Symbols of love. Definition of the Flower of Romance. Classic symbols of love

Symbols of Valentine's Day. We will tell you about this.

At events dedicated to Valentine's Day At weddings, romantic figures were often hidden in the cake. Each guest received a piece and, if he was lucky, found an emblem in it that promised him good luck.

The rice indicated an imminent wedding, the ring - the same or an engagement. The coin was a sign of marriage or marriage with a rich person, a red glove for young man— the girl likes him.

A heart-shaped figurine in our time symbolizes love and Valentine's Day. However, this was not always the case. People used to believe that love, luck, success, as well as anger or doubt - all these feelings are located in the heart. Later they decided that there was only room for love.

The flower of love is the red rose.

The red rose has always been the flower of love, since the rose is the favorite flower of Venus, the goddess of love, and red is the color of strong feelings.

Pigeons are considered birds of love and happiness. . According to legend, they were the favorite birds of Venus. All their lives these birds remain faithful to their mate and together take care of the chicks. This is probably why they are considered a symbol of fidelity and love, as well as Valentine's Day.

However, not in all countries doves are the birds of love. For example, in Africa, colorful parrots, most of which have red beaks, are considered a symbol of heartfelt affection. And they are called love birds because, when they gather in pairs, they sit very close to each other.

Rings They are also a symbol of love and happiness, if only because in most countries, couples exchange them during engagement and wedding. And a few centuries ago, it was very popular to arrange engagements on Valentine's Day.

Gloves have long been considered a symbol of marriage. It happened this way because before, if a man wanted to marry a woman, he asked for her hand. So first the hand, and then the glove, became a symbol of love and marriage.

Lace is also associated with love and close relationships. Everything has gone back to the times of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. At that time, all representatives of the fair sex carried lace handkerchiefs with them. And if the lady dropped this attribute, then the man who was next to her at that moment considered it his duty to pick up the scarf and return it to the woman. It so happened that sometimes women deliberately dropped their handkerchiefs just to meet the man they liked. Over time, lace became completely associated with a love story.

Cupid - god of love

Cupid is a hero of Roman mythology (in Ancient Greece, the prototype of Cupid was the young son of the goddess Aphrodite - Eros). He is known both as the son of the goddess Venus and as the most popular symbol of Valentine's Day, representing a mischievous angel with a bow and quiver, who always carries several dozen magic arrows with him and shoots very accurately. Those people and even gods who are hit by Cupid's arrow are sure to fall in love.

One of the legends about Cupid tells the tender and touching story of his love for Psyche.

Cupid's mother, Venus, did not like the fact that an earthly girl could have unearthly beauty. The goddess told her son to punish the mortal, but instead Cupid fell in love with Psyche and married her. But since people are not allowed to see the gods, Psyche did not know what her chosen one looked like.

The girl was happy. But the insidious sisters convinced her to follow her husband to see what he really is like. Having learned this, Cupid became angry with Psyche for disobedience and decided to punish her: he abandoned the girl, and with him the wonderful magical gardens and the castle in which they lived.

So Psyche was left alone and suffered greatly without her beloved. To find him, she went to the temple of Venus and asked Cupid's mother for help. Venus, who disliked Psyche from the very beginning, decided to take advantage of this opportunity and destroy the girl. Promising to tell Psyche where to find Cupid as a reward, Venus gave Psyche impossible tasks. But for the sake of her lover, Psyche was ready to do anything! The last and most difficult task for Psyche was to deliver Pandora's box (which contained the beauty of Pluto's wife) to the underworld. On her way, Psyche more than once came close to death, but under no circumstances should she open Pandora's box. And yet, female curiosity prevailed over caution, and Psyche opened it. But instead of hidden beauty, the insidious Venus put it in Pandora's box dead dream, who chained the girl, punishing her for her curiosity.

Cupid found Psyche lying lifeless on the ground. He forgave his beloved and removed the spell of dead sleep from her. And the gods, delighted with the power of Psyche’s love, made the girl a goddess.

