How to clean a door from grease stains. How to clean a metal door from various contaminants. Basic rules for caring for doors

- an unpleasant activity, but certainly useful. In a clean apartment it is easy to breathe and pleasing to the eye. But it is increasingly believed that cleaning means wiping dust from horizontal surfaces and interior items, and then washing the floors and vacuuming the carpets. What about the doors? After all, the same dirt settles on them, especially if the canvas has decorative slats, a mosaic pattern, or the door itself is textured. A door handles, known for their ability to spread viruses and germs? This kind of cleaning is worthless - you have to put things in order correctly!

Basic rules for caring for doors

Nowadays it is rare to find blank canvas, more and more often, a door is a full-fledged element and decoration of the interior of a room, and in order for it to last for a long time, certain rules must be followed:

  • Before washing doors, adjust and lubricate hinges and locks;
  • the tree does not like humidity above 65% and temperatures above 24°C;
  • use the door leaf carefully - no product can mask a deep scratch or a strong dent;
  • Remove fresh stains from the surface without delay;
  • Coating with two layers of varnish can extend the life of low-quality canvas;
  • for the period of repair work Cover the doors with plastic - this will save time on cleaning.

It is very important to choose the right detergent for doors - natural solid wood and veneer are washed with solutions varying in component composition. The following little tricks are also fair:

  • Glass in door inserts is best washed with cool water adding a few drops ammonia;
  • metal inserts are washed with soap solution;
  • the doors are being wiped down soft cloth, good decision will have separate microfiber wipes for them;
  • decorative inserts, shaped elements and door handles are wiped from dust at least twice a week;
  • Handles and locks are treated with a mild disinfectant spray whenever possible.

Careless handling of the door and insufficient care are the main reasons why the canvas loses its beauty, becomes faded and unattractive.


The problem of how to wash doors is easily solved - the choice of product is dictated by the array material, type decorative inserts and the presence of stains.

Universal industrial cleaning solutions include “Mr. Muscle”, various aerosols and sprays. All of them have a convenient spray bottle, but require good ventilation in the room. Their advantage is their versatility; as a rule, such compositions help to wash glass and get rid of “fingers.”

How to remove grease and make a door shine?

Choosing what to wash with wooden doors, start from proven ones traditional methods– simple, fast and safe for your family and health. For
It will be enough to wipe the canvas with damp and dry rags, and then polish the door with furniture polish. It is important that the rag is not too wet - natural wood does not like this.

  1. To remove stains, a solution of dishwashing liquid or surfactant compositions is suitable.
  2. A stain or greasy drops can be wiped off with a cut of a raw potato, then thoroughly wipe the area with a damp cloth.
  3. Talc sprinkled on the contaminated area helps a lot. As soon as the powder is saturated with grease, you need to brush it off and wipe the door with a napkin.
  4. A clay-vinegar mixture in a 1:1 ratio will remove not only grease, but also most types of stains. To do this, cover the stain with the paste and, after waiting 20-30 minutes, wash it off. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated.
  5. To give the entire canvas a gloss, you can add it to the washing water. Apple vinegar(1 tbsp per liter warm water).

All solutions and compositions applied to the surface must be washed off clean water, and the door is wiped dry! Under no circumstances should you use steel wool or abrasives - the surface is guaranteed to be damaged.

How to wash glass in a door?

Housewives often rack their brains about what to wash interior doors combined type? All the same means as wooden ones, but glass deserves special attention. First, the stained glass window is put in order, and then the canvas. Smooth glass can be wiped off with ordinary napkins made of soft, lint-free fabrics; textured glass with a frosty effect can be washed better with a brush.

  1. If the surface texture implies a pleasant dullness, then you need to sprinkle starch into cool water (2 teaspoons per 500 ml).
  2. If greasy stains are found on the glass during the washing process, they can be removed with dishwashing liquid or onion juice.
  3. , tea or glue can be easily wiped off with alcohol, acetone (solvent) or nail polish remover. It is important to ensure that chemical substances during the work did not get on rubber seals boxes or leather.

remember, that frosted glass They are afraid of acids, alkalis, concentrated ammonia and gasoline. Do not try to scrape off pieces of dirt or silicone with a knife or scraper.

How to disguise defects?

Small defects and cracks can be hidden by treating the door with polish or using a beeswax spray. For deep scratches Special wax pencils, produced in a wide range of shades, are suitable. They are rubbed over the crack, filling the voids with the substance.

Caring for doors and timely removal of stains does not require enormous costs, but as a result, they will be clean and beautiful and will delight you for many years!

Wooden interior items always look beautiful and appropriate, no matter what style and design prevails in an apartment, house, or office. Extend service life, clean any dirt, renew appearance or restoring a wooden product is quite simple if you frequently wash the interior doors and select harmless cleaning and polishing products. In addition to this, there are many folk ways eliminating contamination.

Interior or entrance door made of natural wood, constantly requires cleaning. To do this, gentle detergents are selected without abrasive particles that can damage the coating. The composition should not contain solvent, acid or other destructive substances.

When choosing a cleaning product, you should pay attention to the inserts, which can be made of plastic, glass, or metal. In addition, manufacturers coat wooden canvas with varnish or paint; this also needs to be taken into account when choosing a cleaning product.

So, how to clean dirt from wooden doors:

  • Silit - universal remedy with a convenient spray, which is simply applied to the door leaf and washed with a small piece of fabric. To add a beautiful shine, you can use a piece of newspaper or paper towel.
  • Domestos and other plumbing cleaning products will perfectly clean plastic inserts from contaminants of various origins.
  • Mister Muscle is suitable for cleaning varnished wooden surfaces, stained glass, glass, metal inserts. To do this, purchase a universal product that can easily be applied to contaminated areas of the door using a sprayer. Dirt is cleaned with a regular soft cloth or napkin.
  • Dishwashing detergent is a foamy product that is perfect for cleaning wooden interior doors. You can make a soap solution from it. The detergent can also be used in pure form. Simply apply a small amount of gel to a soft sponge, rub the stain and wash it with a clean washcloth. The advantage of this method is the absence of streaks after cleaning.
  • Polish Pronto, Laska or Sana is the best product for removing greasy stains, fingerprints, dirt from the door without streaks. The advantage is household chemicals lies in its composition. During cleaning, the wooden sheet hardly gets wet, so the risk of swelling disappears natural material. You can safely wash varnished wooden doors with polish.
  • Wedge or Blink perfectly dissolves greasy stains and dirt from frosted and transparent glass on doors, because they contain ammonia. Such products can easily cope with primer that gets on the surface. new door after its installation or renovation in the house.

There are many similar cleaners and detergents designed specifically for wood that can be found on the shelves of hardware stores. It is enough to choose the right composition, and the wooden door will delight you with its glossy shine and natural color every day.

Standard door cleaning scheme

Regardless of which detergent was chosen for cleaning interior or entrance doors made of wood, the procedure is standard. To wash off small stains, you should perform some procedures in a certain sequence:

These simple steps will help clean dirt and grease stains from interior doors in just 10 minutes.

For minor stains, it is better to use gentle products. Many ingredients for their preparation can be found in the kitchen or in the medicine cabinet, this can be baking soda, table vinegar, lemon juice, ammonia, vegetable oil and much more. But only strong solvents, such as gasoline, can deal with serious dirt stains.

How to clean wooden doors at home, folk remedies:

  • A solution based on vinegar and soda - great way get rid of stains on painted wood doors. To prepare it, add 20 g of soda, 15 g of powder for hand wash and 50 ml of table vinegar. You need to wipe off dirt carefully using a soft sponge. A pure soda solution works great for removing grease on wooden surfaces.
  • Citric acid or fresh citrus juice. To prepare the cleaning product you will need 0.5 liters of warm water, a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent, 20 g citric acid or 50 ml of citrus juice. After mixing all the ingredients, all that remains is to apply the liquid to the doors and dry the wood with a dry cloth. Solution from lemon juice and water (proportions 1:1) perfectly fights against foreign odors and, which is important for people who have pets in the house.
  • Ammonia quickly removes stains on painted doors. To do this, 10 ml of ammonia is diluted with 500 ml of warm water.
  • Vegetable oil will help get rid of traces of whitewash on doors after repairs. To do this, 2 liters of water are mixed with 50 ml of product. The advantage of this cleaning method is the absence of streaks after washing. And sunflower oil fights well with or glue. To do this, the product is applied to the areas of contamination in its pure form and left for 2-3 hours. Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  • A hair dryer and pencil eraser also work great to remove traces of glue or tape. It is enough to blow hot air on the dirty areas and rub them with an eraser or napkin.
  • Fresh potatoes can clean old stains and grease from interior doors. It is enough to cut the root vegetable in half and rub the dirt with the cut. After this, you just need to blot the stain with a dry cloth.
  • A mixture of clay and vinegar (1:1 proportions) copes well with complex stains on wooden surfaces. After this treatment, the door is wiped with soapy water and polished with a dry cloth.

After installing the interior or front door from wood, polyurethane foam may remain on the canvas. You can eliminate it with kerosene or alcohol. Simply apply a small amount of product to the stain and wipe it off with a cloth. Using these solvents you can wipe off oil or water-based paint that got on the door leaf. Such products must be used carefully; they should be applied using a cotton pad or a small piece of cloth.

After wiping off the dirt, you should immediately wipe the wood with a dry sponge or cloth.

Further care

Constantly cleaning entrance or interior wooden doors can damage the protective layer. Even regular use of gentle detergents is fraught with the appearance of scratches and chips, because wood is a capricious material. At least once a week, the housewife will have to use radical methods to care for wood products.

The most popular means include:

  • A polish that perfectly fights not only dirt, but also small scratches. This product is intended for caring for wooden surfaces, removing dirt and greasy stains.
  • Wax pencils are an excellent tool for restoring damaged wood. For these purposes, you can also use ordinary wax, which copes well with scratches, cracks and chips. Of course, it is better to use such products only for doors that are not varnished, since their use has a certain sequence. First you need to sand the damaged areas with fine-grained sandpaper. After this, wax or a pencil is rubbed into the crack, scratch, or chip. Final stage restoration - grouting this area with a piece of soft cloth.

The use of wax is a stage that often precedes the coating of a wooden door with varnish. Thanks to the soft texture and transparency of the product, you can smooth out damaged areas and preserve the natural color of the wood.

Varnishing a wooden surface

After the natural wood door has been polished and leveled with a wax pencil, you can begin to coat the surface with paints and varnishes. Instead of wax, you can also use nitro varnish in the form of a spray, which has the same effect, but dries in literally 5 minutes.

The advantage of varnish coating is the ability to preserve the original appearance of the product. The transparent product allows you to preserve the natural grain of the wood and create a reliable protective film. Interior doors should be updated in this way as needed (after deep scratches or cracks appear).

Ways to extend service life

Caring for wooden interior doors involves not only constant cleaning or coating with paints and varnishes, but also extending the service life of the product.

To do this, it is necessary to constantly check the performance of the hinges, maintain desired temperature, room humidity level, etc.

The necessary measures include:

Door made of natural wood - environmentally friendly, durable, incredibly beautiful item interior that can fit into any design and style.

If you select gentle cleaning products and properly care for delicate surfaces, they can serve their owner for decades, because a wooden entrance or interior door is the face of the entire house.

Made from natural and artificial veneer, they are consistently among the top sales. This is not surprising - veneered door leaves look beautiful, are affordable, reliable and durable. Such designs can fit into any design solution interior thanks wide choice shades and textures of veneer - from almost white ash to chocolate brown wenge. And externally, veneered panels look exactly like natural wood.

Caring for veneer doors is not particularly difficult. You just need to regularly remove dust and dirt, and also monitor the serviceability door hardware. However, there are a number of rules that must be followed in order to door blocks preserved for a long time aesthetic appearance and functionality.

