Fines for violating railway crossings. Overtaking at a railway crossing How many meters of crossing is overtaking prohibited?

Excessive haste often leads to incidents, and in the worst case, to big trouble. Hurry can especially cause considerable difficulties on oncoming roads, near railway tracks and other dangerous sections of the highway. Therefore, such a topic as overtaking at a railway crossing will be presented in detail in the light of the rules traffic.

What is the fine for overtaking at a railway crossing and other rules of behavior for drivers on this section of the route will be discussed step by step.

Basic terms

Traffic offenses carry different meanings, despite their some similarities. To understand the terms well, you need to understand their meaning and differences. Now we will discuss concepts such as: overtaking, detour and advance. This the best way will help the motorist recognize how to behave competently in different situations on road.

Leading is the action of the driver in relation to the moving neighboring car. To get ahead of the vehicle, as a rule, the speed increases. Then the vehicle enters the lane in the opposite direction or in the opposite direction if there is a broadband road surface. Getting ahead can happen with or without a lane change. Unlike overtaking actions, an advanced maneuver does not end by returning to the original position.

A detour is made in relation to stationary objects that appear along the vehicle’s route. A broken down vehicle or other obstacle must be driven around if it is not possible to remove it from the road. A detour is made without going into oncoming traffic (along the side of the road, etc.) or with access to the oncoming path even through a solid line. After driving around a stationary obstacle, the driver returns to its original position.

Overtaking the vehicle in front, the driver increases driving speed and often enters the lane intended for oncoming traffic. The overtaking motorist ends the maneuver at the initially selected stage of the route.

Paragraph 14.1 of the traffic rules states that overtaking is prohibited on difficult and dangerous sections of the highway. These include:

  • pedestrian crossings;
  • intersections;
  • bridges, overpasses, tunnels and other reinforced concrete structures;
  • tram lines;
  • railway passages and within a radius of 100 meters from the tracks;
  • objects marked with prohibitory signs.

What types of railway crossings are there?

All railway crossings are divided into two types:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated (more dangerous).

The regulated railway section is equipped with traffic lights, barriers, employees on duty, warning signs and other mechanical obstacles.

The unregulated railway section does not have a traffic light or an employee on duty. However, it is obligatory indicated by special road signs.

The DD rules, paragraph 15, stipulates everything that the driver must observe on roads of various types. Let us describe several prohibitions contained in this paragraph. At a railway crossing it is prohibited:

  • stop;
  • stand;
  • drive in reverse;
  • turn the vehicle;
  • turn the vehicle around;
  • overtake a neighboring car.

Important! Crossing railway tracks is permitted only in strictly designated and marked areas.

At a controlled railway intersection

Now we will discuss step by step what is strictly prohibited at the site under discussion during traffic:

  • Drive through a prohibiting traffic light. A red signal, flashing alternately or together with all lights, blocks the way.
  • The barrier is closing or has already blocked the road. Do not drive ahead of the barrier when it is open. It can close from behind and then, when you back up the car, you will break the closing rod.
  • The employee on duty signals by raising his hands up or spreading them to the sides.
  • A traffic jam that forms ahead can cause the car to sit on the rails if the driver continues driving.

The traffic light signal warns that a train is approaching, which means the driver slows down his car near the STOP sign. Another option is to slow down at the transverse solid line, if there is one. When the barrier is closed, not reaching 5 meters, we make a stop near it or 10 meters before the start of the rail. A car that is “stuck” on the tracks (broken, etc.) must give all possible signals to the approaching locomotive. Passengers, in turn, must immediately leave the car.

A triangle-shaped plate with a red border, in the middle of which there is a picture of “rails, sleepers,” is installed near the barrier. Warning signs: 1.4.1 – 1.4.6 are located 150, 100 and 50 meters before the railway passage.

Before crossing, overtaking is prohibited, and advancing without entering the oncoming lane is allowed. At the same time, do not forget to comply with some mandatory conditions:

  • good visibility of the track;
  • changing lanes does not interfere with other motorists;
  • the car being led does not enter pedestrian or bicycle paths, roadsides, or sidewalks;
  • there is no warning sign;
  • lack of continuous markings on the road.

At an unregulated railway intersection

A triangular sign with a red border, in the center of which a steam locomotive is depicted, indicates an unregulated passage. A red sign in the form of an octagon with a white inscription “STOP” prohibits vehicles from traveling beyond the maximum distance from the beginning of the rails. Such maneuvers as: stopping on rails, driving in reverse on them, overtaking, turning a vehicle around or turning are punishable on unregulated objects. Paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules covers the actions of drivers on railway tracks.

Driving in violation of traffic rules is prohibited on a railway passage if a train is approaching. In this case, the driver must stop within 10 meters of the rail passage.

How to overtake before and after a railway intersection?

In addition to the warning signs described above, there are 2 more, indicating multi-track and single-track railways. They have the shape of white crosses with obtuse and acute angles with a red border.

  • Sign 1.3.1 indicates a single-track road.
  • Road sign 1.3.2 informs you that there is a multi-track railway in front of you. This sign has the addition of a similar checkmark at the bottom.
  • Outside settlements Railway crossing signs are placed 300-150 m before its location. In urban areas, signs are set within 50 m.

