Technology for gluing transparent PVC to a boat. PVC boat bottom reinforcement. How to remove old glue from a rubber boat

One of the main components of a modern fisherman’s equipment is considered to be a reliable watercraft, in particular a boat made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is quite convenient, practical, resistant to ultraviolet rays, aggressive substances and does not create additional difficulties during transportation, when proper care and timely repairs, the product can last for more than a dozen years.

No matter how carefully the owner treats his watercraft, breakdowns and various damage to the vessel often occur. And here the problem arises: which adhesive to choose and how to apply the patch correctly. To understand this issue, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the types of glue and the features of their use.

Choosing the best glue

From competently conducted repair work On an inflatable boat, not only the comfort of passengers depends, but also, most importantly, their safety on the water. If done incorrectly, the patch may become depressurized and the boat will begin to deflate or fill with water, which will lead to negative consequences.

A high-quality adhesive composition must meet the following requirements:

Types of glue used, features, advantages and disadvantages

Based on numerous observations of experienced fishermen, the following types of adhesive compositions have proven themselves well:

Ideal for gluing most types of rubber, in particular for repairing PVC products. Advantages: high degree of resistance to water, atmospheric changes, forms a reliable elastic seam.

From German manufacturer, made on the basis of Desmocoll rubbers, is positioned as a professional universal and waterproof product. “Master” is intended for gluing products made of leather, plexiglass, rubber, PVC, paper, cardboard, and fibrous fabrics.

"UR - mono" from the category of one-component compositions, used without additional hardeners, has a high degree of water resistance, has good resistance to ultraviolet rays, low toxicity. Most often, it is used for PVC repair– coatings.

"Vinicol - 1520" from a series of polyurethane compounds, the main purpose is gluing surfaces made of synthetic materials, including PVC boats. The product has a fairly high resistance to hydrolysis.

"Made from polyvinyl chloride 900I"– polyurethane glue, its scope is wide: balls, plastic awnings, air mattresses, swimming pools, rubber soles, polyvinyl chloride fabrics. The composition has good resistance to various oils, gasoline, water and acids.

"Penosil Fix Go" positioned as cold welding, based on two epoxy substances. Advantages: hardens instantly, does not cause difficulties during processing, is ideal as emergency assistance when gluing PVC surfaces. "Penosil Fix Go" has a very strong binding ability.

It is very popular among consumers, positive qualities adhesives include: super strength, reusable, can withstand loads of up to 250 kg/cm2, firmly glues dissimilar surfaces.

Choosing glue, what is better to use

In order to qualitatively eliminate various damages on the surface of the watercraft from PVC material a, it is recommended to use glue 4508. The presence of natural components (rubber and resin) allows you to achieve the necessary elasticity of the seam and protect the gluing site from negative impact moisture.

The use of rubber adhesive and polyurethane-based adhesive also gives good results, the main thing is to comply with all requirements for the use of this composition.

Application of glue

Before you begin repair work on your boat, you must carefully prepare the surface:

  1. a damaged inflatable boat must be deflated;
  2. Wash and dry the problem area well;
  3. in order to avoid the formation of subsequent folds in the work area, it is recommended to place a flat board under it and level the fabric shell;
  4. degrease the problem area using any solvent, acetone.

On this preparatory work are ending.

What materials will be needed for repairs?

After a thorough inspection inflatable boat made of PVC, and having identified the problem area, we proceed to preparing the accessories appropriate for repair:

  • repair kit, it is provided by the manufacturer and is included with the boat;
  • construction knife, scissors;
  • roller or metal plate;
  • pencil, marker;
  • small brush;
  • water, soap, rags;
  • any solvent, the use of alcohol is allowed;
  • special glue for rubber products.

The above list of tools will be required when carrying out repair work at home or on the shore of a reservoir. If the damage needs to be repaired directly fishing, then it is more effective to use a repair kit and a lighter.

The standard repair kit includes materials that allow, under field conditions, to eliminate the cause of vessel depressurization in a short time. The set consists of a tube of special glue, a set of PVC fabrics, the diameter of which is 40 mm and 80 mm (6 pieces).

A special adhesive is used to lubricate the inside of the patch and the gluing area on the boat.

Instructions for use

  1. The problem area must be cleaned of various contaminants. The use of sandpaper is inappropriate here; there is a high probability of damaging the fabric. This option is more suitable for heavily ingrained dirt.
  2. Degrease the working surface with either solvent or acetone. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything, otherwise the rubber fabric may corrode.
  3. Based on the size of the defect, a patch of the desired configuration is cut out. In size it should be several centimeters larger than the actual size of the hole. The cut patch is applied to the damaged area and the contours are outlined using a pencil.
  4. A special adhesive is used to lubricate the inside of the patch and the gluing area on the boat. Give the glue a little time to dry (10 minutes) and apply another layer of glue to the working surfaces. Wait a couple of minutes.
  5. Bonding surfaces. Use a hairdryer to heat it up slightly problem area and attach the prepared patch to it. The main condition is to check the area for the presence air gap. In order for the glued area to “grab” better, it needs to be rolled well with a roller. It is better to operate a repaired watercraft after 2–3 days.

For minor damage (scratches), filling them with glue will be enough, but it is better to apply a patch.

To repair holes with a diameter greater than 5 cm, it is recommended to use two patches: and with inside, and from the outside. The inner patch should be glued first, followed by the second one.


It is recommended to store adhesives in tightly closed packaging or tubes at a temperature of +15 – +25 degrees. The storage place must be dry, protected from fire and freezing. The adhesive should not be used, stored or transported at low temperatures, as its working qualities will be lost.

  • Glue for repairing PVC boats must be High Quality and special purpose.
  • The use of cheaper options does not guarantee the reliability of the seam.
  • When carrying out repair work to eliminate various damages on the boat, it is recommended to adhere to the clear instructions described above.

In the last water-motor season, closer to autumn, with the help of my friend Alexey, I managed to make a small upgrade to my PVC boat. I took a larger boat with a keel and an inflatable bottom. But the manufacturer (GRUPER company) is so keen on saving money and making boats lighter that they pay practically no attention to strengthening the bottom. It had only one thin strip (5 cm) of a fender running along the keel, which, as it turned out during operation of the boat, did not really protect the bottom from any unwanted incidents.

During the next drying of the boat, some abrasions were discovered near the installed “reinforcement,” which was very disappointing and required immediate intervention.

Having assessed the area of ​​PVC that was subject to abrasions, it was decided to glue another strip of 6 cm wide rest on each side of the existing one. I found reinforcement for the bottom of the boat in one of the fishing stores, bought polyurethane glue for PVC for it, pumped up the boat at home and began the process of strengthening the bottom.

In the photo below, one strip of the fender has already been glued, and then I will give a step-by-step report on gluing the second strip.

The first thing you need to do is to evenly, almost end-to-end, apply the purchased bottom protection strip to the already glued factory one. In this case, it is necessary to make marks on the PVC with a pen on the other edge along the entire length of the strip. I made a dotted line with a distance of about 30 cm.

After marking and cutting the tape required length, we move on to degreasing the surfaces. We thoroughly wipe the glued materials with solvent.

According to the marks that were drawn on the boat, you need to stick masking tape, This is necessary so as not to smear excess glue and not stain the PVC.

I couldn’t find glue in a normal container, so I used this one.

One bottle contains 70 grams. It took me 6 of these bubbles for seven meters of fender.

We take a suitable container, pour a couple of bubbles of glue into it and use a paint brush to coat first the tape, then the bottom of the boat. We smoke for 10-15 minutes, then add glue to the container again, coat the bottom of the boat, but do not touch the rest. Let the glue dry a little (about 5 minutes), remove the masking tape and begin gluing the tape.

Carefully apply the bottom reinforcement to the already glued one, leaving a gap of about a millimeter between them. We press everything well and smooth it with our palm. The stop fits tightly, following the contours of the bottom of the boat and sticks clearly.

As soon as the entire tape is laid, we roll it along its entire length with a small wallpaper roller, and then a hairdryer and a wooden spatula will be used.

We gradually warm up the reinforcement of the bottom and the bottom of the boat itself, while pressing the hollows on the tape with good effort. Special attention we need to pay attention to the edges and joints of the stop, the beginning and end, as well as places of refraction. So, meter by meter, we activate the polyurethane glue and increase the adhesion of the materials being glued.

The gap between the tapes is necessary so that excess glue, if any appears, comes out from under the fender tape.

OK it's all over Now. The price of the issue is about one and a half thousand rubles and a couple of hours of wasted time. This, compared to the ability to break through the bottom on the keel itself, is a complete trifle. By the way, if you order the tape through the website, it costs exactly half as much as in the store.

