Warehouse worker job description. Job description of a rigger rigging service What are the responsibilities of riggers


St. Petersburg 08/02/2010



I. General provisions

1. A rigger belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person who has been instructed on the rules of working with loads and has undergone special training in accordance with the rules for the design and operation of lifting mechanisms is appointed to the position of rigger.

3. Appointment to the position of rigger and dismissal from it is made by order General Director enterprises.

4. The rigger must know:

The structure of the crane, its load capacity depending on the reach, the position of additional supports, etc.;

Be able to select the feet necessary for work (by load capacity, number of branches, length and angle of inclination of the sling branches to the vertical) and other load-handling devices, depending on the weight and nature of the cargo being moved;

Production of suitability of slings and other removable load-handling devices and containers;

Correct tying and hanging of the load on the hook;

Standards for filling containers;

Established procedure for exchanging signals with the crane operator;

The procedure and dimensions of cargo storage;

Order safe work boom self-propelled cranes near power lines;

Techniques for releasing persons under voltage from the effects of electric current and methods of providing them with first aid;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Industrial sanitation rules;

Fire protection rules;

Internal labor regulations for employees

5. The rigger reports to his immediate superior.

II. Job responsibilities

The rigger is obliged:

2.1. The load must be tied or hooked in accordance with the load slinging diagrams.

2.2. Check the weight of the cargo intended to be moved by crane against the list of cargo weights or according to the markings on the cargo.

2.3. When tying a load, apply ropes or chains to the main mass (frame, frame, body, bed) without knots, twists or loops.

2.4. Special pads should be placed under the sharp edges of the loads to protect the slings from damage.

2.5. Tie the load in such a way that during movement it is impossible for its individual parts to fall.

2.6. Before lifting a load, make sure that the load is not secured, pinched, tilted or frozen to the ground.

2.7. Accompany the load when moving and make sure that it does not move over people and cannot get caught on anything.

2.8. To prevent spontaneous rotation of long and bulky loads during their movement and lifting, use special guy ropes.

III. Rights

The rigger has the right:

3.1. Right to safety workplace(Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.2. The right to sanitary, medical and preventive services (Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.3. The right to adhere to the work and rest regime (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.4. The right to self-defense of one's labor rights.

3.5. Make proposals to management aimed at improving safety and accident-free operation during loading and unloading operations, as well as on any other issues related to the implementation of these Instructions.

IV. Responsibility

The rigger is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of your job responsibilities provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description developed in accordance with the protocol on approval of the internal regulations and job descriptions in the rigging service" dated 01/01/2001.

Chief Engineer _____________

HR Manager _____________


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"_____" _______________ 20___


Rigger 3rd category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a 3rd grade rigger [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A 3rd grade rigger is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position as established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. A 3rd grade rigger belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person with secondary vocational and special training is appointed to the position of 3rd grade rigger without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.5. IN practical activities A 3rd grade rigger must be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.6. A 3rd grade rigger must know:

  • device and rules for using lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment for moving and installing various loads, machines, and machine tools;
  • acceptable standards loads on cables, ropes, chains and rigging devices;
  • types of rigging units, slings and grips;
  • rules for the construction of temporary stands from sleepers;
  • methods and rules for removing, repairing and installing rigging;
  • the main requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor for the production of rigging works.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of a 3rd grade rigger, his duties are assigned to [name of deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

A 3rd grade rigger performs the following labor functions:

2.1. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on a foundation, platform or trolley of machines, mechanisms, machine tools and other cargo weighing over 5 to 25 tons.

2.2. Carrying, lifting and lowering manually different floors premises of cargo requiring special care: pianos, grand pianos, laboratory equipment.

2.3. Installation, installation and dismantling of blocks, hoists, anchors, masts and chain hoists with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons.

2.4. Securing and removing braces and guy wires.

2.5. Construction of temporary cages from sleepers.

2.6. Removal and installation of timber rigging - chains, cables, anchors and its repair directly on the rafts.

2.7. Platform installation passenger cars.

2.8. Splicing of metal cables with a diameter of up to 25 millimeters and ropes with a diameter of up to 40 millimeters.

2.9. Manufacturing of all types of slings.

2.10. Carrying out necessary plumbing and carpentry work.

In case of official necessity, a third-grade rigger may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

A 3rd grade rigger has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.

3.3. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified during the performance of your official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to them (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. A 3rd category rigger bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's job functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The assessment of the work of a 3rd grade rigger is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor- regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a 3rd grade rigger is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The working hours of a 3rd grade rigger are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, a 3rd grade rigger is required to travel to business trips(including local significance).

I have read the instructions on ___________/___________/“____” _______ 20__.

Issue approved by Resolution State Committee USSR on labor and social issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30
(as amended:
Resolutions of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10/12/1987 N 618/28-99, dated 12/18/1989 N 416/25-35, dated 05/15/1990 N 195/7-72, dated 06/22/1990 N 248/10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 60, dated 02/11/1993 N 23, dated 07/19/1993 N 140, dated 06/29/1995 N 36, dated 06/01/1998 N 20, dated 05/17/2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2007 N 497, dated October 20, 2008 N 577, dated April 17, 2009 N 199)


§ 307. Rigger (2nd category)

Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, lashing, fastening and installation of various cargoes, equipment, products, etc. on carts or platforms. weighing up to 5 tons using winches, hoists, jacks, trestles and ramps. Moving loads with rope winding during slinging. Construction of decks, racks, temporary walkways and fixtures. Washing, cleaning, lubricating, drying, selecting and laying rigging by type and size. Laying out and winding cables and ropes and breaking up braids with braided ends. Tagging and preparing rigging for shipment. Making simple rigging.

Must know: device and rules for using simple rigging equipment when moving goods, equipment and products; rules for slinging light weight cargo; methods for constructing temporary decks, walkways, and ramp supports; rules for disassembling, lubricating, drying and storing rigging; types of simple rigging devices and methods of its manufacture; basics of plumbing and carpentry.

§ 308. Rigger (3rd category)

Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on a foundation, platform or trolley of machines, mechanisms, machine tools and other cargo weighing over 5 to 25 tons. Carrying, lifting and lowering manually to various floors of premises of cargo that requires special care : pianos, grand pianos, laboratory equipment, etc. Installation, installation and dismantling of blocks, hoists, anchors, masts and pulleys with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons. Securing and removing braces and guys. Construction of temporary cages from sleepers. Removal and installation of timber rafting rigging - chains, cables, anchors and its repair directly on the rafts. Installation on passenger car platforms. Splicing of metal cables with a diameter of up to 25 mm and ropes with a diameter of up to 40 mm. Manufacturing of all types of slings. Carrying out necessary plumbing and carpentry work.

Must know: device and rules for using lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment for moving and installing various loads, machines, and machine tools; permissible load standards on cables, ropes, chains and rigging devices; types of rigging units, slings and grips; rules for the construction of temporary stands from sleepers; methods and rules for removing, repairing and installing rigging; the main requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor for the production of rigging works.

§ 309. Rigger (4th category)

Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on the design mark or foundation of machines, mechanisms, machine tools weighing over 25 to 50 tons. Installation, installation and dismantling of blocks, hoists, anchors, masts and pulleys with a lifting capacity of over 10 tons. Manufacturing of slings, sealing of slings and thimbles. Inspection and testing of cables, ropes, chains and other rigging devices. Construction of trestles and cages from sleepers. Splicing of metal cables with a diameter of over 25 mm and ropes with a diameter of over 40 mm.

Must know: design and rules for using lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment, methods of their equipment and testing; wear periods and testing rules for cables and ropes; rules for lifting and moving equipment, machines, mechanisms, machine tools and products.

§ 310. Rigger (5th category)

Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on the design mark or foundation of machines, mechanisms, machine tools weighing over 50 tons, requiring special precision, responsibility and accuracy from the rigger in work, using cranes, winches, hoists and others special devices. Determination of the mass and center of gravity of moved and mounted units and structures. Selection and testing of cables, ropes, chains and special devices in accordance with the weight and configuration of the cargo.

Must know: design of various lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment; rules and methods for slinging especially critical heavy loads, units and structures when moving, assembling, disassembling and installing them on the design mark or foundation; rules for performing particularly complex rigging work when different conditions terrain and load positions; methods for determining the mass and center of gravity of lifted and moved products, structures and structures; rules for selecting and testing cables, ropes, chains and special devices depending on the weight, dimensions and configuration of the cargo.

\Typical job description for Rigger on installation of the 2nd category

Job description of Rigger for installation of the 2nd category

Job title: Rigger on installation of the 2nd category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • The installation rigger of the 2nd category is directly subordinate to...................
  • The rigger at the installation of the 2nd category follows the instructions................................................. ..........

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Rigger on installation of the 2nd category replaces.................................................... .......................................
  • Replaces rigger on installation of the 2nd category.................................................... ....................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    The installation rigger is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • the main types of inventory slings, gripping means, rigging equipment and permissible load standards on them. Submission rules building structures and equipment for installation workstations. Signaling rules for installation of structures and equipment.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Performing simple rigging work during the installation of building structures and technological equipment.
page 1 Job Description Rigger during installation
page 2 Job Description Rigger during installation

4. Rights

  • The rigger during installation has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • During installation, the rigger has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The rigger during installation has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • The rigger during installation has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • During installation, the rigger has the right to familiarize himself with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The installation rigger has the right to submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description for the manager’s consideration.
  • The rigger during installation has the right to submit for consideration to the manager proposals on rewarding distinguished workers and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The rigger during installation has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The installation rigger is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The rigger during installation is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Installation Rigger is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the present position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The installation rigger is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The rigger during installation is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The rigger during installation is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The rigger during installation is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural

This job description has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Rigger 5th category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements: vocational and technical education. Advanced training and work experience in the profession of rigger 4th category - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- design of various lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment;
- rules and methods for slinging especially critical heavy loads, units and structures during their movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on the design mark or foundation;
- rules for performing particularly complex rigging work in various load positions and terrain;
- methods for determining the mass and center of gravity of products, structures and structures that are lifted and moved;
- rules for selecting and testing cables, ropes, chains and special devices depending on the weight, dimensions and configuration of the cargo.

1.4. A rigger of the 5th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. A rigger of the 5th category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. A rigger of the 5th category supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, a rigger of the 5th category is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs rigging work from horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on the design mark or foundation of machines, mechanisms, machine tools weighing over 50 tons, which require special precision, responsibility and accuracy in work from the rigger, using cranes, winches, faddeys and other special devices .

2.2. Determines the mass and center of gravity of mixed and mounted units and structures.

2.3. Selects and tests cables, ropes, chains and special devices according to the weight and configuration of the cargo.

2.4. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.5. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. A 5th grade rigger has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A rigger of the 5th category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A rigger of the 5th category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. A rigger of the 5th category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. A rigger of the 5th category has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A rigger of the 5th category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A rigger of the 5th category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. A rigger of the 5th category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A rigger of the 5th category has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A rigger of the 5th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. A rigger of the 5th category is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A rigger of the 5th category is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) related to a trade secret.

4.4. A rigger of the 5th category is responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of internal requirements regulatory documents organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. A rigger of the 5th category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. A rigger of the 5th category is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. A rigger of the 5th category is responsible for the unlawful use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.