Equipment for the production of rubber tiles. Production of rubber tiles - business for the future Manufacturing of rubber tiles

With the rapid growth in demand for rubber tiles, there is a low number of manufacturers on the market. This means that your manufacturing business rubber tiles will develop with low competition, and therefore has a chance for quick success.

Where are rubber tiles used?

Initially, the production of rubber tiles was organized in order to cover playgrounds with a non-traumatic coating. Then they began to use it on other sports grounds, halls and even in swimming pools. Today, the use of tiles has expanded significantly.

The main advantages of this coating are:

  • non-slip surface;
  • demonstrates high orthopedic and soundproofing properties;
  • resistant to temperature changes, frost-resistant;
  • does not lose aesthetic properties with prolonged use;
  • easy to install, easy maintenance;
  • does not break, does not crumble, durable;
  • service life – at least 10 years;
  • variability in color and shape.

Production premises

To start the production of tiles from crumb rubber, you need to find a suitable room. The main requirements for it are as follows:

  • ceiling height – from 3 m;
  • heating so that the indoor temperature is from 15 o C;
  • industrial power grid (from 20 kW);
  • flat floor for equipment installation;
  • total area – from 80 sq. m.
  • the workshop is located at least 300 meters from residential buildings.

Raw materials for production

The production of rubber tiles will require the purchase of the following materials:

  • dyes (7 rubles/kg);
  • polyurethane glue (RUB 140/kg);
  • crumb rubber: colored – 23-35 thousand rubles/ton, black – 17 thousand rubles/ton.

The main raw material is crumb rubber. Today, the production of crumb rubber uses mostly waste tires. Sometimes other waste rubber products are used. The production of crumb rubber occurs as follows. At a special site not far from the place where crumb rubber is produced, all waste rubber products are stored. From there they are delivered by forklift to the workshop and loaded into special processing equipment rubber products. There, the production of crumb rubber of the established fraction takes place, which is packed into bags and transported to warehouses by the same forklift. At this stage, a press is not needed.

You can organize the production of crumb rubber yourself. This will significantly reduce the cost of your business focused on the production of rubber coatings. But at first, you can find contractors for the production of crumb rubber.

Rubber tile production technology

Depending on what kind of coatings are planned to be produced, crumbs of a certain fraction are used. For example, if a two-layer tile is produced, then upper layer It is prepared from fine colored rubber. The lower, main and dense one is made of black coarse (2-10 mm). For each layer, separate production from rubber crumb is provided. At the same time, the top layer is softer and cleaner. The composition of the bottom may include metal elements, textile inclusions, etc.

The first stage of production involves preparing the mixture. Glue and pigment are added to the raw material, and it all mixes well. To do required tiles, the raw materials must be poured into molds. They have the appropriate shape and size. Then a special press forms the products. After this, the products must be removed from the molds and inspected to see how well the work has been done. High quality tiles packed and sent to the warehouse.

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles

If your business plan involves the production of raw materials, you will need equipment for the production of crumb rubber. It can be produced in two ways: classic mechanical or new, shock wave. Mechanical equipment for the production of crumb rubber will cost less. It can be installed in any workshop. For the second method, it is necessary to convert the premises, but the equipment will require smaller area, and productivity will be higher.

Be sure that your spending plan must include the purchase of equipment for the production of rubber tiles. It includes the following components:

  • drying chamber (from 100 thousand rubles);
  • two raw material mixers (100-200 thousand rubles);
  • molds (30 thousand rubles/piece);
  • a volcanic press that produces up to 100 m² of tiles per day (350 thousand rubles).

This should be your equipment purchasing plan. But today companies offer ready-made production lines that can be operated in one or two shifts. Their productivity can be a minimum of a thousand or a maximum of 3 thousand m² per month. The cost of such a line is from 2 million rubles. It consists of:

  • fixing stand;
  • Press forms;
  • molding table;
  • heating cabinet;
  • Hydraulic Press;
  • vibrating table;
  • screw conveyor;
  • cutting machine;
  • cyclone;
  • wheel cutter;
  • chip production machine;
  • belt conveyor;
  • grinding machine.

The main advantage of the line is savings on worker labor. It can be serviced by 3-4 operators.

You should also include the purchase of additional equipment in your spending plan:

  • trolley for transporting raw materials;
  • cart for transporting glue;
  • electronic balance;
  • trowels, scoops, mugs;
  • drill with attachments.


Separately, the business plan provides for the formation of a staff. It directly depends on the number of shifts for which production is designed. With continuous work, you can work three shifts all week. Then 8 workers must be involved in production.

