Setting up the pressure sensor of the pumping station. Setting the pressure in a pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator. Preparation and example of setting the required values

Setting up the pressure switch pumping station, adjustment tips, video tutorials.
How to adjust the pressure in a pumping station

How to adjust the pressure in a pumping station

Sewage and water supply are an integral part of a comfortable life. To provide themselves with the benefits of civilization even in the country, many purchase special pumps. These devices provide the proper pressure of water used for domestic and economic needs. Over time, the factory settings get lost, so there is a need for such a procedure as adjusting the pressure switch of the pumping station (PS).

The pressure switch is an automated sensor that controls turning the pump on and off. As a rule, the manufacturer supplies pumps with an already calibrated relay:

  • the switching pressure is set at 1.5 -1.8 atmospheres (bar)

  • shutdown pressure – 2.5-3 atmospheres.

Correction of the operating mode is achieved by changing these settings. In this case, the volume of the hydraulic accumulator and the required water pressure must be taken into account. The pressure switch has two adjustments:

  • Pressure nut P – setting the upper pressure limit, upon reaching which the pump is switched off.

  • Pressure nut?P (delta P) – is responsible for the lower pressure level, that is, turning on the equipment (pressure drop).

To understand how the relay is adjusted and configured, you need to know the operating principle of a complete pumping station. So, the pump pumps water into the accumulator, thereby increasing the level of water pressure in the main tank. This indicator is monitored by a pressure gauge. Further, upon reaching the specified level P, the contacts in the relay open and the pump turns off. Residents, using water, gradually reduce the pressure in the tank; when the lower mark?P is reached, the pump turns on, and the process is repeated.

Calculation of the lower pressure limit - moment of switching on the NS

Any calibration begins from the very beginning - determining the minimum required pressure in the tap located at the highest point of the water supply system. For example, the required level in the taps on the 2nd floor of your house is 2 bars. However, remember that a pressure of 1 bar creates a column of water whose height is 10 m.

Of course, on the first floor the pressure will be higher. Calculate the height to which the water will rise from the accumulator to the extreme point of water intake. If the difference, suppose, is 8 m, then the pressure will be 0.8 bar. Then simple mathematics: add the required pressure on the second floor and the height of the water column, you get the minimum pressure in the pipes at the level of the accumulator. In our example it is 2.8 bar.

Next, you should determine the air pressure in the accumulator tank. It is good to use a tire pump with a pressure gauge for this. In this case, the container must be empty and the station disconnected from the network. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand what total air and water pressure the relay is set to: a ratio of 2:1, or 1.5:1.5.

In accordance with the recommendations of the well-known manufacturer of pumping equipment Grundfos, the backpressure in the gas cavity must be at least 90% of the calculated minimum level. That is, if we take the example data, the indicator will be 2.8 x 0.9 = 2.52 bars. To achieve the desired value, it is necessary to bleed off excess air or, conversely, pump it up with an auto pump.

Adjustment of the upper and lower pressure is carried out by careful, gradual rotation of the clamping nuts: clockwise to increase the indicator, counterclockwise to decrease it. At the same time, some manufacturers recommend setting the switching level 0.1 bar higher than desired, that is, in the example this value will be 2.9 bar.

It’s quite simple to check: when the system is turned on, open the tap, drain the water from the tank and use the water pressure gauge to monitor the moment when the relay turns on the pump. The minimum air pressure limit in the accumulator is 0.78 bar.

Calculation of the upper pressure level - the moment of switching off the NS

Now you need to decide on the upper pressure, that is, the moment when the relay will turn off the pump. Masters, as a rule, set the difference between the on and off points to 1 bar. This is explained by the fact that the water in the mixers will be produced at the same temperature. Of course, it's convenient for users. There is one “but”: the hydraulic accumulator will start and stall too often, which negatively affects the uninterrupted service life of the device.

That is why, according to manufacturers’ calculations, the difference between Pi and P should be at least 1.4 bar at any pressure. For our example, it turns out 2.9 + 1.4 = 4.3 bars.

