Greens and green vegetables. What the color of vegetables and fruits says What are leafy vegetables

These days, dietitians are more and more likely to give the strange, at first glance, advice: “Eat more colorful things.” No, it is, of course, not about lollipops, but about vegetables and fruits of different colors! Plant-based vegan foods have been found to contain chemicals called phytonutrients that are not only extremely beneficial to health and protect against many diseases, but also give foods their bright color.

Scientists have found a relationship between color and beneficial properties of phytonutrients. Surely you would be curious to know what is the meaning and what benefits are hidden behind each specific color - today we will share this information with you. But before we get to the scientific facts, it's worth pointing out that it's been proven that colorful, beautiful, bright food is healthy simply because of its attractive appearance. stimulates a healthy appetite! This is especially important in baby food - after all, children are sometimes capricious and do not want to eat. But who would refuse a plate of delicious "rainbow"? After all, we all - both children and adults - eat first with our “eyes”. Food should bring not only benefits, but also joy: saturate, including mentally.

And now about the ratio of the colors of vegetables and fruits and the nutrients they contain.

1. Red

Red vegan foods are high in beta-carotene (vitamin A), fiber and antioxidants: vitamin C, flavonol quercetin, lycopene. These substances protect the body from the action of free radicals, from cancer and cardiovascular disease, and also provide tangible support to the digestive system.

Red fruits (by the way, they are not only healthy and tasty, but also beautiful!): watermelon, cranberries, raspberries, red grapefruit, strawberries, cherries, pomegranates, red varieties of apples.
Vegetables: Beets, red peppers (both cayenne and paprika), tomatoes, radishes, red potatoes, red onions, chicory, rhubarb.

2. Orange

Orange fruits and vegetables are very useful, because. contain many antioxidants, including beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene (which is converted into vitamin A in the body). They improve the health of the eyes, skin and respiratory system, help with arthritis, reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. These antioxidants also boost the immune system.

Fruits: oranges (of course!), tangerines, nectarines, apricots, cantaloupe (cantaloupe), mangoes, papaya, peaches.
Vegetables: butternut squash ("walnut" or "musk" gourd), carrots, squash, sweet potatoes.

3. Yellow

Yellow foods are rich in carotenoids (antioxidants that protect against cancer, retinal diseases, and cardiovascular disease) and bioflavonoids, which have a positive effect on the production of collagen (which is responsible for beauty!), Tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Yellow fruits and vegetables invariably contain vitamin C (which has anti-inflammatory effects), as well as vitamin A, potassium, and lycopene.

Fruits: lemon, citron finger ("Buddha's hand"), pineapple, yellow pear, yellow fig.
Vegetables: yellow squash, yellow tomatoes, yellow peppers, corn (scientifically speaking, it's not a vegetable, but a grain), and yellow ("golden") beets.

4. Green

Not surprisingly, green vegetables and fruits are traditionally considered extremely healthy, as they contain vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants, as well as chlorophyll, lutein, zeaxanthin and folic acid. Green vegetables help reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and the risk of cancer, normalize high blood pressure. They are also good for the eyes, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion (due to their high fiber content), and provide the body with calcium, which is important for bones and teeth.

Fruits: kiwi, green tomatoes, zucchini, sweet green peppers, pears, avocados, green grapes, green apples, round "
Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, asparagus, celery, peas, green beans, artichokes, okra, and all dark green leafy greens (different types of spinach, kale, and other varieties).

5. Blue and purple

Scientists had to combine blue and purple fruits and vegetables into one group, because. it is impossible to separate them chemically. Products appear blue or purple due to the content of substances such as anthocyanins and resveratrol. The final color will depend on the acid-base balance of the product.

Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects, help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and are useful in the fight against obesity and overweight. Resveratrol is a substance that prevents aging, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Blue and purple foods contain lutein (important for good vision), vitamin C, quercetin, and are generally beneficial for health and longevity.

Fruits: blueberries, blackberries, figs (figs), dark grapes, currants, plums, olives, prunes, elderberries, acai berries, maqui berries, raisins.
Vegetables: eggplant, purple asparagus, red cabbage, purple carrots, purple-fleshed potatoes.

6. White\brown

You can get so carried away eating delicious multi-colored vegetables and fruits that you completely forget about ... white ones! And this will be a big mistake, because they contain beneficial substances - anthoxanthins (which help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure), as well as sulfur (it cleanses the liver of toxins, is useful for protein structure and skin health), allicin (it has anti-cancer properties). ) and quercetin (anti-inflammatory action).

White fruits and vegetables strengthen the immune system and help control weight. The most useful of them are dark (brown) on the outside and white on the inside (for example, like a pear or
Other healthy white foods include cauliflower, white cabbage, onions, garlic, mushrooms, ginger, Jerusalem artichoke, parsnips, kohlrabi, turnips, potatoes, fennel, and white (sweet) corn.

7. Black

Another color that you don’t think about at first, imagining a fruit and vegetable “rainbow”! But you can’t lose sight of it, because many black fruits and vegetables are recognized as superfoods. Black vegan foods are usually the ones that contain the most antioxidants, which is why their coloring is so intense. It's a great source of anthocyanins, powerful phytonutrients that fight heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer!

Black foods (do not just list fruits and vegetables): black lentils, black or wild rice, black garlic, shiitake mushrooms, black beans, and black chia seeds.

This is such a wonderful fruit and vegetable palette. As a useful experiment, try eating a different color of food every day for seven days - and on the weekend you can say that you "ate a rainbow" in a week!

leafy vegetables These are vegetable crops in which the leaves are used as food. Leafy vegetables are a fairly broad category of vegetables, often overlapping with others, because in a number of vegetable crops, not only some specific part of the plant is edible, but several (for example, the rhizome and the aerial part).

So, leafy vegetables primarily include vegetables that are grown solely for the sake of leaves (lettuce, spinach), used mainly as one of the main components of the finished dish; also in this category are vegetables from other categories (e.g. root vegetables, cucurbits), in which, in addition to another part of the plant (e.g., bulbs, tubers), leaves are also eaten, and spicy plants, whose leaves are used to give a piquant taste fresh.

To true leafy vegetables include the following vegetables:

  • Salad (lettuce)
  • Watercress
  • Purslane (dandur)
  • Spinach (garden spinach)
  • Sorrel
  • Chard (leaf beet)
  • Nettle
  • Quinoa
  • Endive (chicory salad)
  • Mustard leaf
  • Cucumber herb (borage, borage)
  • fennel vegetable
  • Radicchio (radicchio, escariole, Italian chicory)
  • Chinese spinach (tricolor amaranth)
  • Water Spinach (Ipomoea water)
  • Bok choy (stalked cabbage, pak choy, mustard cabbage, Chinese collard greens)
  • Kale (grunkol, kale, brauncol, brunkol, green kale)
  • Arugula (arugula, sowing caterpillar, sowing indau, sowing eruca)
Vegetables from other categories, in which the aerial part is used like leafy vegetables:
  • scorzonera (Spanish goat, black root, sweet Spanish root)
  • daikon (Japanese radish, white Chinese radish, bailobo, muli, sweet radish, white radish)
  • :
    • winged beans (spread peas, winged beans, square peas)
  • :
    • Oshanin's bow
    • Vavilov's bow
    • chives (chives, onion skoroda, onion sibulet, Siberian onion)
    • tiered bow
    • bear onion (wild garlic, wild garlic, levurda, flask, kalba)
    • Altai onion (sagono, stone onion, wild batun, small onion)
    • bow strange
    • onion sandy
    • rock bow (rock bow)
    • onion roundhead
    • victorious bow (victorious bow, Siberian wild garlic, flask, kalba)
    • garden onion (vegetable onion, field onion)
    • branched onion (dzhusai, fragrant onion, odorous onion, wild onion, Chinese onion, garlic onion, field garlic)
    • large-stamen onion
  • :
    • dill
    • tarragon (tarragon wormwood, tarragon)
    • basil (reagan, rayhon, rean, fragrant cornflowers)
    • marjoram
    • savory
    • cilantro (coriander)
    • oregano (oregano)
    • cumin (timon)
    • thyme (thyme)
    • hyssop (blue hypericum)
    • Melissa
    • spadeweed (spearwort, alliaria, garlic grass, wild garlic)
    • fennel
  • other:
    • okra
  • Salads, cold snacks are most often prepared from leafy vegetables; they are also added to the first, second courses, used in canning.

    Leafy vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, and dark green leafy vegetables are the champions in this regard among all vegetables. They contain the most important minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium) and vitamins K, C, E, B vitamins, beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, lutein.

    Leafy vegetables consumed regularly stimulate digestion, regulate the endocrine system, cleanse blood vessels and liver, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and contribute to weight loss and normalization. The mechanism for weight loss is as follows: Green vegetables are low in carbohydrates (few calories) and high in fiber; fiber, due to the volume and slow digestion, provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

    A bit of botany

    Leafy vegetables are members of many botanical genera. Consider, Which genera and families do true leafy vegetables belong to?(botanical classification of vegetables from other categories is discussed in the relevant sections).
    1. Salad (lettuce)-genus Lettuce of the family Astrovye order Astrotsvetny class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Lettuce is an annual plant cultivated everywhere. There are 2 varieties of lettuce: leaf and head lettuce, each of which is represented by many varieties. One of them - Roman lettuce (romaine lettuce) has very loose heads.
    2. Watercress- the genus Klopovnik of the Cabbage order Cabbage-flowered class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. An annual or biennial plant up to 60 cm high, known in ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Glycosides give the leaves a specific bitter spicy taste.
    3. leaf celery, stem celery- the genus Celery of the Umbelliferae order Umbelliferous class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Cold-resistant moisture-loving biennial plant, reaching a height of up to 1 meter, with a thickened root.
    4. spinach- the genus Spinach of the Amaranth family of the order Carnation flowers of the class Dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Spinach is an annual herbaceous plant, especially popular in China, which accounts for the lion's share of the annual crop.
    5. Chinese spinach- the genus Amaranth of the Amaranth family of the order Carnation flowers of the Dicotyledonous class of the Flowering department. It is a herbaceous annual plant, 50-90 cm tall. Grown in tropical Africa and Indochina.
    6. Sorrel- the genus Sorrel of the Buckwheat family of the order Carnation flowers of the Dicotyledonous class of the Flowering department. In the food industry and medicine, sorrel (common sorrel) and horse sorrel are most often used. Both are perennial herbs, up to 1-1.5 meters high. Sorrel leaves have a characteristic sour taste.
    7. Chard- the genus Beetroot of the subfamily Marev family Amaranth order Clove-flowered class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Chard is a leaf subspecies of the beet, a close relative of the table, sugar and fodder beets. The leaves and stems of chard are similar to spinach.
    8. Endive, radicchio- the genus Chicory of the family Asteraceae order Astroflower class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Endive is a species of the genus Chicory, there are curly (cut-leaved) and broad-leaved (scarol) endive. Radicchio is a salad variety of common chicory, the same one whose rhizome is used as a surrogate for coffee. The radicchio plant looks like a cabbage.
    9. Arugula- the genus Indau of the Cabbage order Cabbage class Dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Rucola is an annual plant with a straight, branched stem up to 40 cm high and dissected lower leaves. Arugula, as a vegetable, is closely associated with Italian cuisine.
    10. Purslane- the genus Purslane of the family Buckwheat order Clove-flowered class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Purslane is a small annual succulent plant with a branched stem, up to 30 cm long, elongated fleshy oval leaves and yellow flowers.
    11. Nettle- a genus of nettles of the family nettles of the order Rosaceae, a class of dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Nettle, which grows everywhere in Russia, is nettle dioica - a perennial plant with leaves and stems covered with burning hairs. Valuable food, medicinal and fodder plant.
    12. Quinoa- the genus Quinoa of the Amaranth family of the order Carnation flowers of the Dicotyledonous class of the Flowering department. Orchard quinoa (a cultivated species of quinoa used for food) is a productive, drought-resistant annual plant with oval leaves and an upright stem.
    13. Parsley leafy - the genus Parsley of the Umbelliferae order Umbelliferous class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. Cold-resistant biennial herbaceous plant (rarely annual), moisture-loving, native to the Mediterranean coast.
    14. Kale, bok choy, kai lan, tah tsoi, mizuna, portuguese cabbage, mustard leaf- the genus Cabbage of the Cabbage family of the Cabbage order of the class Dicotyledons of the Flowering department. Mustard is a cold-resistant, drought-resistant plant, one of the most important oilseeds. Traditionally, the seeds of the plant are used to teach the oil and seasoning. In leaf varieties of mustard, young leaves are used for food. Kale has green or purple curly leaves that do not form a head. Bok choy also does not form heads, instead they have ugly leaves on thick stems. Portuguese cabbage is famous for its traditional Portuguese soup. Kai-lan is a small plant that is harvested whole and cooked like asparagus. Tatsoi and mizuna are eaten as a green salad, these vegetables also do not form a head.
    15. borage grass- the genus Borage of the Borage family of the order Lamiaceae of the Dicotyledonous class of the Flowering department. Cucumber grass is an annual herbaceous plant with an upright stem branched at the top up to 1 meter high, oval rather large leaves. Stems and leaves are covered with coarse hairs. It is grown as a vegetable in Europe.
    16. Fennel- the genus Fennel of the Umbelliferae order Umbelliferous cash desk dicotyledonous department Flowering. Outwardly, the plant looks like dill. Unlike dill, fennel has cylindrical seeds and lighter long leaves. Fennel smells and tastes like a sweet mixture of dill and anise.
    17. water spinach- the genus Ipomoea of ​​the family Convolvulus order Solanaceae class Dicotyledonous department Flowering. A semi-aquatic annual or perennial herb native to the Asian tropics. Young shoots, reminiscent of spinach in taste, are harvested for 3-8 months. A popular summer vegetable in China.

    Application of leafy vegetables

    Leaves and heads lettuce, rich in vitamins and mineral salts, are used as vitamin greens in salads. Lettuce improves digestion, tones, has a slight laxative effect, hematopoietic, lactogenic, diuretic, sedative, antispasmodic effect.

    Leaves watercress, which have a piquant tart-bitter taste reminiscent of radish, are used in the preparation of various dishes (soups, salads, main courses, gravy) to give a spicy taste.

    Watercress is also valued as a medicinal plant with a diuretic, antimicrobial, antiscorbutic effect. Watercress stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. An ointment based on watercress in folk medicine is used for scabies and for wound healing.

    Leaves leaf parsley have a characteristic taste and aroma, they are used fresh in salads and as a spicy additive to the first and second courses. As a medicinal raw material, parsley seeds are used, which have a diuretic and choleretic effect.

    Greens leaf and stem celery, which have a pronounced specific taste, are used to prepare salads, first and second courses, sauces and seasonings, vegetable juices. Celery is an aphrodisiac. Its use is useful for kidney diseases and poor appetite.

    Spinach used in food all over the world. Young spinach leaves can be added to a salad, coarser leaves should be stewed, boiled in a small amount of water (no more than 8 minutes), and fried.

    Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables. Its leaves contain a lot of protein, organic fatty acids, many vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, manganese, selenium and other minerals. However, we must remember that spinach leaves lose most of their vitamins after 8 days of storage in the refrigerator.

    Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, especially in older leaves. For this reason, it is not recommended for frequent baby food, as well as for people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and duodenum. In order to neutralize the oxalic acid, a little milk or cream should be added during the heat treatment of spinach.

    Spinach is able to slow down the aging process, it protects eyesight, improves digestion, blood formation, the activity of the nervous system, and serves as a prevention of hypertension and gastric diseases.

    young leaves Chinese spinach, slightly reminiscent of the taste of an artichoke, eaten raw in a salad, coarser and larger leaves are stewed or boiled for two minutes, added to soups and sauces.

    Leaves sorrel used for salads, cabbage soup, soups, as a filling for pies. Sorrel contains a lot of vitamin C, it was previously used as an antiscorbutic agent. Eating raw leaves improves digestion. As medicinal raw materials, different parts of horse sorrel are harvested; this plant is used in the treatment of a number of diseases (eg hypertension, constipation, stomach ulcers).

    Young leaves and stalks of chard are mostly eaten raw in a salad, hot dishes (eg soup, cabbage rolls) can be prepared. Chard useful in obesity, nephrolithiasis, diabetes, anemia, to strengthen the heart.

    nettle used to prepare salads, soups, cabbage soup, sauces, stuffing for pies, as well as salt and sour. Young tender inflorescences are brewed into tea, dried.

    Nettle has long been used in Russia as food for humans, farm animals (of course, after a certain treatment that removes the pungency) and as a medicinal plant. Shchi is cooked from young shoots and leaves of nettle. Nettle contains a lot of protein, fiber and vitamin C. Nettle is a multivitamin vegetable that is good for hypovitaminosis and to improve digestion.

    Medicinal raw materials are the leaves of stinging nettle. The liquid extract is used to stop internal bleeding. Nettle leaf is a part of many herbal preparations: hemostatic, renal, gastric, vitamin. A decoction of nettle leaves is a recognized cosmetic remedy for hair loss and dandruff; Nettle is an ingredient in herbal shampoos.

    Quinoa has long been used in Russia for food, and even specially grown. Previously, its leaves were used as food fresh and boiled, stewed, porridge was cooked from the seeds of the plant to taste reminiscent of buckwheat. Quinoa was added to the composition of flour to reduce its consumption during baking and improve the nutritional value of baked goods. Fresh shoots and leaves of quinoa do not have a pronounced taste and smell. Therefore, when adding it to a dish, its nutritional value increases, and the taste does not change. Now, the quinoa is practically not used; garden quinoa leaves are sometimes put in salads.

    The swan contains a lot of protein, vitamins and mineral salts. The use of quinoa increases immunity, improves heart activity, strengthens blood vessels, and has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Leaves radicchio and endive have a bitter taste, they are used in green salads and hot dishes. Both vegetables are extremely popular in Europe.

    At purslane raw or boiled young shoots and leaves are eaten. Salads, side dishes, soups are prepared from them, pickled and salted. The plant accumulates a lot of nutrients in the leaves: proteins, sugars, fatty acids, vitamins (a lot of A, E, C, PP), macro- and microelements, as well as other valuable substances. Purslane improves liver and kidney function, lowers blood sugar levels.

    Young mustard leaves rich in vitamin C, they are used fresh in salads and as a side dish. The inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom salt and pickle the young shoots of this plant.

    Rich, slightly bitter, specific taste arugula makes it a desirable ingredient in salads. Arugula leaves are added to pasta, meat and vegetable dishes. Arugula has a diuretic and antibacterial effect, improves digestion.

    borage grass the aroma resembles cucumber, and the taste is cucumber with a slight hint of onion. The leaves are used fresh for food, adding to salads, sauces, side dishes, cold soups, to add spice to fish and meat. The oil extracted from the roots is used as a spice. Fresh or candied flowers are also eaten.

    Cucumber grass has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with pain in the joints and muscles, improves metabolism, reduces irritability and nervousness.

    vegetable fennel has a thickened stem, which is called in cooking either a head of cabbage or an onion. This stalk is stewed, fried, added to salad, added to soup. Vegetable and common fennel greens are added to salads, vegetable soups, fish and meat dishes. The stems are pimented in pickling cucumbers.

    Fennel is a medicinal plant used in both official and folk medicine. It has a choleretic, carminative, laxative, antispasmodic effect.

    bok choy- a popular vegetable in China, Japan and Korea. Bok choy is pickled, steamed, added to soup. Bok choy is a dietary vegetable that is low in carbohydrates (2.2 grams) but rich in fiber, protein (1.5 grams), calcium, iron, sodium, and magnesium.

    Leaves kale become tastier after freezing, they are eaten raw and after heat treatment as part of various dishes. Kale boasts a high content of vitamins C, K and calcium. Kale has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and helps the body eliminate toxins.

    Onion vegetables are used to add spice to salads and hot dishes. The leaves of spicy vegetables give the dish a special spicy flavor. The leaves of rhizomatous, root and tuber vegetable crops are used in fresh salads as vitamin greens.

    Scientists and nutritionists say that green vegetables are absolutely healthy. If you look at the statistics they publish, it's hard to disagree. How to eat them more often - read below

    Greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients, which are indispensable assistants in the fight for health. It also contains chlorophyll, the miraculous pigment that gives plants their rich green color and acts like an oxygenator, purifying the blood and removing harmful substances from our liver and digestive tract. Your body and mind need to consume greens, and I will try to convince you of this.

    What is meant by the word "green"?

    Even though cucumbers, celery and zucchini are green in color and certainly good for you, they are not the "greens" I am talking about. I mean kale, spinach, beetroot leaves, dandelion stalks, swiss chard, collards, pak choi, mustard greens, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, watercress, and dark leafy salads. Find out who each "member" of this green "gang" is below, and look for them at grocery stores and farmers' markets nearby.

    Green scrambled eggs and ham

    Start adding "greens" to your diet from the very beginning of the day, when your body needs extra energy. Instead of filling your stomach with the sweets and useless calories found in toast, oatmeal, and baked goods, start your day with a nutritional "bang" by drinking a large glass of "green" juice (green vegetable juice, not green fruit juice). !). It will fill your body with antioxidants and trace elements. You can also drink a "green" smoothie filled with healthy fats and plant-based protein. If you feel the need for something heartier, make yourself an omelet with shredded spinach and chard, or stewed cabbage with half an avocado and a poached egg. Greens are breakfast for champions!

    Preparation of ingredients

    Set aside 15 minutes to wash, cut and pack all your greens. Fill the sink with water and throw all the greens into the water to wash them, then chop, pack and refrigerate. In the evening, when you get back from work tired, all you have to do is toss the prepared vegetables into a stewpan or steamer for a stir-fry.

    Freeze your greens

    There are two reasons why we should freeze "greens": on the one hand, we simply do not want them to spoil, on the other, they are always at hand. Many of the green foods I mentioned are seasonal, which means they are simply not available at certain times of the year. So if you see your favorite green vegetables in the market, buy more of them. Wash them, cut them, put them on a baking sheet and freeze them. At the end of this procedure, pack them in freezer bags - this way you will have a huge supply of vegetables for cocktails, soups, stews, cereals and fried dishes. This set will be your savior on rainy days when you need to quickly prepare some healthy meal.

    Fast Monday

    Try going meat-free on the first day of the week: throw a large handful of arugula on top of pizza, add cabbage and asparagus to risotto, sprinkle broccoli or beetroot leaves on polenta. Try adding "greens" to casseroles, frittatas, and pastas, or simply make salads with dark leafy lettuces, beans, olives, nuts, and cheese for a complete meal.

    "Green" sachets

    I admit that whole vegetables are difficult to carry with you. However, finding a bar that offers fresh "green" juice is even more difficult. In this case, it makes sense to prepare vegetable sachets with green powder. Stock up on mixes that include wheatgrass, chlorophyll, barley grass, and spirulina, and put them in your car, purse, or desk to add to your bottle of water when you need a snack. The next time you crave caffeine, drink this mixture.

    Smoothie Power

    Do not limit yourself to green smoothies as part of breakfast and indulge in the pleasure of drinking them throughout the day. If you're craving something sweet after dinner, it's time to mix in a few healthy ingredients. You can make both nutritious smoothies and light and low-calorie ones - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to add a handful of frozen cabbage to them.

    Green vegetables and fruits are just a godsend for our body in general, and for immunity and digestion in particular. We associate green with something right, and for good reason. Green vegetables and fruits are considered extremely healthy, because they contain vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants, as well as chlorophyll, which is responsible for their color, lutein, zeaxanthin and folic acid. They help reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and the risk of cancer, normalize high blood pressure. They are also good for the eyes, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion (due to the high fiber content) and give the body calcium, which is important for bones and teeth. They are an excellent source of antioxidants and help us fight the signs of aging.

    Fruit: kiwi, pear, avocado, green grapes, green apples

    Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, asparagus, celery, green tomatoes, zucchini, sweet green peppers, peas, green beans, artichokes, okra, and all dark green leafy greens (various types of spinach, kale, and other varieties).

    • Due to their high fiber content, green vegetables help cleanse the intestinal walls and remove a lot of harmful substances and toxins, while normalizing metabolism. The most fiber contains spinach, broccoli, green beans, green peas and cabbage. Cabbage has recently become a very fashionable vegetable. It is super healthy both raw, due to the content of vitamin C, K, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and folic acid, and fermented.
    • Green vegetables reduce the risk of diabetes. Studies show that regular consumption of green vegetables reduces the risk of diabetes by an average of 14%.
    • Also, green vegetables reduce the negative effects on the body from ultraviolet rays. In particular, their use increases eye protection, reduces the risk of blindness or cataracts.
    • Avocados are rich in substances that help lower blood cholesterol levels. Thus, regular consumption of avocados prevents the occurrence of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, this vegetable improves vision due to the content of vitamin E and the antioxidant lutein in it.
    • Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane and indoles, substances that help prevent cancer. Broccoli is also a good source of vitamins A, C and potassium.
    • Everyone knows parsley, dill and cilantro - generally champions! Parsley is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, K, PP, E, contains carotene, folic acid, glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, inulin, iron salts, phosphorus and other trace elements. By the way, it is an aphrodisiac!
      A medium bunch of parsley satisfies the body's daily requirement for vitamin C. In this, it surpasses lemons and black currants. Parsley is also useful for people with high blood pressure, as it has a diuretic effect. Parsley contains natural antibiotics (phytoncides) and can be effectively used to gargle with a sore throat or a cold.
    • Dill leaves contain essential oils, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, P, carotene, folic acid, as well as salts of iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. This composition suggests that dill is good for vision and skin, protects the body from infections, strengthens the nervous system, helps to cope with bad mood and insomnia, and relieves problems with hair and skin.
    • And cilantro contains so much calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron that it perfectly fights against memory deterioration, the appearance of signs of anemia and circulatory disorders. The vitamin composition of cilantro is amazing: 30 grams of the herb will make up for the daily deficiency of vitamin C in the body, and 50 grams contain the norm of vitamin A.
    • Spinach is also a true superfood: 91% of the weight of a fresh vegetable is water. In addition to this compound, 100 grams of leaves contain 3 g of proteins, 3.6 g of carbohydrates, of which the main amount is insoluble vegetable fiber; 402% of the daily dose of vitamin K; vitamin A (in the form of carotenoid precursors, which are already converted into the active form of vitamin A in the body); folate; manganese; iron; magnesium; vitamin C, as well as somewhat smaller amounts of vitamin E, choline, B vitamins, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium. By the way, during heat treatment, the vitamins in the leaves are practically not destroyed. This is a very rare property among vegetables.
    • We all love apples, and everything is clear with them. Therefore, I want to highlight kiwi! In general, kiwi is a berry, and vitamins, minerals and acids are so delicately combined in it. Here's what it contains: dietary fiber, di- and monosaccharides, pectins, carbohydrates, flavonoids, vegetable proteins, fiber, beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, enzymes, manganese, iron, iodine, zinc, vitamins B, E, C, D and more. Kiwifruit is also rich in folic acid, which is essential for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

    And in general, scientists say that the green color is very calming, gives harmony and tranquility!

    List of green fruits you can find anywhere. Some fruits are well known, and some are known only in places of rest, in resorts. Others are generally not known to ordinary people. But these fruits have one thing in common - they are all green.

    Of course, some fruits may have a different color, for example, yellow, orange, red, etc., but this already depends on the variety and type of fruit and the ripening time.

    This is a fruit that looks more like a vegetable than a fruit. Avocado pulp is very rich in vitamins. You can find out more about him.

    Annona scaly, sugar apple

    The fruits are 5-10 centimeters in diameter. The skin is covered with scales. The pulp has a sweet taste. The seeds are poisonous.

    This fruit has very soft flesh. She is edible. Various products are made from the fruit. The seeds are poisonous. Widespread in the tropics.

    A pineapple


    Everyone knows this fruit. You can find out more about him.


    Everyone knows this fruit. You can find out more about him.

    The pulp of the white sap is juicy, with a sour taste. The fruits are like an apple. They are eaten raw. Grows in the subtropics.


    Delicious berries that are well known in post-Soviet countries.

    Voavanga berries are small in size 5x4.5 centimeters. Ripe woavanga has a sweet and sour taste. Voavanga is grown in warm countries, mainly in tropical Africa.

    Guava fruits are eaten raw. They also make various products. Guava berries range in size from 4 to 12 centimeters. Today, guava is grown in the subtropics and subtropics. There are many different varieties that differ in many ways.

    This fruit has huge fruits. It can reach a weight of up to 25 kilograms. The taste of jackfruit is peculiar with a fresh-sweet taste. A sweet smell emanates from it.

    Durian is an unforgettable fruit or "King among fruits". You can read a detailed article about durian.

    Cainito, star apple

    Cainito berries reach sizes up to 10 centimeters. Cainito grows in warm countries. It mainly grows in Central and South America. The pulp is eaten with a spoon. The bark is inedible.

    Carambola fruit in cross section resembles a star, and this is what it is mostly remembered for. You need to eat carambola with caution, because there are contraindications to certain types of diseases.

    Coconut palm

    Everyone knows what a coconut is. Fresh coconut is green. A variety of food products are made from coconut. Juice is drunk from an unripe coconut by making a hole in the coconut. Not only the drupe of the palm is used, but all parts. So, for example, wine, vodka, vinegar, syrup and sugar are made from palm sap. Coconut grows in the tropics around the world.

    Corilla, cyclantera

    It is a climbing tree up to 5 meters long. Berries are up to 23x7 centimeters in size. The pulp is juicy with a pleasant taste similar to cucumber. It grows in the tropics on the mountains and subtropics.


    Lucuma is a tree up to 15 meters high. Turkish delight berries like tomatoes, 10 centimeters in diameter. The flesh is not very juicy, but it tastes sweet. The collected ripe fruits are kept for several days and then only they are eaten. Grows in South and Central America.

    Mango is one of the most delicious fruits. Each variety has its own unique taste. You can read more about it.

    passion fruit

    Passion fruit is mostly brown in color, but it also has greenish varieties. It grows throughout the world in the tropics and subtropics. You can read more.

    Momordica, bitter cucumber

    Momordica is a climbing plant. Cucumber-like fruits are harvested in their unripe green form. When the fruit ripens, it becomes bright yellow or orange. It is more of a vegetable than a fruit. The fruits are bitter, they are first processed and only then cooked. The sap of the plant is poisonous in its raw form. This fruit grows in Russia, follow the link and find out where. Grows throughout the world with warm climates.

    This is a small tree up to 6 meters. Fruits up to 15 centimeters in size. Unripe fruits are eaten raw, they do not taste very good. Grows in the tropical zone.

    Papeda is a tree up to 12 meters high. Papeda fruits are 7 centimeters in diameter. The flesh of the fruit has a sour or bitter taste. It looks like a lime. Grown in South and Southeast Asia.

    A pomelo tree up to 15 meters high. The fruits can be up to 50 centimeters in diameter. The fruits do not taste bitter, even pleasant. Grows in the tropics and subtropics.

    This tree is up to 20 meters high. The fruits are 15 centimeters in diameter, they are very tasty. This fruit is considered one of the best tropical fruits. Grows in Central and South America.

    The plant reaches a height of 3-8 meters. The fruit reaches sizes up to 25x5 centimeters. The pulp has the taste of peas. Grows in Central America.

    Closely related to chayote. The fruits are not large. It tastes like cucumber. Cooked like vegetables.

    pumpkin tree, tree calabash

    The tree reaches a height of 10 meters. The fruits are round, up to 40 centimeters in size. The pulp of young fruits is marinated in vinegar. The seeds are roasted and eaten. Fresh fruits can not be eaten, they are poisoned. Grows in Central America. Earlier, dishes were made from the shell, but now plastic has replaced it.

    Philippine rose apple

    The tree reaches a height of 40 meters. The fruits are 6 cm in diameter. The fruits are eaten raw and cooked. It grows in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

    The fruit of this plant is similar to the durian. The fruits are delicious and are considered a staple food in the tropics. Grows in the tropics.

    Chayote, Mexican cucumber

    Chayote is a climbing plant up to 20 meters. Berries reach a length of 7 to 20 centimeters. The flesh is like a cucumber. It is used throughout the world as a vegetable, in tropical and subtropical areas.

    Cherimoya, Annona cherimola

    Distributed throughout the mountainous regions of the tropics, in subtropical and Mediterranean climates. This fruit has a delicious taste. It is eaten cut into two parts and the inner pulp is eaten with a spoon. The seeds are poisonous. Cherimoya is used to make various dishes and products.

    Black sapote or black persimmon

    Tree up to 25 meters high. The berry is similar to a tomato, 10x13 centimeters in size. It has a mild sweet nutty taste. Grows in tropical countries.