Red rose - symbol of love

The first roses were planted in Asia about 5,000 years ago. Wild sisters These flowers are even older - the first of them appeared about 35 million years ago.

In ancient times, people considered the rose to be a divine flower.

The Romans had a legend about the origin of the rose. According to her, many young men at that time wanted to marry a beautiful girl named Rodanthe, but she did not like any of them. But these men were so full of love and desire, angry at her indifference, that they broke into her house, breaking down the door. This behavior outraged the goddess Diana. As punishment, she turned the girl into a rose, and her admirers into thorns on a flower. According to Greek myth, the goddess Flora, once seeing beautiful girl, turned her into a rose. The goddess Aphrodite endowed the flower with beauty, the three Graces with unique brilliance and charm, Dionysus added fragrant nectar, and Zephyr dispersed the clouds so that Apollo could water the rose in the sun. When the favorite of the gods grew up, she was given to Cupid, calling her the queen of flowers.

The Greeks also have a legend about how the rose became a symbol of love. The goddess of love Aphrodite once, while hurrying to meet her lover, stepped on a bush of white roses. Having injured her leg, she painted the flowers red with her blood. Since then, red roses have symbolized love and passion.

But no matter what legends there are about the origin of the rose, this flower is undoubtedly a symbol of love and beauty. For example, everyone knows that a bouquet made of red roses means “I love you.”

A bouquet combined of red and white roses, symbolizes unity and friendship, pink - grace and elegance, yellow - joy, orange desire. Burgundy roses tell the girl that the young man who gave them admires her beauty. A bouquet of white roses means “you are divine.”

If you don’t want to follow the beaten path or the phrase “I love you” is not exactly what you want to say to this person, then it’s better to refuse a bouquet of roses.

Since ancient times on earth, in different cultures, there are many symbols that bring happiness, luck and joy. Let's look at the symbols of happiness different nations, religions, cultures, if you accumulate them, then this will play an important role in creating a positive atmosphere, and this is the basis that attracts similar things. This page presents a small fraction of the wealth of the heritage that our distant ancestors left us.

Birds that bring joy and happiness

The Bird of Happiness - wooden toy in the shape of a bird, made using wood carving. The sacred purpose of the dove bird is associated with the image of the Holy Spirit.

The bird was hung from the ceiling in the front, “red” corner of the village room, where there was a table with benches. When a boiling samovar was placed on it, the carved bird, obeying the currents of hot air, slowly and solemnly rotated around its axis...

The bird of happiness was hung in the house as a talisman, a guardian hearth and home and well-being.

It is made from a single block, wood chips, without the use of glue or fasteners, by cutting thin petals and special method bending, the petals of the resulting wings and tail can be connected by threads. Usually made from pine, spruce, fir or Siberian cedar wood.

Phoenix is ​​the bird of happiness.

Phoenix is ​​the bird of immortality, rebirth and glory. The legend of the Phoenix tells how a solar bird descended to earth, so beautiful that the stars, circling, greeted its arrival. Where the Phoenix appears, strife ends and the holiday begins - the warmth and light in the breath of the fiery bird warms everyone around.

No bird has captured the human imagination quite like the sacred Phoenix of Heliopolis, the mystical bird of the ancient Egyptian “city of the sun.” The Phoenix served as a symbol of the Sun, setting in the evening and appearing again in the morning, and eternal life the soul leaving the body after death. The Phoenix arose in people's minds as the embodiment of humanity's eternal dream of immortality. Biblical prophet Ezekiel calls the phoenix the king of birds and admires its wonderful song, during which everything around fell silent.

In addition to the phoenix, other winged creatures also symbolize joy, beauty and happiness.

Pheasant, peacock, rooster and duck.

THE PHEASANT is a widely used emblem of beauty and happiness, and the PEACOCK of beauty and nobility. For centuries, thanks to the beautiful colors of its tail feathers, the peacock symbolized official ranks, especially during the reign of the Ming Dynasty.

THE IMPERIAL DUCK is associated with marital fidelity and happiness. This beautiful view Ducks are considered the best among their kind and are given to young married couples so that tenderness and happiness will remain in their relationship throughout their lives.