Attention! Overtaking cars and motor vehicles is prohibited within 100 meters before the start of a railway crossing. If your eye is not good enough, you should be guided by special symbols.

When overtaking a vehicle in front to the 100-meter mark, pay attention to the following prohibitions:

  • There is a solid line drawn on the road.
  • There is a “No Overtaking” sign nearby.
  • Poor visibility or insufficient lighting.
  • The driver ahead has turned on the left turn signal or is already overtaking other participants.
  • The driver is not confident that the maneuver will be completed, namely that he will unhinderedly take a position between the two vehicles.

Overtaking after crossing a railway track is permitted. However, all previously listed prohibitions in violation of traffic rules remain in force.

What is the penalty for overtaking at a railway crossing?

Administrative fines in the amounts prescribed by the state reach violators in two ways:

  • In case of personal arrest by a traffic police inspector or traffic police officers.
  • Using automatic cameras, photo or video recording.

Sometimes the drafted protocol on an accident ends up in a judicial body. More often this happens due to the filing of an application for appeal by the accused, but who does not consider himself to be such.

Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses Russian Federation regulates measures to suppress violators of safe driving on railway passages.

  • Crossing in the wrong place railway will cost the reckless driver 1000 rubles. a fine or he will be deprived of his driver's license for a period of 3–6 months.
  • Driving under a closed or closing barrier or during a traffic signal is punishable. The unfortunate driver faces a fine of 1000 rubles. or confiscation of driving license for 3–6 months.
  • U-turns, turns, moving a car backwards on railway rails, as well as ignoring markings and other signs are fined in the amount of 500 rubles.
  • Stopping or continuing to stand on the tracks is fraught with confiscation of your driving license for a period of 3 to 6 months. Either exhibited penalty in the amount of one thousand rubles.
  • Wrong going around an obstacle on the roadway of rail tracks, you can pay a fine in the range of 1000–1500 rubles.
  • Overtaking committed before crossing railway tracks or on them is fined 5,000 rubles or the driver’s license is revoked for a period of four to six months.

Punishments, as we see, are not so cheap and harmless. For a repeated overtaking offense within a year from the start of the first offence, the driver's license will be suspended for 12 months. Recorded by automatic camera traffic violation of a repeated nature is fined the same amount. After withdrawing your driver's license, you must take an exam to refresh your memory on the Rules of the Road. Only after retaking the exam the offender will be given the right to drive again.

Is it possible to reduce the punishment?

Answering the essence of the matter, let’s say right away that it is possible. But it is important to provide convincing arguments to justify yourself. It is advisable to film the performed maneuvers on household electronic devices, which will be at hand. Best help for filming, use a personal video recorder or a recorder of neighboring vehicles. Remember that only good reasons may mitigate or completely cancel correctional measures.

To file a complaint to challenge an offense, 10 days are allotted from the date of signing the protocol on the administrative violation. The protocol is signed by traffic police officers, but your signature may not appear. When filing an appeal, it is important to indicate the reason for your actions, as well as attach photographs (copies of photographs, etc.) or other evidence of your non-involvement. There are several ways to submit an application:

  • Personally to the traffic police department.
  • By filling out the application form on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate online.
  • Send the application by mail to the nearest traffic police department with acknowledgment of receipt.
  • Submit an application or contact your local judicial authority in person.

We hope that your attempts to achieve justice will lead to positive result. Have a successful ride on the railways!

Crossing a railroad crossing incorrectly may result in your license being revoked. This situation threatens the lives of the driver and passengers, so the punishment will be appropriate. The fine for railroad crossings may vary. Its value depends on the classification of the traffic violation.

What are you most often fined for?

Most often, when crossing a railway crossing, you are fined for driving through a prohibitory traffic light. The car owner may face this offence. deprivation of rights for a period of three to six months. In case of repeated violation driver license may be withdrawn for 1 year.

Paragraph 15.4 of the traffic rules states that, subject to the presence of a barrier, the driver is obliged to stop the vehicle five meters before the railway tracks. The absence of a barrier obliges the driver to stop ten meters from the nearest rail.

However, there are situations in which the car owner was unable to stop the car at a certain mark, and he does not have the right to reverse (this is evidenced by paragraph 8.12 of the traffic rules, which states that reversing at a crossing is prohibited). The driver is fined. To somewhat mitigate the punishment, it can be noted in the protocol that the barrier was open and there was no prohibiting signal. This will help you avoid a fine for driving through a railroad crossing on a red light.

Detour and overtaking at railway crossings

Traffic rules prohibit making a detour at a crossing into the oncoming lane. This prohibition applies to sections of the road of small width. If you can make a maneuver without driving into oncoming traffic, then the action will not be interpreted as an offense. These restrictions apply exclusively within the boundaries of a railroad crossing marked by a barrier or stop sign.

Important! It should be noted that it is only prohibited to pass other vehicles. Driving around static objects in this context cannot be considered a violation of traffic rules.

As for the penalty, avoiding an obstacle at a railway crossing and then driving into the oncoming lane is punishable by a fine of up to 1,500 rubles. This moment noted in Article 12.15 of the Administrative Code.

Overtaking at a crossing

Paragraph 11.4 of the traffic rules states that you cannot overtake near a railway crossing less than 100 meters before the start of the tracks. To correctly determine the distance, you need to pay attention to road signs.

