Dark blue and white in the interior. Blue interior for dreamers: use and combination. Everything is in blue tones

All shades of blue - blue, violet, indigo - are not only a trend of 2017, but also timeless classics that have not gone out of fashion for several seasons. This color is distinguished by elegance, sophistication, brightness and style, which makes it a popular color when creating an interior.

What goes best with blue? What accents to add blue room? How to best use ultramarine elements in a nursery, living room or kitchen? You will find answers to all questions in this article.

A little about color

This range is classified as cold, but this does not reduce its popularity. Psychologists say that this color has a calming, calming effect on the subconscious and encourages people nearby to think.

Also, blue furniture in the interior can have a beneficial effect on health:

  • heartbeat normalizes;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • mental concentration is activated;
  • appetite decreases.

However, it is worth considering the coldness of the color and not actively using it in rooms where the windows face north, or in small darkened rooms. It is also not recommended to get carried away with blue-blue shades for people prone to long thoughts, passivity and depression.

In other cases, blue will only refresh the space and add notes of style, nobility and taste. The main thing is to choose the main tone correctly and choose harmonious combination with other colors.

Different game with different colors

Each accompanying shade complements the blue color with a new atmosphere and style, so it is important when developing a design to know which combination looks most advantageous in the design.

The white and blue combination is rightfully considered a classic of the genre, as it is universal, elegant and noble. In this combination, absolutely any room will be visually more spacious, cooler and fresher.

Such a connection is associated with a marine theme, especially if celestial and turquoise colors. However, rich and bright accents are necessary here: rugs, pillows, floor lamps, carpets.

It is considered excellent to add yellow to the design only if both tones are only cold or only warm. For the pop art style, rich and deep shades are more suitable, and to create a rustic style, pastel and muted straw and cornflower blue colors are used.

The most winning combination is indigo and orange, especially in the nursery and living room. However, it is better to choose muted tones, diluted with more poisonous elements.

A strict and elegant blue-gray combination that creates an atmosphere of luxury, nobility and sophistication in the room.

For passionate lovers of the blue palette, there is a good suggestion: to combine its most delicate colors with enhanced saturation. You just need to choose the most radical combinations: blue with indigo, Persian with dove, and pale cornflower blue with azure or ultramarine color.

It is not recommended to combine blue with black, as the result is very depressing and dark interior. True, the situation can be corrected by adding strong backlighting and white color. Also an undesirable neighbor is red, which can be used in a much smaller volume, for example, as armrests.

A blue-green design would not be the best choice, because these colors are close in spectrum and do not play next to each other. These tones can be combined harmoniously only in one case: if one of the shades is more intense than the other. The optimal green palette is considered to be those close to the yellow range: light green, neon, lime, lemon, mint and chartreuse.

Use in different rooms

Each room in an apartment or house assumes limited functionality, depending on which the degree of blue presence in the environment decreases or increases.

Child's world

A soft blue or sky color in a nursery is practically a classic, especially for a younger boy school age. However, taking into account the psychology of color, it is important to consider the following tips:

Absolutely any object can be blue: a bed, an armchair, a closet, a school corner, a rack, a shelf. However, it is advised to avoid massive single-color objects, preferring to use several tones on one product.

It is better to choose a similar range for hyperactive children, as the color has a calming effect on nervous system person. For a child who belongs to the psychological personality type “introvert” or “phlegmatic”, it is recommended to choose a warmer color so as not to provoke apathy and isolation.

Of all the colors in the spectrum, violet activates attention, concentration and memory.

Blue is often used to zone a room, creating a study corner or work area.

The optimal solution is white and blue furniture. This contrast will add color, which can be enhanced with beige walls, light green accents and olive carpet.

Living room or hall

In the most spacious room of an apartment or house, you can use blue sets and designs without fear. The best option a two-color composition becomes: a combination with gray, light green, yellow, beige, white and orange.

Care must be taken when combining sapphire or Prussian blue with black tones. Dark blue furniture with gloomy inserts creates a depressing atmosphere. To avoid excessive darkening of the space, it is necessary to take care of strong lighting and the presence of shading objects: white upholstery, pillows, curtains, and so on.

The design of the office is similar to the living room, where the highlight can be light beige desk with dark blue lining on the body.

Kitchen space

The popularity of blue kitchen sets is explained simple fact– this palette significantly reduces appetite. First of all, pay attention to the turquoise and ultramarine furniture, as it goes well with the dark and light metal of the stove, refrigerator and sink.

The main thing is to avoid monochrome design and remember that the best companion is gray and beige tones. And don’t skimp on contrasting multi-colored little things that will stylishly refresh the room.

Bedroom or boudoir

Using several blue spectrum colors in the bedroom - great idea, which will provide not only discreet style, but also a calm, sound and long sleep. The best colors are light and light, for example, amethyst, cornflower blue, sea ​​wave, turquoise, azure, sky or denim colors.

You can also note several features of using this color in the bedroom:

  • The blue color is relegated to the background, being an additional accent;
  • The best “companions” are beige, chocolate and white, which are given preference in space;
  • It would be useful to place large mirrors and sconces around the perimeter;
  • An interesting solution would be to use a single color scheme: on a high leather headboard or bed frame.

Bathroom and bathroom

Marine tones are considered the most suitable for bathrooms and toilet rooms. Most often, the source of blue here is cabinets, cabinets, shelves and racks, the saturation of which varies from heavenly to dark blue. The rest of the space is decorated predominantly in white.

The blue furniture is also supported by wide frames of mirrors, towels, curtains, selected in the appropriate color scheme. Often the working furniture surfaces are light, the handles are steel or silver, and the doors are decorated with white ornaments or paintings.

If you still doubt the sophistication and luxury of blue furniture, then carefully look at the photographs of interiors furnished in this style and reconsider your view of things. With moderate taste and the ability to complement the room design with bright accents or diluting elements, decorating an apartment with lavender, amethyst, cobalt or any other tones of the heavenly palette will be the ideal solution.

Photo of blue furniture in the interior

Blue color in different cultures is a symbol and sometimes synonymous with mystery and wisdom. Coloring pigments of blue shades are extremely rare in nature, so the color began to be called “Royal”. For a long time, the blue dye was extracted only from the opaque mineral lapis lazuli; Later in the Middle Ages, people learned to obtain ultramarine from sodium, and then from the Indigofera plant a shade of indigo.

Effect of color

Blue color affects humans in the following ways:

  • Sets you up for creativity;
  • Helps to relax and unwind, relieve stress from the nervous system;
  • Enhances all types of senses: vision, touch, smell, hearing and tactile sensations (sensations arising from touching);
  • Stimulates the imagination and mind.

Blue color is ideal to use to create an atmosphere of cleanliness and freshness; Blue color in the interior will make it easier to breathe.

Blue color - key element to create a marine or tropical style of the room. Its shades are especially appropriate for enlivening a room, or expanding space: the depth of blue allows you to visually distance objects from each other.

More bigger room will happen if you install opposite a wall painted blue large mirror. Low ceilings you can stretch it out and make it higher if you glue it on them blue wallpaper, or paint the ceiling this color.

Blue tones benefit greatly from natural light: the sun's rays reveal their depth. To avoid gloominess, in rooms facing north, refrain from using blue.

Blue combined with other colors


Most good choice turns out to be a combination of blue and white: it gives classic style. More dark colors give a feeling of freshness and coolness, refer to marine theme.

Light, closer to blue, shades can create an association with cold and frost. To avoid this effect, you should add a couple of accents to the interior. bright colors: Chocolate, coffee and dark red colors are especially recommended.


You should combine these two colors carefully. Without the use of lamps and fixtures that provide warm yellow lighting, a black and blue room will create an oppressive and oppressive feeling.


Dark blue goes well with dark yellow, and light blue goes well with light yellow. If this rule is violated, the interior looks somewhat annoying.


The combination of blue and orange in the interior will be unusual and harmonious. Their union gives birth tropical style. Best choice There will be non-flashy tones: peach, pumpkin, golden.

Neon orange and blue will be a loser; Faded blue is also unacceptable - it will make the design inexpressive and unpretentious.


This option is not suitable for the bedroom, because the combination of red and blue makes the brain work harder and also stimulates the nervous system. Red adds depth to blue, provided one color is used much more than the other.


And although in nature the combination of blue and green is often found, in the interior these two colors should be separated in order to prevent them from merging into one incomprehensible spot. A smart choice would be to decorate the space with bright blue and light green, or bright green and light blue.

To avoid a cool and distant atmosphere, it is better to add bright accents. Psychologists say that blue-green rooms promote competent introspection and increased self-esteem.


One of the most advantageous combinations, which gives the room nobility and elegance, and speaks of taste. Wooden furniture will add additional chic to the interior.


Blue color refers to cold colors, but due to the beige it seems softer and more delicate. The beige and blue room feels comfortable and relaxing, homely.

Golden and silver

A really stylish combination comes out with blue with gold or silver, provided there is more blue. However, it is important here not to overcrowd the interior with golden and silver colors, so as not to make it look pretentious.

Blue color in the interior


Calm tones are suitable for bedrooms, promoting healthy sleep and relaxation; Never choose flashy or neon blues. Furniture made of brown or beige wood, laminate or parquet in light brown or dark brown tones will add a relaxing and pleasant mood.

For those who like to add touches, a plain white bedding or a plain brown bedding is suitable.

Blue and white patterns, stripes, or prints in the bedroom are another really good and interesting option.

Living room

Achieving a rustic (country) style in the living room is very simple: just combine cornflower blue and wheat yellow. A high-tech living room will be created by adding objects, compositions or elements made of glass and metal to the interior.

You can achieve an Empire or Art Deco style by bringing in a large and spacious blue (or striped blue and white sofa) with soft pillows. Art Deco or Empire style speak of the sophistication and sophistication of the living room.


A kitchen interior in blue colors works real miracles: it allows you to give up excess food and approach the eating process more thoughtfully.

A blue and white or blue and brown kitchen looks classic and thoughtful. Blue-white or blue tiles in the kitchen look very expressive, reminiscent of China or Portugal.


The blue color in the design of a nursery helps children concentrate both on games and on doing household chores and homework; and also promotes restful and sound sleep.

In addition, if a boy and a girl share a room, decorate with shades of blue in combination with pink shades It will look rosy and fun. Pink fits organically into children's interiors.

On the Internet you can find many photos of the color blue in the interior: you yourself will notice that using plain and monochrome blue seems unpleasant and wrong.

Photo of using blue color in the interior


Blue has a huge amount various shades: light and dark, warm and cold. I will definitely highlight separate articles for blue and turquoise, but today we will talk about the luxurious and noble dark blue range: mysterious and intriguing shades of the night and the deep sea.


You need to use rich blue color in the interior carefully and thoughtfully. Blue tones love the sun and natural light. Therefore, you can safely use it in rooms whose windows face south, southeast or southwest. Shady rooms not lit by direct sunlight and facing north can be made cold and gloomy by the color blue.


If you decide to use deep blue shades in wall decoration, then you need to do this, oddly enough, in small rooms. The boundaries will visually dissolve, as if in the darkness of the night, and the room will look intimate and cozy. This technique is suitable for offices, .



Don't use dark blue in large quantities V spacious rooms– you can create a depressing and gloomy atmosphere. Refuse dark tones in favor of sky blue, light turquoise, lavender. Bright, rich shades of blue are suitable in this case for contrasting accents: poufs, armchairs, pillows, paintings.



Using dark blue tones in apartment design, pay attention Special attention correct Create comfortable diffused light by combining ceiling chandelier or spotlights with floor lamps and sconces. Neutralize cool blue warm light table lamps and candles.



Where to use blue?

You can use blue in any room of your interior:

1. The classic combination of blue and white creates a feeling of freshness and lightness. White color perfectly sets off absolutely any blue shades: from cobalt and indigo to azure blue and turquoise.

A similar combination is reflected in a marine theme, suitable for a bathroom, nursery or the interior of a summer country house.



Blue looks absolutely delightful in combination with snow-white in any prints and patterns: Gzhel, nautical stripes, diamonds and zigzags, provincial, blue and white painting on ceramics, popular in many countries of the world - from China to Portugal.



2. Warm sand and beige shades perfectly complement blue, making it warmer. Great article on interior design in beige tones – .

3. Blue color is perfectly complemented by shades of yellow and orange. In this case, warm tones should be combined with warm ones. And cold ones - with cold ones. This contrasting combination creates extraordinary interior.



4. Fans of bold colors can combine blue with red, pink, and fuchsia. These colors enhance the saturation of blue. This contrasting combination will suit creative people, not afraid of experiments.


5. Blue combines perfectly with all shades of brown.

by Emily Henderson

6. Blue, as a truly natural color (the color of the sky, sea and wildflowers), goes well with wood. Noble and elegant interior creates a combination of blue and wood in rich shades: dark walnut, cherry, chestnut, teak, mahogany, dark oak.


7. Gold and silver decor looks expensive and stylish against the background of blue tones, creating a sophisticated atmosphere in the Art Deco style.


8. Interesting dynamic combinations are created by a combination of various shades of blue: rich blue with blue, azure, turquoise, violet, and also with shades of gray.



I hope the examples given will help you use blue in the interior of your apartment. Don't be afraid of bright colors - they make our lives more interesting and varied!

Shades of blue fall on the color spectrum between green and violet. It has an ambiguous effect on the individual’s nervous system: it helps to relieve nervous overstimulation after a hard day, relax, set one in a peaceful, philosophical mood, and create a feeling of detachment from the real world. It must be remembered that this tone has both warm and cold shades.

It is necessary to use blue color in the interior carefully and thoughtfully

Classic blue is usually called “royal”. If you look at shades close to purple, then these are blue, sapphire, cornflower blue, Prussian blue. From green comes turquoise and sea green.

The human eye has long been accustomed to all variations of this color. He just can't get bored. Psychologists say that a morally tired individual will go exactly where the color blue is present in the interior. They believe that it personifies silence, lightness, and tranquility.

The effect of blue color depends on the shade: light tones give peace and tranquility, dark tones give depth and excitement.

Many office space decorated in exactly this tone, only variations and play of light can change. If you choose dark blue, then the attitude towards it changes radically; it personifies excitement and mystery. This color scheme is chosen by individuals who prefer loneliness and childless couples.

Bright decorative elements help soften the impact of blue color

Blue color in the interior has the following stimulating properties:

  1. Stimulates increased brain function.
  2. Helps to develop creatively.
  3. Relaxes.
  4. Strengthens visual, auditory, tactile activity.
  5. Relieves hunger.
  6. Makes you more sensual.

A classic living room in blue is a very bold decision

Blue interiors in pure form don't happen that often

Combination with third-party tones

Despite the fact that blue is quite a bright, multifaceted shade, it can go well with many colors:

Color Characteristic
White The combination of blue and white has long been considered a classic. Shades of blue can be any shade. With this style of decoration you can create an atmosphere of lightness in the room. If you combine blue and white correctly, there will be an almost physical feeling of coolness. Bright small details will complete the composition.
Black Only an experienced and talented master can harmonize the combination of these shades. It is not recommended to decorate a room with them alone. If you like the idea and want to try it, then special attention should be paid proper lighting. Lamps with warm, diffused light are preferred.
Yellow A favorite of the eclectic, cozy style. Yellow, like blue, can be cold or warm. If the premises are designed in rustic style, then the combination of cornflower blue plus light yellow will be very successful.
Orange The ideal “partner” of blue. In this tandem, one should be warm, the other cold, and vice versa. For example, neon orange will harmonize with sapphire or turquoise. If you choose between muted tones and half-tones of orange: salmon, peach, amber, then bright blue will be preferable.
Red A combination that excites the imagination and nervous system. One color should be dominant, the second should be used spot-on.
Brown Looks good next to blue. A room decorated in the style of this color scheme, looks expensive and noble.

The combination of blue with other shades is the embodiment of calm and serenity.

Yellow color is great for diluting the cold interior created by a dark blue shade

Many designers like to play with tones of the same color. Blue is able to pleasantly surprise them. Light ones can be used for painting walls, dark ones can be used for furniture.

Interior decoration

Modern designers love to work with blue color in the interior. It is suitable for any room: kitchen, living room, bedroom, hall. Cold ones look great in spacious rooms where there is a lot of sunlight. If the windows “look” to the north or west, then it is better to use blue in the interior in small quantities.

Shades of blue saturate the interior with freshness, giving it depth and lightness

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, deep shades of this color are perfect for painting the walls of small rooms. He will make her cozy and warm. For example, this could be a bedroom. If the area is large, then a lot of dark blue will make it gloomy. In this case, blue, aquamarine, and indigo will look much more advantageous.

Blue shades can add depth to a room and make it seem more spacious.

When drawing up a design project, it is necessary to pay close attention to the lighting of the room. This is especially true for the office and living room. The main chandelier can be supplemented with small, spotlights, sconces, install a floor lamp. Blue will perfectly complement the interior of a room decorated in oriental style. Blue shades will raise the ceilings higher. If you want to visually expand the room, you can paint one of the walls natural blue, the rest in more neutral and calm tones.

The blue color palette is quite varied and rich.

It is not recommended to fill a room decorated in a given color scheme with a large number of furniture accessories. The predominant cold blue creates the impression of purity and sterility. The effect will be enhanced by dishes in gray and silver tones. This solution fits perfectly into the minimalist, high-tech style.

