Why does digital TV show interference? Calling rescue services

Test tasks

Determine one correct answer

  1. Indicate the direction in which a pedestrian should walk when moving along the edge of the roadway?
  • a) towards the movement of vehicles
  • b) in the direction of movement of vehicles at a distance of at least 1 meter from the edge of the roadway
  • c) in the direction of movement of vehicles
  • d) towards the movement of vehicles at a distance of at least 1 meter from the edge of the roadway
  1. What letter indicates north on compasses?
  1. Which of the following odors emanating from an unfamiliar object suggests the presence of an explosive device?
  • a) by the characteristic smell of walnuts
  • b) by the characteristic smell of almonds
  • c) by the characteristic smell of cumin
  • d) by the characteristic smell of curry
  1. When purchasing a product household chemicals First of all you will study
  • a) instructions for use
  • b) manufacturer's address
  • c) general information
  • d) composition of the product
  1. Which of the following can be a radiation hazardous object?
  • a) an enterprise or organization where radioactive substances are stored, processed, used or transported
  • b) an enterprise or organization where radioactive substances are grown, produced, or extracted
  • c) an enterprise or organization where chemically hazardous substances are stored, processed, used or transported
  • d) an enterprise or organization where radioactive substances are activated, processed, neutralized or enriched
  1. At what facilities can man-made emergencies occur?
  • a) sewer, tunnel, flood, park, metro, educational
  • b) water, timber, flour, coal, military, land processing
  • c) rolled metal, space, natural, volcanic, mountain, steppe
  • d) radiation hazardous, chemically hazardous, fire and explosion hazardous, gas and oil pipelines, transport, hydraulic structures, utilities
  1. How many degrees does radiation sickness have?
  • a) 2 degrees
  • b) 3 degrees
  • c) 4 degrees
  • d) 5 degrees
  1. The concept of “hypodynamia” is used to characterize a sedentary lifestyle. What does it mean?
  • a) decreased physical activity
  • b) increased physical activity
  • c) decreased muscle effort
  • d) increased muscle effort
  1. A balanced diet requires a certain ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Indicate their correct daily ratio for a teenager 12–16 years old:
  • a) 1:2:3
  • b) 1:3:6
  • c) 1:1:2
  • d) 1:1:4
  1. Indicate the basic first aid technique for fainting:
  • a) open the window
  • b) give a cool drink
  • c) lay on your back, raise your legs 30–45 cm
  • d) sprinkle cold water on the victim's face

Identify all correct answers

  1. What signs characterize the last stage of dehydration of the human body?
  • a) shock
  • b) a person’s skin begins to turn blue and become cold to the touch
  • c) dry mouth
  • d) dry eyes
  • d) increased heart rate
  1. What crosswalks should pedestrians cross the road at?
  • a) underground
  • b) combined
  • c) aboveground
  • d) closed
  • d) mainline
  1. What is the curvimeter used for?
  • a) to measure the lengths of segments of curved lines on topographic maps
  • b) to measure the lengths of segments of winding lines on topographic maps
  • c) to determine azimuth direction on topographic maps
  • d) for drawing circles on topographic maps with ink and pencil
  • e) for drawing curved lines on topographic maps with ink and pencil
  1. What would you do if you went to the elevator and saw a stranger near the elevator cabin?
  • a) I’ll ask what floor he’s going to and to whom he’s going, and only after that I’ll get into the elevator
  • b) I will ask what floor and to whom he is going, and I will enter the elevator without turning my back to him
  • c) I’ll pretend that I need to go back and, without turning my back to him, I’ll leave the elevator back
  • d) I will wait until the stranger leaves on the elevator, and I will go only when the elevator returns
  • e) I will wait until the stranger leaves on the elevator, and only then I will use another elevator or take the stairs
  1. What should you do if you live in close proximity to a radiation hazardous facility?
  • a) if possible, obtain more detailed and reliable information about the object, find out methods and means of warning in case of an accident
  • b) study the instructions on the procedure for action in case of a radiation accident, create and have a certain supply of the necessary sealing materials, iodine preparations, food and water
  • c) have the necessary reserves detergents, alcoholic beverages, individual funds protection, medical supplies, notify the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations that you are near a dangerous object
  • d) check with the territorial emergency department about preventing the threat of a radiation accident and receive instructions on the procedure
  • e) call the fire department and clarify the address of a possible radiation accident, prepare a supply of water and food
  1. Specify the main components of the GP-7 filter gas mask:
  • a) front part, filter-absorbing box, inhalation valve assembly, intercom (membrane)
  • b) exhalation valve assembly, seal, headband (neck plate), headband straps
  • c) body, filter bottle, spectacle assembly, bag, frontal strap, buckles, ribbons
  • d) inhalation valve, exhalation valve, shoulder straps, headband with headband straps, oxygen cylinder
  • e) mouthpiece, glasses, panoramic mask, filter valve, shutter, intercom
  1. What criteria are used to determine the types of evacuation?
  • a) by type settlement, on hazardous industries, on radiation-chemical and environmental conditions, on proactive evacuation
  • b) by duration, by start time
  • c) by speed of spread, by locality, by localization, by chemically hazardous objects
  • d) by regional, by municipal, by urban, by rural
  • e) by type of hazard, by evacuation methods, by remoteness of the safe area
  1. Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is divided into three components. Please indicate them:
  • a) physical and psychological well-being
  • b) financial and social well-being
  • c) psychological and social well-being
  • d) physical and material well-being
  • e) material and spiritual well-being
  1. Indicate the functions of fats entering the human body with food:
  • a) plastic and energy
  • b) protective and transport
  • c) protective and energetic
  • d) transport and plastic
  • e) excretory and energy
  1. Specify the rules for using a hemostatic tourniquet for a neck injury:
  • a) applied above the wound
  • b) applied below the wound
  • c) superimposed with time indication
  • d) imposed without specifying time
  • e) can be applied both above and below the wound

Table of answers to test tasks of the theoretical round

Test number Correct answer
1 A
2 b
3 b
4 A
5 A
6 G
7 V
8 V
9 G
10 V
11 a, b
12 a, c
13 a, b
14 c, d
15 a, b
16 a, b
17 b, d
18 a, c
19 a, c
20 b, d

Methodology for assessing the performance of test Olympiad tasks of the theoretical round

Theoretical assignments

Exercise 1

Terrorism– the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by government bodies, local governments or international organizations associated with intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of illegal violent actions.

Give the types of terrorism according to the nature of social manifestation and forms of technical implementation.

Possible answer :

  1. political terrorism;
  2. terrorism using religious motives;
  3. criminal terrorism;
  4. nationalist terrorism;
  5. technological terrorism.

Assignment assessment

  • for the correct answer for each of the positions 1–5 indicated in the answer option, 2 points are awarded;

Task 2

You are at home, watching TV. Suddenly the TV broadcast is interrupted and the signal “ Attention everyone!”, then a message is transmitted that an unauthorized release of chlorine has occurred. Formulate your actions.

Possible answer :

  • a) close the windows;
  • b) turn off electrical appliances and gas;
  • c) put on rubber boots, a raincoat, take documents, necessary things, a three-day supply of non-perishable food;
  • d) warn neighbors, protect respiratory organs;
  • e) if it is impossible to leave the affected area, it is necessary to climb to the upper floors or heights.

Assignment assessment . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points, with:

Maximum 10 points for the task.

Task 3

Fractures– violation of the integrity of the bone under the influence of a traumatic force exceeding elasticity bone tissue. All traumatic fractures are divided into closed, in which the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes is not damaged, and open, accompanied by damage to them.

Arrange first aid measures in the order of priority of their implementation if the victim has an open fracture of the bones of the forearm and it is not possible to call an ambulance. Write down the letters that represent the activities in the correct sequence in the table.

First aid measures for an open fracture:

  • a) pain relief (in the absence of drug allergies, the use of painkillers);
  • b) applying a sterile dressing to the wound;
  • c) immobilization (creation of immobility) of a limb;
  • d) stopping arterial bleeding (application of a hemostatic tourniquet);
  • d) deliver to a medical facility.

Possible answer :

G A b V d

Assignment assessment . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points, with:

  • 2 points are awarded for each correct answer;
  • If there are no correct answers, no points are awarded.

Maximum 10 points for the task.

Task 4

While at home, you use electrical household appliances every day. List the rules for the safe use of electrical appliances.

Possible answer :

  1. Before using electrical appliances, I carefully read the operating instructions and act in full accordance with the recommendations;
  2. I never use faulty electrical appliances;
  3. I do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended;
  4. I do not plug several electrical appliances into one outlet at the same time;
  5. I turn on electrical appliances only with a working plug and a working socket;
  6. I follow the order of connecting an electrical appliance to the network: first, the cord is connected to the device, and then to the network. I turn off the device in the reverse order;
  7. I don’t touch a switched-on electrical appliance wet hands;
  8. I immediately inform my parents or elders about detected malfunctions in electrical appliances, about exposed and poorly insulated wires;
  9. I don’t step on electrical wires;
  10. When leaving home, I turn off the lights and electrical appliances from the network.

Assignment assessment . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points, with:

  • for the correct answer for each of the positions 1–10 indicated in the answer option, 1 point is awarded;
  • if the task is not completed, no points are awarded.

Maximum 10 points for the task.

The maximum score for the work is 100 points.

Route map of the practical stage

Testing of students' practical skills is carried out when the participant consistently performs practical tasks.

The participant is on the starting line.

Task 1. “Orientation on the ground”

Determine the magnetic azimuth to an object using a compass.

Terms of performance

In front of the participant is Andrianov’s compass.

Within 60 seconds, at the command of a jury member, the participant determines the magnetic azimuth of two objects located in the hall.

Task 2. “Providing first aid”

Provide first aid to the victim and call rescue services.

Terms of performance

In front of the participant are victims with signs of clinical death and symptoms of general hypothermia.

The participant provides first aid to the injured.

2.1. Providing first aid to a victim in a state of clinical death ( precordial stroke)

2.2. Providing first aid to a victim with symptoms of general hypothermia

2.3. Calling rescue services

Task 3. “Personal protective equipment”

Put on the GP-5 gas mask.

Terms of performance

A participant with a gas mask in a traveling position stands on the line. A member of the jury gives the command “GASES”.

The participant puts on a gas mask.

Task 4. “Actions upon detection of a fire”

Select the required fire extinguisher and extinguish the fire.

Terms of performance

The participant stands in front of a table on which fire extinguishers are located (at least 3 types OP, OU, OV). In front of the participant is a simulation of an electrical appliance fire. The jury member gives the command “Take action - START.”

The participant, upon the command of a jury member, within 1 minute:

4.1. Determines the required type of fire extinguisher

Gross violation of TB, further action at stage (4.2) is not carried out, because he violated his own safety requirements.

4.2. Simulates fire extinguishing

4.3. Calling rescue services

Conditions for calculating the result

Penalty points are awarded for each error according to the regulations.

The result for each stage is calculated by subtracting the number of penalty points from the maximum possible number of points for the stage.

If there are more penalty points maximum quantity points for the stage, 0 points are given.

The final result is calculated by summing the points received for all stages.

Digital television is a modern alternative to standard TV. With this technology, image quality becomes significantly better at the same cost. The essence of this technology is that the signals are a sequence of digital combinations of electrical pulses. Digital technologies provide new opportunities for transmitting and receiving data.

It has its advantages. For example, mobility. There is no longer any need to run wires and cables; all you need is a TV, an antenna, a digital receiver and a power outlet. This is an autonomous system that you can take with you, for example, to the country and watch TV programs with the same high-quality signal as in the city. In addition, on digital TV a large number of broadcast, and you can also access the Internet, TV guide, etc.

Possible causes of interference

A digital signal is generally reliable and much better than an analog signal, but even it is not immune to various types of interference. In any case, if the quality of the broadcast deteriorates, you will have to find out the reason why this happened. For example, if the TV does not show well and they are on, you need to check the antenna. Maybe it was installed poorly or just went wrong. The antenna can also break due to a large snowball or piece of ice. In addition, the TV may not show well due to a broken television cable, a failed receiver, etc.

If, when connecting digital TV, the technicians fed the cable into the apartment, and further wiring was done independently (especially if there is more than one TV in the apartment), then there may be a bad contact in the tee. There may also be interference if there is also a computer next to the TV and they are connected via an HDMI cable. As a rule, interference on TV begins when the computer is turned on, and as soon as the computer is turned off, the image becomes high-quality again. In this case, interference may occur due to the fact that the computer (or more precisely, a video card with an HDMI port) is not working.

If you live on top floor and the signal is weak - perhaps the nuts on the dividers have oxidized or burned, the equipment has not been configured, or the optical receiver has failed. There can be many reasons for the appearance of interference, and the easiest way would be to call a specialist so that he can find the true cause and eliminate it.

Situational tasks in life safety

1. Imagine that you have turned on Electric kettle, and then the phone suddenly rang. You leave, and when you return, you find a picture - there is heavy smoke in the room, a kettle is on fire, papers are on the table. Your actions

. If it is possible, remove the plug from the socket, call rescuers, warn people about the fire, start extinguishing it - use a fire extinguisher, you can also cover the electrical appliance with a thick cloth, cover it with earth from a pot; If at the initial stage it was not possible to cope with the fire, close the door tightly and evacuate outside.

2 . At night you woke up from the sound of an autonomous fire detector, when you opened your eyes, you saw that the entire corridor and part of your room were filled with smoke, visibility was very poor, no fire was visible. Your actions.

Lie on the floor and crawl, taking into account the layout, using your hand on the wall to guide you, crawl out to the exit of the apartment; If possible, cover your nose and mouth with a cloth; close the door behind you; notify the rescue service by calling 101.

3. While you were at home, you felt strong smell gas coming from the kitchen. What should be done in this situation?Turn off the gas tap; open the window and close the door tightly in the kitchen; go to your neighbors (or leave the apartment) and notify the gas emergency service.

4. You were measuring your temperature and accidentally dropped the mercury thermometer. What should be done in this situation?

Remove people and pets from the premises; V glass jar prepare a solution of potassium permanganate; put a damp bandage on your respiratory organs and rubber gloves on your hands; use a brush (band-aid, tape) to collect mercury balls; treat the surface with a solution of potassium permanganate (soap and soda solution); ventilate the room; Place the collected mercury in a jar with a solution of potassium permanganate, close it with a tight lid, and take it to the nearest mercury collection point.

5. Please imagine that you come into the kitchen and see that the frying pan in which something was fried is burning (that is, the entire surface and contents of the frying pan are burning with an open flame). What are you going to do? (tell the algorithm of actions in order).

Close the gas valve; Cover the frying pan with a lid (with a wet thick cloth, cover with soil from the pot, sugar, salt or other bulk substances.

6. A friend standing by the fire suddenly caught fire on his trouser leg. The fire began to rise towards the jacket. The friend starts running around in a panic. What to do?

Stopping it - running around and panicking will not help, and any movement of air or wind will further ignite the flame, which will spread faster through the clothes. You can throw a piece on a burning man thick fabric(blanket, coat). This will stop the supply of oxygen and combustion will stop. When the flame is extinguished, call " ambulance" Until medical services arrive, cool the burned areas of the victim’s body with cold water.

7. If you encounter a noisy group of teenagers on your way late at night, what should you do?

Go to the other side of the street, go around the dangerous place. If necessary, turn back, go out into a crowded place, under the protection of adults. You can go into a room where there is a guard at the entrance - a restaurant, hotel, bank - and ask for protection.

8. What is the safer way to act in a situation when you are stopped by several criminals who force you to give up valuables (money, phone, player, etc.)?Even when there is no way to escape and clearly no one will come to help, try to speak confidently and loudly enough. Answer formal questions: “I don’t smoke,” “Don’t touch the bag,” “I’m in a hurry, my father is waiting for me,” “Let me pass.” Appeals to you, clear, but not impudent answers can cause a hitch in the actions of the bully, you will be able to free yourself and run away. If you fail, “bargain”, agreeing to give what they demand, but do not give it right away. Offer something tempting, for example, bringing money instead of a sheepskin coat. Underestimate the value of things, say that the jacket is made of leatherette, the tape recorder is being taken for repair. Imagine that a friend is supposedly waiting for you at a bus stop with money for a debt. All this time, look for an opportunity to run and seek help. If all your tricks are in vain, hand over the required item and immediately report it to the police.

9. Dasha and Katya spent the whole day in the open sun. Spending a long time in the sun led to trouble. Sunstroke. What needs to be done?

In case of sunstroke or heatstroke, first aid should be provided immediately. The victim should be placed in the shade or in a cold room, free the neck and chest from tight clothing, and apply cold compresses to the head, neck and chest area. If the person is conscious, then it is advisable to give him some cold drink, best mineral water. In all cases, you should urgently call a doctor.

10. Pasha came to visit his grandparents in the village for the summer holidays. Grandfather Pasha has a large apiary. It so happened that the boy was stung by a bee. What should be done?

The effects of bee and wasp venom can cause shock, allergic reaction. Reactions with multiple bites are especially severe. If one bee has bitten you, you need to remove the sting. Apply a napkin or cotton wool moistened with cologne, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide solution, or make a cold compress to the bite site.

11. Let's say you're going to a concert of your favorite band. Someone started shouting that there was a fire in the room. The panic began. The crowd rushed to the exits. How to avoid becoming a victim of the crowd?

Do not cling to anything with your hands - they may break. If possible, buckle up. Throw away your bag, umbrella, etc. If you drop something (anything), under no circumstances try to pick it up - life is more valuable.

In a dense crowd there is a high probability of squeezing. Therefore, protect the diaphragm with your hands clasped, folded over your chest. Another technique is to elastically bend your elbows and press them to your body. Pushes from behind must be taken on the elbows, the diaphragm must be protected by tension in the arms.

12. You are at home. Suddenly all the windows begin to slam shut, and the glass begins to ring from the gusty wind. And you realize that a hurricane is starting. What measures will you take?When receiving a signal of impending danger, it is necessary to tightly close windows, doors, attic hatches And ventilation holes. Window glass is covered or protected with shutters or shields. It is advisable to secure fragile structures (sheds, stacks of firewood), bury them with earth, remove protruding parts, or disassemble them, pressing down the disassembled fragments with heavy stones or logs. Check the condition of electrical panels, gas and water taps, and if necessary, be able to turn them off. Electrical appliances must be turned off. The best place to hide is in basements and underground structures. While indoors, you should beware of injury from broken window glass. In case of strong gusts of wind, it is necessary to move away from the windows and take a place in the niches of the walls, doorways or stand close to the wall.

13. You go home after school, and suddenly you hear very loud noise sirens, similar to an air raid warning. What do you think this signal is called, what does it mean and what should you do?The sound of sirens is an “Attention All” signal that is sounded when an emergency occurs or is threatened to attract the attention of the population before transmitting an emergency message. Having heard this signal on the street, you need to find the nearest TV (radio) in a store, pharmacy, etc., listen to the message from the announcer (EMERCOM dispatcher) and act according to the instructions received. While at home, turn on the TV (radio), listen to the instructions, and act according to the information received.

e) city information service;

f) communication service;

g) gas service;

h) police;

i) weather service.

(a; c; d; g; h)

2. Indicate what data and in what sequence must be provided when calling the security service:

a) your first and last name;

b) your first and last name and those living in the apartment;

c) telephone number and address;

d) address of residence and numbers of nearby houses;

d) the reason for the call.

3. From the proposed options, select the main causes dangerous situations in an apartment (house):

a) power outage;

b) improper handling of equipment and household appliances;

c) lack of emergency lighting;

d) careless handling of fire;

e) lack of alarm;

f) crime situations;

g) negligence;

h) the radio or electric stove is turned off.

(b; d; f; g)

4. Electrical injury or electric shock occurs as a result of:

a) contact of several exposed electrical wires with each other;

b) touching a bare live electrical wire;

c) touching an electrical outlet with wet hands;

d) touching faulty disconnected electrical wiring.

5. The most dangerous consequences of electric shock are:

a) inflammation of the outer membranes of the eyes;

b) cessation of breathing and blood circulation (clinical death);

c) loss of consciousness with impaired cardiac activity.

6. You cannot approach a bare electrical wire that has fallen to the ground in wet weather closer than:

a) by 3 meters; c) 7 meters;

b) by 5 Meters; d) 10 meters;

7. Your younger brother put his hand on the wire of the turned on tape recorder, and it was shocked. The wire remained in his hand. Choose yours from the options offered further actions and determine their order:

a) grab the wire and tear it out of your brother’s hands;

b) come up and see how he feels;

c) turn off the electricity in the apartment (house);

d) unplug the wire from the socket;

e) call for help”;

f) call your parents (neighbors).

8. Indicate the main reasons for home flooding:

a) malfunction of shut-off devices (taps);

b) faulty electrical wiring and lighting;

c) roof leaks;

d) through cracks in partitions;

f) clogging of the sewerage system.

(a; c; d; f)

9. Shut-off devices in the apartment’s water supply system

b) hot and cold water pipelines;

c) batteries central heating;

d) float stop valve V cistern toilet.

10. You came home from school, undressed and went to wash your hands. Turning on the light in the bathroom, you see that there is a lot of water on the floor and it is coming very quickly. Select your next actions from the proposed options and determine their order:

a) take a rag and try to remove the water;

b) if you know where the electricity is cut off, then turn it off, or ask one of your neighbors to do it;

c) call the emergency service;

d) take the tools and eliminate the cause of the flooding yourself;

e) try to prevent the spread of water using rags;

f) turn off the water if the apartment has a valve;

g) inform your parents.

(b; c; f; g; a)

11. The central heating battery in your apartment (house) has burst. Hot water enters the apartment under high pressure. You are alone in the apartment (house). Indicate the sequence of correct actions in this situation:

a) minimize the flow of water into the room by temporarily sealing the hole in the battery or pumping out water using improvised means (buckets, rags, etc.);

b) take measures to save material assets;

c) inform your neighbors (necessarily on the floor below) about what happened and ask them to call the plumber on duty and provide assistance:

d) turn off the water supply valve (tap) in the heating system;

e) turn off the electrical network of the apartment (house) by unscrewing the plugs or turning off the switch (circuit breaker).

(d; e; c; a; b)

12. Household gas poisoning in an apartment (house) can occur as a result of:

A) complete combustion gas;

b) incomplete combustion of gas;

c) power outages in the apartment;

d) gas leaks.

13. A special substance is added to household gas in order to

a) increase or decrease gas pressure;

b) change the color of the gas so that it is better visible;

c) detect a gas leak by smell.

14. When you arrived home, you smelled gas. Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) call your parents or emergency services;

b) go to your neighbors and call your parents or emergency services;

c) open windows and doors;

d) check the burners (if open, close) and turn off the main gas supply valve;

e) light a match to check where the gas is coming from;

f) light a match to determine the location of the gas leak.

15. You came home, put a full kettle on gas stove and went to watch TV. The door to the kitchen is tightly closed. Suddenly you smelled gas. It's twilight outside. Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) turn on the light and see what is the cause of the gas leak; b) close the door to the kitchen tightly;

c) turn off the TV;

d) go into the kitchen and turn off the gas tap;

d) open the window;

f) call your neighbors and ask for help;

g) call your parents and report what happened.

(c, d, e, b, f, g)

16. You accidentally broke a mercury thermometer at home. Droplets of mercury rolled across the floor. Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) play with mercury balls;

c) throw the collected mercury into the trash bin;

d) don’t say anything to your parents so as not to scold them;

e) inform parents about what happened;

f) place the collected mercury in a jar of water.

17. In what cases should you leave the building (apartment) after

a) in any case;

b) if the staircase is not destroyed;

c) in case of threat of collapse of the building structure;

d) if part of the wall is destroyed and there is no threat of collapse of the structure;

e) in case of a fire.

18. Select the following main causes of explosions in residential buildings:

a) malfunction of the water supply system;

b) domestic gas leak;

c) careless handling of fire;

d) illegal storage and improper handling of explosive devices;

e) violation of the rules for operating household electrical appliances.

19. You are in the room and doing your homework. Suddenly we heard a loud bang. There was an explosion in a neighboring apartment. the door to your apartment is blocked, the lights are off, the phone is not working. There are no collapses in your apartment. Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) wait for rescuers;

b) open front door and try to clear the rubble to get to landing or on the street;

c) turn off the gas, electricity and turn off the water;

d) go down from the window on a rope;

e) give signals from a window or balcony, knock on metal objects.

20. You decided to go to a friend’s neighboring apartment to give him a video cassette. As soon as you walked away from the door, it slammed. The keys were left at home. Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) you will wait for your parents on the staircase;

b) go to a friend’s house and call your parents;

c) ask workers from a neighboring construction site to open the lock;

d) wait for your parents at a friend’s place.

b) driver's cabin;

c) doors and windows.

3. The main danger zones in the metro are:

a) entrance to the metro;

b) turnstiles at the entrance;

c) area in front of the escalator;

d) escalator;

e) platform;

f) train carriage;

g) transitions from one station to another;

h) exit from the metro.

(b; d; e; f)

4. The brakes of the intercity bus you were traveling on on the mountainside have failed, and it is picking up speed and sliding down. How will you act in this situation? Please indicate the correct answer:

a) try to leave the bus by breaking a window or opening the door;

b) hurry to help the driver;

c) stay in your chair, put soft things in front of you, rest your feet and hands on the back of the chair in front of you;

d) stand in the passage and firmly grasp the handrails; e) lie on the floor in the bus aisle.

5. You were invited to the dacha to celebrate New Year. On the street

29°C. From the bus station you have to take the highway for 17 km. At the bus stop you learn that buses will start running only in two hours. You are told that you can walk through the forest in an hour. Choose the only correct one from the options provided:

a) stand at the bus stop and wait;

b) go through the forest;

c) try to get there in any passing car;

d) return home;

d) try to find some other way to get to the right place (another bus).

6. You are traveling with friends in a car in winter. Ice. You are sitting in the back seat. Suddenly a dog runs out onto the roadway across from the car. The driver starts to brake. As a result, the car begins to slide, and you see that a collision with a car standing on the side of the road is possible. Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) shout and give advice to the driver;

b) gather, group. Place your feet on the back of the front seat;

c) lie down in the back seat, covering your head with your hands;

d) while sitting, rest your hands on the back of the front seat;

e) try to find seat belts and fasten them;

e) when stopping, leave the car.

7. During the accident, a car (bus) caught fire, in which many people were traveling with you. Indicate the sequence of correct actions in this situation:

a) inform the road patrol service (DPS) about the incident;

b) provide assistance to people who got out of the car (bus);

c) send those in need of help to a medical facility in a passing car or call an ambulance;

d) take measures to extinguish the fire;

e) collect your things and continue the trip.

(b; c; d; a; e)

8. In inclement, wet weather you are traveling in a trolleybus. Suddenly it blew strong wind and the contact wire broke and fell onto the roof of the trolleybus. The driver opened the doors for passengers to exit. How will you leave the trolleybus? Please indicate the correct answer:

a) through the window;

b) you will go out through the doors along the steps;

c) you will leave the trolleybus through the door only by jumping, so as not to get electrocuted.

9. You are traveling by metro train in the evening. Besides you, the only passenger in the carriage is a sleeping passenger. Suddenly the train stopped in the tunnel between stations. 20 minutes pass, but the train stops. And then you notice a box left by someone at the end of the car. Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) wake up the passenger;

b) open the box and see what’s there; c) inform the driver;

d) throw the box out the window;

e) move to the other end of the car and take cover behind the seats.

10. You and a friend are on the subway. While waiting for the train, you notice that one of the passengers has dropped his bag on the rails and is trying to jump after it. The traffic light is green.

Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) go look for a transport police officer; b) stop the passenger from a rash act;

d) prompt this person to turn to the station duty officer for help.

11. You are traveling with friends in a subway car. Suddenly the car begins to fill with smoke, and my eyes water. People are starting to worry. Select your next steps from the options offered and determine their order:

a) transmit a message to the driver via internal communication;

b) try to open the carriage doors and windows so that fresh air can flow in;

c) find a fire extinguisher under the seat in the carriage;

d) remain calm, reassure people, seek help from adults;

e) when the train stops in the tunnel and the doors open, do not step onto the tracks.

(a; c; d; e)

f) medical insurance policy;

g) diploma of education.

7. The supply of food during evacuation is taken for:

a) 1-2 days; c) 3-4 days;

b) 2-3 days; d) 4-5 days.

8. List what absolutely needs to be done in the apartment

before leaving for the assembly evacuation point:

a) close windows and vents;

b) board up windows and vents;

c) unscrew all light bulbs;

d) turn off all lighting and electric heating devices;

e) bring all things from the balcony (loggia) and corridors into the room;

f) close the taps of the water supply and gas networks;

g) produce wet cleaning premises;

h) lock the apartment.

(a; d; f; h)

9. Name what personal protective equipment protects the respiratory system:

a) gas mask, respirator, cotton-gauze bandage;

b) suit L-1 and OZK.

10. determine what size GP-7 helmet-mask the student should choose,

if the circumference of his head is 66 cm:

a) number 1; d) number 3;

b) number 2; d) number 5.

c) number o;

11. Name under what conditions a gas mask is worn in the “ready with” position

a) on an air raid warning signal”;

b) in the event of a threat of infection, after information on the radio or the command “Get your gas masks ready!”;

c) provided that signs of the use of toxic substances (CA) or other contamination are detected.

12. What are the main differences between the GP-7 gas mask and the GP-7V?

a) lack of a tube for receiving water;

b) helmet-mask model

c) filter box model.

13. The gas mask is removed by command:

a) “Take off the gas mask!”;

b) “All clear!”; c) “Take off the gas mask!”;

d) “Gas mask - in the bag

14. From the brands of gas masks given below, first select those that are used to protect adults, and then to protect children:

PDF-SH; PDF-2SH; GP-7; GP-7V; PDF-2P; GP-5.

(for the protection of adults: GP-7; GP-7V; GP-5;

for child protection: PDF-SH; PDF-2SH; PDF-2P)

15. The gas mask is used to protect the respiratory organs, face and

a) from toxic substances;

b) from radioactive substances;

c) from bacterial agents;

d) from high temperatures external environment.

16. The PDF-2Sh children's gas mask kit includes:

a) filter-absorbing box; b) box;

e) a box with anti-fog films;

f) a bag for carrying a gas mask.

There is an error in the above chain, please find it.

17. PDF-Sh gas mask is intended for children and teenagers


a) from 5 to 17 years;

b) from 7 to 17 years;

c) from 10 to 17 years.

18. to the simplest means of respiratory protection


a) filtering civilian gas masks;

b) filtering industrial gas masks;

c) cotton-gauze bandage (VMP);

d) insulating gas masks;

e) filtering children's gas masks;

f) anti-dust fabric mask (PTM).

19. The gas mask is worn in the position:

a) “walking”; d) “combat”;

b) “worker”; d) “protective”.

c) “ready”;

Find errors in the given chain.

20. Establish the sequence of actions when moving the gas mask to the “combat” position:

a) remove the headdress, hold it between your knees or place it next to it;

b) hold your breath and close your eyes;

c) take it out of the bag and put on the helmet-mask;

d) put on a hat, fasten the bag and secure it to the body;

d) exhale completely, open your eyes and resume breathing.

(b; a; c; d; d)

Section 2.
Fundamentals of medical knowledge and rules of first aid medical care
Questions to check the quality of learning the material
1. What types of damage and their signs do you know?
2. In what cases does an injured person need medical attention?
3. What and how to treat minor abrasions, cuts, wounds?
4. Which bleeding is called external and which internal?
5. What type of bleeding can be classified as if blood flows from the wound continuously, calmly and dark color?
b. What are the rules for providing first aid for bleeding?
5. What are the rules for providing first aid for burns?
7. What methods do you know of temporarily stopping bleeding?
8. What is the purpose of a pressure bandage?
9. What should be done to the wound before applying a pressure bandage?
10. In what places should the artery be pressed to stop the bleeding?
11. How to properly apply a tourniquet in case of damage to large arterial vessels when the legs and arms are injured?
12. If there is bleeding from an arm or leg, doctors recommend raising the arm or leg, respectively. Why do you think?
13. How to properly use an individual dressing package?
14. Why do you think that when bleeding from the nose, in addition to providing specific assistance, it is important to reassure the victim?


General characteristics of damage

1. Damage to tissue integrity and dysfunction, accompanied by a local or general reaction of the body, caused by exposure of a person to one or simultaneously several environmental factors (mechanical, thermal, cold, chemical, radiation), this is:
a) wound;
b) injury;
c) bruise. (b)

2. Closed damage includes:
a) dislocations;
b) stretching;
c) scratches
d) bruises;
e) closed fractures
e) cuts.

There are errors in the above chain, please find them.

3. Open damage includes
a) compression of soft tissues;
b) wounds accompanied by bleeding
c) ruptures of ligaments and tendons
d) open fractures
d) cuts.

There are errors in the examples given, please find them.
(a; c)

4. open damage to the skin or deep tissues
and internal organs are:
a) sprain;
b) open fracture;
c) wound.

5. All injuries have common symptoms:
a) pain;
b) bleeding
c) memory loss;
d) visible or hidden tissue destruction.

6. Signs of closed damage:
a) soreness
b) open bleeding

c) change in skin color (it becomes blue); d) the appearance of a large lump (swelling).
There is an error in the above chain, please find it.

Characteristic various types bleeding and its causes
1. Depending on the nature of the injury, bleeding
It happens:
a) venous; d) calm;
b) sudden; d) capillary.
c) arterial;
There are errors in the examples given, please find them.
(b; d)

2. If blood flows onto the surface of the body, then such bleeding is called:
a) open;
b) closed;
c) external;
d) internal.

3. If bleeding is accompanied by an outpouring of blood into internal organs, cavities and tissues, then it is called:
a) cavity;
b) internal;
c) closed;
d) external.

4. From the given examples, select those that characterize venous and arterial bleeding:
a) blood scarlet color flows from the wound in a pulsating stream; b) blood oozes over the entire surface of the body and is difficult to stop;
c) the blood is dark in color, does not pulsate, and flows out of the wound calmly and continuously.
(venous - in, arterial - a)

5. Arterial bleeding occurs:
a) in case of superficial injury in case of damage to the vessel;

b) in case of a shallow wound in case of damage to any of
c) if any artery is damaged due to a deep wound.

h) before sending to the trauma center, give the victim painkiller means.
(d; b; f; c; h; g)

3. Determine the sequence of providing first aid to a victim with a mild electric shock (if cardiac and respiratory arrest has not occurred):
a) create peace for the victim;
b) examine the victim;
c) stop the effect of electric current on the victim; d) take measures to deliver the victim to a medical institution or call an ambulance;
e) give the victim painkillers and heart medications.

(c; b; d; a; d)

4. Determine the sequence of providing first aid to a victim in case of severe electric shock, accompanied by respiratory and cardiac arrest:
a) take measures to deliver the victim to a medical institution;
b) stop the electric current;
c) urgently begin resuscitation (artificial respiration and chest compressions);
d) if the victim regains consciousness, give him a warm drink and cover him warmly;
d) examine the victim.
(b; d; c; d; a)
5. Immediate termination of the electric current is one of the important points when providing first aid to a victim. From the following methods of stopping the electric current, choose the correct ones:
a) turn off the current using a switch or turning the switch;
b) turn off the current by unscrewing the plugs;
c) throw the electrical wire away from the victim with one hand;
d) throw the wire away from the victim with both hands;
e) discard the wire with a dry stick;
f) throw away the wire with an object that does not conduct electric current;
g) wrap a rag around your hand and quickly discard the wire.
(a; b; d; f)

Basics healthy image life
to check the quality of material assimilation

1. What effect does movement have on the human body during the period of its growth and development?
2. What functions do the human skeleton and muscles perform?
3. At what age does the full development of the human musculoskeletal system usually end?
4. What types of movement do you know?
5. What changes in the human body can occur as a result of lack of movement?
6. What do you understand by the concept of “human posture”?
7. What is the curvature of the spine to the right or right called? left side?
8. What should you wear for school and why?
9. How do the figures of boys and girls differ at the age of 12-13?
10. Why is it recommended to shower daily in the morning and before bed?
11. What function do the sebaceous glands perform in the body?
12. What products can help with minor acne rashes?
13. What are the sweat glands for?
14. Why in adolescence Do you need to be very careful about your health?
15. Why do exercises and how is it useful?

1. to carry out movement in the human body from the first
days of its development is formed:
a) central nervous system;
b) cardiovascular system;
c) musculoskeletal system.

2. The musculoskeletal system includes:
a) circulatory system;

b) skeletal and muscular system;
c) cardiovascular system.

3. Full development musculoskeletal system person ends:
a) by 16-18 years;
b) by 18-20 years;
c) by 20-24 years;
d) by 25-28 years.

4. Physical inactivity is:
a) lack of movement;
b) excess movement;
c) physical overstrain of the body.

5. The consequence of lack of movement is:
a) deterioration of memory and attention;
b) deterioration of blood circulation, breathing and digestion
c) worsening sleep;
d) decreased force of muscle contraction;
e) complete stop of growth;
e) some improvement in performance
g) partial hearing loss;
h) decrease in mental and physical activity.
(a; b; d; h)

6. Curvature of the spine to the right or left side is:
a) disease of the skeletal bones;
b) scoliosis;
c) muscle disease.

7. What rules must be followed when working while sitting?
to maintain correct posture?
a) sit so that rib cage leaned on the edge of the table;
b) sit up straight;
c) sit with your left elbow resting on the table;
d) shoulders should be at the same level;
e) the chest and head should be kept straight, leaning forward only slightly;
f) when sitting at the table, the head should be tilted as close as possible to the plane (cover) of the table;
g) legs should be extended under the table and resting your heels on the floor;

h) the legs should be bent at the knees at a right angle, and the feet should rest on the floor;
i) hands should lie freely on the table.
(b; d; e; h; i)

8. List what needs to be used to carry school supplies so that there is no curvature of the spine and correct posture:
a) briefcase;
b) school backpack;
in the bag;
d) diplomat;
d) backpack.

Test work

1. movement is the basis of life, a natural human need. It shapes structures and functions human body. Think and answer:

a) What positive effect does movement have on the human body;
b) What functions are performed by the human skeleton and muscles; c) What is physical inactivity and what are its negative consequences for the human body?
2. physical activity, regular physical education and sports are a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle. Think and answer:
a) What do you understand by the expression “motor activity”?
b) Name the basic rules of active work.
c) How many thousand steps a day does a teenager your age need to take?
H. A person has a certain body position when walking, standing, sitting, for example, at a table or desk. Over time, it becomes familiar and natural. Think and answer:
a) What changes in a person’s health state are caused by incorrect body position;
b) What is scoliosis called and what are its causes? Give examples;
c) What is correct posture? How to check whether your posture is correct or not?

4 In teenagers your age, not only the growth of bones and muscles increases, but the sebaceous and sweat glands located in the skin also increase. Think and answer:
a) How does the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands manifest at your age;
b) What to do if pimples (blackheads) appear on the face, chest, back;
c) Why is it recommended to take a shower or bath every morning and evening before bed? What is not recommended to do when taking a shower or bath?
5. Who among you doesn’t like watching television or working on the computer? You will learn a lot of interesting and new things for yourself, broaden your horizons. Think and answer:
a) At what distance should you be from the TV while watching TV shows?
b) Which harmful effects the human body is affected by many hours of watching television and prolonged sitting at the computer;
c) What rule must be followed when watching TV shows and working on the computer?

The TV shows poorly from the antenna - there are two reasons. Inconsistency of devices, bad equipment. The latter concerns the antenna; television receivers cope with the tasks one way or another. However, the problem lies in the amplifier. It must at least be tuned to the desired frequency. Below we will consider typical situations and methods of solving using the simplest methods. The simple way is to buy a satellite dish and install it. Alternatively, stop watching TV, the Internet is much more fun!

Cable problems

It sounds funny, but the first thing you should do is check the cable. There are several requirements that must be met:

  • Firstly, the characteristic impedance of a television cable is 75 ohms. Deviations in magnitude provoke reflection of part of the power in the path, which will inevitably lead to losses. Coordination methods have been invented, using which it is possible to use a cable of a different impedance. Let's wait to fence the garden. Devices designed for television broadcasting with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms. We take into account the elementary truth when selecting a cable.
  • The second tip concerns owners of indoor antennas. A typical picture: a wave channel and a half-wave vibrator with antennae are hanging, and a cable coil lies nearby. First of all, we look at whether the antenna is active or passive. Do you need to turn on the power? If it turns out to be passive, cut off the excess cable and decorate the pantry with a coil. The feeder segment introduces irreparable signal losses. In an antenna receiver, sensitivity strongly depends on the attenuation before the first amplification stage. In our case, it is located inside the TV; the cable to the socket introduces incredible losses. Another thing is the active antenna. The first amplifier stage is located here, the cable length becomes uncritical.
  • If the passive antenna is on the roof, it’s a good idea to get hold of the cable characteristics using the Internet. It is logical to see whether the linear losses exceed 0.2 dB. The attenuation is determined by the length of the feeder, electrical characteristics products. Three meters of good cable introduce attenuation equal to one meter of cheap cable. It is recommended to install an amplification antenna and replace the cable. Fortunately, television is inexpensive. Forget the high cost of high-frequency WiFi!

Why do you need an active antenna?

They said that if the antenna is active, the cable length is acceptable, losses should not be considered a critical element. If you cannot get a good wire, the length cannot be reduced, the roof is far away, you need to buy an active antenna. Please note: to install the equipment, you will need permission from the HOA, the owner of the house. Insanity is observed: they are being asked to draw up a special placement plan engineering communications, having paid a fee to a specialized company, pay to a professional master who is performing the installation. It has to be done according to the rules.

An antenna amplifier will allow you to bypass the limitations imposed on quality and cable length. The power cord will often need to be pulled to the roof. The distance to the TV station is short, the point is simply blocked by houses - we recommend trying to catch the signal using the indoor variety. The TV will show without a common antenna. It is allowed to place the “Cheburashka”, decorating the balcony, even above suspended ceiling. The path of passage of the reflected beam is mysterious. However, conditions change according to the weather, and reception will deteriorate (or improve). It is recommended to give preference to omnidirectional antennas, which have a lower directivity coefficient and are equipped with an additional external amplifier.

The antennas reveal a significant drawback that has nothing to do with the quality of reception of an individual signal. The sources of the problems are attributed to the multipath effect. An omnidirectional antenna receives from all directions (azimuths). Several rays will hit, the image will begin to double. Over-amplification causes a similar effect. Remove the electrical power and see the result. Reddish snow is removed in the same way. The reason is the same - over-amplification.

Advice! Adjust the equipment in an attempt to obtain required characteristics. Reduce gain. Buy a television attenuator. These will reduce the gain by twenty dB.

An undeniable disadvantage of omnidirectional antennas has been noted: interference sources will act from all directions, sharply reducing the signal-to-noise ratio. This is not critical for digital multiplexes; broadcasting contains error correction codes. Reception of analog television with an antenna with an amplifier is impossible if the noise intensifies above the level of the useful component.

Antenna selection and installation

The antenna itself may not match the received signal, or it may not be installed correctly. Many people know that it is useful to orient a device in space, but not everyone knows how to do it. Television in Russia on UHF is built on horizontal polarization, so misalignment of the half-wave vibrator or wave channel is guaranteed to lead to poor reception. At the same time it also shifts frequency range, due to which the picture quality further decreases.

You will need to use a level to align the antenna in the correct position. In addition, when receiving from distant TV towers, a simple rule applies. The higher the antenna is positioned, the greater the chances of catching the broadcast. This rule applies to UHF, which is why the MF and HF ranges still remain attractive. Waves at these frequencies bend around the surface of the earth, so you can catch them without even taking the antenna to the roof.

External barriers also contribute; if there is a forest around, the reception will be worse. Waves attenuate when passing through obstacles. In this case, it is recommended to purchase an antenna with an amplifier. The type also plays a role. Full-wave vibrators receive signals much better, but they are difficult to get in the store. A homemade antenna will help. Made from a strand of copper or aluminum cable and installed according to the rules, it will provide better reception than a store-bought one.

We have already told you more than once how to make a narrowband antenna that is tuned to the channel frequency. In this case, it is also possible to achieve excellent results in simple ways. Eventually, hobbyists are even constructing quarter-wave vibrators for digital receivers. It's just a short piece of wire with a quarter wavelength of shield stripped off at one end. For the first multiplex in Moscow, this is 13.5 cm. A connector is soldered to the other end, which is inserted into the receiver. The quarter-wave vibrator is located horizontally. If necessary, it can be bent at the base for convenient placement. Even such a simple and uncoordinated design produces results in television reception.

Wave channel antenna matching

Beginners are concerned about the question of how to properly match wave channel antennas. The designs are very simple and provide excellent gain. The design is ideal for the UHF, where digital multiplexes are located. First, let's look at signal balancing. Operation will be required if the descent cable is longer than 10 meters. The device is a piece of wire parallel to the feeder, spaced 3–5 cm.

The method is suitable for a wave channel made according to standard rules. The screen of the reduction cable is simply placed on one side of the active vibrator, but on the other side the balancing section of the cable is attached. The length depends on the channel, for example, for the first Moscow multiplex it is 17.6 cm. At its full length, the piece is parallel to the descent cable. How to connect the device:

  • The core of the balun is placed on one side of the active vibrator parallel to the core of the reduction cable. The braid of the segment is closed here.
  • At a distance of the length of the balun from the active vibrator, the insulation of the reduction cable is stripped. The screens of the parallel wires are closed, and the second end of the segment core is connected here.

The situation is much more complicated with antennas whose characteristic impedance is below 75 Ohms. Then special matching devices are used. The active vibrator can be made T-shaped. Top part The loops are extended with additional wire in both directions. The total length is calculated by the formula:

L = (λ/2)*(1 – 0.225/ln(λ/2d)), where

λ – wavelength, m; d is the diameter of the wire, expressed in meters. The height of the loop is equal to one hundredth of λ or slightly less. The width of the loop is selected experimentally, trying to bring the wave impedance closer to 75 Ohms. The dependence graph is “humpbacked”. The maximum is observed at a loop width equal to λ/4.

By designing your own antenna, this method is suitable for the vast majority of radio amateurs and will allow you to produce a device that has the required impedance. Having a drawing in hand, duplicate the design a specified number of times. Be prepared to work hard if your TV shows poorly. Find out the broadcast frequency and make a special antenna.

Signal interference will be minimal in this case. The procedure for constructing wave channels was described. Explore the portal! Let's gather our strength, consider the design of log-periodic antennas, I'm just curious how to do it. Feature of the product - I catch wide range broadcasting. The coverage of the log periodic antenna is amazing.