Choosing an idea for plant maintenance conditions. Creative project “Plants in the interior of a residential building. We take into account the functionality of the room

1) Problem situation My parents renovated the kitchen and I decided to try myself in the role of phytodesign.

2) The goal of the project is to research the issue of using plants to decorate the kitchen and purchase a plant that matches the interior of our kitchen. To do this you need: 1) visit a store that sells indoor plants. 2) select several plants for further purchase, find out their biological names 3) use Internet resources to become familiar with the technologies for growing these plants. 4) choose from the studied plants one that is suitable for the kitchen. 5) use your research data to further care for the selected plant.

3) Research I visited a flower shop. Diversity beautiful flowers I was amazed. There are decorative flowering sempolia, violet, azalea, begonia, cyclomen and others. There are many decorative leaf plants that will decorate the interior well - arrowroot, ficus, sansevieria, dieffenbachia, dracaena, etc. Most of all I liked the wild flowering ones - spathiphyllum, Kalanchoe and decorative leaf plants - yucca, zamioculcas. At home at the computer, I continued my research and visited sites about indoor plants. I learned a lot from them useful information: what kind of care do these plants need, what kind of lighting do they require, what size can they reach.

4) Choice best idea My mother and I discussed which plant would be most suitable for our kitchen. solution: the first plant that will decorate our kitchen is decorative foliage. Selecting a specific plant. Our kitchen windows face south, there is sun in the middle of the day, there is a lot of light in the kitchen. All this allows you to choose light-loving plant. The kitchen is spacious, so there is a lot of free space in it; a single floor plant will do (at first it will stand on the windowsill, and when it grows, on the floor). In our family, everyone works or studies; there are no specialists in growing and maintaining plants among us. So we need to buy unpretentious plant. My research has shown that the wonderful violet plant meets these requirements.

5) Conditions for keeping the plant Description of the plant: it is a low perennial plant with a creeping, growing rhizome. The petiole leaves of the violet are heart-shaped. Single flowers come in a variety of shades. The violet fruit is presented in the form of an interesting capsule with a large number of seeds. The root of this plant is thin and poorly branched. The flowering of this herbaceous plant starts in mid-March and ends in May. It bears fruit in August. Care: Violet grows well both in sunny places and in partial shade. It prefers clearings under trees. For cultivation, you should choose loose fertile soil. Due to the fact that violet does not tolerate drought, it should be watered abundantly and regularly. Wild perennial violet can be seen in darkened lowlands, as moisture accumulates there. How to care for violets at home. This elegant plant reproduces by seeds. In order for the violet to feel good, it must be weeded often. Every three years, old plants should be removed and new ones should be planted at the same time as fertilizing the soil. Violet loves Fresh air And good watering. diseases: Diseases of violets can be so different that lovers of beautiful indoor flowers are not always able to determine why the plant dies or gets sick. Roots rot, flowers and leaves wither - why? Due to a violation of the watering regime? Due to lack or excess of sun? You need to know about the main diseases of these flowers. Proper care of them will help protect them from all kinds of pests for a long time.

6) conclusion This plant is completely suitable for the conditions of our kitchen. You just need to decide where to get it. You can buy or ask someone for a tuber or petiole. To get a tuber, you need to wait for someone to plant this plant. My friends have this plant. They promised to give me a tuber when transplanting, I will plant it in the appropriate soil mixture and grow it large plant.

7) self-esteem I liked reading about indoor plants and learning about their diversity and characteristics. My parents said that I definitely made the right choice. Now everything depends on proper care. A pot with a violet tuber was placed on the south window in the kitchen. In the family, we agreed that only I would water the plant, so that it wouldn’t happen that every violet that watered would get sick from excess moisture.

Sources of information used to complete the project 1) textbook “technology. Technology of housekeeping” for 6th grade students 2) Internet resources.

MBOU "Shiringushskaya secondary comprehensive school»

Completed by: 6th grade student

Katkova Alina

Head: Baranova L.A.

2016 – 2017 academic year


We recently moved to new house. We really like the house. It is spacious, each family member has their own room. They are bright and have indoor plants.

There is only one thing that upsets me so far: the hall on the second floor is not very comfortable yet.

In technology lessons, I learned a lot about the use of plants in the interior (phytodesign) and decided to try myself as a phytodesigner.


Objective of the project: explore the issue of using plants to decorate your home and purchase a plant that matches the interior of our home.

Project objectives:

    Visit a store that sells indoor plants.

    Select several plants for the purpose of their further acquisition, find out their biological name.