Living room design

The living room is rightly called the “soul” of the house. They receive guests there, relax, and celebrate holidays. Experienced designers It is recommended to use several tones in the design at once. If the walls are light blue, then the furniture elements can be chosen darker. Wallpaper in rich colors will softly dilute purple, pearl, and gray. One large or 2-3 small accessories of a given color will give the decor a unique look. Blue accents can be used to dilute the prevailing gray or beige.

The popular gray-blue tandem is very easy to perceive

The blue-green combination brings calm and tranquility

Denim style is an interesting option for the living room

If the living room has massive furniture in blue tones, then it must be diluted with pillows, lamps, vases, and covers of other colors.

Bedroom design

As noted above, the blue color in the interior is ideal for a sleeping area. It will make it more comfortable and create a relaxing atmosphere. But, you should not use dark shades when decorating, they will irritate. Chocolate, beige and white are in harmony with it. You can install a mirror to play with light.

The blue-brown combination is natural; mountains and sea, sky and trees, flowers and earth can be combined this way.

Any bedroom can be given originality and originality if you choose the right color scheme for bed linen. For example, blue sheets are combined with beige, gray, and brown.

The blue-blue combination will visually expand the bedroom space if blue is used as accents

Small bedroom in Scandinavian style

Thin, romantic natures prefer a combination of blue and gray wallpaper with beige furniture and accessories. It is absolutely not necessary to glue or cover all the walls with paint of a given color; it is enough to correctly place several accent items (furniture, pillows, curtains, bedspreads, covers). It can be diluted with yellow, green, beige.

Kitchen Design

In the last few years, it has become very fashionable to decorate the kitchen in blue tones; any color will do. They are refreshing general form spaces, fight the feeling of hunger. But you shouldn’t use it only in the interior, even in different variations, it quickly gets boring.

Choosing the color of the night sky for kitchen interior design is not the most standard solution

Kitchen interior with dirty blue color, thanks to the predominant white background the room doesn't seem small

The most frequently used combinations:

  • Wallpaper blue, light blue, cream, kitchen furniture- beige, chocolate.
  • Wallpaper is cream, peach, kitchen furniture - beige, silver, gray. You can dilute the interior yellow curtains, pillows.
  • The wallpaper is beige, the kitchen furniture is cream, the accessories are blue.
  • Wallpaper and kitchen furniture grey, beige, cream, bright shades in the form of curtains, covers, tabletops, tiled aprons.
  • The wallpaper is blue, gray, cream, kitchen furniture is yellow, orange.

Chic kitchen set in classic style

While creating color range kitchen area It must be remembered that this is the place where all family members spend a lot of time, so it should suit everyone.

Children's design

A large amount of blue in the interior design of a child’s room is not recommended. Despite the fact that this shade is considered masculine, many of its tones are perfect for a princess's room. All variants of blue can be safely diluted with white. With appropriate design, you can easily create sea ​​style in the room. It is also relevant for placement in the area of ​​intellectual work for better concentration and attention.

Blue tones are quite often used in the interior of children's rooms.

A great option for decorating a baby's room

The choice of primary color for decorating a nursery depends on the child’s character

To prevent the interior from being too heavy and gloomy, it can be diluted with red, orange, and green. If the area being decorated is intended for a schoolchild or student, then you can safely use rich shades; for younger children, blue, gray, and beige are preferable.

Bathroom design

The classic bathroom color is white. Therefore, it is not often possible to find this room decorated in blue. After all, not everyone knows that accents of this color make any interior brighter and more vibrant. This is especially true for small rooms. With its help you can visually expand the space and raise the ceiling.

A blue bathroom will appeal to energetic and emotional people

Water is always associated with the sea, the sound of waves. If you place even a small amount of aqua-colored accessories in the bathroom, the sensations will intensify. The blue tone will be well diluted with chrome faucets, handles, and heated towel rails. Or you can simply run a few gray stripes along the wall.

White plumbing fixtures look great against a blue background

The classic blue color in the interior will be successfully diluted with turquoise. To create a marine mood in your bathroom every time, you can lay it out with blue-green tiles. The atmosphere will become fresher and more dynamic. You can complement it with nautical-themed accessories.

A dark blue bathtub is ideal for active and freedom-loving individuals. A room of this type is associated with night time, mystery and tranquility, and will be conducive to sleep. Gold and silver inserts, ornaments, and drawings will make the decor of the room more luxurious and expensive.

The combination of blue and white colors is equally suitable for both men's and women's interiors

Most people can't even imagine how versatile and diverse blue is. It can influence a person’s psyche in different ways, even control his mood and emotions. The presence of this shade in the interior of the rooms speaks about the color “taste” of the owner, the ability to correctly and competently combine bright and calm tones, while maintaining the luxury and nobility of the interior. With it, you don’t have to make repairs every 2-3 years; you just need to dilute it with bright little things.

Video: interior design ideas in blue shades

Photo: 50 options for using blue in room design

The blue color in the interior looks fresh and calming. But be careful: if you overdo it with blue, the room will become too cold, like a palace Snow Queen. This can be afforded only if the room faces the south with wide windows and is flooded with bright sunlight all day. Well, since most apartments cannot boast of excessive insolation, the Motherhood portal invites lovers of blue to combine it with warmer shades. Which ones exactly? That's what we'll talk about.

The excess of dark blue in the interior evokes an association with a cinema. It’s a perfectly acceptable option for a living room or bedroom, but for a living room it’s a bit gloomy. If you settle on an abundance of ultramarine, then at least dilute it with large white details and light parquet.

In this case, the brave designer added blue sofa smooth walls the same color. In contrast, dark brown parquet and other wood-tone details work. A huge expanse of dark blue wall is broken up by a light poster background. The size of the window is also important - from floor to ceiling.

This interior is most likely inhabited by great sea lovers. The entire room is designed in blue tones and is almost devoid of contrasting details.

White and gray colors are able to make the blue range lighter and airier, but since they themselves are neutral, they help create the image of snow and ice. The interior as a whole looks very cold, despite the presence of a fireplace.

Combination of white and blue flowers fills the room with air and visually expands the space. But, deciding to white furniture, it should be understood that it will require frequent and thorough cleaning.

The sofa may be blue, but with abundance white interior it will still look light and airy.

A huge blue sofa has become the compositional center in this room. It doesn't even need supporting blue parts.

The most win-win, but at the same time quite modern and unconventional move is the combination of a dark blue sofa with oak parquet floors and sand-colored walls. Moderately warm colors neutralize cold blues, creating a harmonious combination. Blue drawing on the curtains and a blue glass vase gracefully complement it.

Another example of combining blue sofas with sand walls. There was even a place for a mahogany table, which looks quite appropriate. But the vases in the niche, unfortunately, did not match the tone of the upholstered furniture.

A blue and turquoise sofa dominates this light beige living room with dignity.

The wall behind the blue sofa can be gray. In this case, it doesn’t look cold thanks to the blinds and the birch-tone table.

This bedroom is a fun example of how the designer decided to place an iceberg in the middle of a warm room. A sparkling plush headboard and a painting reminiscent of a broken crystal complete the experience. One can only guess how such an idea affected intimate life owners.

This hotel room uses the same technique suggested by nature itself - a combination of blue and sand colors.

The number of ship parts depends only on the age of its occupant and financial opportunities his parents.

Another example of a blue sofa that works great in a white and beige living room, even without the supporting blue elements.

The minimalistic interior is designed in literally three colors - white, black and blue. Bleached oak parquet adds a little warmth.

The living room is decorated in white and blue colors with dark wood, and does not look cold only thanks to the bright sunlight pouring from the huge windows.

A great example of using the same shades (chocolate and turquoise) in several interior items: a sofa, carpet, wallpaper and paintings. This decision requires a lot of patience and precision in selecting elements that exactly match the color and style.

A blue sofa can be combined with shades of lemon and light green, but in small proportions. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Bright yellow combined with blue looks flashy and cheerful. Only very brave people are capable of such a decision.

Restrained shades of yellow look more calm.

Blue goes well not only with light, but also with dark shades of wood. It adds much-needed warmth to the interior.

With absence natural wood it may well be replaced by the noble brown color of the walls. And matching pillows will support the theme.

A blue sofa also goes well with coffee brown walls.

Another interior made in a combination of blue and brown. In this case, the already blue sofa is intended to be excessively diluted warm interior, which without it would look somewhat monotonous.

As you can see, the combination of blue and coffee is quite popular, but it is even more fashionable to combine turquoise shades with chocolate ones.

This interior looks very fresh and modern. An eco-friendly color combination helps create a calm, but at the same time cheerful mood.

You can use trendy furniture brown wood in combination with blue walls, carpet and bedspread. But be careful: the shades must match absolutely exactly!

A brown sofa goes well with a blue pouf and pillows.

It’s not very difficult to create such an interior: a furniture showroom will help you choose pillows for the sofa, all that remains is to paint the wall a slightly lighter blue color and add a few details to the wall.