Classifications of plastic windows: which class of PVC profile to choose. Comparison of manufacturers of plastic window profiles Classification of window profiles

Despite the fact that formally on the market plastic windows There are no differences in the profiles, today we will still discuss a couple of provisions that are worth paying attention to. These include product classes and some manufacturing features. Let's look at how to distinguish good from bad, and why some manufacturers try to cram as many as 5 glasses into one package, making it incredibly heavy. You will see that the choice of plastic windows is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and therefore this task is completely solvable. Even if you had no experience with such products before.

Three classes of plastic windows

The standard European profile is usually no thicker than 60 mm. These are the same products from Germany that everyone can see from their neighbors. KBE, Veka, Rehau. The point is that this is now considered economy class, but let's talk about everything in order.

Possibilities of plastic windows

Plastic window profile

We have already said that Standard class windows can be distinguished from Economy class windows by their thickness, while Premium class windows are distinguished by their excellent performance characteristics, but there is one more point. The Veka company in its video used the following parameter to describe its products: specific gravity. It can be seen that the profile is thick and reinforced, but in addition, according to GOST, gradation is carried out according to three classes and depending on the thickness of the plastic used:

  • Class A. Front wall (bordering a room or street) - 3 mm, non-front - 2.5 mm.
  • Class B. Front wall - 2.5 mm, non-front - 2 mm.
  • For class C, the wall thickness is not standardized at all.

What to do about this? Veka has already explained for us that durability increases with increasing class, but we will note that every self-respecting dealer has a cross-sectional profile of the products they sell. Take a caliper with you and take measurements in situ. We will write how to use the device, if necessary, some other time. We remind you that the accuracy of the caliper is 0.05 mm, which is quite enough to complete the task of assessing the class of a window.

Window profile in section

From the above it should now be clear why the Economy class differs from the Standard class by approximately 10 mm. These are two air chambers. Each is 5 mm thick. But this is not the limit; there are already windows on sale with profiles of 76 mm and thicker. There may even be 6 cameras, but all these are just quality indicators. And when choosing a plastic window, you need to focus on the two types of class listed above.

Double-glazed plastic window

Today it is believed that two glasses in a frame are not enough. Not so long ago in Ukraine it was completely prohibited to install such windows in heated rooms. The following characteristics depend on the thickness of the glass unit and the number of panels in it:

  1. Sound insulation level.
  2. Heat transfer resistance.

It is clear that with an increase in the number of glasses, the weight increases (which is already quite large), and the package itself becomes thicker. In standard Economy windows, the diameter of the insert is 30-32 mm. If we take thicker profiles, then the glass unit is wider. This can be 36 or 47 mm, as is the case with Deceuninck. Many complain that the Bautek profile is difficult to distinguish from Favorit. Indeed, the only difference there is class. And the glass unit is the same. In other words, this part of the window is completely independent in the manufacturers’ lines.

Simple double glazing

It may be noted that for better sound absorption, argon or other inert gas can be pumped inside. The same move increases resistance to heat transfer and eliminates the possibility of dew falling inside. The assembly of double-glazed windows follows the same technology. A frame made of a spacer with silicone beads that absorb moisture is sealed at the ends liquid rubber. When the composition dries, the structure is ready for installation.

The point is that glass can be special purpose. The hardened ones are very durable, and the anti-burglary ones are covered with a special film to make it more difficult to break. Energy-saving k-glass allows you to save money by reducing radiation losses. Because a regular package only reduces convection and conduction losses. K-glass reflects or absorbs heat, thereby reducing leakage in the infrared range. This is very important, ask any builder working with a thermal imager where main source energy losses in the house. These are not walls, or even doors.