Save money and not a stone or a log on the ponds!

It was necessary urgent repairs rubber boat? In this case, glue, which is designed specifically for gluing rubberized things, will be an excellent assistant.

Today there are a huge number of adhesives on the market, but choosing a truly high-quality one among them can be difficult.

Each glue has a number of features and, of course, disadvantages. Many are accustomed to arguing on this topic, because they are extremely convinced that it is almost impossible to seal all the tears and punctures in a rubber boat with glue.

What glue should I use to seal a rubber boat?

Before answering the main question, it is worth noting some important features glue for a rubber boat, which will help you decide on the right choice suitable means.

So, some tips, if followed, you can choose really high-quality glue:

  • Don't pay attention to the ones that are too cheap glue options, After all, there is a huge chance that instead of such a necessary assistant, you will get an incomprehensible mixture. Such a substance not only fails to seal cracks, but can even harm the rubber.
  • If you want to seal a rubber boat for a long time or even forever, then you should never buy superglue (cyanoacrylate glue). Of course, it will mend all the tears on the boat within a few minutes, however, believe me, you won’t be enjoying the integrity of the boat for long.
  • You should choose an adhesive with high heat resistance.
  • If there is a choice between special and universal glue, feel free to give your preference to the first option.
  • When gluing a boat, remember that water and humidity are bad.
  • The main criterion when choosing a suitable glue will be its non-stickiness. There is an opinion that the higher the stickiness of the glue, the less durable it is.
An excellent option for sealing boats would be rubber glue, which is most often provided with the boat. If this was not the case, then you can purchase black glue called “Radical”.

This glue is accessible, durable and has good water resistance. When choosing glue for a rubber boat, many also prefer polychloroprene adhesives.

And most importantly: when purchasing a special glue, always pay attention to its composition, which is indicated directly on the packaging.

Pay special attention to the heat resistance of the glue. The higher the heat resistance, the better the quality of the product sold.

Repair of rubber boats

Repairing a rubber boat is enough complex process, but as practice shows, only for beginners.

If you have previously found yourself alone with a holey boat, in this case re-repair waterfowl will not be a big problem for you.

First of all, you need to understand exactly where exactly you need to start repairing rubber boats. So, first you need to prepare Additional materials and devices that will definitely help you when gluing cracks or tears.

You will need:

  1. Small (the size of the crack) pieces of rubber that are suitable for patches;
  2. Specialized rubber adhesive.

Before repairing, you first need to find out where exactly the leak occurred. And to do this, you need to inflate the boat with air and lower it into the water.

Why do this? Such simple steps will help you quickly detect leaks and all puncture sites. They will definitely show themselves as small bubbles.

When punctures and cracks are found, it is necessary to deflate the boat and you can safely begin direct repairs. To begin with, select quality material, which is suitable for patches in all respects.

It is from this material that small pieces will be cut. Interesting advice from experienced craftsmen: the pieces of rubber should be slightly larger in size than the main hole in order to completely cover it.

Moreover, the edges need to be rounded. This will help further protect the boat from any release of the adhesive fabric.

For strong bonding, the surface of the boat is rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper. This simple technique is needed to make the surface of the rubber boat a little rough.

In this case, you can ensure a sufficiently strong bond of the rubber piece directly to the boat. To repair a rubber boat, it is best to use the glue that came with it.

If this does not happen, then you can safely buy glue called “Radical” or any other polychloroprene glue.

For a more durable bonding of rubber surfaces, there are a few simple tips to remember.

  1. In order for the rubber patch to stick more firmly to the boat, it is necessary to degrease them using any method.. Gasoline, acitone, and solvent are best suited.
  2. Have you noticed that the cracks on the boat are too large? In this case, tighten the tears with strong nylon threads. This technique will provide fairly good protection.
  3. When gluing rubber surfaces, different adhesives can be used. Many of them require additional drying when working, which a regular hairdryer can easily help you with.
  4. When working with glue, it is strongly recommended to ventilate the room well, or work directly outside. However, there are several other important factors to consider. For example, one of these is air humidity, which should not exceed 60%.

Ignoring these rules can lead to very sad results.

Moreover, if you are gluing in the sun, at temperatures above 16 degrees, or with greasy hands, then you can’t even count on a well-glued boat.

How to glue the bottom?

The main part of the boat is the bottom. It is this that is most often subject to mechanical damage.

In order to glue the bottom back to the boat, you also need to follow some rules.

First of all, the damaged bottom must be completely torn off from the body of the boat, then heated with a hairdryer and cleaned with sandpaper.

Your next step will be to apply the caulking tape.

And only then the bottom is attached back. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to perform all these actions strictly on a very tightly inflated rubber boat.

Now you need to lower the boat and roll all the places that were previously glued together, and leave everything in this condition for 48 hours.

When working with the bottom, it is worth considering all the basic rules that have already been mentioned.

Popular brands of glue for rubber boats

One of the most popular adhesives today is rubber adhesive brand 4508. It is made on the basis of natural rubber.

The main features of this glue:

  • good stickiness;
  • elasticity of connections;

There is also polyurethane glue, which has quite strong adhesive properties. Gummi glue is made from rubber and provides excellent water resistance.


Radical glue is popular among many owners of inflatable rubber boats. He can withstand enough low temperatures, heavy loads and even salty sea water.

It is based on a solution of rubber mixed with other solvents.


When repairing rubber boats, owners often encounter difficult moments during the work process.

To resolve controversial situations and to find answers to unusual questions, most beginners, and even professional fishermen, turn to specialists for help or look for answers on the Internet.

Is it possible to use Moment glue in the repair of rubber boats?

One of the most exciting issues is the possibility of using Momenta glue when repairing a rubber boat.

In fact, the answer to this question is quite simple.

You can use Moment glue when repairing rubber boats.

The main advantages of such a tool are as follows:

  • quick gluing of two surfaces;
  • ease of use.

However, when choosing Moment glue, be prepared for the fact that it is sensitive to high temperatures. Also, it dries instantly when exposed to direct sunlight.

When working with it, you will need to perform all gluing steps very quickly. Moreover, the final effect will also leave much to be desired.

A boat glued with Moment glue will not serve you for long, and, most likely, after a while it will fall apart and come unglued again. It is for these reasons that more experienced fishermen do not recommend using it.

How to wash old glue from a rubber boat?

It is quite difficult to wash off old glue from a rubber boat. It is worth considering the fact that when gluing two surfaces, rubber glue is quickly absorbed into the rubberized surface of the boat itself.

You should also not remove old dried glue using aggressive solvents or other substances if you do not want to permanently damage the fabric of your boat.

Shoe glue for rubber boat repair

Some specialists use shoe (nairite) glue to repair rubber boats. It is mainly used for gluing not only rubber, but also leather, wood, fabric and other materials. It is used for repairs, like the others.

Does the thought of an upcoming fishing trip haunt you? In this case, quickly check your boat for mechanical damage.

If you accidentally find a small crack or break, do not be upset. Believe me, together with glue for rubber boats, you can get your boat in order in a short period of time, and without much effort.

It is necessary to strengthen the bottom of a PVC boat, what option can you suggest?

Classic booking option - PVC boat bottom reinforcement fender strips 235 mm wide. At the same time, there are several schemes for reinforcing the bottom of a PVC boat in this case and it depends on your wishes.

Partially strengthen the cylinders and keel of the PVC boat - three stripes.
Reinforce the entire bottom - from six overlapping fender strips 235 mm wide. It is also possible to add halter strips 60 mm wide, but as a rule this is unnecessary.
In this case, you will receive a boat fully prepared for storming a shallow and rocky river.

Why do you need to strengthen the bottom of the boat?

On the plus side, the boat will be more stable and more controllable.
Moreover, unlike PVC boat bottom armor various transparent films or sprayed polymers that do not provide adequate protection from stones and snags, you get a double bottom, the first is the PVC material of the boat, the second is PVC tape tightly glued to the bottom of the boat. This design is both more reliable and durable.

Disadvantages of booking PVC boats

Of the minuses - after we strengthen the bottom of a PVC boat, your watercraft will increase in weight, for example, a PVC boat with a length of 3200 will weigh 6-8 kg more.

Warranty for work on armoring/reinforcing the bottom

As with all other work, we provide a guarantee.
When carrying out work on armoring the bottom, they are used imported two-component compounds intended for production of inflatable products from PVC materials, the same ones that used in factories leading St. Petersburg PVC manufacturers boats.

Preparation of glue and subsequent gluing of boats is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of PVC compound manufacturers(adhesive bases) such as - lifetime of the diluted compound (glue), temperature regime, shelf life which allows us guarantee the quality of work performed.
The cost of materials consists of the price of used glue and PVC rest in linear meters.
The cost of the work is calculated based on the length of the boat and your choice of whether you want full or partial booking of the bottom.

You can see even more photographs of our work on our group’s page at VC

A rubber or PVC boat is a very useful and important attribute for a fisherman or hunter. It is compact and small in size when deflated, inflates quickly and folds just as quickly. PVC boats are much more convenient than ordinary boats made of wood or metal.

Their only drawback is their tendency to mechanical damage, especially punctures. If such a nuisance occurs, a violation of the integrity rubber coating You can fix it yourself by sealing it with a patch.

First of all, you need to understand the basic properties adhesive solution to avoid making the wrong choice:

  • To carry out repairs on high level, do not use cyanoacrylate-based substances, that is, superglues. They stick firmly, but unfortunately, not for long,
  • If the dried film of glue sticks to your fingers, then the product is not very good,
  • Universal glue, despite its versatility, is almost always worse than special glue,
  • Heat resistance – clear example quality of the adhesive solution,
  • The cheaper the product, the more likely it is to be of poor quality. Such an acquisition is inappropriate, since it will not bring the desired result,
  • Polyurethane preparations, like chloroprene preparations, are susceptible to negative influence moisture.

So how to glue PVC and rubber boat?

It is worth understanding that when choosing a mixture, you need to pay attention to the type of material from which the floating inflatable is made.

Breaks in PVC boats can only be repaired using polyurethane options glue, and for example on rubber ones - polychloroprene.

Most manufacturers supply adhesive with the patches. If for some reason it is not in the repair kit, you can always visit a specialized store.

  1. Bostick glue for PVC 50 ml.
  2. Desmocoll 300 ml.

Options for rubber:

  1. Russian rubber glue 88n.
  2. Glue 4508.

We glue a PVC boat with our own hands - detecting punctures

Working with polyvinyl chloride is quite simple, despite its artificial origin.

Initially, it is necessary to detect all damage - punctures and tears. At the same time, you should not ignore even the smallest holes - under air pressure they will eventually turn into large ones.

It is easy to find the resulting holes. If an inflated boat is placed under water, air bubbles will come out of every puncture or crack.

  • You can fix them with tape or chalk.
  • Abrasions, peeling and other changes are also taken into account. appearance PVC surfaces.

After detecting all defects and determining the severity of the damage, you can proceed directly to the repair.

The punctures are closed with special patches - small pieces of round or rectangular shape. It is advisable to cut them from the same material from which the boat is made.

The size of the patches should be such as to completely cover the damage, but not exceed it too much.


How to glue a PVC boat - applying glue to the boat

One of the most common methods is described.

  • Degreasing surfaces.

The glue will work much better if the surfaces to be glued are initially treated with a degreaser. This can be acetone or alcohol, but in no case gasoline or solvent.

  • Applying glue.

The adhesive solution is applied evenly thin layer on both surfaces to be glued. This procedure must be done twice. Between applying each layer, the glue should be allowed to dry thoroughly for 6-10 minutes. Next, we apply a patch to the hole.

  • Compound.

Before joining the surfaces to be glued, you must carefully ensure that there are no air bubbles left between them. Immediately after pressing, they will grip tightly. The final stage– rolling freshly glued surfaces using a spatula. This will increase adhesion and improve gluing quality.

  • Exploitation.

PVC glue dries completely within a day after use.


How to properly glue the seams of a rubber inflatable boat

For repairs you need:

  • skin,
  • gasoline "Galosha"
  • White Spirit,
  • toluene,
  • glue for boat repair,
  • roller,
  • collagen-containing primer (dichloroethane),
  • clamp,
  • roller


Stages of work:

  1. Sand the damaged area.
  2. We wipe the surface with Galosh gasoline and then with white spirit. This will remove dirt and dust after sanding.
  3. Rinse rubber surface with a cloth soaked in toluene. We wait a few minutes until the surface dries.
  4. It is also recommended to walk with a rag soaked in collagen-containing soil.
  5. We prepare glue with the addition of polyisocyanate to increase the strength of the seam.
  6. Apply glue to the damaged area and leave to dry for 20 minutes. Then apply another layer of glue.
  7. We connect the edges of the material and smooth out the folds.
  8. We heat the material with a hairdryer and roll it with a roller.
  9. We place the glued material between two boards, compress it with a clamp and leave it for a day.