Korean fir - abies koreana. Korean fir: description of varieties, planting and care Korean fir aurea description

This variety is used for landscaping, creating alpine slides and hedges. Some varieties are container-type. Korean fir – ornamental plant up to 15 m high. It is distinguished by purple cones, small annual growth, simple care and unpretentiousness in many respects.

Description of the species

Latin name Abies koreana. It is a tall evergreen tree with a wide cone-shaped crown. The bark changes with age from smooth, light gray, purple tint, to rough with reddish-brown cracks. Young shoots have a yellowish color, small furrows, and then acquire a purple color.

The rigid needles are curved in the shape of a saber, measuring 1-2 cm by 0.2-0.3 cm. The top of the needles of young Korean fir is sharp and prickly, becoming slightly notched with age. The upper side is dark green, the lower side has 2 wide light stripes. The cones are blue or violet-purple, cylindrical in shape, measuring 5-7 cm by 2-3 cm, directed upward.

Korean fir cones are blue or violet-purple.

Propagated vegetatively or by seeds. But it is difficult to collect seed material, especially in tall varieties, because the cones open at the top. In nature, the tree grows in mountainous areas up to an altitude of 1.5 thousand m above sea level. Forms fir or mixed forests. Thanks to its powerful root system, it can withstand strong gusts of wind even in rocky areas. Depending on the variety, it produces a growth of 3-40 cm per year.

On a note! The lifespan of the plant is 150 years.

Popular varieties

There are many varieties of Korean fir, differing in height, crown shape, and needle color. The most common:

  • Compact;
  • Blue standard;
  • Diamond;
  • Molly;
  • Silberlock.

Compacta has a dense crown of a flattened spherical shape, less often cone-shaped, later becoming cushion-shaped. In 10 years, the tree grows to only 0.6-0.9 m. The annual growth is 8-10 cm, with favorable conditions up to 12 cm. Long skeletal branches extend from the trunk at an angle of 90°, grow horizontally, and grow evenly. The upper shoots are located towards the center at an acute angle to the sides and upwards. The needles are thick, short, even, green on top, bluish-white below. This variety of Korean fir is winter-hardy and does not tolerate strong shading.

Compacta has a dense crown of a flattened spherical shape.

The artificially bred Blue Standard variety grows quickly and has a pyramidal or wide conical crown. At the age of 10 years, it has a size of 1.7-3 m by 1-1.2 m. At the same time, the diameter of the above-ground part of an adult plant is 4 m, and the height is 12-15 m. The annual growth of this Korean fir, according to various sources, is 8-45 cm The needles are dark green, on the other side bluish-white, 4-4.5 cm long. The cones change color from a blue-purple tint to a rich blue-violet color. The variety grows well in sun and shade.

The Korean fir “Blue Standard” has dark green needles, on the other side they are bluish-white, 4-4.5 cm long.

Diamond - dwarf variety Korean fir with an oval crown. At 10 years of age, the height of the plant is 0.6 m, width 0.4 m. The color of young needles is bright, becoming dark green over time. Silberlok is a tree up to 5 m, the trunk is absent or difficult to distinguish. The crown shape is cone-shaped. The needles are dark green, curved at the top. The cones are 7 cm long, greenish-violet in color.

Diamond is a dwarf variety of Korean fir with an oval crown.

Molly is a slender tree 4-7 m high, 2 m wide. Each year it grows by 5-7 cm. The trunk is even, the shoots are highly branched, especially at the ends. The crown shape of this Korean fir is in the form of a wide cone or pyramid. The upper side of the needles is bluish-green, the lower side is bluish-white. Young branches are grassy green in color. There are many cones, the color is purple-blue. The variety has good winter hardiness; the branches stretch out in the shade.

Molly is a slender tree 4-7 m high, 2 m wide.

On a note! Young seedlings produce less growth per year than older plants.

Landing Features

It is advisable to propagate Korean fir vegetatively. To grow on the site, it is recommended to purchase a seedling from a nursery. It is important to preserve the earthen ball and not expose the root system. For this purpose, planting is carried out using the transshipment method. It is important to choose the right location and prepare the planting hole. It is necessary to take into account varietal characteristics.

We need to remember for slow growth plants. Landscape designers successfully use this property to create compositions that do not require constant care and replanting. Many tall Korean firs will eventually occupy a large space, so the choice of site should be approached carefully. Transfer of an adult perennial is undesirable.

Selecting a location

The Korean variety of fir prefers well-lit areas. For the first few years, young seedlings will have to be shaded a little, then they will need sufficient quantity Sveta. Some varieties tolerate light shade well. Decorative subspecies with brightly colored needles require open places. The crop is wind-resistant, but young plants need to be tied to a support until root system will not develop well.

The Korean variety of fir prefers well-lit areas.

Soil requirements

The perennial prefers moist, loose soil with an acidic reaction. Not picky about the composition, in natural conditions develops on soils depleted of nutrients. Does not tolerate heavy, clayey and swampy soils. Requires the organization of a drainage layer; from excess moisture it rots. Prepare the planting hole 2-4 weeks before planting. Place drainage on the bottom and on top fertile layer from sand, peat, humus and clay.

To create a lighter structure, add sawdust. Use nitrophoska as a fertilizer, but do not allow it to come into contact with the root system of the seedling. The addition of coniferous litter and soil from a pine or spruce forest will increase the survival rate of the plant in a new location.

On a note! Peculiarity coniferous plants is that in order to receive nutrients mycorrhiza is necessary, which is in symbiosis with the culture.

The addition of coniferous litter and soil from a pine or spruce forest will increase the survival rate of the plant in a new location.

Planting scheme

Plant the Korean variety of fir in April or from late August to mid-September. When planting alone, the distance to other trees and shrubs should be 4-5 m. If the crop is intended to create a hedge, it is possible to reduce the distance to 2-2.5 m. The depth of the planting hole depends on the age and varietal of the Korean fir, on average it is 50-80 cm. By the time of planting, the earth should settle. Be sure to plant in a moist substrate, pre-watered abundantly. The root collar should not be buried or left on the surface.


Korean fir is demanding only at a young age. The first 3-5 years should be provided with sufficient care, including:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • weeding;
  • fertilization;
  • pruning;
  • protection of young seedlings from adverse environmental influences;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

Tree trunk circle It is recommended to loosen as necessary. It is enough to capture 5 cm of the surface. Weeds delete in a timely manner. They take nutrients from the roots located above, create a threat of infection of the fir, and are home to many pests. Mulching with fallen pine needles will help reduce the frequency of these procedures.

Violation of the watering regime causes a decrease in immunity.

Compliance with agricultural practices protects the crop from the development of diseases. Violation of the watering regime, lack of light and air are the causes of decreased immunity. Often in this case, Korean fir is affected by rot. The most dangerous pests are Hermes, spider mite, various bugs. Plants should be inspected regularly and treated with insecticides in a timely manner.


The procedure is needed only for young plants that have not had time to take root well. The exception is decorative hybrids, which are more demanding in terms of growing conditions. Korean fir prefers moist soil, without stagnant water. During the rainy season, cancel the procedure; in case of drought, water generously once every 6-8 days. The culture responds gratefully to moistening by sprinkling. It is important not to do this during the day so that the needles do not get burned under the influence of the sun.

Top dressing

The first time is carried out 3 years after planting. One spring application of fertilizer during watering is sufficient per year. You can use a complex universal supplement for coniferous species. From organic matter, it is permissible to water with a weak solution of humus or bird droppings, infused for several days. It is important to water abundantly after fertilizing so as not to burn the root system.


The crown of the Korean variety of fir forms independently. Only sanitary pruning is required to remove diseased, dried out and pest-infested branches. In autumn, it is recommended to remove the central buds on the side shoots. Some varieties do not tolerate pruning very well and may react with the appearance of dried branches. The crop grows slowly, so it will take a long time to overgrow a remote area.

Preparing for winter

Korean fir is covered with spruce branches or non-woven material for the winter.

The characteristics of many varieties of Korean fir indicate the winter hardiness of the crop. Some varieties even tolerate well very coldy, but this only applies to mature plants. Young seedlings should be additionally covered. Mulch the tree trunk circle with pine litter, peat or sawdust. Cover the tree itself with spruce branches or non-woven material. It is not advisable to use foam, since fir requires air. The shelter also protects against burnout of needles and the formation of frost holes on the trunk.

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you are dreaming about small pond, where a cascade with murmuring water will be built. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. Some people do not need the presence of ponds on their plot, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of water with the help of a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative personalities, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring you the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our studio landscape design strives to preserve and improve the existing natural environment on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Ornamental plant nursery

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, cottages, suburban and urban areas. Our task is A complex approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.

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Abies "Aurea"

Fir "Aurea" is a slow-growing variety with a cone-shaped crown. By the age of 10 it reaches a height of about 1 m. The annual growth in our climatic conditions is 3 - 5 cm. The needles are soft, of an original green-yellow color, young growths are brighter. The cones are violet-purple in color, 5-7 cm long, located vertically, near the ends of last year's shoots. It is not picky about the soil, prefers sandy and loamy soils, and is moderately moisture-loving. Frost resistance down to -29 C. Recommended for small gardens, rockeries, group plantings, tapeworm.

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf Recommended for small gardens, rockeries, group plantings, tapeworm.

Not available

Abies "Blauer Eskimo"

Fir "Blower Eskimo" is an amazing miniature variety. The crown is dense, spherical in shape. After 10 years it reaches a height of 0.3 m. The growth rate is slow, about 1 cm per year. The needles are short, bluish-gray-green. Needs light, fertile and moderately moist soil; loam is best. Planting location: sun, partial shade. Used in small gardens, rock gardens, ridges, and also for planting in containers.

Not available

Abies "Blue Emperor"

Fir "Blue Emperor" is a new slow-growing variety with a compact, dense, cone-shaped crown. After 10 years it reaches 1 m in height. It has an interesting dove-blue color - thin longitudinal bluish veins run along the rich green needles. The cones look like shining berries, wrapped in droplets of resin. Requires fertile and moist but well-drained soil. Photophilous, tolerates partial shade. Recommended for small garden plots and rock gardens.

Not available

Abies "Blue Magic"

Fir "Blue Magic" is a new, original variety of Korean fir, created using an artificial mutation obtained by processing the seeds of the Korean fir "Blauer Pfiff". The crown shape is cushion-shaped, less often cone-shaped. By the age of 10, it reaches a height of 0.8-1 m, with a diameter of 0.5-0.8 m. In adulthood, the height of the plant is up to 2 m, the diameter of the crown is 1.5-2 m. The color of the needles may vary slightly depending on landing sites. If the fir is planted in a sunny place or in light partial shade, then its needles have a rich silver-blue color, but if the fir is planted in a more shaded place, then its needles are blue-green. Frost resistance: zone 5 (in the conditions of the North-West, a young plant, especially in the first three years after planting permanent place, it is recommended to protect from frost for the winter). Prefers drained, moderately moist, fertile soil with a moderately acidic or slightly acidic pH. If necessary, it can grow on soils of other acidity. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides, group plantings, tapeworm.

Prefers acidic or slightly alkaline, fertile, moist soils - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpufя. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides, group plantings, tapeworm.

Not available

Abies "Brilliant"

Fir "Diamond" is a rare, very valuable plant, since it is not artificially cultivated, but a natural dwarf. The crown shape is compact, cushion-shaped. The needles are soft, thick, glossy on top, dark green or bright green in color, with two longitudinal white-blue (silver) stripes below. The needles of the Brillant fir are very fragrant, with edges turned downwards and do not exceed 2 cm in length. Growth is slow, no more than 3-4 cm per year. By the age of 10, it reaches a height of about 0.4 m with a diameter of 0.6 m. For planting, it is advisable to choose semi-shaded or sunny areas, always protected from strong, gusty winds. Prefers slightly acidic, fertile, “Diamond” well-drained soil. Frost resistance down to -29°C. Fir "Diamond" is necessary when creating complex landscape compositions (in mixed borders, ridge gardens, Japanese and heather gardens). Due to its compactness, Korean fir “Diamond” takes root well in tubs and containers.

Prefers acidic or slightly alkaline, fertile, moist soils - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Not available

Abies "Golden Glow"

Fir "Golden Glow" - dwarf shrub with a cushion-shaped crown. By the age of 10, it reaches a height of about 0.4 m with a crown diameter of 0.5-0.7 m. The needles are shiny, up to 6 cm long, bright green from spring to mid-autumn, then become more yellow tint. Prefers fresh, well-drained, loamy and sandy soils. Beautiful plant for small, heather and rocky gardens, for single and group plantings, for creating landscape compositions with other conifers, growing in a container.

Not available

Abies "Green Carpet"

Fir "Green Carpet" is a well-known variety of Korean fir, bred in 1985 in the Netherlands. The name of the variety translates as “Green Carpet”. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped. by 10 years it reaches a height of about 0.3 m with a diameter of 0.7 - 0.8 m. The needles are shiny, short, green on top, whitish on the back. Prefers well-permeable (or drained), moderately moist, loamy or sandy loam soil. Frost resistance down to -26 C (it is recommended to cover the plant for the winter). Recommended for small garden plots, rocky and heather gardens.

Not available

Abies "Dark Hill"

Fir "Dark Hill" is a dwarf, slow-growing fir, spherical in shape. The height of the plant at the age of 10 years is 0.3 m with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 m. The shoots and needles are short, the needles are dark green and shiny. Frost resistance is average (up to -28ºС). Fir "Dark Hill" is suitable for lovers of minimalism in the garden or busy people; it is truly a godsend because of its unpretentiousness. Recommended for small, Japanese and rocky gardens.

Not available

Abies "Doni Tajuso"

Fir "Doni Tajuso" is a dwarf, slow-growing fir, spherical in shape. By the age of 10 it reaches 0.3 m in height and 0.4 m in width. Growth is slow, about 2-3 cm. The shoots and needles are short, the needles are green, shiny, ash-blue below. The young growth is juicy green and stands out brightly against the background of old needles. Planting location: sun, partial shade. Prefers well-drained, slightly acidic soils, moderately moisture-loving. An excellent plant for decorating alpine hills, rocky, heather and Japanese gardens, retaining walls, coastal zones of reservoirs. To enhance decorative effect it is planted in small groups (3-5 copies).

Prefers acidic or slightly alkaline, fertile, moist soils - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Not available

Abies "Inga"

Fir "Inga" is a slow-growing fir with beautiful bluish needles. This low coniferous tree has a conical crown with a diameter of about 1.5 meters. The annual growth in our climatic conditions is 3 - 5 cm. The needles are soft, short, shine bright green in the sun, with two longitudinal silver stripes underneath. This variety has very interesting unusual cones of a dark purple color, quite long and thin, growing picturesquely on the branches, stretching vertically upward. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides, group plantings, tapeworm.

Prefers acidic or slightly alkaline, fertile, moist soils - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides, group plantings, tapeworm.

Not available

Abies "Kohouts Icebreaker"

Fir "Kohats Icebreaker" is an unusual, exquisite variety of Korean fir, bred by scientist Jörg Kohout in Germany, translated from English. - "Icebreaker Kohouta". The crown is dense, cushion-shaped or round in shape. By the age of 10, it reaches a height of about 0.3 m with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 m. The needles are twisted from bottom to top so that its lower silver side is visible. Recommended for single or group plantings in rock gardens, rockeries, landscape compositions and on lawns. In addition, it can grow well in decorative containers.

Not available

Abies "Kristallkugel"

Fir "Kristalkugel" is a slow-growing, compact shrub with a very dense cushion-shaped crown. The height of the plant at 10 years is about 0.3-0.4 m with a crown diameter of 0.6 m. The annual growth is about 3 cm. The needles are light green, short, wide, with a characteristic white back side. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Recommended for single or group plantings in rock gardens, rock gardens, landscape compositions, on lawns and slopes.

Not available

Abies "Kula"

Fir "Kula" is a dwarf, slow-growing variety with an irregular cone shape. By the age of 10 it reaches a height of about 0.5 m. The needles are shiny, light green, very short. Prefers moist soil with good drainage, better acid reaction. Loves the sun, grows in partial shade, but more slowly. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens.

Not available

Abies "Molly"

Fir "Molly" is a small variety of Korean fir with a regular pyramidal crown. Growth is slow, reaches approximately 4 m in height with a diameter of 3 m. Lives up to 300 years. The needles are short, 2-3 cm in length, dark green with a bluish tint. At the top of the fir there are erect cones of an original blue-violet hue, directed upward. Prefers sunny or semi-shaded areas protected from winds. Adapts to any soil, but prefers fertile, slightly acidic and well-drained soil. Molly fir is used in single and group plantings in urban landscaping park areas, personal plots. It can become a living Christmas decoration in a small garden.

Not available

Abies "Nana"

Fir "Nana" - dwarf form With rounded crown. It grows slowly. Height is about 0.5 m with a diameter of 2 m. The branches are spreading, dense, growing horizontally. The needles are short, thick, dark green, with two blue-white stripes below, the middle and edge are lighter, yellow-green. Shade-tolerant. Frost-resistant. Suitable for rocky gardens, as well as for growing in containers, for landscaping terraces and roofs. It is recommended to plant in groups on the lawn or solitary in rock gardens.

Not available

Abies "Oberon"

Fir "Oberon" is a dwarf variety with a round or wide-cone-shaped crown. Growth is slow, about 8-10 cm per year. By the age of 10 it reaches a height of 0.5 m and a width of 0.6 m. The needles are thick, shiny, green. Prefers rich, well-drained, moist soil and sunny locations. Fir "Oberon" is ideal for rock gardens, rocky and heather gardens.

Not available

Abies "Pancake"

Pancake fir is a very compact fir that grows in a pillow shape. It has unusually miniature dimensions: by the age of 10 it reaches a height of about 0.3 m with a diameter of 0.6 m. The needles are short, fluffy, bluish-green with a white tint. Fir "Pancake" grows well on fertile soil moderate humidity. Both a lighted area and a place in slight partial shade are good for it. Looks beautiful in small gardens and compact alpine hills in combination with other coniferous shrubs.

Not available

Abies "Samling"

Fir "Samling" is a low, slow-growing tree with a pyramidal, uniform crown shape. Height 4-5 m, diameter 2.5 m. The soft needles are bright green on top, glossy, with two longitudinal silver stripes on the bottom, 2-3 cm long. Numerous crimson-violet cylindrical cones, up to 7 cm long, erect. Photophilous, tolerates partial shade. It is not demanding on soils, but grows better on sandy or loamy substrates. Prefers cool and damp places, winter-hardy. It looks equally good both in a single planting and in a group planting, when landscaping rocky gardens and rock gardens.

Prefers acidic or slightly alkaline, fertile, moist soils - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf Looks equally good both in a single planting and in a group, when landscaping rocky gardens and rock gardens.

Not available

Abies "Select"

Fir "Select" is a beautiful dwarf variety with a wide-conical crown shape. Growth is slow, about 10 cm per year. By the age of 30 it reaches 2-3 m in height. The needles are green, soft, slightly curly. Prefers fertile and fairly moist soil. Location - sun, partial shade Frost resistance up to -28ºС. Don't know how to decorate your garden or personal plot? If you need something rare and decorative, then you should pay attention to the Korean fir called “Select”. This plant will become a real decoration of a small area.

Prefers acidic or slightly alkaline, fertile, moist soils - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Not available

Abies "Silberlock"

Fir "Silberlok" is a slow-growing tree with a wide-conical crown shape. At the age of 30 it reaches a height of about 4 m. The needles are soft, green, with 2 silver stripes on back side needle, twisted so that mainly the back, silver side of the needle is visible. Forms numerous purple-blue cones. It is not demanding on the soil, prefers sandy and loamy soils, and is moderately moisture-loving. Recommended for small gardens, single, group plantings for rocky gardens, heather gardens.

Prefers acidic or slightly alkaline, fertile, moist soils - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Sun/partial shade. Cool and damp places. Fir is sensitive to high temperatures and drought. Frost-resistant. Wind resistant. - See more at: http://www.sadovod.org/catalog/detail.php?id=199#sthash.PAMluyHx.dpuf

Over 50 species of fir are found in nature, which occupy the geographical areas of Central and of Eastern Europe, northern regions Central Asia, widely distributed in Siberia and Far East. In ornamental gardening, the 10 most popular representatives of the fir genus are used, a description of which is given in the article.

General characteristics

Most representatives of the genus Fir (Abies) share the following morphological and ecological characteristics:

  • large trees with a crown in the form of a regular cone
  • in many species the bark is smooth and light gray in color
  • The root system is of a core structure, going deep into the interior. The largest mass of fibrous roots is located in the upper layers of the soil

At first glance appearance fir resembles spruce. They are especially similar to each other from afar. Coniferous trees They are close not only in appearance, but also in name. In Old Church Slavonic, spruce is called “Yalina”, and fir is called “Yalitsa”. But there are still significant differences between them:

  • most fir species have smooth gray trunks with thin bark and numerous resinous nodules
  • the branches form a crown of a regular conical shape, narrower and neater than that of spruce
  • the needles at the ends are blunt with white longitudinal stripes

Fir is easy to distinguish when it bears fruit.. Spruce cones hang down, and fir “cobs” stick straight up. When the seeds ripen, they immediately fall out. It is impossible to pick up a cone filled with grains from the ground. If they are needed for sowing, they are looked for below or cut off along with the cones before they fall.

Most types of fir need fertile, well-aerated, moist soils.

Decorative varieties are extremely sensitive to excess harmful substances in the air, especially carbon dioxide and car exhaust smoke. This is the reason why, in urban environments, they are much less common than other conifers.

IN landscape gardening 9 types are most often used, as well as their breeding varieties, which are similar to each other in living conditions.


  1. Firs belong to shade-tolerant plants , but grow better with sufficient lighting. They need a lot of light in the first five years after planting. Optimal conditions– sun in the morning and light partial shade in the afternoon.
  2. Refers to wind-resistant plants, although it is better to protect them from severe turbulence. It will withstand a draft, but will suffer and lose its decorative effect.
  3. Requires high humidity.
  4. Plants are demanding on soil conditions.


The lifespan of most cultivated species and varieties is several decades. They require fertile, rich soil with good drainage to thrive. They do not tolerate stagnant moisture at all. Even with short-term flooding, plants quickly die.

Timing and features of planting

The optimal time in spring is April. Another deadline is the end of August, beginning of September. Although, trees with a lump of earth can be planted at any time of the year when the earth is dug.

Seedlings take root better when they are 5 to 10 years old.

The size of the planting hole should be twice the size of the coma, but not less than 60 cm in diameter and 60 cm in depth. When planting, the plant is positioned so that the root collar is flush with the edge of the hole.

The soil mixture for planting fir consists of the following components:

  • medium loam – 2 hours
  • leaf soil or humus - 3 hours
  • bottom peat – 1 hour
  • coarse river sand – 1 hour

When planting, complete mineral fertilizer nitroammofoska is applied at the rate of 250 - 300 g in each hole, as well as 10 kg of forest soil or sawdust.

If fir is planted on heavy natural soils, drainage at the bottom of the hole is required. It is formed from crushed stone or crushed brick, in a layer of 15 - 20 cm, and only after that the pit is filled with nutritious soil.


Fertilizing is carried out 2-3 years after planting. Typically, a universal fertilizer for coniferous plants is used - 150 g per 1 m2.

Water the fir as needed when it dries out. upper layer soil, at the rate of 15-20 liters for each tree. In the hot season, the crown is sprinkled once every two weeks.

Fir favors loosening the soil and removing weeds. IN Lately this process successfully replaces mulching. It is better to use forest litter, bark, wood chips, cones, and sawdust of coniferous trees as a protective material.

Thanks to the natural shape of the crown, There is no need to trim the fir. with the exception of dry, broken and diseased branches.

Majority decorative varieties- frost-resistant plants that do not need winter protection. But in the first years of life, it is better to cover young plants to protect them from low temperatures. For this purpose they use modern material called "spunbond".

Varieties of spunbond have different names assigned by manufacturers different countries. The following assortment is offered for sale: Agrofibre, Agrotex, Agril, Lutrasil, AgroSUF, etc.

Any of the listed types is a non-woven fabric white, which allows air and moisture to pass through well, retains heat, increasing the temperature inside the shelter from 2 to 9 degrees compared to the environment.

In areas with cold climates, the material is often used to protect heat-loving fir varieties from severe frosts.

Read also:

  • The importance of superphosphate as a mineral fertilizer in the care of tomatoes, potatoes, seedlings and other crops. Ways to use it in the garden (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Description of species and varieties

Of the several dozen natural species in ornamental gardening, the most commonly used are: botanical species fir:

  • European or white
  • Balsamic
  • Single color
  • Korean
  • Mountain or subalpine
  • Caucasian or Norman
  • Tall or tall
  • Spanish
  • Arnold

Some species have breeding varieties different sizes, shapes and colors. Read more about those that are successfully used for landscaping parks, squares and personal plots.

European - Abies alba

Botanical synonyms of the species - P. white or P. comb. In nature, it is most often found in most of Europe.

Average life expectancy is 350 – 400 years. There are many cases of long-lived fir trees, whose age is more than 700 years.

Average height - 50 m.

Crown diameter 7 - 8 m.

The bark is smooth, light gray.

Needles, 2.5 cm long, dark green in color. The underside of the plate has two longitudinal white stripes.

The size of the cones is 15 - 16 cm.

The species is distinguished by good winter hardiness, which gains strength as the tree matures. In particularly cold winters, young plants freeze over. For this reason, they need shelter.

Severely suffers in conditions of increased air pollution, even to the point of complete death. Absent in mass plantings, it is easier to find the species in a botanical garden or in a well well-kept area where a professional works.

Balsamic – Abies balsamea

The natural habitat of the species is the North American continent in Canada and the USA.

The average duration of growth is 150-200 years.

Among the species, fir is considered a relatively short tree that grows up to 25 m.

It has a thick, cone-shaped crown.

The color of the smooth bark is pale gray shade. The needles, characteristic of fir, are mild and dark green on top. On the reverse side of the plate are two thin whitish stripes.

When young cones appear, their color is dark purple, but when ripe it changes to light brown.

The fruits reach such sizes - length - 70 cm, diameter - 3 cm.

Frost resistance is superior to other types of fir.

The following selection forms are used in landscape design:

The dacha has practically ceased to be a place for growing vegetables; now many modern summer residents enthusiastically decorate their property with various ornamental plants. Korean fir (abies koreana) is one such plant.

Korean fir has a number of differences from its popular relatives, so it is important to indicate its description. In the natural environment, this ornamental plant appears to be a giant tree, up to 14 m in height. And the trunk can have a diameter of almost 1 m.

Korean fir (abies koreana)

But decorative varieties have much smaller parameters, but common features similar:

Varieties for growing abies koreana

If you plant Korean fir at random, then perhaps the chosen variety will not take root in the region and will disappoint with its decor. In addition, the tree has two varieties - low-growing varieties similar to a flattened ball, and tall with cone-shaped and pyramidal crowns.

There are species that differ in the color of their needles, the shape of their cones, and their preferences in conditions. Let’s look at the most popular varieties in more detail:

Choosing a landing site

Fir does not take root in all areas, because its homeland is subtropical and temperate zones . Therefore, the landing place is on its own The site should be chosen carefully, sometimes making significant changes.

The choice of planting location will depend on the type of tree chosen. But the basic requirements are:

  • good lighting, because partial shade and shade are destructive for many varieties;
  • lack of large trees nearby, especially if you plant tall fir;
  • absence of strong winds and drafts, seedlings are especially intolerant to them.

Soil requirements

When growing, Korean firs do not require many nutrients, so almost any soil is suitable for planting. Even heavy soils and loamy soils are suitable; over time, plants can improve the soil, making it more structured.

But it is best to plant Korean fir on sandy soils and other light soils with a high content of organic matter. Acidic soils are also suitable for this purpose..

Please note that firs do not like wetlands, areas that are flooded with water. If your site is like this, then take care of the drainage system.

How to plant Korean fir correctly

Early spring is considered the ideal time for planting, a time when young shoots and buds have not yet appeared on the seedlings.

For a seedling, the age must be at least 4 years; even ten-year-old trees are also excellent. It is not recommended to use even younger seedlings, because in the summer they will suffer due to strong lighting, and in the winter they can die from frost.

Prepare a deep planting hole for the seedling. Consider the characteristics of the variety, the larger the root system, the larger the hole should be. Its depth on average can vary from 40 to 80 cm. You fill the hole with soil and peat dug from it.

Let the mixture settle, then start planting - spread the roots of the Korean fir into a mound and cover it with soil. Water the fir thoroughly after planting with several buckets of water.

It is important that the root collar does not go deep when planting in the soil. A tree will not grow if it is underground.

Soil and Korean fir care

Abies koreana requires care, which is based on the needs of the tree, based on the time of year and the characteristics of the soil on the site. Trees that are planted in decorative containers require special attention. They require more frequent feeding and watering.

Young seedlings need more moisture, especially those with a strong root system. After planting, it is worth adding moisture to the soil every 15 days. The same should be done with trees that are grown in containers.

It is worth adding moisture to large trees no more than 3 times during the growing season, because fir is drought-resistant. If the summer is extremely dry, then organize twice a day of watering within a month.

Do not forget to loosen and weed the soil around the tree after each watering. In autumn and spring time cover the circle around the trunk with mulch to better preservation moisture in the soil. Use sawdust or pine needles as mulch. The soil will become more permeable for air and moisture thanks to this, and you don’t have to worry about your teammates.

Feeding and pruning

You should not apply fertilizer often, because the tree is not demanding of it. Carry out the first fertilizing no earlier than 3 years after planting the tree. Use special liquid preparations that are intended for coniferous trees.

Korean fir does not need pruning. But to achieve the thickest possible and branched needles, it is important to trim the shoots in the center. Every year, dried needles, branches and cones should be removed, this will improve the decorative appearance of the tree.

Korean fir is quite simple to care for and grow, but you should first choose the right variety for planting and a place in which the tree will feel extremely comfortable. And if everything goes well and the tree takes root, it will become the most beautiful and trouble-free decoration on your site.