USP form for a unique selling proposition. Unique Selling Proposition for B2B and SaaS Companies: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Creating

Do you want to create a killer USP and accelerate your business?

As of 2013, there are about 10 billion brands registered in the world. And each of them wants you to be their client. Everyone is trying to sell something. How to remember them, how to distinguish them from each other?

Every one of you faces this problem. potential clients. In every niche, whatever it is: selling car parts; production of building materials; beauty salons and hairdressers; private hospitals, etc., etc., works a lot different companies. And each offers identical or nearly identical products or services. How to choose? How to distinguish? Who to contact? How to remember if you’ve already almost decided?

Every company, no matter large or small (even more so!) needs to stand out among its competitors. The logo is only half the battle. You need to come up with some unique, special offer that will set you apart from the general background and help you shout out to the client in the general noise.

Here's how to come up with and create your own unique trade offer, or USP, and will be discussed in this article.

What is a USP and how is it used in marketing and sales?

USP is a unique selling proposition. It implies some special characteristic of a brand or product that is presented as an advantage or additional benefit for the client. The USP is used by marketers when developing advertising campaign– often it is built precisely on this feature in order to distinguish the company from its peers in the market.

This concept was introduced as such by the American advertising specialist Rosser Reeves. He developed this concept as an alternative to the hype in advertising, which ordinary consumers simply no longer believed. According to his concept, the USP should:

  • convey real benefits to the client;
  • increase target audience loyalty to;
  • to be unique, special, one of a kind on the market.

If you spy on a competitor’s feature and present it with your own sauce, it will not be a strong USP. It will be just a stolen idea, an imitation.

There seems to be a unique selling proposition here, but 9 out of 10 competitors have the same

Your USP is the reason why consumers should choose you. And every company needs it. Only those who launch a new, innovative, revolutionary product, which simply has no analogues, can do without a USP. In this case, this very product acts as a unique offer.

In all other cases, rebuild or die, to paraphrase the classic.

Why does a business need a USP?

  • to differentiate yourself from competitors;
  • to win the appreciation of the target audience;
  • to create strong promotional materials () and develop a marketing strategy;
  • to distinguish your product from many similar ones.

There are true and false USPs. The true is the real unique characteristics products that no one else has on the market in this niche. This is what is inherent in the product itself. False are imaginary benefits, in the absence of a true difference. This is what and how is said about this product. And in most cases, entrepreneurs resort to precisely such USPs. But what if you offer the same product and service as others? If you haven’t invented something unique, some exclusive product, you have to use your head and think carefully about how you can hook customers.

Separating from competitors is the key to a successful advertising company. A unique offer must clearly indicate the benefits for customers, on which the message will be based, which will subsequently be broadcast in advertising, on social networks and other promotional materials.

How to create a unique selling proposition

Many business owners think that creating a USP is easy. The two obvious paths to take are:

"We have the most low prices

The price race is a dubious advantage for two reasons. First, there will always be someone who is cheaper. Secondly, with low prices you attract the appropriate contingent of clients - insolvent and too economical, to say the least.

“We have high-quality service!”

In fact, everyone's concept of quality is completely different. And you cannot always guarantee this very service - the human factor plays a lot. But even if so, you really work conscientiously, it is this phrase “quality services”, “ best service"set the teeth on edge so that they simply fly past the ears.

If you are just starting out, yes, for quick sales you can still somehow beat these two trump cards as part of some kind of promotion. For example, the lowest price. But if you want to build a strong brand for a long time, you need to take developing your USP seriously.

In general, any unique selling proposition is built on three fundamental principles.

1. Advertising message must convey specific benefits to the consumer. That’s right, you need to submit a USP not in the light of your advantages, but specifically the benefits for the client. He's not that interested italian wallpaper in themselves, like the view of his room covered with this wallpaper. So sell it to him beautiful renovation, easy care of wallpaper that is washable and does not fade, not the wallpaper itself. But he can get all of the above only by purchasing this very wallpaper from you.

Only if working with you is profitable will clients choose your company.

2. Client benefit must be unique against the background of other products similar to yours. Everything is clear here - this principle is inherent in the definition itself. Want to be different? Come up with something that your competitors don't have. Only by being different, only by offering something that no one else offers, can you be different from everyone else. As a result, your product will be chosen (if the benefits are well described) and remembered.

3. The benefit must be meaningful, that is, attractive enough for the client to make a choice in favor of your products without unnecessary hesitation. The benefit must be reasoned, and not fictitious or made up from thin air. That is why you must study your target audience well, know your customers, their pain points and based on this.

When you know what problems your customers care about, you can offer them a solution in the form of a unique benefit like this.

Examples of drawing up USP

You can often come across USPs that absolutely do not play into the hands of the business: they are too general and do not attract attention.

How to create a proposal that will become the heart and engine of the success of your business?

1. Tell us something that your competitors are silent about.

If there are hundreds of businesses like yours, it is very difficult to find something truly unique. But maybe there is something that your clients are simply silent about?

Such a case happened in my practice. The company is engaged in the production of granite monuments. The default service offered to clients is the development of a 3D model of a future product, free of charge. Other companies also provide this service, but they are modestly silent about it. We did not remain silent. The benefit of seeing a full-fledged three-dimensional image of the future monument works well for many of the company’s clients.

What about chewing gum, Orbit, which is sugar-free? Read the composition of other similar rubber bands - it is identical. And without sugar too. But Orbit presents this as a USP.

2. Point out newness or innovation.

If you invented new way solve a client’s problem, or update your product, or add some new ingredient to it - no need to remain silent. You need to create your USP, and quickly, before someone does it before you.

Remember the advertisement of any new shampoo or cream. Either they came up with a new formula, then they added keratin, or some kind of l-lipids that no one had heard of, but if you believe the advertising, the shampoo makes hair stronger. And the cream simply smooths out wrinkles once or twice. All thanks to the INNOVATIVE formula. Take it into service.

3. John Carlton Formula

Using this formula, it is very easy to create a USP, especially if you provide services. The formula is built like this:

The product ___ helps ___ ts___ solve the problem___ we indicate the benefits.

For example:

The new cream will help women overcome the first wrinkles and look younger.

A unique selling proposition (USP) is an outstanding characteristic of a product or brand on which marketers build an advertising campaign; it is usually used for differentiation.

From a consumer's perspective, this is the reason why people should buy from you rather than another seller with a similar product. Why use Slack and not Facebook? Why order pizza from Papa John's when there's Pizza Hut? A clearly formulated offer answers these and similar questions.

How does USP work?

Some companies undoubtedly dominate their field. They are the only ones on the market - because they are huge or so innovative that no one else offers similar solutions. But this situation rarely lasts long.

A value proposition is an opportunity to convey to the customer that no one else is doing what you do. Your brand is extraordinary. Best. It is associated with success, positivity, luck. In short, buy our product, and “everything will be Coca-Cola.”

The USP offers a product or service that is not available through other channels: even from competitors who, at first glance, offer analogues.

The USP connects the brand to what it sells. If you offer whole list services, no one will understand what you are doing. But if you call yourself "the city's premier SEO agency" or "the city's best Americano," consumers will think of you when they need SEO or a cup of coffee. If you are a web studio or a cafe, your offer is weak because it is not separated from the competition. used well known fact, that a person does not need a drill, but a hole, and they report that a person will drill the required hole only with a drill of a specific brand.

How does the USP differ from the company’s slogan and mission?

A slogan is the essence of a brand's identity and everything it offers. A slogan can contain a USP, and many good examples they contain him. Example from FedEx: “When a package needs to be delivered overnight.” The mission will likely also overlap with the value proposition. But, unlike the mission and slogan, the USP is what distinguishes your company from the rest and attracts consumers. From this grows marketing, sales and all market positioning.

Value propositions are so familiar that we no longer notice them. Every good advertisement contains a clearly stated offer, and most companies succeed due to a successful USP. When all search engines used only keywords, PageRank was Google's unique selling proposition.

What does a good USP look like?

A striking example, which became the basis of an advertising campaign and at the same time a successful slogan, is provided by Avis, a brand that provides car rental services. For many years it held second place to the mighty Hertz. In 1962, on the verge of bankruptcy, Avis took their problem to the advertising agency Doyle Dane Bertzbach, whose employees found a way to turn a negative characteristic - No. 2, not No. 1 - into a positive one.

The problem was this:

Avis is only #2 in the car rental market. So why contact us?
We are trying.
We simply can't afford dirty ashtrays. Or half-empty gas tanks. Or worn out wipers. Or unwashed cars. Or flat tires. Or something smaller than chair back adjusters that actually adjust. Ovens that heat. Anti-icers that prevent windows from freezing.
Most of all we try to be good. Greet you with a new car, such as a four-wheel drive Ford, and a sweet smile. Know, for example, where you can buy good sandwich in Duluth.
Because we can't afford to take our customers for granted.
So next time please contact us.
Our queues are shorter too.

From this text, marketers made a value proposition:

Avis is only No. 2 in the car rental market
That's why we try

They affected clients:

What's important is not the slogan itself, but the fact that it turns a negative characteristic into a positive one and contains a clear, compelling value proposition. Why rent a car from Avis rather than, say, Hertz? After all, a car is a car. But Avis managed to offer the best service and best experience, consistent with the values ​​and interests of consumers. In the first four years after the slogan was introduced, Avis' market share grew from 11% to 35%. They used it until 2012.

However, this is an old story. What about more modern ones?

The obvious choice is Saddleback Leather Company. They, like Avis, needed to turn a disadvantage into an advantage: they do leather bags, and high-quality leather is expensive. In some cases, it's downright expensive: prices start at $300 and sometimes exceed $1,000. How can you turn this obstacle into a unique selling proposition?

Saddleback Leather offered an incredibly long warranty of 100 years. And they emphasized it with the following words: since the bag will most likely outlive its owner.

The phrase unique selling proposition, or briefly USP, is found quite often in advertising and marketing. And despite all the understandability of the words, not all companies were able to form a USP and use it to promote their product. Most people think that everything good ideas are already used by someone and it is almost impossible to come up with something new.

What is USP

Unique selling proposition from the English. A unique selling proposition (the abbreviation USP is more often used) is a concept according to which advertising and promotion of a product must be based on certain unique properties of the product that are understandable to the consumer and bring him benefits. USP is, first of all, distinguishing your product from all competitors. The word “unique” implies not being repeated by competitors. Unlike classic display advertising, which was opposed to the USP strategy, your product must be associated, recognized and unified by the client with the benefit described in the USP.

Many products, especially complex ones, have a lot of properties and benefits, and many are unique to a certain extent. The USP concept suggests that you should try to promote all the benefits at the same time. It is better to highlight one main benefit and put all your efforts into promoting it.

Manufacturers like to patent and use the same developments in advertising under different names. For example, one of the manufacturers washing machines started promoting the “easy ironing” function. In essence, this is just a regular delicate washing cycle, but this marketing trick worked fantastically for the consumer. Soon this option appeared in all leading washing machine manufacturers. But the name changed a little, then light ironing, then simple ironing, or simply drawing a button with an image of an iron.

People often think that a USP requires some unique product or service. In fact, it is much more important to be able to highlight in a product unique properties and present them correctly to the client. There are plenty of examples, look how social media has spread. Instagram network. It was founded in 2010, when the market was already more than saturated. Having placed a bet on a fairly narrow niche at that time - online photo publishing, social media. the network was able to stand out, attract attention and, as a result, get ahead of many competitors.

Rosser Reeves was the first to talk about the USP concept. In his 1961 book, Reality in Advertising, he outlined the rationalist approach to selling. Advertising, according to this approach, should focus on certain unique properties of a product or service that bring clear, tangible benefits to the client.

Three principles of USP

Three basic principles were formed that must be observed to form a unique selling proposition:

  1. Advertise a benefit that is important to the client;
  2. The benefit must be unique, that is, absent from competitors;
  3. The above two points should have a strong impact on the client.

The USP concept takes into account that the client is guided when making decisions not only by reason and logic, but also by emotions. New and interesting properties create interest, surprise and interest (read the article). These are important parameters for attracting customer attention to a product or service.

Of course, when you were able to attract the client’s attention, he will begin to evaluate your product in terms of the usefulness of the benefits presented. And if he finds them, he will buy the goods. It is the emotional component that prepares the client for a purchase, but logic and emotions close the deal.

True and false USPs

So, you have your own product, for example, you deliver water for offices. There are a great many companies like you, and at first glance there can be no question of uniqueness. But if there is no uniqueness, it needs to be created. For example, you can position yourself as the fastest delivery, same-day delivery, you can accept cash, include water for the rich in your range, order pizza once a month for your regular customers, etc. Stand out from total mass much simpler than it seems at first glance.

Copywriters often use phrases like “the most important” and “the most important thing” both appropriately and inappropriately. Just for effect. "The most important rule text." "The most important thing in commercial offer" and so on.

Today we will talk about creating a unique selling proposition. And, we promise you, you will soon understand that a well-written USP is the most important thing in business. No kidding. Actually the most important thing. So important that everything else is just a pitiful reflection.

What is a USP and why is it needed?

A unique selling proposition (offer, USP, USP) is the main distinguishing mark of a business. Anyone. It doesn’t matter whether you sell modest writing services or develop entire neighborhoods with new homes.

The word “USP” refers to a competitive difference that others do not have. What sets you apart from your competitors. This is the only correct definition of USP.

The USP provides the client with a certain benefit. Or solves his problem. The types of benefits vary, but a unique selling proposition without a clear benefit to the customer is garbage.

Different. Benefit.

Two words on which everything rests.

Your unique selling proposition should differentiate you so radically that, all things being equal, if the client had to choose between you and a competitor, due to your having a worthy USP, he will choose you.

Do you understand how serious it is?

The main problem of USP in Russian business

The trouble is that Russian business is criminally blind. From simple freelancers to huge companies, everyone wants to be the best. And you can’t be the best for everyone. Must be different- that's the whole point.

From here the main problem– refusal to create a USP in favor of the stupidest desire to be the first and the best.

To show. no matter how weak and ill-conceived the creation of unique selling propositions can be, we will take our colleagues - copywriters. Take a look at their portfolio:

  • Ideal texts
  • Best Author
  • Atomic copywriting
  • Master of words
  • And so on …

This kind of nonsense is all over the place. People just don't understand that this is not a USP. This great example moreover. Instead of becoming different, everyone climbs the same mountain. To the top. The end result is nothing.

Who is on the bright side then?

  • First on legal texts in RuNet
  • Since 2010 I write only commercial proposals
  • Any text – 3 hours after payment
  • TOP copywriting at the price of regular texts
  • Free consultation on Landing Page improvement for each client
  • Free pictures for the article from paid photo stocks

Yes, not so loud, but very effective. The clients of these authors already see the difference and their benefits, and therefore are ready to pay.

Do you think it's any different in business? Nothing like that, even huge companies don’t really know how to create a unique selling proposition:

  • A wide range of
  • Big discounts
  • Free service
  • Low prices
  • High quality
  • Leaders in their industry
  • And so on …

Moreover, many sincerely consider such a “gentleman’s” set to be sufficient to seduce a client.

And where is the fundamental difference here? Where is the “I’m different” signal here? He's gone. There are ones that every first company flaunts.

What’s most interesting is that each of the advantages can be developed into a good USP. For example, like this:

  • A wide range of. 1300 models of alpine skis - the largest warehouse in Russia
  • Big discounts - every Thursday 65% ​​discount on your second purchase
  • Free service - after purchasing a smartphone, we will install any programs for you for free within an hour
  • Low prices - we sell any baked goods for 1 ruble after 18-00
  • High quality - if even one part breaks, we will give you a new exercise machine
  • Leaders in their industry – we have won the title “Best Taxi of Syktyvkar” for three years in a row.

Alas, only a few people use the idea of ​​expanding template chatter into a full-fledged USP. It’s always easier to cliché standard phrases and then wonder: “Why don’t they buy?”

In order for your business to take off, you need a good USP. No catch. This is exactly what we will learn to compose today. We promise you will soon look at your capabilities with completely new eyes.

The concept of drawing up a USP

There are thousands of types of unique selling propositions. Offers can be very different:

Lifetime Warranty Zippo lighters– is this a USP? Undoubtedly!

Everything for 49 rubles? Same.

Soap that doesn't dry out your skin? Yes, sure.

A tour of the 10 best beer bars in Germany? And this is also a completely working USP.

Remember when we said that when creating a unique proposal, you can’t focus on looking like the best? Let's say it again: you shouldn't strive to be the best.

You must be different. Find a distinctive benefit for the client that would attract him to you rather than to a competitor.

When writing a USP, it is important to remember one very simple thing: your entire offer must have a specific benefit for the client. Not praising you or your business, not delight, but the direct benefit of a potential buyer.

But there can be a great many benefits:

This will help me

Gain high social status

Become more beautiful (stronger, more active, etc.)

Learn new things

With this I

I'll save money

I'll make money

Thanks to this I

I'll save time

I will get interesting impressions

I will get additional comfort

Don't be shy about looking for some non-obvious ways to gain a competitive advantage. Anything can go into business, the main thing is that it is interesting to the client.

Now that the theory is over, it’s time to start practicing creating a strong offer.

Rules for drawing up USP

There is a lot of rubbish written on the Internet about how to create a USP, but when you start to figure it out, you fall into a stupor. Too tricky and confusing. Yes, creating a sales proposal is not easy, but it is quite possible. Even for those who are not good at brainstorming.

In order to cope, we will cut the elephant into pieces. Learn in stages. It will be easier and clearer this way. Let's start.

Stage one - awareness of yourself and competitors

The first step is to answer the list of questions below as completely as possible. You can even print them out and then write the answers next to each one. Don't be lazy, it's important stage. So, a list of important questions.

  • What are we doing?
  • Our strengths
  • Our weaknesses
  • Do we have any differences from our competitors?
  • Can difference be created with effort?
  • What interesting USPs do your competitors have?
  • Is it possible to create something more interesting based on their USP?

Ideally, you should have a fairly large list that you will then rely on. It is worth remembering that there are two types of proposals: without effort and with effort.

USP without effort- this is what you already own. For example, you really have the most big choice alpine skiing in Russia. Or you win the title " Best Producer year" is not the first time.

USP with effort is something you can do to create a strong competitive advantage and a unique offering. For example, promise that you will deliver a taxi in 5 minutes or the trip will be free. And this despite the fact that now the average waiting time is 7 minutes.

A USP with effort is always more difficult to implement, but its effect is usually greater: a person sees his direct benefit and is ready to test you.

Yes, you will have to sacrifice something (money, time, profit growth), but you will also raise the bar of advantage above others. Consequently, in the future you will receive new customers, since your competitors will not be able or will not want to raise this level even higher.

Stage two - awareness of customer needs

A leaf again. Surveys again, but now about clients:

  • Who is our main client? Describe your target audience
  • What does our ideal client want?
  • What customer needs do we actually solve?
  • What could we do, but we don’t solve it?
  • How can we win new customers?

Put yourself in your client's shoes. Why does he choose you? Do they expect something specific from you: guarantees, more convenience, reliability, savings, or something else?

What is valuable and not valuable to your customers? Maybe they are ready to pay any money to improve their status? Or are they frugal and buy the cheapest thing they can? Clearly draw yourself a portrait of the mass target audience. You can even conduct surveys to understand the real needs of the client.

Why do many clients go to competitors? What do the latter take? Do you have the resources to offer your clients the same or more?

Understanding the needs of the client is the most important condition for creating a working USP. If you can correctly understand the buyer and his desires, you will be able to offer something truly interesting.

Stage three - creating a USP

Now take both leaves and find all the intersecting points. For example, in the first task (self-awareness) we found out that you can give each customer furniture for the hallway dinner table. And no one is doing this yet.

In the second task (client needs), you realized that your target audience is young families and people with below-average incomes who would not mind getting something for free.

Bottom line: you can easily make an offer: To each client - good table for the kitchen as a gift

If you spend enough time preparing to write a unique selling proposition, there can be dozens of such intersecting points. All you have to do is turn on your creativity and create as many proposals based on them as possible.

Created? Wonderful. Now is the time to choose the best USP.

To do this, you can conduct surveys among employees, clients, post surveys on social networks, and so on. Once the tests are done, you should see the influencer. As a rule, it is noticeable immediately.

Can you have multiple USPs?

Yes, it may well be. And yet some main sentence will have to be chosen, and the rest will be amplifiers of the sentence. And remember that your unique selling proposition cannot be changed every three months. This will last for years, so make your choice seriously right away.

Carefully monitor your competitors' offers. Firstly, this is a huge scope for creativity and ideas. Secondly, it will help you not to repeat other people's sentences.

Your USP should be as specific as possible. None common phrases. If “A cup of coffee is given to every gas station visitor,” then it is precisely a cup of coffee, and not “ nice bonuses" If “everything is 49 rubles”, then this is exactly 49 rubles, and not “the lowest possible prices”.

Your USP should be as simple as possible - all clients should immediately understand it and immediately see a clear benefit.

Do not contradict the interests of the target audience. If clients visit your salon because it is fashionable and prestigious, then there is no need to lure them in with low prices. Kill the status.

Don't lump everything together. There is no need to try to write out the USP on 20 sheets. Everything should be very simple: 1-3 phrases. If you really can’t wait to describe all the advantages in detail, then there are separate texts for this. In the USP you highlight only the main thing, the essence, but if you want it, you write it down somewhere separately.

We hope this article will make it easier for you to create a truly strong unique selling proposition. All the introductory information for this is there – you just need to sit down and do it.

We promise that once your USP crystallizes into something concrete and profitable, you will immediately notice a positive change. Tested thousands of times and proven by business laws.


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The absence of a USP is a great grief for business. Look at these sites:

Apart from design, they are practically no different from each other - low prices everywhere, high quality and quick installation. I feel sorry for the people who want to order stretch ceiling- you will have to spend more than one hour wading through the jungle of clone sites to find a worthwhile option.

Therefore, there must be something that makes the business stand out from the crowd - a unique selling proposition. This is what will make competitors fear you like fire, and potential clients more often make a choice in your favor.

By the way, his prices may be slightly higher than those of other companies: if you offer the buyer a product that will solve his problems, he will be willing to pay more for it.

There are only three “buts” - the USP works if it:

  • unique- competitors do not offer this;
  • specific- the user immediately understands what we are talking about;
  • valuable- the potential client sees his benefit.

In 2014, we gave a general scenario according to which you can create a USP. Today we will share new formulas and practical examples to make it even easier to come up with or highlight a sentence.

Where to begin?

    We analyze the target audience. What is good for an avid fisherman is not suitable for a young woman on maternity leave. Therefore, the development of a USP should begin with getting to know the target audience - what worries your potential clients, what problems and interests do they have?

    Example: Let's say you need to come up with a USP for an online store of household goods. Most often by purchase household chemicals, dishes, decor and other things are done by women. Those who have no time will order all this online - which means your main audience is working women aged 25 to 45 years. What might interest them? Surely they will like it if you deliver goods quickly and free of charge. Therefore, a good USP is “Free delivery within Irkutsk within 2 hours.”

    Quite a good offer. But it can be strengthened - write how quickly the order will be delivered or indicate that delivery is 24 hours a day.

    Underwater rocks

    Remember: the target audience- it’s not just gender, age, income level and other parameters. You need to realize what and to whom you are selling, what problems people are helping to solve: ideally, there should be a clear portrait of the buyer in your head.

    We think about the specifics of the business. Perhaps a ready-made USP is right under your nose, you just need to notice it. To do this, honestly answer a few simple questions:

    • What are your products made from?
    • How exactly are products produced?
    • What equipment do you use?
    • What are the unique properties of the products?
    • How do you interact with clients?
    • How is work on an order structured?

    There is a chance that you will see an important advantage that will allow you to differentiate yourself from your competitors. By the way, sometimes you can make a USP out of a flaw: “Homemade baked goods with a short shelf life - only natural ingredients.”

    Example: Let's say you are laser cutting metal. Terms, prices and delivery conditions are the same as those of other companies. But then you use a modern fiber-optic laser - it allows you to achieve maximum accuracy, up to 0.1 mm. Isn't this a USP? "Accuracy laser cutting up to 0.1 mm - we use the fiber optic installation Ruchservomotor LaserCut 3015.”

    And this sentence can be strengthened - you can add how accurate the result is.

    Underwater rocks

    No one knows the features of a business better than its owner - so think and honestly answer the question of why you are cooler. A marketer or copywriter will help you get the trick out of the benefits.

    We look at competitors. Conduct a detailed and objective analysis - compare your business and the offers of your main competitors. Here is a sample list of parameters for comparison:

    • prices;
    • availability of a loyalty program;
    • delivery speed;
    • courtesy of the staff;
    • ease of ordering;
    • regularity of promotions;
    • guarantee period;
    • possibility of deferred payment.

    You will get a clear picture - it will become clear in which parameters you are losing and in which you are superior to your competitors. The winning criteria can be taken as the basis for the site’s USP.

    Example: Let's imagine that you are the owner of a tire store. Delivery takes from 1 to 7 days, because some of the items from the catalog are sold to order. There is no loyalty program yet, prices are the same as competitors. But everyone has a 1-3 year warranty, and you are ready to give an indefinite one - “Sale of tires with an indefinite warranty: free replacement in case of accidental damage.”

    A good offer, don't you agree? The only thing you can do is work on its design - try to fit the title into 1 line, remove exclamation marks.

    Underwater rocks

    It is important not to want “like your competitors, only better” - if another company has a similar USP, what will prevent it from making it cooler than yours? For example, offer delivery in 30 minutes rather than 1 hour. Be objective and try to find something of your own.

    We ask clients. If you have already had orders, ask why people chose your company. Sometimes clients can provide valuable tips.

    By the way, it’s worth conducting such surveys from time to time: this will help improve the service and have a positive impact on the company’s reputation.

    Example: Let's say you opened a beauty salon a week ago. You can ask employees to ask clients why they chose you. If clients say that your opening hours are convenient, make it your feature. Let the salon be open from 12:00 to 22:00, and not from 09:00 to 19:00 like everyone else nearby. USP: “A beauty salon with convenient opening hours: we are waiting for you every day from 12:00 to 22:00.”

    A very good USP - few beauty salons can offer this.

    Underwater rocks

    It's hard to follow this advice if you haven't had any orders at all. But nothing is impossible - go through it thematic forums, social media, talk to potential clients. Your goal is to find out what attracts buyers.

    After all this time-consuming work, you will have at least strong advantages, and at maximum an almost ready-made USP.

Aiming for the bull's eye: 5 formulas for creating a USP

Even good advantage easy to spoil if the thought is formulated incorrectly. Compare two offers: “Free delivery in Irkutsk in 2 hours” and “We are guaranteed to deliver your order within 2 hours. Delivery throughout Irkutsk." The meaning is the same, but the first one is read and perceived much easier.

To formulate a clear and beautiful USP, you can safely use one of the templates:

It is not necessary to follow the templates exactly. You can safely change any formula or come up with something completely new - it all depends on the specifics of the business. It is important to remember the client's benefit: the main task- show what exactly he will receive, and not what kind of white and fluffy company you have.