Financial plan

The expenditure plan includes:

  • rental of premises – 3-6 thousand rubles;
  • delivery and installation of equipment – ​​from 2 thousand rubles;
  • equipment – ​​70-150 thousand dollars;
  • salary – 5 thousand dollars (including accounting and sales department);
  • purchase of crumbs (black – 17 thousand rubles/ton, colored – 23-25 ​​thousand rubles).

The income plan consists of selling tiles for approximately $500 per ton. 72 tons of products can be produced per month in three shifts. In addition, your income plan can include the sale of metal that is collected from tire recycling. This is another 3.6 thousand dollars (about 18 tons per month). In total, the income portion will be about 36 thousand dollars.

Statistics show that investments can pay off in just six months, and on average in a year.

Production of rubber tiles in Russia: a business plan in 4 steps with all calculations, a list of equipment and examples from retail.

Good business- this is one that allows you to earn good money and bring benefits to society.

In this sense, one of best options According to many, this is production of tiles from rubber crumbs.

After all, this little one in her “ past life"was car tires, all kinds of hoses and other similar waste that was toxic to the environment. By setting up the production of rubber tiles, essentially from garbage, you can not only help in recycling waste, but also improve the city or town.

Indeed, rubber tiles for outdoors or large premises have become Lately very popular because it allows you to create almost any floor pattern, is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, and is not hard or slippery even in the most severe ice conditions. Agree, there are only advantages.

This market in Russia has not yet been filled, so it is quite possible to occupy your niche and get a good share in this extremely promising field.

Rubber tiles: production, product characteristics and market overview

Before moving directly to development, it is necessary to understand the product itself: what rubber tiles are and who needs them. By answering these questions, we will understand whether this is worth doing at all.

What is a "rubber tile"?

As you might guess, rubber tiles are tiles made of rubber. Yes, it sounds very simple and banal, but that’s how it really is. The manufacturer takes two types of crumb rubber - colored (for the surface) and black (for the base), mixes with special glue, presses, and receives the finished product.

Many also produce crumbs themselves - they collect old tires, grind them on special equipment, and thus obtain “reclaimed rubber”. In other words - . True, such rubber still needs to be “devulcanized” so that it is more suitable for reprocessing. Although everything, in fact, depends on the production technology of a particular product.

Rubber tiles: production according to 5 types of use

  1. Street paving slabs (gray or black);
  2. Tiles for garden plot(most often green, the color of the grass);
  3. For children's playgrounds (multi-colored, bright);
  4. For sports grounds (with markings corresponding to different sports);
  5. Anti-slip coatings and overlays on steps.

*Examples of using rubber tiles.

The tile can also have different thickness, which will speak about its durability and protective functions, which means about the price. The thickness is usually from 10 to 80 mm, although another one can be made to order.

In fact, you can produce all this at your own enterprise. The production of tiles from crumb rubber is, in fact, not very diverse - the composition is almost the same everywhere (crumb rubber + glue). The only difference is the color, thickness and shape of the slab.

Production of tiles from crumb rubber as a market

Having dealt with a rough description of the product itself, it’s time to look at the rubber tile market in Russian Federation– does anyone buy it?

Let’s say right away: they are buying, and more and more actively every year. Since this is mainly how often this happens in domestic realities, no one keeps accurate calculations. However, we are confident that the market is growing based on indirect indicators.

Firstly, demand is growing. Recently, children's playgrounds and sports facilities in Russia have become much more picky than before. This is due to both the elections and the World Cup. The fact is that according to accepted standards developed countries According to the standards, playgrounds should not be finished with concrete or asphalt, but with rubber tiles, which (in theory) should reduce the risk of child injuries.

As for the cladding of stadiums and running tracks, there is a direct instruction from international sports organizations on exactly how they should be decorated. And rubber tiles are, as they say, a “must-have” here – that is, a mandatory attribute.

PS. Of course, small manufacturers are unlikely to be able to become the main supplier of rubber tiles to a large stadium (government procurement of this scale has its own “kitchen”), but an order for tiling a playground or sports complex of a school is quite within the capabilities of small and medium-sized businesses.

There is one point here - every year more and more sellers of rubber tiles appear. If they sell it more and more, it means they buy it more actively (no one will work at a loss). And since they buy more actively, they produce more and more, because the common economic truth says: "Demand creates supply".

Production of tiles from rubber crumbs from the point of view of Rosstat

There are more compelling arguments in favor of this business - Rosstat. Yes, it does not take into account small-scale production and does not specifically highlight rubber tiles in general indicators. However, it is quite capable of demonstrating the “average temperature in the room.”

In particular, in the archives of the chief state accountant you can find the following table:

*Production of main types of rubber and plastic products by year.

There we are interested in the last line, which describes the materials. This includes the production of rubber tiles as a branch of the national economy.

As we can see, the production of such coatings increased from 2010 to 2014 from 250,000,000 sq. m. up to 371,000,000 sq. m. At the same time, we see some decline in production in 2013 compared to 2012, but then growth resumed, although not in the same volumes as before.

But that was three years ago, what now? The same Rosstat gives us more relevant food for thought - data on the production of rubber coatings for January 2017 in comparison with the same indicator in 2016.

In the table we see that in January 2017, 1,400,000 sq. m of regenerated rubber plates. Here we immediately note that this is a narrower segment, which is precisely where our products belong. That is, this is good, it allows us to better assess the volumes and growth rates of this market.

So, in January, 130.2% of these rubber plates and coatings were produced in Russia, compared to 2016. Translated into simple language, this means that the figure is 1,400,000 sq. m of rubber plates – this is 30.2% more than in January last year.

Here we actually got the growth rate of this market at the beginning of 2017: +30% compared to last year’s figures.

The table also contains a comparison of January 2017 to December 2016, but here you need to take into account the seasonal factor: in January, almost a week falls on new year holidays, and production this month is always lower than the previous one. Therefore, it is necessary to compare data from January to January, December to December, etc.

Production of rubber tiles: determining the cost

One of the main criteria is the ratio of the price of the final product to the costs of its production.

We will talk about cost in the appropriate section, after describing the equipment and calculating labor costs, but now we will indicate approximate prices tiles with different characteristics.

As we wrote earlier, the tiles differ little in their structure. The main difference is the size and thickness. This directly affects its weight, and therefore the amount of rubber raw materials that we need for its production.

*Approximate prices in Russia as of the end of 2016.

Prices per 1 sq. m on the open market for rubber tiles Russian production will fluctuate between 1,000-2,000 rubles depending on the thickness of the canvas. You can also find Chinese crafts for 700-800 rubles per 1 sq. m. m., but experts recommend treating such products very carefully, because poorly glued crumb rubber can fall apart the very next day.

At the same time, the Chinese, as well as, by the way, European manufacturers the conditions of the Russian winter are not included in the operating standards. But it is harsh and can literally destroy unprepared material. Therefore, it is recommended to buy high-quality domestic tiles made from crumb rubber.

The production cost of rubber tiles starts from 650 rubles per m2 and can reach up to 1,250-1,500 rubles for particularly thick slabs.

In fact, a lot depends on factors such as office rent, utility costs, logistics, etc. Therefore, the price for production in the Moscow region and somewhere beyond the Urals will be different. The selling price, however, will also be different (this time in favor of Moscow).

Rubber tile production technology

Having realized the needs of the market, it is worth moving on to the production part - determining what equipment is needed for the production of rubber tiles, what technical processes you will need to establish how many employees you will need to provide production process etc.

Let's start with the fact that not one, but two technologies for the production of rubber tiles are now used:

  1. Hot pressing technique.
  2. Cold pressing technique.

1) Hot pressing.

This technology for the production of rubber tiles was especially popular in the early days after the material appeared on the market. Russian market. The method is cheap, fast and relatively simple. But at the same time, it is toxic, and the product after its use is of poor quality and quickly falls apart. This technology is often used by Chinese manufacturers when working on the cheapest goods.

Its essence is that the crumb rubber is not so much glued together with a special compound, but rather baked on a special press machine. At first glance, the resulting tile differs little from higher quality samples, although, of course, the smell of burnt gum is much stronger. But who on the street can smell it? So many people are happy with the state of affairs.

Or rather, it suited me until Russian buyer I didn't understand this scheme.

The fact is that such purchased and installed tiles “come off” with the first snow. Or maybe it won’t even reach it, because compressed and heated rubber, unlike glued rubber, immediately breaks its structure under the influence of temperature changes.

If you live in a country with a moderate, stable climate, then it will last quite a long time, but we are talking about the Russian sharply continental climate. Here and concrete plates They don’t always withstand the load, let alone pressed elastic?

The widespread use of such technology, by the way, was one of the reasons for the decline in production in 2013. By this time, the first buyers of rubber tiles had become disappointed in them, because... After 1-2 winters, such a product disintegrated back to the state of crumbs. The result was a wave of bankruptcies of enterprises that tried to sell low-quality products at high prices.

2) Cold pressing.

Since 2014, Russians began to better understand rubber tiles, which gave this market a second wind, because now tiles can be produced using more modern and high-quality equipment.

Cold pressing takes a long time and is not as profitable as hot pressing, but it is much more effective. Compressed crumb rubber with high-quality glue will withstand more than one winter.

Why didn't they switch to cold presses earlier? Equipment for the production of tiles from crumbs is much more expensive than that required for the hot method. For large enterprises, the difference can be hundreds of thousands of euros or dollars. This makes the business less attractive from an investment point of view.

Cold pressing technology goes through the following stages:

  1. Mixing glue and rubber crumbs in special industrial mixers (preparation of raw materials).
  2. The resulting mass is placed in prepared molds.
  3. The press forms slabs with a pressure of more than 5 tons.
  4. The resulting slabs are placed in drying chambers - there, at a temperature of about 60 degrees Celsius, the products are dried for 5-6 hours (depending on the thickness of the tiles).
  5. The final stage is drying at room temperature and quality control on a special table.

For comparison, the hot pressing method assumes that the mold is heated directly under the press. At the same time, the amount of adhesive in this form is much less, so it then does not need to dry under special conditions. This means you won’t have to buy dryers. However, the quality will be much worse.

Raw materials for the production of tiles from crumbs

Frankly speaking, the answer to this question lies in the subtitle itself - yes, tiles are made from rubber crumbs mixed with glue. Everything seems simple. But, as often happens, the difficulties are hidden in the details.

  1. Rubber crumb.

  2. In general, finding a supplier of crumb rubber is not difficult. This recyclable material is available in abundance today because it is made from car tires who have served their time.

    A ton of such regenerated rubber crumb will cost 19-20,000 rubles (multi-colored ones are a little more expensive). A special polyurethane composition, adapted for cold pressing, can be found on the market at a price of 170-210 rubles per kilogram. A similar option for the hot method of releasing tiles is 140-180 rubles for the same weight.

  3. Glue.

  4. Note that in this matter it is not so much the rubber that is important, but the glue.

    The characteristics of recycled tires are approximately the same. But the glue, which in the future will bear the entire load due to changes in temperature and humidity, may be different.

    Therefore, you should carefully select glue in accordance with the price/quality ratio. If you have just started your business, it is better to purchase polyurethane from several manufacturers to check which one you can trust.

  5. Other consumables.

  6. By the way, dyes should also be included in the list of consumables. Of course, you can purchase multi-colored crumb rubber in advance.

    But, firstly, it is more expensive, and secondly, you will never know in advance what color the buyer will like this season. A suitable dye costs 80 – 200 rubles per kilogram.

Equipment, workshop premises and other components of industrial production of rubber tiles

We already understood from reading previous sections, that in the production of tiles it is not so much the raw materials that are important, but the equipment - it is this that accounts for the largest share of costs.

According to market players, for one small workshop for 3-5 workers you need to purchase equipment worth 1,500,000 - 4,000,000 rubles.

Everything here is also very ambiguous. Equipment for hot pressing is cheaper, and equipment for cold pressing is more expensive. The most expensive thing is to install an entire assembly line for cold pressing. At the same time, these lines are also very different in price because some are more automated, while others are less.

On average, you need to focus on 2-2,500,000 rubles of initial investment:

Raw material mixer (mixer)
100-200,000 rubles2
Volcanic press (with a capacity of approximately 100 sq. m. tiles per day)
From 350,000 rubles1
Press forms
OK. 30,000 rubles / pcs.From 2 pcs.
Drying chamber(heat cabinet)
From 100,000 rubles1
Forming tables, trolleys, scales and other auxiliary equipment
From 50,000 rubles

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles (assembly belt)

If you need more serious production, then you cannot do without an assembly line. Here's what this equipment includes:

Fixing stand1
Shredding machine
Belt Conveyor1
Chip production machine1
Wheel cutter1
Screw conveyor1
Press forms1-2
Cutting machine1
Thermal cabinet1
Hydraulic Press1
Vibrating table1
Forming table1

TO necessary equipment It’s worth including having a car, otherwise how are you going to deliver tons of tiles to the assembly site?

The cost of an assembly line is about 3,500,000 - 4,000,000 rubles, although incomplete lines can be found on the market for 2,000,000 rubles.

Note that almost all assembly lines presented in Russia made in China. The only exception is the most expensive units. To work on such a line you need 3-5 people, depending on the level of production automation and its volume.

Speaking of volumes, the average assembly line produces from 1000 to 3000 sq. m of rubber tiles per month. To produce the same volume of products in the usual way At least 7-8 people will be required. That is, there are already serious savings on wages.

Another important point: to accommodate an automated line for the production of tiles from rubber crumbs, a minimum of 80 square meters will be required. m. free space, as well as access to voltage lines with a power of 15 kW per hour (this is how much the machines consume). This is not to mention the ventilation system - fumes from heated rubber and glue are quite toxic, although with the proper level of respiratory and eye protection they will not cause much harm.


As already mentioned, such an enterprise can produce 1,000-3,000 square meters. m. rubber tiles. However important nuance– the maximum scale of production can be achieved only when working in three shifts. The equipment doesn’t care – it doesn’t get tired, but people do.

A minimum of three operators are required to operate one automated belt. When working in three shifts, it turns out that the staff should be 9 people. If the scale of production is larger, then 4-5 people will be needed per shift.

However, you should not immediately set yourself up for emergency work in such an intensive mode. Immediately after starting a business main problem will not produce tiles, but sell them.

Thus, you will not need three shifts of workers. But over time, when you acquire contacts, form your own established sales scheme and begin to scale your business, then you will need to add staff.

We present to your attention a detailed video

about the production of rubber tiles

We calculate the income and expenses of the business for the production of rubber tiles

Finally, we have reached the culmination of any business plan - profit calculations. To determine how much we earned from the company of our rubber dreams, we must first accurately calculate the cost of consumables and employee salaries.

Let's assume that we will work in one shift. The salary fund for three people is about 75,000 rubles. They must work in a room of 80 square meters. m - which means its rent will cost 10 - 15,000 rubles.

For production 1 sq. m of rubber tiles of medium thickness (40 mm), we will need the following Consumables:

480 Dye
0.35*90 rub.31.5

With production volumes of 1000 sq. m. per month we receive an amount of about 865,000 rubles. To this it is worth adding electricity and other utility costs - about 8,000 rubles per month.

Total expenses per month – 950,000 – 1,000,000 rubles.

What are the incomes?

Rubber tiles 40 mm thick cost 1350 – 1650 rubles per 1 sq.m. Taking into account inflation, when making calculations it is worth taking the larger amount, because... a constant rise in prices is the only thing that every Russian can be sure of (check the Rosstat website if you don’t believe it).

So, the minimum volume is 1,000 sq. m of tiles we can sell for 1,600,000 rubles. With the help of simple calculations we can determine that net profit will be at the level of 600,000 rubles per month. It is not surprising that this business is considered very attractive - not everyone production sector can boast of such indicators.

If we assume that on equipment for the production of rubber tiles we spent about 3,000,000 rubles, then business payback is approximately 4-6 months.

We must also take into account that we took the minimum production volume. If you can immediately find a buyer for 3,000 sq. m of tiles, then you will pay back the production three times faster – in a couple of months. However, in business the saying is always relevant: we hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

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Rubber tiles are the know-how of the last few years. She's just starting to conquer construction market, but already claims to become the number one coating in the near future for landscaping suburban areas. But how can an entrepreneur benefit from this trend?

The production of this building material is a new, low-competitive, but promising area of ​​production. A guarantee of business success is the advantages of manufactured products over other types of coatings. Crumb rubber tiles:

  • safe from injury;
  • durable (its service life is at least 20 years);
  • has anti-slip properties.

In addition, it does not chip or crack when low temperatures, and, thanks to the elasticity of the material, ice chips off very easily. The tile is capable of passing water through itself, and therefore correct installation There are no puddles on its surface. The range of rubber tiles is wide: they are made in different colors, sizes, and can vary in thickness, shape and even the pattern with which the surface is decorated.

All this allows you to use the coating:

  • on children's playgrounds;
  • in kindergartens;
  • on sports grounds;
  • upon registration country paths;
  • for arranging areas near ponds, fountains, swimming pools;
  • in garages;
  • in car services;
  • in areas where animals are located.

Potential buyers of the products are:

Stages of rubber tile production

  1. Preparation of a mixture including crushed rubber crumbs, coloring pigment and glue in mixers.
  2. Bookmark ready mixture into molds.
  3. Pressing and molding in a hydraulic press.
  4. Heat treatment that gives products the necessary specifications.
  5. Unloading molds.
  6. Quality control and packaging.
  7. Shipment to warehouse.

Minimum equipment package to start a business

The best option to start a business for the production of rubber tiles from crumbs - purchase the entire line of equipment from one supplier, for example, from the EcoStep company, which is the largest supplier of crumb rubber in Russia, which offers several modifications of mini-plants that differ in productivity and the number of types of products.

To launch a full-fledged business, the company recommends purchasing an EcoStep mini-plant as standard. It includes the following types of equipment:

The full cost of the equipment set, including VAT and commissioning works is 1,970,000 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of rubber tiles at the EcoStep mini-factory

Although the equipment set provides the ability to produce 14 types of products, the most popular product is EcoStep rubber tiles 500 mm x 500 mm, 40 mm thick.

It occupies 70% of the total volume of orders, and therefore the calculation of the cost price, and subsequently the profitability of production, is best done based on the cost of producing tiles of the specified format.

Product characteristics

Name: safety rubber tile EcoStep 500*500*40 mm.

Material characteristics:

  • size 500*500*40 mm
  • tile weight - 7 kg.
  • weight 1m2 - 28 kg.
  • number of pieces in one m2 - 4 tiles

Mini-plant operating parameters

  • Work is carried out in 2 shifts.
  • Shift duration is 8 hours.
  • Capacity of 1st shift - 45 m2.
  • The plant produces 90 m2 of finished products per day.
  • The average monthly productivity of the plant when working in 1 shift is 990 m 2 of finished products (with 22 working days).
  • The average monthly productivity of the plant when working in 2 shifts is 2,500 m 2 of finished products (with 22 working days).

Payroll fund

To operate the site, 4 people will be required: three workers and a shift supervisor. Their salary will be 17,000 rubles and 20,000 rubles, respectively. Thus, the wage fund when working in 1 shift is 71,000 rubles per month, in 2 shifts - 142,000 rubles per month.

Labor costs per 1 m 2 of products are 71,000/990 = 71.71 rubles

UST (Unified Social Tax) - 34%, which is 24.38 rubles. in the cost of 1 m 2 of finished products.

Requirements for production and warehouse space

To accommodate an EcoStep mini-factory, you will need a heated room with an area of ​​at least 100 m2 with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters. To place a warehouse, you need a room with an area of ​​100 m2, possibly unheated.

At a rental rate of 150 rubles/m2, the cost of renting premises per month will be 30,000 rubles, which is 15.15 rubles. per 1 m 2 of finished products.

Consumables costs

  • Rubber crumbs - 16 RUR/kg
  • Polyurethane binder - 149 RUR/kg
  • Coloring pigment - 80 rub./kg.

Cost calculation

Calculation of the cost of materials for the production of 1 m 2 of EcoStep 500 x 500 rubber tiles, 40 mm thick.

Name of material

price, rub.

Consumption, kg

Cost, rub.

Rubber crumb

Taking into account other costs of carrying out activities, we can determine the cost of 1 m2 of rubber tiles.

cost of 1 m2 of rubber tiles EcoStep 500 x 500, 40 mm thick.

Business profitability for the production of rubber tiles at the EcoStep mini-factory using the example of the production of EcoStep tiles 500 x 500 with a thickness of 40 mm *

* Please note that all calculations presented in the table are conditional in nature and are given as an example of the potential profitability of this type of activity. The Moneymaker Factory recommends that before starting a particular activity, you independently calculate the payback of the project.

From year to year, rubber coatings are becoming more and more popular. There are several reasons for this:

  • covering a sidewalk with rubber tiles is much cheaper than covering it with asphalt or concrete;
  • rubber tiles are pleasant to the touch, it is useful to walk on them barefoot, so they are ideal for covering children's and sports grounds;
  • This material is convenient to transport and lay, the tiles do not crack or deform.

Rubber tiles are becoming more and more wide application. Today they lay out sidewalks and paths with it. adjacent areas, sports and children's playgrounds, summer cottages, stairs and much more.

The production of rubber tiles is a business for the future. This suggests that the material cannot but be in demand. Therefore, more and more enterprises producing rubber coatings are appearing on the market. Entrance fees to the business start at $150,000. The main costs go to the acquisition of the line, commissioning works and development of technology. The main difficulty in organizing a business is finding suppliers of reliable equipment. The high demand for rubber coatings created an increased demand for the purchase of machines for their production, which, in turn, attracted manufacturers of low-quality equipment to the market.

How much can you earn?

Rubber tiles are 3-4 times more expensive than their concrete counterpart - paving slabs. Cost of one square meter, depending on the thickness of the product, starts from 1050 rubles (for a tile 10 mm thick) and reaches 1800 rubles (for a tile 80 mm thick). Average productivity modern lines ranges from 1000 to 3000 sq.m. per month. It is not difficult to calculate the potential turnover of even a mini-enterprise. It ranges from 1.0 to 4.0 million rubles per month.

Rubber tile production technology

There are two common technologies for producing rubber tiles:

  1. hot pressing method;
  2. cold pressing method.

Each method has both its advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, the first option has much more significant disadvantages.

The hot pressing method is used by those manufacturers who decide to save on the purchase of expensive equipment. Today, Chinese production lines are actively offered to our entrepreneurs. Although the lines do have high productivity and are much cheaper than their analogues, the rubber tiles produced using such equipment are of very low quality.

The point is that under the influence high temperatures the tiles get a persistent smell of burnt rubber. As a result, it emits not only bad smell, but substances harmful to humans. In addition, the product obtained in this way will be short-lived, hard and fragile. As a result of operation, such tiles quickly collapse under the influence of environment.

Despite the low quality of the resulting products and questionable safety, many continue to use the hot pressing method. This is explained by two main reasons:

  • low cost of equipment, which means a lower entrance ticket to the business;
  • lower costs for raw materials, since the process of melting rubber reduces the consumption of polyurethane.

As a result of this, products are obtained at a low cost and a competitive price in the market. But there are no prospects for a business built on this technology. Having purchased tiles once, the client, convinced of the low quality of the products, will no longer place a repeat order.

The cold pressing method allows you to obtain rubber tiles of a completely different quality. Products using this technology are more elastic, flexible and durable. The price for quality is higher costs for the purchase of equipment and reduced line productivity. The price difference compared to hot presses can be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The production process using the cold pressing method is as follows: at the first stage, the components of the future product are mixed using mixers. Next, the raw materials are placed into molds. Then the molds are loaded under the press, where the molds are compressed with a load of 5 tons. On next stage the trolley with the molds is moved to the drying chamber, where the products are kept for 4-6 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. Upon completion of drying, the finished tiles are unloaded onto a special table for quality control.

Raw materials for the production of rubber tiles

The main raw materials for the production of rubber tiles are crumb rubber and polyurethane binder (glue). Crumb rubber is purchased from suppliers. average price– 19,000 rub./ton. Polyurethane glue for hot pressing costs from 140 to 170 rubles per kilogram, for cold pressing - from 170 to 200 rubles / kg. You should approach the purchase of this component very carefully, because the strength of the finished product depends on the quality of the connecting component.

To give products aesthetic appearance, dyes are actively used in the production of tiles. Depending on the type of color, the cost of the dye varies from 80 to 190 rubles/kg.

Premises and equipment

The price of a set of equipment depends on the production technology. A mini-factory for the production of rubber tiles by hot pressing will cost from 1.5 to 2.5 million rubles. Almost 90% of line suppliers are Chinese manufacturers. The capacity of the hot pressing line ranges from 50 to 100 sq.m. per shift and can be serviced by 4-5 workers.

The cost of a set of equipment using cold molding technology starts from 3.5 million rubles. The production line consists of hydraulic press, mixers, heating cabinet, mold, stands for fixing tiles, molding tables, electric heater and auxiliary equipment(scales, carts, work equipment).

No matter what configuration the line is supplied in, an area of ​​80 sq. m. is required to accommodate it. m. The room must be heated, well ventilated and with sufficient electrical power (machines consume 15 kW/hour).

Production of rubber tiles - video

Fractional crumb rubber is the basic raw material for the manufacture of tiles and rubber coatings. This raw material is actually taken from waste; more precisely, it is extracted by recycling old worn-out car tires. Car tires are made from fairly expensive components. High Quality(various oils, synthetic rubber, fillers), since these products must withstand enormous loads for a very long period of time.

Of all existing species Tire rubber, by its structure, is distinguished by its high strength and durability. Such rubber easily withstands acidic and alkaline solutions on its surface, is very elastic, does not stretch, does not bend and can withstand temperatures from -45 to + 60 degrees.

raw materials:
Automotive crumbs (or crushed rubber - RD) - are obtained by processing worn-out tires of other rubber goods. Its price depends on such indicators as: quality, manufacturing method, dimensions, place of manufacture and sale. In Russia, the retail price for crumbs ranges from 6-15 rubles per kilogram.

Places where crumb rubber is produced:
- factories that process car tires into crumbs, as the main raw material;
- for by-product production at rubber goods factories
- factories that retread tires by roughening them (tread treatment), as a production waste.

Crumb rubber fractions used:
Fractions of crumb rubber vary from 0.1 mm to 10 mm and directly depend on their purpose. Thus, small fractions (0.1 - 4 mm) are mainly used in the production of colorless (black) or colored single-layer products. In the manufacture of lower colored layers, mainly larger fractions (2-10 mm) are used. Most often, they are cheaper in comparison with smaller fractions, so they may contain textile or metal inclusions. The production of tiles with two layers (an upper thin colored layer, a lower dark layer with larger fractions of crumbs) is acceptable and relevant when the initial thickness of the product exceeds 1.5 cm.

Layering allows you to reduce the cost of the product due to the following points:
. Inclusion of crumbs into the cheap coarse fraction. Such crumbs may contain textile or other inclusions.
. Save on paint - the bottom layer remains black.
. Larger crumb fractions require a smaller amount of binder for crosslinking, which is carried out by enveloping the surface of the crumb particle
. The absence of a dye allows you to use less binder to crosslink the particles, since the mixture dries out in the colored crumbs.

Equipment and raw materials (prices)

The line that produces rubber coatings has the following set of equipment:

Volcanic press with a capacity of up to 100 m² per day. Price - approximately 350 thousand rubles;

Pressing forms. Cost - 30 thousand rubles apiece;

Drying chamber (for a mini business, it is possible to make it yourself), price from 100,000 rubles.

Raw materials:

Crumb rubber - black (17 thousand rubles per ton), colored (from 23 to 35 thousand);
. polyurethane glue - 140 rub/kg;
. dyes - 7 rubles per kg;

Electricity consumption by the line is 15 15 kW/h.

Coatings can be made:
- both soft and hard in density;
- waterproof, or with water passage (drainage);
- thin and thick;
- as colorless (black), colored, or black with inclusions different color;
- with good grip and more slippery;
- with or without a pattern;
- single-layer or with several layers;
- for laying on soft base(soil) or solid;
- with or without connections (sleeve, lock).

Rubber paving slabs are often laid parallel to regular ones. paving slabs. It is for this combination that rubber coverings of similar sizes and shapes are created as regular paving slabs.

Premises for a mini tile production workshop.
The criteria by which rubber coatings are produced (provided that the equipment is optimal and has an average level of productivity):

1. The area occupied by the technical line is 70-100 m² (not counting the warehouse);
2. Shift of workers, which consists of 4-5 employees (1 senior per shift);
3. Power consumption:
- standard - 52 kW;
- average - 13 kW/hour (explained by the cyclical operation of the equipment);
4. Average level of productivity (taking into account possible stoppages and defects).

Equipment and materials are located by sectors:
§ Raw materials warehouse for storing crumb rubber, its dyes and glue;
§ Preparation sector, where the material is used for dosing, mixing, weighing processes
§ Molding sector, with installed pressing equipment and tables;
§ Warehouse with finished products, where manufactured tire crumb products are stored.
The presses begin to operate prematurely, 30-50 minutes before start-up, in order to warm up the press mechanisms.

General axioms:

1. Glue consumption.
§ The amount of binder is inversely related to the crumb fraction. The smaller the crumb, the more binder is needed for crosslinking. The larger, the smaller.
§ Dyes dry out the glue. Because of this, its amount in the black coating is smaller.
§ The higher the density of the product, the less glue is needed.
2. Average glue consumption for manufacturing various coatings from 4 to 12% depending on the presence/absence of dye, density of materials, quality of glue, and size of tire chips used.

For example, to make a colored coating Mat 500*500*16mm (from fine crumbs) you need 6% dye and 5% glue from the amount of rubber crumbs.
A) Black coating(crumb size - 4-10mm) - 4% glue.
b) Black coating (crumb size - 2-3 mm) - 5% glue.
c) Black coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 6% glue.
d) Color coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 7-9% glue.
3. Water resistance increases, the smaller the fraction of rubber crumb and the higher the pressure.
4. The larger the crumb, the faster the color of the product will be lost due to abrasion.
5. The larger the crumbs, the stronger the coating, but the thickness of the coating must be maintained.
6. Thick coatings (2 cm or more) are best made in two layers. For the upper part, use fine-fraction crumbs; for the lower part, use cheaper coarse-fraction crumbs (5-12 mm) with possible foreign inclusions. Each layer has its own proportions of glue. Each layer is mixed in different containers.
7. It is recommended to produce products of the same thickness on one pressing mechanism, regardless of the configuration, since thickness affects the operating time of the press (the thinner the product, the faster its formation).

Additional accessories for production.

Trolley for transporting raw materials (crumbs, dye).
- A trolley with a special tripod to transport containers with glue.
- Scales to weigh components (50 kg electronic scales are best).
- Trowels for uniform laying of coatings.
- Special mugs and scoops for measuring, depending on the standard of the product.
- Mixing glue and dye drill with attachments.

Price for selling rubber plates:

One pack
100 tiles - 57 thousand rubles.

Cost of 1 m² - 1,584 rubles.
Price of 1 slab - 570 rub.
The minimum quantity is 100 slabs (25 m²).

Sales of products.

For coating on production lines, warehouses, or as rubber coating for garages;
- used in areas near skating rinks, locker rooms, playgrounds;
- in combination with paving slabs;
- as a coating for various sports complexes or children's playgrounds;
- on farms, livestock production facilities;
- on roofs, terraces
- in baths and other places.

As we can see, the production of such products is part of the ecosystem, producing high-quality safety products - rubber tiles or crumb coating.

Production of tiles from rubber crumbs: