Do-it-yourself electric braid from a drill. How to make a portable electric scythe from scrap materials. General structure and variety

BATTERY LAWN MOWER from a baby stroller - do it yourself.

Hello to all the workers of the village and not only. Today in this article I will show you my version of a normal working lawn mower. There will be no nonsense with hot glue, electrical tape and cable ties. We do everything brutally and thoroughly - plastic-wood-metal and so let's get started.

I've been nurturing this idea for a long time - to make a mower of this kind. The area around the yard is 5-7 acres - you can't get enough of it with a trimmer. Mowing regularly, on average, once every 10 days, otherwise the grass is knee-deep.

Last year, I experimentally burned everything with poisons and thought about planting some kind of ornamental grass later. But alas, the weeds were rushing in, one after another. This year I gave up and decided to MOW.

Let me make a reservation right away: this is not an instruction manual for assembling mowers; this is my idea and its implementation.

The plan was to build a MOBILE, convenient mower. The most important thing was - without power supply from the electrical network - anyone who worked like that knows how inconvenient it is.

Well, all the materials are ready, let's go.

I found this electric motor in the barn

This is how I understand the cooling fan of the car - I don’t know what model - anyone in the know can write.

The engine is quite powerful - this is not a toy. 12V-9A - according to the inscription.

The next thing was to cut out the central part from the fan and center it with a turner.

I screwed the blades onto it. The blades are not 18 but 25, they are more powerful and longer.

Everything was secured with self-locking nuts.

Additionally, I installed limiters for the blades so that when they hit hard objects they would bounce off but not collide with neighboring ones; in my work it seemed better this way.

By the way, after cutting off all the plastic, the structure became lighter, even taking into account the blades, and the operating current is now up to 4A, and this is already interesting.

I painted the motor and the platform where it will be attached, so to speak, for aesthetics - the man is not some kind of collective farm))

Now the wheels on which all this will ride.

Everything will be based on the chassis of an old baby stroller.

On this site, last year I made myself a 50-liter BATTERY GARDEN WATER CARRIER - anyone interested can look at this miracle - HERE on the site - among my satays.

This will be the third universal use my GARDEN ASSISTANT - conversion time is 1-2 minutes.

The motor and the platform have dried and I’m assembling it. For now, I tentatively moved the knife forward and to one side for easy cutting in difficult places.

There will be two options for food.

FIRST two 12V-1.5A batteries from a screwdriver - this is if you cut it down a little to the 1st hundred.

SECOND - for big jobs. Two 12V-26A batteries from a UPS for the boiler - AGM technology - Should last for a long time)

The wiring on the wheelbarrow is stationary - all connections will be on terminals from the auto shop.

This is what the finished mower looks like - for now, this is of course a working option.

Dear workers and craftsmen, don’t judge strictly by the fact that I have little experience in this matter yet. At the time of creating the video, there was very little information on such mowers... a couple of interesting videos, so there’s not much to build on. But I had great desire do this and this is what happened.

At the time of writing this article, I have mowed about 10 acres with it, and so far everything is working.

I will gradually refine it as necessary - so that I can work with one hand and hold a glass of my favorite drink with the other and enjoy the work)). Of course, the thing turned out to be dangerous - that’s why I’ll put protection on the knives in the first place.

And so in general I’m happy - it works silently - I couldn’t be happier.

I might have missed some moments - you can’t describe everything in text. Watch the video and at the same time you will see how this miracle device works,) below it is a link to the GARDEN WATER TANK.

And I won’t say goodbye for long - until the next articles - bye everyone. HANDMADE HANDMADE.

As the author of the work and content, I BAN ITS COPYING AND REUPLOADING to other sites and platforms in any video. Regarding the posting of articles, all questions to the author..

In anticipation of summer, the author wanted to somewhat refine his personal plot. To do this, the author purchased seeds for the lawn, and even planted and grew a real lawn in front of his home. However, after this there was a need to cut it, and the author did not have a tool for this action. Therefore, this article describes how to make a simple electric scythe from scrap materials using a minimum of resources.

Materials that the author used to create a simple electric scythe:
1) electric drill
2) duralumin pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of 170 cm
3) handle from a hammer drill
4) rocker switch
5) cable
6) electrical tape and pieces of a bicycle tube
7) iron strip 1-2 mm thick
8) files and sharpener
9) bolts, nuts, washers and other fasteners

Let's take a closer look at creating an electric scythe from scrap materials.

To begin with, the author still thought of taking the simpler route and buying a mower for cutting the lawn. However, after looking at several options, the author decided that the prices for such products were slightly too high, and the design of the product itself was very simple. Therefore, instead of looking for a store with lawn mowers, the author decided to read several articles on homemade electric mowers. As a result, a fairly simple option was selected, for which the author had all the necessary materials.

An old Chinese drill was chosen as the engine for the electric scythe, which had a cartridge that allowed the knife to be secured, which made it possible not to invent any fasteners or components. Initially, in the example of the article, the mower was on wheels, but the author felt that this would be somewhat inconvenient, more complicated and reduces the functionality of the lawn mower in terms of the breadth of its use, due to the fact that the lawn area is quite small, irregular shape and has many hard to reach places.
Therefore, the author decided to make some kind of manual trimmer.

The author decided to attach the drill to the end of the pipe. The drill is secured with several aluminum strips and bolts. To fix the button, the author decided to use a wire mechanism, which will allow the mower to be controlled more safely. To do this, the author installed a key switch in the handle of the hammer drill, and secured the handle itself with clamps in order to be able to control the tilt height of the mower.

Then a metal strip was taken that will serve as a blade for this lawn mower. In this strip, the author made a hole in the center, and also gave some shape to the blade using a file. Then the bolt for fastening was prepared by cutting off its cheek. The strip was secured to the bolt using nuts and engraving washers. After which the resulting knife was sharpened on both sides to make cutting the grass easier.

The entire structure of the knife was clamped into the cartridge as securely as possible. Also, for safety, the author recommends painting the knife in some catchy color so that it stands out more against the background of the grass and makes it easier to monitor its work.

As a result, the author received a very cheap and easy-to-create electric scythe design, practically without any costs. Subsequently, the design of the scythe can be modified by improving the control mechanism for turning on, off and the level of tilt of the knife, and it also makes sense to install a protective cover.

One of the advantages of this mower is its low noise level, since it uses an electric drill motor.

The use of various electrical devices greatly simplifies the performance of many types of work, but unfortunately, all complex products break sooner or later. Electric trimmer failure

will lead not only to the inability to carry out work in the garden, but also to significant financial expenses for repairs. It is possible to significantly save money and increase your own knowledge of how this equipment works if you repair the trimmer yourself. Before you begin this type of work, you should carefully study the operating principle of this type of household appliance.

Electric trimmer: device and principle of operation

The electric trimmer consists of:

  • Enclosures with electric motor.
  • Detachable rod.
  • Trimmer reel with protective cover.
  • Rivets for shoulder strap.

Electric trimmer device

A power cable with a plug is connected to the trimmer body, through which electric current is transmitted. In the cavity of the detachable rod there is a flexible shaft, thanks to which torque is transmitted to the trimmer coil. The device is turned on by pressing a button located on the handle of the device.

This trimmer design is the most common, but

If desired, you can find products powered by a battery, as well as with a bottom-mounted electric motor.

Do-it-yourself grass trimmer repair: common causes of breakdowns

The trimmer may fail when operating under heavy loads. This situation may arise when the treated area is overgrown with tall grass.

Mowing tall grass

When working in such areas, the engine may fail, the bearings may break, and the coil of the electric scythe may be destroyed. When operating in rainy weather or in heavily foggy conditions, the trimmer may “burn out” as a result of a short circuit.

Breakdowns of this electrical appliance may also occur as a result of frequent use. If a household appliance is used in this mode, then after a certain number of operating hours it will be necessary to carry out mandatory repairs and preventative adjustments of many parts of the electrical appliance.

Start button repair

If the electric scythe shows no signs of life, then a break may have occurred. electric cable inside the housing handle, or the electric motor switch button is faulty.

Start button

In order to diagnose the electrical system, you will need to disassemble the handle of the electrical appliance. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • The control handle is removed from the frame of the electric mower.
  • The handle comes apart.

When access to the inside of the electric trimmer is provided, use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the electric trimmer power button. If there is no resistance after pressing, then this

The part must be replaced. It is also necessary to check the connection points of the power cable with the internal electrics located in the handle

device. The contacts should be checked for open circuits using a multimeter. Often such a malfunction can be determined “by eye”. After detecting a broken contact, it is enough to solder the damaged area to restore the operation of the electric trimmer.

If you don’t have a multimeter, diagnostic work can be done with an indicator screwdriver. For this purpose, you should turn on the plug electrical network and using this diagnostic tool

find the “phase wire” and thus check for the presence of electric current before and after the power button. If phase current is detected in another electrical circuit, then it is enough to install electrical plug on the contrary in the socket so that correct diagnosis can be carried out

trimmer malfunction. The second diagnostic option should be carried out with great caution, since there is a danger of damage electric shock while checking wiring integrity.

Checking the electric motor

If the device's power button and sections of internal wiring are undamaged, then you should begin checking the electric motor. For this purpose, it is necessary to remove the housing cover, first unscrewing several screws with a screwdriver.

Checking the electric motor

The first thing you need to do after accessing the electric motor is to check the functionality of the brush assembly. If the brushes are worn beyond the maximum permissible value, the electric motor may stop completely or operate unstably. In the case when the brushes and commutator are in in perfect order, you should start “ringing” the motor winding. In order to eliminate the possibility of breakdown in both circuits, you should alternately carry out

checking the stator and rotor of the engine. To perform this operation you must:

  • Remove the motor from the electric mower.
  • Turn the multimeter into resistance measurement mode and check all collector plates for breaks. When checking, there should also be no significant deviations in the readings of the diagnostic device.
  • Check for breakdown of the rotor winding to ground. For this purpose, one probe of the multimeter should be connected to the “ground” of the rotor, and the other to any collector plate. The multimeter must be set to measure resistance greater than 1 MOhm. In a working motor, the resistance between the winding and ground should be very high.
  • Measure the resistance of the stator winding. If there is no resistance, then in this case it can be stated that it is faulty.
  • If the stator wiring is in perfect order, then a possible breakdown of it to the housing is checked, in the same way as when diagnosing the stator.

Trimmer motor

When checking in this way, in 90% of cases it is possible to determine the cause of the electric motor malfunction. It will not be possible to check for an interturn short circuit, which can only manifest itself during engine operation, but it is possible to diagnose such a malfunction

by indirect signs, which manifest themselves in a decrease in the power of the electric motor and its overheating. If the electric motor is equipped with a thermal relay, then such an electric scythe, with an interturn closure, will work for a short time, after which the trimmer will automatically turn off. In some cases, the thermal relay can cause a malfunction of the trimmer motor, therefore, in a set of test

activities, the thermal relay must be “ringed” using a multimeter or tester.

Digital multimeter

This is very simple to do: in good condition on a cold engine, the thermal relay passes electric current,

out of order electrical circuit will be open.

Problems with the performance of the electric scythe associated with broken wires can easily be eliminated by soldering the contacts, but if the motor is “burnt out”, then you will need to perform difficult process rewind, which can

Only be carried out by a qualified specialist. In many cases, it is much easier and cheaper to purchase a new engine and install it in place of the burned one. this work can be done independently

in the reverse order of removing the unit.

If the trimmer's electrics are in good condition, then you should pay attention to other types of faults that may appear during operation of the electric scythe.

Mechanical problems with trimmer

If the electric motor of the device turns on, but the reel with fishing line does not rotate, the cause of such a malfunction may be a break in the flexible shaft transmitting torque. This problem especially often occurs when the electrical appliance is not properly maintained. For example, if there is no lubrication inside the rod of an electric braid, the cable will be subject to excessive friction and within a short time this part will fail. To replace, simply unplug top part electric scythe in which the electric motor is located, after which it will be possible to remove the flexible shaft from the rod.

Flexible shaft

Flexible Shaft Lubricant

If there are difficulties in removing the second part of the cable remaining in the cavity, the lower part of the braid with the reel and shaft is disconnected. The mechanism is assembled in the reverse order.

Undermount trimmer

Before installation, the flexible shaft must be thoroughly lubricated with grease to reduce the likelihood of repeated failure of this part.

Electric mower shaft bearing

Flexible shaft rupture can only occur in electric trimmer models with top position engine.

Electric scythes with a bottom engine do not have a flexible shaft, but malfunctions of such devices can manifest themselves in the form of destruction of the bearing of the main shaft of the electric scythe on which the reel with fishing line is installed.

Fixing such a malfunction is very simple; just replace the failed bearing with a new part.


With frequent use and improper care of the electric scythe, the listed malfunctions can appear with enviable regularity. To minimize the likelihood of breakdown, it is enough not to overload the device, lubricate the rubbing parts in a timely manner and do not work under high humidity. Despite some restrictions when working with this device, unlike gasoline trimmers, malfunctions cannot occur in the ignition unit. And such a malfunction as “the trimmer motor immediately stalls” cannot exist in principle. The engine of an electrical device cannot stall because it does not need to be started. To start, just press the power button, which is why many summer residents choose electric trimmers to care for the surrounding area.

Owners of private households keep local area clean. This is an indicator of a person’s status and accuracy. Lawn grass needs to special attention, since you need to be able to not only grow it correctly, but also maintain it in a neat form. It is not difficult to purchase a lawn mower of the required configuration and power.

A DIY lawn mower will be appropriate for owners who want to save money cash. If you have an engine and available tools, you can assemble an electric scythe yourself in a short period of time.

1 General structure and variety

There are several types of lawn mowers:

  • electrical;
  • mechanical;
  • battery-powered

The advantages of the first are operational efficiency.

These are universal mechanisms for grass care. Range of use at home and by public utilities. The advantage of the latter is ease of use and compactness. They operate on electricity, which limits the possibility of operation. Simplicity of structure is an advantage of the third types.

The disadvantage is the need for physical effort, which limits its use in areas larger than 100 square meters.

The advantage of the latter is mobility and lack of cable. Possibility of application in areas of 200 square meters.

Having assembled this equipment yourself, you can study the relevant information. Assembling this unit from scrap materials will not take much time. and save money family budget. A chainsaw mower will not be inferior in power finished products. A DIY mower consists of the following parts:

  • control handle;
  • wheels;
  • engine of sufficient power;
  • protective case;
  • power cable.

Frame - a metal sheet, 3 mm thick. The sheet is reinforced with a frame of metal corners. The engine is located on top, and the protective cover is below. On the side there are axles for the wheels and handles for controlling the mechanism.

There are two types of lawn mower engines: flanged or conventional. In the case of the first, fastening occurs to the sheet using holes that coincide with the flange ones. In the second, two racks from the corner are welded (must coincide with the engine feet). The cutting unit is the central location of the mechanism. Consists of a frame on which the knives are placed.

1.1 How to make a lawn mower with your own hands?

Ready-made metal carcass. The electric motor is used from a household appliance. The main selection criterion is a power of 500 W and a speed of 3000 rpm. The higher the number of revolutions, the smoother the grass is cut.

For this purpose, a chainsaw engine will serve, washing machine or from an old vacuum cleaner. When fixing the electric motor, it is necessary to ensure that the shaft is in the central part of the chassis. Standard length handles 90 centimeters. Depending on the height of the employee, its height may vary.

1.3 Knife

The next stage of manufacturing is the knife. Made from sheet steel. The width of the segment is 20-50mm. The knife should be thin but durable. There may be two types. The first is in the form of a strip attached symmetrically to the axis of the mandrel. The length of the knife is equal to the width of the grip, which is 30 cm. The ends of the strip are sharpened. The second option is fastening at the edges at an angle of 180 degrees relative to each other.

Knife 80mm long. To prevent grass from wrapping around the shaft cutting edges should be slightly curved down. The knife is bolted to the disk. Single bolt fastening allows the cutting mechanism to collapse when obstructed. Deformation and breakage are excluded. The second is more reliable, but there is a risk of damage to the cutting mechanism. To prevent unscrewing when fastening, a lock washer and a lock nut are used.

1.4 Shaft

The diameter of the shaft is equal to the diameter of the hole. The holes are symmetrical relative to each other, and are cut in advance. The protective cover (casing) is also made of steel. It is a circle with a diameter of 530 mm, a hole located in the middle (the diameter exceeds the shaft circumference by 5 mm).

It is welded to the body so as to overlap the end of the shaft by 2.5-3 cm. It is necessary to protect the shaft and motor from mechanical damage and contamination. To cool the engine, holes are made in the cover. An electric lawnmower made from an angle grinder is not inferior to an industrial one in functionality and power.

1.5 Wheels

The number of wheels is selected individually. Possibility to choose 3, 4, 2 wheels. A two-wheeled electric mower is more maneuverable and cuts grass in the most inaccessible places. You can use existing ones or make your own. Plywood or bearings are suitable as raw materials. The larger the diameter, the better the lawn mower moves across the soil.

1.6 Engine

Any serviceable unit will be suitable for this purpose. A drill, vacuum cleaner, chainsaw, washing machine will come in handy. The ideal power is one kilowatt. This makes it possible to sharpen the knife less often. The main principle of choice is the grass catching area. The larger it is, the more powerful the engine should be.

2 Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of homemade electric lawn mower is its cost, the ability to construct it yourself from scrap parts. In the event of a breakdown, doing it yourself will cost less and take less time than doing it in a specialized workshop.

The disadvantage is the threat of electric shock and injury from the cutting mechanism. To prevent the latter, precautions must be taken.

2.1 Safety precautions

Carefully insulated electrical connection points are a basic safety rule. The insulation must be intact. Double insulated cable is used to power the motor. The electric mower must have a grounded frame.

The homemade lawn mower is used in good condition, the operator wears protective clothing and shoes. This will save you from injury. Operation takes place in dry weather. Adhering to safety rules without threatening the user's health.

A homemade lawn mower will benefit the owners if the mechanism is made taking into account the requirements of safe operation.

Will ensure order on your favorite lawn in the yard and beyond. A mechanical lawn mower is the most effective method territory treatment. Making a lawn mower with your own hands from a washing machine, the owner saves money by using scrap materials. Do-it-yourself chainsaw lawn mowers are an alternative to branded units.

On suburban area, which is intended primarily for relaxation and only secondarily for harvesting, it is difficult to do without a lawn mower. Even an electric lawn mower with your own hands makes caring for the area much easier compared to a scythe.

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An electric or gasoline lawn mower can hardly be called an essential item.

And yet, it helps to make a neat lawn, which is not just a well-groomed area that attracts the eyes of neighbors, but also speaks of the status of its owner. Finding an electric lawn mower that suits your preferences is not a problem these days.

However, such a pleasure will cost a lot, so for many, a do-it-yourself electric lawn mower is a more attractive option. To assemble the much needed electrical homemade design you only need to spend a few evenings easily finding a medium-power motor on the household: from a chainsaw, a vacuum cleaner, a drill, even a washing machine.

A homemade electrical device allows you to save a fair amount and get pleasure from creativity.

What does an electric lawn mower consist of?

Of course, the most important part of it, including a homemade electric lawn mower, is the motor. Engines are capable of converting energy into any other form of mechanical energy.

They are divided into primary ones, which transform energetic resources into mechanical energy, and secondary, converting energy that is generated by other sources:

  • chemical energy of fuel - internal combustion engine;
  • fuel, i.e. when burning fuel - a piston engine;
  • igniting the compressed air mixture in the cylinders - gasoline;
  • working by igniting fuel under pressure - diesel, which is characterized by its low cost and the possibility of long-term operation;
  • gas, operating due to the supply of heat (with a constant volume);
  • electric.

When choosing a motor, you need to know that the quality of the haircut directly depends on the engine speed: the higher this value, the higher the quality. That is, it depends on the linear speed, which is directly dependent on the speed of the cutters: the higher it is, the greater the grip.

It is known from practice that the optimal option is a home-made electrical design with the following characteristics:

  • motor power 1 kW;
  • number of revolutions – 1.5 thousand rpm;
  • grip - 50 cm. A less powerful engine - 500 kW (1500 rpm) will also mow weeds. But doing this will make him worse. At the same time, the knives of low-power motors become dull faster.

The electric mower has a convenient control handle and blades. Since the homemade design is powered from the mains, a long cord is required. To make work convenient, you cannot do without wheels, which are attached to the lower part of the frame, which holds all the parts together.

For convenience, a protective casing is used.

Where to find parts

For an electric mower, a motor with a power of 500 W or more from an outdated one is suitable household appliances which is in working order. This could be a vacuum cleaner, drill, chainsaw, grinder or washing machine.

The greater the engine power (ideally 1 kW), the more work homemade device will be at lower speeds. Consequently, the knives will become dull less.

In addition, the gripping area depends on the motor power, i.e. area cut by a knife at a time.

The size of the homemade electric mower and the diameter of the knife, which is also considered one of the main parts, the quality of which affects the result and service life, depend on the selected engine.

What should a homemade knife be like?

So that the knife does not need to be sharpened often, it is recommended to make it from high quality steel. They sharpen it to protect the engine shaft from damage, unevenly: they sharpen the edges sharply, without touching the place where it is adjacent to the shaft, since the grass is practically not cut in this place, but is only wound onto the knife.

Tool steel strips 20-50mm wide and 2-3mm thick - suitable raw material to make this part. Although a thick knife is stronger, a thin blade cuts weeds better.

The knife can be:

  • a strip, the ends of which are sharpened and serve as knives;
  • consist of two knives, fixed to each other at an angle of 180 degrees. They can be located straight or inclined.

In the first option, the length of the knife and the width of the grip are equal - 30-50cm. The length of the knives used in the second case does not exceed 50-80 cm. There are several ways to fasten the knives - using one bolt or two. The second option is, of course, safer. But knives secured with a single bolt can, if an obstacle arises, fold without deforming or breaking.

In shape it can be straight, curved (like branded electrical devices), figured (in the shape of a trapezoid). The part, sharpened at both ends, can be solid with a hole in the center for a screw.

The knife may be a composite structure, i.e. a sharpened piece attached to a steel strip by welding or bolting. The most unusual knife will be one that is a sharpened solid disk.

This type of knife is the safest: an ordinary knife can break if it hits a stone, but this does not threaten the disc.

Handle of a homemade electric mower

The handle can be made of any length and shape - at the discretion of the master. In practice, they often use the chassis from a baby stroller, which solves three problems at once, since it simultaneously serves as a frame, handle and wheels. If there is no stroller, it is made from pipes or cuttings of garden tools.

Whatever the handle is made of, the main thing is to choose it correctly according to the height of the person who uses the lawn mower. Its optimal length is about 90 cm.

At the final stage, connect the cord and install a mesh that protects from cut weeds. The mesh is attached above the lawn mower. At this point, the work of assembling the lawn mower is completed, and you can proceed to testing it.


Wheels provide convenience when working, allowing the mower to move easily. It has already been said that the most the best option The choice of wheels is a baby stroller. But wheels from a vacuum cleaner or a large children's car are also suitable. As a last resort, they are carved from wood.

Video: Homemade lawn mower

The diameter of the wheels for a homemade electric mower is selected based on the fact that the distance between the ground and the blade is 5-6 cm. This height is optimal from the point of view of aesthetics and the quality of lawn cutting. When the grass is cut higher, the latter “breaks” and the lawn becomes uneven. If this value is reduced, it is dangerous to work due to the unevenness of the ground.

Unanimous opinion about required quantity no wheels. It can be 2,3 or 4 wheels.

Two wheels of the design give maneuverability, allowing even hard to reach places cut the grass. And it’s easier to find them of the same diameter than 3 or 4.

In the latter case, it is possible to very precisely set the distance to the ground of the knives. In a three-wheeled device, a pair of wheels is located on the side of the handle so that the structure can be easily lifted from the front and turned around by pressing on the handle.

It is more difficult to work with small wheels, which is why it is recommended to choose a larger diameter.

Additional options

These include:

  • height-adjustable handle;
  • grass collector for collecting cut weeds;
  • safety bumpers, thanks to which the knife does not come into contact with the ground.

Power cable

The cord will also fit from any household appliance. If its length is short, extension cords will help to connect it to the mains.

Frame making

The frame is made of thick plywood or metal. In order for a homemade structure to be safe and less likely to need repair, a protective casing is also required. The best material There will be metal to make it.

The size of this part depends on the length of the knife. But, rarely, when the maximum width is made more than 60 cm. Taking a sheet of metal with a thickness of at least 3 mm, cut out a square of 50x50 cm (or 60x60cm). The hole for the engine must be made in the center (at the intersection of the diagonals of the square).

The flange motor is mounted from below directly to the homemade frame. To securely fasten the motor with ears, you will need additional fastenings, which need to be welded to the frame.

The metal frame is more reliable and less susceptible to deformation. But, if there is no metal, you can make it from plywood or boards.

The casing is necessary to prevent weed cuttings and other debris from getting onto the engine shaft. The simplest option would be to use it as tin can. If you want to make the casing you can make it more aesthetically pleasing. The high casing will also protect the electrical mechanism.

Assembling a lawn mower

For assembly you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • hacksaw for metal.

The finished casing is put on the shaft, then a sharpened knife is installed, securing the entire mechanism with a bolt. When this is done, the wheels are attached to the frame, for which angles with pre-drilled holes must be welded to it.

The size of the wheels is selected in such a way that the knife passes over the ground at a height of 5-7 cm. If it is lower, there is a high probability of its contact with the ground, and if it is higher, it will crush weeds (not cut).

The frame is made in a curved shape. An example would be a homemade device made from a drill, where a wide knife is attached instead of a drill. The drill is attached to the handle of the frame.

The advantages of such a device include:

  • lack of connection of the power cord, since a drill mechanism is used;
  • Possibility of cutting grass at curbs and under trees.

It is not difficult to come up with an attachment to the drill frame, but in terms of operating time and reliability, a homemade lawn mower based on it will be many times inferior to asynchronous motors, which are more often used for these purposes. Therefore, for caring for large areas, preference is given to the latter.

A drill is more suitable if you need to assemble a homemade trimmer.

From a chainsaw

In this case, a chainsaw motor is installed on a special frame welded from pipes, and knives are attached. The powerful engine of such a homemade lawn mower copes not only with grass, but also with small bushes.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade lawn mower designs

They depend on the parts used for assembly.

The main advantages include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low cost (since you can use any household appliance);
  • noiselessness (if an asynchronous motor is used).

Low noise is undoubtedly an important indicator, but considering that any lawn mower, including a homemade one, makes it incredibly easy handmade, it can be tolerated, so any other motor will do.

It is not recommended to use a vacuum cleaner motor due to its rapid overheating. If there is no other one, you can use that too. And fight overheating with the help of the correct casing made of metal mesh or having holes for air circulation.

Disadvantage homemade instrument is a non-height adjustable knife. But, with certain skills, this can be corrected.

Safety precautions during operation

Safety precautions must be observed both when working with a factory-made lawn mower and a home-made one, since they have knives and the tool operates from an electrical network.

It is important to check before connecting the tool to the network:

  • reliability of bolt fastening;
  • sharpness of knives;
  • free wheel movement.

In the area to be processed, it is advisable to collect everything that could cause the homemade structure to break and injure the person operating it: wooden blocks, stones, garbage. There should be no children or pets on the site.

Using the device

The lawn mower is pushed in front of itself, turning off and, if necessary, stopping the power supply by unplugging the cord from the outlet, rather than pressing the button located near the engine. Mowing wet grass is strictly prohibited.

Repairs and cleaning are carried out only after the lawn mower is disconnected from the power supply and has completely cooled down. If the rules are strictly followed, the homemade device will last for many years.

To help those who decide to assemble a lawn mower with their own hands, the video is given below.

To assemble the homemade structure needed on the farm, they often use an engine for a lawn mower with a vertical shaft, which is also used for boats and cultivators.

Single- and two-cylinder engines with a vertical shaft are used, also for drilling rigs and motor drills, mini tractors, watering motor pumps, and trowels. concrete joints, woodworking equipment and concrete cutters. You can borrow them from these installations to assemble a homemade electric lawn mower.

Video: DIY lawn mower