Oil or diamond glass cutter. Which glass cutter is better: review, prices and recommendations on which glass cutter is best for cutting. How to cut glass at home - general rules

When engaged in construction or performing any work with glass, the home craftsman has questions about which glass cutter is better and how to choose it. Experienced craftsmen usually have not one, but several tools for cutting glass, mirrors, tiles and other fragile materials. Some have been “living” in the workshop for more than one generation, passed on by inheritance. With proper storage and use, the tool can serve the great-grandfather and his great-grandson. You need to choose according to a number of criteria, then it will not wear out.

Not everyone can work with glass. There are specialists who subtly sense the characteristics of a material, barely touching it. Others may spend years mastering cutting techniques. It also happens that an inexpensive tool turns out to be functional in the hands of a novice carver. And a professional can easily cope with any simple and complex devices. Each new cut adds experience to any user.

Features of glass structure

The first analogues of glass appeared more than 5,000 years ago. It is believed that Egypt was the birthplace of its production. They began to make baked bricks there. In the furnace, when the sand was overheated, sagging was formed; they contained oxides of silicon (SiO₂), barium (Ba₂O₃), calcium (CaO) and a number of other components that give different color shades.

The original flowing flows were used as decorations. Users were attracted by their special properties:

  • High hardness, there were no objects around that could damage the shiny surface. Metals of that period did not have such surface strength.
  • For decades appearance hasn't changed. The fired structure of the material did not oxidize either in water or in air. The products made from glass materials were decorated with gold and silver jewelry.
  • The shape of the glassy casting was not only spherical. As a result of the flow, unusual shapes were formed, reminiscent of people, animals, birds and body parts. Priests often used such objects when conducting services to various deities.
  • Low-melting metals found in nature painted glassy objects in the most unusual colors and combinations thereof. As a result, sunlight was refracted in them in the most unexpected way. The play of refracted and reflected rays was not repeated even for products of the same shape.

Much later, they learned how to melt oxides of silica metals and subsequent cooling, which made it possible to obtain clear glass or with different colors. Then they began to work out ways to cut and cut it.

Carrying out marks on a glass surface:

When characterizing the material, it is noted that the properties remain the same in all directions. The crystal lattice has not completely frozen. When heated to certain temperatures, plastic deformation is possible:

  1. Glass is afraid of sudden cooling, then surface tension (the temperature inside can be significantly higher than the outside) leads to instant destruction. The speed of crack propagation inside can reach values ​​of 3000...5000 m/s.
  2. Hardening is quite difficult process, in which heating is carried out only from the outside. The inner layer does not warm up. Cooling is carried out in air. The surface layer creates a pulling effect on inner space. Therefore, tempered glass can withstand quite strong impacts.
  3. Of course, there are also critical values. Then the entire surface shatters into tiny particles. They continue to deteriorate for some time. You can watch how the broken tempered glass crumbles into dust for another 2…3 seconds.
  4. The material remains hard only externally. Studies have been carried out on glass installed 2-3 centuries ago. It turned out that the thicknesses at the top and bottom differ from each other. Every day, month, year, century, some molecules flow down from top to bottom. Interesting fact: in the Moscow Kremlin there are preserved windows that were installed during the reign of Ivan III (late 15th - beginning of XVI centuries, 500 years have passed). When we measured the thickness of the glazing, we found: the difference between the upper and lower values ​​reaches up to 1.5...1.7 mm (when installed, the thickness was 8 mm).
  5. When applying marks with a depth of only 0.0002...0.0004 mm, a critical zone is formed along which fracture is possible. It is this ability to destroy the integrity of the product that forms the basis for cutting glass using glass cutters. Attention! If the fracture is not made within several hours after its application, then an influx of glassy mass occurs. A subsequent attempt to break the glass may be unsuccessful. The crack will go away from the risk.
  6. The researchers note that applying a mark to the surface of the material from a glass cutter produces another important effect: local heating of the surface occurs. Therefore, between applying the risk and breaking it, you need to try to complete the destruction as quickly as possible. Then the edges of the cut will be most accurate.
  7. Chemical glassware is made of glass. It is inert to all alkalis and most acids. Only hydrofluoric acid can dissolve, but in real conditions the presence of this substance (HF) is practically not noticed. The transparency of chemical glassware is an important plus. You can watch the passage chemical reactions through the walls.
  8. A special scale is used to characterize the hardness of glass-like materials. It was named after its author, Friedrich Mohs (German mineralogist and geologist, studied the properties precious stones, researched processing and cutting technologies). Using the Mohs scale, materials are selected that can cause marks on glass and other materials to be processed.

Items are arranged according to the Mohs scale. The hardness value is in parentheses.

How to cut glass?

The principle of cutting ordinary window glass will be discussed. It is used for glazing windows, doors and other spaces during construction or renovation.

Attention! This limitation is due to the fact that glassblowers use their own techniques and tools. There are several other industries that use glass and glassy substances. They use other technologies to separate them into parts.

