Plant foods rich in zinc. Microelements in food. What does zinc contain?

Humans contain many important and useful substances, including zinc.

In our article we will tell you why there is a deficiency and excess of this element, and which foods contain the most zinc.

The role of zinc in the body

Zinc plays a very important role in our body.

Let's look at what it is needed for:

  • helps reduce the appearance of inflammation, stimulates wound healing;
  • thanks to it, the skin is actively produced, restoration processes quickly occur, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • promotes the rapid development of leukocytes and other antibodies, which leads to an increase;
  • thanks to it, bone tissue is also strengthened;
  • promotes the production and breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • thanks to it, the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries and testes work better;
  • with its help, prostate hormones are produced, synthesis occurs;
  • is an integral element for the full functioning of the brain and.

Close connection of zinc with other macro- and microelements

It was described above why the human body needs zinc.
In order for its assimilation to occur effectively, it is necessary to take into account its connection with other elements.

Let's look at how different micro- and macroelements affect its absorption:

  • to increase the bioavailability of Zn, it is necessary to combine it with vitamin A;
  • to enhance pharmacological properties it is worth combining it with lithium and;
  • due to competition for absorption between Zn and copper, an excess of the latter can lead to a deficiency of the former;
  • if the diet contains little protein, cadmium and lead lead to a decrease in the concentration of Zn in the body;
  • if you take calcium, copper, etc. at the same time as Zn, then zinc will be absorbed slowly;
  • lack of Zn provokes deficiency;
  • tin helps slow down the absorption of Zn;
  • when taking medications containing tetracycline, the element is eliminated more actively;
  • if there is a zinc deficiency, it is not recommended to take it, as it slows down the absorption of Zn;
  • if you take Zn and Fe at the same time, the second element will be absorbed more slowly.

Zinc consumption standards

For the normal functioning of the body, it is very important to eat foods with zinc. Let's consider how much is the daily norm for this element for different age categories:

  • girls up to 6 months - 2 mg;
  • boys up to 6 months - 3 mg;
  • children under 3 years old - 3-4 mg;
  • children 4-8 years old - 5 mg;
  • 9-13 years - 8 mg;
  • 14-18 years old - 9 mg;
  • boys 14-18 years old - 11 mg;
  • 19-50 years old - 12 mg;
  • 19-50 years old - 15 mg;
  • men 50-80 years old - 13 mg;
  • women 50-70 years old - 10 mg;
  • women - 14-15 mg;
  • nursing mothers - 17-20 mg.

To get your daily dose, you should know which foods contain a lot of zinc. We will talk about this in the following sections.

Did you know? The body of an average adult human contains about 2.5 g of Zn.

What foods contain a lot of zinc?

There are a number of plant and animal products in which the concentration of Zn is quite high. It is very important to know them not only in order to regularly replenish the amount of this element in the body, but also in order to prevent its excess, which can also cause harm to the body.

Plant products

We present to your attention a list of plant products containing zinc. large quantities(per 1 kg):

  • , green vegetables - 250 mcg;
  • - 300 mcg;
  • , - 2000-5000 mcg;
  • , barley groats, molasses, cocoa - 2000-5000 mcg;
  • wheat bran, sprouted wheat - 13,000-20,000 mcg.

Products with a high content of Zn also include,.

Animal products

Let's look at which animal products contain large amounts of zinc. We bring to your attention a list of products with zinc concentration per 100 g of edible part:

  • beef liver - 5000 mcg;
  • pork liver - 4000 mcg;
  • meat (beef) - 3240 mcg;
  • egg yolk - 3105 mcg;
  • - 3000 mcg;
  • rabbit meat - 2310 mcg;
  • sea ​​bass - 1534 mcg.

Important! Monitor the level of Zn in the blood and avoid excess of it, as it increases cholesterol.

Products containing zinc and selenium

To feel good, you need to regularly replenish your body with useful elements. Products rich in zinc are especially important for every body.

