Mercury retrograde and its effect on humans. Periods of retro-Mercury and recommendations for this time. Elena Zimovets

On July 26, 2018, the planet of communications and business went into a retro movement for the second time, foreshadowing drastic changes in people’s lives.

Most Mercury retrograde will affect relationships between men and women, so you need to keep your eyes open and not make sudden movements in word or deed.

When is Mercury retrograde in 2018?

In the Year of the Yellow Dog, people will experience three periods of turbulence when the astrologically significant planet imposes restrictions on certain activities. If in the spring (from March 23 to April 14) for all representatives of the zodiac signs this was fraught with quarrels, up to a break in relations, then the summer stage from July 26 to August 19, 2018 will, to a greater extent, make us remember the problems that weighed on us in the past.

At this time, you need to direct your energy to correcting mistakes made earlier or ask for help from relatives whom you do not see so often. You need to find the strength within yourself to correct those misunderstandings that in the past forced you to take a different path, to more carefully analyze all your business and personal connections, deciding once and for all who you can trust and what you should refuse.

The third stage of Mercury retrograde awaits us from November 11 to December 6, on the eve of the Year of the Yellow Pig, when meetings with old friends, the opportunity to reconcile with enemies, pay off old debts and visit places where you have already been before will be relevant.

What to do when Mercury is retrograde 2018

In July, three dramatic, from an astrological point of view, events fell on the same date. On the night of August 27, 2018, the longest total lunar eclipse in the last 100 years took place, the planet Mercury went into retrograde motion, and the Red Planet Mars approached the Earth at a record short distance.

Today, July 28, 2018, a small parade of planets took place: three celestial bodies (Earth, Sun and Mars) were on the same line, while Mars was located directly opposite the Sun, and the Earth was in the middle of these two “fires”.

This configuration of the night luminaries will have a strong impact on people for at least two more weeks, so the best thing you can do is give yourself a rest or take a vacation at the end of summer. These days, people will have reduced attention, increased absent-mindedness and decreased reaction to current events. Don’t be surprised if your luggage “accidentally” gets lost on the road or if the transaction is completed with errors.

But you can very successfully get a seasonal job or take an acting position during the vacation of a higher-ranking official. Only work that has been fine-tuned for years and does not need changes will go well.

What not to do when Mercury is retrograde 2018

You should not buy any means of communication, draw up long-term documents, go on a trip to a country where you have never been, or purchase real estate. The retrograde movement of the planet of communications can negatively affect all types of communications, so equipment will act up, and meetings, events or important calls will occur very late.

During the period from July 26 to August 19, 2018, do not plan to switch to a new job or move to a new place of residence, especially if we're talking about about a foreign country. All acquaintances made during Mercury retrograde are superficial, short-lived and unpromising; be sure to take this feature into account when meeting a new friend.

You should not plan any kind of intervention in the body’s functioning: be it surgery or body contouring. The result will be unpredictable or the money will simply be wasted.

When Mercury Retrograde rises into the sky, Special attention you need to give it to the relationship between a man and a woman that developed several years before. Issues that you considered completed long ago may surface, and now they will require new elaboration.

Friends and acquaintances may recall an old grievance or urgently ask you to pay off a debt that you have long forgotten. However, those lovers who several years ago decided to end the relationship may, quite unexpectedly, decide to renew the wound of the broken connection.

Retrograde Mercury in a person's horoscope

The planet of communications, communication and business has a very interesting effect on those people in whose horoscope Mercury is initially in retrograde motion. They are the ones who literally come to life on those days when others fall into a half-asleep state and suffer one failure after another.

Find out if Mercury is retrograde in your personal natal chart, a personal consultation with an astrologer will help. This valuable information will help you constructively build your life during the period of Mercury's retrograde movement from July 26 to August 19, 2018. Those who have a retro planet in their horoscope can get a promotion on these days or meet a person who will become a reliable life partner for a long time.

New horizons will open up before them, and moving up the career ladder will be much easier. Such people may receive an unexpected offer to expand their business or enter into a lucrative deal with investors from another country. However, even they should be prepared for the fact that new acquaintances will be difficult, and all projects started during the days of Mercury Retrograde will be hindered, taking up several times more energy and attention than usual.

In contact with

Retrograde movement planets weakens energy by the fact that it reaches us in a distorted form. Periods Mercury retrograde noticeable to all zodiac signs, because Mercury is communication, contacts, clarity of consciousness and the ability to speak and think.

Mercury retrograde comes so that we have time to unload the information waste accumulated over 12-13 weeks of direct progress. In essence, for the sublunary world this phenomenon is similar to a reboot or upgrade software. Difficult to install new goal, while the process of updating perception on personal level.

In March-April Mercury retrograde transited Aries sign. It's a sign Mars, warlike, risky, causing damage due to carelessness and aggressiveness. The ability to analyze has decreased due to haste and teenage shortsightedness. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, always ready to start a new business, progressive and confident of victory, but retro Mercury forced something unresolved in the past to be worked out before giving access to a new beginning.

In July-August Mercury will be transiting Leo sign. He'll have to go back to to the sun, which for us means value your surroundings. July will be replete with astro events - eclipses and turning Jupiter, as well as retrograde motion Mars and Mercury. The Leo sign contains the energy of fire, just like the Aries sign. The struggle for progress, for development and recognition is this sign’s favorite thing. To avoid negative influence and to avoid falling into bad company, you should stick to old friends, bring someone from the former team back on board, and team up with like-minded people. It is very important to seek help during this period. Leo has difficulty recognizing the need to ask loved ones, so you also need to be attentive to them and take the initiative. During this period, it is good to ask for forgiveness and continue to build relationships. A change in command personnel or the acquisition of a whole group of important allies is likely.

November and early December will pass under the influence of retrograde Mercury in fire sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign of the planet Jupiter, which expands opportunities and raises spirituality. Sagittarius is an intellectual, progressive fighter for justice. Old faces in politics may reappear in the public sphere. International relationships They will bear both the achievements and problems of what has been achieved over the year, and they will have to come to an agreement. In relationships, honesty will come to the fore, unity will become more important than discord.

Thus, 2018 contains special time zones, when the influence of retrograde Mercury is associated with the element of fire. In spring, new sprouts of ideas, relationships, and endeavors appeared. It was necessary to get rid of weeds and dead ends, as a good farmer does before sowing. In summer, Mercury retrograde in the sign of Leo will show you what you can do and what responsibility you need to transfer to someone else. The end of July and the beginning of August is a time of unification with other people on the basis of similarity and similarity of interests. It is important to become someone meaningful, and not just to have wide connections in society. You may have to change your environment.

Sagittarius and retrograde Mercury will bring out the energy of the element of fire at the end of the year already high level comprehension. Spiritual growth, public success, change of plans for New Year, as well as turns in cultural relations between global and ordinary ones. After a kind of retro purification by Mercury, unions and unifications will be successful, since the necessary updates will already be installed. All periods of retrograde movement of Mercury in the signs of the element of fire are an indicator of the course for development, because the element of fire is driving force Universe.

Exact dates: March 23 – April 15, July 26 – August 19, November 17 – December 7.

Mercury retrograde usually does not promise anything good for people. When the planet begins to “retrograde”, a difficult period begins. But not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Let's plunge into the world of astrology and try to figure out what to do during retrograde days.

How does Mercury retrograde affect a person's life?

Astrologers believe that Mercury retrograde directly affects people's lives. They may not know about it, but they will definitely feel the changes.

We share the conclusions and observations that expert astrologers have collected and accumulated over the years:

  1. The planet begins to retrograde 3-4 times a year, each period lasting about three weeks. The energy of Mercury, interacting with people, makes them less attentive and more distracted. The ability to concentrate and focus on one thing decreases, and the risk of mistakes is high. This phenomenon is most easily noticed in schoolchildren - academic performance falls, grades temporarily become worse.
  2. The planet has a very negative effect on any new business and transactions. Therefore, it is not recommended to plan or start anything during the retrograde period. Even new acquaintances are extremely undesirable, because they can bring a lot of troubles and disappointments into your life.
  3. Many people experience a period when they suddenly want to remember and analyze the past. If such a desire arises in you, that’s great. You can sort out all the mistakes you made earlier and finally learn important lessons so that you no longer find yourself in unpleasant situations.
  4. But you have a great chance to regain a long-lost relationship with a person with whom you quarreled or stopped communicating in the past. This is a favorable period for restoring old connections, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.
  5. During the retrograde period, a person reaps the fruits of past actions and deeds. If he previously worked hard and his thoughts were positive, he will receive several times more. If he was lazy and harmed other people, “retribution” would overtake him.
  6. It is imperative to return to long-delayed matters and bring what you started to the end, complete all projects. Then they will bring a solid jackpot, and you will stop suffering from the fact that the burden of unfinished obligations weighs on you.
  7. During retrograde time, those people with whom you did not hope to resume communication may appear again and again in your life. Therefore, this is a great chance to understand whether you need them and return them if desired.
  8. All the mistakes that need to be corrected come to the surface and become visible. Therefore, you can easily detect and correct them, which helps change your life for the better.

Deterioration of attention and concentration, the appearance of people from the past, unfinished affairs and actions - this is what is clearly manifested during the period of Mercury retrograde. You need to be able to use all this.

What to do when Mercury is retrograde

Basic knowledge of astrology and understanding of the processes that occur in different periods will help you adapt to the energy of the planets. Which will ultimately improve the quality of your life.

  1. If you have been planning to go to a psychologist or psychotherapist for a long time, do it. Your injuries negative attitudes, blocks and beliefs, it will be possible to work through them most effectively during the retrograde period.
  2. Sort through archives of photographs, old papers, notes and letters. Throw away what has long ceased to be relevant. Leave the essentials and what brings back pleasant memories.
  3. Creative people who write poetry, books, articles are recommended to re-read their past creations. Inspiration may come to you and you will be able to improve your works.
  4. Do general cleaning. Destroy all old, unnecessary things. Wash all the nooks and crannies, looking into every corner.
  5. Think about unfulfilled promises and debts. It's time to pay your bills and take responsibility for your words. During this period, it is very important to pay off obligations: both moral and financial.
  6. Fix broken electrical appliances, eliminate problems with plumbing, electricity, and solve all other household problems. You should try to put in order absolutely everything that surrounds you.
  7. This is a great time to engage in spiritual development: read books, visit a temple, engage in meditation and various practices in order to better understand your own subconscious and ask yourself all the questions that concern you.

The time of Mercury retrograde is an ideal period for soul-searching and dramatic changes for the better. Don't waste precious minutes and you will be surprised what fruit your actions will bring.

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Tatiana Kulinich, Yana Novikova

Mercury is the planet dedicated to Greek god Hermes, who was closely associated with such concepts as intelligence, communication, information, commercial activity. By retrograde movement of a planet, they mean that from Earth it seems to us as if it, moving forward, then slowed down and turned around, moving backward. In reality, it is only an appearance that it is moving back, it has simply slowed down its speed. When a planet is retrograde, it greatly affects the affairs governed by it and it definitely makes sense to be guided by the knowledge of what can and cannot be done based on the planet’s retromotion.

During periods of Mercury retrograde, we may experience difficulties related to its spheres of influence. Mutual understanding between people may deteriorate and we tend to misinterpret people's words and behavior, leading to confusion. Travel plans can suddenly be disrupted. There are unpleasant delays in completing documents and obtaining the necessary information; at the most crucial moment, the equipment may fail. The operation of communications is disrupted. False information appears, unnecessary fuss that ultimately leads to nothing, etc. Thinking also fails. We tend to confuse information, hear and notice not all information, and lose sight of important details, let down your guard. Your equipment and communications may constantly break down during this time, driving you crazy with more and more breakdowns that require repairs and the purchase of parts. Everything related to moving forward in affairs under the auspices of Mercury is stalled. From somewhere a lot of obstacles and delays appear beyond our control, and in the end we are forced to just wait, standing still, and this is the best case scenario. At worst, you constantly redo the same thing, making mistakes or encountering difficulties again and again. We do not see the situation fully, although it seems to us that, on the contrary, everything is fine and there are no mistakes. But some important information about the situation is hidden from us, and we can’t do anything about it now. Everything will come out then. When Mercury turns forward.

But a retrograde planet, like any astrological configuration, also has positive sides their manifestations. For example, during periods of Mercury retrograde, people from our past, former partners, friends and colleagues often return to our lives. In general, the topic of intellectual rethinking of the past is one of the key ones at this time. You will feel the need to look back and think about how you are used to perceiving and making sense of the world around you.

In mythology, which then became the basis for astrology, Mercury-Hermes was also a trickster god, an insidious and skillful rogue who is capable of both opening a person’s eyes to the true will of the gods and clouding his consciousness. Therefore, during Mercury retrograde we may encounter life situations, which touch on themes of lies, deceit, and deception. At this time, you should especially carefully monitor your words, since the interlocutor may misunderstand you at a completely inopportune moment. It is possible that during Mercury retro some long-hidden information will come to the surface.

What not to do during Mercury retrograde

While Mercury is retrograde, hold off on signing any business or personal agreements; there's too much chance you'll miss out on something important. Avoid sending important documentation, an expensive gift or making online purchases by mail; the package may get lost, or you will make a mistake with the choice of a particular product due to misunderstood or hidden information, which you will later regret. If possible, postpone travel, but if this is not possible, do not rely on chance when choosing a place to live or a company; this time it is better to plan everything in advance. Before leaving, do not forget to check the presence of documents and other necessary things. If your work is closely related to information technology, information, teaching, you should be especially careful about the retrograde periods of this planet. Do not start new business projects, a course in presenting new and important material at that time.

What else should you not do during Mercury retrograde, according to astrologers? There is no need to buy equipment. In general, you should be more careful with purchases, especially if you suspect that the seller is being cunning or hiding something. Retro Mercury is not the best time to start a new job or start training. Now you are unlikely to be able to do right choice and demonstrate your intellectual abilities to your superiors. In addition, you will later be surprised to discover that the working conditions or requirements for the employee turned out to be completely different from what they initially looked like.

Avoid meeting people who persistently promote something: religious movements, magical methods of healing from diseases, rapid career etc. The vigilance and adequate thinking of most people during Mercury retro periods is somewhat dulled, and you can easily fall for the bait of scammers.

If there is no urgent need, postpone the planned passage for a while. medical examination, taking tests, it is possible that their testimony or the doctor’s interpretation will not be entirely correct. But retrograde Mercury is the most the right time to see a psychologist or psychotherapist. If you have long wanted to understand the past that is weighing you down and finally let it go, do it now.

So, what not to do during Mercury retrograde:

  • start important things;

  • start a course of study;

  • open your own business, implement an idea, a project;

  • sign contracts, agreements, important documents;

  • get a new job;

  • change position, professional direction;

  • meet new people, establish new connections - if an acquaintance does happen, then your imagination will draw an image of a person that does not correspond to reality, or both of you will not be ready to continue acquaintance when Mercury turns forward, and, in any case, the new acquaintance will turn out to be the wrong one , who he looked like and will disappoint in the end; or this acquaintance will turn out to be of a completely different nature than you originally planned or thought - for example, romantic courtship will simply develop into cooperation or friendship, and a business employee, initially hired by you for one position, will subsequently perform completely different functions - but also in this case, all these relationships risk being short-lived;

  • negotiate;

  • make important decisions (they will later be revised due to emerging information that will change everything);

  • come up with new ideas for development, projects (only if they do not relate to redoing what has already been done or started earlier) - they will turn out to be erroneous, untimely, untenable, etc.;

  • make large purchases (and often small ones), especially buying equipment, means of communication and transportation - then with a high degree of probability it will turn out that you bought the wrong thing, or the wrong quality, or a defect or error will be discovered (for example, a pair of shoes will have different size, the radio receiver will not pick up the wave you purchased ceramic tile turns out to be defective, the computer will break down or break down immediately, etc. - everything will be a “surprise”, which you will often find out about later, when Mercury completes its retrograde movement and emerges necessary information; however, purchases of clothes, furniture and everything that is not ruled by Mercury are acceptable and can be successful, but the risk of making a mistake or making a mistake, not noticing something, still remains, so it is better to postpone it if possible;

  • send or order important correspondence, parcels - they will either get lost, or take a long time, or arrive with a defect, or with the wrong product, etc.;

  • take tests, contact doctors for a diagnosis, start a new course of procedures, treatment, especially if it involves working with your hands (manual therapy, massage, dentistry, surgery) - errors and confusion are possible that will require further rework;

  • initiate and submit important scientific papers, manuscripts, etc. for final approval;

  • start trips, business trips;

  • move to a new place of residence or work, buy or rent premises.

What to do during Mercury retrograde

During this period, it is good to turn to things that have already been done before, related to training, information, communication, which, in your opinion, require adjustment. For example, if you are currently undergoing training, this is a great time to systematize your existing knowledge and fill in the gaps. If you are working on writing scientific work or other important text, pay enough attention to the correctness of its formatting, check whether the references are correct and the quotations are accurate.

Another tip on what to do during Mercury retrograde concerns working with important papers. Check to see if your passport, credit card or other documents are running out of expiration dates. If you are planning to sign some kind of agreement or transaction in the future, take the time to thoroughly analyze every detail of it. Perhaps in this way you will save yourself from making an annoying mistake or make the terms of the transaction more favorable.

Retro Mercury provides great opportunities in order to establish contacts with long-lost people from the past. If you dreamed of finding a bosom school friend, a business partner with whom you once collaborated, it is better to start this search in given time. Also, if you just realized that you haven’t seen old friends for a long time and are starting to lose touch with them, friendly gatherings filled with touching memories will be especially successful now.

  • repetition of already learned material for those who are studying;

  • rechecking and correcting what has already been done before;

  • a return to those things that were once started, but not completed - it will be good to complete them now, but the final point must be put on direct Mercury, in the meantime, prepare everything for this;

  • comprehend the deep meaning of what is perfect and accomplished - you will see it with different eyes, more capaciously, “the picture will form a whole”; analysis and rethinking “in depth” of what has already been accomplished, a mental return to dot all the i’s, to understand what has not been learned;

  • checking documents, searching for errors and inaccuracies in what has already been done;

  • meetings with old acquaintances, returning to previous connections in order to complete them, forgive them, or understand something important that these relationships provided - “complete the gestalt” (very often people from the past themselves appear in your life on retro-Mercury);

  • putting things in order, clearing unnecessary information, papers, files; working on chaos and mistakes;

  • thinking and rethinking ideas and projects that previously came to mind;

  • shop at second-hand stores, stocks, at sales - where things are resold - but do it very carefully!

  • contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Mercury retrograde periods for 2014-2034

Mercury goes retrograde three times a year for about three weeks.

Before Mercury becomes retrograde, it is stationary (standing still), the same thing happens when the planet becomes direct again, moving forward. We present to your attention a table listing the period of Mercury retrograde in 2014-2034. Please note that it is better to take time “with reserve”, at least a day or two before, and a day or two after the retro movement:

2014 7.02-28.02 07.06-01.07 04.10-25.10
2015 21.01-11.02 19.05-11.06 17.09-09.10
2016 05.01-25.01 28.04-22.05 30.08-22.09
2017 19.12.2016-08.01 09.04-03.05 13.08-05.09 03.12-23.12
2018 23.03-15.04 26.07-19.08 17.11-06.12
2019 05.03-28.03 07.07-01.08 31.10-20.11
2020 17.02-10.03 18.06-12.07 14.10-03.11
2021 30.01-21.02 29.05-22.06 27.09-18.10
2022 14.01-04.02 10.05-03.06 10.09-02.10
2023 29.12.2022-18.01 21.04-15.05 23.08-15.09
2024 13.12.2023-02.01 01.04-25.04 05.08-28.08 26.11-15.12
2025 15.03-07.04 18.07-11.08 09.11-29.11
2026 26.02-20.03 29.06-23.07 24.10-13.11
2027 09.02-03.03 10.06-04.07 07.10-28.10
2028 24.01-14.02 21.05-14.06 19.09-11.10
2029 07.01-27.01 01.05-25.05 02.09-25.09
2030 22.12.2029-11.01 13.04-06.05 16.08-08.09 06.12-25.12
2031 26.03-18.04 29.07-22.08 19.11-09.12
2032 07.03-30.03 10.07-03.08 02.11-22.11
2033 18.02-13.03 21.06-15.07 16.10-06.11
2034 02.02-23.02 02.06-26.06 30.09-21.10

Tatyana Kulinich, Yana Novikova for

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Useful tips

Mercury is a fairly fast celestial body, the movement of which can be easily observed by novice astrologers, like the Moon, predicting small and insignificant everyday events.

And if the Moon shows well events that affect us emotionally, then Mercury indicates events thatmake us think and develop intellectually.

Read also:Everything you wanted to know about Venus retrograde: what it will bring and how to survive it ?

Mercury can hardly give significant and major events, its energy is not enough for this, but it can serveevent trigger , which occur under the influence of slow planets.

Observing Mercury, it is easy to notice that approximatelyonce every 3 monthshe slows down his movement and then begins to move in reverse side relative to an observer from Earth. In fact, the planet, of course, is not moving backwards, but certain features have been noticed.

Transits of Mercury in the Zodiac and its aspects do not produce serious events, however, when it becomes retrograde, many things begin to quite differently than usual .

Mercury retrograde period: how often does it happen and how long does it last?

Mercury retrograde lasts an average of three weeks and occurs approximately once every three months, respectively 3-4 times a year. For many who follow Mercury retro, it can be quite difficult to endure these three weeks, when many things have to be either postponed or redone.

However, we simply need this time to go back and reconsider what necessary!

ATTENTION! When you see the beginning of the Mercury retrograde period on the calendar, you should become more attentive to eventsin two to three weeks before this, since the speed of Mercury begins to slow down, which means its action may well already be taking place!

This is also due to the fact that Mercury is included in the so-called "retrograde loop" and the things you need to do in this loop can be repeated when Mercury returns to the same point. In the “loop” all points are passed three times - first in the direct position, then in the retrograde position, then again in the direct position. Hence the simple conclusion: we started - we returned - we did it again.

Cycle of Mercury and the Sun

The Mercury-Sun cycle lasts approximately 12-14 weeks (3 months) and includes several important points:

1. Inferior conjunction with the Sun. This is the first conjunction with the Sun, which occurs approximately halfway through Mercury's retrograde path (about 10 days after the turn). This connection can be conditionally called New Moon, since it is the end of the old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

What you need to know about the bottom connection:

- Before this day, you should complete things that are related to Mercury (for example, finishing written works, complete studies, complete paperwork, return from trips, and so on).

- After the moment of Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun, it’s good to start planning new things related to Mercury, but don’t start them yet!

2. Superior conjunction to the Sun comes approximately in 9 weeks after the inferior conjunction and is conventionally called the Full Moon, that is, it is the culmination of the Mercury-Sun cycle.

What you need to know about the top connection:

- Superior conjunction occurs approximately 1.5 months after Mercury exits retrograde.

- This is a period of activation of those areas for which Mercury is responsible - communication, languages, transport, documents, trade, communications, etc.

- Many people can show all their intellectual abilities on these days, brilliant ideas come, people become more insightful, and are drawn to communication and knowledge.

With both bottom and top connections, you need to be curious about not missing out on important information. These days, many may think that they know more than others and overestimate their intellectual capabilities, so in order to avoid any misunderstandings and communication problems, you should show tact and control the ego.

Retro Mercury

What areas of life are affected by Mercury retrograde?

When Mercury turns retrograde, it is worth paying great attention to the following areas and things, since this is where various misunderstandings, returns, errors and inaccuracies can take place:

  • Any intellectual areas
  • Documents, letters, parcels
  • Communication, negotiations
  • Information as such
  • School studies
  • Courses, seminars, webinars, conferences
  • Communications and information transfer
  • Printed publications
  • Movable property
  • Vehicles
  • Travel and roads
  • Trade

Although retrograde Mercury manifests itself most clearly in these areas, its influence is also felt in all other areas, because a person’s consciousness begins to work somewhat differently, a person perceives surrounding reality fuzzy, unclear and produces errors.

Psychological Impact of Mercury Retrograde

It's noticeable in people attention decreases, since at this time there is a decrease in the conductivity of nerve impulses.

Many are becoming more distracted and forgetful, as a result they end up in various kinds situations due to misunderstanding.

- Difficulty concentrating on something, and the reaction to external events becomes more inhibited. As a result, it is easy to make mistakes and miss important information.

Many people become optional, so it's easy to be frustrated by communication.

To people harder to perceive information, especially by ear, so misunderstandings between people only increase during this period. Information may not be fully visible; some of it may simply pass by unnoticed.

Probable events according to retro Mercury

When you see on the calendar that Mercury is turning and going retrograde, you should pay attention to what the next three weeks may have place next events:

  • Communication problems, transport, phones, gadgets, computers are malfunctioning. This is especially noticeable on days when Mercury is static.
  • It's difficult to get the information you need or find the right person.
  • Letters, parcels, transferred money are lost.
  • People often change their minds, or agreements and meetings are broken for various reasons, including independent ones.
  • Offers come at the wrong time (for example, you are given an important meeting when you are busy with other things, they offer to buy something important when you have no money, etc.).
  • Returning to hometowns (for a visit or for a long stay) or to some places where you have already been.
  • News about people from the past, or meetings with some people with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
  • Errors in written work.
  • No fast feedback, if needed.
  • Difficulties in work for those whose activities are connected with the spheres of Mercury (see who will be most affected by retro Mercury).
  • During this period, we often do not receive information in full, or receive it distorted. All details emerge after Mercury leaves retrograde motion.

  • Any new information that comes in at this time may turn out to be completely useless or even confusing, distracting from the important, which can cause problems.
  • Offers for new job They may not be very attractive, or they are not telling you something (the whole truth will be revealed later, new responsibilities may appear that you are not ready for). But you can get a one-time or very short-term job.
  • You can get a new position at your existing job, although you may have some difficulties in mastering the new responsibilities, or you may not like them. Also at this time you may be asked to do some duties that you have already performed in the past.
  • There is a high risk of meeting secretive and dishonest people, whose true colors will appear later. Or you meet people who quickly disappear (either leave or simply evaporate).
  • The proposals that come in turn out to be dummies, or are very quickly rejected by the proposer himself.

Mercury retrograde: what not to do and why?

  • Start new projects and important things if they are related to the spheres of Mercury (see above).

Why not? Everything will have to be redone, revised, changed, or the business will not be successful.

  • Discover new ones outlets, salons, register firms and enterprises (even small, individual ones);

Why not? Such enterprises, especially commercial ones, will not have adequate success, will constantly roll back, the business will develop poorly and face different problems, including paperwork, dishonest employees, errors in documents and much more.

  • Draw up any documents, especially if they represent something very important.

Why not? Great risks of making mistakes.

  • Submit documents to higher authorities.

Why not? It will be difficult to get the answer you are looking for, or you will wait too long for it.

  • Sign some documents, enter into written and oral agreements.

Why not? The clauses of the agreements will be subsequently revised, the agreements will be terminated or will undergo serious amendments. If the agreement is oral, one of the parties may refuse the agreement or somehow interpret it incorrectly.

  • Start moving (to a new apartment, house, new office or to a new premises);

Why not? The new place may not be so comfortable, or you will have to go back again to redo and finish something, or you will quickly leave this place or look for a new one. Circumstances beyond your control may arise that will force you to move out of your new place, or you will do so of your own free will for some reason.

  • Making large and medium-sized purchases, in some cases even small purchases may turn out to be unsuccessful. It is especially unfavorable to buy smartphones, computers, electronics and any gadgets, as well as set them up at this time. You also cannot buy means of transportation - cars, bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, and so on.

Why not? Purchases may turn out to be unsuccessful, defective, or simply not suitable for you. It is especially not recommended to buy items over the Internet, they will have to be replaced, and there may be problems or delays with the refund. Gadgets may be fine, but they will soon break or break, or you will simply be disappointed in them and will not want to use them anymore. Vehicles may also not last very long or perform poorly.

  • Advertise the sale or purchase of an apartment, start looking for a new apartment, or directly make the sale/purchase of an apartment/house.

Why not? The search may take a long time, or you may not receive the best offers. New flat You may not like it, or there will be some problems with the purchase/sale agreement itself.

  • Apply for loans, borrow or lend.

Why not? It will be difficult to pay off the debt or wait for its return.

  • Initiate new acquaintances, make new contacts and connections.

Why not? New acquaintances will not last long and may be quickly interrupted, and connections will not be as reliable as one might expect. There is also a big risk of encountering dishonest people. During Mercury retrograde days, many wear a mask and do not want to show their true colors, hence the problems. It is interesting that the truth is revealed when Mercury, already in a direct position, returns approximately to the point at which they met during the retrograde period (see Mercury loop).

  • Start studying, take important new courses.

Why not? Since consciousness is now very distracted, it will be difficult for you to perceive information and then you will just have to listen to it again, read it and remember it. Memory works distortedly, so some things may be remembered incorrectly. In addition, new information may simply never be useful to you, and now you will simply be wasting your time.

  • Pass exams, defend dissertations and term papers, give reports, conduct seminars and webinars.

Why not? It is more difficult to express your thoughts, answer questions correctly, and stay focused. There are big risks of not passing or passing not as well as you expect.

  • Start learning to drive a car.

Why not? Information will be more difficult to remember, you will master the material more slowly, and then you may take a very long time and repeatedly to take the exam to obtain your license.

  • Start traveling to new places or buy tickets for future trips.

Why not? Problems may arise, delays on the road, changes in route, unwanted transplants and expectations, returning back (something or someone was forgotten, etc.), problems with documents. The trip may take longer than you expected. The date of your trip may change and be postponed, or you may want to cancel it altogether.

  • Book hotels or transport.

Why not? You may change your mind, then change the date, or there may be some problems with this booking in the future.

  • Send important letters, parcels.

Why not? They may get lost somewhere along the way, or the recipient may not receive them as quickly as expected.

  • To sort things out and conduct any negotiations.

Why not? Many things can now be misunderstood, or you will misunderstand something or say the wrong thing, which can ruin your relationship or undermine trust.

  • Make important decisions.

Why not? You may change your mind, change your mind, or circumstances will interfere with you. For important decisions, especially life-changing ones, it is better to wait until Mercury comes out of retrograde motion and especially from a static position (+3-4 days after the turning point).

  • Accept suggestions from other people.

Why not? If you answer affirmatively to new proposals, it may well be that you will regret it, change your mind, or the intention will not be implemented for some reason.

  • Make some things to order (for example, sew clothes, shoes, etc.)

Why not? Even after careful fitting, the item may not suit you.

  • Operate or begin aggressive treatment methods for organs that are ruled by Mercury (especially the respiratory organs, nervous system, arms, hands, fingers, intestines, connective tissues - ligaments, tendons).

Why not? Mercury as such is not directly related to surgical intervention, however, practice shows that the organs for which it is responsible may be more vulnerable. As a result, the operation may be unsuccessful and something will have to be redone.

  • Seek advice from specialists.

Why not? The information you receive from them may turn out to be useless, false, or you may not use it. This applies to consultations with doctors - if it is possible to wait a month until Mercury becomes direct and fast again, then it is better to wait.

  • Take tests, do samples, start complex examinations

Why not? The results may turn out to be erroneous, and you will have to retake everything again. Analyzes may be lost or misread.

Mercury retrograde: what can you do?

Although during Mercury retrograde there are more things that are better not to do, it still leaves some things for us. positive events, and will also help in resolving some issues and matters.

The Mercury retro period should be treated with patience and simply avoid prohibited topics, but the following things will turn out to be successful. When Mercury is retrograde, you can and should:

  • Continue any business that was started earlier, including those related to the spheres of Mercury.
  • Solve those problems and issues that were not previously dealt with or that were abandoned halfway or forgotten: for example, finish reading books, watching TV series, finishing papers, etc.
  • Do minor work, which needs to be completed quickly, which does not take much time and which you know very well.
  • Do your usual routine things.
  • Take a job that you want or know you won't be working for long ( seasonal work, work in one project, replacing one of the employees who went on maternity leave or vacation, etc.).
  • Clean and organize your home or workplace. This will help you to focus and reflect on what has not yet been completed and what still needs to be completed. It is also a good time to clean your computer of unnecessary programs, documents, and files.
  • If, while cleaning, you find some old things that you haven’t used for a long time, feel free to throw them away or give them away. This is especially true for some office supplies, books, magazines, notebooks with old notes, and various old papers.
  • If you have pantries and closets in your apartment or office, it’s good to disassemble them too, since in such places it stagnates negative energy. Which you need to get rid of.
  • Edit old records, review, add and edit contracts and other documents that have already been written or drawn up.
  • Re-read books, take some courses again to remember some information, refer to old notes, re-learn something that for some reason you didn’t use, but you needed it again.
  • Review archival documents, sort and put things in order in filing cabinets and bookshelves.
  • Change the contracts under which you are already working, make amendments or completely redo them, extend old agreements. In this case, the signing of documents will be successful.
  • Look for meetings and communicate with old acquaintances, neighbors whom you have not seen for a long time; making calls to people from the past.
  • Go to places you've already been to.
  • Sell ​​old items or stale goods.
  • Remake old clothes for yourself (embroider, sew, repair, etc.).
  • To Work with psychological problems, visit a psychotherapist, think about your past, conduct psychoanalysis, dig out the true reasons for the actions, behavior of other people and your own, etc.

Mercury: Retrograde

What to do if you still need to deal with Mercury issues?

It often happens that during the period of retrograde Mercury we still matters need to be resolved, related to it: we need to agree on something with someone, we need to move, we need to buy something or sign an important document, but there is no way to postpone or reschedule. Here are some tips on how to behave correctly.

1) Be positive, remember the risks, but think positive, because any risk assumes that there is a possibility that nothing will happen.

2) Be extremely attentive to everything you do, check 10 times what you write or buy, read and re-read documents, including small print, several times. Ask other people to check something important to you, if possible: there is a better chance that the error will be noticed and corrected in time.

3) Be prepared for the fact that something will go wrong, don’t be upset that something will have to be redone, approach any failure consciously and remember that there are no hopeless situations.

4) Give yourself time to think, if you urgently need to make a decision, get rid of stress, slow down, set yourself up for the fact that this decision will be true for you at this moment.

5) If you agree on something with a person, do not hesitate to ask again if everything is in force or do not be afraid to cancel the meeting if this is your circumstances.

6) Make sure you understand all the information and all the details correctly, do not hesitate to ask again.

How to understand who is waiting for change?

If Mercury was retrograde at the time of your birth, then its transiting retrograde periods will be for you very positive and fruitful, even more than for others. These days you will feel comfortable, and all the “charms” of Mercury’s retro movement will benefit you.

  • For example, the boss decided to find a person for a profitable position - he could not find the ideal candidate, as he expected, the position was offered to you;
  • A friend’s trip went wrong, he gave you a trip/accommodation completely free of charge;
  • An old friend showed up, you resumed your relationship, which became longer and more serious than before;
  • The exam was rescheduled for Mercury retro dates, at first you were upset, then you began to prepare more, and as a result you showed yourself with the best side and received the highest score!

There can be a lot of options, it all also depends on what areas Mercury rules in your personal chart, what are its advantages and disadvantages and what transits are taking place at this moment.

Some owners of retro Mercury in their charts still complain that things are not going as well for Mercury as they think. But on by and large, if they look at it from the other side, they will find much more benefits for yourself.

Who else should pay attention to the Mercury retro period?

1) People whose work and profession associated with Mercury: writers, translators, copywriters, journalists, traders (including sellers, distributors, dealers, owners of trading businesses, especially small goods: books, stationery and electronics, etc.), secretaries, clerks, writers of documentation and letters, school teachers, teachers, drivers and truckers, telephone operators, employees of companies providing various services, including the Internet, and so on.

2) People whose charts include Mercury, the signs of Gemini and Virgo, as well as solar Gemini and Virgo in general, because Mercury is the ruler of these zodiac signs.

For these people, Mercury retrograde periods will be more noticeable and memorable different situations and events related to it (see Probable events on retro Mercury). They especially should not engage in activities that are not recommended to be done during Mercury retro.

Transit of Mercury retrograde according to the zodiac signs

♈ ARIES. Urgent matters that need to be completed quickly and that require quick decisions are returned. For example, once you didn’t finish a question, but now there is a need to finish it as quickly as possible. Superficial acquisition of information, rapid forgetting. It is difficult to train your memory and remember something; information quickly disappears.

♉ TAURUS. In this zodiac sign, retrograde Mercury is less hot and more attentive, makes more serious mistakes, and fewer minor inaccuracies. People are not so mobile and do not seek quick information, although it is still difficult to perceive everything new at this time. People are easily offended by small things, and misunderstood information can stay in their heads for a long time, even if they find out that it is not true.

♊ GEMINI. In this sign, Mercury is in its abode, but is ready to distort any information. Be careful when you see Mercury turning back in your sign, because it's time to hide and hide. All sorts of scammers and deceivers are becoming more active, it is easy to get acquainted with charlatans, so we advise you not to seek advice during this period. And you should only buy things from trusted suppliers whom you trust and can quickly return or exchange the goods after purchase. It is very difficult to complete things!

♋ CANCER. On days when Mercury falls into the sign of Cancer, sensitivity to words and intonations only increases, and with retrograde this only intensifies. These days you may remember old grievances, criticism, you begin to be overwhelmed with emotions about what has long been in the past. Interest in some children's books may flare up again, or you can somehow return to childhood and remember some things from it. Any new information should be taken carefully and filtered, as there may be misunderstandings.

♌ LION. In Leo, Mercury makes us stand out and attract attention through speech, bright and emotional statements. Someone might want to discuss old important news. These days there is a high risk of overestimating the level of your knowledge. It's hard to admit when you're wrong. Many people find themselves thinking that they are beginning to impose their opinions on others. It's good these days to return to some creative projects, which you have abandoned or put aside for a while, but for completely new ones there may not be enough inspiration!

♍ VIRGO. Mercury, although it will follow its native zodiac sign, will not be too strong, so the affairs that are associated with it may go at random, the astrologer website warns. Absent-mindedness and reluctance to admit your mistakes can lead to even greater inaccuracies and problems at this time, so it is better to postpone any important documents, negotiations or trade deals until Mercury is in a direct position.