Common window glass used in construction:

Clarification! Plexiglas contains a polymer of organic origin. Therefore, the cutting process is carried out by sawing with disc cutters or planing cutters.

The cutting process involves applying marks. Most often, a line is drawn along a ruler. In 99.9% of cutting cases, the cutter moves in a straight line. In order for a groove to form and a certain amount of glass chips to crumble, force must be applied. It is aimed at glass surface. Then it is introduced into the body. If you don't create normal pressure, and act only by tangential forces, then no risk is created.

Creating scratches on glass is the first stage of cutting:

Once damage is caused, a shallow groove creates a critical zone within the amorphous material. It also happens that the temperature difference between the risk and the rest of the body is so high that no additional effort is needed to separate the glass into parts. A similar phenomenon occurs when using certain types of materials in the cutting edge. The second condition is the high speed of groove formation.

More often it is necessary to create a bending force. The place where the marks are applied is placed on the edge of the table, and then a vertical load is applied. It produces a break along the line.

Glass fracture along the cut line. It can be seen that the forces are applied on the sides of the line. They contribute to the break:

What does a skilled glazier do while performing a job?

  • When making cuts, the force along the entire path of movement of the glass cutter is constant - the vertical pressure does not change from the beginning to the end of the movement of the tool. The speed also remains unchanged. No stops are allowed and the line is not interrupted.
  • Between making the groove and subsequent actions, a minimum of movement and time is needed. Then cooling in the groove will not occur; the risk itself will not have time to be covered with glassy tissue. A specialist will spend no more than 2…3 seconds on a fracture.
  • A second or third movement is not allowed. If this happens, the material breaks along several lines and an even single edge is not formed. Sometimes a mesh may form and a defect will occur.
  • To perform the cut, a high-quality glass cutter is used, which is installed at a certain optimal angle to the glass surface and to the direction of longitudinal movement.

The glass cutters themselves are produced according to different technologies. A skilled glassmaker has several examples in his arsenal. The choice depends on a number of factors that should be considered before starting work.

Types of glass cutters

In practice, any material that has a higher hardness than the material being cut can be used to create a shallow groove in glass. Structurally, the design of the cutter can be in the form of:

  1. Sharpened edge - such devices are installed inside the mandrels. For ease of use, they are equipped with suitable handles;
  2. Roller - it is placed on an axis. Not only scratching occurs. New parts of the hard cutter come into contact with the surface. There is an effect of pushing part of the surface inward.

Diamond tool

The hardest material on the planet is most often used as a glass cutter. The difference in hardness is measured by an order of magnitude, so drawing a deep line is quite simple.

In the design of a diamond glass cutter you can see:

  • A small diamond is placed at the bottom end - it is fixed with a special mandrel. Gone are the days when installing natural stones. Currently, they have learned how to make artificial diamonds from graphite. They are in no way inferior to natural stones in their properties, but the price is 10...20 times lower.
  • Hammer - it is used for tapping marks with reverse side. Similar technology is used when large thickness glass
  • The end clamp is installed on the reverse side of the striking part. It is used to chip away edges. The need for such operations arises when the fracture does not occur along the cutting line. In fact, this is a way to eliminate marriage.
  • The handle has a thickening - it is designed for easy grip. A large handle is easier to hold when pressing with considerable force on the glass.

The stone can be attached different ways. Previously, a method called “caulking” was used for fixation:

  1. The body of the holder was drilled blind hole.
  2. A stone was inserted into it.
  3. With the help of mints, part of the metal was directed towards the stone. With the blows of the hammer, the soft body covered the stone from the outside.

This method is good because once the cutter was installed, it no longer changed its position relative to the handle. It was enough to adapt to the features of the stone, the location of its edges, and then carry out kilometers of cuts.

The diamond is hammered in a glass cutter mandrel:

Since 1974, a new standard for mounting diamonds in a setting has been developed. The basis was a proposal developed in Sweden in the middle of the last century. Its essence was to fix the cutter using a screw connection:

  • One blind hole is drilled for the stone.
  • The second one is drilled at an angle to it.
  • In the second, the thread is cut.
  • The cutter (diamond) is installed.
  • The screw fixes the stone in a given position.
  • If the diamond becomes dull, simply unscrew the fixing screw and install a new cutter.

The fastening screw is located on the side:

With some diamond glass cutters, the stone is soldered into a special case. The pencil case itself is fixed with rivets:

  1. If it is necessary to repair or replace the cutter, drill out the rivets and then remove the pencil case.
  2. By heating it to a temperature of 250…270 ⁰С, the solder is melted.
  3. The cutter is removed and sharpened.
  4. Then they assemble the instrument.

Modern products look simpler. Manufacturers simplify the design as much as possible.

View modern instrument:

The design allows for the possibility of pinching glass of different thicknesses. The handle is made of inexpensive durable plastic. The stone is fastened using a screw method.