Quality of plastic window fittings

Deceuninck representatives say that their windows are middle lane serve up to 50 years. It is clear that all this is good, as long as the fittings can withstand it. This is the name of the metal braid of the window, thanks to which the sashes are locked, swung open, and opened like a window. The fittings must be thick and durable. The burglary-proof window also has a special shape. The lock tongues fit tightly into the latches, and you can’t break them out even with a crowbar. The handles usually have a locking mechanism, and if necessary, the window can be locked with a key. This is very useful, especially if there are small children in the house.

Good fittings (for example, Maco), just like metal tiles, consist of many layers. A passivating layer is applied over the galvanization, which is covered with a molecular film of wax lubricant. This allows the parts to function like a watch for many years. Try all frames and sashes. A regular profile with double-glazed windows and a set of fittings can weigh about a pound. Windows are a very heavy structure. It is not without reason that many people prefer to use an aluminum profile that does not require reinforcement for their shaky balconies, or even make do with frameless solutions.

It’s good when the fittings provide not three, but four window positions:

  1. Locked.
  2. Open.
  3. Window mode.
  4. Ventilation through cracks around the sash perimeter.

How to quickly determine the class of a plastic window

Knowing the requirements of the standard, dealers often indicate parameters that directly or indirectly indicate the class of a plastic window. For example, according to the value of heat transfer resistance, products are graded as follows:

  1. Heat transfer resistance more than 0.80 m2 x °C / W.
  2. Heat transfer resistance from 0.70 to 0.79 m2 x °C / W.
  3. Heat transfer resistance from 0.60 to 0.69 m2 x °C / W.
  4. Heat transfer resistance from 0.50 to 0.59 m2 x °C / W.
  5. Heat transfer resistance from 0.40 to 0.49 m2 x °C / W.

According to the documentation, the name of the profile usually includes an indication of the material used in manufacturing, and the thickness of the outer walls also helps determine the class (see the list at the beginning of the review). Thus, it is logical to initially select plastic windows according to the gradation according to GOST, and then pay attention to the fittings. The heat transfer resistance of a double-glazed window is generally a separate topic for discussion, and it is not related to the profile. If you wish, try to evaluate the leaks, but it is unlikely that any of the dealers will remember the infrared part of the spectrum during the conversation. They usually forget that glass, unlike plastic, is a transparent material.

That is, you need to understand that we said a lot about profiles, but 70% of the area is occupied by the package. And its characteristics also need to be taken into account in order to make right choice plastic windows.

Perhaps, when choosing the best option, many people wonder what types of windows there are. The question is very capacious, but it could be accurately answered with just one word - different. No matter how banal it may sound, these products can be very diverse.

Window types are defined various criteria and signs. These are the types of profiles that are used for plastic windows, and types of glass, and the purpose of the structure, and the properties of double-glazed windows, and much more.

Classification depending on the opening mechanism:

  • Blind window. Such a design can be an independent unit or part of a large plastic window in which only some of the sashes open. It is inexpensive and does not require additional accessories. The disadvantage is the difficulty of care. Cleaning a window is often problematic and not entirely convenient.
  • Swivel mechanism opening. This is a traditional swing type design. It is easy to open, but requires free space indoors.
  • Folding system. This mechanism makes it easy to open the window indoors. The design is compact and makes it possible to use the ventilation mode.
  • Tilt and turn opening. This is a symbiosis of the two mechanisms described above. A convenient and functional option for residential premises.
  • Shtulpovy opening mechanism. This system is relevant for double-leaf systems and provides for sash-to-sash closure. This best option for large structures (width 1200 mm or more).

Plastic windows are divided into types based on the number of sashes: single-, double- and triple-leaf. According to their functional purpose they can be:

  • soundproof;
  • energy saving;
  • tinted;
  • shockproof.

Types of profiles for PVC windows

On the territory of Russia, the classification of profiles by type is determined according to GOST 30673-99. Yes, according to functional purpose They are divided into main and additional ones. Depending on the degree of adaptation to climatic conditions, all profiles can be combined into two groups: normal (the average monthly temperature in January is not lower than –20 ° C) and frost-resistant versions. The profile is also classified based on the thickness of the outer walls (see table below).