When setting the Pi and delta-P values, it is imperative to take into account the maximum pressure for which the accumulator is designed and try not to exceed it. The data is usually indicated in technical passport products. Besides, it's too high pressure may have a negative impact on faucets and rubber inlet hoses, which also have a maximum permissible level.

Most problems with pressure regulation and relay operation are associated with a malfunction of the accumulator membrane. A violation of the on-off mode occurs due to the fact that the membrane chamber, in the absence of water, lies at the bottom of the tank. Since it contains butyl rubber, when the mechanism is not working it sticks together and ceases to perform its functions. The problem is eliminated by careful blowing: the air is released from the device to 0.5 bar, the pump is turned on and water is gradually pumped up to 1 bar. The membrane will straighten. Follow the scheme: drain the water, re-pump the air using a car pump. Further adjustment of the relay will be carried out without problems.

Features of adjusting HC relays from different manufacturers

The adjustment scheme shown is classic. However, the settings of pumping station relays from different manufacturers are slightly different, taking into account the characteristics of the product.

Thus, Gilex Jumbo pumps are characterized by the use of a mechanical device RDM-5, the design of which includes another additional spring enclosed in a plastic frame. Designed to fix the adjusting nuts within the established limits, that is, a kind of protective mechanism that does not allow changes in the on-off points of the pumping station.

Similar to the previous type, pumps from Caliber and Alco are regulated.

Pumps from “Marina” (Marina) have standard factory settings: P – 1.5 atm, ?P – 3 atm, maximum pressure – 3.2 atm. Over time, the springs weaken, so they need to be tightened every six months to the required level. standard scheme, but not setting it to maximum. Otherwise, the mechanism will wear out very quickly.

Pumping stations from Pedrollo have adjustable pressure 1.4-2.8 bar. Before setting the relay, you need to measure the air pressure in the accumulator tank. The figure should be 0.2 bar below the minimum pressure level. The rest of the adjustment follows the general principle.

Grundfos takes a more responsible approach to adjusting the relays of its pumping stations, so the plant obliges dealers to check and adjust the products in front of the buyer. An absolute requirement: the difference between P and?P should be 1-1.5 bar. It is recommended that each client check the settings once a year.

Water pressure controller for pump

To automate the water supply using a pump, a special relay is used, which is powered by electricity. It is installed in close proximity to expansion tank. Correct adjustment The relay allows you to reduce the number of on and off cycles, thereby extending the operational life of the equipment.

Main device with additional elements

By its design, the device is a small block containing special springs. One of them is adjusted to maximum pressure, and the other to minimum. Their adjustment can be carried out using special nuts located on top.

A membrane is attached directly to the springs, reacting to changes in pressure in a certain way. At the minimum value, the metal spiral is stretched, and at the maximum, compression occurs. Thus, the contacts close and open.

The operating procedure of the device is approximately as follows.

  • On initial stage water is wasted from, which leads to a decrease in pressure in the circuit. When it drops to the lower threshold, the pump turns on.
  • Water is pumped into the main tank until it is filled to a certain level. As a result, the pressure increases. Once it reaches the upper threshold, the supply equipment is turned off.
Note! To find out the pressure in membrane tank, you should unscrew the cap with the nipple, and then attach a special measuring device– pressure gauge.

Prices for some models

In fact, you can buy a water pressure switch for a pump for a relatively small amount of money. The table shows prices for popular models from well-known manufacturers.

ImageManufacturer and modelPrice in rubles
Belamos PS-02540
Caliber RD-5490
Danfoss KP11 570
Gilex RDM-5900

As for the prices for electronic water pressure switches for pumps, they are approximately 2-3 times higher than for mechanical analogues. Such devices make it possible to more accurately adjust the operating range. In addition, they protect shut-off valves from possible water hammer.

Installation and adjustment of a water pressure switch for a pump

If you install and adjust the water pressure switch for the pump yourself, you will not have to spend financial resources directly to attract professionals. The process of connecting and setting up the device is not difficult.

Related article:

If the water pressure is normal or even strong, then you simply need this device. You will find out why in our separate review.

