Water thermal curtain "Teplomash": instructions, reviews and photos. Thermal curtain with water heating Thermal curtain with water heating

In view of their design features some elements of the room leads to the fact that the heat leaves it freely, giving way to the street cold without a fight. It is no secret that being in such conditions is not only uncomfortable, but also fraught with health consequences. This problem can be solved using the so-called thermal curtain. The principle of its operation is to create a barrier that prevents the leakage of heated air from the room and the penetration of cold air from the street into it.

The equipment that creates such a curtain varies depending on the heat source. The latter can be water or electricity. Experts say that a water thermal curtain is more economical option. At the same time, her advantages are not diminished at all, because she:

  • Reduces heat loss in the room;
  • Creates a barrier for both cold air and dust, insects, exhaust gases;
  • Helps blur the boundaries of temperature values ​​inside and outside the room;
  • Reduces to almost zero the possibility of drafts, which is important for health;
  • Allows you to save money on heating during the cold season;
  • Makes it possible to keep the front door open without the usual inconveniences associated with it.

The fan creates a thermal curtain. Due to its high power, it forms a strong air flow. It is this that acts as an obstacle to the warm air leaving the room. For such a device to operate, it is necessary to have central heating, since the heat source of such a curtain is hot water.

Installation of such equipment is quite labor-intensive, but this is soon compensated by its efficient operation and low maintenance costs.

As a rule, installation is carried out above the doorway or to the side of it. In the first case we're talking about about the horizontal curtain, and in the second about the vertical one. If you plan to install a vertical thermal curtain, then all calculations are recommended to be made based on the fact that its height should be ¾ (or more) of the height of the doorway.

The fan is the main working element

A radial fan that creates an air flow barrier is rightfully considered the main structural element device that creates a thermal curtain. The fan turbine, located along the entire length of the device, ensures maximum efficiency and uniformity of air flow.

The engine of the device is usually mounted on the side of the turbine, but there is another option: a centrally located engine is flanked by small turbines on the sides. This solution is relevant in cases where the expected length of a solid turbine exceeds 80 cm. It is quite difficult to manufacture it. A simplified version of the arrangement of turbines and engine is, of course, cheaper, however protective properties such a curtain will be inferior to the traditional version.

Installation diagram


To control the curtain, at least two switches are usually used: one for the fan, the other for the heating elements. Additionally, the device can be equipped with two- or three-stage heating regulators. Once a certain temperature is reached, the device may automatically turn off if it has a thermostat installed.

The control panel for various models can be wired or built-in. The latter option most often occurs when installing small curtains (over windows and doors). This is due to the inaccessibility of the control buttons. Remote controls are convenient because they can be installed in the desired location.

In premises such as a warehouse or hangar, it is advisable to use a limit switch. Its advantage is that it only operates the device when the door is open.

What to look for when choosing

The main criteria for choosing a water thermal curtain are:

  • device power;
  • its length;
  • management and regulation capabilities;
  • performance indicators;
  • type of instalation.

A number of criteria have already been considered, so it is necessary to dwell on the rest in more detail.

Curtain performance

It determines the speed of the air flow generated by the fan and the possible installation height. Example: if you install a curtain over a doorway 1 m wide and 2 m high, then it should “drive” about 700-900 m3 of air per hour. This performance will provide an air speed of 8 m/s near the device itself and 2 m/s near the floor. The degree of performance is directly proportional to the price of the product.


It matters if the curtain is intended to be used as a heat source for heating the room. It is not advisable to purchase a device with high power for places where there are no heating problems.

If you purchased a device with a heating function, then keep in mind that the air coming out of it will not be hot, just a little warm. This is achieved by intensive blowing of the heating elements.

The length of the device can vary between 60-200 cm. The most popular length is 80-100 cm, as they are suitable for standard window and door openings. For industrial facilities other quantities are required. The length of the devices for them is calculated simply: it is equal to the width of the opening or slightly exceeds it.

Thus, the thermal curtain is an effective and modern remedy maintaining heat in the room, regardless of its area.