How to wipe veneer? Can veneer flooring be washed? These questions are of interest to everyone who has purchased and installed door units finished with wood veneer.

To clean the veneer coating, do not use abrasive or alcohol-containing products, as well as detergents that contain oils, acetone, alkalis, or acids. It is also worth refusing to use washing powder, dishwashing detergent and other similar household chemicals.

When choosing what to wipe doors with during everyday cleaning, give preference to a microfiber cloth or soft cotton cloth dampened warm water. This is enough to remove dust and wash away fresh dirt.

Veneered products are not afraid of impact high humidity. Since veneering is carried out on a substrate made of moisture-resistant MDF board, such sheets can be washed with warm water. However, prolonged contact of the coating with moisture should not be allowed; after wet cleaning, you should always wipe off wooden structure dry cloth.

Tip 2: Home remedies for caring for veneer trim

If persistent stains have formed on a natural or artificial veneer covering, you should not immediately go to the store for expensive specialized chemicals. You can effectively clean veneer doors using home remedies. Try washing the door structures with a solution laundry soap or a mixture of alcohol and plain water in a ratio of 1:9 - 1:10. These home remedies will allow you to quickly and easily special effort wash the veneered fabric.

Raw potatoes will help remove greasy stains from the veneer surface. The potato should be cut into two halves and the cut area should be thoroughly rubbed onto the area with fat. When the potato juice dries, the stain should be wiped with a dry cloth, which will remove the starch along with the fat.

Even with the most careful treatment door design There is always a risk of scratching the veneer coating. Therefore, over time, micro-scratches and abrasions inevitably appear on the surface of the canvas. To prevent scratches and extend the service life of door structures, experts advise periodically wiping the door with a polish for veneered furniture, preferably one that contains wax. After processing, a protective film, which protects veneer from damage and stubborn dirt

Wax polish can be purchased as:

  • aerosol;
  • spray;
  • cream:
  • liquids.

The polishing compound is good at cleaning door blocks from dust and dirt, and also refreshes the color of the veneer cladding, and the wax fills microcracks and hides minor defects well.

It is not necessary to frequently rub door panels with polish and wax. The film adheres to the veneer covering for a long time, maintaining its protective qualities. It is enough to wipe the canvas with polish once or twice a month so that your doors always look impressive and well-groomed.

Light door blocks – universal solution for any interior, in the Porta Prima factory catalog they are presented in a variety of shades and textures. Veneer light shades It is also convenient because dust and micro-scratches are invisible on its surface. However, this does not mean that light-colored door structures do not require maintenance. They should be regularly wiped clean from dust and dirt.

To maintain light-colored finishes, you can make your own polish by mixing three teaspoons of melted granulated wax and 150 ml of soybean oil. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed and cooled to room temperature. To clean light-colored veneer doors, apply the compound with a dry cloth and rub the coating until shiny and smooth. This mixture is great for removing stubborn dirt and greasy marks around door handles.

The use of wenge colored doors is popular design technique upon registration modern interiors. They fit perfectly into the style of minimalism, loft, industrial and other similar ones.

Contrary to the common misconception about the “non-marking” of dark canvases, dust and dirt stains are clearly visible on their surface. In order for dark doors to always look neat and well-groomed, they need to be cleaned regularly.

A special polishing compound, which is made from the following components, will help clean wenge veneer from stubborn stains:

  • ½ melted granules beeswax;
  • 1 teaspoon lanolin;
  • 4 teaspoons soybean oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of turpentine.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The mixture is applied to the surface of the canvas and rubbed into the coating with a soft cloth. Special attention require carved panels, they must be cleaned with the utmost care.

To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • do not expose veneered door structures to prolonged contact with moisture;
  • Contaminants from the veneer surface must be cleaned immediately after they appear;
  • care for veneer using only mild detergents;
  • do not open the canvas beyond the specified opening angle;
  • try to scratch the canvas and not slam the doors with all your might;
  • Do not expose veneered structures to sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

If you follow these simple tips, veneer doors will serve you well for many years and retain their attractive appearance.