Zinc and selenium are found in the following products:

  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • legumes;

Products containing zinc and copper

We list the products that contain a lot of zinc and copper:

  • eggs;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • seeds;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • cocoa;
  • legumes;
  • nuts.

Causes and symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body

There are quite a few reasons that affect the concentration of an element in the body:

  • diseases;
  • illness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • excessive psycho-emotional stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • alcoholism;
  • presence of sickle cell anemia;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • problems with the functioning of the pancreas;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs and many other reasons.

The whole body suffers from a lack of zinc. Symptoms of deficiency of this element include the following:

  • worsens, absent-mindedness appears;
  • there is loss and disturbance of sleep;
  • the person becomes depressed, lethargic, and performance decreases;
  • the presence of frequent colds, fungal and viral diseases is noted - ARVI, stomatitis, candidiasis;
  • inflammation also appears on the mucous membranes - they become thinner, can be easily damaged, wounds heal very slowly;
  • eye diseases appear - conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal opacity;
  • the skin becomes dry, a lot may appear in a short period of time, rashes are observed, the skin turns red and peels;
  • and become dry and brittle;
  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted, an imbalance of sex hormones occurs;
  • decreases in men, premature ejaculation occurs.

Microelement deficiency is especially dangerous for women, as it can disrupt the normal functioning of the reproductive system and cause secondary.

Did you know? In ancient times, zinc was considered a source of beauty: Ancient China women practiced rubbing pearls, which contain large amounts of this trace element, into their facial skin, and Cleopatra regularly took baths with goat's milk.

Therefore, it is very important to find out which foods are high in zinc, as well as calcium and iron, and be sure to include them in your menu.

Causes and symptoms of excess zinc in the body

Despite the huge number beneficial properties, excessive amounts of Zn in the body can be very dangerous. The reasons for the increased concentration of the element include:

  • unbalanced, unhealthy diet;
  • long-term use of dietary supplements;
  • intoxication due to inhalation of zinc vapor;
  • metabolic disorders.

Excess Zn is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the integrity of the epidermis is compromised;
  • nails become brittle;
  • weaken and begin to actively fall out;
  • the presence of increased sensitivity of the stomach to food;
  • nausea;
  • the presence of immunodeficiencies;
  • the concentration of iron, cadmium and copper in the blood decreases;
  • the pancreas does not cope with its function;
  • there are problems with the prostate gland;
  • liver diseases develop.
Based on this information, it becomes clear that you cannot mindlessly take products containing Zn.

Today on store shelves you can find products whose packaging indicates how many of certain elements are present in the composition.

There are even special zinc-containing products for diabetics that allow you to maintain the desired concentration of the element.

Features of zinc absorption

You already know where zinc is, but for its proper absorption you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Microelement absorption occurs better from animal products, as they contain a lot of protein. Plant foods contain phytic acid, which inhibits this process.
  2. For better absorption, it is worth combining the use of Zn with elements such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A.
  3. Vitamin B12 can help with absorption, so it is recommended to consume liver, red meat, dairy products, mineral complexes, which also contain Zn.. In case of severe contamination, you should not leave and, especially if they are already cut, in water for more than 10 minutes - the longer the products are in the water, the more useful substances will remain in it.
  4. Most of the minerals are found under the skin of vegetables and fruits, so when peeling you should try to cut off a thin layer.
  5. Clean and cut foods immediately before cooking or consuming them.
  6. Do not use a method such as frying for cooking - this is what destroys all vitamins and elements.
  7. Steam the food or bake it in the oven.
  8. If you cook foods, add them to the pan gradually so as not to overcook them, since some of the vitamins are still lost during processing. For example, if you are making soup, first put the meat in the pan, then the roots, then last resort- vegetables.
  9. When cooking vegetables, place them in boiling, not cold, water.
  10. Use enamel, glass or stainless steel utensils for cooking.

After reading our article, you found out which ones contain the most zinc, which fruits and vegetables should definitely be present in your menu.