The ROOSTER is considered the main symbol of the Yang element and the bearer of many virtues. The crown on his head speaks of his literary gift, the spurs on his feet - of courage and courage, the protective instinct towards his chickens reflects his benevolence, and the daily early cry - reliability. The Chinese believe that the image of the Red Rooster in the home or workplace is effective protection against fire, and the White Rooster drives away evil spirits at night.

Flowers that bring blissful joy

There are five meaningful colors, which have become extremely popular in China and symbolize good luck and many happy occasions, and which are displayed in homes on holidays. These are PEONY, CHRYSANTHEMUM, LOTUS, MAGNOLIA and ORCHID.

The majestic PEONY is highly valued in China and is rightly called the “king of flowers”. It is also known as the flower of wealth and honor, symbolizing the yang element, spring, love and affection. When a peony bush blooms, it is considered a good omen, and therefore people try to grow it near the house.

Like the peony, the CHRYSANTHEMUM, which symbolizes autumn, joy and an easy life, is very popular in China. A particularly widespread custom is to give each other yellow chrysanthemums on holidays, which create an atmosphere of happiness.

The sacred LOTUS holds a special place in the hearts of the Chinese, especially those who practice Buddhism. He is often depicted floating gracefully and majestically above dark water, symbolizing stunning purity in a polluted environment. This is a flower that symbolizes summer; the flower in which the beloved Buddha Padmasambhava was born. Lotus images or flowers in the home are used to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere, as well as to awaken spiritual consciousness.

Other beautiful flowers - MAGNOLIA and

ORCHID - symbolizes sweetness, love and sophistication.

Fruits of Happiness

These include PEACH, ORANGE, POMEGRANATE and PERSIMO, each prized for different reasons.

PEACH is a Chinese symbol of eternity and marriage. Ancient legend describes the peach tree of the gods, which grew in the gardens of the Queen of the West, Xi Wang Mu, and bore the fruit of eternal life once every three thousand years, which gave power to the eighteen Immortals, and the god of immortality himself came from the immortal peach. Paintings of this god, Sau Seng Kung, holding a peach are a popular gift for the head of the family, as it symbolizes long life and longevity.

ORANGE signifies happiness, abundance and prosperity. It is often given as a gift to each other, and images are displayed in the home during the Lunar New Year, not only because of the name (“kum”, orange, means “gold” in Chinese), but also because of its rich, joyful color and luscious aroma. Finally, the GARNET symbolizes numerous offspring and success in the activities of the company's branch, as well as honor, glory and success; Persimmon means joy.

Symbol of family happiness

Peahen bird- is the main symbol of family happiness. By placing a figurine on a shelf or hanging an embroidery depicting a pair of birds on the wall, you attract the bird of happiness to your abode, because it sees that other birds are doing well with you

Deer and Horse- symbols of the sun and bring happiness and fun, prosperity to the house.

Money Tree— important for family happiness is financial peace of mind. This symbol in Feng Shui represents family budget or your business. The tree develops and grows, bears fruits - coins. Such a plant or an image with it should be hung at home where the family budget is planned or kept.

Try to make sure that there are as many matching accessories and objects in the house as possible; they attract love and family well-being. These can be classic Feng Shui symbols - a pair of dolphins, paired candlesticks, pairs of ducks and cranes, as well as other household items, cabinets, chairs, bedside tables, armchairs.

Ficus-symbol of family happiness and prosperity. Ficus creates a pleasant, family atmosphere in the house; it absorbs anger and aggressiveness. Many people compare this plant to a vacuum cleaner that absorbs the dust of our worries. If the ficus grows well, then the “composition” of the family and family well-being grows.

Butterfly- a symbol of family happiness. For all people, the butterfly is a symbol of family happiness and love. This belief originates from ancient Hellas. In myths ancient Greece- butterfly is the patroness of lovers. It is not for nothing that in many eastern countries the custom of giving a butterfly to the newlyweds at weddings has been preserved as a guarantee of a happy family life. In China, a young man, when proposing, must give his chosen one a butterfly - a symbol of his eternal love.

Pair of pigeons- a symbol of family happiness. Since ancient times, pigeons have been considered a symbol of prosperity and family happiness. These wonderful birds are traditionally released into the sky on the day of the wedding, because the dove is a bird of peace and a good messenger.

Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom- a biblical symbol of family happiness. Love-destination - manifests itself in harmonious mutual complementation and mutual service. It allows you to coexist without spectacular scenes and serious shocks. Unlike love-passion, love-destination does not imply separation. Two particles of the world that belong to each other merge and form one whole; no force can separate them: neither death itself, nor the Murom boyars. You can find out more detailed history of Peter and Fevronia by reading the life of Peter and Fevronia.

Elephant— One of the main symbols of family happiness. It is a symbol of wisdom, strength, patience, prosperity, marital fidelity, and happiness. The elephant is intelligence, longevity, wisdom, goodwill, compassion. One of the main symbols of family happiness

But the most main symbol family happiness - OUR CHILDREN.

Slavic symbols

Cross of Lada-Virgin- a symbol of Love, Harmony and Happiness in the family. People called him LADANETS. It was worn mainly by girls as a talisman in order to have protection from evil eye. And so that the power of Ladinets was constant, he was inscribed in the Great Kolo (Circle)

Lucky cube

Genus. The power of the Family is not only within everyone. There is a moment when we are not always and not always able, for various reasons, to feel and control this power. The ancestral memory might be in a dormant state. When we mention the power of the Family, we mean not just a feature accumulated over generations, but a perfect skill honed over centuries. This is why every Russian person, a descendant of the Slavs, should have a talisman symbol of the Family. IN wall version it will work to awaken the ancestral memory and gain the strength of the foundation not for everyone, but for everyone in the room. By the way, such a room does not have to be a house. The sign can be hung at work or worn on the chest. Rod gives not only physical strength, but also the wisdom of generations in solving problems and achieving goals. Divine Heavenly symbolism. Amulets, amulets and amulet, it is believed that if a person wears the Symbol of the Family on his body or clothes, then no force can defeat him.

The genus gives not only physical strength, but also the wisdom of generations in solving problems and achieving goals.

Svarogov cross- one of the religious symbols Slavic god Svarog - Heavenly Father and Creator of Our Earth. This symbol denotes universal well-being and enlightenment.

OBEREZHNIK — Star of England, connected to the Solar symbol in the center, which our Ancestors originally called the Messenger, brings Health, Happiness and Joy. Ancient symbol protector of happiness.

Burdock- a Slavic symbol that “catches” (attracts) happiness, luck and prosperity. Burdock has been added to the inside of the symbol Orepei-one of the most common Slavic symbols of happiness, peace of mind, and balance.

Star of the Cross symbolizes luck, success and achievement of the intended goal.

Love still remains the most incomprehensible and mysterious secret of the universe. The concept of love still cannot be explained by psychologists, scientists, historians, or artists. Perhaps the secret of true love will never be revealed by a person. But it will constantly be expressed in various forms creation and mean more than anything on the planet.

The concept of love in feng shui

Today many have heard about such esoteric teaching like feng shui, or feng shui. Some people misread the Latin transcription of the Chinese word and say "fengshii".

In ancient Chinese teaching, love is understood as the true value of the human race, which shapes the personality and its life path, reveals in it best sides, laid down by nature. Proponents of this practice consider love to be an inexhaustible source of happiness and the most altruistic state of mind. Loneliness is considered a failure in life, so even the richest and most respectable men and women often sacrifice their material wealth in order to find and keep love. Even the ancient instinct of reproduction is expressed in psychological needs to love and to be loved.

The need to explain your feelings to your loved one led to the creation of symbols of love and fidelity. Various items, accessories and decorations irreplaceable elements in a love relationship between a man and a woman. Ancient Chinese science believes that with the help of certain actions and things you can attract love, but this is only possible with faith in a favorable outcome and efforts on the part of the person himself.

Feng Shui flower symbolism of love

Chinese teaching uses many symbols that mean a high and warm feeling of love. Some symbols are familiar to the population different countries, but not everyone knows that it came specifically from Chinese geomancy.

Main love symbolism according to Feng Shui:

Experts advise choosing paintings with one type of plant, each of which is conducive to a certain set of circumstances in the search for love. You should not completely cover the walls with images of flowers and trees. Desire and faith in finding your chosen one will definitely help the desired happen.

Love talismans in the teachings of Feng Shui

Paired figures or Images means the union of masculine and feminine. Love symbols are pairs of swans, mandarin ducks, fish and people themselves. Pairs of other animals and birds may be used that demonstrate the close bond between creatures of different sexes. Symbolism can be expressed in figurines or amulets.

Among the love talismans there are symbols in a single copy:

  • Crystals. Crystals are symbols of the earth and contain all its power. The magical effect of minerals can be achieved by placing them in the southwestern part of the bedroom. In order for the crystals to “work” correctly, they must first be cleaned in a weak saline solution, in which they must be kept for 7 days. With the help of additional illumination of the crystal, you can force a man to express his passionate feelings towards his chosen one.
  • Butterflies. Not everyone knows that these small and beautiful creatures are a symbol of love and happiness, according to ancient Chinese teachings. A wall decorated with this symbol will help lonely people arrange their personal lives, and married couples will contribute to the activation romantic relationships and will add freshness to their sex life. Agree, it’s very nice to see beautiful fluttering creatures, being charged with positivity from them in the morning.

Listed above are the main symbols of love that the ancient sages gave great value. But there are other objects that sometimes mean love in combination with luck, success and friendship. Figures with them can be an excellent talisman for attracting love and friendships into your life.

Definition of the Flower of Romance

Not all fans of the Chinese practice know that feng shui for marriage and love includes a deep study of astrology, which is closely related to a person’s destiny. Having studied the 4 Pillars of Destiny, you can easily find and activate your Flower of Romance, which is also called the Peach Blossom. The Flower of Romance represents one of the main creatures Chinese horoscope: Rabbit, Horse, Rat or Rooster.

To determine what symbol corresponds to a person according to astrology, you must take into account the time, day, month and year of your birth:

  • Rabbit corresponds to Horse, Dog and Tiger;
  • The Horse should be oriented towards the Ox, Snake and Rooster;
  • The Rat is considered by the Goat, Rabbit and Pig;
  • The Rooster corresponds to the Dragon, Rat and Monkey.

Flowers of Romance are used in the form of figurines of corresponding animals. Such a figurine should always be near a person who wants to find love. You also need to remember that each animal corresponds to a certain side of the world, so the place of the romantic sector may be in different places of housing: the Horse needs the southern sector of the house, the Rat needs the northern side, the Rooster needs the western zone, and the Rabbit needs the eastern part. The love sector can be decorated with a beautiful vase with a bouquet of fresh flowers.

Peach Flower It is used only in the search for a love relationship. For those who already have spousal contacts or serious relationship, this symbol will not help. On the contrary, it leads to the development of infidelity and the emergence of conflicts. After finding your soulmate, the vase of flowers should be immediately removed from the love sector.

Feng Shui love sector

Very often, people resort to the Taoist practice of Feng Shui to attract love and marriage. In order for the plan to come true, it is necessary to follow certain rules, one of which is the creation of a love sector.

The main area responsible for love relationship, is southwest. The sector should be set up in the bedroom or living room. The place needs to be cleared of extra items, which can interfere with positive Qi energy.

The “altar of love” can serve coffee table, bedside table, stool or shelf. The “altar” must be covered with silk cloth of red or pink color. These colors are known to symbolize love and romance, so objects and symbolism in these shades will best help energize the atmosphere with the energy of love and passion. Two pink or red candles should be placed on a table or shelf. Nearby you can place a vase with scarlet flowers or hang a picture with a floral design on the wall. The surface is decorated with figures and talismans of love symbolism.