The stone may have:

  • Tetrahedral shape - most domestic instruments were made according to similar technology. The angle of inclination of the face is 22…24 ⁰. The direction of movement is indicated by an arrow on the mandrel. During the application process, the handle is held with a slight tilt towards the direction of movement.
  • Curvilinear edge - such diamond glass cutters are sold by several distributors (manufacturers in Yakutsk, China, South Africa). Professionals note that such a tool can cut not only along straight lines, but also second-order curves, circles and ellipses.

Attention! Some manufacturers install sintered titanium oxide in the form of a pyramid in place of the cutter. In terms of hardness, they are slightly inferior to diamond. But the price of such products is 3...5 times lower. The tool comes with several spare cutters. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the total length of cut each artificial stone at least 50 km (pretty good figure). The skill of using such a tool is acquired quite quickly. Then the desire to return to a natural diamond usually does not arise.

Roller glass cutters

There is a strong opinion that a roller glass cutter is a tool for non-professionals. However, you should pay attention to what kind of cutters German manufacturers of plastic windows use. There, almost 30...40% of craftsmen use roller tools.

Leader in production aluminum windows is China. There, almost 85% of glaziers prefer roller cutters. This approach is explained simply: “If the roller becomes dull, do not remove it, but turn the separator 120⁰. The tool is ready to cut further and longer.”

If the remaining rollers wear out, replacing them takes no more than 10...15 minutes:

  1. The separator is turned away.
  2. The spent rollers are removed from the axles.
  3. They install new ones.
  4. Assemble the separator. The tool is ready for use again.

The opinion about the unprofessional tool was formed because the quality of roller glass cutters was extremely low. They were made in 1963...1967. several tens of millions of copies. And in the next 30...35 years they only implemented what was created during the previous period.

The rollers themselves were made from sintered T5K6 powder. It is capable of conducting a risk more than 80 km long. The separator was made of brass, and the mandrel was made of silumin (an alloy of aluminum and silicon). The quality of the supporting elements was quite low. The handle was made from birch or ash. Over time, this wood deteriorated quite quickly.

Roller glass cutter made in the USSR:

The German roller glass cutter has a slightly different design. It uses 6 rollers. They are mounted on a fairly durable alloy steel body. Each cutter has its own number, so it is easier for the master to navigate when performing the work.

Oil glass cutters

Oil glass cutters appeared around the time the idea of ​​using rollers to cut glass arose. The invention was recorded in France in 1784. The author was Paul Poric.

At a meeting of the patent assignment committee, he was asked to cut some rather dirty glass. Opponents had a desire not to issue the desired patent to the author, since the production of such a tool undermined the established production. The price of the invention was so low that an entire factory could shut down.

The inventor wiped the direction of the upcoming cut with a dry cloth. Then I wet the cloth vegetable oil, mixed with alcohol. He passed the moistened piece of cloth in the direction of the future cut. And then I easily cut the glass. The commission demanded that the cuts be repeated over and over again. At the end, small pieces were cut. They were broken with their fingers.

The author was required to add to the patent an addition about the need to use a special mixture of oil and alcohol. The roller glass cutter should have been sold in retail chains as a set. This slightly increased the cost of the tool, reducing its competitiveness compared to its diamond counterpart.

IN modern designs Liquids are supplied through a special cylinder. Various liquids are filled into it. They serve to reduce friction forces during glass cutting. Various manufacturers offer various options for filling oil glass cutters. After application to the glass surface, the liquid evaporates within 10...15 minutes. Almost no traces of it remain.

Roller-type oil glass cutter and pipette for filling the capillary:

Such a tool does not have 3 or 6 rollers. Usually only one is installed. It is enough for long-term work. If necessary, it is easy to replace:

  • the screw at the bottom of the head is unscrewed;
  • the axle is removed;
  • the roller is removed and a new one is installed in its place;
  • The tool is assembled.
  1. The head with the roller is removed.
  2. The top plug is unscrewed and removed.
  3. The remaining liquid from the capillary is drained.
  4. The capillary is washed with ethyl alcohol.
  5. The glass cutter is assembled and filled with working fluid.

This tool comes with several replacement heads. Their front surface has different angles sharpening. If it is necessary to cut glass of different thicknesses, install the appropriate head.

Replaceable heads for cutting glass of different thicknesses:

Video: which glass cutters are best for cutting glass?

Which glass cutter should I buy?

  • If you have to do the work only at home, then you can opt for a regular roller glass cutter, made back in the USSR. It’s not difficult to master working with it; just take a broken glass and practice on it. For the home, this is the most inexpensive choice.
  • After 20…40 cuts House master learns the basic principles of holding a handle and moving across glass. All that remains is to master the movement along the ruler. To do this, it is advisable to use a ruler with suction cups. It will be fixed to the glass quite firmly.
  • If it is difficult to find a line with similar options, then use the rule. A strip of rubber is glued to the bottom part. It will not allow the tool to move when leaning on it.
  • After gaining some experience in cutting glass, and if you need to do large amounts of work, you can move on to a more expensive tool. It is advisable to use oil glass cutters. Practice shows that they are more convenient to use. They are even used to cut mirrors or tiles.
  • You can also purchase professional diamond tools. But it is advisable to use it if commercial application is planned.

It would be a good idea to learn how to choose a glass cutter and what to look for when purchasing this tool. There comes a moment in the life of every real man when you realize that you need a glass cutter in your home. And if you are not a glassmaker and have never held glass in your hands, the process of choosing a cutting tool becomes a problem.

To produce high-quality glass cuts and ceramic tiles, you need to choose the right glass cutter.

Why do you need to choose the right glass cutter?

Just 20 years ago everything was much simpler. You went to an industrial goods store or market and bought what you had. There was little choice. You were offered a roller steel glass cutter or a diamond one. It cannot be said that today the market is filled with a variety of models for cutting glass. Rather, most tools differ only in design, material, handle shape and additional functions, working like 2 in 1.

It is precisely because of the apparent diversity that you need to be well-versed theoretically before going to a specialized store. Just as visiting a supermarket on an empty stomach can result in buying extra and completely unnecessary products, you should not go shopping for a glass cutter without serious preparation and full confidence in what you need and for what purposes.

If you don’t have a glazier friend at hand who is ready to advise you on the choice, you should carefully study what glass cutters are available on the market and what their differences are. Today, there are several main types of glass cutters that you should pay attention to when choosing such a necessary tool for your home. They all differ in the scope of work, technical tasks and differences in the structure and coating of the material with which they will have to deal.

Types of glass cutters

When choosing a glass cutter, you need to pay attention to the convenience of the handle.

One of the most common and beloved by craftsmen is a roller glass cutter. This type is very popular among professionals. It is designed as follows: a roller with a special sharpening with a diameter of 6.6 mm is mounted in the glass cutter holder. An alloy of tungsten and cobalt is used to make rollers. This material is very strong - one roller can withstand cutting glass up to 400 meters. It can then be sharpened using special devices. But today only ancient masters do this, out of habit, and those who like to do everything with their own hands. For more convenient and full use With the capabilities of one glass cutter, models with three and even six interchangeable rollers are produced. Replacing a roller that has worn out its length does not take much time. All you have to do is loosen the fastening screw and turn the drum. On one holder there are rollers of the same size, and not at all for cutting glass of different thicknesses, as some people think.

When purchasing a roller glass cutter, you need to check the tightness of the rollers. They should spin freely, without interference, but not dangle on the axis. Otherwise, it will be impossible to make a perfectly even glass cut. Next you need to pay attention to the sharpening angle of the rollers. The thinner the glass you have to cut, the smaller the angle you need to choose. Accordingly, to work with thick glass, use rollers with a large angle. There are several gradations of sharpening - from 100 to 160 degrees.

At home, glass or mirror with a thickness of no more than 6 mm is usually used. A glass cutter with a cutting angle of 100 degrees is suitable for this type of work. The most common sharpening angle is 138 degrees. Glass cutters with such rollers are considered universal. With sufficient skill, they can cut glass up to 10 mm. If you need to cut material up to 20 mm thick, use a roller with a sharpening angle of 160 degrees. As strange as it may sound, working with thick glass is very delicate in execution. Before cutting, it is advisable to lubricate the roller with oil. It will not only lubricate the cutting edge, but will also penetrate the glass structure and provide an even and smooth chip.

Additional Features to Pay Attention to

Diamond glass cutter has particularly durable properties.

When choosing a glass cutter, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the handle. Before you make your choice, you should literally turn the instrument in your hands. It needs to “fit into your hand.” Also a necessary part of the glass cutter selection process is checking its performance qualities. Ask the seller for a small piece of glass for this. To find out the characteristic sound when moving the roller along the glass plane, before visiting point of sale It is advisable to stop by a glass workshop. There you will hear how properly cut glass should sound.

If you have your own preferences when drawing lines, you should take a closer look at the glass cutter head. They differ in shape and technical protrusions. For cutting under a ruler, it is advisable to choose a glass cutter with a thick and straight head plane. Thinner suitable for figured cutting glass For the same purpose, glass cutters are produced with a fixed head for straight cutting and with a moving head for curved cutting. In many models, the moving head can be fixed if necessary.

Technical thought does not stand still, and in order not to be distracted by lubricating the roller, the so-called oil glass cutter was invented. The peculiarity of its design is that lubricant can be poured into the holder cavity and through special holes the liquid is supplied to the roller axis, the cutting edge and directly into the cutting groove. This technical innovation allows you to extend the service life of the cutting element to 5,000 meters and improve the quality of the chip.

Diamond glass cutter and its features

As soon as we learned how to make glass, the need arose to cut it to size for a variety of needs. And the first “tool” that cut glass was a diamond ring. Having discovered such a remarkable property of the noble stone, it began to be used for cutting glass everywhere. They came up with a handle-holder, over time it was improved and acquired the appearance that we can see today.

The diamond glass cutter is an incredibly popular tool for doing glass work.

When choosing a roller glass cutter, you must carefully check the roller fastenings.

The cutting element in it is still a small diamond. A distinctive feature of the tool is its high productivity and ability to work with material up to 10 mm thick.

Structurally, a diamond glass cutter consists of a handle, at the end of which there is a holder that secures the cutting stone. The reliability of diamond fastening is ensured by special solder with silver. In modern models, there is a mechanism that allows you to replace the cutting edge of the diamond when cutting out the main one.

In addition to glass cutters made using natural stone, they also produce a budget option with synthetic diamond. Such tools are much cheaper, but are almost as effective as their natural counterparts. The only limitation in operation for such glass cutters is the thickness of the glass being cut - no more than 5 mm.

If you are planning to purchase a diamond glass cutter for use at home, it is useful for you to know that they are available in two types: with a curved cutting edge and in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid. The first type of glass cutter is intended for use by amateurs and novice carvers, and the second type is usually used experienced craftsmen. The tetrahedral cutters are installed with an inclination of 22 degrees to the axis of the glass cutter. And for tools with a curved cutting edge, the edge line is located on the same straight line with the axis. This makes the job much easier for people who don't have much experience cutting glass.

There is another type of glass cutter with a design feature. These are compasses and glass cutters for cutting oval parts. And although you will not find houses where these tools are used, it is worth mentioning them. The compass-like one consists of an oil glass cutter, a measuring bar and a suction cup. It is easy to work with, just like with a regular compass. The model for cutting oval shapes consists of suction cups, an oil glass cutter and two rods located at right angles. Managing such screws requires special skills.

And to work with glass at home, it will be enough to stock up on the knowledge you have just acquired and buy a good-quality ordinary glass cutter. The variety of prices for these tools allows you to choose the necessary model for people with different incomes. However, it should be noted that you should save wisely and buy a serious instrument in specialized stores, and not at a flea market.

In our houses and apartments, our eyes were literally “opened” to the world when a person came up with the idea of ​​making clean and transparent glass from colorless, nondescript sand. Its mica predecessors did their job poorly. The world outside the window was blurry and poorly visible. Glass has removed the obstruction to vision, keeping our homes warm and cozy.

But glass is made in large sheets, and pieces of a completely different, smaller size are inserted into the windows. Transparent but very fragile material cannot simply be sawed off with a saw or cut with scissors. There is a special one for this cutting tool- glass cutter Various designs cutters determine the quality of cutting and the cost of the tool. But they have one thing in common - they help glaze the windows of our apartments and houses.

We have compiled a list of the best glass cutters based on expert assessments from specialists and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the global technology market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and we recommend paying special attention to them:

Oil Diamond Handle: metal Handle: wood Handle: plastic

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Glass cutters: Oil cutters

Oil-based / Handle: metal / Handle: plastic

Main advantages
  • Oil glass cutter for working with glass of various thicknesses, cutting in any direction and at the desired angles
  • The hollow handle is filled with kerosene or spindle oil, which is dosed onto the cutting edge of the roller during cutting, increasing work efficiency and extending the service life of the tool.
  • The glass cutter roller is made of a special alloy VK-8 of increased hardness. This ensures tool reliability and high cutting quality
  • The special shape of the tool head makes it easier to work with glass and allows you to freely cut at different angles
  • A comfortable plastic handle allows you to securely hold the glass cutter and facilitates manipulation of the tool during shaped cutting of glass.

Oil / Handle: plastic

Main advantages
  • Roller oil glass cutter for high-quality cutting of glass or mirrors various sizes and thickness
  • The ergonomic transparent plastic handle of the tool is made in the form of a flask. Kerosene or spindle oil is poured inside to lubricate the roller during operation. This reduces friction and improves tool efficiency
  • To increase ease of maintenance, the glass cutter is equipped with a special pipette, which facilitates refilling of lubricant.
  • The cutting roller is made of tungsten carbide, which ensures high strength and reliability of the product
  • The glass cutter is designed for a long period of use, cutting service life is 8 km

Show all products in the "Oil" category

Glass cutters: Diamond

Diamond / Handle: wood

Main advantages
  • Diamond glass cutter for household or professional field for cutting glass
  • Thanks to the diamond cutter, the tool has a long service life of up to 4.5 km, which guarantees long operating time
  • The cutting (diamond) part, if necessary, can be sharpened to improve the quality and accuracy of glass cutting
  • A holder made of high-quality tool steel increases ease of use and makes working with glass easier
  • The wooden handle allows you to securely hold the tool while working and cut required size with high precision

Diamond / Handle: wood

Main advantages
  • Diamond glass cutter (tile cutter) professional class for fast and precise cutting of glass or tiles
  • The main part of the cutting element is a dense artificial diamond in a non-ferrous metal frame. An unusually sharp cutting edge allows you to cleanly and the first time cut glass or tiles of small thickness in a given direction
  • Side grooves of various sizes for different thickness glass makes it easier to align edges and break off glass strips
  • A holder made of high-quality tool steel ensures reliable fastening of the handle and long service life of the tool.
  • The ergonomic handle made of polished smooth wood fits comfortably in the hand and allows you to freely manipulate the glass cutter while working.

