Why does a brick stove smoke? Causes of stove smoke. How to properly light a new stove

Owners country houses often face the problem of smoke appearing when burning. If the stove smokes, this is dangerous for people’s health and the safety of the heated building, and also indicates excessive fuel consumption. If the stove initially worked well, then you can fix the problem yourself. To do this, it is important to conduct an inspection, analyze the method of operation and identify the source of the problems.

Smoke in a room always means deterioration or lack of draft. Wrong movement flue gases caused by several reasons.

Note: Draft is the main force that causes flue gases to rise up the chimney. The physical process is based on the pressure difference in the lower and upper parts of the chimney.

With good draft, the fuel burns completely, releasing maximum heat. If it’s bad, the stove smokes. There is not enough oxygen for combustion, volatile combustion products (smoke) are formed, which rush into areas of low pressure and high vacuum - into the room.

Reason No. 1 Incorrect chimney height

One of the main reasons for new stoves to smoke is a malfunction of the smoke exhaust system. Pipes are installed in accordance with the following parameters:
  • The height of the chimney is 500 mm above the highest point of the roof with a ridge distance of up to 150 cm.
  • Height chimney= the height of the ridge, if the distance between them is 150-300 cm.
  • Not lower than 10º relative to the horizon of the ridge, when removed from it further than 300 cm.
  • The minimum length of the smoke exhaust channel is 5 meters, if you count from the stove.
  • If the chimney is more than 120 cm above the ridge level, then it is reinforced with guy wires.

Note: if the ventilation and chimney pipes are located close together, their height is made the same (SNiPs), or the chimney is made higher (European experience). Otherwise, combustion products will penetrate back into the house.

Reason No. 2. Poor ventilation

If the oven is installed in a room with sealed plastic windows and b

Smoke rising from the roof indicates that the house is warm and comfortable, and experts can even predict the weather by its shape and intensity. It is much sadder if the clubs refuse to go down the drain, but accumulate indoors: it becomes difficult to breathe, all things become saturated with a specific smell, and the heating efficiency suffers. What to do in this situation? First of all, you need to study possible reasons why the stove is smoking, and try to eliminate them.

If an “aged” stove smokes, the reason may be trivial - during operation, the vent became clogged with ash, and the draft worsened. In this case, it is enough to remove the accumulated deposits with a poker. If a simple manipulation did not help or there was no ash, you will have to carefully check the entire system.

The stove must be regularly cleaned of ash.

Violation of operating rules

Most often, the cause of smoke is non-compliance with operating rules, as a result of which natural air exchange is disrupted:

  • Accumulation of soot in smoke ducts, pipes or furnace ducts. A layer only 3 mm thick reduces heat transfer by almost half, impairs traction and can lead to a fire. Conduct general cleaning you can do it yourself - take a thick wire or pole, wrap one end tightly with an unnecessary rag, lower the structure into the pipe and thoroughly clean the walls. If there is little soot, you can use special compounds. They are added to the firebox along with firewood, and during the combustion process, volatile compounds are released that destroy contaminants. The simplest and inexpensive option– a handful of coarse salt.
  • Damp chimney. If the oven has not been used for several months, condensation may accumulate in the system. In this case, it is necessary to open the lower soot cleaning and light a small fire in it from flammable materials. Dry wood chips, paper or dry alcohol tablets are suitable as raw materials. After the chimney has warmed up and the draft has been restored, you can close the damper and light the stove.
  • Using the wrong type of fuel. Why does a coal stove smoke into the house if it is heated with wood? The reason is a large difference in temperature. In stoves designed for coal, the length of the ash chamber is equal to the size of the firebox. When laying firewood cold air does not have time to warm up and returns to the room, bringing with it the smell of burning and soot. To solve the problem, it is enough to shorten the blower by laying halves of bricks on its end (the number depends on the total length).

Important! Often the stove in the house smokes due to the fact that the firewood is not stacked correctly. If the fuel does not completely cover the grate, the main air flows will pass by. As a result, the flue gases are cooled and flow into the room. To eliminate smoke, it is enough to evenly distribute the logs and place them closer to each other.

