recommended to focus the attention of students on the fact that, on the one hand, the ongoing military reform is being carried out to ensure reliable defense of the country, to improve the conditions of service and living conditions of military personnel. On the other hand, its success is largely determined by the professionalism and moral and psychological state of the military personnel themselves. This is what the next question is about.

The role and place of military personnel in the successful implementation of military reform

When starting to present the third question, it is recommended that the leader of the lesson remind that the essence of military reform lies in quality transformation Armed Forces. The task of ensuring Russia's external security still remains relevant. In connection with the change in the nature and scale of military dangers for the country, a certain adjustment is taking place in the specific tasks of the branches of the Armed Forces. And this will inevitably predetermine the content and direction of the entire process of combat training and military service.

The main task of deterring any possible aggression remains assigned to the Strategic Missile Forces. They serve as the core of Russia's national defense system, a reliable guarantee of its security. And during a period of deep economic and political transformations, including military reform, the role of the nuclear deterrent factor even increases.

In terms of conventional Armed Forces and weapons, Russia, even in the new conditions, has sufficient capabilities to deter a potential enemy from unleashing military conflicts, local and smaller scale. An important role in this regard is called upon to play by the permanently ready formations of the Ground Forces, distinguished by the mobility of the Airborne Forces. In local wars and armed conflicts, the importance of Air Force units will increase.

The current stage of military reform is characterized by a large-scale reorganization of the army and navy. There is a massive layoff of military personnel. Many support structures are being withdrawn from the Armed Forces. It is important that all these and other events continue to be carried out in an organized manner, without any disruptions. Main - prevent a weakening of attention to the tasks of increasing vigilance and combat readiness. In no case should we allow complacency and carelessness, because the modern world is unsafe.

The success of military reform and the level of combat effectiveness of the army and navy depends, first of all, on the quality and efficiency of the military labor of military personnel, especially officers. Requirements for officers - organizers of training and education of subordinates, implementers of state policy in the army and navy are increasing significantly. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Marshal of Russia I.D. Sergeev notes: “We must not forget that the state of the army and navy is determined, first of all, by the state of the officer corps. It is the officers, true professionals, patriots devoted to their Fatherland, who with dignity bear their high title of defender of the Russian land” (“Red Star”, July 1, 1997).

Indeed, it is the officers who decisively determine the results of military transformations. Despite the numerous logistical problems they face today, officers, as a rule, perform their official duties with the highest dedication. The fate of the ongoing reform is in the hands of the officer corps. The quality of combat training and the level of military skill of soldiers and sergeants primarily depend on his professionalism. And the personal example of compliance with Russian laws and military regulations by officers serves as an effective means of establishing law and order in the troops.

In officer audiences, it seems appropriate to dwell in more detail on the tasks of officers in relation to specific units (ships) and subunits.

The attention of officers today should be focused, first of all, on issues of increasing the combat training of their subordinates. Combat training- this is so far the only way to compensate for the reduction in the number of personnel and weapons systems. Combat training, despite all the difficulties with underfunding, must be taken seriously, use training time effectively and save material resources. Combat training, as required by the Charter, must be “the main content of the daily activities of military personnel in peacetime.”

It is advisable to remind listeners - conscript soldiers - the content of the concept “ Combat readiness." This is the ability of troops (forces), units (ships), subunits to begin military operations in any situation and to complete assigned tasks to defend the Motherland within the established time frame. It is the main indicator of the qualitative state of the Armed Forces and consists of many important components (equipment, weapons, organization, discipline, professional skills and much more). It is important to find out how military personnel understand their tasks to ensure it in modern conditions.

One of the most important tasks is - strengthening the education of military personnel. In this work, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of military legislation and general military regulations, the Concept of military construction, the Concepts of educational work, legal and military-patriotic education.

The leader of the lesson is recommended to briefly dwell on the problems of patriotic education. ON THE. Nekrasov wrote wonderful lines: “Go into the fire for the honor of the Fatherland, for conviction, for love.” The poet very accurately noted that patriotism and readiness to defend one’s homeland are inseparable. The strength of patriotism determines the human dignity of everyone, including a person in uniform.

It is advisable to address military personnel with questions: what is patriotism? Why is it necessary to develop a sense of patriotism among soldiers? What are the ways of its formation in modern conditions?

Patriotism- the foundation on which the strength and strength of our Armed Forces is based. It is the foundation of the moral and psychological character and fighting qualities of the Russian soldier and sailor. Only a patriotic warrior is capable of defending his Fatherland selflessly, until his last breath.

Patriotism presupposes: selfless love and devotion to one’s Fatherland, pride in belonging to a great people and its achievements, trials and problems, veneration of national shrines and symbols, readiness for worthy and selfless service to society and the state. A patriotic warrior is always aware of his military duty and is faithful to it.

Russian soldiers have shown patriotism and loyalty to military duty at all times. The exploits of ancient Russian squads and militias, the soldiers of Peter and Suvorov, will never be forgotten.

On November 16, 1941, 28 Panfilov guardsmen did not retreat before the pressure of 30 fascist tanks, destroying more than half of them. Almost all of them, faithful to their military duty, heroically laid down their lives for their Motherland and did not let the enemy pass. And there are many such examples.

Practice shows that the degree of combat training of military personnel, their discipline and responsibility for service directly depends on the level of patriotic and moral education. Without love for the Motherland and the Armed Forces, exemplary performance of military duty is impossible.

In the history of the development of the Russian Armed Forces, great importance has always been attached to officer cadres. At different stages, in different historical conditions of our country, the issues of officer training were posed differently, but the understanding of one immutable truth was constant: officers are the basis of the human factor of the army, the foundation of the morale of the troops. From the level of professional training of officer personnel, their readiness and ability to full responsibility fulfilling the tasks assigned to them directly determines success in battle. Thousands of examples from the history of our army and navy confirm this.

An officer's personality qualities are formed and developed directly during his studies at a military educational institution, but his professional formation and further development as an officer-commander, teacher and educator of his subordinates occur during service in units and units. It is in the process of official activity that the officer’s personality is revealed in many ways, his qualities, abilities and inclinations are revealed.

While serving in the military, an officer performs many tasks, but the main content of his activity comes down to the implementation of the following basic functions. One of the most important functions is socio-political. In the recent past, the long-standing debate about whether the army is “in politics” or whether it is “out of politics” was baseless, pointless and meaningless. The army has always been “in politics” because it is a “tool”, a “means” for solving political problems by the state (one of the main tasks of state policy is protecting the state interests of the country, ensuring the security of the people, etc.). This is the main task of the state's foreign policy. But in Lately The army also solves problems of internal politics - it conducts military operations against gangs, terrorists, and illegal armed groups. Firm and consistent implementation of the policies of the Russian Federation, military-political decisions to protect the interests of our people is the main thing in the activities of officers in the implementation of this function.

However, it is important to understand something else: the army is outside the political activities of parties and movements, and this aspect is the most complex in the socio-political function, and it gives it a contradictory character. What are the main contradictions in the implementation of this function that need to be highlighted?

Firstly, the contradiction between the need to steadily implement state policy and the uncertainty of the state’s course, the vagueness of its policy. Many officers (up to 30% of respondents in various sociological studies) pose a logical question: which state needs to be protected? Democratic? But today’s state in practice bears little resemblance to a democracy, because it does not express the interests of the majority of the various segments of the population who are barely making ends meet (officers also belong to these strata). There is corruption in many ministries, departments, in various echelons of power; theft, theft of material and financial resources of the state; socio-psychological tension in society (uncertainty about the future, bureaucracy and bureaucratic arbitrariness, terrorist acts, rampant banditry, murders of high-ranking officials, the inability of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to protect the lives and interests of ordinary citizens, etc.). Negative trends are intensifying, but the state is not taking decisive measures to restore order in the country and strengthen its democratic foundations.

Secondly, the contradiction between the state’s interest in a strong, combat-ready army and the state’s unprincipled military policy in the field of defense construction. There is an unreasonable reduction and liquidation of combat-ready units and formations, officers are being dismissed, including the best professionals.

Thirdly, the contradiction between maintaining the constitutional obligation of every citizen to perform military duty and the deliberate destruction of the ideals of military service through anti-military campaigns in many media. This contributes to the avoidance of a significant part of conscript youth from military service at any cost.

Fourthly, the contradiction between the need to staff the army and navy the best representatives people and will reduce the prestige of the officer's service. Social insecurity and the lack of a clear and distinct perspective have led to a significant outflow of officers (especially young ones) from the ranks of the Armed Forces.

There are also a number of contradictions that complicate the implementation of the socio-political function of an officer’s activity, namely: between military duty and civil rights; between the need for an officer to have a formed scientific worldview and the conditions and ways of its formation; between officer duty, official duties and ensuring democratic rights of the individual, etc.

To resolve these contradictions, the political will of leaders and their moral responsibility for the fate of the country are needed. The country will rise from its knees, the former power of the army and navy will be revived - the army’s officer corps will perk up in spirit, and the prestige of the officer’s service will rise.

Already now in units it is necessary to urgently raise questions of the formation and development of officers’ scientific worldview, ideological conviction and political maturity, the development of political culture, which is in the very general view is considered as the unity of political consciousness and political action (behavior), as comprehensive political awareness and the ability to defend one’s political beliefs with reasoning and persuasiveness, and not with the help of emotions.

Every officer is first and foremost a military leader, therefore the organizational and managerial function is important in his professional activity. The content of this function includes organizing, planning, conducting training sessions and educational activities, streamlining, regulating various types of activities of subordinates, setting tasks and their implementation, monitoring the execution of their orders, mobilizing subordinates to solve specific problems, managing various social processes in subordinate units, management military groups and individual military personnel, etc. The inconsistency of the implementation of this important function in the activities of an officer is that, on the one hand, the processes of organizing the activities of units and units have become significantly more complicated, and on the other hand, new requirements are being imposed on the management activities of officers. Trying to solve new, complex problems using old approaches and methods does not always give a positive result.

Many officers who lead units and various military teams today lack special knowledge in management theory; they sometimes have poorly developed organizational skills and the ability to effectively manage subordinates. Official authority in working with subordinates is preferred to the authority of the leader’s personality; demands on subordinates are sometimes not combined with respect for the personal dignity of the serviceman and the manifestation of concern for him. Rudeness, rudeness, and arrogance are often tolerated in relationships with subordinates. Many leaders’ words do not match their deeds; there is a lack of personal exemplary behavior in service, behavior, communication, etc. This causes serious harm to the authority of the officer-manager and undermines the moral foundations of the managerial activities of officer personnel. Formation and improvement of a management culture among officers based on democratic and moral principles is the most important task in educational work with officers of units and ships.

The implementation of the military pedagogical function in the activities of an officer occupies a special place. The organization and implementation of training and education of subordinates in order to qualitatively solve the problems of official activity, maintain combat readiness, strengthen military discipline, develop the moral, political, combat and psychological qualities of military personnel requires from the officer special knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, methodological skills, and pedagogical culture. The complexity and inconsistency of an officer’s pedagogical activity lies in the fact that, on the one hand, high demands are placed on the training and education of military personnel, and on the other hand, to implement the tasks of training and education there is not only enough material resources, training facilities, but also no opportunities to qualitatively organize the educational process. The reduction in personnel does not allow for the deployment of full-fledged combat training activities; the personnel are busy performing service and performing various chores. Household problems take up all the time, studying remains only a good intention. Under these conditions, military personnel do not receive full-fledged combat training, training is carried out formally, and officers lose their qualifications as teachers and educators, and they lose all interest in military pedagogical activities. We must not allow this to continue. An entire generation of officers may grow up in the army who will have a mediocre understanding of real combat training.

The military special function in an officer’s activity involves performing the tasks of a military specialist, knowledge of the theory and practice of military affairs, weapons and military equipment of his unit, unit, ship and potential enemy, his strengths and weaknesses. The contradiction in the implementation of this function lies in the fact that every year there are changes in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of equipment and weapons. Less and less new equipment is being supplied to the troops, more and more remains of old equipment that has served its intended purpose. New complex technology requires large material and financial costs, and highly qualified specialists. Failure to comply with these requirements leads to accidents. The use of old equipment that has expired also causes accidents. Violation established rules operation of equipment and weapons is also associated with the qualifications of specialists, which are noticeably reduced due to the reduction in training time for specialists and the material insecurity of their training. Flights, hikes, live firing, and driving equipment are carried out less and less often.

In his activities, the officer also implements administrative and economic functions. The life of military personnel, food, clothing, accommodation, accommodation, the ecology of the military unit and the towns where family members of military personnel live and many other issues are the subject of attention of officers. There are also many problems here, and solving them takes a lot of time, material and financial resources. Showing concern for subordinates, their social security, knowledge of the needs, interests, problems of each serviceman, and providing assistance to them greatly contribute to the high-quality solution of other very important problems related to service.

To implement all of the above functions, it is not enough for an officer to only be a good commander or specialist, an expert in military affairs, or be able to manage a unit. It is also necessary to be a person with high moral potential, a model for subordinates. Concepts such as honesty, honor, modesty, simplicity, accessibility, respect, goodwill, integrity, conviction, justice, and officer's duty must be filled with deep meaning for him. The high professionalism of an officer, combined with moral purity, is undoubtedly attractive to subordinates and evokes in them respect and a desire to imitate.

The model of a modern officer, his professional portrait in general can be schematically represented as follows.

The social portrait of an officer is very diverse. There is one part of the officers who have abandoned the ideals of military service and continue to serve, but do not show proper interest in the service; many of them are ready to leave the army without hesitation. Some of them are characterized by indifference to the fate of the army, passivity in self-improvement, and a decrease in the level of culture (general, managerial, pedagogical). There is another part of the officers who show high socio-political maturity, improve their military-theoretical training, have diverse interests and erudition, wide range spiritual needs and interests. They have a positive influence on the activities of military teams, ensure their well-coordinated work, maintain the level of combat readiness, and show concern for the moral character of their subordinates. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer such officers, and measures must be taken to localize this negative trend as quickly as possible. In such difficult conditions of activity of the Armed Forces, great responsibility falls on the command, headquarters and educational authorities.

A special role in organizing educational work with unit officers belongs to the deputy commander for educational work. He directs his efforts to forming in the subordinate officers-educators of the regiment (brigade) a readiness to unquestioningly carry out orders; feelings of officer duty, honor, pride in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; aspirations for promotion professional excellence, personal responsibility for the training and education of military personnel; caring and respectful attitude towards them. This is the main goal in educational work with officers. The responsibilities and directions of educational work of the deputy commander of a regiment (brigade) for educational work are set out in the Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense and the head of the Main Directorate for Internal Affairs, and other governing documents. There is no need to disclose the content of the activities of the deputy regiment (brigade) commander for educational work set out in these documents. It is advisable to highlight some features of educational work with officers and pay attention to a number of significant aspects of this activity.

One of the features is the conduct of educational work aimed at retaining officers in the Armed Forces who form the backbone of the officer corps, are highly motivated to serve and are ready to continue serving, but due to circumstances (downsizing, dismissal) are forced to resign. It is no secret that personnel authorities often carry out reductions and dismissals en masse, indiscriminately, without exception, following instructions from above. Often, it is not those officers who should be dismissed due to professional unsuitability, lack of motivation for service and other reasons who are fired, but professionals who in some way did not please their superiors, openly expressed their opinions, spoke out against injustice, etc. For every honest and fair officer, good specialist, able and willing to work with people, it is necessary to fight, try to convince him to stay in service, to show concern for him.

Another feature of educational work with officers in the unit is the implementation of a differentiated approach. As already noted, many officer groups in units are heterogeneous; there are positive and negative trends in them. You won’t achieve much here with instructions, orders, calls. A careful approach to each officer is required, careful consideration of the characteristics of the professional activities of various categories of officers (commanders, engineers, educators, staff and service officers, etc.). It is necessary to determine specific goals and objectives in educational work with each category of officers. Special attention demanded by young officers who arrived in the unit after graduating from higher education institutions. There is no need to overload them with official duties, work according to the “A to Z” principle. It is necessary to give the opportunity to go through the stage of formation in a position, to reveal their best qualities and abilities. The advice of experienced, authoritative methodological officers will help.

Many young officers are appointed to positions other than their intended purpose (for example: a platoon commander is offered the position of deputy commander for educational work). They need to be given full assistance and support in their new position; be tolerant of their mistakes and failures (they are inevitable); respond sensitively to their requests, moods, desires. For these purposes, days of young officers are held. It is necessary to stimulate and encourage young officers, even for small successes, to objectively and impartially evaluate the results of their activities. Various kinds of meetings and meetings of officers cannot be turned into a place for “dispersal”.

Demandingness must be justified, fair, expedient, principled and combined with respect for the personal dignity of the subordinate. It is necessary to resume such a form of work with officers as an officers' meeting with its traditions and system of educational work with officers.

An important goal of educational work with officers in a unit is to create and maintain in officer teams such a moral and psychological climate when every officer will be in the center of attention: young and have served for many years, beginning service and an experienced methodologist, master of training, education, single officer and family officer. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of trust, respect for each other, preserve and increase the best traditions officer corps.

The success of educational work with officers depends on many conditions, the main of which include the following: personal exemplary behavior of the leadership of the regiment (brigade) in the performance of officer duty, exactingness and respect for subordinate officers, simplicity and accessibility, modesty and honesty, constant concern for their subordinates, deep interest in each officer; providing assistance in formation and professional growth; objective assessment of the professional activity of each officer and stimulation of his development; careful planning and preparation of each activity, lesson, meeting, conversation, etc.; systematic analysis and evaluation of performance results, prompt study of difficulties, requests, moods, provision of effective assistance; devotion to the officer corps, loyalty to officer duty, etc.

Performing military service duties while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances is considered a gross disciplinary offense.
The main direction of work of officers to prevent offenses due to the use of alcoholic beverages by military personnel is the social diagnosis of a negative phenomenon.
It is considered as the ability of officers to recognize the prerequisites for the use of alcoholic beverages, identify the causes of their occurrence and persistence, and predict trends in the behavior of subordinates.
The doctor makes a diagnosis based on knowledge human body. Thus, unit officers, when diagnosing relationships, are obliged to rely on deep knowledge of the individual characteristics of their subordinates, use the recommendations of pedagogy and psychology, take into account their service experience, and accumulated practice in uniting military teams.
The goals of the diagnostic stage of work are: identifying the degree of alcohol dependence, the reasons for drinking alcohol, desires and independent attempts to stop drinking, the nature of the influence on military personnel of various social groups and individuals, conditions that provoke cravings for alcohol, etc. The result of such a study of the individual and the social environment is a diagnosis, on the basis of which the goals, means and methods of social work are selected.
In the interest of diagnosing behavior, the following methods are used:
- observation,
- document analysis,
- sociological survey.
No less important in terms of preventing drunkenness and alcoholism are social therapy activities, which involve solving such problems as the formation of anti-alcohol public opinion in military groups, intolerance towards drunkards, correction social structure military units.
Organizational forms of work to prevent drunkenness consist in implementing strict control for military personnel prone to drinking alcohol by commanders, limiting their access to alcohol, creating spatio-temporal barriers to drinking, especially during working hours, applying various types of sanctions to persons prone to drinking alcohol, and things like that.
When working with persons prone to drinking alcohol, officers must follow a number of rules.
Firstly, do not conduct consultations, pedagogical and psychological activities with persons who are intoxicated.
Secondly, carry out psychocorrective actions only with military personnel who express a desire to change. Otherwise, organizational and social measures will be more effective.
Thirdly, remember that not a single person admits to being an alcoholic voluntarily, so one should expect resistance on the part of the latter when conducting psychodiagnostic and psychocorrectional measures with him.
Fourthly, to cure an alcoholic, it is not enough to arouse his aversion to alcohol; it is necessary to create a microenvironment around him that would encourage his sobriety in every possible way, support his efforts in the fight against alcohol addiction, and put up barriers to relapse.
Fifth, understand and explain officials that alcoholism is a persistent disease of the whole organism, nervous system, the human psyche, that it is impossible to heal by order of the commander or through the use exclusively of coercive measures and punishment.
Thus, the prevention of alcoholism in military units consists of a complex of organizational, social, psychological, pedagogical and medical measures. It consists of timely identification and assessment of facts of alcohol abuse by military personnel, creation of social and organizational barriers to the development of this negative phenomenon, provision of medical and psychological assistance to patients, qualified explanation to military personnel and members of their families of the physical, psychological and social consequences of drunkenness and alcoholism, one in a word, it is better to get to know a person.
In this regard, the study of autobiographical data, characteristics from the place of work or study, from military commissariats helps; educational documents; professional selection materials; medical books; service cards.
But the most reliable data comes, of course, from personal communication with subordinates. With a skillful conversation, it is possible to reveal the true experiences of a serviceman, his opinion about the state of affairs in the team, about colleagues, about commanders. The results of the conversation help to form a more complete picture of the warrior, on the basis of which individual educational work with him is built.
The best effect comes from combined use various methods studying the individual characteristics of a soldier.
Get the information you need in a concise and effective way allows survey of military personnel. This is one of the most important methods for diagnosing their behavior.
In the interests of identifying those prone to drinking alcohol, it is necessary to interview all categories of military personnel in the unit.
It is also important to know their mood, readiness, ability and ability to serve. The survey is conducted in the form of an interview. You need to ask, as if consulting with your interlocutor.
Observation is the purposeful perception of the behavioral characteristics of a soldier in order to identify a predisposition to drink alcohol.
During its course, the characteristics of a serviceman’s behavior in various situations of his official activity, in an informal setting, are recorded. Observation must be systematic and targeted. It allows you to see and record changes, the dynamics of development of behavioral characteristics, and helps to study hidden processes in the military team.
Analysis of documents allows us to make an assumption about the tendency of some military personnel to change behavior. In combination with the observation method and other methods of identifying a predisposition to hazing, it gives a positive result.
Officers are required to get to know each member of the unit literally from the first day of his service. Try to find out in what conditions the serviceman grew up and was brought up before joining the army, what habits he developed, and whether there are any negative ones among them. In a word, it is necessary to see subordinates as they really are, with all their strengths and weaknesses character, everyday worries and needs.
In everyday communication with subordinates, carefully take into account their established character traits and habits. Particularly difficult are relationships with military personnel with uncertain or unstable views on life, military service, friendship and camaraderie. They, as a rule, do not have their own opinion. They focus on a stronger personality. The officer should become an example for them. Strict exactingness, debunking the negative habits of both themselves and those whom they consider leaders, constant personal control, public condemnation of hazing actions related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages - this is the way to combat drunkenness and alcoholism.
Solving the main tasks of preventing offenses due to the use of alcoholic beverages by military personnel is impossible without radically strengthening military discipline and ensuring high discipline.
A prerequisite for such activity is an assessment of its condition.
It must be built taking into account the following requirements.
The first requirement. Organizational and educational work to ensure the discipline of military personnel must be carried out exclusively on the basis of laws and in the name of their implementation, the requirements of the military oath, general military regulations, manuals, instructions, orders of commanders and superiors.
Requirement two. The need for a clear organization of combat training and service, life and leisure of personnel in strict accordance with the statutory provisions, as well as a strict distribution of official and service functions between performers.
Requirement three. It is associated with the development of the ability of the military collective to analyze and evaluate from the standpoint of statutory norms and rules of behavior of both each serviceman individually and the unit, crew, and crew as a whole.
Requirement four. Purposefulness, activity, constancy and consistency of disciplinary influences on the individual on the part of commanders and the army public.
Requirement five. Decisive and uncompromising struggle in a unit, in a unit, with persons prone to drinking alcohol.
Systematic individual educational work carried out by unit officers allows for comprehensive measures aimed at preventing offenses committed by military personnel due to the use of alcoholic beverages.
A special place in the system of preventing drunkenness and alcoholism among military personnel is occupied by their legal education.
This is a purposeful and systematic influence on consciousness, feelings and psychology in order to form stable legal ideas, beliefs and feelings among military personnel, instilling in them a high legal culture, skills and habits of active lawful behavior.
Legal education contributes to the development of high discipline, unquestioning obedience, and strengthening military camaraderie.
Work to prevent drunkenness and alcoholism among personnel of the Armed Forces should be carried out in a differentiated manner, the main role in this process is given to military discipline.
The place and significance of this process in military education are determined primarily by the fact that we are talking about instilling in a serviceman one of the most important qualities, without which the personality of a warrior is unthinkable, the specific activities of the army and navy are the concept of discipline as a military duty.
Military education, as it were, reveals the essence of the components of military discipline, aims personnel at exact and strict observance of the military oath and military regulations, and, in conjunction with training, ensures the implementation of their specific requirements.
This unified educational process is designed to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the statutory order.
The educational process is a form of training, which is a specially organized interaction between members of a small group, in which an impact is carried out aimed at personal development, promoting the personal growth of a serviceman and maximizing the use of his potential in life and career.
Taking this into account, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on working with personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were put into effect. This document provides for the implementation of measures to maintain high morale and psychological stability of troops, combat duty and various types of combat training activities in the troops and subordinate military units.
In order to increase the role of sergeants (squad commanders in units) in the prevention of negative phenomena, including offenses due to the use of alcoholic beverages, it is advisable to consider the issue of training and appointing military personnel called up for service on a contract basis to the position of squad commanders.
Everything must be done to ensure that junior commanders are the officer’s support. They must constantly be with their subordinates and fully perform their job duties.
Due to the fact that many conflict situations arise due to dissatisfaction with the life of personnel, the efforts of the officers of the units should be concentrated on maintaining the statutory military order, achieving timely and complete satisfaction with everything necessary according to established standards.
A cohesive military team has a significant impact on solving combat training problems, strengthening military discipline and organization.
Success is brought not by random events, not by an emergency method, when other commanders take on restoring order only after a series of violations - the consumption of alcoholic beverages by military personnel, but by constant, purposeful, carefully planned work, coordinated efforts of the entire command, engineering and technical staff, and educational structures.
Only it allows us to comprehensively solve the problems of preventing offenses based on the use of alcoholic beverages by military personnel, as well as actively influence all the components that ensure the achievement of strong military discipline.