Thermal curtains are engineering equipment, which is used to prevent air mixing in different thermal zones. With the help of these devices it is possible to effectively divide the airspace. This can be an office and refrigeration area, as well as indoors and outdoors.

The main dimension when choosing such a unit is the length. Ideally, it should be equal to the height or length of the opening. Sometimes deviations from dimensions up to 10% are allowed. When choosing a thermal curtain, it is important to pay attention to the heating method. Devices of this type can be:

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • water.

As an example, you can consider the Teplomash water thermal curtain. Some models will be discussed below.

Reviews about the main features of the KEV-98P412W brand curtain

This model costs 30,500 rubles. She is quite robust construction, in which materials were selected taking into account continuous operation. Installation of the equipment, according to consumers, is possible in a variety of positions; in addition, the manufacturer has provided options for quick installation. The device can be easily connected to central heating, saving on electricity. The device is controlled from the remote control. To ensure optimal performance, the device has sufficient quantity functions.

Reviews about technical characteristics

The above-described Teplomash water thermal curtain can be installed in a room whose area reaches 572 m2. The equipment weighs 47 kg. The heating temperature is 33 °C. Power consumption is 530 W. According to consumers, the equipment has fairly compact dimensions, which are 2020 x 298 x 391 mm.

Buyers are also attracted universal method installation It is important before purchasing, according to consumers, to pay attention to the air flow characteristics, it is 5000 m 3 / h. The power of the equipment is quite large and is equivalent to 57.2 kW.

Reviews about the main positive features

The Teplomash water thermal curtain described in the article, according to customers, is different simple controls. The remote control has a display as well as buttons for adjusting the temperature and operating modes. Consumers consider the modern design and design features to be the main advantage of this equipment.

Model operating instructions

The water thermal curtain "Teplomash KEV 98P412W" must be operated under certain conditions external environment. The temperature should be between -10 and +40 °C. Relative humidity is also important, which should be 80% or less. This is true at a temperature of +20 °C.

Operating the device with negative temperatures possible if the air heater is missing air jams. There are special requirements for air when using a curtain. For example, it must contain an acceptable amount of dust and other impurities - no more than 10 mg/m3. There should be no droplets of moisture in the air, as well as substances that would act aggressively on carbon steel, copper and aluminum.

The Teplomash water heat curtain, the operating instructions for which are included in the kit, has fins made of thin-sheet aluminum. It is important to exclude the possibility of bends, damage and dents during operation. The manufacturer advises to manipulate the device extremely carefully, holding it exclusively by the channel.

Reviews about the main features of the KEV-20P211W brand curtain

This equipment will cost slightly less, its cost is 13,200 rubles. It looks like a device that is designed to be installed in doorway 1 m wide. According to consumers, this unit guarantees protection against the entry of dust, air and insects into the premises.

The device has classic design, which will not be able to disturb the interior. The model is complemented by a remote control panel, which, according to consumers, provides comfortable control and configuration. This model was created using the latest technologies and durable materials, all this guarantees a long service life, even if the curtain is used under maximum loads.

Thermal water curtains belong to the class of climate control equipment. With their help, a stable directional flow of hot air is created.

The direction of the heated air stream can be vertical or horizontal (parallel or perpendicular to the floor).

The main source of thermal energy is hot water. Thermal curtain with water heat source can be connected to centralized system hot water supply or water heating of the building.

Units of this type are economically profitable to install in rooms where there is not enough electrical power.

The thermal curtain must correspond to the characteristics of the object on which it is going to be used.

The main selection criteria are:

  • performance: the indicator is characterized by the volume of air passed through the thermal curtain.
  • For example, to install on a doorway measuring 2x1 meters, you need to use a curtain whose capacity is 800-900 cubic meters. m/hour.

    If a unit of lower capacity is installed in such an opening, then only its upper zone will be heated. And through the lower part of the opening the room will receive cold air;

  • dimensions: the size of the unit must exactly match the width of the opening in which it will be installed;
  • length of centrifugal fan (turbine): this element must be equal in length to the length of the entire thermal curtain;
  • air flow speed: for low openings, a low flow rate of heated air is sufficient.
  • Large openings require high speeds. It is often necessary to install several curtains in large openings;

  • presence of thermostat: built into the design of the air curtain, it greatly facilitates its operation, since its task is to maintain a constant temperature in automatic mode throughout the entire period of operation of the device.

By power curtains are divided into:

  • household: form a narrow stream of warm air. Used to protect windows of kiosks and cash registers. Can be used in residential premises.
  • They are installed above window openings to reduce heat loss and protect against drafts. IN small rooms household curtains serve additional source heating;

  • average: used in openings whose height does not exceed three meters. Such installations are the most common.
  • Their task is to reduce heat loss during open doors and protect people indoors from drafts;

  • large: used in small workshops with medium-sized doorways up to seven meters high.
  • heavy duty: installed in openings up to 12 meters high. Such powerful installations are used in warehouses, production workshops, and large stores.

A thermal curtain can also be used at home, but there are other solutions. Interesting option, helping to solve the problem of drafts and temperature changes is a warm floor. Read a detailed article about the device, and much more, to learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution.

When extracting water from a well, a pumping station is required to maintain constant pressure in the system. Everything about these devices, including pumping station Marina read, the most useful and relevant information.

Classification of curtains by type of protection ^

According to the type of opening protection, curtains are divided into:

  • mixing;
  • sliding

Mixing thermal curtains work in the following way: in the area of ​​their action, cold air coming from the street and warm air coming from the installation are mixed.

The jet pressure of such devices is small, but high power heating elements are required.

Shuttering installations are characterized by high air flow pressure, due to which outside air does not enter the room.

Majority modern models thermal curtains can operate in both mixing and damping modes.

Classification of thermal curtains by installation method^

According to the installation method, curtains are divided into:

  • horizontal: are mounted above the entrance into the room. The main requirement for such an installation is the effect of the device on the entire width of the opening;
  • vertical: are installed on the sides of the opening. In this case, the height of the thermal curtain must be at least 2/3 of the height of the opening;
  • built-in: are placed behind the ceiling trim. Only the air intake and air distribution grilles remain visible. This method does not in any way affect the power of the curtain..

Design and principle of operation of a water thermal curtain ^

The thermal curtain with a water heat source consists of:

  • durable steel case with a protective coating applied to it;
  • two-pass water air heater.

Modern air heaters are constructed from copper pipe with aluminum plate ribs assembled on it.

The air heater cannot be disassembled. The coolant (hot water) enters and is removed from it through pipes located in the side of the structure.

Air flow is provided axial fans. Fan motors have several speeds.

Adjustment and control of the curtains is carried out either using a remote or remote control controls (depending on the brand and model of the device).

Air intake is made through perforated panels housing, and ejection through a slot-shaped nozzle located in the lower part of the unit.

In the engine compartment of any brand of air curtain there is a grounding bolt, which is connected to the terminal block through an internal communication.

To ensure normal operation of the air curtain, a water filter must be installed at the coolant inlet.

Many models are equipped mixing unit, which serves to regulate the coolant flow (and, consequently, the air temperature at the outlet of the curtain).

The operating principle of a water heat curtain is no different from the operation of devices using other types of coolants:

The fan takes air from the room, drives it through the air heater and directs it downward (in case of horizontal installation) or to the side (in case of vertical installation) with a powerful jet.

Rules for installing water heat curtains ^

Before proceeding with the installation of water heat curtains, a diagram of connecting the installation and lines to the coolant source is drawn up ( central system hot water supply or boiler equipment).

The most simple circuit consists of the following elements:

  • thermal curtains;
  • coarse water filter;
  • air vent valve;
  • shut-off valve;
  • check valve;
  • circulation pump (when connected to boiler equipment).

For the thermal water curtain to operate, a constant temperature of the coolant is required. IN large room a capacity of tens of liters per minute could be a good solution. Read all about these devices in our article.

And another one interesting article, which describes water heating pumps, their characteristics, prices, and so on, is located, make the right choice!

After the diagram has been drawn up, installation begins.

The brackets on which the curtain is installed are attached evenly across the entire width of the opening, taking into account that the distance from the edge of the curtain to the ceiling must be at least 30 cm (if the curtain is mounted vertically, then this distance must be maintained between it and the wall).

The brackets are secured with anchor bolts.

The thermal curtain is attached to the brackets using standard bolts.

Since the ends of the connecting pipes are at the same level, an extension cord (up to 5 cm) is installed on one of them for convenience.

A quick-release connection is packed onto the extension cord (designed for quick installation and dismantling of the air curtain).

Through shut-off valves we connect the curtain to the coolant supply and return lines.
After checking the joints for leaks using pressure gauges, the installation can be started.

When planning the heating of any room, it is necessary to take into account the dew point value. What is it and why is it so important? Read our article!

For long-term operation of a water heat curtain, sufficient pure water. To solve this problem, you can purchase a main filter. Which filters are better? Read about it, it's interesting!

Popular brands ^

There are several well-known manufacturers of water thermal curtains.

"Teplomash" ^

Leading position in domestic production The water curtains are held by NPO Teplomash. The company produces units with power from 2 to 230 kW.

Models designed to protect small openings cost:

  • Power 100 W – 16,350 rubles;
  • Power 150 W – 20,850 rubles.

The cost of Teplomash products, designed to protect openings with a height of 3 to 5 meters, ranges from 24 to 38 thousand rubles.

Super-powerful curtains with a jet length of 15 meters cost about 80 thousand rubles.


This is another Russian company that successfully competes with other manufacturers of thermal water curtains. The cost of products of this brand is practically no different from the prices of Teplomash.


In addition to excellent quality, Swedish-made water heat curtains also have an excellent design.

But their cost differs markedly from the cost of devices Russian production. Thus, a small curtain with a capacity of 800 cubic meters. m/hour will cost the buyer 2000 euros.


Water curtains Ballu brands designed for openings various heights– from 2.5 to 4.5 meters. All devices of this brand are universal: they can be mounted both vertically and horizontally.

Approximate cost of Ballu brand curtains:

  • installation height 3.5 meters, power 11 kW – 18 thousand rubles;
  • installation height 4.5 meters, power 18 kW – 2 thousand rubles.

Interior curtains designed to protect entrances to offices and other premises with high security requirements. appearance, cost much more - from 180 thousand rubles.

A water thermal curtain is one of the types of climate control equipment designed to maintain a certain temperature in a room by preventing the leakage of warm air to the outside and cutting off cold outside air. This is a kind of thermal barrier that separates the room and the outside space with a flat stream of air, which is supplied under pressure.

Equipment that creates a thermal barrier is intended for installation in the plane of a door or gateway in places with a large flow of people: in industrial workshops, public and residential buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, restaurants.

How does a water heat system work?

The operating principle is quite simple: radial fan directs an air flow to the opening - a kind of barrier through which warm air cannot leave the room, and the cold one cannot penetrate inside.

The fan turbine is located along the entire device - this ensures efficiency and a uniform supply of hot air that is pumped through the body. The air movement pattern is as follows: cold air is taken from the floor, blown through the heating circuit and released as a hot stream parallel to the plane of the doors or gates.

The engine is attached to the side. If the length of the turbine exceeds 0.8 m, then the engine is located in the central part, and additional small turbines are installed on the sides.

The cut-off curtain heats up as air passes through the water heater. The water curtain requires central heating or a hot water supply to operate.

The fully assembled design looks like this:

  • heat exchange mechanism;
  • control system (electronic);
  • fan;
  • frame;
  • guide blinds;
  • brackets;
  • side covers and covers.


The water thermal curtain can be presented in various models, intended for use in buildings with certain conditions. Equipment is classified according to different characteristics, including:

  • by purpose: general, for car washes;
  • by air flow: small, medium, large;
  • by location: vertical, horizontal;
  • By geometric parameters: body cross-section – round, elliptical, rectangular shape, other; The structure of the nozzles is semicircular and straight.


The water curtains are controlled by two switches, which can be mechanical or electrified.

The fan - which can be two-speed - and heating elements switched separately. The control system can be equipped with additional 2 (3)-stage heating power regulators. If the fan is two-speed, then its speed is also regulated by the remote control.

If a thermostat is installed, the equipment may automatically turn off when the set temperature value is reached.

The control panel, depending on the model, has the following varieties:

  • built-in – for small curtains that are installed above doors or window openings in small rooms;
  • wired – in large rooms where control of the built-in button is difficult, and the remote control can be placed in a convenient place.

In warehouses and hangars, limit switches are used, which bring the system into operation only if the door or gate is open.

Unique advantages of the system

Water thermal curtains have such design features that give them a number of advantages over electric heating devices:

  • Less energy consumption with equal heat transfer. Cost savings can reach 30%.
  • Possibility of installation in case of technical difficulties: insufficient power of the electrical network, large opening height (up to 12 meters).
  • Convenient Maintenance, due to the simplicity of the design.
  • Maintaining a stable temperature in the room and equalizing the temperature difference in the ceiling area and at the level of human growth - this makes it more comfortable for people to stay in the room and creates favorable conditions for storing any goods.
  • Neutralization of drafts, which leads to a reduction in the risk of colds.
  • Protection against the entry of insects, small animals, and dust into the building.
  • Can be used as an air conditioner if the coolant circulation system is turned off.

The water curtain creates additional convenience at car service stations, car washes, checkpoints and points Catering, because thanks to her Entrance door can always remain open. In addition, it not only creates insulating protection, but also serves as a heater for the warehouse vestibule.

The scope of its application depends on the functionality of the equipment: from air screening of warehouses and hangars to preserving the interior of an office or shopping center from street dust.

Selecting a water thermal curtain

Water curtains are needed, first of all, for air isolation of the interior of the room from the outside air. Productivity, that is, efficiency, is what it is main characteristic equipment.

There are other important criteria that you need to pay attention to when choosing a particular model:

  • type of room;
  • is there a vestibule;
  • what are the usual weather conditions?
  • for what purpose is the veil purchased;
  • desired type of installation;
  • control method;
  • dimensions (length) of the device necessary for high-quality closing of the opening;
  • what power is needed - this factor is most important if it is necessary to heat the room;
  • performance, affecting air flow speed and unit height.

Thermal curtain market

On Russian market The most famous companies are:

  • “Ballu” (international holding) – products with minimal energy consumption. Among the models: horizontal BHC-H20-W45, BHC-H10-W18; vertical: Stella BHC-D25-W45, StellaBHC-D20-W35.
  • Frico (Sweden) – great design, excellent quality, versatility, but high cost. Model options: AR3515W, ADCSV25WL.
  • "Tropic Line" (domestic brand) - functional and efficient equipment at reasonable prices. However, only a few models (for example, X432W, X540W) are industrial water devices, the rest are household ones.
  • Teplomash (Russian manufacturer) - the products are reliable, easy to use, and the cost is affordable.

Serial Russian models "Teplomash"

As an example, we can take a closer look at the thermal power of serial models Russian manufacturer- Teplomash company:

  • . Here are the 100 series (opening: 1–2.5 m), KEV - P114E and P115E - with ceramic heaters with PTC self-regulating effect and thermostats.
  • Medium power. In that model range you can see the series: 200 (opening: 2–2.5 m); 300 (3–3.5m) and ceiling series 300 (built into a suspended ceiling).
  • Interior. The 600 Series is available in elegant vertical columns and horizontal elliptical or segmental illuminated options.
  • Industrial thermal. Series 400 (opening: 3–5 m); series 500 (up to 6 m).

Heavy-duty designs - water thermal curtain series 700 for openings up to 12 meters high. Usually made to order for special equipment(hangars for airplanes and helicopters).

Installation of models of these series can be either vertical or horizontal – on the side of the door or gate. If necessary, it can be installed on both sides of the opening.

In all designs, the shell provides a degree of protection - IP-21 (from vertical drops and large particles). If the room is dominated by high humidity, then upon request the degree of protection IP-54 can be provided (for some models).


Installation of a water heat curtain is labor-intensive and requires the involvement of a specialized company - this will provide warranty service and subsequent services.

The costs required to install the equipment are fully recouped during operation due to the high power, efficient work and low maintenance overhead.

There are 3 ways to position the system:

  1. Horizontal installation - above the door or gate opening.
  2. Vertical installation - on the side of the entrance opening.
  3. Hidden installation - placement behind hanging elements the ceiling of the built-in unit with the cut-off flow output through the air supply grilles.

The height of vertical water thermal curtains must be at least ¾ of the height of the heated opening.

Horizontal curtains must cover the entire width of the opening. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a failure in the air barrier.

To mount the system, only standard brackets recommended by the manufacturer may be used. Distance from the surface (at horizontal installation– from the ceiling, for vertical – from the wall) must be at least 0.3 m. Otherwise, air intake by the equipment will be difficult, which will lead to a decrease in productivity.

The equipment is connected to the central heating or hot water supply system using quick-release parts. If necessary, due to the type of insulated room, install a pump that increases air circulation to enhance heat transfer.

Thanks to the generation of an air insulating barrier, water curtains create a special microclimate in premises for various purposes: from offices to warehouses and hangars. Such structures require energy costs, but overall energy consumption is reduced by protecting the building from freezing. Water thermal curtains can be considered an optimized energy source, working through circulation hot water V common system heating.

Thermal water vertical curtains are becoming increasingly popular in creating high-quality and practical system protection of door, entrance or gate openings.
One of the main advantages of such curtains is that they are vertical, which means that the strength and speed of the horizontal air flow is uniform across the entire width of the doorway, in contrast to horizontal ones, in which the air flow at its lowest point somewhat loses its strength. temperature indicators. Vertical curtains are installed on the side of the door; if the opening is not very wide, then the curtain can be installed on only one side, and if it is an industrial gate or door industrial warehouse, then it is recommended to install vertical curtains on both sides of the doorway.

An undeniable advantage is the connection of the water curtain to the hot water supply system, thus, in this case the electricity goes ONLY to operate the fan. This means that electricity consumption is significantly reduced. Therefore, if you need to install a powerful curtain industrial purposes, it is recommended to use a water thermal curtain, which can operate at its full capacity, and you will not worry about the load on the electrical network and the number of kilowatts consumed.
In summer, such a water curtain can work without connecting to a hot water supply system.

Water thermal curtains Ballu BHC W / BHC W2 (M, H)

Water thermal curtains Ballu BHC W/BHC W2 (M, H) are used for installation in doorways buildings of any type: office, industrial or administrative, in order to protect the premises from the entry of foreign air masses and maintain the desired microclimate in them. The powerful air flow created also acts as a barrier against the penetration of exhaust gases, insects, etc. from the street. The curtains are connected to a water heating system, so their energy consumption is minimal. Among the features of Ballu BHC W/BHC W2 (M, H) I would like to highlight: Air curtains marked BRC-E are equipped with a more modern control panel, M - medium-pressure, H - high-pressure, The presence of a copper-aluminum heat exchanger The air curtain body, protected from corrosion, is equipped with a removable front panel Possibility universal installation The device significantly expands the possibilities of its installation. The delivery set includes a control panel with a thermostat. Installation at a height of 3 to 4.5 m (depending on the model). Warranty - 2 years.

Name Ventilation (m³/hour) Jet length, m Power, kWt Installation Heat Dimensions w/h/d Price
Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC H10 W18 (BRC W) 1700–2500 4.5 19.8 vertical, horizontal water 110/29/30

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC H15 W30 (BRC W) 2600–3800 4.5 30.5 vertical, horizontal water 151/29/30

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC H20 W45 (BRC W) 3400–5000 4.5 40 vertical, horizontal water 196/29/30

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC M10 W12 1000–1400 3.5 11.3 vertical, horizontal water 109/24/26

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC M10 W12 (BRC W) 1000–1400 3.5 11.3 vertical, horizontal water 109/24/26

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC M15 W20 1700–2300 3.5 20.2 vertical, horizontal water 145/24/26

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC M15 W20 (BRC W) 1700–2300 3.5 20.2 vertical, horizontal water 145/24/26

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC M20 W30 2200–3200 3.5 29.6 vertical, horizontal water 190/24/26

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC M20 W30 (BRC W) 2200–3200 3.5 29.6 vertical, horizontal water 190/24/26

0 rub.

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC H10 W18 1700–2500 4.5 19.8 vertical, horizontal water 110/29/30

RUB 24,990

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC H15 W30 2600–3800 4.5 30.5 vertical, horizontal water 151/29/30

RUB 35,990

Water thermal curtain Ballu BHC H20 W45 3400–5000 4.5 40 vertical, horizontal water 196/29/30

RUB 37,990

Water thermal curtains Teplomash Comfort 200 W are ideal for protecting rooms with a doorway height or width of up to 2.5 m. The design of the body of these curtains allows them to be installed both vertically and horizontally. If the width of the opening exceeds 2.5 m, then for horizontal installation it is necessary to install several curtains, and for vertical installation - on both sides of the opening. The curtains are connected to the water supply system, which allows you to save energy and use them in rooms and buildings with an unstable electricity supply. The curtains are equipped with PU and mounting brackets, Dense and uniform air flow, Ability to operate simply in fan mode, Convenient installation, simple connection, long-term operation, Warranty - 1 year.

Name Ventilation (m³/hour) Jet length, m Power, kWt Installation Heat Dimensions w/h/d Price
Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV 20P2111W 700–1000 2–2.5 1.8–7.1 vertical, horizontal water 104/30/22.5

RUB 19,490

Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV 29P2121W 1000–1500 2–2.5 4.2–15.4 vertical, horizontal water 154/30/22.5

RUB 25,850

Features: Fault tolerance and reliability of motors (insulation class F, built-in thermostat + starting capacitor, maintenance-free bearings); Availability of external rotor engines with increased MTBF (from 25,000 hours); New high level energy efficiency; Operation at temperatures from -30 to +60°C; Fastenings for installation included; BRC remote control with electronic thermostat; Warranty - 3 years. M - medium-performance curtains, H - high-performance curtains.

AEROTEK water thermal curtains with modern design housing and high performance. Horizontal or vertical installation, remote thermostat, warranty - 1 year. production - Russia.

Features: Water heating. Execution class: IP21. Electrical protection class: I. Universal installation (vertical / horizontal). Control using the KRC-32 universal control panel. Overheating protection circuit on heating elements and in the engine. It is possible to use limit switches, presence sensors, motion sensors, and temperature sensors. Warranty - 1 year.

Name Ventilation (m³/hour) Jet length, m Power, kWt Installation Heat Dimensions w/h/d Price
Water thermal curtain KALASHNIKOV KVС B10W8 11 800–1100 2.5 8.3 vertical, horizontal water 105.5/20.9/30.1

RUB 23,500

Water thermal curtain KALASHNIKOV KVС B15W14 11 1050–16000 2.5 14 vertical, horizontal water 150/20.9/30.1

RUB 30,200

Thermal water curtains Teplomash 300 Comfort refer to modern equipment, with the most accurately selected technical characteristics And functionality. Such water curtains can easily block doorways with a height of 2 to 3.5 m, and the flow of dense heated air they create will protect the entrance space of buildings and premises from foreign and cold air. For more convenient and quick installation, mounting brackets are already included in the package. Steel body, Vertical and horizontal installation, Ability to control fan speed, Three power modes, including ½ and ventilation mode, Thermostat, Warranty - 1 year.

Name Ventilation (m³/hour) Jet length, m Power, kWt Installation Heat Dimensions w/h/d Price
Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-28P3131W 1100–1400 2–3.5 2.9–7.7 vertical, horizontal water 107/32.5/26.5

RUB 25,240

Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-42P3111W 1500–2100 2–3.5 6.3–22.6 vertical, horizontal water 156/32.5/26.5

RUB 32,890

Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-60P3141W 2200–2800 2–3.5 10.5–33 vertical, horizontal water 201.5/32.5/26.5

RUB 41,100

Industrial water thermal curtains Teplomash 400 Comfort (3-5 m)

Industrial water thermal curtains Teplomash 400 Comfort is special series curtains operating on water, with modern design and improved technical characteristics. The curtains are designed for installation in openings with a height or width from 3 to 5 m. All curtains presented in the series are distinguished by the possibility of horizontal and vertical installation, reduced noise loads and the presence of a remote control and mounting brackets in the delivery set. The ability to use water as an energy carrier allows you to save and reduce energy costs, which makes Teplomash 400 Comfort water curtains the most popular. Steel body, Universal installation, Dense and uniform air flow, Reliability in operation, Warranty - 1 year.

Name Ventilation (m³/hour) Jet length, m Power, kWt Installation Heat Dimensions w/h/d Price
Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-44P4131W 1300–2500 3–5 3.9–17.7 vertical, horizontal water 111/35/34

RUB 30,500

Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-70P4141W 1800–3600 3–5 7.6–37.6 vertical, horizontal water 157.5/35/34

RUB 41,250

Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-98P4121W 2600–5000 3–5 13.5–56.5 vertical, horizontal water 209/35/34

RUB 46,950

Features: Installation height up to 3.5 m. Execution class: IP21. Electrical protection class: I. Installation: horizontal and vertical. Universal control panel KRC 32. Overheating protection on heating elements and in the engine. Warranty - 1 year.

Name Ventilation (m³/hour) Jet length, m Power, kWt Installation Heat Dimensions w/h/d Price
Water thermal curtain KALASHNIKOV KVС C10W12 11 1100–1600 3.5 12.3 vertical, horizontal water 106.5/25.8/36.6

RUB 32,800

Water thermal curtain KALASHNIKOV KVС C15W20 11 1700–2300 3.5 19.9 vertical, horizontal water 150/25.8/36.6

RUB 42,700

Water thermal curtain KALASHNIKOV KVС C20W30 11 2400–3200 3.5 30 vertical, horizontal water 200/25.8/36.6

RUB 53,400

Features: Water heating Installation height up to 4.5 m. Execution class: IP21, IP54. Electrical protection class: I. Two installation methods: horizontal and vertical. Universal PU KRC 32. Overheating protection circuits on heating elements and in the engine. Warranty - 1 year.

Name Ventilation (m³/hour) Jet length, m Power, kWt Installation Heat Dimensions w/h/d Price
Water thermal curtain KALASHNIKOV KVC D10W20 11 1900–2500 4.5 19.3 vertical, horizontal water 112/30.4/41.6

40,800 rub.

Water thermal curtain KALASHNIKOV KVC D15W33 11 2500–3500 4.5 29.6 vertical, horizontal water 152/30.4/41.6

RUB 53,200

Water thermal curtain KALASHNIKOV KVC D20W50 11 3900–5000 4.5 47.5 vertical, horizontal water 209/30.4/41.6

62,700 rub.

Vertical water curtains Teplomash 600W are among the interior curtains, due to the presence of a strictly and elegant body made in the form of a column. That is why it is customary to install such curtains in rooms where another type of installation of curtains is not possible. Thermal curtains Teplomash 600W with water heating are ideal for work where electricity consumption is limited or there are interruptions in its supply. In addition, the use of ordinary water as an energy carrier significantly reduces energy costs, which is an undeniable advantage when servicing large buildings and premises. The air curtains presented in the series can be supplied in a casing made of galvanized or stainless steel. Compact dimensions and neat column-shaped body, Elegant design, Low noise loads, Possibility of selecting fan speed, Dense and powerful air flow, Control panel included, 1 year warranty.

Name Ventilation (m³/hour) Jet length, m Power, kWt Installation Heat Dimensions w/h/d Price
Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV 52P6140W galvanized steel 1200–2400 2–3.5 24 vertical water 48.5/209.5/48.5

68,700 rub.

Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-60P6141W galvanized steel 2650–3350 4 12.7–39.5 vertical water 42.7/236/42.7

75,500 rub.

Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV 52P6140W stainless steel 1200–2400 2–3.5 24 vertical water 48.5/209.5/48.5

76,800 rub.

Water thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-90P6142W galvanized steel 3000–5100 3.5 14.3–53.8 vertical water 51.7/213.5/51.7

RUB 81,600