Firewood must be stacked in even rows

Appearance of defects

What to do if all visible causes have been eliminated, but the stove still smokes? Another reason for insufficient draft can be cracks in the walls of the chimney and/or combustion chamber. Cold air enters the oven through the cracks, lowering the temperature. The fuel burns worse and produces a lot of smoke.

If a “cobweb” of small, non-through cracks appears on the walls, you can eliminate it yourself:

  • Clean the surface by widening the cracks with a chisel.
  • Prepare liquid primer from cement with water and thoroughly coat the walls.
  • While the surface is drying, prepare a clay solution for plastering. IN classic recipe includes 2 parts clay and 1 part sand. To increase strength, you can add 0.1 parts of asbestos. The resulting mixture is sifted through a fine sieve and mixed with water until a thick consistency is obtained.
  • Fill the cracks with a triangular trowel, level the surface and float with a wooden float.
  • Let the plaster dry and apply finishing layer along the entire wall, moving from bottom to top.
  • Wait for the mixture to dry, moisten a wooden grater in water and rub in any unevenness using smooth circular movements.

Important! Cracks in the tiled cladding are rubbed with alabaster-based mortar ( building gypsum) and chalk. It is better to replace tiles with significant defects with new ones. For masonry, a solution of clay or fireclay mortar is used.

Cracks in the brick and crumbling seams are the reason why the stove smokes

Another reason why a stove in a bathhouse or house smokes can be a loose brick. Under the influence of a constant temperature difference, cracks form in the masonry of the first channels of the chimney or firebox, the mixture crumbles, and the bricks remain loose. It is better to shift such areas:

  • Select quality brick with as smooth walls as possible.
  • Carefully remove damaged bricks from the masonry and remove any remaining old mortar from the recess. Clean the surface with a metal brush.
  • Apply clay solution to prepared surfaces, Special attention Focus on the bottom of the notch.
  • Lay down new brick. If trimming has been done, make sure that smooth side was directed towards the outlet of exhaust gases.

Important! If the stove smokes into the house only in cold weather, the reason lies in the too high thermal conductivity of the pipe and chimney. To fix the problem, you need to open all the seams on external parts, coat them well with the clay mixture and plaster the entire surface. The new layer of plaster should be a couple of centimeters thicker than the previous one.

Special mastics can be used to coat ovens

Why does the new stove smoke?

Design flaws

What to do if a new stove smokes? In most cases, the cause is design miscalculations and violations of masonry technology. The heating furnace must have the following parameters:

  • The chimney opening is 14*27 cm (firewood, peat) or 14*14 cm (coal).
  • The height of the chimney is 6 cm from the stove grate to the top.
  • The height of the pipe above the roof is at least 70 cm, but at least 50 cm above the ridge. The exception is when the ridge is located at a distance of more than 1.5 meters - then the pipe can be made of the same height.

The cause of smoke may be a pipe that is too narrow

If the internal dimensions of the chimney can only be corrected by a professional stove maker, then you can try to solve problems with the pipe yourself:

  • Explore the area surrounding the house. If there are tall trees or walls nearby, the wind can blow into the chimney and drive smoke indoors. In this case, it is necessary to put the cap on top part pipes, and with a 90% probability the problem will be solved.
  • A stove in a house or bathhouse may smoke due to insufficient chimney height. Ideally, it needs to be increased, but this is not always realistic. If heating season has already begun, you can lengthen the pipe using improvised means by placing one or two metal buckets without a bottom on it. This design does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but it will last through the winter.

Important! If the stove smokes when lit, most likely the reason lies in design errors made by the stove maker. This could be an inadequate pipe size, a low first duct, or unswept chimneys. Such defects can only be eliminated during the repair process.

Scheme for determining the height of the chimney

Putting a new furnace into operation

The service life of the furnace and its trouble-free operation depends on how correctly it was put into operation. After completion of the masonry, a lot of moisture remains in the materials, which must be removed before the start of the heating season. The drying period lasts 7-10 days in the warm season and up to 3 weeks in the cold season. The process takes place in several stages:

  • Open all valves and constantly ventilate the room in which the oven is located. Drying should continue until wet spots disappear from the walls and condensation stops appearing on metal parts.
  • After 5-6 days, light a small fire in the morning and evening. Gradually increase the volume of firewood.
  • Do not try to speed up the process by using too active a firebox. Overheating can lead to cracks and crevices in the masonry.

Important! Don't use firewood coniferous species. When they are burned, resinous soot is formed, which is almost impossible to remove from chimneys.

The stove in the bathhouse can also smoke due to improper kindling. To avoid smoke, just follow these simple rules:

  • Clean the ash pan and firebox. This must be done before each use of the oven.
  • Open the valve and place the kindling on the grate. A splinter, birch bark or dry wood chips will do.
  • Open the ash door slightly and light the kindling. After this, load the firebox with firewood. Lay them in tight horizontal rows.
  • Close the firebox and open the blower door completely.
  • Reload the firewood after 30-40 minutes. During this time, the previous batch should burn down to large coals. Try not to open the firebox between fills to prevent cold air from entering the oven.
  • Regulate the combustion process using a blower and valve. The flame should be calm and straw-colored. If the fire turns pale, you need to close the ash door - this will reduce the air flow. If it gets dark, you need to open the door.
  • For the last bookmark it is best to use aspen firewood. They create a long flame and burn off accumulated soot.
  • After the last batch of wood has burned through, rake the remaining coals onto the grate. The valve can be closed when the coals darken and no bluish lights appear above them.

Many people believe that heating can be done with any materials. If only they burned. With this approach, sooner or later the question arises as to why the stove smokes when the door is open or when lighting is started. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Small debris does not burn through completely. Light particles are picked up air flow, and they settle on the walls of the chimney.
  • Remains of glossy paper clog the grate.
  • Damp firewood causes excess soot formation.

It is best to use dry birch firewood, approximately equal in size, as fuel. Others will do too hardwoods, found in middle lane, – aspen, ash, alder, poplar, oak. Willow produces little heat and burns unevenly.

If you have eliminated all possible causes and the stove continues to smoke, do not be a hero and contact a specialist. Malfunctions in the operation of the stove can lead not only to the appearance of a specific odor, but also to poisoning carbon monoxide or fire. Be careful!

Video: reasons for stove smoking

The stove always served faithfully, but suddenly it started smoking. This is especially often observed when opening the ash pit or when the owner adds a new batch of firewood.

What is the reason why the stove smokes when the door is opened and how to properly heat it so that the smoke does not enter the living room. The most common reasons and advice from experienced stove makers.

Why does the stove smoke into the house?

The natural extraction of flue gases through the chimney is based on the laws of physics. Of primary importance here are the temperatures indoors and outdoors, as well as the difference between them.

Poor traction is the scourge of warm weather in the off-season. For example, after summer downtime, you need special skill to light the stove in the fall so that the smoke does not go into the house.

Also, the air can “stay” even in cold weather if the owners left the house and it froze. If the temperatures inside and outside are equal, there will be no draft.

Humidity can also play a role. For example, when slanting downpours occur and water enters the pipe, this upsets the temperature balance and the draft worsens.

In warm weather, or in a frozen house, paper is burned for kindling. It needs to be placed as far into the oven as possible; if this does not help, then into the far well through the cleaning door. Closer to the pipe, make a small fire made of paper or small wood chips. This is necessary in order to warm up the brick. Warm air will rise and draft will be established.

In hot weather, it is extremely difficult to establish traction.


A temporary cause of backdraft can be the wind, the direction and strength of which “drives” the smoke back into the chimney. Tall trees or buildings located near the house can contribute to this.

Install an umbrella or deflector on the top edge of the pipe. These devices significantly improve draft, protect from rain and prevent the wind from blowing smoke back into the chimney.

To date, many deflector designs have been developed. There are rotating models that are themselves installed by the force of the wind so that there is no interference with the smoke.

Incorrect laying of a stove or well

An important condition for good smoke removal is sufficient chimney clearance. The pipe must be at least 15 cm in diameter (for sauna stove– 10 cm).

During laying, the stove maker rubs the inner surface of all wells and pipes with a damp rag. If possible, everything is sharp internal corners turns are cramped, turns are smoothed out. This creates a smooth inner surface along which smoke can easily move upward. This is done as the furnace is being laid. But you cannot plaster the inside of chimneys.

Any turn or additional well is another obstacle in the path of smoke. Therefore, the length of the pipe and its location on the roof must be adequately designed for the design of a particular stove.

It is also important that the entrance to the first well (inside the firebox) is not lower than the top edge of the door. Otherwise, there is a possibility that every time the fuel chamber is opened, smoke will flow into the room.

The stove maker's mistakes come at a cost. Something in the design can be corrected only by moving part of the stove, or maybe by completely rebuilding it.

A tall, straight pipe with a smooth inner surface can be a salvation if minor miscalculations are made and the draft is weak:

  • If located close to the ridge, the pipe should be at least 50 cm higher than it.
  • When located 1.5 - 3 m from the ridge, the height of the pipe is allowed to be level with the ridge or higher.
  • The pipe can only be slightly lower than the ridge if it is located more than 3 m from it.
  • A chimney height of 5 m or more is capable of providing full draft.
  • Under no circumstances should the chimney be assembled from elements of different sections!

It is advisable to make a pipe with round. In the corners of rectangular smoke extractors, unnecessary turbulence is created, and soot formation occurs more readily.

Metal pipes “suffer” from deteriorating traction more often than brick and asbestos pipes. This happens because the metal heats up quickly and cools down just as quickly on a frosty day. Insulation with non-flammable material saves the situation.

Soot and furnace wear

Why does the stove smoke in a private house? Other reasons

Even if the stove was perfect at the construction stage, over time the chimney clearance may narrow due to the build-up of soot. This inevitable process, so the oven is cleaned regularly. However, without wanting it, owners can significantly speed up the soot formation process.

What mistakes should you avoid:

  1. Do not use wet firewood, especially resinous wood.
  2. Do not over-burn large amounts of synthetic waste in the oven (cellophane, plastic, rags, rubber...).
  3. During the construction stage, do everything possible to ensure that the inner surface of the stove does not have protrusions, is smooth and uniform.
  4. Do not try to convert a regular oven into a pyrolysis oven.

Thrifty owners often strive to do the latter in order to save money. They limit the air supply, without opening the vent, but leaving only a small gap. The result is not combustion, but smoldering and decay. But a Dutch oven or a Swedish oven will never become pyrolyzed; by their nature, they should “hum” during combustion, and the vent can only be closed when there are coals left.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the stove for those stoves that are regularly fired with coal. This fuel quickly leads to the pipe becoming overgrown with soot (coal, like firewood, needs to be given sufficient quantity oxygen to allow it to flare up properly).

By the way, the fact that it’s time to clean the stove can be indicated not only by the smoke in the house, but also by the sparks flying out of the chimney into the street. This happens when combustion does not occur in a furnace, but the soot itself burns in wells.

If after cleaning, the problem with traction remains or worsens, it is possible that soot fell on some area during cleaning, and the area remained uncleaned. With an aged stove, such a nuisance may occur as part of the brick falling off, which is not noticeable from the outside.

To be sure that the wells are clean along their entire length, you can make additional holes for cleaning. This is done using a hammer drill or a drill with a Pobedit drill bit.

No distribution box

It is a rare factor when two stoves are connected by one chimney.

Furnace structure

And if the smoke from them to the chimney goes towards each other, one of the stoves will smoke.

To prevent warm flows from colliding and forming turbulence, a partition - a distribution box - is placed between them, under the pipe.

Presence of cracks

It's no secret that over the years the stove becomes covered with a network of cracks and cracks. Especially at the junction of clay and metal elements, for example, around a slab. Wells can also crack at the seams.

The cracks could remain in the place where a knockout brick is inserted for cleaning, or the vent and firebox doors have become loose over time.

Also, atmospheric phenomena sometimes destroy the outer part of the pipe on the roof.

It is possible and necessary to deal with cracks, because air is sucked in, its natural flow is disrupted, and at the slightest disturbance in draft for other reasons, smoke finds its way out, even with the door closed!

The cracks are sealed with clay mortar, similar to the one on which the stove is made. Deep cracks are widened using a knife or similar tool to allow the mortar to penetrate deeper between the bricks. Then the gap is moistened with water and sealed well. Small cracks can be whitened.


The chimney itself is natural exhaust. To create movement warm air upwards, a full influx from outside must be ensured.

Oven ventilation

However, often, by arranging forced ventilation system, the owners only do forced exhaust (in the kitchen and bathroom, for example). If some factors influenced the reduction in draft in the chimney, powerful forced exhaust through a separate channel will become an additional obstacle to the normal movement of smoke from the stove.

The second floor may compete with the chimney. If there is a staircase nearby and an opening to the top, air sometimes rushes there more readily, especially if at those moments when a window on the second floor opens.

Temporarily turn off the hood, close the windows on the second floor, open a window or door at the stove level to allow air flow into the room Fresh air. However, the other extreme should not be allowed - drafts.

Other reasons

Smoke can enter the house if there is too much wood in the firebox and the entrance to the wells is blocked, and the fuel has not yet had time to ignite.

What to do here is decided according to the circumstances.

If the firewood is just starting to burn, you can carefully pull out several large logs (if they give off smoke, take them outside).

When the fuel is filled, a poker is used, with which they try to stir up the pile and lay it down more compactly.


So, full list The reasons why the stove smokes are quite impressive. In each specific case, you need to consider: is this a rule or an exceptional case; what on this moment weather and temperature in the house; how old is the stove and other factors.

Video on the topic

Stove heating is still quite common in private urban homes and country cottages. If it functions correctly, a comfortable atmosphere and coziness is created in the house. But if the stove is not working properly, smoke may come out of it, which will become not only a source of unpleasant odor, but can also threaten human health and even life. In this material we will talk about what to do if the stove smokes. In doing so, we will consider probable reasons and options for resolving the problem.

Conditions for the appearance of smoke in the house

If the stove is smoking in the house, what to do in this case can only be understood by considering the conditions under which smoke occurs.

To do this, we will answer a number of questions:

  • What are the contributing factors when smoke enters a home?
  • At what point does smoke appear - immediately after kindling or after some time?
  • How long has the stove been smoking?

There are several different reasons why a furnace smokes. What they are and what the procedure is in each case will be described below.

The occurrence of backdraft in the furnace

In cases where the stove has not been used for several days, it may form in the chimney. reverse thrust. This means that air flows do not move outside, but into the room. This phenomenon quite often becomes the reason why the stove smokes when lighting. Please note that weather conditions have nothing to do with this phenomenon - reverse draft appears in both warm and cold seasons.

It is worth noting that draft overturning is possible even in furnaces with perfect design, collected by experienced stove makers.

So, the answer to the question of what to do if the stove smokes into the house is to increase the air temperature inside the chimney. Moreover, these manipulations can be performed independently.

Warming up the chimney can be done in the following ways:

  1. Treatment inner surface chimney using a hair dryer through the open door to remove soot.
  2. Gaining access to the chimney by dismantling or opening the hog in the attic and further heating it with a hair dryer or other devices.
  3. The cap is removed from the top of the chimney and lit paper is thrown into the chimney.

Strong gusts of wind

Sometimes the reason why there is no draft in the stove at home can be a strong gusty wind blowing inside the chimney.

In this case, there are two options for resolving the issue:

  1. Increase the height of the chimney, including the head.
  2. Slightly modify the structure of the visor installed on the head.

Incorrect stove masonry

Often the reason why a new stove smokes is due to errors in the masonry of the entire structure or its individual elements. In particular, smoke accumulates inside the house if the cross-section of the chimney is not enough for its timely evacuation to the outside.

You cannot solve this problem yourself - the stove maker must deal with this. It is worth noting that modification and repair of the structure will cost you less than a complete redevelopment of the furnace.

Worn-out is a popular reason why a stove smokes.

Like any other design, each stove has its own service life. Over time, its elements wear out and require overhaul or partial restoration.

The aging of the furnace is manifested in the following:

  • Accumulated on the inner walls of the chimney a large number of soot, which significantly narrowed its clearance.
  • Due to thermal loads, cracks appeared in the masonry, which led to the loss of the pipe's tightness.

So, if the stove smokes due to wear and tear, let’s look at what to do step by step:

  • We carefully clean the inner surface of the chimney not only from accumulated soot and debris, but also from loose or fallen parts of the brickwork.
  • We reseal all existing cracks with oven mortar, restoring the integrity of the masonry.

This work can be done either independently or entrusted to a stove-maker. Experienced master will do everything very quickly and efficiently.

Miscalculations during laying a stove well - what to do now?

In some cases, smoke enters the house the moment the firebox door is opened. When the door is closed, carbon monoxide is evacuated as usual. In this case, the reason lies in the inexperience of the stove master.

When the door is opened, smoke occurs if the entrance to the well is located too low and the shortest path for heated air with carbon monoxide runs precisely towards the doorway of the firebox.

For any responsible person, when the stove in the house smokes, what to do is the main and primary question. The problem can be solved if you build a wall inside the firebox, the upper edge of which will be several centimeters higher than the upper edge of the door.

Thus, hot air with carbon monoxide will move to the well opening even when the firebox door is open.


In the article, we looked at the most likely causes of smoke inside the house, as well as what ways you can deal with it. It is noteworthy that in most cases the work is not difficult and can be done independently.

Smoke rises into the chimney and flutters over the roof - which means the stove is functioning normally, but if the clouds do not enter the chimney, but accumulate in the room, it becomes difficult to breathe, things and bedding smell like smoke, and the efficiency of heating the room suffers. You can get out of the situation, but first you have to study the problem.

How to understand why the stove smokes? Possible causes of the phenomenon lie in improper kindling, accumulation of burning and soot on the walls of the pipe, and design errors in the masonry. We will look at these and other reasons in more detail later in the article.

Causes of smoke from an old stove in the house

In this case, the reason for the uncoordinated functioning of the system may be a banal blockage of the vent with ash, as a result of which the draft has worsened. Rake out the accumulated deposits with a poker and try to melt it. Sometimes such simple manipulations help resolve the smoke, but if the problem cannot be eliminated, carefully check the entire system and identify what led to the problem.

Late cleaning

There are more serious reasons why a stove smokes. Possible layers of soot or soot of 3 mm or more reduce heat transfer by up to two times and impair traction. In some cases this leads to a fire. Do not forget about periodic and timely cleaning of your home. brick oven!

General cleaning is carried out independently, armed with a thick wire or pole with a rag tightly wound at the end. The device is lowered into the pipe and the walls are thoroughly cleaned.

If there is a small amount of soot, you can use special means. They are added to the firebox along with firewood and wood chips. During the combustion of such substances, special volatile compounds are released that contribute to the destruction of contaminants. This, by the way, is one of the options for getting out of the situation when the stove in the bathhouse smokes.

Damp chimney

Condensation accumulates in systems that have not been used for several months. To get rid of steam, open the lower soot cleaner and light a small fire in it from a flammable material: dry wood chips, paper, tableted dry alcohol. Having warmed up the chimney well, close the damper and begin heating in the stove.

Using the wrong type of fuel

Why does the stove smoke? A possible reason is a large temperature difference with fuel that does not match the type of stove. In coal stoves, the length of the blower is equal to the size of the firebox. If you burn wood in such a stove, the cold air that collects in the firebox does not have time to warm up and comes out through the open door, saturating the room with smoke and soot. To fix the problem, shorten the blower by placing one or more brick halves on its end (the number depends on the length of the blower).

It is important to know that smoke is often caused by improper placement of firewood inside a brick oven. If the fuel does not completely cover the grate, then the main air flows go past. As a result, cooled flue gases escape into the room. You can eliminate the problem associated with the fact that the stove smokes when lighting, by stacking the logs in even rows so that they are closely adjacent to each other.

Minor defects on the inner surface of the walls

Have you eliminated the visible causes of smoke, but the stove still continues to smoke? Another reason for this is cracks on the walls of the chimney and combustion chamber. Cold air penetrates through these cracks, lowering the temperature level, as a result of which the stove smokes. What to do to get rid of small cracks? To do this you need:

  1. Clean the surface, widening the cracks with a chisel.
  2. Prepare a liquid primer by mixing cement with water and thoroughly coat the cracks.
  3. While the treated surface dries, prepare clay grout for plastering, using 2 parts clay and 1 part sand. In order to increase the strength of the mixture, add 0.1 parts of asbestos. Add as much water to the crumbly mixture as needed to achieve a thick consistency.
  4. The cracks are filled using a triangular trowel, the surface is leveled and rubbed with a wooden float.
  5. Leave the plaster and wait until it is about 80% dry.
  6. Apply a finishing layer of grout on top, applying do-it-yourself repair oven, moving from bottom to top.
  7. After waiting completely dry surface, you should moisten a wooden grater in water and rub in the remaining irregularities, performing smooth circular movements.

Remember that small cracks that form in the tile cladding are rubbed with a solution based on alabaster and chalk.

Loose bricks are another cause of smoke

Constant temperature changes negatively affect the strength of the masonry of the first channels of the chimney or firebox, where cracks most often form, the glue that holds the bricks together crumbles, causing them to become loose. Such areas are shifted:

  1. First they select quality material with perfectly smooth walls.
  2. Damaged bricks are carefully removed from the damaged masonry, removing the remains of the old mortar.
  3. The surface is cleaned using a metal brush.
  4. When repairing a stove, apply a clay solution to the prepared surface, paying special attention to the lower parts of the recess (the place from which the brick was removed).
  5. Stacked new block, while watching exactly how the brick fits into the niche. If trimming was carried out, then it is inserted into the groove so that the smooth side is on the inside - on the side of the exhaust gases.

It is important to pay attention to the weather in which the stove smokes in the house or kitchen. If this phenomenon is observed only in the cold season, then the reason lies in the excessive thermal conductivity of the pipe and chimney. In this case, all seams on the outer parts are opened, re-coated with clay, and the surface is plastered. In this case, the freshly applied layer of plaster should be 1-2 cm thicker than the previous one. To coat the stoves, you can use a special purchased mastic.

Reasons why a new stove smokes

Don’t know what to do and how to eliminate the problem of the formation of clouds of smoke during kindling? In 90% of cases, the reason lies in a design defect or violation of masonry technology during the work process. As a result, the new stove smokes.

Design features

To avoid this, the following requirements are put forward for stoves intended for heating premises:

  • the chimney opening should be 14 x 27 cm for wood-burning and peat stoves or 14 x 14 cm for coal stoves;
  • the height of the chimney is at least 6 cm (from the grate to the top);
  • the height of the chimney above the roof is from 70 cm, but not higher than 50 cm from the end of the ridge.

An exception may be the case when the ridge is located at a distance of more than 1.5 m, then the pipe can be extended to the same height.

Other causes of stove smoke

If you can help solve a smoke problem when it lies in inconsistency internal dimensions If the chimney meets the required parameters, only a specialist stove-maker can do it, then you can deal with external violations without resorting to additional help. You can solve problems related to the pipe in this way:

  1. The work begins with a banal exploration of the area. High walls and trees near the house can create wind barriers. Air flows, blowing out the pipe, drive smoke back into the room. One option with a 90% chance of solving the problem would be to put a special cap on the top of the pipe.
  2. A common cause of smoke is insufficient pipe height. Ideally, it is increased, but such manipulation is not always possible. If the heating season has already begun, simply place a metal bucket on the pipe, first removing the bottom from it.

Rules for putting a new furnace into operation

The service life and smooth operation of the system depend on the correctness of its commissioning. Irregular use or improper lighting of the stove can also cause smoke.

If, upon completion of the masonry, the materials still remain damp, then this moisture must be gotten rid of, especially if the heating season is already approaching. The drying period for a new stove is 7-10 days in the warm season and up to 21 days in the cold season. The process is carried out in stages, starting with airing the room.

The drying procedure continues until the walls become uniform in color and wet spots disappear from the surface of the screed. The absence of condensation on the metal parts of the stove indicates that excess moisture evaporated.

A week after the start of ventilation, a small fire is lit in the oven twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The volume of firewood storage is gradually increased. Don't try to speed up the process by firing too hard. Heat may lead to cracking of walls inside and the formation of cracks in masonry.

Remember that coniferous wood, when burned, emits smoke that settles in the form of resinous soot, which is practically not removed from the inner walls of the chimneys.

Now you know why stoves smoke. We also examined possible causes of the formation of puffs of smoke and methods for eliminating the problem with your own hands.