When we are faced with the need to cut glass of a certain size, we either turn to a specialist or do this work ourselves. For experienced glaziers, the question of calling a master is brushed aside without consideration, but beginners are usually skeptical about this process, fearing to spoil the fragile material. If you have not encountered cutting glass before, but are determined to master this business, you will need a special tool. About which glass cutter to choose for home use, we will describe in detail in this article.

Today there are a huge variety of glass cutters, various forms and colors. Some instruments may have similar visual features, but differ radically in performance quality. Original glass cutters from renowned manufacturers are relatively expensive, but they serve faithfully for the specified period. Chinese models will cut, but will deteriorate much faster. In order not to overpay money for unnecessary 20 thousand meters of cutting, before choosing a glass cutter for your home, we recommend that you answer a few questions for yourself.

How often do you need to cut glass? In private houses with household facilities, such a task appears periodically, so it is better to have more in your arsenal reliable device. If you plan to use glass in design or stained glass, you will need a tool High Quality, capable of, in addition, making a very even cut. If you have the need to cut glass for the first time in your life and you don’t know when else is expected, you can completely get by with the most budget option.

To more accurately understand which glass cutter to choose, you need to know what kind of glass you will be working with? The average thickness of window glass is 3-4 mm and even the cheapest glass cutter can handle similar material. If you are dealing with a thicker canvas, it is better to choose a tool based on its size. Oil can cut glass up to 9 mm, and diamond up to 20.

Roller glass cutter

Roller devices are considered one of the most budget-friendly and common types of glass cutters. This tool cuts glass using a special roller made of steel or hard alloy tungsten carbide. The metal head can contain from 1 to 6 cutting rollers, which can be changed by simply turning the drum. When considering such a device, many people have a question: “What do the numbers on the glass cutter mean?” The answer is extremely simple. When the cutting disc becomes unusable, the drum is rotated and another one is installed in its place. Numbering helps you remember which video has already done its job and which one can be used.

You don't need much experience to use a roller glass cutter confidently. This tool is perfect for beginners when it is necessary to cut glass from 4 to 6 mm. The sharpness of the cutter is enough to cut up to 300 meters of clean glass, if you do not draw along the same line several times (this wears out much faster). Quite best option For household use.

Perhaps the most versatile glass cutter, widely used both in everyday life and in industry. It has the same cutting element as on the roller device, but is slightly different in design and principle of operation. Distinctive feature and the main advantage of an oil glass cutter is the function of supplying lubricant from the tool handle to the cutting roller. Constant wetting of the roller significantly reduces its wear and significantly improves the quality of the cut.

If you need good glass cutter, which will serve faithfully for many years, the oil type device will become good choice. At correct operation(not dry), the cutting roller is enough for up to 30,000 meters of cutting. The thickness of the cut glass reaches 9 mm. The cost of such a tool is not too high, and on average is 30% more than that of a conventional roller tool. Kerosene, white spirit, turpentine or special oil can be used as the liquid to be filled.

Diamond glass cutter

It is a rather difficult tool to use and requires sufficient experience from the user. It has a very high-quality, even cut, which makes it widely used in the professional field. As the name implies, a diamond (artificial or real) is used as a cutting element. In the metal tip of the tool, there is a screw for a Phillips screwdriver, by turning which you can change the position of the cutter if one of its sides becomes dull.

A very durable tool with a fairly wide price range. Some models of diamond glass cutters may cost even less than roller ones, but in general, the price of high-quality devices will be much higher. A professional diamond glass cutter can cut up to 50 kilometers of glass before it becomes unusable. The thickness of the glass can reach 20 mm. It is advisable to purchase such a device for everyday tasks if you need a durable tool for high-quality cutting. Beginners without experience will have to practice to get good results.

Radius glass cutter (circular)

A very expensive glass cutter for round holes, used mainly in production. Its design resembles a compass with a suction cup instead of a needle and a metal ruler with a cutter instead of a drawing leg. The cutting element is a carbide roller with an oil supply function on some models. Quite difficult to operate and requires some experience in cutting glass.

The service life of a radius glass cutter depends on the material of the cutter, and the thickness of the glass being cut varies from 4 to 25 mm. For household use, it is better to consider budget models from SANTOOL or Kedalong. You can make a glass cutter for round holes with a suction cup yourself using available materials, as the author of the following video demonstrates.

You can also cut out a circle with a regular glass cutter, making several precise cuts and trimming the edges with sandpaper.

Professional glass cutter

Impressive glass cutting devices used in industrial-scale work. Professional glass cutters with a ruler look like a mop or glass scraper. In fact, this is a very convenient tool, consisting of a guide rod, a ruler, a cutting element and a container with oil. Of course, in household use, for cutting a couple of glasses, such devices are inappropriate, but for a large volume of work, they are very useful.

Typically, a professional glass cutter with a ruler (quick cutter) is equipped with a cutting roller of the buyer’s choice. The durability of the cutters, as with a conventional oil-based tool, allows you to cut about 30 kilometers of glass. It is unlikely that such devices will be useful to you at home, but keep them in mind if you want to open your own glass workshop.

Glass cutter for tubes

Perhaps the most unusual and rarely seen device of all of the above. As the name implies, this glass cutter is used for glass tubes of various diameters. This material is used in the chemical and food industries, where maximum sterility is required. In everyday life, glass pipes can be used as fireproof ducts for electrical cables or chimneys for fireplaces.

The glass cutter model presented above, from the Bohle company, can cut pipes with a diameter from 4 to 30 mm. A roller with an acute sharpening angle is used as a cutter. This type of glass cutter is purchased for specific tasks and most owners will never need it.

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Hi all! Any serious major renovation The house cannot do without working with glass.

This is why it is very important to choose quality tool to work with this material. Next, we will look at how to choose a glass cutter for your home so as not to regret the purchase in the future.

There are several types of glass cutters on the modern market - the tools differ in design, working element and cutting method.

This allows you to make the optimal choice of glass cutter for home or professional use.

Diamond glass cutter. This is a tool for professionals.

It uses a diamond crystal as a cutting element, which is firmly fixed to the working part using silver solder. A tool with natural diamond is suitable for working with glass up to 1 cm thick.

If synthetic diamond is used, the cutting thickness will be no more than 5 mm, such a tool is noticeably cheaper.

Depending on the type, a diamond tool has:

  • Curved cutting edge. The cutters are installed in line with the axis of the glass cutter, which simplifies working with it.

    This option is convenient for inexperienced carvers and suitable for home use.

  • A tetrahedral chisel in the form of a pyramid. The cutters are fixed at an angle of 20-22 degrees relative to the axis of the tool; working with it requires skill. This professional tool for experienced craftsmen.

With frequent use, the diamond crystal becomes dull, and the cutter requires sharpening on a cast iron disk or using a whetstone coated with mastic with diamond dust.

Sharpening is carried out until the glass cutter begins to draw a thin line on the glass.

Roller glass cutter.

A common option, actively used in everyday life and by professionals. The cutting part is carbide rollers, most often based on cobalt and tungsten.

Manufacturers offer glass cutters with different numbers of rollers – 1.3 or 6.

The more cutting elements in a tool, the better it works and the more expensive it costs. Each roller with a diameter of 6.6 mm is capable of cutting glass up to 4 mm thick, and is capable of making a total cut of 350 meters in length.

The dull cutting element is replaced with a new one by loosening the fastening clamp and turning the drum.

If you don't have a new roller at hand, you can sharpen the old one with a mechanical sharpener or using a fine-grained abrasive disc.

Oil glass cutter. A relatively new development, which is a classic roller tool equipped with a lubricant supply system to the working area.

How to choose a good glass cutter for your home

Lubricating fluid is poured into the handle of the tool and flows to the cutting edges through a special wick. Due to lubrication, the friction force is reduced and wear on the working part of the glass cutter is reduced.

An oil glass cutter usually has several interchangeable heads for working with glass of different thicknesses:

  • for cutting glass up to 1 cm thick, rollers are used with a sharpening angle of 135 degrees;
  • To work with glass with a thickness of 1 to 2 cm, roller elements with a sharpening angle of 150 degrees are used.

At the same time, the resource of each head reaches 5 - 6 thousand linear meters.

In addition to fixed heads, rotating ones are also used; they allow cutting according to a template. Heads that have reached the end of their service life must be replaced.

An oil glass cutter is a serious professional tool; it is irrational to buy it for simple one-time work around the house, but it makes sense to purchase it if there is a large amount of work to be done or cutting according to a complex pattern.

Circular glass cutter. A specialized glass cutter that allows you to cut circles and ovals.

The design includes an adjustable scale, thanks to which you can set the required cutting radius, a suction cup that fixes the tool on the glass surface, as well as a glass cutter itself (usually an oil type).

To obtain an oval, a special system of two rods is additionally used. Before cutting, you need to select the correct radius on the measuring scales.

How not to make a mistake with your choice?

When deciding which glass cutter to choose, you should first of all focus on the volume of work to be done and the characteristics of the material. If you have to cut glass with a thickness of 1 to 2 cm, the choice is made in favor of an oil tool.

For thinner glass, diamond and roller glass cutters are suitable. Roller models are the cheapest and they have a limited working life. This is an option for one-time work with thin glass. If there is enough work to be done, optimal choice will become a diamond tool.

Having decided on the type of glass cutter, pay attention to the ergonomics of the tool handle.

Preference should be given to a wooden handle - it does not slip in the palm of your hand when working. The polymer handle should have a rough surface, the metal handle should have a notch. The special shape or grooves on the handle help to hold the tool tightly.

When buying a glass cutter, check its operation - the seller provides glass for test cutting.

When testing a roller model, pay attention to the line (it should be thin), sound (characteristic crackling without squeaking), movement (the roller should not wobble). When checking the diamond and oil models, pay attention to the thickness of the line - the thinner it is, the sharper the tool.

A properly selected glass cutter will help you independently carry out all the work associated with cutting this material.

Video on the topic “how to choose a glass cutter”:

What types of glass cutters are there and how they differ

Glass cutter in household- a tool that is not essential, but when you need to cut glass and have nothing to cut with, then this is already a problem. Therefore, it is advisable to have this tool in the house. How to choose a glass cutter, what you should pay attention to, what types there are - read this article.


The vast majority of home craftsmen use roller glass cutters.

They are inexpensive (if you take a household one, not a professional one), they cut glass perfectly, although some cannot take glass larger than 5 mm, and some even cut centimeter glass.

The cutting element here is a carbide roller, with which the glass is cut. Most often in included 6 rollers, 1 working, 5 spare. Many people don’t even know that if the glass cutter roller becomes dull, it can be replaced with a new one; to do this, you just need to unscrew the bolt and move the new one in place of the old roller.

WITH wooden handle.
The most common, home-made one, with its help you can cut glass up to 5 mm thick without any problems, although the five is already cut very poorly. Regular 3-4 mm window glass can be cut without problems. The cost is 60-80 rubles.

2. Cheap Chinese models with plastic handle and six rollers.
They are completely similar, cost about 60-100 rubles, and they also take thin glass.

3. A large tool from the “Pro” series, it is certainly not professional, but it cuts thicker glass.

The stated thickness of the glass to be cut is as much as 10 mm, but in practice it was difficult to cut 6 mm glass.

If you don’t want to use cheap models (70-100 rubles) and you are not satisfied with the quality of glass cutting, then I advise you to pay attention to glass cutters from the company “kraftool” - German company, producing quality products.

All their products are high-quality tools, the most important thing is that their prices are very low (when compared with other professional companies).

4. Kraftulovsky is already more expensive.

For the home there are 2 options - with 1 roller and with six. The one with the green handle comes with one roller, it costs more. How is it that 1 video costs more than 6?

Everything is simple here - the resource of this one roller is 8 km (you can cut 8 km of glass).

Cost per this moment 250 rubles is a small price for a truly high-quality instrument. The thickness of the glass being cut is also small, up to 5 mm, but it cuts the five just perfectly, the cut is straight, without chips (unlike cheap household options).

The second option - with an orange handle, has 6 rollers, and also perfectly cuts glass up to 5 mm.

Price 200 rubles, resource of one video - 1 km.

For myself, I made a choice by buying myself a glass cutter for 250 rubles with 1 roller.

How to choose a glass cutter

In the household it is rarely necessary to cut glass thicker than 5 mm, but a couple of times I had to deal with 6 mm glass - the green “Kraftool” did it without problems, although I had to spend more time tapping the cut.

Of all inexpensive options it is Kraftul's that is optimal, because it has successfully shown itself in action.

5. Oil glass cutter

Oil cutters can also be classified as roller cutters, since the cutting is carried out by a roller made of carbide metal. The only difference is that when cutting, oil is added, which makes cutting glass much easier; moreover, the quality of the cut is noticeably higher.

If you take an inexpensive oil pump for home use, it will cost about 180 rubles (Stayer company).

When compared with the Kraftul one, we can say that it is very good.

Diamond models

Many craftsmen cut only with diamond glass cutters, because they consider them the best. By and large, they are right - diamond ones are designed to cut glass and no roller can compare with a professional diamond one.

What is a professional diamond glass cutter?

This is just a super tool, it cuts even centimeter glass with absolutely no effort. Back in my youth I worked for several days on a glass cutter and was shocked with how easily you can cut glass 1 cm thick. Of course, the price of such a tool is decent.

Glass is cut using diamond, which is, of course, harder than any hard alloy.

Diamond glass cutters for the home are not as simple as they seem. To cut off something for them the first time, they will have to work hard.

The whole difficulty arises because when cutting, you need to maintain a certain angle of inclination when the diamond edge begins to cut.

My first attempts were not successful, but I firmly decided to learn and after some time I already knew how to cut with such a tool. And I’ll tell you that it really cuts like clockwork. The only thing is that you need to cut using a metal ruler; the thinner the ruler, the better.

How to use it correctly

A few simple rules:

  • Do not go over the cut several times; you need one pass with the required pressing force.
  • Tap the glass cut carefully along the entire length of the cut.
  • The pressing force must be chosen correctly, do not use all your power on 3 mm glass, otherwise you will simply crush it.
  • Move the glass cutter slowly, do not rush.