Consideration of the connection diagram for the water pressure switch for the pump

The finished device is connected to the electrical and plumbing systems permanently, since there is no need to move it. For connection, a dedicated electricity line is not at all necessary, but is still desirable. It is recommended to connect from the shield copper cable cross section from 2.5 sq. mm.

The circuit must be present, since the combination of electricity and water is quite dangerous. The cables are inserted into special holes located on the back of the case. Under the cover there is a special block with contacts:

  • terminals for connecting the phase and neutral wire;
  • grounding contacts;
  • terminals for wires leading from the pump.
Note! The connection is carried out according to the standard scheme. A certain part of the insulation is removed from the conductive elements, after which the stripped edges are fixed with clamping bolts.

Setting up the pump station pressure switch yourself

To set up the system, you need a reliable pressure gauge that allows you to accurately measure pressure. According to his indications, adjustments are made. The whole process comes down to tightening the springs. When turned clockwise, the pressure increases and vice versa.

The sequence of steps for setting up is approximately this:

  • The system is started, after which the thresholds at which the device turns on and off are monitored using a pressure gauge;
  • Using a suitable wrench a large spring responsible for the lower threshold is released or pressed.
  • The system is turned on and the set parameters are checked. If necessary, adjustments are made.
  • After setting the lower pressure level, the upper limit is adjusted. To do this, perform the same manipulations with a small spring.
  • Final testing of the system is carried out. If the results are satisfactory, then the setup process can be considered complete.
Note! When adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump, remember that the minimum range between the upper and lower thresholds must be more than 1 atmosphere.

About idle protection

In some cases, water may not pass through the pump, but it will continue to work. This mode of operation of the device is extremely undesirable, as it significantly reduces the service life. However, this only applies to devices with a wet rotor, where water acts as a cooling and lubricating fluid.

To avoid equipment failure, it is necessary to install a relay that protects against dry operation. The contacts should open when there is no water and turn off the device. The device engine can only be started if there is sufficient quantity water.

If water consumption from a well or well exceeds its supply, then idle move can't be avoided. In this regard, installing a water pressure switch will help to cope with this situation.

Idle detection can be calculated using one of several values:

  • pressure at the outlet pipe;
  • water level;
  • fluid flow through the device.
Helpful information! Protection of the device from idle operation in water supply systems country houses necessary. Most often it is used in conjunction with other automation devices.

Need to know

When setting high pressure, the suction equipment is turned on much more often, which leads to accelerated wear of the main parts. However, this pressure allows you to use even a shower cabin with hydromassage without any difficulties.

At low pressure, the device supplying liquid from a well or borehole wears out less, but in this case you will have to be content with an ordinary bath. It is unlikely that you will be able to appreciate all the delights of a jacuzzi and other devices that require fairly strong pressure.

Thus, the choice must be made depending on the goals being pursued. Everyone decides for themselves what to prefer in a particular case.


After installing and configuring the pressure switch of the pumping station, you will still have to periodically monitor the system and adjust its operation. Experts recommend once a quarter to completely drain the water from the expansion tank and test the pressure. Correct operation equipment will allow you to avoid unnecessary costs for carrying out repair work and purchase of worn parts.

How to connect a pressure switch to a pump (video)

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One of essential elements The control of the water pumping station is a pressure switch. It provides automatic switching on and turning off the pump, controlling the water supply to the tank according to the specified parameters. There are no clear recommendations on what the maximum values ​​of the lower and upper pressures should be. Each consumer decides this individually within the limits acceptable standards and instructions.

Design and principle of operation of a water pressure switch

Structurally, the relay is made in the form compact block with springs of maximum and minimum pressure, the tension of which is adjusted by nuts. The membrane connected to the springs reacts to changes in pressure force. When the minimum value is reached, the spring weakens; when the maximum level is reached, it compresses more strongly. The force exerted on the springs causes the relay contacts to open (close), turning the pump off or on.

The presence of a relay in the water supply allows you to ensure constant pressure and the required water pressure in the system. The pump is controlled automatically. Correctly set ones ensure its periodic shutdown, which contributes to a significant increase in trouble-free service life.