We look at the USP through the eyes of the client: 6 fatal mistakes

    False statement. They distorted the facts or used criteria that should be the default. For example, the USP “Professional doctors with at least 3 years of experience” is not suitable for dentistry - this is what is expected from the clinic.

    How to fix: look at the offer as a potential client. What do you expect from professional doctors? Surely correct and painless treatment. Try to put this idea into your USP. “Painless dental treatment with a 3-year guarantee - we employ professionals” - that’s better, isn’t it?

    No benefit. They used dubious advantages. An online store of bed linen should not boast about its assortment: “Online store of bed linen “Sweet Dream” - we have 1,000 products.” There will always be a company that has even more products.

    But if the assortment is truly unique, you can focus on it: for example, 10,000 flowerpots self made from masters from all over the world. Just be careful - make sure that competitors do not offer this, and will not be able to offer it in the near future.

    How to fix: find another advantage. Let's say you sell cotton bed linens. So highlight this - "Bedding for People with Sensitive Skin: Hypoallergenic Organic Cotton Sets."

    Stamped. They chose a vague wording - “fast delivery”, “true professionals”, “highly qualified specialists”, “low prices”, etc. The list can be endless. Similar phrases are found on hundreds of websites, and people are so used to them that they simply don’t perceive them.

    How to fix: add specifics - “Bouquets with delivery in 60 minutes”, “Porcelain tiles from 450 rubles. for 1 m² - we official dealer 5 brands." Prove your advantage with facts and deeds, and if it doesn’t work out, choose another USP.

    Wrong accent. They talked about only one group of products, while there are ten of them.

    For example: “Fast-drying nail polishes: refresh your manicure in 60 seconds.” It’s bad if, in addition to varnishes, you sell lipsticks, eye shadows and mascaras - they risk going unnoticed. If nail polishes make 80% of your profit, then it is acceptable to focus on them. When selling all cosmetics is interesting, you need to change your USP.

    How to fix: formulate the USP for the online store as a whole. If there are too many product groups, focus on the service: “Decorative cosmetics with home delivery: we work around the clock.”

    Too much volume. We tried our best and wrote a USP the size of a paragraph: “Solid wood tables from 3,895 rubles: prices are low because we produce furniture from our own materials - there is a sawmill and carpentry shop in the north of the Irkutsk region. Find it cheaper - we’ll make a discount and refund the difference in cost.”

    How to fix: cut mercilessly. One sentence is enough for the USP - “Solid wood tables from 3,895 rubles: we’ll refund the difference if you find it cheaper.” The rest of the information should be included in the paragraph below - after all, it is important to explain why your prices are so affordable.

    Repeating after competitors. We saved time on analyzing competitors and received a clone - an identical or very similar offer. It's bad because all the work was done in vain.

    How to fix: alas, ideally you need to start all over again - analyze your target audience, think about the features of your business and compare your online store with similar ones. If time is running out, try expanding an unsuccessful USP: replace “Online shoe store with delivery” with “Online shoe store with free shipping within 2 hours."

Are there any errors found in the USP? It’s too early to rejoice - the offer may turn out to be ineffective, even if it seems very attractive to you.

How to find out if your USP will work

Answer a couple of questions to check the viability of the offer:

  • Does the offer seem realistic? For example, the statement “Language school “Contact” - learn English in 1 hour” is very doubtful. But you can already believe this USP: “Language school “Contact” - English for holidays abroad in 5 hours.”
  • The USP answers the question: why should you choose this one out of all similar offers? If yes, everything is fine.

You can also test your USP on clients - make a mailing with different options and choose the one that received the most responses. We sometimes use this option - by the way, have you subscribed to our newsletter? If not, then you are missing out on a lot of benefits.

Take the time to create a unique selling proposition - once you spend a few hours searching for the ideal, you will forever receive the key to the hearts of potential clients. If you need help, please contact us and we will create an effective proposal.