Amulet pentacle of Solomon wealth as it is signed. Magic pentacle of Solomon: an amulet to attract wealth. Questions about the secret figure of Solomon

Since ancient times, mankind has known the amulet of wealth, the Pentacle of Solomon. This symbol comes from the time when the legendary King Solomon was at the height of his reign. This sign, according to legend, was engraved on the ring of the legendary ruler. The Pentacle had magical powers, which is why it is so valued today.

History of the amulet

The amulet of Solomon, called the pentacle, is a sign that is created by connecting 2 isosceles triangles. To get the correct character, these geometric figures you need to connect so that the vertices are directed in different directions.

A pentacle is a word with the meaning "image", therefore, initially this amulet was drawn and only in last years it began to be transferred to metal and wooden frames.

This talisman has many names:

  • shield of Solomon;
  • ruler's pentagram;

The six-pointed star, which is the pentacle, is widely known throughout the world. It is used for various magical rites. Such an object, according to legend, can serve to work with otherworldly forces. Legend has it that the king could control the genies using this talisman.


The amulet has a very great impact not only on otherworldly forces, but also on the aura of people, so those who are closely connected with magic and influencing the biofields of other people like to wear the seal of Solomon.

According to legend, such a talisman can help a person find out what awaits him in the near future. The seal of the ruler grants its owner secret knowledge about the creation of the world and its work.

For ordinary people You can use the amulet for various purposes.

  1. As protection from bad energy - such a sign can protect the owner. The mechanism of this action is to create a kind of dome around the physical shell that will reflect negative energy back to the person who sent it.
  2. The pentacle can save a person from different kind dependencies. The best way this symbol helps against smoking and gambling.
  3. Such a talisman attracts finances. If you wear the amulet regularly, hiding it from people, you can soon notice an improvement
  4. Improves vitality - those people who constantly wear jewelry with this symbol note that they have much more energy to perform different work- as the main for earnings, and household chores.
  5. Directs the individual to his true path.
  6. Improves social skills, health status of both mind and body.
  7. Helps to better absorb information.

Amulet to attract finance

Often people wear it without realizing what they can do with it. This talisman, according to legend, helped the famous ruler to get all the treasures of the world. This can be done today as well. Such a charm can be worn to improve the financial situation, lure wealth into the house and gain financial independence.

To get such an action from the amulet, you need to wear the amulet of Solomon's pentacle for wealth near the heart, it is better that the thread is long. To improve the impact on finances, it is better to use a talisman and a pendant made of the following materials:

  • copper;
  • platinum;

It is not recommended to make a talisman from cheap materials. This will send weak signals to the Universe about the desired wealth, so you should not stint on a quality amulet once, so that in the future you can count on it to improve your financial situation.

In order for the amulet to help well to achieve the goal, which is wealth, you must adhere to some rules. The most basic of them - the amulet must be bilateral. It is necessary.

If the talisman has only one side, and the other is left empty, this item will never work to its full potential. Such an amulet can act the other way around - to take away wealth from the owner.

Talisman activation for income

Another point to consider is sign activation. Without it, he will not be able to work at full strength. To activate the symbol, you will need some auxiliary items.

  1. Candle. It is better to take white or yellow color- these shades symbolize money.
  2. Aromatic oils - citrus or coniferous.
  3. A small amount of water in a wide bowl.

To start the ritual, you need to close yourself in a room alone. No one should watch the process. Light a candle and put a few drops of aromatic oil on the wax.

This will help you focus on achieving your goals. Place the amulet itself in the water: the chain on which it will be hung should be in the fingers of the person who performs the ceremony.

Now you need to close your eyes and mentally visualize the goals that you want to achieve. need to imagine cash in in large numbers. Try to convince yourself that this money is already very close, you just have to reach out to them.

After the thoughts are sufficiently visualized, it is necessary to repeat your request aloud. Then, without opening your eyes, you need to pull the amulet out of the water, hold it firmly in your palm right hand and put it on your forehead. This will complete the activation process.

Now the talisman can be worn. In the first 10 days, you do not need to part with your pentacle for a second. This is necessary so that a special magical connection is established between the amulet and the owner.

Over time, you can notice that the talisman begins to darken. This is due to the fact that he works intensively to achieve the goal. To clean it of dirt, you can use a soap solution of low concentration.

The amulet only works when you believe in it. If you wear the pentacle of Solomon, you should not count on his help.

There are a huge number of different talismans: some are designed to protect a person from negative energy, others help him find his soul mate, others improve health, and fourth have a positive effect on the material sphere of life. The talisman Pentacle of Solomon belongs to the category of the latter.

The word "pentacle" (in Greek pentaculum) in translation means "small drawing". By appearance the pentacle is a geometrically correct pentagon, on each side of which there is an isosceles triangle (all triangles have the same height). In fact, he acts as an ordinary five-pointed star.

Today it is difficult to unambiguously speak about the symbolism of this sign. Each culture perceives it differently:

  1. For example, the inhabitants of ancient Babylon believed that the symbol spread the power of the king in the four directions of the world.
  2. Among the Jewish people, the pentacle is associated with the five books that God gave to the prophet Moses.
  3. AT Ancient Greece such a figure is known as Pentalpha, which means "5 letters alpha" in translation.
  4. In Christianity, the pentacle is compared to the five wounds of Jesus Christ.
  5. And the alchemists and the Pythagoreans believed that the five endings of the symbol are associated with the five primary elements: fire, water, earth, air and ether.

Be that as it may, no matter what the pentagram means, since ancient times it has attracted attention due to its enormous power, which everyone longed to master. The mysterious symbol arose in very ancient times. They say that the first person to receive a sign is the one who was the father of King Solomon. True, David did not manage to discover the mystical power of the talisman, he kept it, believing that he was receiving protection from the sign.

In the future, he passes the artifact to his son, and he is already learning how to use the pentacle. How this happened is not known for certain. According to the records of Solomon himself, an angelic essence appeared to him, which revealed the secrets of using the amulet.

Characteristics of the talisman

The mystical pentagram is of great importance for people practicing occult knowledge. With its help, they establish contact with spirits, and also receive information about the past and the future. It also helps in comprehending all the secrets of the universe, and also increases mystical power. If you put a sign on some object, other mystics will not be able to use it.

As for ordinary people, for them the meaning of the symbol is somewhat different, namely:

  • Pentacle of Solomon protects from evil alien energy(evil eye, corruption, curse, love spell). It creates a powerful energy wall through which evil spells do not penetrate. And any negative message "bounces", returning back to the sender.
  • Helps fight bad habits. Therefore, it is advised to use it for everyone who wants to get rid of their craving for alcohol and drugs.
  • Attracts material wealth. Using a talisman, you can really get rid of money problems. You will be able to repay all debts and achieve financial independence, plus, attract new sources of income. Moreover, it is believed that the pentacle of Solomon not only helps to improve the financial situation, but is able to make a poor person very rich.
  • Fills a person life energy making it easier to deal with any problems.
  • Helps to realize their true purpose. And also will not allow a person to go the wrong way.
  • Provides trust and respect. With the support of a talisman, you can gain power over people. People around will listen to the opinion of Solomon, who owns the pentacle.
  • Has a positive effect on well-being prevents the development of any diseases, ensures a long and healthy life.
  • Improve memory and endurance.

The legend claims that it was thanks to the power of the mystical pentacle that King Solomon was able to get all his untold wealth.

Creation of a sacred symbol

Esotericists advise, wanting to create a talisman on their own, to seek help from mystics. Doing it yourself is also realistic, but then you need to be 100% confident in your abilities. After all, the creation magical amulet is a difficult task.

And the Pentacle of Solomon is a very individual amulet. You will have to think through everything to the smallest detail. It is important not only to make a high-quality talisman, but also to choose the right material for it. AT this process sixth sense helps a lot, so trust what your heart says.

And, of course, you can not do such a thing, being in a bad mood. Get rid of the negative from your thoughts in advance so that the brain is filled with exclusively positive emotions.

Indeed, this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Outside help may be required. Various rituals are known to improve the final result. Follow them until you reach complete cleansing. And then you can proceed to the creation of the Pentacle.

What metal to choose for a talisman?

Here, keep in mind that sometimes the human body does not accept a certain metal. Some people are allergic to gold, while others are allergic to silver and other metals.

For the manufacture of the Pentacle of Solomon, you cannot take a cheap base. And that is whole line reasons:

  1. First of all, cheap metal does not have mystical power required to activate the amulet.
  2. Secondly, its energy is much lower than that of noble metals.

All metals are associated with a specific day of the week. And if you want to enhance the magical effect, be sure to consider this parameter:

  • on Monday and Wednesday - use silver;
  • on Tuesday - iron;
  • on Thursday - tin;
  • Sunday is gold.

Of course, you need to take into account your own preferences in this matter. But do not neglect the main rules for creating a pentagram.

Who can use the symbol?

If you want to receive protection from the Pentacle of Solomon, to attract good luck, wealth and other benefits into your life, you should correctly use the amulet. It is usually worn as a piece of jewelry.

At the same time, silver and gold items are considered the most favorable - it is their energy that attracts wealth most of all. In addition, they believe that such a talisman will make even the wildest dreams come true.

You can also apply the symbol to various things of everyday use. Then the sign will protect the surrounding space from any negative energy, theft and fire.

Another option is to get a tattoo with the image of Solomon's pentacle. The tattoo has the greatest power, because it is applied directly to the human skin. In this case, the sacred sign will protect the person until the end of his days, helping in any endeavors.

The talisman is especially suitable for representatives of dangerous professions (policemen, firefighters and stuntmen). Will protect their health and life.

Note! Not all people can use the power of the amulet, but only those who have a stable psyche. Weak personalities with sensitive nervous system just can't handle his powerful energy. Their minds are in danger of being harmed.

How to clean and charge the sign

It does not matter where you got the amulet from - whether you bought it in a store or made it yourself, it will be nothing more than an ornament in which there is no magical power. And in order for it to start working, you need the right activation. It must be cleaned beforehand. You can clear the Pentacle in several ways:

  1. Put it on the window for one day so that during the day it is illuminated by the sun's rays, and at night by the light of the moon. After 24 hours, activate the symbol.
  2. Hold for three minutes under a stream of running water (ideally, it should be a natural reservoir - a river, stream or sea). But if you do not have such an opportunity, then it is permissible to use ordinary tap water.
  3. Put the amulet in salted water or just in salt for several hours. Salt draws out any negative energy, while cleaning the amulet. When the specified time expires, the symbol must be removed and the water poured into the sewer.
  4. Place the Pentacle in the ground for half an hour.
  5. Burn it with incense.
  6. Put in the freezer for one day.

You can choose any of the cleaning options at your own discretion. And when you complete it, proceed to activate the amulet. It is performed as follows: the talisman is taken in hand, he is asked to protect his owner from evil energy directed from outside. Visualize at the same time everything else that you would like to receive. When you feel that you have "talked" with the amulet enough, you can use it for its intended purpose.

But you can only think about the good! It is unacceptable to ask the Pentacle to harm another person, because in the end everything will return to you according to the law of the boomerang.

In addition, the day of the week on which you made or bought the symbol plays a big role:

  • Monday - such a Pentacle will help gain power over other people, and even improve relations with them;
  • Tuesday is the perfect day to make or purchase an amulet if you're into medicine;
  • Wednesday - the day will help develop and improve intellectual abilities;
  • Thursday is Solomon's Pentacle of wealth;
  • Friday - suitable for making and buying a symbol for creative individuals;
  • Saturday - give up on the seventh day of the week from this venture, it is not suitable for her;
  • Sunday - such a sign will help gain power over others and additionally provide career growth.

The Pentacle of Solomon is one of the most powerful amulets. In order for it to show its work, be sure to first clean it and activate it. Of course, an important condition is a sincere belief in the magical effect of the talisman. After all, it is she who makes any magic work.

To end, watch the thematic video:

Seal of Solomon increases magical power various items sorcery. She was painted on shields and on tombstones, and with the help of this star, King Solomon had a direct connection with otherworldly forces and even created his own army of demons that served him.

Amulet Seal of Solomon is able to enhance magical powers sorcerers

Now the amulet of the pentacle of Solomon means wealth, how to wear it, you need to know so that this talisman brings you what you want.

The word "pentacle" itself comes from the Latin word "pentaclium", which means "a small drawing." All this is because in ancient times our ancestors applied this sign to all objects that in any way related to magic. This was done to enhance magical properties these items. good and good example will call otherworldly spirits. Usually for such a ceremony, the pentacle of Solomon is drawn.

This symbol has several other names:

  • pentacle;
  • seal;
  • star.

The talisman bears the name of the ruler of Solomon because, according to legend, Solomon wore a ring with the image of a hexagonal star, which helped him contact the dark forces and subjugate them to himself. They told the ruler all the secrets that they owned and learned, and also helped to make important decisions.

What does it look like

In appearance, the pentacle does not represent anything special. In fact, this is a circle in which a hexagonal star is depicted. This amulet is made of gold, silver, metal, tin, iron, and such a sign can be easily carved from wood or even stone.

magical properties

A person who carries an amulet with him gains good financial position be able to pay off all debts

The magical talisman has many different values. Magicians and sorcerers use it in their magical rituals, to know the past and the future, they also put it on their items so that other witches cannot use them.

It has long been known that the pentacle of Solomon increases magical abilities sorcerers, but in addition to this, in a new period of time, this sign acquired several new meanings.

Those who wear the amulet on themselves or with them as a talisman, it protects from damage, evil eye, love spells and other witchcraft. The talisman serves as a kind of shield through which the energy of witchcraft cannot penetrate. It also saves a person from other types of influence at the energy level.

An excellent gift or just a talisman option will be a pentacle for those who are struggling with alcohol, drugs or any other addiction, because it helps to fight bad habits.

Solomon was a wealthy ruler. It is said that a person who wears his seal acquires a good financial position. He will be able to pay off all debts, get a raise in salary. A person not only improves his financial situation, but has a chance to become really rich.

Another such amulet has a beneficial effect on the fate of its owner, it does not allow you to turn off the right path, helps to accept right decisions, inspires self-confidence. It also improves health, memory and stamina, and also gives vitality, helps to gain trusting relationships with friends and colleagues.

Who and how to wear

The amulet helps people with alcohol addiction cope with bad habits

In order for the amulet to bring good luck, wealth and serve as protection, you need to know how to wear it correctly and who can wear it. For wealth to come into your life, wear talismans made of gold or silver, they attract material values.

As a talisman, this amulet is worn by people with dangerous professions. These include firefighters, miners, police officers, stuntmen and construction workers. This amulet protects their life and health.

You can put a sign on household items. In the house, it will protect against thieves, fires and natural disasters. And in the house around him, he will clear the space and create a favorable aura.

Popular tattoos depicting the Pentacle of Solomon. In this capacity, she will accompany a person all his life and bring him good luck in all endeavors. They consider the seal in the form of a tattoo to be the most powerful amulet.

But there is one nuance in wearing such a talisman. It is suitable only for strong and stress-resistant people.. If a person is weak and susceptible nervous breakdowns, he will not withstand the energy of the talisman. This may even lead to mental disorders and mental confusion.

How to activate

In order for the amulet to work, it must be cleansed and activated, because without these rites, the pentacle will be just an ornament. For the rite of purification, you need to allocate several days. At first, the amulet is kept in direct sunlight, and at night under moonlight. For a whole day, the talisman must lie down and be saturated with the energies of the heavenly bodies. In the morning, you need to lower the amulet for 3-4 minutes in running river water. If you do not have such an opportunity, put the amulet in the sink and just turn on the tap water.

The amulet seal of Solomon protects against damage, evil eye, love spells and other witchcraft

Next, you need to immerse the amulet in salt or saline, because this substance removes unnecessary energy well and draws it onto itself. Leave the star there for 4 hours, wash the star and pour the salt away from home.

Now the shield needs to be buried in the vicinity of fruitful trees for several hours, in the evening fumigate it with any aromatic candle. Leave the penktacle in the freezer overnight and that's it, the cleansing ceremony is over.

To adjust the amulet for yourself, you need to activate it. Take the shield in your hands so that heat flows from you to it. All thoughts should be cleared, and you should be concentrated on inner feelings.

In your own words, ask the seal for protection, refer to it and express whatever you want.

Mentally immediately visualize everything in which the amulet should help you.

But you can not ask him for evil and help in harming another person. Then the power of the talisman turns against its owner.


The pentacle of Solomon is a very strong amulet. It brings wealth and protects its owner from harm and magic. It is important to use it correctly and understand that it has a very great power, so it is not suitable for everyone. But for strong and self-confident people, the seal of Solomon will be an excellent gift in the form of jewelry.

Talismans are designed to protect the wearer from negative impact from the outside and attract happiness and money, as well as unleash the potential. One of them is the amulet pentacle of Solomon for wealth. In this article, we will look at how to wear it and activate it correctly, where to buy it. It is important to know that this talisman has powerful energy: it protects against failures, helps to cope with problems, provides reliable protection from evil eye and damage.

The amulet seal of Solomon is a kind of guide to other world. The seal protects a person from the influence of dark forces and protects from unpleasant situations. To use such a talisman, it is not necessary to have special knowledge.

The Key of Solomon will provide a positive impact on the average person:

  • protect the owner from ill-wishers and enemies;
  • attract wealth and happiness;
  • preserve spiritual harmony and save the aura from the influence of people who feed on other people's energy;
  • help protect yourself from envious people and cope with any difficulties;
  • at correct application will provide a blessing given from above;
  • will direct the owner on the right path and protect him from making irreparable mistakes;
  • improve health and relieve long-troubling ailments.

When the owner is engaged in witchcraft, the effect of the amulet becomes much more impressive and noticeable. Along with the seal of Solomon, magicians use and.

Significance for witchcraft

This item has the word "pentacle" in its name for a reason, the hidden meaning of the amulet is that this small symbol is able to have a huge effect on its owner. The action is doubled during the pronunciation of spells, the wording of which in this case takes on a special meaning.

Those who are directly connected with witchcraft acquire a unique ability - the power of suggestion, extended to the other world, can control demons, angels and other creatures. Demons can be commanded, controlled, and summoned. Such manipulations can only be performed by powerful sorcerers who have been associated with like this activities.

What does it look like

The pentacle looks like a star with six ends. It is worth understanding that this amulet has many names. Among the most popular are the Key of Solomon, the Shield of King Solomon or the Star of St. David.

The last name of the talisman is associated with a legend according to which the king's ring had an image of a similar symbol. A special ring gave Solomon incredible abilities: the ruler could control otherworldly forces.

How to activate for wealth

In order for the amulet key to show its unique abilities to the fullest, it is necessary to activate it after purchase or self-production.

Most The best way activation will consist of the following steps:

  • you need to take the amulet in the palm of your hand;
  • squeeze tightly with your fingers;
  • mentally and calmly ask the symbol to provide reliable protection from negative influences and malicious intent.

At this point, you should concentrate and clearly articulate your own desires and future expectations.

It is necessary to present only pleasant and positive things at this moment. It is forbidden to think about the bad: wishing someone harm, think about retribution, present a picture of reprisal against the offender, etc. Such manipulation can harm the owner by directing the power of influence against the owner himself. After the ritual, you can safely proceed directly to use.

The best way to cleanse

It is important to understand that just buying a charm in a store or even making it yourself is not enough. Such a product will be just an ordinary decoration that has no impact force. In order for the abilities to be fully revealed, it is necessary to carry out a purification procedure before use.

You can clear it in several ways that are suitable for this:

  1. With the help of the sun. Put the item in a place where direct sunlight hits the surface (in daytime) or the light of the moon (at night). Leave in this position is required throughout the day. After that, you are allowed to proceed directly to activation.
  2. With the help of water. It is required to hold the sample under running water for three minutes. You can use tap water at home, from a river or even a small stream found nearby. Running water has the best cleaning power.
  3. With the help of salt. For this method, it is necessary to lower the amulet into salt or very salty water for a certain period of time, preferably for 2-3 hours. Salt absorbs all the negativity and guarantees one hundred percent cleansing. When the specified time has elapsed, everything must be washed.
  4. Earth. It is required to place the thing in damp earth and leave it for half an hour, then remove and rinse.
  5. Fumigation. You can fumigate with any incense you like.
  6. High sub-zero temperatures. You can place the purchased amulet in freezer for 24 hours. It is advisable to free the freezer from excess, food should not be nearby.

How to wear

In order for everything to work as it should, that is, to bring wealth and good luck, it is important to know how to properly wear the ancient symbol.

It is best to wear the amulet as a decoration. For this, samples made of gold, silver or other suitable material are suitable. This decoration is guaranteed to give the owner material well-being and bring you a steady income. It is necessary to wear jewelry on the neck or wrist, and it is better to demonstrate it only in the most important points life.

Depicting the Star of David is allowed on suitable items that are often used in everyday life. The Pentacle of Solomon can protect the entire house and residents at once, protecting them from an accident, fire, robbery or other dangerous situation.

If desired, you can get a tattoo on the body with such pentacles. The tattoo will not be just a drawing, but will become a powerful amulet for a person.

He protects from danger and helps in all endeavors. Suitable for people whose professions are associated with danger: policemen, firefighters, stuntmen, climbers.

It is forbidden to put on impressionable individuals who have weak nerves, are not able to control emotions or make decisions on their own.

Only confident and stress-resistant individuals can withstand the energy.

It is appropriate to place the image of a star in a circle, then success and wealth will be attracted with greater force.


The Seal of Solomon is one of the representatives of the talismans, which has great power in itself due to its symmetrical appearance. But not only he has such potentials. For example, the star Ertsgamma has found its reflection, or special, in many beliefs. The main thing to remember is that with each of these options you need to be very careful.

The pentagram of Solomon is a symbolism representing a star with six endings. According to legend, it was engraved on the legendary ring of this lord. Thanks to him, he could control entire regiments of demons. This symbol has many mysteries. It finds application among occultists in various guises.

Powers and influence

The pentagram of Solomon is a magical seal with secret symbols behind which are stored forces that are active in other dimensions. And the one who owns this system can open portals to other worlds and summon certain entities.

King Solomon was able to imprison 72 demons with their armies in a copper vessel. After that, he led them as he pleased.

The legend says that he received a lot of unique knowledge from the spirits, which he then used in life. Thanks to this seal, he gained a positive attitude of people towards himself, was able to win in difficult battles without receiving a single wound.

Today in magic, as in past centuries, the seal of Solomon is an amulet for summoning spirits. different levels. He protects the magician from all sorts of surprises during the ritual, and evil entities cannot affect a person.

Ordinary people with the help of this amulet receive protection from the influence of evil, because:

  1. It protects from enemy threats.
  2. Forms an energy blockade.
  3. Frees from vices and addictions.
  4. Filled with light energy and vitality.
  5. Leads to the true path.
  6. Keeps health.
  7. Brings love and knowledge.

A photo of Solomon's pentagram is presented in the article.

The engraving is very visible on the ring. This is one of the most popular options for wearing an amulet.

Reasons for the name "pentacle"

The word takes its roots from the Latin term pentaculum and is interpreted as "a small image."

The pentacle is drawn in a special way and is dedicated to some spirit of the planet. The Solomonic version is depicted on an item on a particular day of the week, which is controlled by the designated spirit.

Question about printing and its application

There is a special signature in the magical realm. It is the quintessence of one or another force: spirit, planet, angel or demon.

The pentagram "Seal of Solomon" is applied both to any thing and to the human body. In the second case, it is a ritual tattoo or a depicted temporary symbol. This option is often chosen by people working in an extreme field: miners, military, police, sailors, rescuers, etc. The amulet gives them protection from accidents.

Do-it-yourself printing

In this case, the main thing is to follow certain rules. They refer to the position of the moon. She must:

  1. Go to growth and increase in the light.
  2. Focus in the sign of Virgo.

The created seal necessarily undergoes the aromatization procedure. For this, raisins dried in the sun, as well as dates and aloe, are used.

Almost all days are suitable for creating an amulet. The exception is Saturday. To obtain the desired result, you must specify the purpose of the magic item. For this reason, a suitable day is chosen:

  1. Monday - for optimal control over staff. Silver is used for making.
  2. Tuesday is for doctors. Iron is used to create things.
  3. Wednesday - for the disclosure of intellectual potential. Suitable materials: silver, platinum and aluminum.
  4. Thursday is for material donations. Tin is involved.
  5. Friday is for artists. Copper is used.
  6. Sunday - to get a prestigious job. Material - gold.

Having decided on the day, you can create Solomon's pentagram for realization specific task: creative success, material takeoff, health, etc.

If there are difficulties in creating, then the product can be purchased, but only on the day that matches your goal. The master also personalizes the amulet.

Printing is a means of making wishes come true

When a solution to one issue is required, it is not necessary to use gold or silver to cast an item. Symbolism can be depicted on thick paper or cardboard. Then dip the item in liquid wax and dry thoroughly.

When this material hardens, the amulet is charged with certain intentions ("I want to win the competition", "I want a big salary", etc.). Wax holds perfectly various information, but keeps it for a maximum of 6 months. During this period, you can quite have time to implement a particular task.

The made amulet cannot be shown to anyone and told about it. But you need to contact him every day. Look at it, hold it in your hands, concentrating on your goal. When it is realized, burn it and thank for the assistance.

Question by value

To create an image of Solomon's pentagram optimal materials are gold and silver. The item is worn on the chest and acts as a talisman. For its owner, it creates protection against threats and the influence of dark forces.

This symbolism is often used in divination and divination rituals. The meaning of Solomon's pentagram is revealed as follows:

  • It depicts a human figure with outstretched arms and legs. The dominant element here is the head. This is a sign of power over the four main elements.
  • A star with five endings symbolizes infinity, which is interpreted as fortune, strength and perfection of the circle.
  • The pentagram in a circle is the silence of the one who knows the magical secrets.
  • In Christianity, this symbolism is interpreted as the wounds of Christ (there are five of them).
  • In the Celtic teachings, the pentagram meant protection from disease. It was used both for personal and collective purposes.

Pentacles and orders

In magic, a large key is used - the pentagram of Solomon. It contains seven pentacles. And each such set is dedicated to a certain planet and has its own color:

  1. Saturn is black.
  2. Jupiter is blue.
  3. Mars is red.
  4. Venus is green.
  5. The sun is yellow.

5 of Pentacles face Mercury and have mixed colors. 6 more are directed to the Moon. Their color is silver.

Questions about the secret figure of Solomon

According to Mathers' theory, only two Lansdowne manuscripts reflect it: 1202 and 1203.

As you can see, the first manuscript contains letters, figures, and other symbols.

The second manuscript contains similar symbols and geometric figures. But they differ in positions and parameters.

This figure studied by many experts, and they will come to the conclusion that the words that are in the "body" of the symbolism belong to the 10 Sefirot. Those, in turn, are presented in the form of the Tree of Life. The name of the king is inscribed here on the right and on the left side.

The signs around the circumference represent the 22 Hebrew letters.

The decoding of the inscriptions of Solomon's pentagram is determined by the variations facing a particular planet.

In practice, this is quite a complex system with which to work real master. The following are only a few examples of the first pentacles.

Examples and planets

As already noted, 7 of pentacles are assigned to five planets, 6 to the Moon and 5 to Mercury. Each of them means a certain impact and contains its own spells and symbols.


Its initial pentacle is characterized by the greatest value and benefit. Particularly effective for intimidating spirits.

There is a special square here. It reflects the great names of God. There are 4 in total:

  • IHVH.
  • ADNI.
  • IIAI.
  • AHIH.

Surrounding the figure is a Hebrew verse text taken from Psalm LXXI, 9: "The inhabitants of the desert will fall before him, and his enemies will lick the dust."


Its first pentacle is used to invoke the spirits whose names are reflected in the outer circle. For example, Parasiel is the lord of treasures, helping in finding them.


Here, the initial pentacle invokes spirits with the nature of this planet. The circle contains the names of the angels. There are four in total:

  • Madimiel.
  • Bartsakhiah.
  • Echiel.
  • Ithuriel.

Deserves special attention and the second pentacle. It is used in medical purposes. They treat the affected parts of the body.


On his first pentacle is displayed the head of Metatron - one of the greatest angels.

Other angels obey him. To his right is a male Cherub. El-Shaddai is written on both sides. Around the circle are the words that all beings obey Metatron.


All her pentacles are meant to control the spirits of a given planet, gaining honor and all things related to it, and also for the fulfillment of desires.

European historians are convinced that the words “Everything in this life ends” are inscribed on the outside, and “And this will also end” on the inside.

The inscription in Latin or Hebrew has the greatest effect. Words in another language do not give magical power to the ring.