The operating sequence of the pumping station under relay control is as follows:

  • The pump pumps water into the tank.
  • The water pressure is constantly increasing, which can be monitored by the pressure gauge.
  • When the set maximum pressure level is reached, the relay is activated and turns off the pump.
  • As the water pumped into the tank is consumed, the pressure decreases. When it reaches the lower level, the pump will turn on again and the cycle will repeat.

Device diagram and components of a typical pressure switch

Basic parameters of relay operation:

  • Lower pressure (switch-on level). The relay contacts that turn on the pump close and water flows into the tank.
  • Upper pressure (shutdown level). The relay contacts open and the pump turns off.
  • Pressure range is the difference between the two previous indicators.
  • The value of the maximum permissible shutdown pressure.

Setting up the pressure switch

During the assembly of the pumping station Special attention is paid to setting up the pressure switch. Ease of use, as well as the trouble-free service life of all components of the device, depend on how correctly its limit levels are set.

At the first stage, you need to check the pressure that was created in the tank during the manufacture of the pumping station. Typically, at the factory, the switch-on level is set at 1.5 atmospheres, and the switch-off level is 2.5 atmospheres. They check this with an empty tank and the pumping station disconnected from the power supply. It is recommended to check with an automotive mechanical pressure gauge. It is housed in a metal case, so the measurements are more accurate than using electronic or plastic pressure gauges. Their readings can be affected by both the room temperature and the battery charge level. It is desirable that the pressure gauge scale limit be as small as possible. Because on a scale of, for example, 50 atmospheres, it will be very difficult to accurately measure one atmosphere.

To check the pressure in the tank, you need to unscrew the cap that closes the spool, connect the pressure gauge and take a reading on its scale. The air pressure should continue to be checked periodically, for example once a month. In this case, the water must be completely removed from the tank by turning off the pump and opening all taps.

Another option is to carefully monitor the pump shut-off pressure. If it increases, this will mean a decrease in air pressure in the tank. The lower the air pressure, the greater the supply of water can be created. However, the pressure spread from a completely filled to an almost empty tank is large, and all this will depend on the preferences of the consumer.

Having chosen the desired operating mode, you need to set it by bleeding off excess air, or pump it up additionally. It must be borne in mind that the pressure should not be reduced to less than one atmosphere, nor should it be over-pumped. Due to the small amount of air, the rubber container filled with water inside the tank will touch its walls and be wiped. And excess air will not make it possible to pump in a lot of water, since a significant part of the tank’s volume will be occupied by air.

Setting the pump on and off pressure levels

Which are supplied assembled, the pressure switch is pre-configured according to optimal option. But when installing it from various elements The relay must be configured at the site of operation. This is due to the need to ensure an effective relationship between the relay settings and the tank volume and pump pressure. In addition, it may be necessary to change the initial setting of the pressure switch. The procedure should be as follows:

In practice, the power of the pumps is chosen such that it does not allow pumping the tank to the extreme limit. Typically, the cut-out pressure is set a couple of atmospheres above the switch-on threshold.

It is also possible to set pressure limits that differ from the recommended values. In this way you can set own version operating mode of the pumping station. Moreover, when setting the pressure difference with a small nut, one must proceed from the fact that the initial reference point should be the lower level set by the large nut. The upper level can only be set within the limits for which the system is designed. In addition, rubber hoses and other plumbing fixtures also withstand pressure, not higher than the calculated one. All this must be taken into account when installing a pumping station. In addition, excessive water pressure from the tap is often completely unnecessary and uncomfortable.

Adjusting the pressure switch

Adjusting the pressure switch is practiced in cases where it is necessary to set the upper and lower pressure levels to the specified values. For example, you need to set the upper pressure to 3 atmospheres, the lower pressure to 1.7 atmospheres. The adjustment process is as follows:

  • Turn on the pump and pump water into the tank until the pressure on the pressure gauge reaches 3 atmospheres.
  • Turn off the pump.
  • Open the relay cover and slowly turn the small nut until the relay operates. Rotating the nut clockwise means increasing pressure, in reverse side- decrease. The upper level is set to 3 atmospheres.
  • Open the tap and drain the water from the tank until the pressure on the pressure gauge reaches 1.7 atmospheres.
  • Close the tap.
  • Open the relay cover and slowly rotate the large nut until the contacts operate. The lower level is set at 1.7 atmospheres. It should be slightly greater than the air pressure in the tank.

If the pressure is set to high to turn off and low to turn on, the tank is filled with more water and there is no need to turn on the pump often. Inconveniences arise only due to the large pressure drop when the tank is full or almost empty. In other cases, when the pressure range is small and the pump often has to be pumped up, the water pressure in the system is uniform and quite comfortable.

In the next article you will learn the most common connection schemes.

Autonomous water supply systems from wells and boreholes consist of several important components: pumping equipment, a hydraulic accumulator, automation, pipes and equipment for water points. The pressure difference in the submersible pump raises the water by the desired height. Next, it flows through pipes into a storage tank, from where it is supplied to the collection points. This ensures proper pressure and stable operation of the entire system as a whole. For normal operation of the water supply, it is necessary to correctly configure the automation in order to guarantee a minimum number of on/off switches of the pump and extend its service life.

Scheme of an autonomous water supply system

How does a submersible pump work?

Surface and submersible pumps are used to supply water. The former are installed near water sources, and the latter are completely or partially immersed in water (the installation method depends on the design features of the particular model). The housings of submersible devices are sealed. The principle of their operation is approximately the same: the pump draws water into the housing through the inlet and pushes it through the outlet into the pipeline.

Depending on the design, the pressure difference between inlet and outlet submersible pump is created either by an oscillating membrane (vibrating models) or by the rotation of one or more impellers (centrifugal devices). Many well owners install centrifugal-type devices. They are more expensive, but more productive, versatile and do not destroy during operation. casing pipe.

The duration and safety of the pump operation largely depends on automatic systems regulating the mode of their on and off. If the device is connected directly to the water supply, without a hydraulic tank, then it turns on every time the taps at the water points are opened. This mode of operation leads to its rapid failure. When connecting to a hydraulic accumulator, it is necessary to correctly set the pressure limits for the device to operate in optimal mode.

Design diagram of a centrifugal submersible pump

Pressure switch in an autonomous water supply system

For normal operation of the pump, a pressure switch is connected. This is a device that turns water-lifting equipment on and off automatically when the water pressure changes within specified limits. When the lower threshold of the specified parameters is reached, the device closes the contacts, supplies current to the pump, and it turns on. When the pressure rises to the upper threshold, the automation opens the contacts, power stops flowing to the equipment, and it turns off.

Pressure switch for the water supply system of a private house

Design features of the device

The relay design includes a flexible membrane. Under the influence of pressure in the system, it is deformed and closes or opens contacts. The operation of the device is regulated by special springs, which are adjusted using nuts - tightening or loosening them. When the nut is tightened, the spring is compressed. The tighter it is clamped, the more pressure is required to trigger it.

The difference between the thresholds for turning the device on and off is adjusted using the second nut. The more it is tightened, the greater the pressure difference. The relay is connected to the power supply network and to the pump itself using two pairs of contacts. To install the device on a water supply system pipe, a threaded hole is provided, the diameter of which is most often ¼ inch.

Submersible pump pressure switch connection diagram

Video: purpose and operating principle of a pressure switch

How to connect the device correctly

The peculiarity of connecting a pressure switch is that it has to be connected to two networks - electrical and water supply. The first stage is connecting to the water supply system. To do this, purchase a special adapter separately if the thread diameter of the water supply input differs from threaded hole device.

For the pressure switch choose comfortable spot on a pipeline with free access. Threaded connections compacted with flax or other material from beginning to end. After this, the device is connected to the thread. The nut must fit exactly onto the seal. When working, you need to make sure that the sealing material does not come out or bunch up.

When the device is installed on the water supply, it is connected to the electrical network. For this purpose, one or two pairs of contacts are provided. Models with two pairs are more common on sale; home owners usually purchase them. If there are markings on the contacts, then you should follow them when connecting. If not, you need to carefully study the instructions and understand the purpose of each of the elements.