There are other classifications, for example, by type of finish, heat transfer, etc.

Types of double-glazed windows

The double-glazed window is the basis of the design. His choice is very important. It is quite logical that all buyers are interested in what types of double-glazed windows there are. In the most general view They can be divided into single- and double-chamber. This is a popular classification. Single-chamber ones are often placed on loggias. They consist of two glasses and an air chamber. Two-chamber ones are most adapted to the conditions of our climate. As a rule, these types of double-glazed windows are available in residential buildings our compatriots.

Glass unit cut

If you want to learn in more detail about the types of double-glazed windows, it is worth considering them in terms of glass. They can have different thicknesses (for example, external ones are 4 mm, and internal ones are 6 mm), with additional improved characteristics.

Protection class

If you decide to purchase glass with protective film, you should pay attention to the types of double-glazed windows depending on the protection class. There are three levels of protection:

  • Class "A". Minimal stability compared to other classes. At the same time, the glass can easily withstand a thrown stone (even a brick), preventing intruders from entering the room.
  • Class "B". Glass withstands average impacts destructive force. Only prolonged exposure can break it.
  • Protection class "B". There will be no through hole in such a product even when hit with great destructive force (for example, a shot).

Types of double-glazed windows are determined by the characteristics of the glass itself. For example, energy-saving double-glazed windows. Special coating makes them energy efficient. High level heat saving allows you to significantly save on heating in cold weather. Continuing to talk about what kind of double-glazed windows there are, it is worth mentioning anti-vandal products with triplex. Multilayer film does not impair visibility. At the same time, the glass becomes very durable. If your apartment has a panoramic view of a noisy and busy street, you should opt for soundproofing double-glazed windows. On sunny side tinted ones can be used at home. When collaborating with professionals, you won’t have to spend a lot of time understanding the different types of systems, profiles, and fittings. The company's employees will provide all the necessary information (glazed windows, views, photos) and help you make the right choice.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 12 minutes

When purchasing plastic windows, we count on their long and trouble-free operation. I would like to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of warped frames or cracks in them after several months or years. A properly selected profile for plastic windows is the key to the strength and durability of the entire structure. What types of profiles exist, how to choose the right one and what to pay attention to?

Types of profiles for plastic windows

GOST 30673-99 specifies the classification of a profile according to its design features.

By class (by wall thickness)

Based on the thickness of the external and internal walls, profiles are divided into the following classes:

  • A – the thickness of the outer walls is from 2.8 mm, the inner walls are from 2.5. The best indicators of strength and thermal insulation among all types.
  • B – external walls from 2.5, internal walls from 2.0. Compared to class A, they retain heat worse and are more susceptible to deformation.
  • C – all profiles that do not fit the parameters of classes A and B. There are no strict requirements for them. For window frames It is not advisable to use this type in apartments.

In non-residential production premises frames are often installed from the so-called object profile. It is thin, does not retain heat well, is easily deformed and therefore is not suitable for an apartment. It happens that unscrupulous companies offer cheap windows made of such material. The “objekt” marking on the protective film. Based on other signs, it is difficult to identify a fake at first glance.


The profile has different widths:

  • 58 mm is the most common, most often installed in apartments and houses.
  • 70 mm – profile width for windows in high-rise buildings or buildings located in cold climate zones.
  • 90 mm – premium class with best characteristics sound insulation and insulation. Piece products, which are not in the assortment of most companies that install plastic windows.

By number of cameras

The number of air chambers in it depends on the thickness of the profile:

  • The 58mm has a maximum of three cameras.
  • In a product 70 mm thick there can be from three to five.
  • With a width of 90 mm, the norm is six chambers.

The more internal chambers, the higher the thermal insulation and noise reduction rates. But in reality, the difference between frames, for example, with a 3- or 4-chamber profile is insignificant.

The corporate profile is uniform in structure and color. To ensure its authenticity, look for the manufacturer's mark on inside. In addition to the company name, there should be numbers indicating the shift number, date of manufacture and other data related to production.

A few words about double-glazed windows

An important aspect is the number of chambers between the glasses in a double-glazed window. They should not be confused with profile cameras.

  • For glazing unheated premises(balconies, summer terraces) use single-chamber double-glazed windows.
  • For living rooms a double package is optimal - three glasses separated by two air chambers.
  • In cold winter conditions, three-chamber structures are used. Possess best performance thermal insulation, but transmit less sunlight, and weigh more. It makes sense to install such windows in the northern regions.

Read about all the intricacies of choosing the elements of a plastic window - profiles, double-glazed windows, seals, fittings.

What other profiles are there for PVC windows?

In addition to the profile from which the frame is made, other types of windows are required to install the window:

  • reinforcing ( required element metal-plastic window);
  • connective;
  • additional, or expansion;
  • starting (for installation of plastic slopes).

It is also worth considering color profile models separately.

Reinforcing profile for plastic windows

This metal insert inside plastic frame. It increases the rigidity of the structure, since plastic has low elasticity. Without it, the frame will expand in the summer under the influence of temperature, which will lead to jamming of the sashes - they will simply no longer fit into the designated opening. In winter, gaps form between the window elements due to their narrowing.

In Russian climatic conditions, where there are significant temperature differences between summer and winter, only reinforced frames are used.

Structurally, the reinforcing profile is a contour made of galvanized of stainless steel. There are two types of circuits available:

  • Closed, or O-shaped.
  • Open, U- or G-shaped.

There are several important points to note:

  • Manufacturers sometimes refer to O-shaped reinforcement as “warm” reinforcement. However, this is not true: the thermal conductivity of metal is higher than that of plastic. Therefore, the more it is in the frame, the worse it will retain heat.
  • O-shaped reinforcement is called closed, but to compensate for temperature changes in the dimensions of the metal, a technological break is necessarily made in the circuit.
  • A frame with a closed contour is stronger, while a frame with an open contour is lighter and warmer.

According to GOST, the wall thickness of the reinforcing profile must be at least 1.2 mm for standard systems and at least 1.5 mm for colored and frost-resistant structures (painted plastic heats up more).

Connecting profile

Designed for joining individual frames that make up a single glazing structure, which are attached at a certain angle. It is needed if you need to glaze a complex broken structure with large windows: winter Garden, loggia or partition.

Depending on the required location of the elements to be connected, there are different types of connecting profiles:

  • With connection angle 0˚.
  • With docking at right angles – 90˚.
  • With variable rotation angle, or simply rotary.
  • Companies that produce connecting elements unify them with the products of well-known companies (KBE, Rehau, Veka), so choose desired profile It's not difficult to fit the frames.

Additional (expansion) profile

It is used to increase the size of the window frame when the thickness of its plastic part is not enough taking into account the insulation or finishing of the walls or ceiling. Most often, this element is used for glazing balconies and loggias.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to use an expansion profile only to adjust the frame to the size of the window opening. No matter how competently the additional element is selected and installed, such a design will still be inferior to a monolithic frame in terms of thermal conductivity and strength.

Additional profiles with a width of 2 to 10 cm are produced. The grooves in them are arranged in such a way that to obtain required height parts can be combined: simply insert one into the other. For example, to expand the frame by 8 cm, two extensions 4 cm thick are used. Standard length element - 6 meters.

For an insulated balcony, an extension is selected that is identical in quality to the main frame, including with the same reinforcement. Without it, the window block will not have the necessary rigidity.

Stand (installation) profile

A detail that is often overlooked when installing plastic windows. If a replacement profile is included in the delivery, it is usually already attached to the frame. Its functions:

  • Protects the frame from damage during transportation.
  • Strengthens the structure and prevents it from freezing in the lower part, where window unit adjacent to the wall.
  • Provides reliable fastening window sill and low tide.

Dimensions of the stand element:

  • Standard length is 6 meters.
  • Width – from 2 to 4 cm.
  • Height – from 2 to 3 cm.

Read more about choosing and installing a stand profile.

Starting profile for slopes of plastic windows

Needed for attaching to the base and joining them together. This is peculiar plastic bracket, mounted at mounting points.

The variety of their types is due to the methods of installing the panels. The types of starting profiles got their names from the Latin letters that their sections resemble:

  • I-variety. Installed in any position so that the long central shelf is perpendicular to the surface on which the slope is mounted. Plastic panels attached to the short profile flange.
  • The F-variety has two short shelves and one long one. It serves not only for fastening slope panels, but also covers the joint. With it there is no need for a decorative corner.
  • L-profile is the most versatile and popular. Installed perpendicular to the plane of the window, with a wide shelf against the wall. The narrow transverse part is adjacent to the window frame, and a strip parallel to the opening masks the junction of the frame and the slope.
  • The P-variety is very similar to the previous one, but has two wide shelves, which allows the element to cover a wider seam.

These starting elements are attached with screws or glue. With their help, it is easy to install plastic slopes without the complex procedure of leveling the window opening with plaster.

Color profile

Many people do not like the usual white plastic windows precisely because of their uniform design. However, there has long been a way out of this situation: windows made of colored plastic. Technologies make it possible to obtain a profile of any color, but shades of brown are the most successful: this is how they imitate different breeds tree.

Receive products desired color in several ways:

  • Lamination in bulk - color is given at the manufacturing stage, and to protect from sunlight it is applied to the surface of the element. protective film. The cost of such a window is from 14 to 21 thousand rubles.
  • Film lamination - the white profile is covered with a multi-layer durable film that imitates expensive wood species. The film can also be applied to the ends of frames, as well as to fittings, such as hinges. It costs less than the previous option: from 9 to 17 thousand rubles. out the window.
  • Coloring acrylic paints. The most budgetary method: from 7 to 18 thousand rubles.
  • Application of colored plexiglass melt using an extruder. From 15 to 20 thousand rubles.

Manufacturers of profiles for PVC windows: rating

Diversity window profiles makes the task of choosing difficult. On the one hand, I want the quality guarantee that well-known manufacturers provide. On the other hand, it is undesirable to overpay for brand popularity.

All brands, with the exception of Salamander, are manufactured in Russia according to Western standards and using imported equipment. Therefore, the quality of products of the same brand produced at different factories may differ slightly in quality.

  • Veka. German company, profile systems are produced at factories in the Moscow region, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. There is an ISO 9001 certificate, the products are awarded the German RAL quality mark. The buyer can choose from 6 types of profiles with 3, 4, 5 and 6 chambers with a width of 58–90 mm.
  • MONTBLANC. The manufacturer is an international company with 4 factories in the CIS. Produces 7 models from 58 to 120 mm wide with 3, 4, 5 and 6 chambers.
  • Salamander. The entire profile is produced only in Germany, so it costs more than competitors with Russian factories. Is different attractive design, there are 3 types of profile systems with a width of 60 and 76 mm.
  • Grain. Domestic manufacturer with a plant in Ufa. The line includes 6 types of profiles with a width of 58 and 70 mm with 3 and 5 chambers. The most famous models– Vector70 and Vector58.
  • Expr. A large Russian company that produces profiles adapted to the conditions of Siberia using German and Austrian equipment. Offers 9 types of profile systems: 2-chamber for balconies and 4-, 5- and 6-chamber with widths of 70, 101 and 118 mm. 4 types have a built-in ventilation system.
  • Proplex. Russian company with full cycle production from profile manufacturing to final assembly. The structures were designed jointly with Austrian developers. The line includes 6 models with 3, 4 and 5 cameras with a width of 58–127 mm.
  • Deceuninck. A Belgian concern with a factory in the Moscow region produces 5 types of profiles, 3-, 5- and 6-chamber, 60–84 mm wide.
  • Kaleva. Moscow profile manufacturer and window assembler rolled into one. Offers 2 classic models and 3 designer ones with the same mounting width of 70 mm and 4–6 cameras.
  • Wintech. A Turkish company that makes profiles and accessories for them at German equipment, there is a certificate of conformity. The line includes 6 models with a width of 50–80 mm and a number of cameras from 3 to 6.