The fine for overtaking at a railway crossing involves payment of an amount that varies from 1000 to 1500 rubles. This punishment is relevant if the driver drove around an obstacle and drove into the oncoming lane. Overtaking a vehicle may result in confiscation of your license.

Stopping at a railway crossing

Paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules states that stopping at a railway crossing is prohibited. However, sometimes force majeure situations occur in which a stop is forced. Such cases are most often caused by a technical malfunction of the vehicle. Considering the great risk to life, it is necessary to carry out all actions very carefully.

Initially, all passengers should be disembarked and all attempts should be made to remove the vehicle from the tracks. Two passengers must go in opposite directions along the rails and, if a train is detected, inform the driver about the presence of a vehicle at the crossing. The driver must sound a special signal at this time.

The fine for stopping at a crossing is not too high. It's about O in the amount of 500 rubles. This is stated in Article 12.19 of the traffic rules on violation of stopping rules. Not too high a penalty is one of the main reasons that such an offense occurs most often in practice. I would like to believe that the current trend will change in 2020.

Controversial issues

The size of the fine depends on the interpretation of the offense committed. There are situations when, while crossing a railway crossing, the car driving ahead stalls. In this case, the driver must not enter the rails until the other vehicle has left this section. This rule is relevant only for crossings whose length is no more than 7 meters. If the crossing is very long and has several rows of rails, then a forced stop can be interpreted as a traffic violation.

In this case, it is necessary to indicate all the details of the incident. If this is not done, then the driver may face deprivation of his license. In addition, various mitigating circumstances may influence the final punishment. These include:

  • strong emotional disturbance due to personal circumstances;
  • offender's remorse;
  • prevention of harmful consequences by the offender;
  • commission of an offense by a pregnant woman or a woman with a child.

Such circumstances may help if the case goes to court. It should be noted that each case is considered separately.

Video: Rules for driving through a railway crossing

What's the result?

Overcoming a railway crossing requires the driver to concentrate. Compliance with the rules when performing this maneuver should not be determined by the desire to avoid fines, but to preserve own life and ensure maximum passenger safety.

Rules for the passage of railway crossings contain the term “Railway crossing”:

"Railroad crossing"- intersection of the road with the railway tracks at the same level.

Traffic police fines are established by Article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which consists of three parts and part four of Article 12.15.

Deprivation of rights from 3 to 6 months or a fine of 1000 rubles

  • 12.10.1. Crossing a railway track outside a railway crossing, entering a railway crossing when the barrier is closed or closing, or when there is a prohibitory signal from the traffic light or the crossing officer, as well as stopping or parking at a railway crossing -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of three to six months.

    Driving through a railway crossing on a red signal

    In order, the requirements of the Rules that will be violated.

    Crossing a railway track outside a railway crossing - clause 15.1.

    15.1. Drivers of vehicles can cross railway tracks only at level crossings, giving way to a train (locomotive, handcar).

    Entering a railway crossing when the barrier is closed or closing, or when there is a prohibiting signal from the traffic light or the crossing officer on duty - clause 15.3, requirements 1 - 3.

    15.3. It is prohibited to travel:
    when the barrier is closed or starting to close (regardless of the traffic light signal);
    when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal (regardless of the position and presence of the barrier);
    when there is a prohibitory signal from the person on duty at the crossing (the person on duty faces the driver with his chest or back with a baton, a red lantern or flag raised above his head, or with his arms extended to the side);

    Stopping or parking at a railway crossing - clause 12.4, requirement 2.

    12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

    at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in a given direction) and under them;

    Clause 12.5 requirements 1 and 3.

    For these violations, the driver will be deprived of his license for 3 to 6 months or a fine of 1,000 rubles. It is at the discretion of the inspector to impose a fine or take the case to court. By decision of the court, both deprivation of rights and imposition of a fine are possible. The fact that the case has been sent to court does not mean that the driver will necessarily be left without a driver's license.

    Deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months or a fine of 5,000 rubles

    4. Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article, -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

    Driving into the oncoming lane when passing railway crossings is prohibited:

    Clause 15.3 requirement 8.

    In addition, it is prohibited:
    drive around vehicles standing in front of the crossing into oncoming traffic;

    Clause 11.4 requirement 3.

    11.4. Overtaking is prohibited:

    at railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them;

    Deprivation of rights for 1 year

    Repeated violation committed within one year, one of the above rules - entails deprivation of the right to drive for one year (part 3 of article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 5 of article 12.15).

    Fine 1000 rubles

    2. Violation of the rules of passage through railway crossings, with the exception of cases provided for in part 1 of this article, -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

    All not mentioned The above paragraphs of the Rules do not provide for deprivation of the right to drive for violations when passing a railway crossing.
    Let's quote section 15 of the Traffic Rules in full and delete the deprivation clauses from it.

    15.1. Drivers of vehicles can cross railway tracks only at level crossings, giving way to a train (locomotive, handcar).

    15.2. When approaching a railway crossing, the driver must follow the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markings, the position of the barrier and the instructions of the crossing officer and make sure that there is no approaching train (locomotive, railcar).