Did you know? Zinc is directly involved in 200 processes that occur in the human body.

A balanced diet will help maintain the body's required quantity necessary elements and will ensure you feel great.

A sufficient amount of iron in the body is necessary for people, especially growing children and women of childbearing age. This condition is mandatory for everyone, regardless of whether a person is a vegetarian or not. The body needs iron, which is involved in the process of energy production. A lack of this element can lead to chronic fatigue and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Iron and vegetarianism

How can vegetarians deal with iron issues? Products of plant origin contain so-called non-heme iron, which is poorly absorbed by the body. And complete - heme - iron is found only in meat and other products of animal origin. So the challenge for vegetarians is to improve the absorption of non-heme iron from food.

This problem is easy to solve if you plan your diet correctly. Eat foods from plant sources that contain non-heme iron.

Products containing non-heme iron

  • legumes,
  • iron-fortified cereals and breads (preferably whole grains),
  • tofu,
  • dark green leafy vegetables(spinach, beet greens),
  • pace,
  • plum juice,
  • dried fruits.

Information for Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians: Eggs also contain non-heme iron. And to get enough iron, include vitamin C in your diet. Citrus fruits and their juices, tomatoes, green and red peppers are rich in it. These foods will help your body absorb iron from plant foods and eggs. If you are a semi-vegetarian, regularly eat some meat, poultry or fish, which contain complete iron.

What foods contain zinc?

Zinc, a mineral essential for growth, repair of body cells and energy production, deserves no less attention. This function is facilitated by more than two hundred enzymes that control all processes in the body. Without meat, poultry and seafood, you may experience zinc deficiency.

Science has not yet clarified the final effect of a serious zinc deficiency. However, recent research shows that even small deficits can impair mental development; This is true not only for adults, but also for children and adolescents.

Milk, cheese, yoghurt and eggs - reliable sources zinc

Lacto-ovo vegetarians have no reason to worry: milk, cheese, yogurt and eggs are reliable sources of zinc. Although many plant foods contain zinc, its bioavailability is lower than in animal foods. To consume sufficient quantity zinc, eat a variety of foods with zinc: whole grain bread, bran, legumes, tofu, seeds and nuts.

Keep in mind that grains lose zinc when processed into flour, and some substances in plant foods(fibers and phytates) may block zinc absorption. However, phytates are destroyed during yeast fermentation, so whole grains are ideal.

Be careful with zinc supplements: in large doses they can have harmful effects. side effects. If your doctor or nutritionist recommends supplements, take only those that contain no more than 100% of your daily value of zinc.

Every person wants to be healthy and vigorous. But this desire is not always realized. Why does this happen? In order for the body to have enough strength, it is necessary that each of us have a certain amount of elements in the body chemical table Mendeleev.

Currently, an imbalance of these substances occurs due to various stressful situations and the ecological situation of the territory in which people live. In order to make up for these losses, you should follow a balanced diet. The gastrointestinal tract is considered the main conductor of microelements, such as zinc. This will be discussed in the article.

What does zinc contain? What foods should you eat to keep it in was the body sufficient?

Also in Ancient Egypt A special ointment was made from it. It was used for fast healing wound Currently, this element is well appreciated mainly by doctors. But what is the role of zinc, what does this substance contain? In order to get answers to these questions, you should read the article.

What is the role of zinc in the human body?

The effect of the element on the human body occurs at the cellular level. It is directly involved in metabolism. Zinc is integral part vitamins and enzymes. It is contained in almost one hundred nucleotides that make up the genetic apparatus human cell.

The main question of this article is the question of whether what does zinc contain? It turns out that in the human body its largest amount is found in white blood cells, red blood cells and sperm in men.

There is also zinc in the retina of the eye. This element is necessary for the human body to function normally. If there is a sufficient amount of it in the body, then such people feel normal and their life activities proceed without complications.

What are the risks of microelement deficiency?

A lack of zinc in the human body can lead to a number of serious problems. Thus, patients most often complain of loss of taste and smell, lack of hair, slower healing process, dermatitis and allergic reactions. In addition, such people have impaired reproductive function, poor blood circulation and disruptions in the functioning of the immune system, and inhibition of normal height and anemia. Representatives of the fair sex in a position with a lack of this element may experience premature birth or be born weakened children with low weight. Athletes with these problems perform worse in competition than before. And teenagers begin to develop a tendency towards alcoholism.

Zinc deficiency can occur due to large physical activity. The latter are usually accompanied by profuse sweating and the use of diuretics.

How does zinc interact with other trace elements?

As soon as the substances enter the body, they enter into synthesis with proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. The latter, in turn, come from eating or through air and water. The balance of microelements is influenced by toxins, medications that a person takes, and the state of the intestinal microflora. Depending on this, the process of absorption of various microelements may be different, for example, slowed down or enhanced.

If there is a sufficient amount of protein in the human body, then zinc will be better distributed. Eating legumes that contain phytic acid will help slow down this process. Excess calcium and cadmium, as well as iron and lead, will interfere with the absorption of zinc in gastrointestinal tract and its delivery to body tissues and internal organs.

The microelement in question combines very well with vitamin A. When they interact, zinc is more easily transported through the blood to all cells. At this time, the effect of the vitamin will be enhanced.

What foods contain this microelement?

The amount of zinc in the human body can fluctuate. Therefore, it is necessary to create a menu for every day. What foods are there that contain large quantities of zinc? Plant-based foods cannot provide a person with the full amount of this microelement. The main emphasis when compiling a diet menu should be on meat and seafood.

Comparative characteristics of microelement content in products

Which foods have the most zinc? When considering dried fruits and nuts, it should be noted that 6.3 mg of zinc is contained in 100 g pine nuts. In second place is pecan. After this come Brazil nuts and peanuts. The smallest amount of zinc is found in dried apricots and prunes. So, in the latter it is only 0.43 mg. It should be noted that here and below all figures are given per 100 grams of each product.

There is much more zinc in meat products. In fried veal liver there is about 15.5 mg per 100 g, and in stewed beef the amount of this trace element is 9.4 mg. The least amount of zinc is found in boiled beef tongue and fried lamb kidneys. In the latter, the amount of microelement is 3.5 mg.

In canned salmon its amount is only 0.8 mg.

This trace element can also be found in vegetables and fruits. So, in kohlrabi the amount of zinc is 3.4 mg. There is much less of it in other vegetables. Boiled carrots and radishes contain about 0.26 mg of this trace element.

Now the focus will be on grains and legumes, as well as seeds. The largest amount of zinc was found in wheat bran - about 15 mg of this microelement. Do not forget that the ratio of substances is considered per 100 g of product. The second and third places are occupied by poppy and sesame seeds, respectively. The least amount of zinc is found in cooked white rice and corn.

And finally, let’s pay attention to the amount of the microelement in question in products of plant, animal and fungal origin. Dry yeast is in first place in terms of zinc content, and egg yolk is in second place. The smallest amount of microelement is found in milk and green onions.

As noted above, in this product contains the most trace elements. As a rule, it is customary to eat oysters alive. The composition of the product is very rich in zinc content. Currently, they are mainly sold frozen. They are eaten not only raw, but also fried, baked and boiled.

In order to start the meal, you must have a knife in front of you. Using it, they cut the shell from the sharp edge and take out the pulp. She gets sprayed lemon juice and eat it.

What is the daily value of zinc for humans?

Children need to consume this microelement with food every day. So, daily norm zinc for a child depends on how old he is.

At the age of 6 months to 3 years, 2.8 mg of the microelement is required. But the diet of a child from 4 to 8 years old should include 4.5 mg of zinc. From 9 to 13 years old you will need 7.9 mg of microelement per day.

Also, the amount of zinc-containing foods consumed depends on gender differences. In the first six months of life, girls need 1.9 mg of the microelement, while boys need one milligram more. Women aged 18 to 49 years should consume about 14 mg of zinc, and men should consume 3 mg more.

After 50 years, these figures decrease to 9 and 12 mg, respectively.

Pregnant women should consume foods with this microelement, the content of which should be about 14.5 mg. The norm for nursing mothers will be much higher - 18.5 mg.

What factors need to be considered?

There are several situations in which the intake of zinc-containing foods may be delayed or toxic.

Birth control pills help reduce the content of this microelement in the body and also undermine health.

A dose of zinc greater than 140 mg per day is toxic to humans. When using diuretics or intestinal dysfunction, a higher intake of zinc is required.

Alcoholic drinks, as well as alcohol, sugar and salt, contribute to the removal of microelements from the body. Eating nuts will help you better absorb zinc-containing foods.

What are the main symptoms of microelement deficiency in the body?

The main signs of zinc deficiency are brittle nails, absent-mindedness and pallor. skin, lethargy and deterioration of attention. In addition, signs of microelement deficiency also include whitish spots on the surface of the nail, hair loss, frequent colds, long healing of abrasions, delayed growth and development of the body.

If a person has any of the above symptoms, it is necessary to consult a specialist. He will be able to prescribe the right complex of vitamins and minerals, and, of course, the right course of therapy.

It is also necessary to choose your daily diet wisely. Thanks to it, you can strengthen your physical and mental condition.

What are the benefits of micronutrients?

Having understood the question, what is contained zinc, let's consider its advantages.

Thus, the trace element stimulates brain function and mental activity. In addition, it has a good effect on the functioning of the genetic apparatus.

Normal amounts of zinc stimulate growth hormones and wound healing. Daily consumption of products containing this microelement helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens nails and hair, and rejuvenates the skin.

It is also useful for visual acuity and enhancing regeneration, reducing the manifestations of allergic reactions, removing cholesterol from the human body.

For men, the advantage of this microelement is that it stimulates sexual activity and increases potency. Zinc is also an assistant in the production of testosterone.

Thus, this microelement has a large number of advantages. Don't forget to eat foods containing zinc every day, and then your body will thank you.

The vital trace element zinc was used by the ancient Egyptians as a wound-healing agent 5 thousand years ago. For example, from time immemorial for the treatment of skin diseases, scarring of wounds and preventing the appearance of scar tissue in folk medicine Birch, celandine, string and tricolor violet are used.

  • As studies have shown, it is in these plants that the highest concentrations of the microelement accumulate.

The importance of zinc in human nutrition was established in the early 20th century. Today we will talk about the role of this compound in the body and how to meet the daily requirement for zinc with a balanced diet. Knowing which foods contain a large amount of zinc will help you avoid an imbalance of minerals in the body and correctly compose a daily diet taking into account the body’s daily need for this microelement.

Why does a person need zinc?

Recent studies conducted in modern laboratories have shown that zinc acts in the body as a natural antioxidant, promoting protein synthesis, protecting cells from the destructive effects of free radicals and tissue regeneration.

Without zinc, normal reproductive function of the male and female body, the functioning of the prostate and ovaries is impossible.

The main functions of zinc in the body:

  • relief of inflammatory processes;
  • acceleration of wound healing and soft tissue damage;
  • participation in the synthesis of hormones;
  • regulation of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • skin regeneration;
  • participation in hematopoietic processes, including the production of antibodies and leukocytes;
  • splitting ethanol (alcoholic drinks);
  • maintaining high body resistance to various infections;
  • strengthening bone tissue, teeth;
  • participation in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • normal functioning of the endocrine system, including the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, testes in men and ovaries in women;
  • regulation of cell growth, reproduction and differentiation;
  • absorption of retinol in the liver;
  • proper functioning of the brain and central nervous system;
  • removal of toxins, wastes and metabolites from the body;
  • puberty of the male and female body, maintaining the reproductive function of sexually mature people;
  • improved growth of nail plates and hair;
  • work of olfactory and taste receptors.

Zinc is very important for athletes, since it helps carry out cellular metabolism. Without food rich in microelements, the formation of a muscle corset is impossible.

Daily value of zinc for humans

An adult body contains from one and a half to three grams of zinc, and up to 98% of this compound is found inside cells. There is only about 2% of zinc in blood serum, which is extracellular.

Most of the substance is found in leukocytes and red blood cells, in the prostate and testicles in men, as well as in the retina, kidneys and liver. Scientists have discovered a high concentration of zinc in skin appendages, in particular in hair shafts. Zinc is present in both musculoskeletal tissue (up to 60%) and dermis (up to 20%).

The daily requirement of zinc is up to 15 mcg. It should be taken into account that only 2/3 of them are spent on maintaining cellular metabolism and other body functions, and 1/3 is excreted by the sweat glands along with sweat.

Children from 0 to 6 months require about 2 mcg, from 6 to 12 months - 3 mcg, from 1 to 3 years - 4 mcg, from 4 to 8 years - 5 mcg, adolescents under 13 years old - 8 mcg, from 14 years old - 11 mcg.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding the zinc norm increases to 15 mcg. Healthy, sexually active adult men should get up to 15 mcg of zinc.

Which foods contain the most zinc?

To maintain all biological processes, without which the optimal functioning of all organs and systems is impossible, zinc reserves should be replenished daily with food. Zinc in food, the benefits of which are invaluable, allows you to restore mineral metabolism and maintain vital functions.

Products containing zincAmount of zinc in mg for every 100 g
OystersUp to 145
Lobster meat25
Pumpkin and poppy seeds16
Pork, beef and veal liver16
Wheat bran16
Boiled eel12
Lamb, beef9,5
Dry yeast8,0
Boiled chicken heart7,4
Soy products4,2
Egg yolk3,9
Hard cheese3,0
Rabbit meat2, W
Coconut milk2,0

Small portions of zinc are present in other seafood, nuts, seeds, grains, dried apricots, prunes, vegetables, leafy greens and fruits, olive, soybean, pumpkin and sesame oils.

As you can see, zinc is present in a wide variety of foods of both plant and animal origin. Not every one of us can regularly feast on oysters, but anyone can add bran to their favorite dishes, snack on seeds and nuts, and eat offal.

When entering the body with food, microelements interact. It is their combination that provides invaluable assistance to all organs and systems. For example, iron and zinc in foods are an important part of ensuring optimal hematopoietic processes. Most of these substances are found in dried apricots, beef liver, persimmon, bloodwort, egg yolk.

Knowing which foods contain copper and zinc in the highest concentrations will allow you to provide your body with daily portions of these chemical elements. This combination is necessary to maintain normal blood composition and nervous system function. The condition of your hair and its color directly depend on how much your food is enriched with copper and zinc (copper deficiency is manifested by early gray hair).

By including seafood, fatty sea fish and offal in your diet 3-4 times a week, you will prevent an imbalance of microelements in the body. Also rich in copper and zinc: Brown rice, buckwheat, legumes, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts.

Excess zinc - why is it dangerous?

Why is caution necessary?

Excess zinc, significantly exceeding daily dosages, is also harmful to the body, as is its lack. An amount of a trace element of more than 150 mg can cause toxic poisoning, and 6 grams of this substance can even be fatal.

Therefore, you should not take medications with zinc without a medical prescription. To provide the body with zinc, it is enough to include in the diet the foods listed in the table.

When buying mineral complexes, pay attention to what daily dose zinc is contained in each capsule or tablet.

What does a lack of zinc lead to, symptoms of deficiency

Insufficient intake of zinc from food is fraught with decreased immunity, deterioration of cognitive functions of the brain, and the functioning of taste and olfactory receptors. Also, a deficiency of the substance can cause malfunctions in the retina of the eye and lead to clouding of the lens.

For a child’s body, the lack of optimal doses of zinc threatens growth retardation, which can result in dwarfism, mental and physical retardation.

The first signs of deficiency are: deterioration in appearance, slower hair growth, unattractive appearance of the skin, separation and fragility of the nail plates.

A decrease in the amount of microelements in the body provokes malfunctions in the reproductive systems of both men and women, and in adolescents it can cause a delay in puberty.

The main signs of zinc deficiency in the body:

  • distortion of taste perception;
  • loss of vision;
  • disruptions in metabolism;
  • instability emotional background, excessive irritability;
  • tremor of fingertips;
  • violations of movement coordination;
  • a decrease in the body's defenses, manifested by frequent colds;
  • hair loss, even baldness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • development of dermatitis.

Preparations with zinc - a replacement for products?

Zinc deficiency can only be determined by a doctor after appropriate laboratory tests. The cause of this problem can be both improperly organized nutrition and impaired microelement absorption, as well as loss of zinc due to various reasons.

To replenish this substance, a specialist can prescribe medications, the most popular of which are: Zincteral and Zincite (the active ingredient is zinc sulfate). Zinc is also included in many biologically active food supplements, vitamin-mineral and mineral complexes sold through pharmacies and distribution networks.

As practice shows, it is best to obtain zinc in its natural form from food. This is the method that will allow you to normalize mineral metabolism and prevent a deficiency of all necessary biologically active compounds.

According to reviews from experienced nutritionists, adjusting nutrition allows us to normalize all biological processes occurring in our body. Products containing large quantities of zinc, as well as other useful microelements, should be regularly added to the menu.

Be healthy!

It is no coincidence that zinc is called the source of beauty and youth: healthy, clean skin and strong hair are a clear result of its work in the body. This microelement is vital, because without it life itself is impossible: it actively affects the reproductive function, primarily of men.

Fortunately, nature itself has made sure that we do not experience a shortage of it: products containing zinc are easy to find in any supermarket or market.

Scientists began to deeply study the effects of microelements on the body quite recently: in the second half of the last century. Although, for example, its amazing wound-healing properties were well known in Ancient Egypt: even then, an analogue of modern zinc ointment was held in high esteem by doctors! Selenium bound to zinc was generally considered a poison for a long time. And only in our days have both of these substances been appreciated.

Zinc and selenium are in second place after iron in terms of content in the body. Most of them are in the internal organs (kidneys, liver, spleen), in the genitals, especially in men, and also in the hair.

Almost all organs and systems of the body experience their beneficial effects:

  • zinc and selenium are involved in internal metabolic processes;
  • strong vision, a keen sense of smell and well-functioning taste buds are only possible if there is a lot of this substance in the body;
  • this trace element helps remove heavy metals from internal organs;
  • it is also capable of restoring damaged tissues and strengthening the immune system;
  • The great merit of zinc is that it kickstarts the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and maintains it throughout life. That is why men should have more of it in their diet than women;
  • zinc and selenium are involved in cell division and ensure their normal functioning;
  • the microelement is part of bone tissue and is involved in its renewal;
  • zinc is beneficial when combined with taurine. The lack of both of these substances is one of the factors in the occurrence of epilepsy;
  • vitamin A contained in the liver is released and absorbed only with the assistance of this substance;
  • higher mortality among men these days is associated by scientists with reduced level in the body zinc;
  • its antiviral effect is well known;
  • microelement is indispensable for mental stress. In addition, it plays an important role in saturating the brain with oxygen and even helps cope with senile insanity;
  • A diet rich in zinc and selenium can reverse the development of diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis;
  • One of the causes of stomach ulcers is frequent stress and strain on the nervous system, which lead to a sharp loss of zinc. Replenishing its reserves helps cope with stomach ailments;
  • The occurrence of prostatitis is also associated with a lack of this microelement in the body. The more it is in the diet, the higher the chance of saying goodbye to the disease as quickly as possible.

When there is not enough zinc

Zinc, like selenium, does not accumulate in the body; its supply must be constantly replenished. Healthy image life and a balanced diet are quite enough.

The downside is that the microelement is easily washed out of tissues and organs. Alcohol, caffeine, nervous tension, and frequent stress lead to rapid loss of it.

Signs that should alert you:

  • hair loss;
  • skin diseases;
  • long wound healing;
  • loss taste sensations and the ability to distinguish odors;
  • white spots on nails;
  • night blindness (weak vision at dusk);
  • slow development in children.

Daily value: how much?

Undoubtedly, this depends on many factors. Irreconcilable coffee lovers, people living in constant psycho-emotional stress, athletes, expectant mothers need zinc and selenium to a greater extent than, for example, those who prefer a healthy diet and do not waste their nerves. For men high level this microelement is more relevant.

And yet, scientists know certain average daily norms:

  • boys 0.5–3 years old– 3 mg; 4–8 years – 5 mg; 9–13 years – 8 mg. The indicators for girls are slightly lower than for boys - minus 1 mg for each age category;
  • boys 14–18 years old– 11 mg, for men 19–50 years old – 15 mg, over 50 years old – 13 mg. For representatives of the fair sex of these age groups, you need to subtract 3 mg;
  • expectant and nursing mothers under 18 years of age should ensure that their daily diet contains 15 mg of zinc, the indicators for women over 18 are 14 and 17 mg, respectively.

Mothers expecting boys need it most of all: they should know better than others what foods contain zinc. The first three months of pregnancy are critical, when the internal organs and systems of the baby are formed.

One of the effective ways to give birth to healthy boys and raise real men from sons is to ensure that the level of zinc in the body of both mother and child does not fall below normal.

Eating right: what foods are rich in zinc

The easiest way to increase the level of this trace element is to go to the pharmacy for zinc-containing preparations. Simple, but far from the most useful and effective. Another way is much more environmentally friendly and natural - to take nature as an ally. Fortunately, foods rich in zinc and selenium are inexpensive and available to everyone today.

An excellent source of zinc is an infusion of birch buds. What other foods contain zinc? Vegetables include tomatoes, beets, garlic, radishes, and cabbage.

Oranges, blueberries, and raspberries are rich in it. Most of it is in meat and seafood: oysters, eels, seaweed. Selenium paired with zinc is found in eggs, lentils, many types of nuts, and cauliflower.

Pantry zinc - wheat bran and sprouted grains, as well as wholemeal bread. Moreover, the dough should be kneaded not with the usual yeast, but with dough. Why?

Opara neutralizes phytin, a substance found in many grains. It absorbs zinc, as well as calcium and iron, preventing them from being absorbed by the body. So it turns out that ordinary village bread, baked according to the recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, is many times healthier than what is produced today in factories and bakeries.

The table below will help you create a balanced, zinc-rich diet.

The product's name Zinc content per 100 g of product, mg
Oysters 60
Wheat bran 16
Sesame seeds 7,8
Pumpkin seeds 7,5
Boiled chicken hearts 7,3
Boiled beef 7,06
Peanut 6,68
Sunflower seeds 5,6
Boiled beef tongue 4,8
Pine nuts 4,62
Turkey meat 4,28
Egg yolk 3,9
Coarse wheat flour 3,1
Walnuts 2,7
Hazelnuts 1,9
Sardines 1,4
Boiled lentils 1,27
River fish fillet 1,2
Tuna in oil 0,9
Boiled mushrooms 0,87
Tofu 0,8
Dried apricots 0,74
Boiled brown rice 0,63
Oatmeal 0,49
Corn 0,48
Prunes 0,45
Cow's milk 0,4
Green onions 0,39
Avocado 0,31
Cauliflower 0,3

Zinc and selenium are microelements that you cannot do without. It is very important to take care of their high levels in the body. This applies to men to a greater extent, but women too special diet should not be neglected. The reward will be a wonderful appearance and excellent health.