The first signs of damage to a young family. How to remove the evil eye or damage from a family. Ancestral damage - how to remove it

This section contains articles about Magic. After reading them, you will understand a lot about the world of Magic, its laws and actions.

These articles will contain information about magical techniques, rites and rituals, such as: lapel, love spell, damage, evil eye, curse.

All about love magic, different types of love spells: love spell, black love spell, voodoo love spell, involted love spell, kabbalistic love spell, black wedding love spell, sexual love spell, sexual attraction, sexual attachment, egillet love spell, chakra love spell, same-sex love spell, etc. d.

All about magical technology lapel-lapel from a mistress, a lapel from a rival, a husband's lapel from his wife, a wife's lapel, a quarrel between husband and wife, a lapel from love, a black lapel, a strong lapel, a voodoo lapel, etc.

Also questions related to the negative program - damage. About how to remove damage, a story about what types of damage exist. Damage to health, damage to relationships, damage to death, damage to marriage, damage to bed, damage to success, damage for business, damage to luck, damage to infertility, etc.

Damaging relationships is one of the black magic rituals, the result of which is discord between lovers or spouses. Very often this ritual is ordered by the lover of one of the spouses, who himself seeks to have sex with him. relationship. In terms of its strength, this impact is one of the strongest. Many people confuse concepts such as damage to the collapse of the family, ostuda and lapel, but in fact there is a significant difference between them.

Cooling or lapel is magical rituals, as a result of which the people targeted simply stop communicating and lose interest in each other. In case of damage to relationships everything is much more complicated.
If on married couple or a couple of lovers is being guided damage to relationships, between two recently still very close and loving people tension arises emotional background, which is expressed in frequent quarrels, resentments and even aggression.

Besides, damage to family breakdown may not be aimed at relationship in general, but to some specific area of ​​life - emotional, sexual, etc. Anyway. The result of this black ritual will be the disintegration families, even if until then relationship between the spouses were very warm.

However, at the break relations action damage does not end: even after ex-spouses or lovers stop living together, they do not cease to feel an insurmountable hostility towards each other, and even after many years, having met by chance, they will again experience unpleasant emotions.

The time during which relationship or the marriage breaks up depends on the strength of the magician,

taking damage. As a rule, the first signs of deterioration relations become noticeable within a few days.

However, damage to relationships can be aimed not only at breaking up a love union. Quite often the object damage become relationship between relatives or colleagues at work. For example, in the hope of inheriting certain material benefits, one of the children may ruining relationships parents with other members families. As a result, constant discord and misunderstanding arise between loved ones.

Another example that concerns relations at work: one of the company’s employees dreams of getting a promotion, but understands that his colleague has a much better chance of getting a new position. Ordering ruining relationships, he creates a tense emotional environment around the competitor, constant dissatisfaction and resentment, and as a result, he himself successfully receives a long-awaited promotion.

Signs that you've been targeted ruining relationships.

1. Sharp deterioration relations with anyone. Depending on what area of ​​life was aimed at damage. you will face problems in your personal life, in relationships with colleagues or friends. Moreover, this deterioration will not have any good reason - mutual understanding and the desire to communicate simply disappear. You behave in exactly the same way as before, but for some reason people begin to react to your actions or words in a completely inappropriate way: they become offended, angry, etc.

2. Failure when trying to return to the past relationship. If a regular quarrel occurs between loving people, friends or colleagues, then after some time one of the parties will definitely make attempts at reconciliation. As a rule, the conflict quickly ends, and the old relationships between people are restored. relationship.

But if the cause of discord becomes damage, there is no talk about restoring the past relations It just can't be. No matter what attempts are made by either side, the conflict not only does not end, but even gives rise to new grievances and even sharper rejection, a clear example damage to relationships is a situation when a guy and a girl, having just started dating and having tender feelings for each other, suddenly and without any reason break up.

If you have analyzed your situation and found one of these signs in yourself, then with a high degree of probability you have been targeted. damage to relationships. To be sure, you should use the help of a qualified specialist and conduct a diagnosis that will definitely confirm or refute your assumptions.

If hovering damage confirmed, you must undergo a ritual to remove it. Don't expect that over time negative impact will weaken and relationship it will be possible to return it. Damage to decay families has such great power that even many years do not reduce the hostility that has arisen between people.

With the help of a qualified magician you can get rid of the induced damage and restore warmth with loved ones relationship. And so as not to become an object again damage, you need to order the production of a protective talisman or amulet from a magician.

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It happens that a family in which people love, respect and try to help each other begins to collapse before our eyes. This could be damage. How to determine damage to family discord? If you notice that loving husband begins to show aggression, and the wife begins to experience pain instead of love.

Many people decide to file for divorce and do not try to find the real solution to all their problems. People think that feelings have cooled down and simply break up, despite the fact that this can happen quite hostilely. And subsequently, you won’t find your second love at all, but instead experience longing for your spouse. Not many people find the strength to understand what happened.

Sometimes the reason for such a turn of events may be the envy of other people. And it is precisely because of this feeling that they can indulge in such a ritual as damage. Its signs often manifested themselves, but due to constant scandals and showdowns, people did not want to forgive each other and look for a way out of the situation, much less save their family. A lot of couples have separated without knowing how to protect their family from damage and the evil eye.

Many people wonder how to determine damage to a family? The causes of such discord may lie deep in family tree. Curses often pass from generation to generation. That is why take a close look at these signs:

  • Diseases that affect most family members
  • Possible nervous disorders
  • Troubles in one family member spread to the rest
  • Damage to loneliness
  • Members of the same sex die
  • There may be domestic murders
  • Frequent scandals and showdowns in the family
  • Children leave home at an early age
  • Repeated death. That is, one death accompanies generations.

Investigate the situation very carefully. If suddenly some symptoms are inherent to you, then seek help from knowledgeable people.

If during quarrels in the family you try to remain calm and soberly assess the situation, then perhaps you will see certain signs of damage to the family:

  • Decreased performance, rapid fatigue for no particular reason, of all family members. These may include: decreased appetite, sleep disturbance, irritability, anxiety, depression, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Problems and incidents that can be attributed to accidents. The only problem is that these accidents happen very often and their number is increasing. They also bring more and more evil to people.
  • The destructive nature of relationships between family members, lack of comfort, love, mutual understanding. A constantly growing number of quarrels and conflicts.
  • The emergence of sudden and severe pain all family members. They can even lead to death.
  • Financial problems
  • Groundless jealousy
  • Treason.

After diagnosing and identifying at least one sign, start solving this problem.

How to find out who damaged the family?

There are several proven methods that will help you determine who damaged you.

  1. Contact a professional for help. They can accurately identify who did it.
  2. on one's own. If you managed to remove the damage yourself, then you are without special effort You will also know the name of the enemy.

There are also several rituals that will help you do this. They will give you comprehensive information. They may have various methods carrying out, but they have a common goal - the definition of hidden and secret.

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All such rituals are divided into 3 groups:

  • the use of higher powers that can force the offender to come straight to the victim
  • strong magical spells that will help you see the offender during sleep
  • These are actions in which, in order to obtain an answer, you need to carry out actions with certain objects.

How to remove damage from a family?

To carry out such a ritual you need to take 12 candles. On a clear night, when the stars are clearly visible, just after midnight, begin the procedure. The plot must be read by the head of the family. Light candles around the perimeter of the table. All family members sit around the table.

“Get away, unclean one, from the holy temple and this house, from the doors of the house and from its four corners. There will be no place, no peace, no part, no participation for you, devil. Here is the cross of God, Holy Virgin Mary Mother of Christ, I appeal to you, Saint Peter, and to you, the holy evangelists John and Mark, Matthew and Luke, and to you I appeal, heavenly Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, Ehudiel and Ugasil, Barhail. God's powers the heavenly ones rejoice here, the Seraphim and Cherubim, Saint Michael to this day throughout God’s universe, the regiments for them were held by Saint Peter and the Nativity of the Forerunners is here, and there is no honor for you, Satan, and there is no place for you, no peace, no part, no participation . Isis, Satan, do not do dirty tricks either to this house, or to this place, or to man, or to beast, or to all the servants of God. Run away from here quickly to utter hell, they will chain you there, and you will find yourself there. My words are strong as a rock. Amen!"

Another strong ritual, which can help you remove negative magical influences. For this, 2 dirty kitchen towels. Fill half the basin with clean spring water. When it boils, lower the tied towels. And then say these words:

“One in one, a second in a second, a third in a third. Gather all the evil power and evil spirits in one circle, perish, be destroyed, get away from young and old. In this house there is no place for you, no half-place, no living, no being, but only a boring toil and eternal thinness. Forever and forever!”

The above conspiracies will help you restore prosperity and peace in your family.

How to protect your family from damage and the evil eye?

  • If you buy homemade products at the market, then when you bring them home, sprinkle them with holy water and read the “Our Father.” Then cross with a knife. Such a ritual will help protect your family from the evil eye and damage to your home and family.
  • Unopened spring water, which was collected on Thursday, will help protect the family from damage. This must be done before sunrise. If you drink this water for a certain time, it will be a powerful amulet against damage to the family.

Most often, envious people, magicians, and ill-wishers can send the evil eye and damage to a family. It also happens that people, without knowing it, can cast the evil eye and wish harm on a family. The thing is that the evil eye and damage are strong energy flows. If the family aura is damaged and the house has no protection from magical influences, then strangers negative emotions could bring harm to this family.

“No one counts poppies, no one will spoil (person’s name).”

Then put the pieces in your clothing pockets.

Remember that your family and your home are a fortress. Try to protect her from the envy of other people!

Married life is not always easy. In any family, there are quarrels, even scandals. Two different people, with their habits and lifestyle, must be able to adapt to each other, make compromises, and give in on something. But reconciliation is only possible if there was no magical intervention. It’s one thing if quarrels are caused by some reasons, even if sometimes far-fetched, but it’s another thing if they happen out of the blue without any reason. This may be the result of exposure to damage.

Who can cause damage

Skeptical people are sure that there is no person nearby who would wish their family harm. They may not believe that their family discord and even divorce were caused by negative influences. An ill-wisher may not be an obvious enemy, but a secret envier.

The following can cause damage in order to quarrel family members:

  1. Envious people There are people who are envious by nature. They have not developed their own personal life, so they cannot calmly look at happy married couples.
  2. Women who are trying to fight off someone else's husband Usually it is women who use various love spells and can cause damage in order to ruin a family. This could be her husband's mistress or a colleague who has her eye on him. There are also situations when a man dated one woman and married another. A rejected rival can take revenge in this way.
  3. Close relatives of spouses There are many cases when the mother-in-law does not like the daughter-in-law or the mother-in-law is dissatisfied with the son-in-law. Evil women can provoke scandals and turn young people against each other. They can also use magic to secure the result.

How to determine damage

If constant quarrels have begun in the family, the spouses irritate each other, they have frequent attacks of aggression - all this may indicate that someone has caused damage. Determining the presence of damage is not difficult.

You need to remember if someone was particularly persistent in treating you to something. Very often damage to discord is caused through alcoholic drinks or food. If you tried the treat, did you feel like it had a strange taste?

Or you could find twigs, earth, matches, various powders or candle stubs on the threshold of your house. You should also be wary if you find tangled knots, needles, wool, hair, etc. in the apartment, but it is known for sure that no one in the household could have brought them. In this case, you should not touch them with your hands, but it is best to put them on cardboard and burn them along with it. It is advisable to do this away from home.

Signs of damage

Damage can manifest itself as follows:

  • Quarrels for no reason, irritability
  • Attacks of sudden aggression, followed by detachment and fatigue
  • Coldness, absence intimate life and desires, failures in bed
  • A sharp change in the mood of the spouses, anger not only at the partner, but also at the whole world
  • Accidents often occur with family members
  • The loss of interest in another person does not happen gradually, but abruptly, within one day; instead of love, he begins to experience hatred
  • Change of character, craving for bad habits, a person cannot overcome laziness, he is drawn to bad places (cemetery, garbage dump)

Method for diagnosing spoilage

If the above-described signs of damage to disorder are present (or some of them), then this is a reason to think about it. You can finally make sure that damage has been sent to you using this ritual. It requires a fresh egg. After midnight you need to pick it up and speak:

“Mother chicken, show me if there is anger towards my love.”

It should be placed so that it is above the pillows of the bed where you sleep with your spouse. After this you can go to bed. The egg should lie for a day. At night, also after 12 o’clock, it needs to be broken down and examined. If specks and white stripes are visible on the yolk, then there really is spoilage.

How to remove damage

If you are not satisfied with the upcoming divorce and want to save the relationship, you need to remove the damage. There are many conspiracies and rituals for the well-being of the family that can help in this difficult situation. Some of them need to be done together with your husband. After they are carried out, it is worth following some preventive measures to prevent this from happening again:

  1. Do not forget about amulets that can protect against damage and the evil eye
  2. Don't communicate with people who don't like you. Damage is not always done consciously; sometimes someone may simply envy you.
  3. Holy water should always be at hand. As soon as you feel something is wrong, you can drink it, wash your face or sprinkle various objects

Ritual with a castle

This ceremony can be performed by one of the spouses or both. If the husband does not agree to participate, there is no need to insist; you can use his personal item. To remove the damage, you also need to prepare two wax church candles and a lock. The ceremony must be performed at dawn; any day is suitable except Monday. You must see the rising sun. The entire ceremony must be faced towards him.

To remove damage from a family, you need to light two candles, and put a lock between them, the handle of which must be open. If the spouse refused to participate in the ritual, his belongings must be placed on the lock. After this, read the plot:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up early in the morning, pray, and go to the servant of God (name), crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from the door to the gate, from the gate to the familiar path. Just as the lock is open, so are their hearts open to us. We bow low, ask quietly to help the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) get rid of all evil spirits, cleanse our souls from the dirt. As I close the lock, I will also close the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) from black power. Amen"

Then extinguish the candles: be sure to first the right one, then the left one. After that you need to read Orthodox prayer and click the lock. It should be thrown into a deep reservoir or buried in the forest. Then the negativity will never come back to you.

A simple ritual to relieve discord in the family

This ritual for removing damage does not require special preparation. To perform it, you must choose a Sunday day, only even number. To remove the damage, you need to crosswise go around the corners of the house, while reading the plot. You will have to repeat it 40 times. This Sunday you cannot receive guests at home or talk on the phone.

“I, slave (name), was made from Adam’s body, I take it off, I drive out the devil’s work, not with a batog, but with a cross. Not for an hour and not at a time, but for faith in the One God Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. My house is strong, the threshold is not broken. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Removing damage for the whole family

This ritual is very powerful. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to remove the damage and restore the family. For the ritual you will need water, which should sit for at least half an hour. All family members should go to a bowl of water and take a glass of water. After this, all family members also take off their clothes, not all, just one thing: a shirt, a scarf, an apron, etc. It is desirable that it be made of fabric and belong to this person. All these things need to be collected and tied in a knot. Then everyone joins hands, forming a circle, and says:

“Having managed to unite a family into one, we will not allow it to be split and given to the wolves to be eaten. We will hold on to this knot, as we hold each other’s hands, as we tremble with our family, and we will not escape from it. And if someone wants to separate a family, he himself may suffer. We stand on this, we won’t let our relatives be offended. Amen!".

Things tied in a knot must be passed from person to person - from older to younger. Everyone should keep them above water and wish their family well. After this, all participants in the ceremony must drink their glass of water in one gulp.

Ritual with a broom

This ritual will help remove damage and remove all negativity from your home. You need to go into the forest and break birch or oak branches for a broom. With this broom you need to sweep the dirty linen out of the house, across the threshold, repeating not very loudly:

“I don’t sweep away trash, I drive out damage.”

Then take this one to the pedestrian intersection. Anyone who steps over it will take all the damage for himself.

Conspiracy with salt

To avoid quarrels in the family, you need to ask for salt from several houses (the quantity depends on the number of family members: two - two houses, three - three houses, etc.). You need to combine all this salt, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“How many measures of salt will be eaten, so many people will get along together, everyone will make peace, and will not get angry again.”

Then you need to use this salt to salt the food that all family members will eat.

Conspiracy with cast iron

To remove damage from spouses, you need to find an old cast iron that you will no longer need. It is necessary to fill it with water, preferably cold, but not all of it, but two-thirds, and throw herbs and salt into it: namely, three pinches of thistle, one pinch each of rosemary and always coarse salt. Then you need to take two towels that you use in the kitchen, dirty ones, and tie them together. When the water with herbs boils, you need to put towels in it and say:

“I got up at early dawn, washed my face in light water, walked out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, to the west, and into an open field. In that open field there is a bald mountain, on that bald mountain there is a black bathhouse, in that black bathhouse there are two towels, both dirty and thin, they wiped their feet with them, they used them for business, they collected all quarrels and dirt with them. As soon as these towels find themselves in the ground, so soon all troubles and sorrows will cease and will never happen again.”

When the potion with towels boils, the cast iron needs to be removed from the heat and cooled. Then take all this stuff and go to a place where there are no people to bury the towels in the ground as deep as possible. The water that remains after the ceremony must be poured out immediately. The cast iron must be hidden in someone else's yard or left at the crossroads of pedestrian roads.

A family can be called a special group, because both habits and worldview play a huge role here. Moreover, family relationships are very fragile, prone to change, develop, and go through periods of crisis, which helps strengthen them.

Sometimes it happens that one of the envious people begins to interfere with the help of outside forces. In this case, some believe that the family has been damaged by divorce and a breakdown in relationships.

How to determine damage to family discord

At the very beginning of the effect of damage to discord, misunderstandings begin to arise between spouses, as if someone had suddenly erected a wall. They can communicate with each other, but are not able to hear each other. It’s not easy to notice and qualify something like this, but there is definitely a sense of discomfort in the family. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then very soon everything will go from bad to worse.

An avalanche of troubles and misfortunes will fall on family members, husband and wife they will make trouble all the time, strong quarrels will arise based on jealousy and suspicion.

Exists special rite, which helps determine the presence of a negative message. It can be carried out either by the spouses themselves or by any stranger, for example, a close family friend. The ritual consists of the following actions:

  • Buy two wax candles in the church, you will also need a certain icon. This is the Kazan Mother of God;
  • when Friday comes, you need to take candles and write on each of them the name of one of the spouses;
  • candles are placed five centimeters from the icon and ignites with one match. If this procedure fails, it means that spoilage is present;
  • While the candles are burning, the Trinity prayer is read; you need to carefully monitor the flame.

When spoiled by divorce with the involvement of dark forces, the candles will burn with the release of black smoke and crackling sounds. Plus, a trace of soot will begin to appear on the melting wax. Plus, the candles will gradually lean in different sides , opposite to each other. This is a sign of damage to divorce. The distance formed between the candles indicates how strong the spell is.

In some cases, deviation occurs in only one candle, the second remains as it was. This is explained by the fact that the negative impact was sent only to one of the spouses. However, the ceremony to remove damage must be carried out with the wife and husband. There are special actions that are carried out only after aura cleansing procedure completed family members. For this, prayers and an egg are used.

How can I remove it?

After carrying out the ritual of reprimanding the wife and husband, the next step is to perform a ritual to remove the damage. All actions should be carried out only on the waxing moon, which contributes not only to the elimination of negativity, but also to restoration family relations. To achieve an effective result you will need presence of both spouses. Besides, you need to take them wedding rings and church candles:

  • The candles are lit, the thickest of them is placed in front of the person performing the ceremony;
  • you need to tie a thread to each of the rings and hang them on chains;
  • The rings are taken individually, placed over a candle flame, heated, and at this time the words of the conspiracy are read: “seven domes, seven bells, seven angels created and blessed this marriage. The devils will not disturb it, they will not disturb the family. Put your broken things together, let all troubles go away, let nothing bad happen to (names of husband and wife) in the family. Sanctify, Lord, stop quarrels and discord. Amen";
  • on next stage the rings are connected, tied together, and repeated reading of words, removing damage;
  • at the end of the ritual, the rings are immersed in a glass of holy water and left there until the morning;
  • in the morning they are put on the fingers of the spouses. The rings are not allowed to be removed for seven days. If the need arises, the procedure for removing damage is carried out again, but not earlier than in a month.

It is very important to remember that the spell of divorce and family discord will be successfully removed only if the negative message is notified, and both husband and wife, in addition, both spouses begin to sincerely strive to get rid of the slander.

It is believed that the most effective way removing damage to family discord and divorce is the use of fresh chicken egg, definitely homemade. This method was recognized in ancient times. You need to place a chair near your bed for ten days, on which you place a glass half filled with holy water and pour the contents of one egg into it. Do not damage the yolk, so all actions are carried out carefully.

A prerequisite is the placement of the glass; it must be parallel to the head. Before going to bed, the Lord's Prayer is read. Within the specified time, the egg removes all malware from the family. In the morning, the glass is emptied, its contents are washed down the drain, after which the container must be rinsed. The fact that the curse is gradually being lifted will be evident from the state of the white and yolk. The more they change overnight, the amount of absorbed negativity more significant. It is recommended to carry out these manipulations with the egg during the full moon.

Anyone who undertakes the ritual of removing damage to a family’s divorce should, after the ritual, visit the temple, where to place candles in front of the image Holy Mother of God and Ksenia of St. Petersburg, thank them for their help in maintaining family relationships. In turn, ill-wishers who sent a negative program with the goal of causing the wife to separate from her husband will pay for his crime a high price.

Since such damage is very strong, a person who has used magical spells can become very seriously ill and become infertile. His blood relatives are also at risk, even children who were not born. All or most of the envious person’s property may be lost forever, plus hearing and vision will become weak.

During the ceremony to remove the damage, the person who sent it will immediately know about it. He will begin to suffer from a nervous tic that will not stop.

Therefore, before you start harming your family, whatever the reason, and no matter how it justifies itself, you need to think carefully about whether this action is worth the consequences that it entails. will entail in any case. If there are signs of the transfer of negativity to the one who did this, you should go to church for confession and perform a ritual of attempting to reprimand.

Constant quarrels, troubles and illnesses can be not only the result of bad luck or carelessness, but also a manifestation of magical intervention. In this light, the question arises of how to remove damage from a family. There are effective and reliable rituals designed to protect household members from negativity.

Having noticed several familiar symptoms, you should be concerned about ways to identify an evil magician and study the procedure for action in a situation where a family has been jinxed.

Definition of the enemy

Knowledge of who caused it will help in the fight. Seeing the enemy's face, it is easy to understand his motives and take action to protect himself. The methods will not help to identify the person who cast the ancient ancestral evil eye - such rituals are powerful, and those who performed the spell died long ago. But you can independently determine the owner of the new damage or lining and try to clarify the relationship with the person.

Diagnosis with wax

The ritual is very simple and at home will help the family recognize the face of the enemy. To carry it out you will need high-quality wax candle and a container filled with water.

Performs the ritual like this:

  1. The candle is melted in a water bath.
  2. The wax is poured into a bowl.
  3. Focus on the enemy and ask for help,

“As wax is poured out, so is the name of the enemy poured out.”

Next, we move on to interpreting the results. The frozen wax is taken out of the water and the resulting figure is carefully examined. The form can indicate the name of the person or capture signs that make it possible to recognize the person who caused the damage.


An easy way to understand the identity of the pest is to ask higher power about help before bed. In the evening you need to wash your face, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and read:

“Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream. Whoever thought a dark thought, whoever said an unkind word, who did an evil deed, whoever sent a spell of damage, let him appear to me in a dream. Amen".

Early in the morning they get up and carefully remember all their dreams - in one of them, higher powers show the image of the enemy.

Conspiracy against the evil eye

The ritual will help to easily rid the residents. The conductor waits until Sunday morning, the number must be even. Left alone, a person walks around the entire home in the corners, making a cross, and reads the plot 40 times:

“I, a slave (worldly name), was created from the side of Adam, I expel, I remove the work of the demon, and not with a batog, but with the holy cross. Not at once, and not this very hour, but for faith in the Lord God alone. Amen".

Gradually, the effect of the curse will fade, and the family will begin to recover.

Rituals to get rid of damage to the family, with bulk food product are the strongest. Salt responds well to the energy of magic and neutralizes most induced evil eyes.

Before performing the ritual, you need to gather all family members and explain that a curse has been placed on the family. Next, everyone must independently approach their neighbor and ask for some salt.

Returning to the apartment, residents pour the spoils into one container and prepare dinner at home, which they season with the resulting salt. Tasting food, everyone asks for help and protection.

Family unanimity and a sincere desire to get rid of damage will quickly help you forget about the troubles and restore former warm relationships.

Help from Guardian Angels

A very powerful action based on the power of family love and loyalty. To perform the ritual, you will need to gather all your relatives in one room, explain the essence of getting rid of damage to the family and follow the instructions for the ritual:

  1. The conductive is prepared in advance large capacity with water, which must stand, and glasses according to the number of participants.
  2. Having gathered all the relatives, they pour a little water into glasses.
  3. Each resident must remove any worn item of clothing.
  4. Things are connected by knots and tied into one whole.
  5. Household members join hands and read a strong plot:

“Having managed to tie a family together, we will not allow it to be split up and given to the wolves to be devoured. We will stick to the knot of how we hold each other’s hands, how we value our family and will not go anywhere from it. And if anyone wants to separate a family, he himself will suffer. We stand on this, we won’t let our relatives be offended. Amen!".

The item obtained from things is passed on in turn from the eldest to the youngest. Each family member should hold the tissue knot over their glass.

After completing the procedure, the family simultaneously drinks the water to the bottom.

The ritual works very quickly - relationships improve, ailments go away, harmony returns.

Removing an ancient curse

Generic damage to a family is a terrible act that can completely destroy loved ones. The ritual to remove the long-standing evil eye is complex, but only it will reduce the negative impact and restore the greatness of the family.

A few days before the magical act is performed, prepare:

  • plain dishes;
  • a handful of salt;
  • white tablecloth made of natural materials;
  • photographs of relatives;
  • candle;
  • paper envelopes white by the number of family members.

The ritual is performed on the 17th lunar day at midnight. The person remains alone, closes the windows and doors and sits down at the table. Next, perform several actions:

  1. Images of relatives are laid out on the surface.
  2. Light a candle. Pour salt into the container.
  3. They take a photograph of a household member, hold it over the flame and place it in a bowl with salt.
  4. They read a prayer, asking for mercy and salvation.
  5. The action is repeated with the image of each loved one, removing the previous photo from the container before placing the next one.
  6. The dishes can be put aside. Next, they again pick up one of the photographs, visualize the image of a household member and read the plot:

“God Almighty, hear my prayer, send me your archangel Gabriel, give him and me strength. Archangel Gabriel, I, the servant of God (your name), appeal to you. I ask you, become a protector and intercessor of me and my family, deliver me from the hands of the wicked and black magicians, do not leave me and my family in difficult times, in any weather, wherever I and my family are. Let no one, either by evil deed or by a corrupt word, either himself or through another person, living or dead, cause me, the servant of God (name), and my family evil and harm. May your mercy, protection and protection always be with me and my family. Amen".

The image is wiped, getting rid of salt, and hidden in an envelope.

The action is repeated with a photograph of each person.

The ritual has special power; its influence manifests itself slowly but surely, ridding the family of the long-standing evil eye.

Protection and amulets

The best way to combat negative influence magic - preventing the appearance of damage. First of all, removing the signs of the curse: they walk through all the rooms with a lit church candle in the palms. The action must be accompanied by prayer and requests for help. Before cleaning, it is better to check if someone has an active evil eye.