Before connecting, you must make sure that the device is in order and that the contacts open and close normally. A three-wire wire is used for connection. The first core is connected to the first contact, the second to the second, the third to the screw from the ground wire. The relay is connected to the pump contacts using a wire of the appropriate diameter.

Relay connection diagram via a five-pin fitting

Adjusting the thresholds for turning the pump on and off

The devices go on sale with factory settings. The lower threshold is usually set to turn on the pump when the pressure drops to 1.5 bar. The device turns off when the pressure reaches 2.5-3 bar. The difference (Δ - delta) is a parameter that can be adjusted with the second nut on the device. When setting, you should take into account the maximum permissible shutdown pressure. It is indicated in the technical documentation for each model and is usually 5 bar.

When adjusting the pressure limits, it is necessary to check the settings of the accumulator. Optimal pressure indicators are 1-1.5 bar. If they differ, they are corrected. After this, configure the relay:

  • Open the cover to access the adjustment nuts and loosen the small pressure spring.
  • The switching threshold is adjusted with a large nut. Turning clockwise increases the pressure, counterclockwise decreases it.
  • Set the pressure threshold of the small spring.

Video tutorial: setting up a pressure switch for a submersible pump

When the device is connected and configured, all that remains is to check the operation of the system. To do this, open the tap, let the water drain and monitor the on-off mode of the pump. If the system operates normally, it can be put into operation. If necessary, the settings of the pressure switch of the submersible pump are adjusted.

The water supply system in a private house includes, in addition to a submersible pump, a system for maintaining the required pressure in the water supply, and therefore constant pressure. It contains a hydraulic pneumatic accumulator and a pressure switch (hydrophore). The main purpose of the hydrophore is to control the switching on and off of the pump in automatic mode.

Happening this process due to the contact group, which closes or opens upon reaching the pressure set in the settings (minimum or maximum readings). Store-sold relays pressures have factory settings for the upper value, which is responsible for turning off the injection pump, and the lower value, which is responsible for turning it on. Factory settings do not exceed 3 bar to turn off and 1.8 bar to turn on the pump.

Hydrophore device (pressure switch)

The pressure switch is an electromechanical device. The plastic case contains a metal plate on which two studs with springs and nuts are mounted to regulate the maximum and minimum values, and a contact group.

On the bottom side of the relay there are two cable channels with crimp couplings and a connecting flange to the water supply system. The terminal group has three rows of clamps. The first one is for connecting power. The second one is for connecting the pump. And the third is grounding.

How the hydrophore works

The water coming from the submersible pump presses on the membrane. As the volume of air in the chamber decreases, its pressure increases and due to this the piston moves, setting the group of contacts in motion.

The contact group is hinged. Depending on the impact, it is either closed or open.

To balance the difference in loads, the group of contacts is equipped with a spring and an adjusting nut.

When you open a tap, the volume of water decreases and, accordingly, the pressure. The spring, overcoming the decreasing load, closes the group of contacts, thereby connecting the pump to operating condition.

By pumping water, the pressure gradually increases. The air presses on the rod of the second spring. The contact group opens and the pump turns off.

Pressure switch adjustment

When equipping a house with running water more often they buy a ready-made kit pumping station. This kit includes:

  • hydropneumatic accumulator;
  • pressure switch;
  • pressure gauge

And all this is assembled on one platform and has compact dimensions.

To increase the service life of the pumping station or in case of some malfunction of the relay, it is necessary to adjust the parameters for specific volumes of water consumption in the house. To do this, you need to have an understanding of the structure and operating principle of individual units.

Design and principle of operation of a hydropneumatic accumulator

A hydropneumatic accumulator is a container designed to accumulate water. The sealed tank consists of two welded halves and has different volumes. A rubber membrane (bulb) is secured inside the tank using a flange. Due to this, the hydraulic accumulator is divided into two parts.

To create the required load, air is pumped from the back of the tank through a valve. The valve design is similar to a car nipple, so air can be pumped using a pump designed for inflating wheels.

Water flows into the bulb from the pump. Due to the resistance of air in the water supply system, a constant water pressure is maintained. Air pressure must be optimal. A reduced value provokes excessive stretching of the membrane and, as a result, a reduced service life. this leads to a malfunction - a breakthrough of the rubber sheet. And an increased value leads to a decrease in the volume of accumulated water and, as a result, frequent operation of the pump, which negatively affects its service life.

Adjusting the pressure switch of the pumping station

At enterprises that assemble pumping stations, close attention is paid to adjusting the hydrophore. Setting optimal modes is the key to long-term, trouble-free operation of all station components. But you can set your own values ​​and manually configure the group of contacts to trigger.

Before starting the adjustment, you need to check the pressure in the hydraulic pneumatic accumulator. To do this, use a car pressure gauge to monitor tire pressure. By unscrewing the valve cap, the air pressure in the tank is measured.

  • lower response threshold (to turn on the pump) – 1.5-1.7 bar;
  • upper threshold (to turn off the pump) – 2.5-2.8 bar.

Pressure readings that are more familiar to Russian consumers are indicated in kgf/cm2. And most pressure gauges domestic production has this scale. From here:

  • lower threshold – 1.53-1.73 kgf/cm2;
  • upper threshold – 2.55-2.85 kgf/cm2.

Another option for taking readings is also proposed. If the reading on the pressure gauge increases and the pump turns off, it indicates insufficient air pressure. Its indicator must exceed 90% of the lower value. That is, with a value of 1.5 kgf/cm2, the air pressure should not exceed 1.35 kgf/cm2.

After the pressure in the accumulator is adjusted, we proceed to adjusting the relay itself. The instructions included in the kit say that fine adjustment can be made by rotating the nuts responsible for compressing the springs.

Adjustment process

Do-it-yourself adjustment of the pump station pressure switch is done with the cover removed. In order to remove it, you need to unscrew the decorative plastic nut. After which two springs with washers and nuts appear before your eyes.

Spring and nut bigger size are responsible for monitoring the lower minimum pressure (LPM) in the water supply. When it decreases, the contacts close and automatic power supply is activated. Voltage is applied to the pump and it turns on.

To increase the pressure values, you need to tighten the nut, i.e. rotate clockwise. To reduce the response threshold of the nut should be rotated counterclockwise.

A smaller spring and nut are responsible for controlling the upper maximum water pressure in the water supply system, at which the injection pump is switched off. They also adjust the pressure difference. Optimal value a difference of 1.4 atmospheres is considered. A lower value will allow you to achieve a uniform water supply, but at the same time the number of pump starts will increase.

An increased value, more gentle, applies to the pump, but increases the jet pressure, and therefore increases the load on the rubber membrane. Increasing the compression of the small spring increases the difference between the upper and lower pressure values.

It is worth paying attention to the small diameter spring. It is quite sensitive and means that the adjusting nut should be rotated by hand carefully at a slight angle.

How to adjust the pump station pressure switch during initial setup

Opening the lid of the hydrophore you can see the following picture. The adjustment springs are loose and the nuts are not tightened. In this case, you will have to do the setup from scratch, with your own hands. The sequence of work performed looks like this:

upper threshold – 2.8 kgf/cm2.

A pressure gauge with the appropriate parameters is installed at the pumping station to regulate and control pressure. Installed with a maximum value of 50 kgf/cm2, it is very difficult to catch a reading of 1.5.

It is possible to set individual parameters that differ from those recommended by the manufacturer. The setting is made from the minimum value. But the characteristics of the pump should be taken into account. If it is not designed to lift water above 30 m, then setting the upper value above 3.5 kgf/cm2 makes no sense. It will not provide the necessary pressure.

Increased pressure requires water supply and plumbing designed for increased parameter values. Models designed for normal pressure cannot withstand the load.

Terms and symbols

The lower threshold responsible for switching on is P on;

The upper threshold responsible for shutdown is P howl;

Value difference – ΔР;

Maximum possible installation parameter when adjusting P max = 5 kgf/cm2.