What is a mistake in life? Examples of the biggest mistakes in life and how to correct them

Life is a whole science, which is a theory of our beliefs, which are often tested in practice. On this path, a person makes mistakes in life. As the proverb says, “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” None of us are immune from mistakes.

Mistakes are our life experience. There is no need to be afraid of them, but rather to analyze the situation and draw appropriate conclusions.

We all acquire some skills and learn something through practice. Naturally, we are doing something wrong. And how to do it correctly - we will understand this later. Thanks to mistakes, a person improves. Without mistakes, there would be no movement forward towards your goal - there would simply be nothing to strive for: what to achieve when everything is fine?

Mistakes allow you to look at the situation from the outside and choose a different course of action. Of course, with a lot of experience, mistakes make us more prudent and careful.

As practice shows, no one has yet learned anything from the mistakes of others. They get burned only on their milk. And don’t try to blow someone else’s water, pretending that you are an ace in some matter, if you made a mistake once. What milk is to you may be just water to someone else. You shouldn’t go to other people with your advice and warnings - let them fill their own troubles.

Our life mistakes are the option of the path that you should not take when achieving your goal. We already know what not to do, what not to do, and this is already a huge plus.

There is a category of people who try to avoid mistakes by using other people's experience. They are so afraid of making the wrong move that they end up doing it. Or they delay solving a problem so much, afraid of making a mistake, that the problem is solved without their participation, but in a completely different way.

Accept your mistakes. Don't judge yourself for them. You are not God, and you cannot know exactly what will happen and how. You can only predict the situation, but even in mathematics there are errors.

In return, you will gain invaluable experience and information that no one else will give you. Draw positive conclusions from your situation, benefit for yourself.

How does a person react to his own punctures? Some analyze the situation and draw conclusions, while others get lost and drive themselves into a corner. The reaction can be very diverse: one person begins to feel sorry for himself, another is indignant at life’s injustice, a third laughs, a fourth falls into a stupor. We almost always react emotionally to mistakes. And these are not the most pleasant feelings: anger, pity, guilt. These emotions take away strength. We constantly replay the same problem in our heads and force ourselves to experience negative emotions, lowering your self-esteem.

How to react to life's mistakes?

1. “Healthy indifference.”

Once you've made a mistake, you can't turn back time. You will have to accept the fact that the event has already happened and nothing can be done about it. What else remains? The advantage of this approach is healthy nerves. But, if you react this way to everything, then there is a chance of losing your brakes: if you don’t care about everything, you can go to great lengths. Just giving up on the situation is not enough; you need to draw conclusions, and preferably positive ones.

For example, if you were fired from your job because you broke a lucrative contract, you should not shed tears and think that they are all…. Better think about the prospects that can create this situation: you can get more high paying job Moreover, you will also have time to relax. This way you save inner peace, and only in a calm state can a person make a reasonable decision and turn defeat into victory.

2. “Mathematical calculation.”

If an emotional approach to a problem is not your way, you can simply mechanically analyze the situation by answering your questions. : “What did I do wrong? What did this situation teach me? What was the right way to do it?" Just don't get bogged down in self-analysis. Otherwise, this process may take a long time.
With such self-analysis, you can calculate the situation and avoid mistakes next time.

3. Two in one.

This method combines both options. For example, you are late for an interview. As luck would have it, the transport stopped due to an accident on the road, the phone died. That's it, the meeting will take place without you. You rush around like a hunted deer, begin to reproach yourself for the long preparations, but the situation will not change. It’s better to get out of the transport and go for a walk, enjoying the blue sky, the bright sun, thinking about why everything happened this way, and what this situation can teach you? Most likely, you will have an interview in another place, perhaps better than the previous one, and you will also save your health from the hassle.

Of course, you can still be out of breath and slightly disheveled from running around and hear from the secretary that the employer has already left. Then you will torment yourself with reproaches: “Why didn’t I go out earlier?”, and you will also curse the entire past day. Of course, the position of the victim has never made anyone happy. “I didn’t succeed, have pity on me. I feel so bad!"

Try to find the positives from any situation. This will charge you and give you hope for the best. You don’t always want to look for the positives if emotions overwhelm you, and this moment for you, life is over (for example, if a man abandoned you, you shed tears, and nothing else exists for you except him). But life goes on! Perhaps a pleasant surprise awaits you on your life's journey.