    • when the barrier is closed or starting to close (regardless of the traffic light signal);
    • when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal (regardless of the position and presence of the barrier);
    • when there is a prohibitory signal from the person on duty at the crossing (the person on duty faces the driver with his chest or back with a baton, red lantern or flag raised above his head, or with his arms extended to the side);
    • if there is a traffic jam behind the crossing that will force the driver to stop at the crossing;
    • if a train (locomotive, handcar) is approaching the crossing within sight.

    In addition, it is prohibited:

    • drive around vehicles standing in front of the crossing into oncoming traffic;
    • open the barrier without permission;
    • transport agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms through the crossing in a non-transport position;
    • without the permission of the head of the railway track, the movement of low-speed vehicles whose speed is less than 8 km/h, as well as tractor drag sleds.

    15.4. In cases where movement through the crossing is prohibited, the driver must stop at the stop line, sign 2.5 or traffic light; if there are none, no closer than 5 m from the barrier, and in the absence of the latter, no closer than 10 m to the nearest rail.

    15.5. When forced to stop at a crossing, the driver must immediately unload people and take measures to clear the crossing. At the same time, the driver must:

    • if possible, send two people along the tracks in both directions from the crossing 1000 m (if one, then in the direction of the worst visibility of the track), explaining to them the rules for giving a stop signal to the driver of an approaching train;
    • stay near the vehicle and give general alarm signals;
    • When a train appears, run towards it, giving a stop signal.

    These are violations for which only a fine of 1000 rubles is provided.

    Features of qualification when stopping at a crossing

    Those who were attentive noticed it would seem contradiction in imposing liability for stopping at a crossing.

    Stop prohibited: at railway crossings...

    Provides for the deprivation of rights, but the prohibition to stop in a traffic jam is not deleted from the quotation of the 15th section.

    It is prohibited to drive to a crossing: if there is a traffic jam behind the crossing that will force the driver stay on the move;

    It is not difficult to guess in which direction such a “contradiction” will be interpreted by the inspector. He will write in the decree the deprivation part 1 of article 12.10. An untrained driver will agree to the violation.

    Remember stopping traffic in a traffic jam is not a stop. When you are issued such a decree, do not agree and demand that a protocol be drawn up.

    For details about stopping and staying, see.

    Reclassification of such a violation will not be difficult. If the inspector is told before compiling the material that his classification of the violation is incorrect, then he will most likely issue a fine corresponding to the violation, that is, only 1000 rubles without the alternative of deprivation.

    The nuances of imposing a fine for driving through a prohibiting signal

    On roads with heavy traffic of trains and vehicles, there is a chance of falling into a trap and getting a fine for driving through a crossing at a prohibitory signal. How it works?

    As you know, there is no warning signal at the traffic light at the railway crossing. And in heavy traffic, the red light may turn on when your car has already crossed the visibility zone of the traffic light. Traffic lights work synchronously.

    On the opposite side of the crossing, an accident patrol with photo recording is located and takes pictures of the car entering the crossing and the red signal from the oncoming direction. The camera angle is set in such a way that it is not visible whether there is a car before or after the traffic light. From which it is concluded that the passage was carried out in response to a prohibitory signal.

    Only a DVR can save you from falling into such a trap. with narrow viewing angle. Wide-angle recorders “see” much wider than the human eye

    Changes in fines for railway crossings in 2018

    In the State Duma, providing for an increase in the amount of the fine from 1000 to 5000 rubles. There are no plans to change the terms of deprivation.

  • The penalty for crossing railway tracks when the barrier is closed or closing, or at a red light is a fine of 1000 rubles or deprivation of rights. For stopping or parking at a crossing - the same.

    As for the highway, for stopping outside special places, for trucks moving beyond the second lane - a fine of 1000 rubles. For turning on a highway, driving into technological gaps in the dividing strip, or driving in reverse - a fine of 2,500 rubles.

    Text of Article 12.10, 12.11, 12.33 of the Administrative Code.

    Article 12.10 Violation of traffic rules across railway tracks.

    1. Crossing a railway track outside a railway crossing, entering a railway crossing when the barrier is closed or closing, or when there is a prohibiting signal from a traffic light or the crossing officer, as well as stopping or parking at a railway crossing.

    A fine of 1,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of three to six months.

    2. Violation of the rules for passing through railway crossings, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of this article.

    A fine of 1000 rubles.

    3. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this article.

    Deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year.

    Article 12.11 Violation of traffic rules on the highway.

    1. Driving on a highway in a vehicle whose speed is technical specifications or according to its condition, less than 40 kilometers per hour, as well as stopping a vehicle on a highway outside of special parking areas.

    A fine of 1000 rubles.

    2. Driving a truck with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons on a motorway beyond the second lane, as well as training driving on a motorway.

    A fine of 1000 rubles.

    3. Turning or driving a vehicle into technological gaps in the dividing strip on a highway or driving in reverse on a highway.

    A fine of 2500 rubles.

    Article 12.33 Damage to roads, railroad crossings or other road structures.

    Damage to roads, railway crossings or other road structures or technical means of organizing road traffic, which creates a threat to road safety, as well as deliberate creation of interference in road traffic, including by polluting the road surface.

    Fine for citizens in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles; on officials— 25,000 rubles; on legal entities- 300,000 rubles.

    What are the penalties for violations at railway crossings?