    Use Internet resources to become familiar with the technologies for growing these plants.

    From the studied plants, choose one that is most suitable for the conditions of our home.

    Use your research data for further care of the selected plant.


Design means artistically project activities on the creation of industrial products and the formation of a holistic subject environment, surrounding a person(including apartments, houses).

Interior translated from French means “internal”. In other words, this inner world Houses. This is a planning solution that allows you to assemble into a single whole inner space premises (rooms, hallway, kitchen, bathroom) and furniture, decorative items and various equipment.

Decorative decoration combines utilitarian (necessary in Everyday life) And decorative elements, decorating human life: carpets and floor coverings, dishes, flowers, paintings, music.


I visited a flower shop. Diversity beautiful plants I was amazed. There are decorative flowering ones - begonia, violet, decorative leafy ones - ficus, dracaena, and there are also cacti. Most of all I was attracted by decorative leaf plants - yucca, dracaena, zamioculcas.

At home at the computer, I continued my research and visited sites about indoor plants. From them I learned a lot of useful information: what care these plants need, what kind of lighting they need, what size they can reach.


A number of options were considered during the information collection process indoor plants: I liked the four flowers. These were monstera, sansevieria, dracaena, zamioculcas. The room is spacious, there is a lot of free space, so a single outdoor plant is suitable. In our family, there are no specialists in growing and maintaining plants. This means we need to purchase an unpretentious plant. I had to Difficult choice, but in the end I chose zamioculcas.


Description of the plant

An unusual indoor plant - zamioculcas - has become very popular in last years. It appeared on the flower market recently, in the late 90s. But thanks to its unpretentiousness, undemandingness to watering and ability to grow in dimly lit rooms, zamiakulkas enjoys in great demand and among home plant lovers and professional phytodesigners.

Zamioculcas is native to the deserts of Africa, belongs to the araceae family, and is a close relative of Monstera and Dieffenbachia. But, unlike them, it has a powerful underground tuber, from which large complex leaves grow vertically upward. In nature, the leaf length can reach one meter; at home, they are also quite large. Each leaf has up to 10 pairs of simple leaflets.

Zamioculcas flowers are unattractive. Only old specimens bloom, forming a small ear at the base of the leaves, surrounded by a spathe. It grows slowly, new leaves appear at long intervals. The undersides of older leaves naturally become bare.


In care home flower Zamioculcas is quite unpretentious, prefers an abundance of diffused light, although it can also tolerate the conditions of a northern window. Does not like prolonged coolness. From spring to autumn, temperatures in the range of 20-25°C are suitable for Zamioculcas. In winter, it is advisable to keep the plant at a temperature of about 16°C. IN summer period Zamioculcas is watered moderately. In the autumn winter period watering reduces and increases the intervals between them. For irrigation, use soft, settled water. Throughout the year, care must be taken to ensure that water does not stagnate in the soil - excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. Zamioculcas normally tolerate dry air in apartments. However, in summer they can be sprayed and the leaves can be wiped with a damp sponge from time to time. Adult plants are replanted once every five years, and young plants - as they grow.


Zamioculcas is propagated by cuttings, leaf blades, and the easiest way is by dividing an adult plant. The plant is removed from the pot, the rhizome is divided with the stems, and dried. Then each part can be planted in a separate container.


The plant is most often affected by scale insects and spider mites. Occasionally it is harmed by aphids. Zamioculcas pose a serious threat root rot, which can develop when the plant is kept dark and there is prolonged stagnation of moisture in the soil.


This plant is completely suitable for the conditions of our room. My aunt has this plant. She gave me the tubers when transplanting. I planted it in the appropriate mixture and will grow a large plant.


In the family, we agreed that only I would water the plant, so that it wouldn’t happen that everyone would water and the zamioculcas would get sick from excess moisture.

I hope that in the future our plant in the interior will look very impressive.


    Sinitsa N.V. Technology. Technology of housekeeping: 6th grade: a textbook for students of general education organizations / N.V. Sinitsa, V.D. Simonenko. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2014.

A distinctive feature of a residential interior can be considered the active inclusion of greenery and the use of its hygienic and aesthetic qualities. Moreover, compared to other design details, indoor plants in the interior of an apartment often occupy a neutral position.

Positive aspects of landscaping

Greenery in the interior can solve several problems, for example:

  • Both artificial and natural flowers can contribute to the ecological balance of the human environment;
  • the abundance of green color helps to facilitate the visual work of the eyes;
  • indoor plants in the interior can increase air humidity.

In addition, green compositions, both artificial and living, can visually change the proportions of the room and significantly increase the color expressiveness of the design of the living space.

Interesting information for owners of small spaces! position of the green composition, in which there are more in the foreground large plants, and in the depths - those that are smaller, visually lengthen the space.

The green group can have both independent artistic value, and, used as a background, it can emphasize the merits of works of art, such as:

  • collections of sea shells;
  • plastic;
  • butterflies.

How a houseplant brightens up a place

A comfortable existence within the walls of an apartment depends on how well the plants are selected depending on the activities taking place here. For example, in areas for sleeping and mental work, a neutral work environment is encouraged, and greenery should match this.


When planning, try to avoid the accumulation of living indoor plants in the interior, which “steal” oxygen in the room (flowers consume oxygen at night and release it during the day). You can replace them with similar artificial flowers.

Aloe and Kalanchoe - plants that suitable for placement in the bedroom because they release oxygen at night. Aloe is also worth having because extracts are prepared from its healing leaves that increase protective functions body. And the juice of this “green friend” heals the skin and prolongs its youth.


You should select flowers for the children's room in such a way that they have a beneficial effect on the child, especially on the psycho-emotional and physical level.

Fern (nephrolepsis) and adiantum (Venus hair) – have a calming effect, affecting mainly nervous system. Cyclamen and Crassula develop in humans Creative skills and hard work. And soleirolia and uzambar violet bring good mood and a positive attitude help relieve depression.

Important! You need to know when to stop and it’s better to limit yourself to two or three small plants in the room.


For example, for the kitchen you should purchase plants that can tolerate temperature changes. Aloe, ficus, asparagus, and any artificial flowers can tolerate kitchen aromas and heat.


"Pike tail" or sansevieria - looks very interesting in any room. This flower is extremely unpretentious and hardy - it will easily take root not only on a well-lit, sunny kitchen windowsill, but also in a semi-dark place, and will even withstand the shade in the hallway. In the hallway, which usually suffers from a lack of daylight, however, both live plants and artificial flowers can exist quite happily, which can bring coziness to it.

Aspidistra– is modest in her beauty, but at the same time it is difficult not to notice her. This indoor plant has endurance and the ability to exist in any conditions - a real gift for the hallway and kitchen.

Ferns With their bright greenery and graceful plant shape, they fit perfectly into any interior. There are many varieties of them, and some have little need for light.

Monstera- quite shade-tolerant plant, and if you plant saxifrage with green leaves or small-leaved philodendrons in a pot, then such a spectacular composition can decorate the interior of the hallway and kitchen.

Living room

The center of active gardening in the apartment is the living room, and your own compositions are chosen for it. For common room You should choose bright or large types of flowers. Zamioculcas, or " dollar tree”, is an ideal accent landscaping option. It will decorate any living room interior, giving it a kind of “European” feel, despite its “African” origin.

When placing fresh or artificial flowers on the floor in the living room, they are usually installed in the relaxation area - near armchairs and sun loungers.

Vriesia received the name “flaming sword” because of its spectacular striated leaves and bright spike-shaped inflorescences - orange or red. It's amazing for creating bright accents in the interior of the living room, especially if it is located in a well-lit place.

Anthurium will also help to “add fire” to the living room with its red shades, regardless of whether they are artificial flowers or real ones. Outwardly, this “handsome plant” with its bright red coloring resembles a graceful flamingo bird; it is shade-tolerant, but will bloom well only in a bright living room. Most often they are installed on the living room floor decorative vases with branches, artificial flowers or large living plants.

A correctly selected pot will be able to highlight the beauty indoor flower in the interior of the apartment, so choosing it is an action no less responsible than purchasing the plant itself. So, the humble sansevieria ( pike tail) will “sparkle” with other colors if you place the flower in a gold-colored pot.

On a note! You can achieve sophisticated style in the interior in a simple way: choose the right color and shape of pot for indoor plants.

When choosing a container, follow the rules:

  1. Focus on the style of your apartment:
  2. In order for the pot to match the flower, for plants with mono-colored leaves, choose bright, but not flashy colors, products, but for variegated leaves, monochromatic containers are better suited. Flowering plant, which loses its decorative effect in the off-season, also needs to be supported with an original pot, for example, a container made of glass or metal. Transparent dishes are usually chosen for orchids, and chrome-plated products are most often used as flowerpots for the kitchen;
  3. Bright pots with house flowers, quite suitable for the kitchen, will fit perfectly into the light monochrome classics;
  4. For laconic interior In the photo, you need to select shiny dishes for indoor plants - black or white;
  5. interior room in rustic or romantic style, painted containers for sweets or tea, in this case acting as pots for indoor plants, will add originality.

The effect of even the simplest compositions of indoor plants can be enhanced by lighting to emphasize the originality of the interior.

Video gallery

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Creative project“Plants in the interior of a residential building” Completed by: 6th grade student Liliya Ukraintseva, 2015-2016 academic year.

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Plan. 1. Problem situation. 2.Purpose of the project. 3.Research. 4. Selecting the best idea. 5.Conditions for the content of the idea. 6. Conclusion. 7.Self-esteem and evaluation. 8. Sources of information.

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1. Problem situation. My parents have finished building a new house. We really like the house. It is spacious, each family member has their own room. One thing is upsetting so far: it is not very cozy yet. In technology lessons, I learned a lot about the use of plants in the interior and decided to try myself as a phytodesigner.

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2.Purpose of the project. Research the issue of using plants to decorate your home and purchase a plant that matches the interior of our home. To do this you need: 1. Visit a store that sells indoor plants. 2. Select several plants for the purpose of their further acquisition, find out their biological names. 3. Using Internet resources, become familiar with the technologies for growing these plants. 4. Choose from the studied plants one that is most suitable for the conditions of our home. 5.Use your research data for further care of the selected plant.

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3.Research. I visited a flower shop. The variety of beautiful plants amazed me. There are decorative flowering ones - Saintpaulia, azalea, begonia, cyclamentum, etc. There are also a lot of derocative-leaved plants that will decorate the interior well - arrowroot, ficus, sansevieria, dieffenbachia, dracaena, etc. Most of all I liked the decorative flowering plants violet, aporocactus, orchid and glaxinia. At home at the computer, I continued my research and visited sites about indoor plants. From them I learned a lot of useful information: what care these plants need, what kind of lighting they need, what size they can reach.

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4. Selecting the best idea. Orchid. Description. Orchids are like works of art; they delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble either birds, or butterflies, or lizards, or swans. The subtle aromas of these flowers make your head spin. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them “aristocrats” among plants. Orchids grow everywhere to the globe. But in the north they are modest and discreet. Most orchids grow in the tropics, most often they are epiphytes, and settle on other plants, but do not feed on their juices. Many of the orchids are vines, their stems climb up the tree to great heights. They attach themselves to the tree with tendrils and hairs and thus bring their flowers to the light. Luxurious garlands - inflorescences of beautiful large fragrant flowers - sometimes hang from the trees.

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5.Care. During the period of adaptation to home conditions, the plant needs to be fed regularly. Immediate replanting is required if the flower was growing in sphagnum moss when sold. One of the features of caring for orchids at home is their habit of insufficient moisture in the substrate and high humidity air. That's why, root system The flower is able to quickly absorb and retain enough moisture for a long time.

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Aporocactus. Aporocactus (Aporocactus) are epiphytic plants of the Cactaceae family, native to Mexico, growing on rocky slopes, clinging to ledges of stones, branches of bushes and trees, often forming powerful hanging thickets. Aporocactus has a highly branched stem, reaching 1 meter in length and 1.5-3 cm in diameter, covered with thin, weakly defined ribs with short bristle-like spines. In young plants, the stem grows upward and then descends in the form of lashes. The lashes are bright green, shiny, but become gray-green with age. The flowers are tubular, up to 10 cm long, pink or crimson. The fruit is a round red berry covered with bristles.

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Care. The plant needs some shade. Should be protected from direct sunlight. In summer, you can take it out into the fresh air. Optimal temperature in summer - 20º-25º. For successful flowering it is necessary to ensure a cool winter with a temperature of 8º-10º. Plants that are preparing to bloom are not recommended to be disturbed or rearranged. Diseases: dropping buds, stem rot. Pests: spider mites

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Gloxinia. Gloxinia, or Sinningia, is a perennial tuberous plant. Gesneriev family. Homeland of Gloxinia - South America. It blooms from April to October, depending on the length of daylight and growing conditions. Has a winter dormant period. Gloxinia is amazing plants with exquisite flowers - gramophones. Another name for this plant is Sinningia. One and the other name owe their origin to the botanist Sinning and the doctor Gloksin. For us, the name gloxinia sounds more familiar.

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Care. When growing, you should follow temperature regime- in summer +20-22 degrees is enough, at night the temperature can drop to 18 degrees. In winter, about 12 degrees Celsius, Gloxinia also needs periodic fertilizing with fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. From April to August it is fed once a week, using half the dose indicated on the package. But during the dormant period, gloxinia should not be fertilized.