Scratches, cracks and abrasions on the surface of the veneer coating can be restored at home. However, only doors finished with wood can be restored. natural veneer tree.

To restore minor defects, a special wax pencil is used; its color is matched to the shade of the veneer coating. You need to tear off a small piece from the pencil, knead it in your hands and distribute it evenly over the damaged area. Excess wax mass is wiped off with a soft cloth.

Another way to eliminate a defect is to fill the crack or scratch with special liquid wax. The damaged area must first be cleaned of dust and dirt, and then treated with fine-grained sandpaper. Next, you need to apply preheated wax and remove excess with a rag.

To repair serious damage to natural wood veneer, it is best to turn to professionals. They will prepare special “patches” that match the coating in color and texture, and glue them to the area being repaired. If the canvas has deep cracks and chips, the master will first seal them with wood putty.

Fittings are an integral part of any door structure. In order for doors to be convenient and comfortable to use, it is necessary to regularly care for hinges, handles and locks.

During operation, the doors may begin to creak or close poorly. To prevent problems from arising, it is necessary to clean the hinges from dust and lubricate them 1-2 times a year. machine oil, technical petroleum jelly or WD-40. If the doors sag, you will need to adjust the door hinges.

Door handles should be wiped regularly with a damp soft cloth to remove stains and dirt. You can use regular warm water or soap solution. After cleaning, wipe the fittings with a dry cloth. Loose handles must be tightened immediately, otherwise they quickly fail and require replacement.

Reading time: 1 minute

Wooden doors - how to properly wash such a sensitive surface without damaging the capricious frame? It's either veneer or MDF, which is unpretentious to moisture. But there is back side medals - wood not only can, but also needs to be cleaned and treated with various means. We’ll show you how to do this in the video and article.

To clean wooden doors, there are a number of factors to consider. They will help you choose the right cleaning options. Don't forget about coverage:

  • Modern doors may have PVC cladding films;
  • The wood is often varnished;
  • MDF doors are moisture resistant;
  • Solid massifs do not tolerate water.

Some chemicals can attack the surface, so be aware of the potential for damage.

An excellent wood care product. It can be applied to a surface that is covered with varnish or PVC film. Penetrates well into small pores and threads. Does not disinfect, but removes fine dust.

There are special wax pencils that can not only clean doors, but also restore them. The solid array requires dry cleaning, and this component does an excellent job of such functions.

They should treat doorways and cracks every six months. This preventative measure disinfection and surface treatment.

Advice: Washing wooden doors should be carried out in indoors without drafts. Otherwise, damaged parts of the surface may swell.

Already knowing how to wash wooden doors, let’s move on to the section that contains information about the process itself - how to clean the wood from dirt and treat it after washing.

Door care

Before using cleaning products, determine what the doors are made of and what type they are. Is there room for additional coverage, and are there factors to consider?

They need to be cleaned only with dry cloths and special cleaning agents. It is not advisable to get it wet, so use professional sprayers.

This is an easy-to-care material – it can be easily cleaned with soap solutions and soda. First, you need to manually rub the baking soda into the dirty stains with your fingers, then rinse it off with a soft sponge. A sponge without abrasive is dipped into the product, then wrung out. Only after wiping, immediately wipe the door with a dry towel. Dry.

Any detergent that cleans the surface can be applied over doors with such a coating. The film protects against moisture, and there is not much dust there. If drops of fat get in, it is better to replace the film, refreshing the appearance for aesthetics.

In order not to damage the varnish, you need to exclude all materials that contain alcohols and ammonia compounds. The varnish will be durable and intact if the doors are washed with soft cloths.

Such a covering was recently considered very stylish and fashionable, but someone rushed to purchase such doors for less than they would have cost. They look good in an apartment, are stylish and fit almost any design due to their diversity color palette. But it’s better to limit yourself to soap solution and microfiber.

Why cover wood with plastic? It is convenient and environmentally friendly - the door is made of real wood, and such a frame is appreciated. But the coating is shiny and smooth plastic panel- it's better for you. Don't know how to wash a wooden door with such a coating? Just choose any household chemical, dilute it according to the instructions, and wash the surface until it shines.

Thus, you can choose with your own hands a suitable cleaning product for wooden doors. And then in the photo list we will show you the best means, which the modern market offers for the care of interior doors.


We already know how to wash wooden doors, what to pay attention to, but we still want to see what we can stock up on from household chemicals for such a process. Here are a few good components, which will not damage the surface of any coating and will preserve its aesthetic appearance.

Microfiber cloths for dry cleaning Clean wood polish
Wood polish with lacquer coating For any type of wood
Dishwashing liquid for plastic doors Eraser for removing stains and grease

We touch doors every day, more than once, and not only us, but also guests and neighbors. As a result, on the surface doors sebaceous greasy spots that are necessary wash. And even if you install a new one entrance or interior door, cleaning cannot be avoided. Doors are now usually installed using polyurethane foam and if they do it carelessly, the remains spoil the look.

Task 1: wash the metal, iron entrance door

After installation or insulation input (usually metal, iron) doors there is a need to wash remnants of polyurethane foam.

This must be done either immediately, before the foam dries, or, on the contrary, wait until it dries. In the first case use:

– solvents (white spirit, acetone, profit).

– special polishes for PVC – Cosmofen, Top Clean, Fenozol.

– special cleaners for hardened foam (sold in many stores) on a metal entrance door.

Dried foam can only be removed mechanically by grinding the surface. Residues are washed off using the methods listed for the first case.

Solvents will also help remove grease stains from metal surfaces.

Task 2: wash plastic and wooden doors

The surfaces of plastic and wooden doors are similar in texture. At the same time, wooden doors are often painted, and plastic ones are laminated, so abrasive powders can scratch them. To launder such doors you can use:

– a soft damp cloth;

– a solution that will help remove greasy stains on the door: 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia + 1/2 liter of warm water;

– wooden planes, painted oil paint, are also best washed with water and ammonia. How dirtier than the door and windows, the more concentrated the solution should be: for example, 2 teaspoons of ammonia per 1 glass of water. Usually it is enough to pour 2 teaspoons of ammonia per 1 liter of water;

– soap solution for severe dirt: shavings of laundry soap dissolved in warm water;

– household chemicals: “Silit” for bathrooms, “Domestos”, “Shumanit”, “Profit”;

– solvents in small quantities, such as acetone and white spirit (do not use on painted surfaces);

– baking soda solution: moisten a soft cloth and wipe the door (be careful, the smooth laminated surface may be scratched);

– glass cleaner based on ammonia is excellent will remove fingerprints from the surface of a plastic or painted wooden door.

Important When using any of the listed means, remember that a napkin soaked in the solution should not be kept on the surface of the door for more than 5 minutes. 1-2 minutes after treatment, wipe with a damp cloth.

Task 3: wash off greasy stains on the interior door

WITH greasy stains on the interior door Household chemicals for washing dishes will do the job, as well as hand-prepared solutions based on table vinegar, ammonia, and citric acid. Solvents (acetone, white spirit) are effective, but should be used with caution on painted surfaces.

Preparation of cleaning solutions:

– Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of warm water. a spoonful of baking soda and 1 tbsp. spoon of washing powder, mix, then add 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Time-tested: these components dissolve dirt and grease well. Make sure that the soda and powder are well dissolved, otherwise the grains may scratch the surface of the interior door. - A solution based on ammonia can clean not only windows, but also interior doors. It is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10.

– Vinegar is diluted as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Comfortable pour the solution into a container with a spray bottle and thus spray it onto the surface. After treatment, be sure to rinse off any remaining solution with a clean water soft cloth.

Creativity is the real solution!

In conclusion, I would like to express an idea on how to transform interior wooden or plastic doors cheap and beautiful: SELF-ADHESIVE! This self-adhesive film can be purchased at hardware store or a wallpaper boutique. The assortment is huge: any colors, styles and textures. Purely done or flowered - the choice is yours. This creative solution, by the way, is suitable for window sills and old shabby furniture.