    A railway crossing is one of the most dangerous sections of the road. Violating the rules for crossing it is dangerous for life, because after a collision with rolling stock, the chances of survival of the driver and passengers are not great, and serious injuries are simply guaranteed, and this does not include violation of the traffic schedule railway transport. Therefore, penalties for such violations can be quite serious.

    Let's try to figure out what violations can occur when crossing a railway crossing, what is the responsibility for them and how to avoid it.

    ○ Driving through a prohibitory signal.

    Clause 15.4 of the Traffic Regulations determined the procedure for crossing a railway crossing. Depending on how equipped it is, the driver is required to stop the car:

    • At a stop line or traffic light, if there is one.
    • If there is no traffic light, then 5 m before the barrier.
    • If there is no barrier, then 10 meters from the rail closest to it.

    The rules are quite clear, but they are the ones that lead among this group of violations - driving through a prohibiting traffic light or trying to “slip” under a barrier that has not yet closed.

    Ideally, railway crossings should be equipped with automatic barriers, then reckless drivers will not have the opportunity to jump onto the crossing and create emergency situation. But there are still crossings that are regulated exclusively by a traffic light or an attendant, and therefore there are no fewer people wanting to “slip through.” Relatively small fine 1000 rub. for such a violation would hardly change the situation significantly, and only the prospect deprivation of rights for a period of 3 to 6 months stops the offender no worse than the barrier in Part 1 of Art. 12.10 Code of Administrative Offences:

    • "1. Crossing a railway track outside of a railway crossing, entering a railway crossing when the barrier is closed or closing, or when there is a prohibiting signal from a traffic light or the person on duty at the crossing, as well as stopping or parking at a railway crossing - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles. for a period of three to six months"

    The third part of the same article threatens year of deprivation of rights for repeated passage ignoring prohibiting signals.

    The evidence can be a video recording or personal testimony of the inspector, so it is advisable to save the recording from your car recorder.

    ○ Overtaking at a crossing.

    Railway crossings, as areas of increased danger, cannot be overtaking areas. This is clearly indicated by clause 11.4 of the traffic rules. We draw your attention to the fact that with changes in traffic rules, overtaking requires mandatory departure from the occupied lane into the oncoming lane.

    This means that if the width of the road does not allow driving in two lanes, then the maneuver will not be considered overtaking. But if cars have accumulated before moving, you cannot go around them. Otherwise waiting for you 1000 -1500 rub. fine under Part 3 of Art. 12.15 Code of Administrative Offences:

    • “Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, into a lane intended for oncoming traffic when going around an obstacle, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction when going around an obstacle - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.”

    Overtaking will cost more, part 4 of the same article sets the minimum fine of 5000 rubles, or even not at all deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months.

    • “Driving in violation of the Traffic Rules into a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period from four to six months."

    Punishment for a repeated violation may include being banned as a pedestrian for a year. If you are lucky and the camera records the overtaking, you will be able to limit 5000 rub. fine

    ○ Stopping and parking.

    Among other places prohibited for stopping and parking, clause 12.4 of the traffic rules also indicates a railway crossing; it is also subject to a ban on leaving in the event of a congestion behind it. That is, unless you finish crossing the crossing outside of it. You shouldn't start it. Parking is prohibited not only at the crossing itself. But also closer than 50 meters from it. The Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain a separate article specifically about stopping at a crossing, and therefore Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, common to all violations of this kind, applies:

    • "1. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.10 of this Code and Parts 2 - 4 of this Article, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.”

    Certainly. Hardly anyone will dare to stand on the tracks voluntarily. But violation of the fifty-meter zone is not uncommon. Despite the small fine. Do not forget about possible evacuation if the car interferes with the passage of other vehicles, then the costs will no longer seem insignificant.

    ○ Nuances and resolution of controversial issues.

    Some situations become a real stumbling block and cause heated disputes between traffic police inspectors and drivers. Often the barrier rises before the prohibitory traffic light goes out. Most drivers are in a hurry to continue driving and after a few meters they find themselves stopped by inspectors who accuse them of driving through a red light. In this case, it is worth referring to the Instructions for the Operation of Railway Crossings, according to the rules of which when the barrier is raised the red light should not be on.

    Problems with a car that cause it to stop at a crossing are perhaps the most dangerous. Clause 15.5 of the Traffic Regulations describes in detail the behavior of the driver and passengers of a car stuck on the rails:

    • “When forced to stop at a crossing, the driver must immediately unload people and take measures to clear the crossing. At the same time, the driver must:
    • If possible, send two people along the tracks in both directions from the crossing 1000 m (if one, then in the direction of the worst visibility of the track), explaining to them the rules for giving a stop signal to the driver of an approaching train.
    • Stay near the vehicle and sound the general alarm.
    • When a train appears, run towards it, giving a stop signal.
    • Note. The stop signal is a circular movement of the hand (in the daytime with a piece of bright material or some clearly visible object, at night - with a torch or lantern). The general alarm signal is a series of one long and three short beeps.”

    These rules are dictated by safety regulations and protection of the lives of the driver and passengers. A collision with a train at speed will turn the car into a pile of iron, what will happen to the people inside is clear without explanation. Due to the enormous mass, the rolling stock has a very long braking distance and stopping must begin as early as possible. The more the “messengers” travel, the greater the chance for a successful outcome.

    At the same time, problems threaten not only the driver who is standing at the crossing, but also the one who was driving behind him and was already behind the traffic light. In this situation, pay attention to the type of move. If its width is less than 7 meters, then you can safely stand and wait until the problem that has arisen ahead is resolved, fortunately they try to remove such cars as quickly as possible. But if there is a wide multi-rail crossing in front of you, then such a forced stop will already be a violation. Usually inspectors limit themselves 1000 rub. fine under Part 2 of Art. 12.10 Code of Administrative Offenses, but especially zealous ones try to deprive people of their rights. All that remains is to write about your disagreement due to the incorrect qualification and appeal the decision in court.

    If you are detained by an inspector, then in any case you need to behave calmly and confidently. When drawing up a protocol on driving through a prohibitory signal, say that you could not stop, since the signal changed when you were in the immediate vicinity, the barrier was open, there was no prohibitory signal, and you could not stop, since you would have remained at the crossing, given that reversing on it is prohibited. This is based on clause 6.14 of the traffic rules:

    • “Drivers who, when the yellow signal turns on or the traffic controller raises his hand up, cannot stop without resorting to emergency braking, are allowed to continue driving in the places determined by paragraph 6.13 of the Rules.”

    If the crossing is regulated by an attendant and is not equipped with other means, say that you did not understand his signal or that he gave them too late, when you had already left. Many crossings are already equipped with automatic barriers; if you crossed it, tell the inspector that they automatically rise when passage is prohibited and since you crossed them, then the signal at the traffic light was permissive. It is quite possible that this will be the end of the proceedings.

    If a violation is recorded, and the punishment under Art. 12.10, part 4 art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences, it is only fair to mitigate it by paying the fine as quickly as possible, with a 50% discount under Art. 32.2 Code of Administrative Offences.

    Watch out for the train! A railroad crossing is one of the most dangerous places on the road. You can't break the rules here. Watch the story on Channel One about this.

    Detour and overtaking before a railway crossing

    Good afternoon, dear reader.

    In the third article of the series “Rules for passing a railway crossing” we will talk about performing maneuvers detour and, as well as nearby. In addition, fines provided for violating the rules of overtaking and passing at railway crossings will be considered.

    Let me remind you that in the first article of the series we divided the railway crossing and the adjacent road into several zones, each of which has its own traffic rules. This also applies to overtaking and driving around. Therefore, if for some reason you missed this article, I recommend that you read it: “Railway crossing and its borders.”

    So that you better understand what we are talking about, first I propose to consider the differences between the concepts of overtaking, advancing and detour.

    Detour is a maneuver in which your car avoids a stationary vehicle or other obstacle on the roadway. A detour can be performed either with or without entering the lane of oncoming traffic.

    Advance- movement of a vehicle at a speed greater than the speed of a passing vehicle. Advancement can be performed either with or without entering the lane of oncoming traffic. In this case, advancing into the oncoming lane is called overtaking.

    Detour at a railway crossing

    Traffic regulations restrict detours near railway crossings. This is evidenced by paragraph 15.3:

    15.3. It is prohibited to travel:
    In addition, it is prohibited:

    • drive around vehicles standing in front of the crossing into oncoming traffic;

    Let's look at the features of this item:

    1. It is prohibited to make a detour solely by entering the lane of oncoming traffic. If the width of the roadway allows you to make a detour without entering the oncoming lane, then such a maneuver will not constitute a violation of traffic rules.

    2. It is prohibited to pass only vehicles.

    For example, walking around a heap construction waste can be done, even if it requires driving into oncoming traffic. Naturally, if intermittent road markings allow such a maneuver.

    3. It is prohibited to drive around vehicles standing in front of a railway crossing. Let me remind you that the boundaries of a railway crossing are indicated by a barrier or one of the signs 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.

    Those. If there is a queue of 10 cars before a crossing, then you cannot go around them.

    In addition, traffic rules do not prohibit detours after a railway crossing.

    I would like to note that drivers often have questions about which vehicles are considered to be in transit. Additional information on this topic you can find in this article:

    Overtaking at a railway crossing

    Restrictions related to overtaking at a railway crossing are given in paragraph 11.4 of the traffic rules:

    11.4. Overtaking is prohibited:

    • at railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them;

    Firstly, overtaking is prohibited directly at railway crossings. In this case, the boundaries of the railway crossing are indicated by a barrier or one of the signs 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.

    Secondly, overtaking is prohibited 100 meters before a railway crossing. In order to determine without a tape measure, where the 100 meters before the crossing begin, you need to do the following:

    1. You must clearly understand whether you are traveling in a populated area or outside it:

    2. If you are in a populated area, then 100 meters begin immediately after the first sign 1.1 or 1.2:

    3. Outside built-up areas, 100 meters begin after signs 1.4.2 and 1.4.5 (signs with two red stripes):

    Please note that if you notice one of the signs listed above after you have started overtaking, it is better not to complete the maneuver. In this case, in order not to break the rules, you need to brake, let the vehicle being overtaken pass and change lanes after it.

    Fines for violating the rules for overtaking and passing at a railway crossing

    Since both overtaking and detour, which are prohibited near railway crossings, must be accompanied by entering the lane of oncoming traffic, fines for their implementation are provided for in Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences:

    Article 12.15. Violation of the rules for positioning a vehicle on the roadway, passing oncoming traffic or overtaking
    3. Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, into a lane intended for oncoming traffic when going around an obstacle, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction when going around an obstacle -

    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

    4. Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article, -

    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

    5. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in part 4 of this article -

    entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by special devices operating automatically technical means having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

    Thus, avoiding an obstacle near a crossing is punishable by a fine of 1,000 - 1,500 rubles, and overtaking and detour are not obstacles - a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of four months to one year. As you can see, the penalties are very serious, so you should drive carefully and carefully near railway crossings.

    In conclusion, I would like to remind you that ahead and detour without entering the oncoming lane are not a violation of traffic rules, and there are no fines for them.

    What are the fines at railway crossings?

    Crossing a railroad crossing incorrectly may result in your license being revoked. This situation threatens the lives of the driver and passengers, so the punishment will be appropriate. The fine for railroad crossings may vary. Its value depends on the classification of the traffic violation.

    What are you most often fined for?

    Most often, when crossing a railway crossing, you are fined for driving through a prohibitory traffic light. The car owner may face this offence. deprivation of rights for a period of three to six months. In case of repeated violation, the driver's license may be revoked for 1 year.

    Paragraph 15.4 of the traffic rules states that, subject to the presence of a barrier, the driver is obliged to stop the vehicle five meters before the railway tracks. The absence of a barrier obliges the driver to stop ten meters from the nearest rail.

    However, there are situations in which the car owner was unable to stop the car at a certain mark, and he does not have the right to reverse (this is evidenced by paragraph 8.12 of the traffic rules, which states that reversing at a crossing is prohibited). The driver is fined. To somewhat mitigate the punishment, it can be noted in the protocol that the barrier was open and there was no prohibiting signal. This will help you avoid a fine for driving through a railroad crossing on a red light.

    Detour and overtaking at railway crossings

    Traffic rules prohibit making a detour at a crossing into the oncoming lane. This prohibition applies to sections of the road of small width. If you can make a maneuver without driving into oncoming traffic, then the action will not be interpreted as an offense. These restrictions apply exclusively within the boundaries of a railroad crossing marked by a barrier or stop sign.

    Important! It should be noted that it is only prohibited to pass other vehicles. Driving around static objects in this context cannot be considered a violation of traffic rules.

    As for the penalty, avoiding an obstacle at a railway crossing and then driving into the oncoming lane is punishable by a fine of up to 1,500 rubles. This point is noted in Article 12.15 of the Administrative Code.

    Overtaking at a crossing

    Paragraph 11.4 of the traffic rules states that you cannot overtake near a railway crossing less than 100 meters before the start of the tracks. To correctly determine the distance, you need to pay attention to road signs.

    The fine for overtaking at a railway crossing involves payment of an amount that varies from 1000 to 1500 rubles. This punishment is relevant if the driver drove around an obstacle and drove into the oncoming lane. Overtaking a vehicle may result in confiscation of your license.

    Stopping at a railway crossing

    Paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules states that stopping at a railway crossing is prohibited. However, sometimes force majeure situations occur in which a stop is forced. Such cases are most often caused by a technical malfunction of the vehicle. Considering the great risk to life, it is necessary to carry out all actions very carefully.

    Initially, all passengers should be disembarked and all attempts should be made to remove the vehicle from the tracks. Two passengers must go in opposite directions along the rails and, if a train is detected, inform the driver about the presence of a vehicle at the crossing. The driver must sound a special signal at this time.

    The fine for stopping at a crossing is not too high. This is about in the amount of 500 rubles. This is stated in Article 12.19 of the traffic rules on violation of stopping rules. Not too high a penalty is one of the main reasons that such an offense occurs most often in practice. I would like to believe that the current trend will change in 2018.

    Controversial issues

    The size of the fine depends on the interpretation of the offense committed. There are situations when, while crossing a railway crossing, the car driving ahead stalls. In this case, the driver must not enter the rails until the other vehicle has left this section. This rule is relevant only for crossings whose length is no more than 7 meters. If the crossing is very long and has several rows of rails, then a forced stop can be interpreted as a traffic violation.

    In this case, it is necessary to indicate all the details of the incident. If this is not done, then the driver may face deprivation of his license. In addition, various mitigating circumstances may influence the final punishment. These include:

    • strong emotional disturbance due to personal circumstances;
    • offender's remorse;
    • prevention of harmful consequences by the offender;
    • commission of an offense by a pregnant woman or a woman with a child.

    Such circumstances may help if the case goes to court. It should be noted that each case is considered separately.

    Video: Rules for driving through a railway crossing

    What's the result?

    Overcoming a railway crossing requires the driver to concentrate. Compliance with the rules when performing this maneuver should not be determined by the desire to avoid fines, but to preserve one’s own life and ensure maximum safety for passengers.

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    Overtaking at a railway crossing

    A railway crossing in accordance with the Traffic Rules established by Government Decree No. 1090 is the intersection of a roadway ( highway) with railway tracks.

    In what situations is it permissible to overtake at an intersection with railway tracks, and what punishment is provided for failure to comply with the rules for crossing crossings? Read on.

    In what cases is it allowed and in what cases is it prohibited?

    In accordance with traffic regulations, railway crossings are of two types:

    • adjustable. Such crossings are equipped with traffic lights, barriers or other types of barriers, and guards;
    • unregulated, where there are no traffic lights, barriers, or attendants.

    Unregulated crossings are more dangerous, since the possibility of crossing railway tracks is determined by each driver independently, taking into account all the rules and established road signs.

    At all types of crossings, certain rules for the movement of vehicles apply, which are established by paragraph 15 of the traffic rules. Namely:

    1. The need to cross railway tracks only in designated places.
    2. A ban on crossing paths if at least one of the following conditions is met:
      • The prohibitory traffic light is on. Driving on red is prohibited in any other situations. Regardless of the type of traffic light (with two or three lights), the prohibiting signal of the traffic light is the alternating flashing of red signals located on the same horizontal line;

    The following actions are prohibited at crossings:

    • stop;
    • parking;
    • reversing;
    • turn;
    • turn;
    • overtaking.

    For failure to comply with the rules of movement across railway tracks, the driver is brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses (Administrative Code).

    On adjustable

    Regulated crossings are indicated by the following sign:

    The sign “Moving with a barrier” is installed immediately before the crossing. To attract the driver's attention when approaching a crossing (at a distance of 150 m, 100 m and 50 m), additional signs are installed:

    Overtaking motor vehicles at a controlled railway crossing in accordance with paragraph 11.4 of the Traffic Rules is prohibited.

    However, it should be taken into account that overtaking is considered to be ahead of a vehicle and entering the lane of oncoming traffic.

    If the roadway, when approaching a railway crossing, consists of several lanes and the driver changes lanes without entering the oncoming lane, then such a maneuver is not overtaking and is called ahead.

    Advancing at a controlled railway crossing is not prohibited by the current rules and can be carried out if:

    • the visibility zone is sufficient to perform this maneuver;
    • changing lanes from lane to lane does not create interference for other traffic participants;
    • when ahead, motor vehicles do not enter the sidewalk, roadside, pedestrian or bicycle path;
    • there are no signs prohibiting this maneuver;
    • The lanes of the roadway are not separated by solid marking lines.

    On unregulated

    Unregulated railway crossings without barriers and traffic lights are indicated by the following sign:

    Additionally, before the crossing, warning signs (picture above) and a sign prohibiting further movement of motor vehicles without stopping are installed.

    At unregulated crossings, it is also prohibited to park (stop), reverse, turn or turn, and overtake.

    As for ahead of cars at an uncontrolled railway crossing, the maneuver is not prohibited and is carried out in accordance with the rules specified earlier.

    Read about the punishment for overtaking on a bridge here.

    Overtaking before and after a railway crossing

    Overtaking vehicles is also prohibited 100 m before a railway crossing.

    When determining the distance, one should take into account such a factor as the boundaries of the crossing, which are determined depending on its type:

      the boundaries of a controlled crossing equipped with a barrier are the lines marked by a barrier structure (barrier);

    You can also determine the length of the roadway where overtaking is prohibited using a warning road sign, which is installed in accordance with the rules at a distance of exactly 100 m from the railway crossing.

    At a particular level crossing there may be appropriate road signs or other traffic rules are established by markings.

    For example, overtaking will be prohibited if:

    • a continuous marking line is applied to the roadway;
    • When approaching the crossing, there is a “No Overtaking” sign.

    Overtaking before crossing the roadway with railway tracks is also prohibited if:

    • the visibility zone is insufficient to perform this maneuver;
    • the driver of the vehicle in front has shown a left turn signal or has begun to perform an “overtaking” maneuver;
    • the driver of a car moving behind also overtakes vehicles;
    • after overtaking, the car cannot easily return to the previously occupied lane for further movement.

    Overtaking after a railway crossing is not expressly prohibited by the rules. This means that you can start performing the maneuver if there are no factors that impede the maneuver (no additional signs are installed, no broken marking line, no “double” overtaking, you can return to “your” lane after completing the maneuver, and so on).

    Which paragraphs of the traffic rules contain the rules?

    The ban on overtaking (detour) within the boundaries of a railway crossing, as well as at a distance of 100 m before the crossing, is established by clause 11.4 of the traffic rules.

    The same paragraph establishes other zones in which it is not permitted to perform the maneuver in question.

    These include:

    • pedestrian crossings;
    • signalized intersections;
    • sections of the road with increased danger when driving;
    • unregulated intersections when vehicles move on a secondary road;
    • bridges, overpasses, tunnels.

    The basic rules for crossing railway tracks are covered by Article 15 of the Traffic Regulations. The prohibition on stopping and parking is regulated by Article 12, paragraph 4.

    Fines for violations

    The responsibility for monitoring the rules for crossing railway crossings rests with the traffic police.

    Identification of offenses can be carried out:

    • employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate in person (patrol service);
    • using photo or video cameras installed along the roadway.

    The detected offense is documented in a protocol, which indicates:

    • date, time and place of the violation;
    • vehicle characteristics;
    • data of the owner (if photo or video recording) or data of the driver driving the vehicle (if recording the offense in person);
    • a detailed description of the violation;
    • article of the Administrative Code providing for responsibility for this type offenses;
    • punishment.

    It should be noted that administrative fines can be issued by traffic police officers, and punishment in the form of deprivation of rights is established exclusively by the judicial authorities.