When choosing, beware of fakes and purchase only from trusted sellers. Quality profile– the key to the reliability of a plastic window.

(votes: 6 , average rating: 4,33 out of 5)

Plastic windows are quite popular today. They are installed in new houses, because they are more durable, stronger and more convenient than wooden or fiberglass windows. These advantages are partly related to the material from which the windows are made. PVC is short for polyvinyl chloride.

This is one of the first materials artificially created by man; since then the composition has continued to be improved in laboratories, giving it new beneficial features. PVC is “not afraid” of moisture, basic acids, alkalis, as well as industrial gases. One of the main advantages of this material is that it does not support combustion. It prevents the spread of fire. This is why plastic is so often used in construction.

Many people are interested in which profile is the best? But none, if you evaluate it from the point of view of the manufacturer’s name. Fifteen years ago there was a difference in quality depending on the manufacturer; today the profile itself affects the quality no more than the color of the windows. If you put all kinds of different types on the table and remove the labels from them, even professional workers will not see the difference. All produced profiles comply with approved standards.

Suppose that you decide to install plastic windows and choose PVC plastic windows in Belgorod on this site, then you will most likely be interested in why the price for them varies? The easiest way is to read the window characteristics and the hint immediately below the characteristics. All plastic windows are divided into types: economy; standard; premium

There are no differences in quality within the categories of PVC products. Prices vary depending on the complexity and thickness of the profile (a three-chamber profile will be cheaper than a six-chamber one), the number of chambers and the size of the glass unit, the type and thickness of the glass, the capabilities of the fittings used, and additional accessories.

When producing economy, standard and premium windows, the same requirements are met, so the build quality is always the same. All types are manufactured conscientiously, but the components for the window may be different. Premium class products differ from economy and standard ones in a large number additional options, the number of finishing options, the functionality of the glass, so it is a mistake to believe that their main advantage is status. They cannot be called unreasonably expensive due to the good reputation of the companies involved in production.

The first is seals. These are special elastic bands that form sealing contours due to their elasticity and elasticity. Rubber bands should retain their properties for decades.

Secondly, the fittings. These are the mechanisms by which windows can be closed and opened. They must withstand enormous loads and the weight of double-glazed windows, that is, be wear-resistant.

Third - assembly. It must be performed by professionals using special equipment, in compliance with all standards. This applies not only to frames, but also to double-glazed windows.

The main thing that helps windows remain strong is proper installation. At correct installation plastic windows will last for many years without causing problems during operation.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

The profile is the basis for the manufacture of window frames and sashes. It depends on its quality appearance, durability and reliability of the entire window structure.

Classification by materials

For production modern windows Wood, aluminum, and PVC are used for these blocks. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages, features and limitations in use.


The best and most expensive types of wood for the production of window profiles are oak and larch; alder and pine are also used. Expensive wooden structures is associated not only with the use of natural wood, but also with the features technological process. The material for window profiles needs careful processing (drying, impregnation with antiseptics, painting, varnishing), and during the manufacture of the product high accuracy and skill is key.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good heat-shielding properties;
  • maintaining natural air exchange between indoors and outdoors;
  • aesthetic natural appearance.


  • the possibility of warping and swelling if the production and installation technology is violated;
  • low fire resistance;
  • high price.


Since metal is not capable of retaining heat, aluminum profiles are mainly used for or utility rooms when there is no possibility or need to install warm glazing.

Exist . A special thermal insert is placed in the profile, which provides high thermal insulation properties such window designs.

To the benefits aluminum profiles include:

  • strength and durability;
  • ease;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire resistance.


  • low heat-protective properties of the “cold” profile;
  • high price of the “warm” option.

Polyvinyl chloride

Reinforcing U-shaped profile for structural rigidity

PVC profiles have become the most widespread for the production of modern windows, due to their low cost compared to wood and aluminum and excellent thermal insulation and performance properties. The main competitive advantages of PVC:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • ease of manufacturing and installation of finished products;
  • high resistance to the influence of precipitation and chemical reagents;
  • the ability to produce products of various designs and shapes;
  • affordable price.

Main disadvantage– flammability, like all plastics. All other user complaints in most cases are related to the choice of low-quality products or installation errors.

Characteristics of PVC profile

The lion's share of all installed window units falls on plastic products. The market offers windows from the profiles of dozens of manufacturers, which at first glance look the same. Often low level quality manifests itself only after some time of operation, when it becomes obvious that the profile does not cope with its functions and does not provide the proper level of thermal protection. When choosing a product, it is useful to know the basic significant characteristics PVC window profile.

Wall thickness

According to this indicator, 3 product groups are distinguished:

  • Class A. This includes products that have an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.5 mm. Such indicators are considered optimal to ensure best thermal insulation living space.
  • Class B. Products with an outer wall thickness of 2.5 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.0 mm. Such products provide less reliable protection against heat loss and are more susceptible to deformation during operation. The main purpose is installation in shops and public institutions.
  • Class C. Products with thinner walls than in previous classes. Windows made from it are intended for glazing non-residential, warehouse, and industrial premises.

Read also: What you need to know before choosing windows for your apartment!

Profile width

The indicator determines which double-glazed window can be mounted in a given profile. A double-glazed window consists of several glasses connected by a frame around the perimeter. The spaces formed between the glasses are filled with ordinary air or inert gases(in premium segment products) to improve thermal insulation performance.

A single-chamber package consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. A two-chamber glass consists of 3 glasses, between which there are, respectively, 2 chambers, etc. The greater the number of glasses, the warmer the finished product.

The profile width also determines installation dimensions to install a window. As the width increases, it increases total weight structures - this must be taken into account, for example, when glazing a balcony with weak base slabs.

Usually standard value amounts to 58-80 mm, some brands offer products up to 120 mm wide to produce products designed for use in harsh climatic conditions and characterized by improved sound and heat insulation characteristics.

Number of profile cameras

Not to be confused with the air chambers of a double-glazed window!

The plastic profile is hollow inside and separated by partitions. The thermal insulation properties of PVC profiles are due to the presence of hollow chambers between the lintels - the more of them, the lower the thermal conductivity of the window frame and sash.

Each cavity performs a specific function (moisture removal, fastening of fittings, ensuring strength), and their number (usually 3-8) and location are determined by technological calculations. The most in demand are 3-5-chamber types of plastic profiles.

Metal reinforcement

The plastic profile is additionally reinforced metal frame to add rigidity to the structure. This significantly reduces the likelihood of warping and sagging window sash due to many opening-closing cycles, temperature changes and other influences during use.

The shape of the frame depends on the size of the window:

  • L-shaped– reinforcement is laid along 2 walls; sufficient for small windows;
  • U-shaped– strengthening of 3 walls of the profile; suitable for window sizes up to 1.9 m in height;
  • closed– the reinforcement is located along 4 planes and ensures the greatest rigidity of the product; for glazing large areas For loggias and panoramic balconies, it is recommended to choose this type of profile.

What to look for when choosing

It is difficult for the buyer to determine the quality of the profile on exhibition samples. In most cases, you have to rely on the integrity of the seller and the manufacturer of window structures. There are some features that will help you avoid buying a low-quality product: