An example of a correct survey questionnaire. Drawing up a questionnaire when conducting marketing research using the example of Magnitik LLC

Having seriously delved into the sea of ​​specialized sources on creating surveys, I decided to publish my knowledge in the form of a serious manual. But with each new block of information its volume began to resemble a full-fledged brochure. Therefore, I decided to divide it into the following three articles:

  • In the first one, I will explain the concept of a survey and also explain its importance in internet marketing and blogging. You will learn how it is done, what questions it may contain, I will explain in detail the essence of the questionnaire, and I will show you my procedure for conducting a questionnaire survey.
  • In the second post, I'll show you different ways to create a questionnaire on your website. To accomplish this task I will use step by step instructions with original pictures.
  • in the third article you will see my method of creating a questionnaire survey using a special script from the LimeSurvey company. I will tell you in detail how you can implement the knowledge of the first article in various surveys on your resource.

What is a social survey

If we talk in simple language, then a social survey is a type of communication in which specific information is collected. Here the creator of the survey (interviewer) asks questions to his opponent (respondent), and then processes them to perform some tasks.

In scientific terms, the survey method is a psychological method of communicative interaction between the interviewer and the respondent, which allows you to get answers to the questions posed. In other words, we can say that conducting a survey is a kind of research that allows you to find out the needs of respondents. Basically, the following two survey methods are often used - laddering and questionnaires.

Ladder method

This type of social survey is actively used in various marketing research. Thanks to it, the cause-and-effect relationship between the properties of a product (service, brand), the benefits of use and consumer values ​​is easily revealed.

The implementation of this method is as follows: the respondent is asked questions about various properties of the product (service, brand), consumption options, etc. Usually the conversation goes like this - the interviewer asks “why...?”, the opponent of the survey gives a specific answer. Depending on the answer, the following questions follow, and the opponent answers them. Roughly speaking, this is a conversation in which questions are often formed based on the answers of the respondents.

The advantage of this method is that there is live feedback - the respondent gives comprehensive answers, the interviewer can ask more precise questions to obtain complete data for the study.

Disadvantage of laddering - respondents may, due to a lack of practical experience on the use of the object under study, invent answers. That is, they offer the interviewer little conscious or familiar reasons as answers.

What is a survey

This research method uses a specially created questionnaire with pre-prepared questions. In another way it is called a questionnaire. A questionnaire survey does not require live communication with the respondent—questionnaire questions can be answered remotely.

Therefore, this method of conducting a survey has a number of positive aspects:

  • questionnaire using pre-prepared questionnaires can be carried out with a large number respondents (majority of the study);
  • the survey can be carried out anonymously, without requiring the respondent to provide his/her details (allows for maximum coverage of all segments of the population).

The disadvantage of surveying is significant:

  • without having a full-fledged living feedback, a large percentage of questionnaires are left unanswered.

How does a survey differ from a questionnaire?

In the first case, the interviewer can obtain complete answers for the study thanks to his clarifying questions. The respondent is actively involved in the conversation, the interviewer monitors the progress of the conversation and, if necessary, carefully changes the direction of his questions. The main thing here is to ask the first questions on the topic, and then specific leading questions will follow based on the respondent’s answers.

There cannot be such full-fledged contact during a survey. Therefore, the interviewer has to think through in advance the entire range of possible questions (and, accordingly, answers) that will allow him to get maximum results for research. Therefore, the initial preparation is very important here - creating a questionnaire.

Using a Survey in Internet Marketing and Blogging

Using surveys in internet marketing

Social surveys have always accompanied those areas of human activity where there are goods and services. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Internet marketing this tool getting answers is widely used in various fields. Here's an example of some:

  • consumer market research (checking the popularity of a trend, assessing purchasing power, etc.);
  • assessing the success of a specific product or service (satisfaction with a specific product, customer survey, etc.);
  • study human resources(evaluation of working personnel, analysis of employee motivation, etc.);

The most commonly used method of conducting a survey is questionnaires. Typically, questionnaires are filled out either before receiving a product (service), or after the purchase.

Laddering is also used to conduct various marketing research. But in this case, full feedback from the buyer is required (often used in the form of an online consultation).

Using Polls in Blogging

The blogosphere mainly uses surveys - it is very difficult to conduct live communication on blogs. It is easier for a blogger to conduct his research by sending out a questionnaire to his subscribers. Of course, not every respondent will answer the survey questions. But this type of survey requires an order of magnitude lower costs than conducting research using laddering.

What topics do bloggers most often do their polls on? In my opinion, the most popular research topics are the following topics of blogger life:

  • assessment of the blogger’s activities, research of his ability to provide valuable content to readers;
  • researching the functionality of your blog, identifying design errors, receiving recommendations;
  • testing your information products, researching their consumer significance for your clients;

The survey is carried out different ways, which I will talk about in more detail in the following articles on this topic. You can see an example of one such questionnaire in the last part of this post.

In the future, all information on creating a survey on your website will be based on the second method, questionnaires.

Drawing up a questionnaire for conducting a survey

As I already said, in the questionnaire method the most important and difficult issue is the moment of creating the questionnaire. The interviewer needs not only to understand the research topic, but also to correctly formulate questionnaire. Below you will see a number of recommendations and my plan for conducting a questionnaire survey.

Rules for compiling a survey questionnaire

  1. Formation of research objectives. Before creating a questionnaire, you need to think through the objectives of the survey. To do this, it is necessary to compose only such questions, the answers to which will evaluate the study.
  2. Brevity is not only the sister of talent, but also the success of the survey. Formulate your questions briefly and succinctly - do not add clarifying phrases when everything is clear from the question itself. They will distract the respondent.
  3. Logic of questions. Veiled and meaningless phrases will lead your opponent away from the real answer. This can confuse the questioner about cause and effect, which can negatively impact the results of the study.
  4. Sequence of questions. Follow the order of the survey questions. If the sequence in the survey is incorrect, the interviewer will receive distorted information about the study. To prevent this, a simple technique is often used - they first show simple questions, and then increase their degree of complexity.
  5. One question - one topic. It is better to ask the respondent only one answer per question. Then it will be considered the only important one. Otherwise, if there are several topics, the emphasis on the primary issue may go to someone else.
  6. No clues. There should be no obvious clues in the survey questions. Otherwise, the research will not be natural - its answers will lead to distortion of the results. Only clarification of a complex issue is allowed.
  7. Using open questions. Giving the respondent the opportunity to give his own answer, without choosing from those proposed, the research will be more accurate and complete (covers different sides).

Scheme of conducting a questionnaire survey

Having thought through the research topic and compiled a list of necessary questions in your head or on paper, you can move on to the stage of creating a questionnaire. Here is my scheme by which I conduct my anchor surveys:

This plan is used for anonymous surveys only. If the survey requires recording the details of the study participants, then another “Registration” item appears. It comes right after the “Welcome” item.

Also, to create a successful profile, I am guided by the following recommendations:

  • The questionnaire must not contain spelling errors. Otherwise, respondents’ trust in the interviewer decreases, which may affect the quality of the research results.
  • For each question I give all possible answers. If necessary, I add a field for the respondent’s personal response.
  • Before publishing, I test the created survey. I usually read out loud everything that is written on the application form. I also answer the questions of the so-called aerobatics sheet:

Classification of questions in a survey

All questions used in the questionnaire can be classified:

  • questions about the facts of consciousness (show the respondent’s opinion, his wishes and plans for the future);
  • questions about the facts of behavior (reveal the actions and actions of the respondent);
  • questions about the identity of the respondent (show him personal characteristics- gender, age, etc.).

according to form

  • closed questions. In the questionnaire, there are ready-made answers for them, from which the respondent chooses his option;
  • open questions. They do not influence the respondent's answer (no suggested answers). Thus, they allow him to express his point of view on the issue. Therefore, they are more informative and complete than closed ones.
  • half-closed questions. They contain both obvious answer options and the opportunity for the respondent to write their own option.
  • direct and indirect questions.

A few words about closed questions. They can be alternative (the respondent can choose only one answer option from those proposed) and non-alternative (several answer options). They are mainly used in simple questions where the choice is obvious (one or more). Otherwise, if a detailed answer is required from the respondent, open or semi-closed questions are proposed.

according to the way the question is presented

This type of question will be discussed with examples in the last part of this manual (3rd post about the script).

Common mistakes when creating a survey

Illogical questions (answers). This error often found in questionnaires - questions (or answers) contain semantic logical inconsistencies and contradictions. As a result, such questionnaires are difficult to analyze, and the research results will be unreliable. Here is an example of a half-closed question with an extra answer (the last one) that can confuse the respondent for some time:

Multiple survey topics available. In order not to distract the respondent from the questions, you should not cram two topics into one question at once. Otherwise, the results may lose their information content (distortion of information). Here is an example of a survey question with several topics for discussion:

Lack of equal choice. It happens that a survey question divides the respondent’s opinion into opposite halves. Not only does he not be able to choose the normal answer, but it also overtaxes his brain. Here is an example of such a question:

Presence of specific issues requiring special knowledge. I recently responded to a questionnaire from a popular information businessman on the Runet regarding his mailing list. Many of his questionnaire questions contained specific terms. I had to surf Yandex in search of deciphering tricky phrases.

Very difficult questions . Simplicity is the key to success in any business. The rule here is simple - the simpler the question, the more adequate the result will be. Here is an example of one question about instant coffee, after which the desire to answer may decrease:

An example of a questionnaire to evaluate your website

In conclusion, I offer you a small template version of a survey to evaluate your personal website. The questions in this questionnaire are simple, the answers contain a little humor. You can make your own version of the questionnaire using this template and get a lot of useful and relevant information about your site. Here is the link to this questionnaire:

This concludes the theoretical part about compiling surveys. In the next part, I will talk about how to create a questionnaire survey on your website in various ways.

Sincerely, Your Maxim Dovzhenko


Many novice sociologists and marketers are wondering how to create a survey questionnaire? We offer you for your reference an example of a questionnaire (questionnaire) for conducting a consumer survey mobile phones.

A sociological survey involves both closed and semi-closed questions, as well as open questions - questions where the respondent is asked to write his own answer to the question. Our sample questionnaire contains all these types of questions. you can use this example questionnaires for creating your own questionnaire to survey visitors to a store, cafe or restaurant, to survey clients, employees, customers or students.


My name is _____________, I represent a sociological center for the study of public opinion in Moscow, which conducts a customer survey in the interests of a mobile phone manufacturer.

The purpose of the survey is to study customer preferences regarding various technical characteristics phones.

We ask you to take part in the survey and answer the questions in the proposed questionnaire. We guarantee complete confidentiality of your answers, which will subsequently be used only in conjunction with the answers of other respondents.

1) Yes 2) NO (finish the interview)

Question No. 2 (substantive question of the questionnaire). What brand is your cell phone? (if you have more than one cell phone, highlight a few brands or write)

Nokia, model_________________

Philips, model________________

Samsung, model______________

HTC, model _________________

Other brand (please write make and model)_______

Question No. 3 (filter question). When was your last cell phone purchase?

1) 2012 2) 2010

3) 2011 4) 2009

5) (if in 2008 or earlier, then in combination with the choice of answer option No. 2 “no” to the next question - the interview is terminated.)

Question No. 5 (an example of a half-closed survey question). Indicate which of the listed brands of telephones you owned?

Survey templates designed by experts

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Don't have time to create a survey? Or don't know where to start? Do not worry! We have nearly 200 survey templates on almost any topic. Our survey templates are designed by experts and come ready to submit. They are fully customizable, meaning you can edit the suggested questions or add your own to suit your needs. When you use any of our survey templates, you'll get truly useful data that you can trust.

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  • How to create a questionnaire for conducting a marketing survey?

    If you have a large or small enterprise, then perhaps you have thought about:

    Who are your consumers? Why do they buy (or not buy) products from you?

    If you offer them a new product, will they buy it? and at what price?

    How do your consumers make purchasing decisions?

    and many others. Answers to these questions can be obtained from your consumers by conducting a marketing survey. To make sure your survey is actually effective, here are a few practical examples. We have been conducting marketing research since 2007, both for large companies such as VTsIOM and FOM, and for private enterprises in the cities of Volgodonsk and Rostov.

    Your research should start with the question:

    1. What business problem do you want to solve with this research? (Formation of assortment, development advertising campaign or advertising message, demand study, etc.).

    2. Once the results are received, how will you use them? This is the key question. It often happens that the customer, having received the research results in his hands, looks at the numbers and has absolutely no idea how he can apply them in his business. Or, to make a decision, he needs a few more indicators that were not included in the questionnaire.

    What options can there be: selection of advertising channels for advertising, selection of an advertising message for use in an advertising campaign, work plan of the sales department depending on the client’s decision-making pattern, identifying a list of competitors and their advantages in the eyes of the client, identifying one’s own advantages and disadvantages in customer service, etc.

    Depending on what problem you are solving and how you will use the results, the number and wording of questions in the questionnaire will differ.

    What questions can be in the questionnaire and what can they reveal?

    1. Open questions. They are used to collect information about decision-making methods, the market, and the quality of services when there is very little information about the consumer.

    What drinks do you drink most often in the morning?

    What is important to you when choosing a product?

    What shortcomings would make you not buy the product?

    2. Questions about methods of decision making. This can also include questions to evaluate competitors.

    Who makes the purchasing decision?

    What sources of information do you use to select a product?

    Which 5 companies would you contact first if you want to purchase a product?

    3. Questions about the quality and shortcomings of the product. Scales or comparisons can be used.

    This product is for you: very expensive expensive regular price rather cheap cheap.

    4. Questions about the consumption of goods.

    When was the last time you purchased an item? (more than 1 year ago from 1 year to 6 months, from 3 to 6 months less than 3 months ago)

    What TV channels do you watch? (list of TV channels)

    What product properties are you guided by when choosing a product (price, description, famous brand, etc.)

    In the next 6 months you plan to purchase: list of products.

    In addition to questions about the product, each questionnaire includes a block of questions about the consumer himself. Most often this is:

    Gender of the respondent



    Monthly income (or information about having a car, holidays abroad, major purchases)

    Number of family members, children in the family

    Experience in purchasing certain products

    Habits of the respondent (do you smoke? Drive a car?)

    It is a mistake to include questions in a questionnaire to which the respondent may not know the answer. An example from a survey of residents within a 30-kilometer zone of a nuclear power plant.

    What type of nuclear reactor do you consider the safest?

    Thermal neutron reactor

    Intermediate Neutron Reactor

    Fast neutron reactor.

    If the survey were conducted among nuclear scientists or engineers nuclear power plants, such questions would be justified. But the survey was conducted among ordinary residents, you can imagine what they could know about neutrons.

    It is also a mistake to ask questions about the future in the format What product would you buy? . One construction company wanted to conduct a survey among residents, how many room apartments It is better to place it in a new building complex.

    If a construction company, which has been engaged in construction for 15 years and has studied the issue far and wide, doubts the quantity one-room apartments on the floor, then what answer do they want to get from the person on the street who first thought about it.

    It is also a mistake to think that the buyer knows your product thoroughly and remembers all its characteristics. If you ask to compare Model A and Model B, you should first find out whether he has experience using these models.

    The questionnaire can have from 5 to 200 questions grouped into blocks.

    The questionnaire should have a header that indicates the number and date of the questionnaire, the full name of the interviewer, the city in which the survey was conducted, the name or full name of the respondent, and his phone number (to check whether this person was surveyed at all).

    The number of questionnaires is determined by numerical sampling target audience.

    Need to create a questionnaire or conduct marketing research? Contact by mail [email protected] or by phone 8-8639-25-76-34 (from 9 to 18 Moscow time).

    Posts: "/%Registration date: 03/30/2004

    for: Genius©

    I'm afraid that when approached from the side of standard analysis, it is unlikely that anything can be extracted from such questions. The point is not who conducts the survey - their managers or sociologists; first of all, these should be people who have the skill of working with open-ended questions. And it's not even a matter of sampling. Impressions from the clinic immediately at the reception after the visit are the same, but in the evening at home they can already be different (or a week later).

    I will try to explain in what version these questions, in my opinion, would be useful, since a lot of the nuances of your situation still remain unclear (starting with what goals were set in the study, what other questions were in the questionnaire and which ones stood nearby - even from The order of the questions depends a lot)

    the first question: “what you don’t like” - allows you to catch negative stereotypes if introduced permanently, i.e. Each (ideally) visitor has the opportunity to anonymously say/write what he didn’t like about the company. But you can catch it precisely by analyzing literal wording. For example, they often complain about a slippery floor, which means something needs to be done with the coating, or that the cloakroom attendant has to wait a long time.

    In your specific example, when people were interviewed, were their responses recorded verbatim? Try to raise the primary level and see when people said that they were dissatisfied with the specialists or the service, what exactly they said. The same goes for positive answers, although the question “what do you like” very often provokes people to blurt out, so it rarely reflects reality to any extent.

    And it’s even more difficult to work out open questions in general, and in medical topics in particular over the phone - you just need to have a lot of experience in conducting telephone calls, especially 3-1 “why didn’t you go to competitors” - if you mess up a little in the preparation of the questionnaire and people can really be provoked for this care

    about customer focus

    Feedback: how to create a questionnaire to survey Clients?

    For any company, feedback is a valuable source of information. Have you ever filled out questionnaires asking for the Client’s opinion? If the questionnaire is poorly designed, the feedback received may not be complete. Today we will look at the pros and cons of questionnaires on real examples, and then we summarize everything into a list of useful tips.

    This can be a rating expressed in points or emoticons. If you are introducing a scale, explain what the extreme values ​​mean, for example, “1 point is bad, 5 is excellent”

    Feedback is most valuable if you can understand exactly what Customers like and what they don't. Therefore, give Clients the opportunity to write a detailed comment.

    We always try to make shopping in our stores even more comfortable for you and therefore offer an additional 10% discount on your purchase.

    We invite you to fill out the form and receive a one-time 10% discount on your purchase!

    The discount is valid at any time in any of our stores in the Mitino shopping center and the Ladya shopping center.

    After filling out the form, you will receive a copy of the form by email, which you can print and present at the checkout when using a 10% discount.

      Your first name (required) Your last name (required) Date of birth (required) contact number Email (correct email) Send a copy of the application form by email

    Survey questions

      1. How often do you visit our stores in the Mitino shopping center and the Ladya shopping center? Once a year Once a month

      Every week Never been 2. Do you always find suitable clothes for yourself? yes no 3. What do you like/dislike (not suitable) from the range? 4. What do you like/dislike about our store? 5. What do you like/dislike about the service? 6. Are the prices in our stores suitable for you? The prices are great! A bit expensive

      I buy only on promotions I can afford even more expensive ones 7. Would you like to receive information about promotions and sales from our store by email? yes no 8. What social networks do you use (livejournal, facebook, VKontakte, etc.)? Livejournal FacebookVkontakte Other 9. What is missing in your opinion in Mister clothing stores? (required) 10. Perhaps you would like to wish our store something additional for better work. Write it here: (required)

    Spam protection

      Calculate 3+34

    cforms contact form by delicious:days

    Thank you very much for your participation!

    company's news

    An example of a questionnaire for conducting a survey of consumers, buyers

    The final questionnaire for the survey is formed on the basis of the format and objectives of the study, supplemented by questions and blocks important for the study.

    Example of a questionnaire form: Consumer preferences of residents of city N on the product market.

    Record the recognition of the company and product brand in the markets being studied.

    Determination of the circle of main competitors.

    Identification of the main sources of information about products.

    Preparation of a plan for a set of measures to increase awareness and loyalty to the company and brand (marketing and advertising plan).

    Key questions studied (draft face-to-tace survey questionnaire):

    Consumer survey: example of a survey questionnaire

    Customer questionnaire sample

    Questionnaire to study demand

    I. Data about the consumer (underline as necessary).

    1. Gender (male, female).

    2. Age (under 18 years old, from 18 to 30 years old, from 30 to 50 years old, over 50 years old).

    3. Social status (worker, employee, entrepreneur, student, housewife, pensioner)

    II. Questions to study demand.

    B) once a month, D) once every six months, E) once a year,

    E) one purchase.

    5. What price suits you? (Indicate price_rub.)

    6. How many goods do you want to purchase at your price? (Indicate quantity_pieces or kg).

    7. How often will you purchase goods at your price (underline as appropriate):

    A) daily, B) once a week,

    B) once a month, D) once every six months, D) once a year, E) one purchase.

    8. Why are you refusing to purchase (underline as appropriate):

    A) already exists, B) is not needed,

    B) the quality is not satisfactory. D) don’t like the color, D) don’t like the style, E) don’t like the shape,

    G) I don’t like the design, 3) I’m not happy with the size, I) I don’t have extra money, J) I can do it myself, JI) other.

    In Fig. the survey scheme is shown, i.e. The order in which questions should be asked depending on the answers to the previous question

    Rice. Survey scheme

    The advantage of the survey method is that conducting one survey allows you to obtain a whole range of information: buyer requirements for the consumer properties of goods, the average size purchases, the frequency of shopping for a given product, the average price level that meets customer expectations, as well as the expected number and demographic characteristics of potential customers. It is only important to choose the right number and composition of people interviewed in order to have a representative group reflecting the contingent of buyers.

    The data obtained should be considered as initial data when determining possible sales volumes. However, in conditions of great interchangeability of most goods, a general excess of supply over demand, and in the presence of competition, the results obtained will not accurately reflect the actual needs of the population for a particular product. Therefore, to increase the accuracy of calculations, it is necessary to adjust them taking into account data on the actual sales volumes of goods.

    Questionnaire for discount card holders

    Our printing house offers printing of forms - a questionnaire for discount cards on paper or carbon copy. Your company may need a questionnaire for holders of discount cards with your branding to obtain information about your clients. A survey when issuing a discount card can provide a lot of useful information for analyzing your customer base. In addition, the contact information provided by the client can be used for further interaction with your client, for example, to send information about new promotions or sales of your company.

    You can order any edition at a low price. One of the types of our work is the printing of specialized forms of enterprises, including self-copying and with company logos. We will be happy to advise you in our office and show you various sample forms and types of paper on which we can print your personal application form.

    Sample application forms for issuing discount cards

    You can download sample application forms for issuing discount cards in .doc format for review. The archive contains a large number of ready-made examples questionnaires:

    In most cases, the application form for obtaining a discount card contains the following questions:


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    We always try to make shopping in our stores even more comfortable for you, and therefore we offer you an additional 10% discount on your purchase.

    We invite you to fill out the form and receive a one-time 10% discount on your purchase!

    The discount is valid at any time in any of our stores in the Mitino and SEC "Ladya" shopping centers.

    After completing the questionnaire, you will receive an electronic copy of the questionnaire, which can be printed and presented at the checkout if you use the 10% discount.

      Your first name (required) Your last name (required) Date of birth (required) Contact number E-mail (correct e-mail address) Send a copy of the questionnaire by e-mail

    Questions for questions


      How often do you visit our stores in the Mitino shopping center and Ladya shopping and entertainment center? Once a year Once a month

      Every week I have never been 2. Do you always find the right clothes for yourself?

      yes no 3. What do you like/dislike (inappropriate) from the sentence? 4. What do you like/don't care about our store?

      5. What do you like/dislike about the service? sixth

      Questionnaire for surveying customers in a supermarket (No. 1)

      Are you satisfied with the prices in our stores? The prices are great! Expensive

      I only buy stocks that I can afford and hold. 7. Do you want to receive information about promotions and sales in our store by email?

      Yes No 8. Which social media do you use (livejournal, facebook, vkontakte, etc.)? LiveJournal FacebookContact Other 9. What is missing from the Lord clothing store? (Required) 10. You may want something else in our store for better performance. Write here: (required)

      Thank you very much for your cooperation!

      News from the company

      N on the commodity market.

      Consumer survey: sample questionnaire

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      Use this survey to find out if the arrest is happening to you and whether the parties are willing to recommend other people to you. You can then keep track of individual responses, who didn't, who responded, and who rejected the survey, including getting information about it.

      You just have to decide for yourself. Understand the purpose of your behavior and ask only what is needed. This is an opportunity to get to the client’s place and not lose it.

      How to ensure customer satisfaction and return rather than offering a shopping session that falls short of expectations. Dedicate buyers to communicate with customer service representatives, or a critical situation saved a happy scenario to find out.

      In real time, which you save or share with others, you can see the data as it arrives. Identify your strengths and areas and use this information for improvement in private equity.

      Customer form

      Demand Research Questionnaire

      User information (underscore).

      1. Sex (man, woman).

      2. Age (under 18 years old, 18-30 years old, from 30 to 50 years old, over 50 years old).

      3. Social status (employee, employee, entrepreneur, student, housewife, pensioner)

      II. Demand Research Issues.

      B) once a month, D) once every six months, D) once a year,

      E) one purchase.

      5. What's your price? (Enter price_ru.)

      6. How many items do you want to buy at your price?

      (Indicate number of units or kg).

      7. How often do you buy goods at your price (underlining):

      A) daily, B) once a week,

      B) once a month, D) once every six months, D) once a year, E) one purchase.

      8. Why would you decline a purchase (highlight):

      A) already exists, B) not necessary,

      B) does not meet the quality. D) don’t like the color, D) don’t like the style, E) don’t like the shape,

      G) I don't like the design, 3) I don't like the size, In) No extra money, K) I can make it, II) different.

      Study design, i.e. The order in which you need to ask questions based on the answers to the previous question

      Rice. Survey scheme

      The advantage of the research method is that conducting research provides a full range of information: customer requirements for the quality of goods, the average purchase size, the trade exchange rate for that product, the average price level that meets customer expectations, and the expected quantity and demographic characteristics of potential clients,

      It is only important to choose the right size and composition of people interviewed in order to have a representative group reflecting the client population.

      The information obtained should be considered as initial data when determining possible sales volumes. However, with the high interchangeability of most products, the general excess of supply over demand and the availability of competition results will not accurately reflect the actual needs of the population for a specific product.

      Therefore, in order to increase the accuracy of the calculations, they must be adjusted taking into account the actual sales volume of goods.

      Questionnaire for discount card holders

      Our printing house offers printed forms— application form for discount cards on paper or photocopied. To get information about your customers, your business may require a discount owner survey with your company logo on it.

      Issuing a discount card can provide a lot of useful information to analyze your customer. Additionally, customer contact information can be used to further communicate with your customer, such as sending information about new promotions or sales to your company.

      You can order a print at a low price.

      One of the types of our work is the printing of specialized forms of business, including self-copying and corporate symbols. We are happy to inform you in our office and show you various examples types and forms of paper we can print on customized forms applications.

      Questionnaire models for issuing discount cards

      You can download sample forms for issuing discount cards in .doc format for your reference.

      The archive contains a large number of already prepared questionnaires:

      In most cases, the questionnaire for obtaining a discount card includes the following questions:


      No comments yet!

      Popular articles:

    1. Samples and examples of rejection letters (14 opinions)
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    5. Negative characteristics of the sample of employees (see 8)
    6. The payment letter was not a sample (see 7)
    7. Letter of thanks to partners for cooperation
    8. Latest materials:

    9. Heritage and its design
    10. Mother did not inherit after her father's death
    11. The inheritance protection measure is
    12. The legal fact of the discovery of the heritage is recognized
    13. How much does a notary cost for an inheritance certificate?
    14. How to renounce your heritage in favor of your son
    15. The share of the spouse and children in the inheritance according to the law
    16. Customer Satisfaction Study in the Bundes Food Trade

      — Encourage your consumers to receive feedback;

      — Make your informal feedback channel organized in such a way that the consumer can express his desire or opinion (even if it is a complaint);

      — Do not create, unnecessarily, complex questionnaires and surveys.

      Large and complex interviews have very low level answers. But most importantly, they often have the opposite effect, your visitor is unresponsive and unsatisfied!

      — Facilitate the provision of information to the consumer;

      — Don’t leave just one complaint unanswered; a quick response can often completely eliminate the problem;

      “Introducing surveys and questionnaires alone is not a one-size-fits-all approach that will allow us to fully see the potential problem;

      — Surveys and surveys should be conducted on on a regular basis, ideally on a daily basis, only by comparing the results can we understand the dynamics of growth or decline in the quality of service;

      — Review — Results — Analysis — Improvement! Everything is designed to improve the quality of products or services.

      What problems do consumer surveys solve?

      How to create the right survey and get useful information for your online store

      Any consumer research begins with a clear statement of objectives. For research results to be truly useful, it is essential to identify the problem and objectives to be solved through surveys. The most popular tasks solved through consumer surveys:

      1. Definition and description of the brand's target audience.
        1. Who is regular customer brand?
        2. Who is the brand's potential buyer?
        3. Who will never buy a brand?
        4. Assessing the current position of the brand in the market and its development prospects.
        5. What is the brand awareness? What is the brand's competitive environment?
        6. What is brand loyalty?
      2. Is the brand able to retain its customers?
        1. What are the conditions for switching to another brand?
        2. Search for an effective brand promotion channel.
        3. Where does the search and selection of products begin, and where does it end?
        4. What sources of information about products do you use most often?
        5. What sources of product information are most trusted?
      3. Characteristics of the brand image.
        1. What is the brand's reputation?
        2. What does the brand tell customers?
        3. Negative and positive images associated with the brand.
      4. Determination of price sensitivity.
        1. Above what price will buyers abandon the brand?
        2. What is optimal price for products?
        3. Are buyers willing to pay extra for additional services?
      5. Testing brand positioning concepts.

      How do we conduct consumer surveys?

      The next important step after setting the objectives is the development of research tools.

      At this stage, the following questions need to be answered:

    • How will we interview?
    • Who will we interview?
    • Where will we interview?
    • How many people will we interview?
    • When will we interview?
    • What are we going to ask?

    These questions primarily mean choosing a method for conducting a consumer survey, and determining sample population.

    The effectiveness of the survey depends on which respondents are included in the sample population. If a non-target audience is surveyed, the survey results will be irrelevant and the research itself will be ineffective. To prevent this from happening, it is important to choose an appropriate survey method that allows you to reach the appropriate audience.

    The most popular are personal surveys and surveys via an online panel. In the first case, surveys are conducted in places of sale of the products under study and concentration of the target audience - in certain stores, institutions, etc.

    In the second case, the survey is carried out remotely, via the Internet.

    Personal consumer surveys and hall tests

    Over the course of many years of work in the field of consumer behavior research, IndexBox specialists have developed a special personal interview technique that allows one to obtain both quantitative and qualitative information. Surveys are conducted in the form of a conversation and require responses with a high degree of detail.

    About 20% of the questionnaire consists of open-ended questions. The answers to most questions should form a detailed story that allows you to penetrate into inner world respondent, explain the motivation for his desires and actions.

    The method involves conducting interviews in a specially designated space point of sale to provide more comfortable conditions communication that leads to a detailed and consistent study of the diversity and nuances of consumer behavior.

    Quality control of the data obtained is carried out during the survey itself ( visual control), as well as by checking at least 35% of the selected questionnaires randomly, specialists - supervisors of the field department.

    The check consists of a telephone call to the respondent and assessment of the quality of filling out the questionnaire.

    Additional verification is carried out using statistical methods analyzing data and determining the degree of deviation of the indicators presented in the questionnaires of each interviewer.

    Online consumer surveys

    The selection of respondents who meet the criteria of the sample population is carried out on the basis of contacts from the corresponding online panel. Online panels are communities of people who have agreed to regularly participate in market research. Each participant deliberately registers in the panel on a special Internet portal, providing various socio-demographic and consumer data about himself, and also receives compensation for participation in the form monetary reward or prizes.

    Each respondent receives an invitation to participate in the survey and case by email. successful completion filter questions begins to fill out the questionnaire.

    • The reliability of the information provided by panelists is verified by the following methods:
    • Measuring the time required to answer each question;
    • Analysis of answers to open questions;
    • Dynamic comparison of responses to survey questions with the panelist’s profile;
    • “Black list” and dynamic screening of questionnaires with questionable reliability;
    • Repeated survey of study participants (control);
    • Rejection of questionnaires containing a large number of “don’t know/difficult to answer” answers;
    • Rejection of questionnaires with stereotypical answers (for example, one column or zigzags in tabular questions);
    • Logical matching questions for filtering questionnaires filled out “blindly”;
    • A question-task to check attentiveness (for example, in a table question, among the statements, a task is added - “check the answer “completely agree”);
    • Filtering “flat” questionnaires with stereotypical answers to questions (for example, the respondent always answers “completely agree” to a large number of statements).

    What resources allow us to conduct qualitative consumer surveys?

    • A team of specialists with significant experience in implementing successful and notable projects in the field of consumer research.
    • Standards research work in accordance with the regulations of the American Marketing Association and the Alliance of International Marketing Research Institutes.
    • A work methodology that combines desk and field research, as well as our own developments, taking into account the specifics of the Russian market.
    • Using the best software to conduct the Kinesis Survey.
    • Own field department IndexBox (150 interviewers, 8 supervisors).

    In what format do we provide consumer survey results?

    Upon completion of the survey, the data array, checked for quality, enters the desk stage of the study - information analysis.

    Based on the results of the analysis, the results and conclusions of the study are presented in the format of a MS PowerPoint presentation report; MS Excel tables are additionally attached to the report.

    The report contains:

    • Description of trends in abstracts;
    • Visualization of data on charts and diagrams;
    • Conclusions and recommendations consistent with the goals and objectives of the study.

    The convenient presentation format allows you to quickly understand the research results and immediately use them in your work. Depending on the scope of the tasks, the presentation on average includes 50-60 slides.


    Example of a survey for consumers, clients

    The final survey questionnaire is based on the design and objectives of the study, supplemented by questions and blocks that are relevant to the study.

    Marketing agency Life-Marketing provides services for conducting consumer hearings and studying consumer demand.

    Example of a questionnaire form: wishes of the city consumer

    N on the commodity market.

    Research objectives:

      Determine brand awareness of companies and products in the markets being studied.

      Determination of consumer preferences and decision-making factors.

      Determine the size of your main competitors.

      Identify the main sources of information about the product.

      Preparation of a plan of measures to increase visibility and loyalty to the company and brand (marketing and advertising plan).

    Key questions to consider (draft personal study questionnaire):

    Information about the defendant:

      up to 15 years (less than 12 years were not surveyed). Determine your age with your eyes.

      16-25 - students, students, active young people

      26-35 - independent audience for work, young families

      36-45 - middle-aged people

      46-60 - independent group, characterized by older children (in case of marital status) and the possible presence of grandchildren

      from 61 to retirement and retirement

    Responsible person's gender

    You have a family, children/grandchildren (up to 12 years old).

    The question concerns elderly and elderly people.

      Family Yes / No

      Children. Yes. What age? _____

    Study the frequency of purchases, the principle of expenses:

    Enter multiple answers.

    Purchase frequency

    Product research and product preference:

    Settings according to product type (there may be more than one answer)

      product 1

      product 2

      product N

    What brands are you familiar with?

    Recognized trademarks (by name/brand). This is not the producer's name. It is recommended to fill this block with 7-9 brands, including yours, that are really actively present in the place where the analysis is being carried out, and which are direct competitors for your brands.

    What _____________________ did you buy/your family's last purchase?

    This could be a type or a brand.

    What would you like to buy _____________________ in the near future / now? This could be a type or a brand.

    Brand knowledge:

    The manufacturers whose name is given by the respondent know (without prompting). Open question.

    If the answer is no, then the next point.

    Do you know the manufacturers, the names of the above companies? The manufacturers whose company appoints the defendant have heard. The list has been read. Select from 5-7 companies whose products are present in the region under study, including your company name.

      manufacturer 1

      manufacturer 2

      manufacturer N

    Manufacturers whose products are trusted by investors.

    Place of purchase and purchasing decision factors

      Where does the customer most often buy groceries? There may be more than one answer.

      supermarket / online store

      shop _______

      specialized __________

      Price sensitivity

      the product is selected ___________________________.

      The price doesn't matter.

      the product is selected by ________________. The price is studied and considered.

      When choosing a product, the main consideration is price.

      Product selection criterion. What is the main focus?

      a brand I know/trust

      by appearance

      for the whole set

      before _______________

      To ________________

      Depends on product type

      type of product.

      complex product with ______________________. Which?

      buy ______________________________-

      Purchasing principle

      I buy quickly and impulsively (on the go) what I like

      I buy fast and impulsive (on the go) because

      Buyers Question

      I know exactly what I want

      I am making a careful decision and I am currently looking for a suitable option

      Attitude to news

      I buy the same famous product

      I want to experiment and buy new products

    Sources of product information

      Sources of information about new products on the commodity market

      in stores when I see a new unknown product on sale

      What brand names do you remember and can name? Do you remember?

    This example of a questionnaire for consumer surveys used in the work of the marketing agency Life-Marketing is for informational purposes only (template), and not a final version.

    It assumes that the respondent fills out the questionnaire in the presence of the questionnaire or without it, less often the questionnaire fills out the questionnaire from the words of the respondent. According to the form of the survey, it can be individual or group, when a significant number of people can be interviewed in a relatively short time. Questionnaires also happen face-to-face And in absentia - in the form of a postal survey; survey through a newspaper, magazine, computer network.

    Questionnaire is the main tool and is a sociological document containing a structurally organized set of questions, each of which is related to the objectives of the study being conducted. This connection is expressed in the need to obtain information reflecting the characteristics of the object being studied.

    The questionnaire has a certain structure, where the important elements are: an introductory part, a “passport”, and the main part.

    Introductory part. The design of the questionnaire should begin with the title page, where the name of the questionnaire must be indicated, reflecting the topic or problem of the survey, the place and year of issue of the questionnaire, as well as the name of the organization conducting the survey. For example:

    applied research

    “Dynamics of integration of forced migrants into the local community”

    Stavropol, 2006

    Southern Scientific Center RAS

    The introductory part usually briefly explains the goals and objectives of the survey, its significance and prospects for using the results. The rules for filling out the questionnaire are also explained here; it must be indicated that the survey is anonymous. Example of an introductory part:


    We invite you to take part in the discussion of the problems of integrating forced persons into the local community in the region. We turn to you because no one can convey more deeply and accurately how this happens. We also hope to receive answers to similar questions from representatives of various population groups living in our region. Your sincere responses will encourage openness in your interactions with the local population.

    Attention! To fill out the questionnaire, you need to select the answer option that corresponds to your opinion and circle the number indicating this option. You can also complete your answer on the line provided. It is not necessary to sign the form.

    We thank you in advance for your cooperation!

    Some rules for filling out and registering answers can be placed separately, in the text itself, consisting of individual questions in the main part of the questionnaire. For example, this could be an indication of how many answer options can be selected for a particular question (“Please select one answer” or “Check all that apply”).

    "Passportichka" consists of questions relating to the socio-demographic and other characteristics of the respondent himself. As a rule, it is placed either at the beginning of the questionnaire or at its end and in the latter case ends with an expression of gratitude to the respondent for participating in the survey. Some researchers believe that a “passport” at the very beginning of the questionnaire can cause distrust in the sociologist and doubt about the actual anonymity of the survey and, accordingly, affect the sincerity of the answers. At the same time, placing the “passport” at the beginning of the questionnaire is justified psychologically, since it allows you to gradually increase the complexity of the questions.

    Main part The questionnaire consists of questions related to the goals and objectives of the study, as well as the procedure for filling out the questionnaire. Great importance have a sequence of questions, their wording, and graphic design. Questions and answer options, as a rule, are proposed to be highlighted with font, number, and frames. The text of the questionnaire is usually adapted taking into account the level of culture and education of the respondents. It is possible to use diagrams and graphs that can activate the attention of survey participants.

    When compiling questions questionnaires should be guided by requirements that have been tested in practice and increase their validity and reliability of the questionnaire.

    Questionnaire questions

    In the study on the integration of forced migrants, it was, in particular, decided to find out the reasons why migrants decided to move to the Stavropol Territory (Table 1.3). In the study, all answers by their nature were divided into economic, sociocultural, geopolitical, geographical and psychological. It is obvious that migrants are attracted to the Stavropol Territory primarily by economic reasons (the opportunity to earn money). Almost the same number of respondents have relatives in the region, which also facilitated labor migration.

    Table 1.3. Reasons for migrants moving for occupational purposes labor activity on the territory of the Stavropol Territory, %

    Reason for entering the region

    Reasons for moving

    Opportunity to earn more than in other regions of Russia


    It’s easier to find a job than in other regions of Russia

    I have relatives


    Get to know the local culture

    Presence of a national diaspora

    The proximity of the Stavropol Territory to the borders of your state


    Favorable climatic conditions


    Everyone was coming here, maybe I’ll stay to live


    The sum of answers in the column of the table. 1.3 exceeds 100%, since respondents could choose several alternatives. Thus, they were presented with uncontested questions. If respondents were asked to choose only one answer option about the reasons for moving, then the sum of the answers would be 100%. In this case, the question would be alternative. Let's give simplest example alternative question:

    Do you regret starting to work for hire?

    It's hard to say - 20%

    Total - 100%

    The examples given show that there are issues alternative And no alternative. In addition, they contain explicit prompts (“yes” or “no”), as well as a “menu” for answers. That's why these kinds of questions are called closed. There are also semi-closed questions that allow the respondent to add to the “menu”. In this case, options for coding additional responses are provided at the end of the responses provided.

    What makes up your family's income?



    Other (write down)

    Sociologists use and open questions, those that do not provide hints. With open questions, the respondent has the opportunity to freely and fully express his opinion, and the sociologist has the opportunity to collect rich information. So, to the open question “What dissatisfied you most about your work? (write)” the respondent is free to choose and formulate an answer, for example: “payment terms”, “working conditions”, “relationships with management”, etc.

    For a researcher, the main inconvenience of open questions lies in the difficulties of their formalization and, accordingly, subsequent processing. Replying to asked question, the respondent is guided solely by his own ideas. Naturally, the answers received are individual and varied, so an open question is used in cases where it is necessary full information about the respondent’s views on the problem being studied, his vocabulary, ability to reason. In addition, the respondent is more willing to answer a question if he considers himself competent and interested in the area being studied. If this area is little known to him, then he either avoids answering or gives deliberately low-quality information.

    So, when choosing a question form, it is advisable to consider:

    • specifics of the study: closed questions are preferable to identify facts and opinions that require a specific list possible options answers, and open ones - when collecting richer and more individualized information;
    • features of subsequent processing of answers: with a closed form of a question, the respondent, noting one of the alternatives, simultaneously encodes it, which greatly simplifies further processing, and with an open form, the researcher himself has to encode the entire variety of answers, ultimately reducing them to a certain limited number of the most frequently repeated ones answers.

    Other types of questions

    Any questionnaire contains questions aimed at collecting materials in accordance with the main task of the researcher, therefore questions of this type are called main ones. However, practice shows that in surveys it is necessary to check the sincerity of the respondent (control questions), as well as to identify data about a certain part of the respondents (filter questions). Control and “filter” questions are called non-basic, secondary.

    Control questions are located either immediately after the main ones, or slightly later. For example, if the main question is: “Do you know about the causes of conflict in the enterprise?”, then Security Question may be as follows: “Which of the causes of conflict in the enterprise do you consider to be the main ones?” Let us assume that the respondent answered negatively to the main question, but positively to the control question, and listed several conflicts: in this case, doubt arises about the thoroughness of filling out the questionnaire or about the sincerity of the respondent.

    Filter questions are asked with the aim of separating one part of the respondents of interest to the sociologist from other respondents. Thus, when studying students’ opinions about serving in the army, you can introduce a filter question about the experience of students who served in the army. For example, “Are you familiar with army hazing in practice?” This filter question will immediately identify from the entire array of respondents those who can be asked questions about manifestations of “hazing” in the future.

    Formulation of questions related to the study of people's opinions and attitudes is extremely important. “Optimal” is a question whose wording does not affect the distribution of answers while maintaining a pre-prepared list of their possible options. In practice, significant biases in responses are constantly encountered.

    Researcher E. Neumann illustrates the significance of the wording of the survey question as follows:

    1st wording of the question: “Do you think that all workers at the enterprise should be members of a trade union?”

    2nd wording of the question: “Do you think that at an enterprise all workers should be members of a trade union or should everyone decide for themselves whether to be a member of a trade union or not?”

    The respondents' answers seem unexpected at first glance (Table 1.4). It turned out that when the alternative was introduced in the 2nd formulation, the shift in explicit responses was significant, and the indefinite response dropped to 6%.

    Table 1.4. The significance of the wording of the question in determining the nature of the answer, %

    Special studies have identified several features and trends associated with question formulation depending on the type of survey. In particular, the so-called menu question presents the respondent with a certain set of alternatives in which he must choose one (or several) possible answers. It turned out that an alternative was most often chosen if it was at the beginning, bottom or middle of the list.

    When the researcher selects a scale question, the “onset effect” noted above remains. In this case, a direct scale of the form:

    • I completely agree
    • Agree
    • I don't agree
    • Completely disagree seems more natural to respondents.

    The reverse scale looks like:

    • I completely disagree
    • I don't agree
    • Agree
    • I completely agree

    With a direct scale, the percentage of non-respondents is slightly lower than with a reverse scale; only a few respondents go beyond the list offered to them, leading own options answer. The following features were also revealed:

    • in menu questions and scale questions, the “onset effect” is noted, i.e. relative shift of answers to the beginning of the scale (to the question asked first);
    • respondents construct answers based on the proposed alternatives;
    • the complexity, length and terminological load of the question lead to a loss of stability in the distribution of answers;
    • in two- or three-alternative questions, the “end effect” is noted, i.e. the alternative mentioned last has greater attraction.

    Sequential order of questions

    The order in which survey questions are asked can also be a source of bias. Thus, to the question: “Do you approve of increasing government spending on higher education?” the majority of Russians usually respond positively. But most likely the distribution of answers will be different if this question is preceded by another, for example, “Does every person need a higher education?”

    To the question “Should the Japanese government be allowed to place restrictions on the import of American manufactured goods into Japan?” the majority of Americans surveyed responded in the negative. But at the same time, 2/3 of those surveyed in the other equivalent group answered positively, since the question mentioned above was preceded by the following question: “Should the American government be allowed to impose restrictions on the import of Japanese manufactured goods into the United States?” Since the majority of the equivalent group agreed with the first question, it is logical that they also agreed that Japan has exactly the same right.

    As a rule, the text of any questionnaire ends with an expression of gratitude to the respondent for participating in the survey.

    Like other students of sociological faculties, students of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and social relations MSPU regularly participates in sociological surveys. As a rule, they independently compose survey questions, which are then edited by their supervisors. Below are sample questionnaires, compiled by IPSSO teachers and students.

    Example of questionnaire No. 1 on the topic “Attitude of modern youth to religion and morality”

    Dear survey participant, we ask you to answer the questions below. Your answers will help in organizing the international conference "Psychology of Morality and Religion: 21st Century." The survey is anonymous and the data obtained will only be used in aggregate form. When answering each question, choose one answer option (unless otherwise indicated in the wording of the question).

    • 1. What's your gender:
      • a) male;
      • b) female.
    • 2. Your age:
      • a) under 17 years of age;
      • b) 17–22 years old;
      • c) 23–27 years old;
      • d) over 27 years old.
    • 3. Your education:
      • a) incomplete secondary school;
      • b) average;
      • c) incomplete higher education;
      • d) higher.
    • 4. What religion do you profess?
    • a) Orthodoxy;
    • b) non-Orthodox Christianity (Catholicism, Protestantism);
    • c) Judaism;
    • d) Islam;
    • e) another (non-Abrahamic) religion;
    • c) I don't believe it.
    • 5. To what extent do you consider yourself a religious person?

    Mark one of 10 points on a scale where the numbers increase in order of increasing religious feeling:

    I do not believe 12 3 456789 10 I believe

    • 6. Are there any religious traditions or customs in your family (visiting a temple, performing rituals, reading religious literature, etc.)?
    • a) yes;
    • b) yes, such traditions exist, but we do not attach much importance to them;
    • c) no.
    • 7. How often do you attend religious services?
    • a) never;
    • b) once a year or less;
    • c) once a month or once every six months;
    • d) once a week or more often.
    • 8. Do you celebrate religious holidays?
    • a) yes, constantly, we have a calendar where all the holidays of our faith are marked;
    • b) yes, but only the most famous ones;
    • c) rarely, when it happens;
    • d) no, in our circle this is not accepted.
    • 9. If you have ever taken part in religious rituals, why?
    • a) because it is necessary for the believer;
    • b) because it looks beautiful from the outside;
    • c) participated out of simple curiosity;
    • d) went out for company with friends (relatives);
    • e) I do not take part in such rituals.
    • 10. When choosing clothes (jewelry), are you guided by the preferences of your religion?
    • a) yes, I always choose clothes that do not contradict religious norms;
    • b) usually yes, but if I really like the thing, then despite the discrepancy with the norms of my religion, I will buy it;
    • c) religious symbolism in clothes (jewelry) is just part of my style;
    • d) no, my appearance is not connected with religion.
    • 11. Does religion influence your professional (educational) activities?
    • a) yes, I have chosen a profession (specialty) that does not contradict the ethical standards of my religion;
    • b) partly, this rather concerns relationships with employees (classmates). We selflessly help each other and congratulate each other on religious holidays;
    • c) no, religion does not have any impact on my work (study).
    • 12. Does religion influence your behavior (lifestyle)?
    • a) yes, I always live according to the requirements of my religion and refuse everything that falls under a religious prohibition;
    • b) I try to comply with religious ethical standards (I try not to enter into conflicts with people, I don’t swear, I don’t intentionally deceive);
    • c) my lifestyle does not depend on religious beliefs. I decide for myself how to live.
    • 13. What actions could you justify?

    Please tick the answer options that are closest to you.


    I justify

    I'm at a loss


    I don't make excuses

    Acquiring money and property at the first opportunity

    Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages for pleasure


    Disdain for people who are unable to succeed in life

    Refusing friendship with a person who is getting rich and does not want to share

    A rude response to injustice

    Suicide after a long streak of failures in life

    14. Which of the 10 biblical commandments do you consider the most important to fulfill?

    Please tick the answer options that are closest to you.


    I'm at a loss


    Honor the One God

    Don't make yourself an idol

    Don't take God's name in vain

    Work six days, and dedicate the seventh day to God

    Honor your father and your mother

    Dont kill

    Don't commit adultery

    Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house

    • 15. Do you trust the modern clergy?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no.
    • 16. Are you capable of committing an act that is unacceptable from the standpoint of your religion, but is not condemned, and perhaps even approved by society?
    • a) definitely not;
    • b) why not? After all, there are now many things accepted in society that are not approved from a religious point of view;
    • c) my actions cannot be influenced by religion.
    • 17. Indicate your attitude towards persons who act immorally, but only in those cases when deviation from morality does not show harm to others?
    • a) tolerant (with understanding);
    • b) indifferent;
    • c) sharply negative.
    • 18. Why do some people disregard moral standards?
    • a) people sincerely do not realize their importance for society;
    • b) people are simply trying to assert themselves;
    • c) people are accustomed to not following the rules established by others;
    • d) people are confident that they will not be punished;
    • e) moral standards are too difficult to comply with;
    • e) other.
    • 19. How do you think one can justify immoral actions?
    • a) young age;
    • b) the insignificance of moral or material damage caused to people;
    • c) acting in a state of extreme vital necessity;
    • d) ignorance of moral standards;
    • k) nothing;
    • e) other.
    • 20. Do you agree with the statement that modern look Do life and the secular value system contribute to the spread of immoral acts?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no.
    • 21. How do you think we can prevent the spread of immorality in society?
    • a) explaining the practical importance of observing moral standards;
    • b) toughening penalties for various offenses;
    • c) personal example;
    • d) propaganda of religious moral values;
    • d) other.
    • 22. Should it be introduced in schools and universities academic discipline, which would introduce students to the main provisions of religious doctrines?
    • a) yes, it is necessary to introduce “Fundamentals of Religious Knowledge” as a compulsory subject, and it is desirable that the classes be taught by a clergyman;
    • b) it is possible to introduce only a purely introductory course like “History of Religions” or “Religious Studies”;
    • c) any such discipline can be taught only optionally, at the request of students;
    • d) with us secular state, and any propaganda of religion should be taken out of educational institutions.

    Thank you for participating!

    Example of questionnaire No. 2 on the topic “Attitude of Moscow youth to the ideas of feminism”

    Hello! We invite you to take part in a sociological survey of young people. Please answer 20 questions. The questionnaire is anonymous, and the data obtained will be used for scientific and practical purposes.

    • 1. What's your gender:
      • a) female;
      • b) male.
    • 2. Your age:
      • a) 18–21 years old;
      • b) 22–25 years old;
      • c) 26–29 years old.
    • 3. Your education:
      • a) below average;
      • b) average;
      • c) secondary specialized;
      • d) incomplete higher education;
      • d) higher.
    • 4. Your marital status:
      • a) not married;
      • b) married;
      • c) civil marriage.
    • 5. Do you think feminism is:
      • a) the struggle of discriminated women for equal social rights with men;
      • b) the desire of women to dominate men;
      • c) a political movement whose goal is to give women voting rights;
    • 6. How do you feel about the ideas of feminism?
    • a) I fully approve;
    • b) I partially approve;
    • c) I categorically deny;
    • d) I am indifferent.
    • 7. Has feminism survived to this day?
    • a) yes, of course;
    • b) yes, but it has changed a lot in recent years;
    • c) no.
    • 8. Today in Russia there are a number of women's social movements. Do you think their actions demonstrate feminist ideas?
    • a) yes, because women in them defend women's rights;
    • b) possible, but it does not make sense in Russia;
    • c) no, since they do not have a specific ideology;
    • d) other (write what exactly);
    • d) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 9. Are women's rights currently violated in Russia?
    • a) yes;
    • b) yes, in some matters;
    • c) no.
    • 10. Equality between men and women is:
      • a) equal social rights;
      • b) equal rights and responsibilities;

    η) something from the realm of fantasy;

    • d) other (write what exactly).
    • 11. Can a man and a woman change social roles?
    • a) yes, of course: a man can perform the duties of a woman, and a woman – the duties of a man;
    • b) yes, they can, but not in all areas of activity;
    • c) yes, they can, but, as a rule, this does not lead to anything good;
    • d) no, this is unnatural.
    • 12. If a woman occupies a “ruling” position in the family, then this:
      • a) unacceptable;
      • b) normal;
      • c) permissible if she uses this position for the benefit of the family and without humiliating her husband;
      • d) other (write what exactly).
    • 13. Will you be repulsed by attempts by members of the opposite sex to dominate you?
    • a) yes, in any case;
    • b) no, at a moderate level this is acceptable;
    • c) no, I take it calmly.
    • 14. How can girls' passion for feminism affect their interactions with young people?
    • a) not at all;
    • b) most of these girls will be single;
    • c) young people will receive an incentive to take everything in their relationships into their own hands;
    • d) young men will “sit on the neck” of such girls;
    • e) there will be constant quarrels over who is in charge in the relationship;
    • g) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 15. What can lead young man to agree with the ideas of feminism?
    • a) fundamental support for the idea of ​​social equality;
    • b) the influence of a social circle in which there are feminist girls;
    • c) the influence of gender stereotypes formed in the family;
    • d) love for a feminist girl;
    • k) influence of propaganda;
    • f) other (write what exactly);
    • g) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 16. How easy is it for a young man to communicate with a girl who recognizes the ideas of feminism?
    • a) quite easy;
    • b) difficult;
    • c) simply impossible;
    • d) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 17. What are the main problems that may arise when a young man communicates with a feminist girl?
    • a) conflict due to mutual desire for leadership;
    • b) mutual misunderstanding;
    • c) desire to communicate less with each other;
    • d) conflict due to the young man’s desire to “re-educate” his girlfriend;
    • e) ridicule and insults from a partner;
    • f) there should be no problems;
    • g) other (write what exactly);
    • h) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 18. How does the image of a feminist girl make you feel?
    • a) attracts;
    • b) arouses curiosity;
    • c) causes laughter;
    • d) repels;
    • e) causes indifference;
    • f) other (write what exactly).
    • 19. Would you communicate with a feminist girl?
    • a) yes, since I also adhere to the ideas of feminism;
    • b) yes, because for me ideological differences are not so important;
    • c) yes, but with great caution;
    • d) no, in no case;
    • d) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 20. Are there any people you know who are prone to feminism?
    • a) yes, I communicate with such a person (people);
    • b) no;
    • c) I find it difficult to answer.

    Thank you!

    Example of questionnaire No. 3 on the topic “The problem of unemployment of young specialists”

    Dear respondent!

    We ask you to take part in a sociological study conducted to clarify the attitude of Moscow youth to the problem of unemployment of young professionals. You will be asked several questions. Select the answer option that best matches your opinion. We guarantee the anonymity and confidentiality of the information received.

    • 1. Do you think unemployment is:
      • a) a generally positive phenomenon in the country’s economy (an incentive to improve the skills and activity of the population);
      • b) natural reality (the costs of a market economy, without which it cannot work);
      • c) negative phenomenon (cause social conflicts and increased crime).
    • 2. What do you think is the unemployment rate in Moscow today?
    • a) tall;
    • b) normal (natural);
    • c) low.
    • 3. What, in your opinion, are the main reasons for unemployment in Moscow?
    • a) reduction in industrial production;
    • b) influx of migrants from neighboring countries;
    • c) the emergence of completely new sectors of the economy for which it is difficult to find personnel;
    • d) other (write)___________________________.
    • 4. What categories of people, in your opinion, are most susceptible to unemployment today?
    • a) young people;
    • b) middle-aged people (from 30 to 40 years old);
    • c) older people (from 40 to 55 years old);
    • d) pensioners;
    • e) other (specify)______________________________.
    • 5. What are your plans after graduation?
    • a) I’ll go to work;
    • b) I will continue my studies at my university (master’s degree, postgraduate study);
    • c) I’m going to get a new education at another university;
    • d) I will go to serve in the army;
    • d) your own option_________________________________.
    • 6. When applying for a job, you expect:
      • a) assistance from relatives and friends;
      • b) assistance from an educational institution;
      • c) employment service;
      • d) employment agencies;
      • e) own abilities;
      • f) a favorable combination of circumstances;
      • g) other (specify)______________________________.
    • 7. What reasons, in your opinion, may influence the refusal to employ a young specialist?
    • a) lack of practical experience;
    • b) the candidate’s personal qualities do not appeal to the employer;
    • c) unfavorable family situation;
    • d) lack of education;
    • e) lack of vacancies;
    • f) the administration's bias against "green" employees;
    • g) other reasons_________________________________.
    • 8. Would you like to undergo a “postgraduate” internship at a company with the possibility of further employment?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no;
    • c) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 9. Have you ever tried to find a job?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no.
    • 10. Do you have an urgent need to get a job?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no.
    • 11. What is most important to you when choosing a place to work?
    • a) the level of salary offered;
    • b) the prestige of the company;
    • c) socio-psychological climate in the organization;
    • d) field of activity;
    • e) opportunity for self-expression;
    • f) opportunity for professional growth;
    • g) gaining practical experience;
    • h) flexible work schedule;
    • and other___________________________________.
    • 12. Do you rate the activity entrepreneurial activity as an alternative for yourself if you are unable to find a job?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no;
    • c) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 13. If you were organizing own business, what would you do?
    • 14. What do you personally dislike about unemployment?
    • a) decrease in social status;
    • b) lack of money;
    • c) a narrow circle of friends;
    • d) inability to realize oneself;
    • e) financial dependence on parents;
    • e) nothing;
    • g) other__________________________________________.
    • 15. What reasons do you think contribute to the unemployment of young professionals in Moscow?
    • a) excessive claims by young people themselves regarding their desired place of work;
    • b) lack of desire of employers to employ young specialists;
    • c) lack of attention of the local administration to issues of employment of Moscow youth;
    • d) the reluctance of young people themselves to work;
    • e) other______________________________________________.
    • 16. In your opinion, is it easier to find a job in Moscow than in other cities?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no;
    • c) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 17. The situation when a young specialist with higher education does not work, due to:
      • a) inability to find a job;
      • b) unwillingness to work;
      • c) unsatisfactory working conditions.
    • 18. Do you think it is possible to combat the problem of unemployment?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no;
    • c) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 19. What do you think are the ways to combat unemployment?
    • a) creation of new jobs;
    • b) creation of labor exchanges and other types of employment services;
    • c) improving the qualifications of employees;
    • d) support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses;
    • e) redistribution of jobs in favor of the local population over visitors;
    • d) other__________________________________________.
    • 20. Do you think that enterprises should prepare specialists for themselves in advance by concluding agreements with educational institutions on the employment of their graduates?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no;
    • c) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 21. What kind of help would you like to receive from a professional consultant at the employment service?
    • a) find out which professions are in demand on the labor market;
    • b) undergo testing for the purpose of professional self-determination;
    • c) choose educational institution for subsequent admission;
    • d) find a job;
    • d) none;
    • f) other help______________________________.
    • 22. Who do you think is to blame for the current situation with unemployment of young professionals?
    • a) state;
    • b) labor exchanges;
    • c) youth;
    • d) employers;
    • e) enterprises;
    • f) educational institutions;
    • 23. Are there any unemployed people in your family today?
    • a) yes;
    • b) no.
    • 24. In what form do you think the state could support job seekers young professionals? (Check several items);
    • a) organization of advanced training courses (or retraining);
    • b) distribution of university graduates to work in their specialty;
    • c) financial support for starting your own business;
    • d) creation of jobs;
    • e) development of youth labor exchanges;
    • f) creation of centers for socio-psychological adaptation of graduates;
    • g) other (write)_________________________________.
    • 25. How do you feel about cases of refusal to hire women?
    • a) in my opinion, this is a far-fetched problem;
    • b) with understanding - there are professions intended only for men;
    • V) negative – gender discrimination is unacceptable. Please provide some information about yourself.
    • 26. Your age?
    • a) less than 20 years;
    • b) from 20 to 25 years;
    • c) from 25 to 30 years.
    • 27. What's your gender?
    • a) male;
    • b) female.
    • 28. What education do you have?
    • a) general average;
    • b) initial professional;
    • c) secondary vocational;
    • d) higher;
    • e) unfinished higher education.

    Thank you! Good luck in finding a job!

    Example of questionnaire No. 4 on the topic “Causes of conflicts in a young family”

    • 1. What's your gender?
    • a) male;
    • b) female.
    • 2. Your age?
    • a) up to 21 years of age;
    • b) 21–25 years old;
    • c) 26–30 legs;
    • d) 31–35 years old.
    • 3. Your education?
    • a) average;
    • b) secondary specialized;
    • c) incomplete higher education;
    • d) higher.
    • 4. Is your marriage officially registered?
    • a) yes, our marriage is registered in the registry office;
    • b) no, we live in a “civil marriage”;
    • c) I am not in a marital relationship.
    • 5. Please indicate the duration of your marriage:
      • a) up to 1 year;
      • b) 1–3 years;
      • c) 4–6 years;
      • d) 7–9 years;
      • e) more than 9 years;
      • f) I am not married.
    • 6. Do you have any children?
    • a) yes, one child;
    • b) yes, two children;
    • c) three or more children;
    • d) there are no children, but we are planning to have a child;
    • e) there are no children, and for now we do not plan to have them.
    • 7. Are you satisfied with your family's income?
    • a) yes, completely;
    • b) rather yes;
    • c) not really;
    • d) no, I’m not completely satisfied.
    • 8. Please indicate your living conditions:
      • a) we have our own housing;
      • b) we live with our parents (other relatives);
      • c) we rent housing;
      • d) took out a home loan;
      • d) we live in a hostel.
    • 9. How satisfied are you with your living conditions?
    • a) completely satisfied;
    • b) satisfied, but not completely;
    • c) are not satisfied at all.
    • 10. How do you assess the psychological situation in your family?
    • a) favorable;
    • b) satisfactory;
    • c) uncomfortable;
    • d) conflict.
    • 11. Are you experiencing serious conflicts in your family?
    • a) yes, often;
    • b) yes, from time to time;
    • c) no.
    • 12. What are the main causes of conflict in your family? You can select multiple answer options:
      • a) housing problem, domestic unsettlement;
      • b) lack of financial resources, low level of income;
      • c) problems with employment;
      • d) problems with placing children in (pre-)school institutions;
      • e) problems in relationships with the parents of one or both spouses;
      • f) bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, gambling);
      • g) lack of warmth in relationships, communication problems;
      • h) adultery, jealousy;
      • i) lack of common interests, differences in education;
      • j) rudeness, violence on the part of the spouse;
      • k) lack of common views, beliefs (political, religious);
      • m) the desire of the spouse to pursue a career;
      • m) problems with giving birth and raising a child;
      • o) repayment of debt (loan);
      • n) there are no conflicts in our family;
      • p) other (write what exactly)__________________________.
    • 13. What, in your opinion, are the main problems of young families in our country? You can choose several answer options:
      • a) housing problems;
      • b) low salaries;
      • c) unemployment;
      • d) the need to combine work and study;
      • e) lack of support from the state;
      • f) problems in personal relationships between spouses;
      • g) conflicts between parents and children;
      • h) youth are unprepared to make responsible decisions;
      • i) other (write what exactly)___________________________.
    • 14. What often leads to the creation conflict situations in family?
    • a) social problems (domestic instability, lack of money);
    • b) psychological problems (lack of mutual understanding, difference in characters);
    • c) value differences (different beliefs and interests);
    • d) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 15. Does the socio-economic situation in the country affect conflicts in your family?
    • a) yes, and very strongly;
    • b) yes, but not significantly;
    • c) no, does not affect;
    • d) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 16. How seriously can different ethnic (or religious) affiliations of spouses affect family conflicts?
    • a) has a very strong influence;
    • b) influences, but only if there is no love between the spouses;
    • c) has virtually no effect;
    • d) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 17. Is there a direct relationship between family conflicts and the level of education of spouses?
    • a) yes, of course;
    • b) yes, but it rarely appears;
    • c) no;
    • d) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 18. Who do you think should solve the problems of young families?
    • a) the spouses themselves;
    • b) spouses with the help of relatives and friends;
    • c) state;
    • d) other (write what exactly)___________________________
    • 19. How do you feel about the state policy of supporting young families?
    • a) I think it is effective;
    • b) I consider it ineffective;
    • c) I find it difficult to answer.
    • 20. Do you participate in any government programs to support young families?
    • a) no;
    • b) no, but we would like to;
    • c) yes, we participate in (specify which ones)______________________