How to paint the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands. The best way to paint the ceiling: choosing paint. Removing the old paint layer

Repairs are usually started from the ceiling. If you do it in last resort, there may be a need to re-glue the wallpaper and install the floor. Most economical way make it attractive appearance, as in the photo - just paint it. But there are many nuances in this matter, so you definitely need to know how to paint the ceiling correctly.

Today, painting it is more popular than traditional whitewashing. Such repairs can hide minor defects surfaces. In addition, applying paint is much easier than chalk whitewash. Despite the fact that it seems that painting a ceiling does not require special knowledge and skills, it is not superfluous to know the basic rules - illiterate use of paint can ruin its appearance. The following tips will help you on how to paint the ceiling evenly.

Preparing to paint the ceiling

Painting begins by clearing the room of furniture. You can simply cover it with film, but it is better to free up the room so that the stepladder can be placed in any place - this will make it much more convenient to work.

For this you will need:

  • ladder;
  • large and small roller;
  • wide paint brush;
  • paint container;
  • dye;
  • adhesive tape, protecting surfaces that do not need painting.

First, the ceiling is cleaned (old whitewash and wallpaper are removed), plastered, and the surface is primed (read: ""). The primer needs to be deeply penetrating. It is applied with a roller and brush. Cracks, slab joints, and porous corners between the ceiling and walls are treated especially carefully. This is important to do so that you don’t have to think about how to paint the ceiling without stripes.

Putty and primer are selected specifically for the selected paint. These materials must be combined with each other and intended for the type of room in which the ceiling will be painted. The surface is carefully puttied so that there are no unevenness or cracks left at the joints of the slabs. Before applying the next layer of putty, the previous one must dry thoroughly. Prime it until the ceiling is smooth and even.

Before you start painting, you need to install the elements that will serve as interior decorative elements. They can be ready-made baguettes, rosettes, borders, etc.

Painting the ceiling

What color to paint the ceiling, everyone decides for themselves - it depends on personal taste and the interior of the room. As for the type of paint, several options are suitable.

For this, water-soluble acrylic enamels are often used. If you are interested in how to carefully paint a ceiling, then you should choose this type of paint. Acrylic enamel easy to apply, resistant to water and light, dries quickly, has no pungent odor, and is economical in use.

There are paints that can be used instead of primer. They are diluted immediately before application, following the instructions on the package. Then the surface is primed with a roller and allowed to dry.

Proper painting is not difficult. You just need to walk over the surface with a fleecy or foam roller. Usually two or three layers of paint are applied. Corners and hard-to-reach places are treated with a brush. Paint for ceiling surface should be liquid. To prevent it from thickening, it must be applied quickly, but carefully. You can watch the video to understand how to properly paint a ceiling.

Work begins from the window. The first layer is applied parallel to the wall on which the windows are located, and the second layer is applied perpendicular to it. One layer of paint should be applied in one motion, and the next strip should only slightly overlap the adjacent one. Then there will be no areas of different colors on the ceiling.

Before repainting, it is necessary to identify poorly painted areas and treat them first. Then you should go over the entire ceiling with a roller. Areas that have already been painted twice can be painted with a third layer, but with a semi-dry roller (read: " "). Will help you learn how to paint a ceiling - video.

How to paint a ceiling correctly, see the video for more details:

Paint consumption depends on its quality, such as hiding power. When purchasing, it is recommended to look not at its volume, but at how much it is needed to paint one “square” of surface.

To make the ceiling look beautiful, it is better to make not one thick layer of paint, but several thin ones, covering all the gaps. You should not speed up drying with fans or electric heaters - it should dry in natural conditions. Then the ceiling will delight you with its appearance for many years.

In the process of carrying out repair and construction work in interior spaces, a solution to one of the most important problems is always required. Namely, it is correct to adopt such a method of finishing the ceiling so that it is the most economical, and the ceiling itself is in satisfactory condition for as long as possible. The simplest option that meets such conditions is its coloring. At first glance, it may seem that applying a paint coating is a very simple process, but in fact, not everyone knows how to paint a ceiling correctly.

What paint to paint the ceiling

What is the best way to paint the ceiling? For painting internal vertical and horizontal planes various rooms Mostly so-called water-based paints are used. This is an aqueous dispersion of special polymer resins or latexes with the introduction of special additives - emulsifiers, plasticizers, thickeners and others.

Typically, paints are produced in white color, which is ensured by the zinc or titanium white they contain. White color allows, with the introduction of special pigments, to obtain paints of various colors and shades. Pigments are mixed with the base paint either during its purchase using a mechanism specially designed for this purpose, or immediately before use, using an electric drill with a mixing attachment. The amount of one-time prepared pigmented paint should be sufficient for application to a surface limited by corners - the entire ceiling or one of the walls.

Important: when you mix the composition with a drill, before painting the ceiling in your apartment, you should first test it on small area, since it may happen that it will differ in color from what was planned, then make the appropriate adjustments.

The most common paints for interior decoration- This:

  • acrylic;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • silicone.

The best way to paint the ceiling depends to a large extent on the purpose of the room.

For example, to paint places with high humidity such as kitchens, boiler rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms, you need to use moisture-resistant emulsion paints. And yet, the right to choose which paint is best to paint remains entirely with the owner of the premises, as well as with the author of the design project, if, of course, such a project exists.

Not recommended for continuous painting of ceilings and walls interior spaces use oil paints based on natural or synthetic drying oil, as well as a variety of quick-drying nitro enamels. As a result of low vapor permeability, a network of cracks and further detachment of its fragments will soon appear on such a coating. This coating is very difficult to remove and may sometimes need to be complete replacement prepared base - plaster, plasterboard sheets and other.

Preparing the surface to be painted

Painted ceilings can be of the following types:

  • wooden;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • plastered;
  • plasterboard;
  • hanging of different types.

Before you start painting the ceiling, its surface must be carefully leveled and smoothed.

If the base is in satisfactory condition and has already been painted in the recent past water-based paint To tint the ceilings in an apartment, as preparatory work you just need to remove dust and wipe them with a damp cloth. If the base has defects - unevenness, drops, swelling and peeling of old paint or plaster, traces of chalk whitewash, it should be carefully prepared before painting.

Preparing the substrate for painting:

Before painting the ceiling in a room, it is better to free the room from furniture and other bulky things, and if this is not possible, wrap it up plastic film.

To prevent contamination of the walls, they are also covered with plastic film, hung on them in the form of trellises and secured at the level of the eaves with double-sided tape or a construction stapler. The floors are also protected with plastic film, on top of which so-called kraft paper is laid (packing of large cardboard boxes unfolded flat), protecting the floor from splashes of paint, as well as from the mechanical impact of scaffolding, stepladders and ladders.

Tools and equipment

To paint the ceiling you need to stock up in advance necessary tools and inventory, which include:

  • wide and narrow flat paint brushes;
  • seamless fleecy roller;
  • tray or cuvette for paint;
  • a bucket of 8...10 l in which the paint will be mixed;
  • sanding mesh and medium-grit sandpaper;
  • spatulas – wide, medium, narrow;
  • pick-hammer;
  • plaster trowel;
  • container for preparing mortar (for restoring plaster);
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • scaffolding or stepladder;
  • eye protection glasses;
  • a cape that protects the hair of the head from dye;
  • latex gloves;
  • rags.

Ceiling painting technology

Before painting, you should carefully read the information on the label of the paint can and follow all its recommendations. Sometimes the manufacturer advises diluting the paint with water before work, bringing it to the desired consistency; in this case, this operation should be performed using a drill with a mixing attachment.

The painting sequence is as follows:
using flute brushes different widths areas around the bushings that are difficult to reach with a roller are painted central heating, water supply, sewerage, eaves areas and corners;

wetting the roller with paint and rolling it on the flat surface of the tray for better saturation and filling; the operation must be repeated each time the roller is dipped into the tray, otherwise stains, stripes and imperfections may appear;

uniform, streak-free application of paint on work surface a layer of the same thickness with direct and reverse translational movements in one direction;
regularly descending to the floor from a scaffold or stepladder to inspect the painted surface from below and identify unpainted areas and other defects;

in a direction perpendicular to the first layer, apply a second layer of paint;
painting with a third layer (if necessary) is allowed after completely dry the first two (in about a day).

After completing the work, you need to thoroughly wash the tools and equipment, and it is recommended to strain the remaining paint through a fine sieve and pour it back into the jar.

If, after the paint has dried, unevenness or stains appear on the ceiling, their nature should be determined. This can happen due to an incorrectly selected primer, poorly leveled surface, or unsuitable putty. You can try to eliminate such defects by applying another layer of thinly diluted paint. If this does not help, the entire job will need to be redone, starting with putty, sanding the surface and applying primer.

Painting the ceiling is inexpensive, easy and nice option ceiling finishing. Even a non-professional can handle this work. If mistakes were made during the work, they can be easily corrected in the future. Painting the ceiling is associated with certain difficulties - it takes a lot of time and effort, with low temperatures Microcracks may form on the painted layer, but if the painting technology is strictly followed, the coating will last quite a long time.

What paint to choose for the ceiling

Before buying ceiling paint, you need to decide on its color. The choice in favor of a particular color depends on several factors:

Room type

  • Corridor, hallwaybright hues(beige, blue, white). As a rule, these rooms do not have windows, so a light ceiling will visually expand the space.
  • Kitchen— variegated colors are welcome, but not too bright. Before choosing what to paint the ceiling in the kitchen with, along with the color, you should also pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the material.
  • Bedroom- does not accept acid-bright colors. Perfect here White color and pastel colors.

Wall and floor color

  • If the walls are white, it is not recommended to paint the ceiling white so that the room does not resemble a hospital ward. This combination looks appropriate only in the bathroom.
  • If you decide to make the ceiling the same color as the walls, the paint should not be matte - the room will unpleasantly look visually limitless.
  • The ceiling should always be lighter than the floor, and the color of the walls should be transitional between the color of the floor and the ceiling. This combination will make the room visually larger.

Rules of color harmony

  • Red color is in harmony with blue, gold, white, black.
  • Green is combined with light green, blue and yellow.
  • Orange looks good with yellow, red, green, gray, pink.
  • Blue is combined with red, green, purple.
  • Purple harmonizes with golden, white, light green.
  • Yellow looks good with white, green and blue.
  • Brown - with white, gold, blue, beige.

Ceiling paint gloss level

  • Matte paints hide small ceiling defects and allow you to create more harmonious and visually complete interiors.
  • Glossy paints reveal all the unevenness of the ceiling and errors, but allow you to visually increase the height of the room.

After the paint color is chosen, its appearance is determined. Water-based paints are the best for painting ceilings. Their advantages:

  • Fast drying
  • No unpleasant odor
  • Easy to clean working tools
  • Health safety
  • Good adhesion

Water-based paint is universal: it is suitable for any surface - concrete, putty, plaster, brick. From the instructions supplied by the paint manufacturer, you can always find out how to properly paint the ceiling with water-based paint over whitewash or other finishing.

Types of water-based paint:

  • Silicate- weatherproof and durable.
  • Silicone- ideal for damp areas of the house, capable of hiding cracks up to 2 mm. Prevents the development of fungi.
  • Acrylic— creates a waterproof film. Dries quickly and is easy to clean, can hide cracks up to 1 mm, but is more expensive than other options.

What is the best way to paint the ceiling?

You should not use a brush to paint the ceiling - it will quickly make your hands numb. A foam sponge is also unsuitable - it will leave unsightly stains.

The best option is a roller for painting the ceiling. But what is the best roller to paint the ceiling? The most convenient one is a roller with a long handle and short natural bristles. Additionally, for painting you will need masking tape (to hide the joints of the plates), a paint tray and a solvent.

Another good option is a paint sprayer. It will also be convenient for them to paint the ceiling in a neat, even layer.

How to prepare a ceiling for painting

1. Get rid of old whitewash or paint - not a single preparation of the ceiling for painting with your own hands can do without this stage.

2. Close up ceiling seams and uneven plaster.

3. Before you putty the ceiling for painting, prime it.

4. Puttying the ceiling for painting. A separate issue is puttingty on a plasterboard ceiling for painting. The process should be followed special materials for drywall. After this, painting the plasterboard ceiling with your own hands will not be difficult: this is done by analogy with other surfaces.

5. Treating the surface with fine sandpaper to give it perfect evenness.

How to paint a ceiling without streaks

Follow the instructions on the paint can. The material must also be diluted strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

The roller is carefully dipped into a bucket of paint on one side, then rolled out over the tray until it is completely covered with paint. Next, similar movements are performed on the ceiling.

How to paint a ceiling with a roller

First, all corners are painted with a brush or small roller. The ceiling is painted in strips 0.5-1 m wide. The paint is applied in two layers, and the direction of movement when applying the second layer should be perpendicular to the direction of painting with the first layer.

So, we looked at the question of how to paint the ceiling with your own hands. Using the knowledge gained, this monotonous process can be made enjoyable and exciting. By approaching each stage of work responsibly, you will receive excellent result, which will delight you for many years.

It happens that when painting a ceiling, old paintwork removed, but sometimes this stage is skipped. If you do everything correctly, then even in this situation the result will be surprisingly good. After reading the article, you will learn how to paint over old paint.

Process Features

Painting the ceiling is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. As a rule, before this process, workers remove the old layer of finish. The fact is that a thick layer old paint may show through and spoil the appearance of the surface. If cracks appear on the ceiling, then the matter is completely hopeless - no matter how you paint them, they will still be visible. If repairs have not been carried out for a long time, then under a layer of old paint you may even find mold, which will negate all your attempts to update the surface.

If there are no such serious problems, then you can safely apply a new layer of water-based emulsion or acrylic to the old paint. Take a close look at your ceiling. If you are satisfied with its appearance, and pieces of paint do not fall off, you can leave everything as it is.

Professionals also advise you to pay attention to the following: if you have previously painted the ceiling with water-based paint, then you are in luck. She better than whitewash. Even if this type of paint begins to flake off and fall off in pieces, it may not be completely removed. You can easily limit yourself surface cleaning, removing loose pieces and cleaning the area around them. After this short work, you can safely apply a new coat of paint.

Paint selection

If you decide to paint the ceiling over the old layer of material, then you will have to face a question related to the choice suitable option. For such work they are used different colors. Each type has its own advantages and a number of disadvantages.


Perhaps this type of paint is the most popular. It is good because it is highly resistant to all kinds of dirt and dries quickly. So you can safely use this material, for example, in the kitchen, where working with food is not always neat.

This paint holds up well and high humidity. If there is any contamination on the painted surface, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth or napkin without fear of the paint cracking.

Acrylic paint can be safely applied to the most different surfaces. It fits well on metal, wood, plastic, and even on already plastered substrates.

Painting with acrylic is also good because it perfectly hides minor surface imperfections. Textured paint capable of masking small cracks or places where pieces of the coating have already fallen off.

It is also pleasantly pleasing that such a coating dries quickly and retains its color for a long time. Even if you paint the ceiling in a room where it will constantly be exposed to sunlight, the paint will not fade or fade immediately. However, there is one caveat: when choosing this type of paint, remember that the color of the coating applied to the ceiling will be slightly different from the one you see on the package, because the material immediately darkens. This cannot be called such a big drawback, because there are a lot of colors, and you can always find exactly the shade that will suit you in the end.

With all these positive aspects, it is worth noting that the paint is not that expensive. You can purchase a kilogram of paint for about a thousand rubles. And it will be used up quite slowly - to paint the ceiling in a medium-sized room you will need less packaging material. On square meter About 100 g of paint is consumed.


There are several other types of paints that are suitable for ceilings. One of the most expensive options is latex. This paint is ideal for painting the ceiling over the old layer. The fact is that it perfectly masks defects and microcracks on any surface. You can easily wash or brush a ceiling painted with this material.


Cracks (up to two millimeters) can also be masked by silicate paint. However, it is more expensive than most analogues.

In addition, it is also important to remember that silicate paints, as a rule, are not used in residential areas.

Water emulsion

Ceilings are also often painted with water-based paint. However, it should be used in dry rooms - for example, in living rooms or bedrooms. This type of coating does not tolerate high humidity and quickly becomes covered with cracks and dark spots (in the bathroom or even in the kitchen). Price water-dispersion paint low, which is what makes it popular. In addition, it can be either matte or glossy, which is convenient for those who decorate their premises in a certain style and does not want to disturb the harmony in the room.

From these main types of paint for repainting the ceiling, you can choose any one. It can be dense and structured, oil-based, very light - it all depends on what your ceiling is and what your financial capabilities are.


Next stage is a choice suitable tools. Most often, either a roller or wide brushes are used to paint the ceiling.


Brushes different sizes can be used both for painting the base and for joints and finishing elements. They are not very effective when painting the main part of the ceiling.

If you decide to paint such a large surface with brushes, then choose the widest ones. It is more convenient to paint the joints with walls, stucco molding and other decorative details with brushes.


It is much more convenient to paint the ceiling with a roller. Foam tools are used to paint the ceiling. The second most popular option is a roller with a fabric base. The length of this tool for painting the ceiling can vary from five to thirty centimeters.

Spray gun

It is most effective to use a spray gun. However, not everyone prefers this option. The fact is that the spray gun is not only more expensive than all other devices, but they are also more difficult to use. If you are not a professional, then you will need to get used to the spray gun first.

How to dilute and calculate the quantity?

Having decided on the type of paint and tools, you can move on to preparatory work. First you will need to dilute required amount material.

Paint consumption depends on how large your room is., the ceiling area is very important. As a rule, all the necessary information that will help you calculate the paint is on the packaging. Please review this information.

Having chosen water-based paint, you will see on the packaging that you should not dilute it. If the product you purchased has already thickened, you can slightly dilute it with water. Otherwise, just mix the paint, roll it onto the tray and start painting.

The preparation of other ceiling paints is not much different. You will also need to add a little water to the acrylic mixture. It is best to use the product immediately after you have mixed it. It should not be allowed to harden.

Subtleties of application

Painting the ceiling without first removing the old layer of paint is a little different from the usual repair work. You will save a little time, because you will not have to completely remove the old layer and putty or prime the ceiling again. It will be enough to work on areas with cracks and remove falling pieces paint and varnish material. If the paint is peeling, it will need to be corrected, otherwise the surface of the ceiling will appear uneven and untidy.

When you have dealt with the most noticeable shortcomings, you will need to move on to the main work. The diluted paint should be poured into the tray - there should not be too much of it so that the remainder does not dry out or be thrown away.

Painting the ceiling starts from the very hard to reach places. Go over them with a narrow brush so that there are no gaps. After this, you can paint the entire surface. It is most convenient to work with a roller. This way you can quickly paint the ceiling over the old layer and paint over cracks and stains.

It is recommended to paint the ceiling in this way in several stages. The first layer may not be applied very carefully, but the second one will need to be worked on very well. You should start working with the second layer only after the first one has completely dried.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Major renovation The apartment cannot do without repair work on the ceiling. Step-by-step instructions Read below about how to paint a ceiling quickly and efficiently.

The first thing you need to do is find out what material the ceiling is made of. There are some peculiarities in how to paint a plasterboard ceiling or paint a concrete ceiling area covered with a layer of plaster.

Preliminary diagnostics of the ceiling

Examine carefully external condition ceiling covering before painting the ceiling in the room. Painting will make ceiling defects, unevenness, cracks, chips of old paint or chalk more noticeable. Even the slightest peeling of plaster and swelling threaten to fall to the floor after applying a heavy layer of fresh paint on top, and this will significantly complicate and prolong repair work.

Experienced craftsmen use the light method to preliminary diagnose the condition of ceiling plaster. To do this, direct a light beam using a conventional table lamp or spotlights along the ceiling and notice all the resulting shadows in order to then eliminate them. You can thoroughly level the ceiling using a wide spatula or a hard grater. It's really important point in the process of construction and repair work, and especially in the task correct painting ceiling with your own hands to preserve its impeccable appearance for a long time.

Ceiling painting technology

The next question concerns the ceiling painting technology itself. You should seriously think about which construction tool to choose for painting and what paint to paint the ceiling with.

As construction tools When it is better to paint the ceiling, you need to use a rectangular brush and a seamless polyacrylic roller with a pile thickness of 11 mm. Using a brush, carefully trace the perimeter of the ceiling to a line width of at least 5 cm and paint the corners. To paint the ceiling without streaks, you should apply at least two layers of paint. The first layer is applied very carefully with a roller over the entire area of ​​the ceiling, drawing continuous stripes from wall to wall in one direction. Each subsequent strip begins from the middle of the previous one, but does not allow excessive paint to flow. In this case, the formed sagging should be rubbed with a roller extremely carefully, because plaster saturated with paint becomes loose and may even fall away from the ceiling. Secrets of the craft and a description of the work process on how to paint a ceiling with a roller are offered on our website. For a better understanding, there are also photos of ceiling painting that will help you cope with this task perfectly.

After treating the entire ceiling, you should take a break of at least 4 hours to allow the paint to dry completely. And only after that, proceed to applying a second layer. This is an excellent way to achieve a glossy finish when painting the ceiling with water-based paint or any other type of paint.

The process of painting a ceiling with your own hands involves a lot of different questions. It is for non-professional repairmen that our website has prepared a special video on how to paint a ceiling, which will help cope with such not an easy task. Except technological aspects, Special attention given here design solutions. For example, what color to paint the ceiling in order to advantageously present your own style and achieve perfect harmony in the room. These are exactly the moments that will allow you to live brightly and comfortably!

DIY ceiling painting video

Video diagram of leveling and painting the ceiling: