DIY design of a pyrolysis heating furnace. Pyrolysis ovens: types, pros and cons, self-production. Correct operation and cleaning of the oven

Residents of remote residential areas or summer cottages, where civilized benefits in the form of a gas pipeline are still unavailable, people are asking themselves the question of efficient and cost-effective heating.

Process long burning, reproduced by a pyrolysis boiler, allows significant savings with low fuel consumption. Comparing it with other representatives of the heating segment, a longer operation is noted per refill. It is this feature that makes these devices so popular.

Pyrolysis principle

Pyrolysis is the thermal breakdown of organic or inorganic compounds (coal, wood, etc.) under conditions of lack of oxygen. This means that fuel materials do not burn to ashes, but begin to decompose into solid sediments, releasing pyrolysis gases. Afterwards, the gas substance mixes with oxygen, which leads to complete combustion and fuel residues and gas.

Photo 1 Factory pyrolysis ovens look compact and varied.

It is important to know! It turns out that the technology uses two stages to burn combustion products. Thus, the first stage (pyrogenetic processing of wood) involves the splitting of fuel into solid residues, as a result of which the process of producing coke is reproduced. However, this stage is not the main one. The greatest heat transfer is due to the combination of gas and air, which occurs in the second stage.

Construction of a pyrolysis furnace

For better understanding an optional device of this kind of design, let us consider in more detail the principle of its operation and the operation of each element separately. It is worth noting that these heating devices have a non-standard arrangement of compartments, due to which it was possible to achieve high efficiency and high economic indicators. The operating algorithm of a furnace operating on the principle of pyrolysis is as follows:

  1. Like other representatives, the device body has a built-in firebox into which wood is placed. Features of this compartment include restrictions on air flow. All parts here are sealed - the door closes tightly. There is also a ventilation device that performs supply and exhaust functions.
  2. After laying the firewood, ignition is carried out either manually or using a special burner.

Photo 2 Scheme of operation of the pyrolysis furnace structure.

  1. It will take some time for the wood to burn. After this, the access of oxygen to this block is limited.
  2. Lack of air does not provoke combustion, but charring, which causes the release of gases. Through the air channel, the volatile mixture enters the next chamber. At this level, the gas mixes with oxygen, the mixture of which is subject to combustion. At this moment, a greater percentage of heat transfer is formed.

It is important to know! Pyrolysis ovens come in a wide variety model range. The significant difference lies in the type of the second block. In some modifications there is an additional ventilation device, in others this section is served by the combustion chamber fan. There are samples that operate on natural draft. In this case, the smoke exhaust mechanism is equipped with several dampers to seal the device.

  1. A rotating retort is used to unload coal in both industrial and household appliances. Most often it is represented by a device round shape, lowering onto the furnace supports.
  2. If coal is not extracted, it will also be subject to combustion, while maintaining the necessary temperature indicators in the first combustion section. As a result, all processes are practically waste-free - fuel materials are burned to ashes, with a minimum amount of residual ash.

It is important to know! The pyrolysis furnace must be cleaned of ash no more than once a week, subject to constant use. If operation is not carried out daily, then less often.

Advantages and disadvantages

A pyrolysis-type device has an extensive list of advantageous characteristics. Let's focus on the key ones:

  • high efficiency is achieved due to complete fuel burnout. One loading cycle allows for much longer heat transfer compared to analogues.
  • Quick warm-up of the device. Due to this it is ensured efficient heating rooms in a short time.
  • The efficiency level reaches 85%.
  • Use environmentally pure materials during production, as well as to ensure operation that does not emit substances harmful to human health and the environment when heated. The stove is practically smokeless.
  • The power range is adjustable depending on the user's needs - 5-100%.
  • The overview device can work in tandem with a heating circuit.
  • The pyrolysis device does not require constant monitoring. Loading bio-fuel is carried out once a day, and the cleaning process is carried out once a week, without requiring the device to be turned off.
  • The device is universal, which allows you to use different types fuel - liquid or solid composition. Samples operating on used oil are also presented.

Photo 3 Stage-by-stage processes of heat generation.

Despite the predominance positive aspects, such designs also have a number of disadvantages:

  • to ensure a sufficient level of heating, large ovens are required;

Photo 4 Optional design device operating on the principle of pyrolysis.

  • it is necessary to arrange a site for the placement of fuel materials;
  • any combustion process is accompanied by the release of impurities and odors. Despite the fact that the peculiarity of this stove is that practically no smoke is generated, it is still necessary to organize a ventilation system in the room where the device is located.
  • The gases released have enough low temperature, so condensation accumulates at the outlet. Its presence is noted in the chimney and in the outlet channel. In some factory models, a storage tank is provided for its collection, which requires periodic cleaning.

Advice! When reproducing a stove device yourself, you must choose a chimney with a large diameter. The exit system is organized according to the same principle, which must be insulated in the area facing the street. In this way, it is possible to eliminate the problem of freezing when external temperatures drop.

  • To ensure maximum efficient work it is necessary to install a supercharger in the device, and for heating system pump is built in. All these devices led to the dependence of the entire furnace on power supply.

Methods for producing a low-power pyrolysis oven with your own hands

Despite the fact that the stove has a complex structure, it is also possible to independently reproduce the heating mechanism. The most simple models are performed using the method brickwork or using a gas cylinder, however, only a device made of metal sheets can be called aesthetically attractive.

Photo 5 Diagram of a pyrolysis boiler.

Overview designs with low power (25 kW) are suitable for heating country house or any utility rooms, with a total cubic capacity of no more than 100 m2. A small device will have distinctive features compared to classic version executions:

  • does not connect to central system heating;
  • there is no need to install a supercharger, because in this case, the combustion compartment is located above the level of the gasification chamber. This allows you to create natural traction.
  • Since the device is not automatic, you will need to periodically adjust the combustion mode and monitor the operation of the device.

It is important to know! The high-quality operation of the furnace is based on the following principles: oxygen is supplied to the gasifying compartment in small doses. For this purpose, a regulating system - a damper - is installed. An air vent is also made here, through which the required volume of air masses is supplied to the device.

Photo 6 Structural details of a low-power pyrolysis device.

Process self-production The survey device consists of the following stages:

  1. Using the selected design, the furnace body is equipped from steel sheets. Using a welding machine, all elements of the box are welded. Two holes are made for subsequent installation of ash pan and firebox doors. The placement must be taken into account - the combustion unit is located above the ash pit. They are separated by a cast iron grate.

Advice! The role of the simplest air control system can be performed by the ash pan door.

  1. The gas combustion unit is located directly above the primary gasification chamber. They are separated by a cutting plate made of heat-resistant steel sheet. The firebox is equipped with an oxygen supply channel, in which a damper acts as a regulator.
  2. The doors are made of the same sheet metal. Corners help strengthen the structure. To ensure the proper level of fire safety, latches must be installed on the doors.

It is important to know! A wide range of ready-made parts for furnace devices, including doors with latches.

  1. Fire-resistant fireclay bricks are being laid inside the furnace block. This way the structure is protected from burning and also ensures uniform heat distribution.

Advice! Since brick has good thermal conductivity and can also retain heat on the surface for a long time, it can also be used to line the fireplace itself. The chimney pipe must be thermally insulated with outside facing the street. The draft in the structure is adjusted using a gate.

Photo 7 View homemade boiler, working on the principle of pyrolysis.

Among a number of heat-generating devices, a pyrolysis-type furnace has a number of significant advantages, which is why it is popular.

Do-it-yourself brick pyrolysis oven, diagram of a wood-fired pyrolysis boiler.

Pyrolysis furnaces differ from conventional furnaces because they have a longer combustion life. Already in the very name of the furnace, the answer is contained in what is the difference between the furnaces.

The process of fuel combustion in such a furnace can be divided into two stages. The first stage is pyrolysis, that is, the decomposition of organic matter under the influence high temperatures on hard material and gaseous. This process occurs with minimal exposure to oxygen.

At the second stage, oxygen is supplied to the resulting components at high temperature, under the influence of which complete combustion of fuel and gas occurs.

We can say that the result is a completely waste-free process in which fuel is converted into heat without leaving ash and without polluting the air.

A brick, pyrolysis boiler has a high efficiency, it saves fuel, and the exhaust gases contain a minimum amount harmful substances. A do-it-yourself brick pyrolysis oven is relatively easy to make if you have the necessary skill and knowledge.

The operation of the furnace is based on pyrolysis. The process of releasing pyrolysis gases occurs under conditions of lack of oxygen. Gases are released from the fuel at high temperatures, only subsequently they are mixed with oxygen, the process contributes to the complete combustion of the fuel and the gas itself.

Due to the design features, fuel is loaded into a brick pyrolysis furnace from above, and a secondary compartment for the “afterburning” of pyrolysis gases is provided at the bottom.

The draft in the stove is created by a smoke exhauster - a draft design; the chimney is forcedly ventilated. How does the system work? There is a lack of oxygen in the primary upper compartment, so the fuel releases pyrolysis gases, which burn out in the lower compartment.

The main material for the manufacture of the structure is ceramic brick. Depending on the size, on average, for a brick pyrolysis boiler you will need from three hundred to five hundred pieces.

By the way, depending on the purpose, pyrolysis furnaces may have two compartments for solid fuel.

And in some cases, secondary combustion chambers may be located higher than the combustion chamber with solid fuel. Much depends on individual characteristics project, from the principles of traction and so on.

The main thing when you install a long-burning stove is to strictly adhere to the diagram and follow fire safety rules.

To build combustion chambers, you need refractory bricks, and to weld a hot water boiler, you need metal sheets. Also, to make a stove you will need cast iron grates, combustion doors, a smoke exhauster to create draft, sensors and electrodes that measure temperature.

This means you will need tools such as a welding machine, Sander.

Do-it-yourself brick pyrolysis oven

First, the foundation slab is made. It doesn’t matter what material the foundation for the stove is made of, it does not need to be connected to the foundation of the house, since these two structures can give different settlements.

The gap between the foundations of the stove and the house must be at least 5 cm. Next, this gap is filled and brickwork is carried out in accordance with the diagram.

It is better to familiarize yourself with the bricklaying technology in the video; it includes several work processes: installation of orders, supply of bricks and mortar, laying, and reliability testing. The angles are always drawn first. Right Angles lined up using an order - a metal square.

The first few bricks are laid using a rule, and then the order is placed, verticality is given to it using a level or plumb line. When doing masonry with your own hands, it is important to take care of safety and ensure the most important thing - sealing the seams.

In order to take into account all possible flaws, you can first lay out the structure without mortar and, if everything fits, start laying bricks on the mortar. The next step is the installation of grates (cast iron grates to maintain a layer of fuel) and combustion doors.

The following is the procedure for connecting the heating system. It needs to be thought through carefully. A hot water boiler, if you have a diagram, the necessary skills and equipment, is brewed with your own hands. Of course, if there is no practice, then it is better to leave this work to specialists.

The boiler will need metal sheets and pipes of different diameters, welding machine, Bulgarian. The finished boiler is fixed in the lower chamber. Sensors are installed to regulate the pyrolysis process

Pyrolysis process

After everything is installed and connected, the system is tested. In order for the pyrolysis process to occur, the temperature must be no less than 450 and no more than 1100 degrees Celsius.

But temperature alone is not enough. You need an adjustable air supply and an additional gas combustion chamber. Another point worth paying attention to is that wet firewood is not suitable for pyrolysis heating. combined brick ovens. The steam dilutes the pyrolysis gases and the furnace goes out.

By the way, for conventional brick stoves, it is also recommended to use only dry firewood. Firewood must be stored under cover for at least one year. In this case, no condensate is released during combustion and the stove will last longer.

From the author: Hello, dear readers! A lot of owners suburban dwellings, be it small country house or a large cottage with outbuildings, they are interested in the question of how to make a pyrolysis oven with your own hands.

It must be said that solid fuel equipment has generally been in great demand for many years. It is quite efficient, environmentally friendly, extracting fuel is usually not difficult, and from an aesthetic point of view there is an advantage - after all, many people like to watch the dancing flames. Of course, it is better to do this while sitting by a large stove or fireplace. But small stoves are no less popular.

For example, they are very convenient to use where there is no heating: in sheds and other outbuildings, in the garage and even on the street. This heating structure can be equipped hob, and then you can cook delicious dishes in the fresh air.

Of course, not every homemade stove has high efficiency. Some of them are, in fact, just a fire limited on all sides. This approach also has a right to life, but today we will talk about a different type of design - namely, pyrolysis.

Operating principle of the furnace

The difference between this design and a conventional stove is the long burning of fuel, which leads to much more high level heat transfer. In simple solid fuel heating structures, the process occurs as follows: wood burns, the walls of the structure heat up from the flame, and heat flows from them into the room. The smoke generated from burning fuel goes directly to the street through the chimney.

But the fact is that these combustion products contain very a large number of thermal energy, which, in fact, is blown by the wind. If the smoke had not flown away so quickly, it would have brought a lot of heat into the room.

Some homeowners are aware of this factor and lay the chimney pipe through the entire room, dividing it to the maximum possible length. Of course, at the same time they receive some more heat. But most of it still continues to leave. That is why simple solid fuel stoves require constant “feeding” - the laying of firewood is done very often.

As for pyrolysis equipment, a different approach is practiced here. The ovens are equipped with two chambers. Fuel - usually firewood - is loaded into one of them, and there it burns. In this case, pyrolysis products are produced - that is, gases that can burn at high temperatures. They enter the second chamber, and secondary air, which is necessary for ignition, also comes there. Which is exactly what is happening.

Naturally, during the combustion of pyrolysis products, a large amount of heat is generated, which also works to heat the room, like the thermal energy that comes out during direct combustion of the fuel. Thus, these ovens have several advantages:

  • high efficiency, compared to conventional ovens. The efficiency of pyrolysis structures can reach up to 95%, and this is very good;
  • long combustion process. This is due to both the high thermal output and the fact that the main chamber is quite large. Therefore, quite a lot of firewood is placed in the stove. This is very convenient from an operational point of view - as a rule, fuel is added only once a day;
  • possibility of adjusting the fuel combustion process. You can control the supply of both primary and secondary air. The intensity of combustion of firewood and pyrolysis products depends on this. So you can set temperature regime heating depending on current needs;
  • saving fuel resources. Since the firewood in this case is given maximum amount heat, less is required than for a conventional stove;
  • wide scope of application. Pyrolysis ovens can be used both in residential and commercial premises, as well as in bathhouses and outdoors;
  • ease of manufacture. You can easily build the structure yourself. Of course, simplicity varies depending on the manufacturing method. For example, to make a stove out of lighter metal, you won’t need any special skills, and this process will take little time. But a brick pyrolysis structure takes longer to build and is physically heavier - at least due to the weight of the blocks. But still, any of these varieties is available for independent production, as will be discussed below.

The only drawback of the structure is the presence of certain requirements for fuel quality. Wet firewood will definitely not be in demand here, since water vapor will negate the entire efficiency of the stove - it will actively interfere with the processing of emitted gases. Therefore, the initial selection of high-quality fuel and its proper storage are important.

Now you know general principle operation of the furnace, and you can also decide whether it is necessary. Of course, you can purchase the design in the store. But why, if you can do it yourself, at the same time having practiced working with metal or brick. Let's start, perhaps, with the first option.

Metal stove

A metal stove is much easier to make than a brick one. True, its effectiveness is lower, but in most cases this is quite enough. In general, the design resembles one with slightly more complicated smoke removal. You can focus, for example, on this drawing:


As you can see, combustion products flow like a “snake”. If you provide access to secondary air into the first smoke circuit, then you will get the same pyrolysis process.

To make a metal pyrolysis stove you will need:

  • steel. Prepare sheets at least three millimeters thick. If the material is thinner, it will burn through holes very quickly, and you will have to start the whole process all over again. In principle, instead of steel, you can take something that is often found in private households: metal barrel or gas cylinder. If you decide to use the latter option, please note that the container must be prepared in advance. Any cylinder contains gas residues. Even if there are only a few of them, it can still cause a fire during operation - one spark is enough. Therefore, be sure to first fill the tank with water through the hole by unscrewing the shut-off valve, and then leave it outside. After 24 hours, empty the container. The smell will not be the most pleasant, so do it somewhere away from living quarters. Only after the washing procedure can the gas cylinder be used for the production of a pyrolysis furnace;
  • welding machine. If you don’t know how to work with it, it’s okay, it’ll just be a reason to learn. Stock up at the same time protective equipment: At a minimum, glasses and gloves. Welding work have an increased level of danger, so be sure to take care to prevent injury;
  • marking tools. You will definitely need a flexible tape measure and a marker. It is also advisable to use building level to avoid distortions;
  • various small tools. Pliers, a hammer and other improvised means that may be needed in any similar work;
  • doors and grate. The simplest solution is to purchase these elements at some forge or store. The advantage of this approach is aesthetic appearance door But you can do all this yourself to avoid extra costs. Make the doors from the same sheets of steel that will be used for the stove itself, or from pieces of metal cut from the body of a gas cylinder (if that is what you decide to use for the manufacture of the structure. The grate can be made from steel strips or thick wire, to which reinforcing rods are soldered with small gaps between each other.

So, after you have prepared everything you need, you can get to work. Take steel sheets, apply markings on them according to the diagram above, and then cut out 8 plates according to it: six for the stove body and two for forming smoke circuits.

Now build a grate and doors if you decide not to buy them. How to do the first one is already written above. As for the doors, you need to weld hinges, sides and a place for fixing the latch on them.

Install smoke circuits inside the stove body. IN back wall make several holes and weld tubes to them. Then to top cover weld another pipe, the diameter of which is 10 centimeters - it is needed for the subsequent connection of the chimney.

Finally, weld the doors with hinges to the places where they should be located. At the same time, be careful and strictly follow the markings to avoid distortions. The last stage is installing the legs. You can make them from angle steel or something similar.

There is another option for a metal pyrolysis stove, which is used in a bathhouse. The base is made in the same way, but the firebox must be lengthened by moving the doors forward. The size and number of smoke circulations do not change. It is also necessary to make a heater. To do this, weld a container to the top of the body. It will be possible to pour stones into it, which will effectively retain the heat coming from the stove, and then transfer it to the steam room.

A metal pyrolysis furnace is quite compact and lightweight. You can easily move it from room to room. Mobility, ease of installation and high efficiency make this design almost indispensable for any private household.

Brick stove

A pyrolysis brick oven is even more efficient than a metal one. This is due to the excellent characteristics of the brick. The blocks are able to retain heat efficiently and then release it to the surrounding air. Thus, the heating of the room is softer and longer lasting.

The disadvantages of such a stove include the complexity of its manufacture. As mentioned above, this will require more time and effort than in the case of a metal structure. In addition, it would be nice to have some experience in the construction of brickwork for the job. However, it’s never too late to learn, and creating can just give you the necessary skills that will most likely be useful in the future.

As for materials, their selection also needs to be approached carefully. You can't take the first brick you come across, because here we're talking about about prolonged exposure to high temperatures. For example, a firebox that is in direct contact with an open flame should be made exclusively from fireclay bricks. These are fireproof blocks that perfectly withstand high temperatures and at the same time conduct heat well.

As for the remaining parts of the structure, you need to take ordinary ceramic red bricks for them. This material has good heat capacity characteristics, so it is ideally suited for the construction of a housing.

The process of constructing a brick pyrolysis furnace is the same as in the case of a metal one: a chamber is created for fuel combustion and several smoke circuits. Then the doors, plugs and chimney pipe are installed. The finished design has quite large sizes. This must be taken into account when planning its placement.

In addition, do not forget that bricks have considerable weight. Therefore, it is advisable to place a strong board or something similar under the structure as a base.

When laying bricks, it is important to maintain order. In each row, the blocks are laid in a certain way: somewhere on the “bed”, somewhere on the edge. This is necessary to ensure that the structure is durable. Unfortunately, there is no single ordering scheme for any stove, so it is better not to look for it on the Internet, but to contact a specialized organization to draw it up. This approach will give you confidence that everything will be done correctly.

To gain even more knowledge on how to make a pyrolysis oven, watch the video:

Despite the seemingly complex operating principle, a long-burning stove is actually a fairly simple structure. It is enough to understand in detail the basics of its creation - and you will certainly cope with this task easily and simply. Good luck!

Before every owner country house The question arises about choosing a heating system.

The main selection criterion is the energy resource, as well as the cost of construction and maintenance of the system. Alternative option today are . Every year the popularity of such designs is growing rapidly.

The peculiarity of the pyrolysis furnace is that it runs on solid fuel, which is recognized as the most economical energy resource today. These ovens are suitable option for heating a country or private house. In addition, you can easily build a pyrolysis oven with your own hands.

Operating principle and advantages

The design is based on pyrolysis - a gas-generating combustion process. When fuel is burned, the room is heated.

According to the principle of operation, such furnaces resemble a dry distillation boiler. The thermal energy released during fuel combustion is used to heat the air.

Solid fuel is ignited and closed in the furnace. In this case, a fan is put into operation, as a result of which combustion occurs with a minimum amount of oxygen.

This leads to the breakdown of fuel into wood coke and pyrolysis gas. When combined with oxygen, the gas begins to burn intensely, resulting in the release of a large amount of thermal energy. It will be enough for both heating the room and heating water.

The advantages of a pyrolysis oven include:

  • high efficiency, which is expressed in control of the strength and duration of combustion;
  • fuel economy;
  • use of wood industry waste as fuel;
  • absence of harmful substances in combustion products.

All these advantages explain the growing popularity of modern pyrolysis furnaces. The main advantage of the design is that it can be manufactured with my own hands. The main thing is to have a drawing of such a furnace and certain materials on hand. Every master will be able to decorate and heat his home with the help of such a stove.

Scheme and components

The design of the stove is quite simple. It consists of two combustion chambers. With the help of these chambers, pyrolysis is supported during the combustion process.

The first chamber is used to load solid fuel; it closes tightly, which prevents oxygen from entering the combustion zone.

When fuel burns without oxygen, pyrolysis gas is released, which is transferred to the next chamber. This is where the gas is burned. To improve the combustion process, secondary gas is introduced into the second chamber.

A traditional oven consists of the following functional elements and components:

  • gasification chambers;
  • metal grate;
  • chambers in which fuel is burned;
  • air supply systems.

When assembling a pyrolysis furnace with your own hands, it is worth considering the presence of all structural elements. If the system is missing at least one of the listed components and chambers, then the oven will not work as it should.

Self-assembly options

Pyrolysis ovens are quite expensive, so many owners are thinking about how to make one with their own hands.

Homemade structures can be made from various materials, such as gas cylinder, tin cans, barrels, bricks and much more.

Depending on the material of production, all furnaces are divided into:

  • stone;
  • metal.

Stone or brick ovens are used extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that its construction will require a lot of investment and time.

Of course, for Lately Such designs have undergone some modifications, which has significantly increased their efficiency. As for metal stoves, they are especially popular. The fact is that they can be made even from an old gas cylinder or barrel.

Depending on the principle of operation, the fuel and material used, all furnaces are divided into the following types:
  • furnace operating on treated oil;
  • Kuznetsov furnace;
  • Lachinyanka;
  • Bubafonya.

The principle of operation of all these structures is the same - afterburning the gas that is released from the fuel. But, when choosing a design, it is worth considering some features of each type.

Thus, it is undesirable to use stoves that run on waste oil in bathhouses and other residential premises. They are ideal for heating garages and other non-residential premises.

Of course, it is worth considering that small ovens, operating on waste oil, have high productivity. You only need a cup of oil to get the job done.

Made of brick

For construction brick stove you will need:

Having such materials and tools at hand, you can build a stove with your own hands. Of course, we should not forget about some nuances on which the strength and efficiency of the heating structure will depend.

If you have chosen brick oven, then the construction process will look like this:

If necessary, you can decorate the structure. For this they often use facing brick, stone and other materials that can withstand high temperatures.

From a gas cylinder

A metal pyrolysis furnace is often made from old gas cylinders, and it has the name Bubafonya.

The peculiarity of the Bubafonya stove is that it can be used with different fuels.

To make such a design with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • pliers.

The manufacturing process of the Bubafonya stove is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Cut off the top convex part of the cylinder.
  2. Be careful: cut off top part the cylinder is lower or higher than the welding seam, since the connecting seam is reinforced from the inside with a metal plate, which can complicate cutting.

  3. There is a hole in the center for the air duct.
  4. At the top of the cylinder body, a hole is made for the chimney.
  5. Make a gas divider with a pipe through which oxygen will be supplied to the second chamber.
  6. Weld the chimney.

As you can see, you can easily make a stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands. But you should pay special attention to cutting the cylinder. Before you start working with an angle grinder, you need to make sure that there are no gas residues in the cylinder; to do this, the cylinder is completely filled with water.

To ensure the normal functioning of the oven, you need to follow some professional advice:

  1. For heating, solid fuel is used, the humidity of which should not exceed 20%.
  2. Chimney pipe metal furnace should be removable, which will allow easy cleaning of soot and condensate.
  3. During operation, the stove heats up to high temperatures, so there should be no flammable objects or structures near it.
  4. Study the operating modes of the stove, which will allow you to choose the best option.

Compliance with all these tips will ensure a long service life of the furnace. And don’t forget that special attention should be paid to fire safety rules.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains how to make a small pyrolysis oven with your own hands from tin cans:

Owners of country houses always have to choose a heating system. The decisive factor is the type of energy resource, due to cost and maintenance. Pyrolysis oven - alternative heating boilers, natural gas and an excellent type of heating that is becoming increasingly popular. Pyrolysis furnaces run on solid fuel, so such heaters are considered quite economical in our time and are great for cottages and country houses. We invite you to consider in more detail the operating principle of a pyrolysis furnace, its design, operating features, as well as the technology for creating such a furnace with your own hands.

Operating principle of a pyrolysis furnace

Pyrolysis - technological gas combustion process. As a result of the combustion of solid fuels such as pellets, coal, firewood, and peat briquettes, the room is heated. The operating principle is similar to the functionality of a dry distillation boiler. Pyrolysis is exothermic in nature, and is marked by the ability to heat the incoming air due to the heat generated

The loaded fuel is ignited and the fan turns on when the door is closed. High temperature(200 -800 degrees) and low oxygen content in the oven lead to a chemical process - the wood decomposes into pyrolysis gas and wood coke. When burning, wood is prone to the formation of methyl alcohol, acetone, vinegar and resin.

The released gas combines with oxygen and enters the combustion stage. The smoke generated during the combustion process does not contain harmful carcinogens and others hazardous substances. Burnt fuel releases thermal energy, used to heat the room. The hot water in the boiler enters the heating system while the return flow is supplied. The coolant is also used as a coolant. This is how a boiler works bottom position cameras.

Boilers with overhead chamber

Instances of boilers appeared that worked in exactly the opposite direction. People's designers designed a gasification chamber at the bottom, and a second one at the top. Models of such boilers are not yet so popular, but the advantages are obvious:

  1. Excluded electricity consumption.
  2. The system is working on natural traction thanks to a new solution in the design of air channels.
  3. « Flipped over" design.

The principle is based on the rush of pyrolysis gas into the upper chamber and mixing it with secondary air.

The rarefied air seeps into the boiler through an opening at the bottom, combines with oxygen, and creates condition for oxidation reaction. The combustible gas burns in the lower chamber and gives off heat to the water.

Special hardened steel of the boiler ensures that clear smoke comes out of the chimney. A properly installed system can operate on one portion of fuel for up to 14 hours.

Furnace structure

The design provides two combustion chambers, necessary to maintain pyrolysis. One of the chambers is designed for fuel and is tightly closed to prevent the entry of oxygen from outside. The resulting gas passes into the afterburning chamber, into which secondary air is supplied to improve combustion.

The chambers are separated from each other by a grate with stacked briquettes. Top ventilation or blowing is a feature of the technological process. Activations forced draft - necessary condition to reduce aerodynamic drag.

Important Safety Points

It is appropriate to recall that high-quality operation requires a combination of strict proportions of the air-fuel mixture, otherwise combustion will be uneven and produce a lot of smoke. When designing a stove with your own hands, it is important to have detailed drawing, and have skill in working with a welding machine.

Gas formation occurs unevenly, which is why it is so important ensure control of the gas-air ratio. Electronic system always automatically responds to all ongoing processes and monitors the heating of the coolant. One chamber of the system creates pressure, the other balances the composition of the air-fuel mass. This is the difference between a stove of your own design and a factory-made product.

If you decide to build a stove yourself, you cannot do without high-quality materials such as, alloy steel and modern electronics for control. The pyrolysis process is unregulated, and this fact requires control by electronic filling, otherwise the boiler will repeat the functions of a potbelly stove. The ongoing processes require a number of conditions, without which the furnace will not be able to operate efficiently.

Tools and material for work

  • Welding machine.
  • Electric drill.
  • Angle grinder Ø230. It is not necessary, but it is advisable to use a Ø125 machine.
  • Sheet metal 4 mm - 7.5 m². With a budget option, it is permissible to install internal parts from 4 mm sheet, and the body from 3 mm.
  • Electrodes - 5 packs
  • Fireproof brick - up to 15 pcs.
  • Cutting wheels with a diameter of 230 mm - 10
  • Grinding wheels 125 mm - 5
  • Fan.
  • Temperature sensor.
  • Grate bars
  • 2 doors
  • 57 mm in diameter and 3.5 mm thick - 7−8 m.
  • 15.9 mm X 4.5 mm - 0.5 m
  • 32 mm X 3.2 mm - 1 m.p.

Profiled pipes:

  • 60×30 and 2 mm thick - 1.5 m.p.
  • 80×40 with a wall of 2 mm - 1 m.p.

Steel strip:

  • width 80 mm and thickness 5 - 1 m.p.
  • 20 mm X 4 mm - 7.5 m.p.
  • 30 mm X 4 mm - 1.5 m.p.

Metal structure

Dimensions future design are calculated based on the desired power. If you do not have the brain of an engineer, in order to avoid problems, it is better to turn to professionals for thermal engineering calculations.

The general scheme looks like this:

  1. Process starts with welding. It is necessary to weld a steel body and 2 chambers: combustion and afterburning.
  2. Internal work requires a fireclay brick foundation.
  3. Further, according to the drawing, holes are made, and the supply air supply systems into the cameras.
  4. The firebox window is cut out and sealed door.
  5. Begins installation of a water jacket.
  6. Inserted into the outlet pipe fan.

Home technology is driven by purchasing materials from metal distribution companies. One-time purchases will cost slightly more than purchasing from a list.

Boiler base - furnace or combustion chamber, in which the temperature exceeds 1000 degrees. In the absence of special steel, you can use what is available, but with this solution the walls should be made double.

  1. The walls for the future boiler are cut out made of sheet steel angle grinder according to the dimensions of the drawing, which always has exact dimensions details. They are transferred to the rolled metal using a ruler and auxiliary measuring tools.
  2. After cutting out the walls, you should start re-cutting the walls only from profiled pipe. They are needed for stiffeners.
  3. Now you should cook amplifiers for joints between oven segments made of sheet steel.
  4. We make a rectangular hole in the front wall, the size of the doors of the combustion chambers and the ash compartment. Tip: to cut the required hole, markings are first applied to the metal, and outlined by a sharp object.

Using a drill, the sheet is drilled into the corners and secured. Again, the grinding machine comes to work, which will help make a through hole in the middle. The cutting line moves smoothly from the center to the edge of the sheet. This technique will protect the sheet from mechanical damage.

  1. We make a container for water. A sheet is provided for the tank of stainless steel. This requires welding and a certain skill. If the first and second conditions are missing, containers can be ordered from the workshop.
  2. Heat exchanger design is a kit water pipes. Using welding, they are organized into a flow circuit with a wide outer surface, capable of providing maximum heat transfer to the coolant.

Assembly of the structure

Assembly metal structure is made directly at the installation site to avoid additional efforts to move the large unit.

Advice: you need to fill in clean sand, without organic inclusions. It needs to be heated well. This technique will eliminate unpleasant odor during boiler operation.

At this stage, the chamber doors are sealed. A container of water is connected to the circuits. The metal structure is ready.

The boiler is ignited solid fuel, after which the flame is fixed by the door. Even combustion can only occur if the air supply cameras. This requires attaching a special system consisting of levers and valves.

It is believed that the organization of the boiler less than 15KV is not practical. What should owners who have small area? Construct a pyrolysis furnace that resembles the operation of a boiler and is based on the same operating principle.

We build a furnace

For a furnace with a power of 25 kW and heating an area of ​​60 m2 you will need:

  • Brick - 400 pcs.
  • Fireclay brick - 100 pcs.
  • Sheet of steel 4 mm 6×1.5 meters.
  • Fan.
  • Cast iron grates - 3 pcs.
  • Thermostat.
  • Doors for the chamber and ash compartment.

Preparing a mortar for working with bricks

Let's take it clay, clean sand (washed) and water. You need fine sand with grains of at least 1 mm. It is advisable to take soft water. The clay used is the same as for molding bricks. To increase the density of the masonry mortar, add Portland cement (1 kg per 10 liters of water).

Solution: 4 parts clay+8 hours sand + 1 hour. water. This “recipe” can definitely withstand temperatures up to 1000 °C, without changing its quality characteristics. The coefficient of thermal expansion is similar to brick, which eliminates deformation during cooling-heating cycles.

There are several ways to prepare solutions. One of them: in clay soaked for a day it is necessary add an equal amount of water to the clay. The result is a consistency reminiscent of thick cream. The aged solution must be passed through a sieve and mixed with sand. Adjusting the consistency. A puddle that forms on the surface will indicate a lack of sand.

A little about brick

Craftsmen use it for lining fireboxes fireclay bricks. Such material can last no more than a season. Metal for air vents of 5 mm will not save you from burning out - you will need special steel.

Foreign manufacturers make them ceramic, but referring to operating experience, we can assure novice craftsmen that areas of metal that have not been subjected to cooling quickly deform when in contact with burning gases. You can adjust the process using thick metal- from 10 mm or make double steel walls.

Let's get started

We make it from fireclay bricks heat exchanger, divided into two chambers. One for gasification, the second - before combustion of the released gases. When positioning, it is advisable to assume that the primary air supply comes from above, and volatile substances move down and burn out in the chamber.

Grate grates mounted in free position- when heated, they expand and fill the gaps.

On last stage, using wire “ears”, are attached cell doors. Doors for air control and furnace valves responsible for draft are also inserted.

We adapt the fan. The mechanism is necessary to counter aerodynamic drag and cannot be done without it.

The stove design is ready and worthy of all praise. We rent out the work to the family. Perhaps the presented diagram will allow you to independently build inexpensive, but functional system heated and I. The results of your work can be judged at the end of the heating season.