Change your reaction to mistakes, do not engage in self-flagellation for a long time, with rapture. Mistakes are part of your life, and it is better to analyze them and find benefits for yourself than because of mistakes. Good luck in your work on yourself!

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We all make mistakes in some way in life, because they rightly say that only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Everyone has their own mistakes, someone said the wrong words to a loved one yesterday, someone broke the law, someone “blurred” and lost money. List everything possible options There is no point in making mistakes in life; it’s better to look at the reaction that follows the realization of a mistake.

Why is it important? It's simple: some response options can help save our strength and give useful experience, while others, on the contrary, take away strength and drive a person into a dead end. The most common and typical reaction is emotional. One person begins to be indignant at the injustice of life, another begins to blame or feel sorry for himself, a third falls into a stupor, a fourth begins to laugh. The specific emotional manifestation depends on various factors, including the type nervous system, features of upbringing, subjective level of significance of the “puncture”, as well as previous life and professional experience. An emotional reaction is characterized by the fact that it was formed spontaneously, without the conscious participation of a person. Sometimes there is a thoughtful approach without excessive self-flagellation, but most often the emotional reaction is expressed in the form of a “whip” of guilt, anger or pity. All of these reactions take away our strength, reduce self-esteem, forcing a person to replay the failure over and over again and experience negative emotions. Anyone in doubt can vividly imagine the situation of losing a wallet with just received wages due to the fact that he forgot to fasten the pocket or bag where this very wallet was lying. How then should you react to mistakes made, you ask?

There are at least several options from which everyone can choose what suits them best and corresponds to their level of personal development.

Option number one is called “never mind.” That is, as they say, “healthy indifference preserves the body.” If a mistake has already been made, then you will not be able to turn back time, and you have no choice but to accept what happened, including your mistake. A positive point in such a reaction is the absence of spoiled nerves, but there is also one negative point. If a person responds to everything that goes wrong and says “oh well” to all his mistakes, then there is a danger that over time the person will lose all the “brakes”: fear, conscience, and with them reason.

That is why, when you understand that “Akela missed,” you must not just give up on what happened, but do something else. For example, you can, as advanced people do in the sense personal growth people, look for the positives in the current situation. In other words, this method can be called “everything that happens is for the better.” The most amazing thing is that people who are engaged in “scooping out the positives” sometimes actually find something that was worth making a mistake for. For example, a person disrupted the implementation at work major project, and he was fired. If the work was good then a common person begins to reproach and feel sorry for himself, but an advanced person is looking for the positive. As such, there will be an opportunity to find better job, and take a break from the stormy labor activity, and the opportunity to gain additional life experience, and much more. It is this approach that allows a person to maintain mental strength and find an even more worthy job, thereby turning a mistake and defeat into a victory.

Those who don't like to look for positives can try using a business approach. Its essence lies in the fact that a person evaluates the mistake made and looks for answers to pragmatic questions:

What went wrong?

What exactly should have been done to avoid a “puncture”?

What did this incident teach me?

As a result, instead of senselessly wasting nerves and mental strength, a person begins to engage in introspection, and this will lead to fewer and fewer mistakes and disappointments in his life every day.

- Remember how good boxers behave after a lost fight - they study their flaws, review the technical and tactical mistakes they made and correct them. Thanks to this, they are moving in the given direction - towards the championship title.

The most active and advanced ones can try to combine a business approach and “extracting the positives.” As an example that shows the benefit of this type of response to mistakes and failures, let's imagine a situation where you are late for an important meeting. Your transport has let you down, your phone is acting up - in general, it’s a complete ambush. Of course, you can start to rush around, exhausting yourself with thoughts like “well, how could this be?..”, “how could I leave the house so late?...”, but what good does this do you? You won’t get to the meeting anyway, so it’s much wiser to just take a walk and enjoy fresh air, sunshine and blue sky, and at the same time thinking about what happened, why it happened, what it taught you and what is good for you in what happened. I guarantee that you will soon improve your situation and feel great!

But if you want intense emotions and running around with your tongue hanging out, then go ahead: rush to your partner who has already left the meeting place, tear your soul and curse the faulty equipment, that is, transport and telephone.

Some people are stopped from starting to use the above techniques by the habitual desire to feel that they are right through a feeling of guilt. That is, you are nervous, feel guilty, and at the same time, somewhere in the depths of your soul, you think: “I, of course, “lost it,” but I’m so worried (!), that means I good man, it just happened this time... if I didn’t feel guilty, then I would be some kind of monster, but this doesn’t happen to anyone..."

Others are hampered by the habitual position of the victim: they say, I suffered, feel sorry for me, I feel bad, etc. And here, you know, not only was I not injured, but I was also looking for some advantages, can you imagine? No way at all...

For others, it’s simply laziness that gets in the way. In general, there are a lot of reasons why you may not use “extracting” advantages or a business approach. But try to find for yourself not just another excuse, but really try to change your reaction and attitude towards mistakes, because this can give you a lot of good things. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a miracle from your first attempts to change your reaction to mistakes. Changing yourself is always difficult, because you’ve been accustomed to your usual way of responding to mistakes for years, but now you’ve only tried it a couple of times new option. So be prepared to spend sufficient quantity time to learn to live in a new way. Learn to take advantage of any situation, turning your mistakes and defeats into victories and gains.

P.S. Someone, after reading the article, will say that all this is nonsense. Perhaps, but think about it and tell yourself honestly: are you not familiar with the “rake” that you step on for the second (or maybe twenty-second) time, having never learned anything and only regretting once again that again did something wrong.

Mistakes in a person's life
Mistakes in the world and the life of every person, as they happened every day, will continue to happen.
The world does not stand still.
Every person makes mistakes, for some they are correctable, for others they are fatal.

Often mistakes underlie our thoughts, our actions, our decisions, but some of their consequences are so beautiful that you want to make mistakes again and again.
However, there are mistakes that should not be made. Mistakes in human life
Living in the past
For many people, amnesia and a little whiskey are enough to make them happy, and as a result they are guaranteed to move forward forever. And others will never leave their “comfort zone”. Everyone is different, but we all have equal opportunities. I'm not talking about social frameworks now, I'm talking about the purpose of life for each of us. Oh happiness. Even if the past brought us a lot of happiness, but now these memories prevent us from moving on, it’s time to accept the fact that we have crossed the line that has grown stone wall behind us.

A happy past is certain stage in our formation. When he is no longer there and happy memories remain, you need to receive new positive emotions so that in a year today will become a vivid memory. Happiness lies in life, and life itself is only a short moment.

Afraid to take risks
Everyone is familiar with the phrase: “The Titanic was built by professionals, but the ark was built by amateurs.” She inspires and inspires. Everything in life is elementary, we just like to complicate everything. A familiar place is not always the ultimate dream. Perhaps your decision today is to call to the right person, send your resume for a highly paid position in a large corporation, withdraw money from the deposit ahead of schedule, send an offer to the most capricious client or confess your feelings to a seemingly unattainable person - all this can change your whole life this evening.

You are afraid to take risks because you are afraid that this may be your next mistake. But the world often appreciates mistakes. Dialogue is born in them, and truth is born in dialogue. Some mistakes, reckless determination or making decisions without a guarantee of success lead to good fortune and bring world fame. Take, for example, the first book about Harry Potter; its author, JK Rowling, spent more than one year searching for a publishing house that would want to publish this fantastic story. Of course, it was unpleasant for her to hear 12 refusals, but she moved forward towards her goal. 12 publishing houses did not see anything special in the future world bestseller. And now both children and adults know and admire the story of an unusual boy. Mistakes in a person’s life

You need to believe in yourself, in your strengths and in those around you. Without faith in the future and without the ability to take risks, there would be no bicycles, mobile phones, airplanes, computers, everything that seems most necessary and ordinary would not exist. The world needs your risky decisions, but what the world, you yourself need them.

Don't live the way you want
There are people around whom life is in full swing. They think outside the box, brightly, sometimes illogically, but for real. When such a person doesn’t pick up the phone, you can’t even imagine what went into his head 10 minutes ago, and to what lands his adventurous spirit took him this time. Perhaps he threw away his phone so as not to explain to others his desire to buy a new one, or instead of going to work he went to Orphanage to help kids do their homework.

At first glance, it seems that such people are frivolous and not responsible. But they are happy. I'm not advocating being unpredictable, I'm just advocating common sense. I urge you not to waste your life on something you don’t love, on uninteresting people and in a hateful place. Close your eyes and imagine what you want to do right now. Would you like some ice cream? - Go and buy it! Dreaming of a vacation? – Start thinking through plans on how to bring this bright day closer. Do you want intimacy with a nice person? – Look for common topics, start a conversation, and then enjoy the first flirting and its consequences. Don't be timid.

Look for ways not to wait for happiness in the future, but to enjoy it now.

Don't appreciate what you have
"You don't appreciate what you have."
No matter how banal this phrase is, it has a lot of depth and life experience. For some reason, we look for treasure on uninhabited islands, but it is often buried in our yard. We offend people by thinking they won't go anywhere.

We give in to the mood and hang up. But there can be no happiness in negativity. There is no peace in struggle. There is no end to the eternal search for positivity.

The little things around us already make us special.
Our world is a reflection of our thoughts. “Let’s clear our head,” and the result will not be long in coming.

Thinking that happiness can be bought
People are used to saying that “money doesn’t buy happiness,” but they are all actively trying to earn “all the money in the world,” sitting at work all day and forgetting what their children look like. IN modern world It's hard to live without money. But there are people who work to live, and there are those who live to work. Of course, everything is not simple, but you need to learn to balance on this fine line.

If happiness could be bought, we would have lost it hundreds of years ago. It would have been “illegally” bought up, sold off, or buried in the depths of greed and selfishness. What is the beauty of happiness? In his availability. In a tender kiss, in the first cry of a child, in sincere hugs, in the realization that a loved one is sleeping next to you and snoring sweetly. You can’t buy happiness – and that’s the whole thrill of life.

Live as if we are nobody to each other
On your deathbed, you don’t want to remember all your sins as virtues and look at your life through the prism of justifications. Yes, the rules of our life are strict, but whether to play or not to play by these rules is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Would you say it's a utopia? – But if you don’t change the world yourself, how can you see changes in it? Greed, selfishness, heartlessness, blindness and deafness to the pleas of others are not best tools to cleanse karma. Mistakes in human life

We will live and cry, seeing how our grandchildren selfishly fight for a place in the sun. But there's enough room for everyone. You just need to remain human in any difficult situations. Maybe sometimes you should look for ways around it. You don’t need to live for the sake of utopia, you need to live for the sake of bright moments, and they will grow only from the understanding and compliance of people.

All fears and illnesses are born in our head. There are not as many demons outside as there are inside each of us. The external background only helps fear “bloom” and strengthen its position. What lies ahead is unknown, but there will not necessarily be a battlefield there. Perhaps there will be no anxiety, no worry, no extra effort. And often the projection in the head is already embedded, thoughts are sent into space, and our body is constantly waiting for either pain or discomfort.

You need to fight fear only by eradicating its internal causes. Mistakes in human life

Have fun with any life situation and the process of life itself. Absolutely everything has a meaning, you just have to look closely.

Maintain total control
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a vivid example of an architect’s mistake and lack of accurate calculations. If the foundation were 2-3 times larger, it would be a shining example of a “steadfast tin soldier.” More than 170 years of construction, and yet, let us remember, the tower had an “original” slope even before the project was completed. Perfectionists are shocked, and the world arranges constant photo shoots.

Life is one continuous hustle and bustle, and in order to find the ideal device for it, you can waste a lot of time and end up with nothing. The world cannot be controlled, it carries you along with the flow, and you simply choose which raft to sail on: the raft of pleasure or eternal discontent. I am for life in the full sense of the word.

Thinking that "You should..."
Sometimes you need to say a harsh thing, and you just don’t want to hide it under a hundred softening phrases. Almost always, if you don't want to, you don't have to. And you shouldn’t listen to those who convince you that your desires are not important. “I don’t want” will definitely not work.

Everyone writes their own story, everyone fights for their truth. You don't owe anything if you don't want to.

A simple rule that is not too difficult to learn.

Regret what you did
There is no point in beating yourself up. Did you make it or didn't you make it? Did it or didn't. Said or remained silent. Erased or recorded. Everything remained where it belonged. Missed an opportunity? - So it wasn’t your opportunity. You did everything the way you wanted to do it. At that moment you could not do otherwise. We draw conclusions and try to avoid all the obstacles along the way. Do you want to step on the same rake again? – Even jump on them from a running start, the choice is yours, just like the bruises on your forehead from the blow.

There are no discoveries without occasional mistakes. There are no abstracts without corrections. There are no people without mistakes. The Titanic was considered a ship that no one could sink. In everyone's mind, it was the unsinkable monster of the ocean. And one night and the tip of the iceberg showed that people are very often mistaken.

Some mistakes change the lives of millions the worst side, others work wonders.
There is no need to waste time wondering if everything makes any sense.
After all, the meaning lies in the state of happiness of each person.
And the path to this happiness lies through knowing your desires.

Life is so long that you can make a lot of mistakes. And so short that it would correct them.

A strong person tries to correct his mistakes, while a weak person tries to justify them.

Yes. I make a lot of mistakes. Life, unfortunately, is without instructions.

A mistake is a step towards perfection.

And let this be my biggest mistake in life, but I want it!

To change your life, you don’t have to go somewhere, but it’s important to get moving.

Always honestly admit your mistakes, this will dull the vigilance of your superiors and allow you to make new ones.

Some mistakes in life are typos, which are subsequently imprinted in the memory forever.

You shouldn’t regret mistakes that you want to repeat more than once.

We often write down what life dictates to us with errors.

And my mother always said that it’s not scary to make mistakes, it’s scary to sit on your ass all your life.

Bad... good. But the line is thin, and the circumstances are different, and life is long.

Sometimes mistakes are useful, they are like vaccinations against further mistakes. We get “vaccinations” so as not to “get sick.”

There are mistakes for which you are ashamed even in front of yourself.

... you can’t make two mistakes in life: in choosing a profession and in choosing a life partner...

Life is a task that no one has yet SOLVED WITHOUT ERROR.

Sometimes it is better to remove than to add.

The older a person is, the more things in his life that cannot be corrected.

Experience is what everyone calls their mistakes.

Life is short. It’s barely enough to make enough mistakes, and repeating them is an unacceptable luxury!

Mistakes happen in life. Some even have names...

It’s a pity that a person is not given an eraser at birth to erase mistakes and unnecessary things in his life.

It doesn't matter when you make a mistake in life. The trouble is when a mistake becomes life!

Making mistakes on the path of life, in spite of all adversity, I believe in the best that awaits me ahead)

The most terrible glitches are not glitches of technology, these are glitches of people!

Mistakes are the beginning of experience, and experience is the beginning of wisdom.

Most people plan their vacation more carefully than they plan their entire lives.

One of our most disastrous mistakes is to spoil a good deed by poorly implementing it.

If you can’t cope with a mistake, create conditions under which it becomes the only correct solution.

You cannot change your life without understanding the reason for the mistakes you made.

Life experience can be gained not only through your bumps and concussions. Look around, there are a lot of people around who also stumble and fall.

There is no need to skimp on mistakes. There are enough mistakes for our age and there will be more for our descendants.

In life, I am a very diligent girl: I complete my homework, learn my lessons, and I DON’T REPEAT ANY MORE mistakes!

A mistake is a typo in a book called life, but it can well be imprinted on your soul.

Statuses about mistakes in life


“Mistakes in life are bad!” This opinion exists and it is impossible to get rid of it. Despite the fatality of the previous statement, let’s consider whether mistakes in life are really so bad, or whether they teach people something. Let’s roughly divide mistakes in life into two types:

Harmful (fatal).

Harmful mistakes in human life, and how to avoid them?

Let's start with the scary and leave the pleasant for dessert. So, mistakes in a person’s life that lead him to a monastery.

A profession chosen by the orders of parents, and not by the dictates of the heart.

Early marriage is not always evil. History knows cases when people entered into an alliance early, but nevertheless achieved it. However, early marriage at the age of 18–20 for the most part introduces a significant imbalance into the relationship and the overall life prospects of a man and a woman, especially if the unexpected union is provoked by the imminent appearance of a child. Consequences:

Either it is called into question, or its quality drops to a minimum.
A man agrees to any job, the range of choices narrows significantly.
Young people at such a tender age are not ready for the bonds of duty that bind them hand and foot.

And if, on top of everything else, you’re unlucky with the couple, then it’s a lost cause. And here variations are possible: when a grumpy woman comes across, then the endless “sawing” of the house is added to the “charms” - “Not like this, not that.”

If a man does not live up to a woman’s expectations, then she is left alone in her arms with a child while her husband is alive. If the latter gives money and does not skip them, then this is still good option. It happens that people find themselves in more difficult situations.

History knows examples where spouses are cheerful, cheerful, and their children are young and beautiful, but this is rare. Happiness is rare in life; the main content of life is struggle. The only difference between people is when one or another person enters this battle. Some, however, are lucky and do not take part in the competition at all. They are shielded from hardship by wealthy parents, relatives, or death in their youth.

Ideally, a profession is chosen according to the criteria of Georgy Ivanovich, a character in the film. The work involves:

Unconscious, heartfelt attraction.

Compliance with the points does not exclude professional, creative development and salary increases (search for more profitable options, places of work), but if suddenly the salary is small, then it’s not a problem, because the person has his own business. This is the meaning of the sublime message.

If a person has not watched the domestic film masterpiece, or was not impressed by the words of Georgy Ivanovich, then he risks living a dull life. Why work is so important:

A person spends 80% of his time at work.
People of intellectual work do not leave it at all. Thinking over ideas and plans is endless.
When a person chooses a profession, he decides what the main content of his life will be.

Life without mistakes is impossible, but there is a possibility of minimizing them. " Bad advice", If we're talking about about early marriage:

Do not run as quickly as possible to the registry office at the age of 18. Perhaps it . And it is better to enter into a civil union with a cool head, having thoroughly thought through the details.
If a man is blackmailed with a child, then it is better not to marry the woman, because such a marriage does not imply happiness.
If a man invites a girl to marry too quickly and easily, without torment or delay, there are many devils in his quiet pool. And it is better to refuse such a subject for preventive purposes. If he leaves immediately, then the offer was a trap.

It's hard to imagine life without mistakes. A blissful existence without tragic kinks and problems would become boring to humanity, and it would not last long. In the meantime, there are mistakes and problems, a person has the opportunity to show himself, to show off by overcoming life’s troubles.

When life's seemingly major mistakes turn into victories

It also happens that a person thinks: “These are the main mistakes of life,” and then time passes and his defeat turns into victory. This thesis is true for many areas of human life:

Studies. A person can drop out of school or not receive any education and still found a concern and become a billionaire. These days, men and women revere higher education, but Charles Bukowski became a writer and did not receive a college diploma. Attention: in conditions Russian realities The circuits don't work!
Works. A man finds and thinks that his life is over, and all he can do is hang himself, but suddenly, after a year or two of a dull life, he gets the place he has always dreamed of. Life is so amazing that it is difficult to understand when you win and when you lose.
Families. A woman thinks: “Family is the alpha and omega of existence,” but then her husband leaves for another. And the heroine blossoms: she finds a job she likes, discovers new meanings in life.

But at first glance, the points tell about fatal mistakes of people. But then life after the mistake becomes even better than it was before the crisis. It is much worse if the way of life itself is recognized by others as a mistake. Here we can’t talk about life after a mistake, because a person’s entire existence is one big failure.

Lifestyle mistakes. About addictions and modern trends

Dependencies. They are bad because they make a person’s life flat and predictable. Existence turns into a straight line from point “A” to point “B”. The type of dependence determines the name of the points. For society, a person suffering from a destructive passion is lost. People who are stuck can learn valuable lessons from a dark period in their lives, but this rarely happens.
"Adult children." I would not like to, but I will have to blame parents for the emergence of infants - people who do not want to take responsibility for their lives. The purpose of their existence is pleasure. Here it is also difficult to say that a person is able to extract useful knowledge or experience from such a life.
Manic aspirations using the example of movement. The sport itself and the craving for physical activity- This is wonderful. The bad thing is that people who have discovered salvation through dumbbells impose their revelation on everyone else and themselves focus their attention on only one goal - to be healthy and strong. Since life is broader than this task, athletes find themselves alone.

The above cases do not imply the question of what specific mistakes in lifestyle should be corrected by infants, ardent athletes or addicts in order for everything to work out. It's all here life path does not promise anything positive for a person.

Despite the fact that mistakes in life are the most valuable experience, a person must remember: the division into harmful (fatal or fatal) mistakes and useful ones and not to confuse one with the other and think, think, think.

February 28, 2014, 10:32