The finishing touch in creating the love sector will be talisman activation. It happens as follows: you need to make a wish and mentally “send” it to figurines, figurines and other objects that symbolize love and attracting a life partner.

The love sector should be kept clean and well maintained.

How to attract love using feng shui

To attract a chosen one for a girl’s marriage Often all rooms in the house are filled with love talismans and symbols. But for the plan it will be enough to equip just one room, which is usually the bedroom.

First, you should get rid of things and objects left over from your previous relationship. Romantic letters, gifts and photos with your ex should no longer be present in the room. It is also necessary to free the room from excess feminine energy, which is felt in the abundance of cosmetics, accessories, jewelry and various elements decor that does not arouse interest among members of the opposite sex. The interior should be decorated in a neutral design, which should not be feminine, but conducive to romantic relationships between a man and a woman.

For room decoration you should choose paintings and objects that are presented in paired elements. Images and figures of lonely people or animals can evoke negative impressions. Other love talismans should be placed in the eastern part of the bedroom.

If the love sector is advantageously placed in the bedroom, then above the bed you can hang a picture of the moon and lunar path. Moon containing positive energy, helps to increase the chances of attracting a partner. A good decision Landscapes with floral designs also appear. The bed must be double; there should be free access to it from both sides. In order for Qi energy to circulate freely in the room, there should be no shelves or other cluttering objects above the bed.

In order not to disturb the harmony according to Feng Shui, the room should be cleared of mirrors, flowers in pots, toys, paintings of sunsets and autumn landscapes. These items turn away love luck.

There are more and more supporters of the teachings of Feng Shui. The theme of love occupies a central place in the lives of not only single people, but also representatives family relations. Ancient science helps to organize a harmonious space in the house, attract love happiness and good luck in your personal life. But arranging furniture, energy objects and symbols will not be enough. The ancient Chinese way of attracting love will only work with a positive attitude and faith in finding a life partner.

Attention, TODAY only!

When it comes to love and romantic relationships, words sometimes cannot express the passion and emotional attachment we feel; symbols do it for us. Symbols of love and romantic relationships we see everywhere: in fine arts, graffiti on walls, billboards, greeting cards and even the clothes we wear. Hearts, flowers, gods and other love symbols conjure up emotional signs of love and evoke associative memories that deepen our feelings. The meaning of the symbol may be simple, or it may have a deeper hidden meaning that better expresses the degree of love.

Each symbol has a specific meaning and when it comes to feelings, there are many ways that help us convey the essence to a romantic partner.


Cupid, the winged god of Roman mythology, depicted with a bow and golden arrows, symbolizes the personification of desires and courtship. Cupid is known to the Greeks as Eros. In the Roman version, he is born from the union of Mars and Venus. In art, Cupid is often depicted with his eyes closed, symbolizing the blindness of love. The belief that being wounded by Cupid's arrow would lead to hopeless love came from the myth of Cupid and Psych: When Venus ordered Cupid to make her rival Psych fall in love with the most vile creature in the world, Cupid accidentally got scratched by his own arrow and fell hopelessly in love with Psych, flying to her every night and watched her sleep.


Diamonds in jewelry symbolize eternal love. The Greeks believed that diamonds were the tears of the gods, and the Romans believed that diamonds were fragments of fallen stars. First wedding ring with diamond, known to history, given by Archduke Maximilian of Austria to Mary of Burgundy in 1477. In the 19th century, Napoleon presented his wife Marie Louise with an elegant diamond necklace as a token of gratitude for the birth of their son. The most famous romantic diamond gift, a 33-carat diamond worth $9 million, was given to Elizabeth Taylor by Richard Burton.


Nothing says “I love you” more simply than a heart. But where did this stylized symbol come from? Nobody knows for sure. However, the earliest extant image of it was minted on Cyrenes coins in the 7th century BC, in fact it was an image of a silphium plant pod, which was shaped like a heart and was used as a spice for birth control. The theory is that the symbol originally represented a man, and later began to symbolize the heart and love. The heart became very popular due to the popularity of exchanging Valentine cards during the Victorian era in England.


The velvety black center of the tulip represents the lover's heart, darkened by the fire of passion. A Turkish legend adds an additional interpretation to the symbolism of the red tulip. Legend has it that a prince named Farhad fell in love with a girl named Shirin. When Farhad found out his beloved was killed, he could not cope with his grief, and pierced himself with a dagger, while his horse still wandered along the edge of the cliff. So, in the spring, from every drop of his blood a red tulip sprouts, which means “perfect love.”


Emma Goldman said, "I would rather have roses on my desk than diamonds on my neck." Since time immemorial, roses have been a symbol of divine and romantic love, beauty and perfection. Every color option adds detailed meaning to a romantic symbol: yellow – joyful love; red – passion and immortal love; and pink symbolizes first love.


Cooing and bowing - the courtship ritual of doves inspires lovers. Doves have long been considered a symbol of true and eternal love because they are united for life. And if one pigeon dies, then the other will not look for a new partner, and will remain alone. The symbol of two doves together symbolizes constant love.

Maple leaves

In Chinese and Japanese culture, the maple leaf is the insignia of lovers. Just like maple syrup, maple leaves also serve love symbols- they express the sweetness and joy of love in Everyday life. North American settlers used to place maple leaves at the foot of their beds to encourage sexual desire and restful sleep.

A symbol of abundance, wisdom and love, the apple contains secret meanings and has mystical and magical properties. At the wedding of Zeus and Hera, Gaia, the goddess of the Earth, gave them an apple tree with golden apples as a sign of long love and a strong union. Dionysus, greek god wine, won Aphrodite's favor by offering her an apple and won her love.

Celtic love knot

The intertwining design of the Celtic Love Knot has no beginning or end, signifying the continuity of eternal love, the intertwining and anchoring of two souls. Christianity adapted Celtic symbolism, including patterns and ornaments, and often included them in religious manuscripts. Although the ancient Celts did not record the meanings of their designs, scholars believe that the symbols represented the basic principles of life, humanity and spirituality. Three knots tied together symbolized the unity of three: God, man and woman.

In ancient Chinese practice feng shui, symbolism has important. You need to know how to position the talismans in such a way as to get maximum benefit to you and those around you. When these objects are placed according to Feng Shui, they can become a powerful magnet to attract what you desire, attracting good luck, prosperity, wealth, happiness and love into your home.

By using love symbols you can attract a partner who will love you unconditionally, activate the love energy in your home, and bring a lot of romance into your life.

Below are some of the Feng Shui symbols that have been used over the years to enhance your luck in love and improve your current relationship or marriage:

  • How to attract love in 30 minutes a day

  • How Feng Shui Can Improve Your Love

Mandarin ducks

A powerful symbol of a successful marriage in which love and fidelity reign.

These ducks are a symbol of love because they mate for life, and if they lose their partner - they often don't find another because they have lost their soulmate.

IN feng shui talisman Mandarin ducks are highly valued as a powerful display of love between spouses. If you are single, a pair of tangerines will bring you your one true love. If you are married, a pair of Mandarin ducks will help keep your marriage stable and happy.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz is very popular due to its powerful connections with love luck. It can help you find your life partner, increase harmony in your current relationship, solve problems in your marriage, and bring more romance into your life. Rose Quartz also helps you develop self-love, which is the foundation of a happy relationship.

Double symbol of happiness

This icon represents eternal happiness and is very widely used in Feng Shui practice. For those who are looking for a life partner, the symbol of double happiness will help you meet the right partner; for those who are already married, this element will bring many benefits to your relationship. The double symbol of happiness improves both the physical and emotional aspects of love.

Magic knot

This sign has been used for centuries to create endless love. It is believed that it symbolizes a long-lasting connection between two people. It also ensures smoothness in relationships.


Peony is the national flower of China. For centuries, these flowers have been used to attract love and stimulate romance. In China, this flower is called the "flower of wealth and glory" and is highly revered by the Chinese people.